حضرت بابا فرید الدین گنج شکرؒ

  • 2 months ago
00:00You didn't stay in Delhi.
00:02And where did you stay?
00:04In the area of that time, Ajodhan.
00:08Ajodhan is now Pakpatan.
00:10At that time, it was a dacoit settlement.
00:14These people of bad people used to live here.
00:18These corrupt people used to live here.
00:20And these were not Islamic people.
00:22So you went there and settled.
00:24It is said that in Pakpatan,
00:26near the river, which was Ajodhan at that time,
00:28you have settled there.
00:30Then it has been propagated.
00:32And when the green revolution in Punjab,
00:34the Islamic revolution,
00:36how did it come?
00:38The first foundation was laid by Ali Hajweri.
00:40Other saints, they captured Lahore.
00:42Now they have gone to the heart of Punjab.
00:44The confluence of South and North Punjab
00:46is considered Pakpatan at one level.
00:48So they have propagated there.
00:50Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum.
00:52Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum.
00:54By glorifying these names of the Lord of Glory,
00:58you have been glorified.
01:00And you have entrusted the lives of the Africans.
01:02Fahad Ali Qasim Sahib.
01:04Welcome Fahad Sahab.
01:06Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar.
01:08We have heard a lot about him since childhood.
01:10Why did you call him Ganj Shakar?
01:12Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:14Thanks a lot.
01:16You people gave me time.
01:18Before we talk about Baba Sahab,
01:20I would like to say one thing.
01:22Muhammad Ghazi Sahib, our famous religious scholar
01:24and anchor person,
01:26I was remembering a sentence of his.
01:28He was saying that we are content with the
01:30distribution of Allah.
01:32That people find faults in these personalities.
01:34We are ready to collect the gifts of these personalities.
01:36Allah has given us this honour.
01:38That we, the saints of Allah,
01:40Rizwanullah Alaihi Majmaheen,
01:42we are sitting here to collect
01:44the gifts of these personalities.
01:46And one more thing I would like to say
01:48in the beginning.
01:50A lot of people target these saints of Allah.
01:52And they don't have the patience
01:54and the depth of knowledge
01:56to understand what these saints of Allah
01:58used to stand for.
02:00I would like to explain with an example.
02:02Einstein, the king of physics.
02:06And if you have a biography of Einstein
02:08and it is written in that biography
02:10that Einstein
02:12didn't even know the three laws of motion.
02:16So you people will laugh immediately
02:18and say that this sentence is wrong.
02:20And this sentence doesn't match
02:22with Einstein.
02:24Einstein's theory of relativity
02:26E is equal to mc squared.
02:28Which has changed the paradigm
02:30of Newtonian physics.
02:32You are saying that
02:34he didn't know the three laws of motion
02:36that the eighth child knows.
02:38He didn't know them.
02:40So you will laugh at this and you will move on.
02:44when in books, in sentences,
02:46there is a sentence
02:48that even the child knows is wrong.
02:50And it is attributed to a great personality.
02:52So what should our attitude be?
02:54Our attitude should be
02:56the same as it was with Einstein.
02:58That he is Sheikh Ali bin Usman
03:00Hajmeri. He is Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti
03:02Hajmeri. He is Baba Fariduddin
03:08Because of him,
03:10Islam has taken root here.
03:12How can they say such things?
03:14I am a little disappointed
03:16with my Ulema
03:18but with youth,
03:20like Allama Iqbal,
03:22he was very hopeful with youth.
03:24So I am especially addressed with youth.
03:26We come to Baba Fariduddin.
03:28It was a very important question
03:30that why are they called Ganj-e-Shakar.
03:32I wanted to come to this
03:34but I will start with a little conversation.
03:36Baba Fariduddin
03:38has two or three reasons
03:40to be called Ganj-e-Shakar.
03:42One basic reason is
03:44that you were very young
03:46and your father had passed away.
03:48And your mother used to
03:50train you.
03:52And there was a strange
03:54matter of training
03:56that she used to motivate
03:58the child for Salah.
04:00So she used to hide sugar in the Jain Salah.
04:02And she used to say,
04:04son, read Salah.
04:06If you read Salah,
04:08you will get a reward from God.
04:10This idea was very beautiful.
04:12She used to make her child read Salah.
04:14Absolutely, it was an incentive for the child.
04:16At that level.
04:18As a young child,
04:20Baba used to read Salah.
04:22After reading Salah,
04:24he used to pick up the Jain Salah
04:26and he used to get sugar
04:28and he used to enjoy it.
04:30There came a time when
04:32his mother forgot about it.
04:34And she did not keep a bag of sugar.
04:36And there was a fear in her heart
04:38that her heart would be bad.
04:40But then she saw that
04:42Baba was as happy as she was.
04:44She asked, son, what was the matter?
04:46He said, Mama, I read Salah today
04:48and I got sugar.
04:50So miraculously, that sugar was there.
04:52So your mother first
04:54gave you a bag of sugar.
04:56So that you become a shareholder
04:58of the treasure of sugar.
05:00And in a literal sense as well as
05:02in a metaphorical sense,
05:04what can be a bigger sugar than Islam?
05:06What can be a bigger sugar than the
05:08Oneness of God and the end of Prophethood
05:10that you distributed?
05:12So in this segment where we are
05:14emphasizing this again and again,
05:16we are talking about the spiritual
05:18history of Pakistan.
05:20We have seen the fruit of
05:22Allah's work for centuries in 1947.
05:24This work was happening for centuries.
05:26So if we go back to Baba Fariduddin's
05:30you went to Multan first.
05:32And you were getting a religious
05:36And there is a book called
05:40An old man was reading Nafay.
05:42Nafay is from Nafa, literally speaking.
05:44So an old man came and asked,
05:46what are you reading?
05:48He said, I am reading Kitab-e-Nafay.
05:50So he said, will this book give you
05:54That voice was so majestic
05:56and so powerful that
05:58suddenly the internal state
06:00of a young Farid changed.
06:02And he said,
06:04Hazrat Kitab-e-Nafay may not give me Nafa,
06:06but your teaching
06:08may give me Nafa.
06:10If I stay with you,
06:12I may get Nafa.
06:14So he said, come with me.
06:16And he asked, what is your name?
06:18He said, my name is Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki.
06:20So you became
06:22a student of Khwaja Qutub-ud-Din Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki.
06:24He was travelling in Multan.
06:26He brought him from Multan to Delhi.
06:28And he had a spiritual training in Delhi.
06:30And we say such words
06:32that the youth
06:34are not familiar with them.
06:36They think it has some hidden meanings.
06:38There are no hidden meanings.
06:40This word of Chillah is not of such meanings.
06:42This is a matter of spiritual training.
06:44This is an extension of Nawafil.
06:46These are fasts. These are Riyazat.
06:48These are spiritual exercises.
06:50This is a matter of practicing Islam
06:52at a higher level.
06:54So you did spiritual exercises there.
06:56You did Riyazat. You did Ibadah.
06:58And a time came.
07:00I am getting goosebumps
07:02while imagining this incident.
07:04Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti Ajmeri
07:06was also in Delhi.
07:08He came to Khwaja Qutub-ud-Din Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki.
07:10And he said to Khwaja Qutub-ud-Din Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki
07:12that all your students
07:14I want to meet them.
07:16All his disciples came.
07:18He said, has anyone left?
07:20Baba Sahib had left.
07:22He was doing his spiritual exercises.
07:24He was very weak.
07:26Ibn-e-Nabas Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti said
07:28I will go myself and meet him.
07:30On one side was Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti Ajmeri.
07:32On the other side was
07:34Khwaja Qutub-ud-Din Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki.
07:36Baba Farid was sitting down.
07:38Baba Farid was trying to get up.
07:40He was feeling weakness.
07:42These two personalities
07:44held him by his arm and made him stand.
07:46These are the spiritual meanings
07:48of what I am saying.
07:50On one side was Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti Ajmeri.
07:52On the other side was Khwaja Qutub-ud-Din Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki.
07:54And Baba Farid-ud-Din
07:56was made to stand like this.
07:58That is how. That is the beginning
08:00of this Sufi mystic.
08:02And then when Khwaja Qutub-ud-Din Bakhtiyar-e-Kaki
08:04passed away,
08:06then Khilafat-e-Akbar
08:08was given to Baba Farid-ud-Din.
08:10And Baba Farid-ud-Din
08:12had a special life story.
08:14He used to run away from popularity and fame.
08:16So he did not stay in Delhi.
08:18And where did he stay?
08:20The area of that time, Ajodhan.
08:24Today, Ajodhan is Pakpatan.
08:26At that time,
08:28it was a place of dacoits.
08:30These people used to stay here.
08:32These evil people used to stay here.
08:36they were not Islamic people.
08:38So he went there
08:40and made a camp.
08:42It is said that in Pakpatan,
08:44on the bank of the river,
08:46where Ajodhan was at that time,
08:48he made a camp there.
08:50The Green Revolution.
08:52The Islamic Revolution.
08:54How did it come?
08:56Ali Hajweri laid the foundation.
08:58He captured Lahore.
09:00Now he went to the heart of Punjab.
09:02Pakpatan is the confluence of
09:04South and North Punjab on one level.
09:06So he preached there.
09:08I would like to tell you
09:10the incident of his exile.
09:12He was exiled on 5 Muharram-ul-Haram.
09:14And many oral traditions tell us
09:16that the Imam-e-Ali Maqam
09:18used to love Imam-e-Hussain.
09:20And he used to hear
09:22the incident of Imam-e-Ali Maqam,
09:24the incident of Karbala.
09:26And he was in such a state
09:28of sorrow
09:32he was exiled
09:34in that state of sorrow.
09:36That is why he has a title.
09:40In the love of Ahl-ul-Bayt,
09:42of Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
09:44He embraced death.
09:46So this was the incident.
09:48And on the night of 5 Muharram-ul-Haram,
09:50he was present with his companions
09:52and disciples.
09:54Khwaja Nizam-ud-Din Auliya
09:56was very fond of him.
09:58He was your great Khalifa,
10:02So Maulana used to tell him
10:04that Maulana Nizam did not come.
10:06So he said that Maulana Nizam
10:08is still in Delhi or on the way.
10:10So he said yes,
10:12when my Murshid had also
10:14a loss or a sense of pain.
10:16Anyway, there was a distance.
10:18Because he loved Khwaja Nizam-ud-Din Auliya.
10:20It was time for Isha.
10:22He prayed with the Jamaat.
10:24And then he got
10:26a little unwell.
10:28When he regained consciousness,
10:30he said that I prayed Isha.
10:32People said that Hazrat, you prayed Isha with the Jamaat.
10:34He said that no, I want to pray again.
10:36Then maybe I will be able to pray again or not.
10:38He repeated the prayer.
10:40Then he regained consciousness.
10:42He asked for the third time.
10:44Did I pray or not?
10:46He said that Hazrat, you prayed Isha with the Jamaat.
10:48He said that I don't know
10:50whether I will be able to pray again or not.
10:52He repeated the prayer for the third time.
10:54When he repeated the prayer for the third time,
10:56he was reciting
10:58Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum
11:00Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum
11:02Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum
11:04While reciting these
11:06names of Rabb-ul-Izzat,
11:08he became unconscious
11:10and you have entrusted the lives of the Africans.
11:12These Auliya Allah
11:14in their beginning
11:16and in their culmination
11:18are also Tauheed.
11:20These narrations are also in Hasht-Bahisht.
11:22These narrations
11:24could have been told.
11:26But because it is a debate,
11:28we don't want to have a dialogue.
11:30We, Nauzubillah,
11:32portray these Auliya Allah,
11:34who are our greatest leaders,
11:36as villains, which is very unfortunate.
11:38But in one sentence,
11:40I would like to present a saying of Hazrat Nauzubillah.
11:42There are many beautiful
11:44sayings of Hazrat Nauzubillah.
11:46We can have many conversations on them.
11:48But at one place,
11:50Hazrat Nauzubillah said,
11:52The cold words of people
11:54should not stop you from your enthusiasm.
11:58The cold words of people
12:00should not stop you from your enthusiasm.
12:02It happens that we are doing a good deed
12:04and people say, what are you doing?
12:06We get demotivated.
12:08We leave that good deed.
12:10He said, no.
12:12What people will say is not your problem.
12:14Your activity, your purposes,
12:16your goals,
12:18you attain them.
12:20If our youth read these Auliya Allah
12:22as motivational speakers,
12:24then today's,
12:26I was saying a very harsh word,
12:28but I have stopped.
12:30Today's fake pseudo motivational speakers
12:32will save your life.
12:34They are actually revolutionaries.
12:36And at one place,
12:38he said, the one who is content
12:40is the wealthiest
12:42and the richest.
12:44And the one who is content,
12:46who has no contentment,
12:48he is the most dependent.
12:50And if we understand
12:52these two thoughts,
12:54then this economic rat race
12:56that I make people cry
12:58and move ahead.
13:00And I make people cry and move ahead.
13:02If we get rid of this rat race,
13:04then these Auliya Allah,
13:06the ambassadors of the
13:08government of the two worlds,
13:10their heirs,
13:12and may Allah enable us to
13:14follow in their footsteps.
13:16It is their effort,
13:18800 years ago,
13:20which rose as Pakistan in 1947.
13:22What a beautiful conversation.
