Blackstar [OV] (1981) - s01e03 - The Lord of Time

  • 3 months ago


00:00John Blackstar, astronaut, is swept through a black hole into an ancient alien universe.
00:17Trapped on the planet Sagar, Blackstar is rescued by the tiny Trobbit people.
00:23In turn, he joins their fight for freedom against the cruel Overlord, who rules by the
00:33might of the Power Star.
00:35The Power Star is split into the Power Sword and the Star Sword.
00:40And so, with Star Sword in hand, Blackstar, together with his allies, sets out to save
00:46the planet Sagar.
00:53This is his destiny.
00:55I am John Blackstar.
01:46Terra, that thing up in the sky, is it a bird or a bug?
02:11I am Cadre, the Lord of Time, sent by the Overlord on a special mission.
02:24The Overlord?
02:25Then it must be a mission of evil, Time Lord.
02:28Not of evil, foolish one, of power!
02:44The Sagar Tree!
02:46That's all that's left!
02:58Without the Sagar Tree, the Trobbits in the forest are done for!
03:02Now I will claim the Overlord's prize!
03:17Now I have it!
03:19Is this a private party or can I join in the fun?
03:29Ah, Blackstar, the rebel!
03:32Your exploits are well known, but I'm afraid your time is up!
03:39Looks like your time beast needs a little winding.
03:44Triton, charge!
03:47Time, we gotta move on.
03:48Come on, Warlock!
04:02No one bests the Lord of Time!
04:32Nuts to you, Time Lord!
04:36Must get that acorn!
05:00That's foul play!
05:17I'm about to call time out!
05:31One bolt of my Time Scepter will turn you into a tired old man, Blackstar!
05:43You're wasting your time, Time Lord!
05:50In time, even mountains crumble, Blackstar!
06:14Talk about dirty fighting!
06:42Warlock needs some help!
07:01Guess who?
07:09Whoa, whoa!
07:34Talk about sudden drops in temperature!
07:36Thanks, Warlock!
07:40I'm afraid your clock has stopped, Time Lord, and it's time for a rewind!
07:46You'll pay for your insolence, Blackstar!
08:02My, how time flies!
08:05Warlock, it's roundup time!
08:27Blackstar must be diverted, but how?
08:36Now that insect is nothing, but in a million years...
09:19Release me, you vile trobbit!
09:24Return what you've stolen, Time Lord!
09:27The Seaguard Acorn belongs to the Fountain of Fire, and you belong to the ground!
09:59I don't need a star sword, I need a flyswatter!
10:17That thing obviously doesn't know when to bug off!
10:48End of game!
11:01Cadre mentioned the Fountain of Fire.
11:05Ages ago, it was a source of great evil, but it lost its power.
11:12Cadre plans to use Sagar's power to restore it.
11:16Where, Balkar?
11:18The Castle of the Desert Sprites.
11:21Hurry, before the sun sets.
11:24When darkness comes, Cadre will throw the Seaguard Acorn into the fire.
11:29We'll need Mara and Clone.
11:31Mara's in the Highlands, helping the Druids.
11:36Storm, the Amazon Queen, will help us.
11:38Gossamer, you stay here and take care of Balkar.
11:41The rest of you, come with me.
12:03I will not aid you, Time Lord.
12:06We Desert Sprites are peaceful.
12:08Once, your people were cruel warriors.
12:12And they shall be again!
12:26It's good to fight by your side again, Black Star.
12:29Likewise, Storm.
12:31Just what does this Time Lord look like?
12:33Like trouble!
12:40Oh, no.
12:42I think we just found him.
12:51Must patch that hole.
13:16I suppose this is the Time Lord's desert retreat.
13:19Wrong, Black Star.
13:21This isn't a desert.
13:24It's a jungle!
13:54I wish I was back home in the Seaguar Tree.
14:07Oh, there won't be any Seaguar to get back home to unless we get past this monster.
14:14Scatter, I'll take care of this monstrosity.
14:16I hope.
14:22Come on, then.
14:51Come on, then.
15:15Glad you could drop in.
15:44No sweat, Warlock.
15:52No monster's going to make a supper out of you.
16:04Can't use the Star Sword.
16:06I might hit Burble.
16:07Black Star!
16:09These should do the trick.
16:38You certainly swim better than you fly, Burble.
17:04Well, that puts him on ice for a while.
17:06Black Star, we must hurry if we are to save the Seaguar Tree.
17:09It's almost sundown.
17:11Then let's get out of this jungle now, before anything else attacks us.
17:22The Fountain of Fire will be restored!
17:24The time is now!
17:27Not now, or ever.
17:29Black Star!
17:31You will not defeat the Fountain of Fire!
17:34Let me take care of him.
17:36Storm, no!
17:53Now to restore its power!
18:03Desert Warriors, get that acorn back!
18:34Well done, my Desert Warrior!
18:49With the Fountain of Fire replenished, the Overlord will reign supreme!
18:55Never underestimate an Amazon!
19:12The Star Sword!
19:15Let's see how well you fight after my Time Scepter turns you all into babies!
20:08Now that everything is set right, I'll destroy this.
20:11It's too dangerous a weapon.
20:15As for Cadre, the Desert Sprites will raise him.
20:20And maybe this time, he won't grow up to be a villain.
20:40Well, now that the Shagar Tree's back, nothing can go wrong.