• 3 months ago
Dr.Israr Ahmad


00:00This is the work of one person.
00:02That Jewish seducer,
00:04that spirit of seduction,
00:06is about to be destroyed.
00:08Similarly, that Abdullah ibn Saba,
00:10a Jewish seducer.
00:14some of the scholars say
00:16that this Abdullah ibn Saba,
00:18is a mythological figure.
00:20There was no reality to it.
00:22Although, in his own book,
00:24Rijal-e-Kashi, it is mentioned.
00:26And, it is also mentioned
00:28that Hazrat Ali,
00:30may Allah be pleased with him,
00:32burnt him alive during his Khilafat.
00:34What was the reason for that?
00:36He came to Madinah,
00:38in the guise of Islam,
00:40and started spreading a few beliefs.
00:42First of all,
00:44Hazrat Ali is God.
00:46God incarnate.
00:48The concept of God incarnate.
00:50Like in Hindus, Ramchandraji
00:52is God incarnate.
00:54And in Christianity,
00:56the concept of God incarnate
00:58was that Jesus is God incarnate.
01:00Incarnation of God.
01:02So, he said that Hazrat Ali is God incarnate.
01:04He is God.
01:06Secondly, he said that
01:08every prophet has a will,
01:10for which he makes a will.
01:12So, the Prophet's will
01:14is Hazrat Ali.
01:16Therefore, the first Khalifa
01:18is Hazrat Ali.
01:20Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar,
01:22Hazrat Uthman.
01:24And Hazrat Uthman's Khilafat
01:26especially at this time.
01:28Then he instigated the tribalism
01:30that was going on.
01:32The tribalism that was going on in the Quraysh,
01:34those two families were
01:36equal to each other.
01:38One is a tribe and the other is a family.
01:40In our Punjab, there is a tribe,
01:42Vattu tribe.
01:44It has many families,
01:46Mane, Lale, Fajje, Shamad.
01:48There was a Lala,
01:50his sons became Lale,
01:52and this is called a family.
01:54There is a tribe, Vattu tribe.
01:56So, there was a tribe in the Quraysh,
01:58which had many families.
02:00Banu Hashim, Banu Umayyah, Banu Teem, Banu Adi.
02:02There were many families.
02:04So, the two families of Jotri were
02:06Banu Hashim and Banu Umayyah.
02:08There was competition between them.
02:10And this competition was also
02:12for good.
02:14If they have fed the poor,
02:16then we will feed them more.
02:18If they serve the rich,
02:20then we will feed them more.
02:22So, they had this competition
02:24for good.
02:26But when there was a problem,
02:28they thought that
02:30they will not be able to move forward.
02:32Anyway, this person
02:34refreshed the old identity
02:36that Huzoor was from Banu Hashim.
02:38So, Khilafat is the right of Banu Hashim.
02:40This is Ghasib.
02:42Before this, the two Caliphs
02:44were neither from Banu Hashim
02:46nor from Banu Umayyah.
02:48They were a small tribe.
02:50Hazrat Umar was from Banu Adi.
02:52He was also a small tribe.
02:54Hazrat Usman was the first Caliph
02:56who was from Banu Umayyah.
02:58He had an old connection with Banu Hashim.
03:00Now, he got a chance
03:02to refresh the old tribal identity.
03:04This is actually
03:06the background of that fitnah
03:08which was spread by Abdullah Ibn Saba.
03:10I cannot go into details
03:12of this right now.
03:14How did this fitnah spread?
03:16Abdullah Ibn Saba
03:18had a strategy
03:20that he used to make groups
03:22and send people.
03:24If you go to Kufa,
03:26you will be accused
03:28against the governor of Damascus
03:30and against the governor of Egypt.
03:32He did this, he did that.
03:34He is treacherous.
03:36He is raising his relatives.
03:38And you will be accused
03:40against Usman.
03:42If you go to Damascus,
03:44you will be accused
03:46against the governor of Kufa
03:48and against the governor of Egypt
03:50and against Hazrat Usman.
03:52If you go to Egypt,
03:54you will be accused
03:56against the governor of Kufa
03:58and against the governor of Damascus
04:00and against Hazrat Usman.
04:02He did this.
04:04You know that
04:06there were no means
04:08and resources at that time
04:10to find out about this fitnah
04:12Hazrat Ali was martyred.
04:14And the Caliph
04:16Hazrat Ali
04:18was martyred
04:20by the same people
04:22who surrounded
04:24and martyred Hazrat Usman.
04:26They were the same people
04:28who surrounded Hazrat Ali.
04:30And Hazrat Ali did not want
04:32to take the oath of allegiance
04:34to Khilafat.
04:36But what did he do?
04:38Did he leave the Ummah
04:40and did not take the oath of allegiance to Khilafat?
04:42He was told by Hazrat Talha
04:44but he did not take the oath of allegiance to Hazrat Ali.
04:46He was the one
04:48who took the oath of allegiance
04:50to Khilafat.
04:52After that,
04:54note the result
04:56of the civil war.
04:58About one lakh Muslims
05:00were killed
05:02by each other's swords,
05:04spears, arrows and arrows.
05:06This is the
05:08most historic event
05:10in five years.
05:12Four and a half years
05:14of Hazrat Ali's Khilafat
05:16and six months of Hazrat Hassan's Khilafat.
05:18May Allah be pleased with him.
05:20What happened
05:22was that on one hand
05:24the expansion of Islam
05:26was not stopped.
05:28The internal sabotage
05:30was stopped.
05:32Now it is internal.
05:34If the hands became poor,
05:36what would be the expansion outside?
05:38That expansion was stopped.
05:42if the truck is loaded
05:44and it is moving,
05:46if the motion breaks
05:48and the truck has to stop,
05:50then the driver's life is at stake
05:52because it is not easy
05:54to start it again
05:56when it is on an incline.
05:58It is dangerous
06:00and you know
06:02that going backwards
06:04can lead to a bad result.
06:06Hazrat Ali
06:08did one thing
06:10in his Khilafat.
06:12Now what were his
06:16We can estimate
06:18but I don't want to go to the past.
06:20Until now,
06:22Madinah was the center of Khilafat.
06:24Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar,
06:26Hazrat Uthman,
06:28where the Prophet
06:30and his followers were buried.
06:32But Hazrat Ali
06:34made his center as Kufa.
06:36One of the apparent reasons
06:38for this is that
06:40the expansion of Islam
06:42was so vast
06:44that Madinah had to be
06:46crossed by a big desert
06:48in the south.
06:50Kufa was at a place
06:52where the eastern route was going
06:54to Iran, Iraq, Iran.
06:56The city of Kufa is in Iraq
06:58and then Iran, Khurasan
07:00is going to the north
07:02towards Syria and Turkey.
07:04And from there,
07:06it was easy for North Africa
07:08to control West Africa.
07:10Anyway, Hazrat Ali
07:12made Kufa his center.
07:14And the result was
07:16that he became the center
07:18of the Sabaeans
07:20because they surrounded
07:22Hazrat Ali.
07:24Now it is obvious
07:26that there was no case
07:28against Hazrat Ali.
07:30In fact, when the Battle of
07:32Jammal was taking place,
07:34Hazrat Aisha, Hazrat Talha,
07:36Hazrat Zubair had come
07:38with a request
07:40to punish the killers
07:42of Hazrat Uthman.
07:44Hazrat Ali was being
07:48Hazrat Ali was ready
07:50to arrest the killers
07:52of Hazrat Uthman.
07:54At the same time,
07:56in the mosque of Kufa,
07:58a group of 10,000 people
08:00stood up and said,
08:02we are all the killers of
08:04Hazrat Uthman.
08:06And what did they do?
08:08As soon as they left,
08:10they started a war.
08:12And when there is a war,
08:14either you die or you die.
08:16There is no other way
08:18than this.
08:20In one night,
08:2210,000 Muslims were martyred,
08:24Hazrat Ali was not
08:26a claimant of Khilafat.
08:28He was not a murderer.
08:30He had only one claim.
08:32And that was to arrest
08:34the killers of Hazrat Uthman.
08:36Either punish them yourself
08:38or hand them over to us.
08:40We will take justice from them.
08:42Because the tribe belonged
08:44to Banu Bayyah
08:46and Hazrat Ali was
08:48from Banu Bayyah.
08:50So, as a family,
08:52Hazrat Ali was asked
08:54to pledge allegiance to him first.
08:56He was asked to strengthen his hand
08:58so that he could
09:00take action against them.
09:02But he was aware that
09:04if he pledged allegiance,
09:06he would be beheaded
09:08before he could reach Hazrat Ali.
09:10Because the tribe was
09:12surrounded by him.
09:14Anyway, there was a strange dilemma
09:16due to which this war continued.
09:18And Hazrat Ali was
09:20separated from Banu Ali
09:22who we know
09:24as Khawarij.
09:26And Ibn-e-Buljim
09:28also martyred Hazrat Ali.
09:32Hazrat Hassan
09:34was asked
09:36if he could
09:38pledge allegiance
09:40to his son Hassan.
09:42He replied
09:44that neither
09:46would he order him
09:48nor would he stop him.
09:50This is your matter.
09:54Whatever you decide
09:56through your mutual consultation,
09:58I neither order nor stop you.
10:00What does this mean?
10:02It is not haram to
10:04pledge allegiance to a son
10:06after a father.
10:08No, he did not say this.
10:10Hazrat Umar was also asked
10:12to pledge allegiance to his son
10:14Abdullah ibn Umar.
10:16He had divorced his wife
10:18and he did not
10:20adopt the best way.
10:22If she did not come to divorce him,
10:24he should make her his Khalifa.
10:26He did not say that a son after a father
10:28cannot be a Khalifa.
10:30This is not haram.
10:32There is no Hadith in the Holy Quran.
10:34Hazrat Ali also said
10:36that I neither stop
10:38nor do I order.
10:40This is your matter.
10:42Hazrat Hassan
10:44reconciled with Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
10:46and handed over Khilafat to him.
10:50I consider the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr,
10:52Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Ali
10:54as the Khilafat of Hazrat Hassan
10:56as the Khilafat of the Rashidun.
10:58And this is why 30 years are completed
11:00according to the Hadith
11:02that Hazrat Abu Bakr said that
11:04Khilafat will remain for 30 years
11:06and then kingship will come.
11:08So, the great deed of Hazrat Hassan
11:10is that he closed the door
11:12and handed over Khilafat to Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
11:14And this was the prophecy of Huzoor
11:16to Hazrat Hassan.
11:18Before the death of Huzoor,
11:20my son will reconcile
11:22between two groups of Muslims.
11:24This was the prophecy of Huzoor.
11:26And that prophecy
11:28will also be in the knowledge of Hazrat Hassan.
11:30Anyway, they reconciled
11:32with Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
11:34He handed over Khilafat to him.
11:36And some conditions were fulfilled.
11:38Allah is the Greatest.
11:40So, this prophecy of Huzoor
11:42was fulfilled.
11:44That my son will reconcile
11:46between two groups of Muslims.
11:48And the Sabaiyeen
11:50taunted him.
11:52O' believers!
11:54O' believers!
11:56You have shown cowardice.
11:58You have accepted
12:00Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah as Khalifa.
12:02You have shown cowardice.
12:04Allah is the Greatest.
12:06Now, I would like to say
12:08a few words about Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
12:12I have said
12:14a lot about
12:16Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
12:18And I still believe
12:22we do not consider
12:24Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
12:26during the era of Khilafat
12:28as a part of Khilafat-e-Rashtah.
12:30None of the Ahl-e-Sunnah believes this.
12:32But along with this,
12:34I have also mentioned
12:36Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
12:38as a part of Khilafat-e-Rashtah.
12:40So that both sides
12:42of the scale
12:44can be seen.
12:46But that part
12:48of my statement
12:50has been removed.
12:52I do not know
12:54what the issue is.
12:56There was no issue
12:58for anyone
13:00in this.
13:02I said that
13:04a person said that
13:06after Karbala, the era of kingship
13:08was coming.
13:10So I said, no sir,
13:12the era of kingship
13:14had started 20 years ago.
13:16Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
13:18was a part of the era of kingship.
13:20He was also called Kisra-al-Arab.
13:24was the title given
13:26to Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
13:28But on the other hand,
13:30he was a companion of the Prophet.
13:32Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah was
13:34a companion of the Prophet.
13:36He was a relative of the Prophet.
13:38He was a brother-in-law of the Prophet.
13:40His sister-in-law, Umm-e-Habeeba
13:42was the wife of the Prophet.
13:44She was Umm-ul-Mumineen.
13:48He was so close to the Prophet
13:50that he was included
13:52among the writers of Wahi.
13:54There were a few people
13:56who used to write Wahi.
13:58Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah was
14:00a companion of the Prophet.
14:02So, there is a need for balance.
14:04As far as the companions are concerned,
14:06the Ahl-e-Sunnah says that
14:08all companions were
14:10of good intentions.
14:12And their narrations
14:14will be accepted.
14:16They will not be criticized.
14:18Because their purification
14:20was done by Muhammad Rasool Allah.
14:24it is possible that
14:26a companion made a mistake.
14:28It is not a mistake of intention.
14:30It is not a mistake of intention.
14:32If a companion's intention
14:34is attacked,
14:36it is an attack on the Prophet.
14:38Because he could not give
14:40purification to his companions.
14:42He could not purify them.
14:44In three places in the Quran,
14:46it says,
14:48So, what purification did he do?
14:50If his closest companions
14:52had bad intentions,
14:54and they wanted the world,
14:56and they wanted to gain power in the world,
14:58then what purification did he do?
15:00May Allah forgive us.
15:02Therefore, all companions
15:04are acceptable.
15:06And it is possible to disagree with them.
15:08But their intentions
15:10cannot be attacked.
15:12So, the personality of Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
15:14is one thing.
15:16His era of Khilafat is another thing.
15:18In terms of personality,
15:20he is a companion of the Prophet.
15:22He is a relative of the Prophet.
15:26he is so reliable
15:28among the companions
15:30that he was not a common man
15:32to write the revelation.
15:36as I said,
15:38his era is not the era of Khilafat.
15:40It is the era of monarchy.
15:42When a companion said
15:44that monarchy was beginning,
15:46I said it was not beginning.
15:48Monarchy had started 20 years ago.
15:50Similarly, a companion said
15:52that Hazrat Hussain came to the battlefield
15:54to establish Islam.
15:56I said it was not wrong.
15:58Islam had been established 60 years ago.
16:00Islam was established
16:02with the blessed hands of the Prophet.
16:06Then it remained
16:08in perfect form for 30 years.
16:10So, Islam
16:12was not
16:14something to be established.
16:18a decline had started in it.
16:20Hazrat Hussain came to the battlefield
16:22to stop this decline.
16:24So, it is important
16:26to keep this in historical perspective.
16:28Islam was not established
16:30to establish Islam.
16:32It was established by Muhammad
16:34and his companions.
16:38now it had started
16:40to decline.
16:42I will tell you later
16:44what I said to him.
16:46In order to stop this decline,
16:48to establish Islam
16:50was the effort of
16:52Hazrat Hussain.
16:56The 20 years
16:58of Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
17:00were peaceful,
17:20The rule of Muawiyah
17:22was so strong
17:24that he did not
17:26get any opportunity
17:28to rise his head.
17:30He was there.
17:32He remained in the position.
17:34As I said,
17:36the opponents
17:38were suppressed
17:40at the last stage
17:42of the revolution.
17:44A sahabi, who is one of the great sahabas, Mughirah ibn Shuba, r.a, he comes and says,
17:51look, Amirul Momineen, there was such a huge civil war between the Muslims, and even now,
18:00if you nominate someone without leaving the Ummah, then there will be a civil war again.
18:06100,000 were destroyed at that time, I don't know how many are destroyed now.
18:11Therefore, nominate someone in your life, make a promise.
18:17Hazrat Amir Muawiyah did not deny initially, but his arguments were such,
18:25and I think that what Mughirah ibn Shuba said was right,
18:30because now the great sahabas from among the great sahabas,
18:33they all had left the world.
18:36Now only the great sahabas were left, who were children in the time of the Prophet.
18:40Hazrat Hassan, Hazrat Hussain, Abdullah ibn Zubair, they were all children.
18:45And they were all new Muslims, and among the new Muslims,
18:49there were a large number of Iranians, Shamiis, Unnars, etc.
18:53So, it is obvious to them that they did not get any share from the training of the Prophet,
18:57or from the Khilafat-e-Rashida.
19:00So, in this case, it is not possible to establish a government system at the highest level.
19:07There will be no tribal identity until the government is established,
19:10until the government is established.
19:13So, this is not even a reality, it is not even a reality.
19:19It is an idealism, and it is a realism,
19:22that you think about facts on the ground, and then make a decision.
19:27From this perspective, Hazrat Amir Muawiyah agreed,
19:31and took the oath of allegiance from the people for Hazrat Yazid,
19:36that he will be the Khalifa after me.
19:38This is called Wali-e-Ahdi.
19:40At that time, there were five people who disagreed with him.
19:45This is very important.
19:47My book is Saneh-e-Karbala.
19:49Some of his books will be here today.
19:51You should read it carefully and spread it,
19:53so that the truth is revealed.
19:56Who were the five people, who should have been?
19:59Abu Bakr passed away, his son, Abdul Rehman Ibn Abi Bakr.
20:03Umar passed away, his son, Abdullah Ibn Umar.
20:07Abbas passed away, his son, Abdullah Ibn Abbas.
20:11Zubair passed away, his son, Abdullah Ibn Zubair.
20:15And Hazrat Hassan, who had passed away,
20:19Hazrat Ali's son, Hazrat Hussain.
20:24There is a saying about Hazrat Hassan,
20:27that he was poisoned to death.
20:30This is the saying of Ahl-e-Tashayyuh.
20:32While Ahl-e-Sunnah say that he died naturally.
20:37But I don't want to go into this,
20:39because this micro-history,
20:41for each incident, what are the narrations,
20:44what are the evidences,
20:46this is the subject of a research scholar, not mine.
20:49Anyway, these were the five people,
20:51who didn't do the Bai'at of Wali-e-Ahdi.
20:54But Hazrat Muawiyah was such a pious person,
20:57he didn't force anyone.
21:00He didn't force anyone.
21:02Okay, he didn't do the Bai'at of Wali-e-Ahdi, no problem.
21:05He did my Bai'at,
21:07I am still alive, the matter is over.
21:09He didn't break my Bai'at.
21:11He didn't do Fasqh-e-Bai'at.
21:13In this respect, he didn't force anyone,
21:15didn't force anyone, didn't cause any trouble.
21:18But when Ameer Muawiyah passed away,
21:21instead of Wali-e-Ahdi,
21:23he did the Bai'at of Khilafat.
21:26All the people did the Bai'at.
21:29One of those five had passed away.
21:32Hazrat Abdul Rehman Ibn Abi Bakr had passed away.
21:36There were four.
21:38There was a disagreement among these four.
21:41The opinion of two was,
21:43Abdullah Ibn Umar and Abdullah Ibn Abbas,
21:46that although this act was wrong,
21:48it was against the spirit of Islam,
21:51it is based on monarchy,
21:54but it is not that we start a civil war
21:57within the Ummah on the basis of this act.
22:00We will cause bloodshed,
22:02we will cause disorder.
22:04Therefore, they did the Bai'at.
22:07Now if someone says,
22:09Ma'azallah, they were sold to Yazid,
22:11Ma'azallah, Ma'azallah,
22:13you can disagree that they shouldn't have done it.
22:16I don't mind if someone has this opinion.
22:19But if we attack their intention,
22:21we will attack Muhammad Rasool Allah.
22:24Who is Abdullah Ibn Umar?
22:26How many hadiths are attributed to him?
22:28Who is Abdullah Ibn Abbas?
22:30The one whom the Prophet had prayed for.
22:33O Allah,
22:34make him understand the religion.
22:36O Allah,
22:37make this young man understand the religion.
22:39And make him know the interpretation of the Qur'an.
22:42He was called Jibreel-Ummah.
22:44He was not going to replace money and wealth.
22:47He saw the issues of the Ummah.
22:49Don't attack his intention.
22:51However, you have the right to disagree.
22:54Two gentlemen were adamant that
22:56we have to resist in a minority.
22:59Abdullah Ibn Zubair.
23:01He is older than Umar.
23:03The first Muslim to be born in Madinah
23:06was Abdullah Ibn Zubair.
23:08When he migrated and reached Muhajirin,
23:11no one had children.
23:13People started taunting that
23:15the people of Makkah have become weak.
23:19They have no children.
23:21Abdullah Ibn Zubair was born.
23:23He is the grandson of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
23:26His wife is Hazrat Ayesha's sister.
23:29Hazrat Asma was his daughter-in-law.
23:40He was the son of Hazrat Zubair.
23:42They decided that we have to resist
23:44in a minority at any cost.
23:46Hazrat Hussain Ibn Ali also decided
23:48that we have to resist in a minority.
23:53However, there was a disagreement
23:55between the two.
23:58Abdullah Ibn Zubair said that
24:00we should live in Hijaz.
24:02This is the land where the blessings
24:04of prophethood are the greatest.
24:06Here we are in a strong fort.
24:08We should resist from here.
24:13Hazrat Hussain Ibn Ali had letters
24:18in his hand.
24:20People were writing letters from Kufa.
24:22Come, we will sit at your feet.
24:27This is the same Kufa which was
24:29Hazrat Ali's house of Khilafat.
24:31It had become a stronghold
24:33of the community.
24:35Hazrat Hussain Ibn Ali sent
24:37Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel to Kufa.
24:41He asked him to take the oath of allegiance
24:43as a representative of his community.
24:4510,000-12,000 people took the oath of allegiance.
24:47After that, Yazid appointed
24:49Ibn Ziyad as the governor of Kufa.
24:52When Ibn Ziyad became strict,
24:55everyone broke the oath of allegiance
24:57and all became disbelievers.
24:59They were not sincere.
25:01Al-Kufi La Yufi
25:03Al-Kufi is not a person
25:05who promises loyalty.
25:07They broke the oath of allegiance.
25:09After taking the oath of allegiance,
25:11breaking the oath of allegiance
25:13is a big sin.
25:15They broke the oath of allegiance.
25:17Hazrat Hussain Ibn Ali was informed
25:19that Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel
25:21was martyred there.
25:23Everyone broke the oath of allegiance.
25:25They wanted to go back.
25:27But Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel's
25:29sons refused.
25:31They broke the oath of allegiance
25:33as a representative of their community.
25:35They refused to go back
25:37without taking the oath of allegiance
25:39of their father.
25:41Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel
25:43came to support me
25:45but he refused to go back
25:47because he was against
25:49decency and decency.
25:51He said, let's go.
25:53Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel
25:55went to his field
25:57and took the oath of allegiance
25:59Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel
26:01presented three things
26:03against the Kufi army.
26:05The biggest of the army
26:07was the Kufi army
26:09who took the oath of allegiance
26:11to Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel.
26:13He said, let me go back
26:15to Hijaz.
26:19send me to the borders
26:21so that I can fight the disbelievers
26:23and kill myself.
26:25Or let me go to Yazid
26:29the Kufis could not tolerate this.
26:31If they go to Yazid
26:33they will
26:35destroy us.
26:37They called me
26:39a traitor.
26:43I have told you
26:45during the 20 years of Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
26:47his government was so stable
26:49that it was not possible to create a rift against him.
26:51Now because a changeover happened
26:53and you know in a changeover
26:55that everything is in the melting pot
26:57now this is in the middle.
26:59Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel
27:01raised his head.
27:03The letters he wrote
27:05were filled with
27:07bags and bags of bags
27:09with Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel
27:11He said, come we will take the oath of allegiance to you.
27:13But they did not agree.
27:15And the real killers of Hazrat Hussain
27:17were the Kufis.
27:19Those cowards.
27:21Those hypocrites.
27:23Those who broke the oath of allegiance.
27:25And now they have come
27:27that if this Hussain
27:29is saved and reaches
27:33then our fake letter will come
27:35and our shame will come.
27:37So they killed
27:39Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel.
27:41One thing
27:43that Lama Dr. Kalb-e-Sadiq
27:45said and I
27:47did not know this
27:51Hazrat Hussain Ibn Aqeel
27:53was killed by a great Mufti.
27:55Please understand this.
27:57Hazrat Hussain
27:59Ibn Aqeel
28:01was killed by a great Mufti.
28:03Why was he killed?
28:07there are Hadiths of Huzoor
28:09that when one person
28:11is appointed as a Khalifa
28:13then if the other person is standing
28:15then kill him.
28:17These are open Hadiths.
28:19That is why
28:21there is a great Mufassir
28:23and a jurist
28:25Qazi Ibn-ul-Arabi.
28:27He is an Ibn-e-Arabi
28:29without Alif-Lam.
28:31He is a great Sufi, philosopher.
28:33He is from Andalusia.
28:35He is Qazi Ibn-ul-Arabi
28:37who has written a Tafseer of Quran
28:39that only those Ayahs
28:41whose juristic rules
28:43are interpreted.
28:45These two Tafseers
28:47of Quran
28:49are called Ahkam-ul-Quran.
28:51Qazi Ibn-ul-Arabi's
28:53one of these Tafseer is
28:57Hussain was killed
28:59by his own grandfather's sword.
29:03What was that sword?
29:05When one person
29:07is appointed as a Khalifa
29:09then kill him.
29:11In my opinion,
29:13Hazrat Hussain was not a Khalifa.
29:15People did not realize this
29:17at that time.
29:19In fact, the government
29:21made people believe that
29:23he is a rebel.
29:25They did not even claim
29:27that he is a Khilafah.
29:29They came to the battlefield
29:31only to stop the first Khalifa.
29:33We are loyal to the
29:35state of Pakistan.
29:37We are loyal to the
29:39state of Pakistan.
29:41We are loyal to the
29:43government of Pakistan.
29:45We are not loyal to the government.
29:47We are not loyal to the government.
29:49The government was
29:51of Mehd Azir,
29:53we were against him.
29:55Or it was of someone else,
29:57we were against him.
29:59It is the right of the people
30:01to change the government.
30:03At that time,
30:05there was no difference
30:07between the state and the government.
30:09Therefore, whoever
30:11is a Khilafah,
30:13he is a Khilafah.
30:15This is the complex issue
30:17that why did a Mufti
30:19give a fatwa.
30:21Because at that time,
30:23there was no clear difference
30:25between the state and the government.
30:27This is a matter of
30:29100-150 years.
30:31Today, the evolution of
30:33political science has reached
30:35the stage that the state
30:37and the government are separate.
30:39And the legislature is one of the
30:41three major organs.
30:43So, it is the right of the people
30:45to change the government.
30:47Whether it is through vote
30:49or through agitation.
30:51It is the right of the people
30:53to change the government.
30:55At that time, it was not like this.
30:57Therefore, the situation
30:59was such that the government
31:01of the time made the Muslims
31:05Otherwise, it was easy to kill
31:07the Caliphs.
31:09And there was no difference
31:11between the belief of the Prophet
31:13and the love of the Caliph.
31:15However, if a great Mufti
31:17like Allama Dr. Qalb-e-Saqid
31:19said, I do not even know
31:21the name of that Mufti.
31:23It was a fatwa of a Mufti.
31:25Now, these people killed
31:27Hazrat Hussain.
31:29And this is the reason
31:31that they set the tents on fire.
31:35So, Hazrat Ali bin Hussain
31:37who was ill.
31:39Later, Zain-ul-Abideen
31:41in the name of Rahmatullah.
31:43He is the fourth Imam of the Tashayyih.
31:45Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Hassan,
31:47Hazrat Hussain and then
31:49Hazrat Ali bin Hussain Zain-ul-Abideen.
31:53Did they also get killed?
31:55Did the generation of Hazrat Hussain
31:57end? But they did not.
31:59Why did they set the fire?
32:01They set the fire because
32:03this is the proof of our treachery.
32:05The invitation we gave to
32:07Hazrat Hussain against Yazid.
32:09The documentary proof
32:11that is in the form of letters,
32:13that has been destroyed.
32:15For this, they set fire to the tents.
32:17Anyway, this is the historical
32:19background. This is the
32:21continuation of the same civil strife.
32:23The one who killed Hazrat Usman
32:25first, may Allah be pleased with him.
32:27For five years,
32:29the Muslims have been at war.
32:31Hazrat Ali was martyred.
32:33And after that,
32:35for twenty years,
32:37they could not raise the head of
32:39Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
32:41But when a change was taking place,
32:43they thought it was a rare opportunity
32:45to stand up and create
32:47a chaos in the Ummah again.
32:49In this regard,
32:51one thing I said there
32:53is that our
32:59is a part of my speech
33:01and they have deleted it.
33:03And I have a Sunni poet,
33:05a great scholar,
33:07about whom my speech will be
33:09today in Khaliquddinah Hall,
33:11about a couplet of
33:13Muhammad Ali Johar,
33:15that the murder of Hussain
33:17is actually the death of Yazid.
33:19Islam is alive everywhere.
33:21I said, it is a very humble couplet.
33:23Islam was not dead.
33:25What is the question of being alive?
33:27And if there was any injury
33:29or injury, it remained.
33:31It remained after Karbala.
33:33The rule of Yazid remained,
33:35the rule of Umayyad also continued.
33:37There was no change.
33:39What are they saying?
33:41Islam is alive after Karbala.
33:43I said, Islam was not dead.
33:45Like I said, monarchy
33:47did not start until now.
33:49Monarchy started twenty years ago
33:51for Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah.
33:53But it is obvious that
33:55it did not start.
33:57And Hazrat Hussain did not
33:59do Bai'at for ten years
34:01but he did not challenge
34:03in the field against him.
34:05From this perspective,
34:07this matter that Islam is alive
34:09after Karbala,
34:11this is an uncertain thing.
34:13Yes, if I put the likeness
34:15and allegory of Shah Ismail Shaheed
34:17in front of me,
34:19then the building of Islam
34:21has six floors.
34:23Islam was not dead.
34:25In the court,
34:27decisions were being made
34:29according to Shariah.
34:31The judge was a Mufti.
34:33Shariah was Tafiz.
34:35Islam was not dead.
34:37But they themselves are saying
34:39that Hazrat Hussain was killed
34:41by a Mufti's fatwa.
34:43Now the opinion of that Mufti
34:45may be his ill intention
34:47or whatever it is,
34:49Allah knows.
34:51To the extent that
34:53Western imperialism
34:55brought him down,
34:57ended the issue of monarchy
34:59and forced another monarchy.
35:01Otherwise, the same monarchy
35:03has been going on.
35:05In fact, in the era of Banu Umayyah,
35:07he did not completely remove
35:09the monarchy.
35:11He removed the real monarchy
35:13by joining the era of Banu Abbas.
35:15And then the Turkish caliphs
35:17also had a monarchy.
35:19So, this is what happened
35:21in Islam.
35:23It has happened many times.
35:25How many times has it happened?
35:27This has also been accepted.
35:29I thank Allah for this.
35:31Both of you,
35:33both Shia scholars
35:35and great Shia scholars
35:37have accepted this
35:39and have not challenged me.
35:47I would like to say
35:49the third thing.
35:51After the martyrdom
35:53of Hazrat Hussain,
35:55the incident of Harra
35:57has also happened.
35:59It is a more horrific
36:01and horrific incident
36:03than the incident of Karbala.
36:05It is the history of Banu Umayyah
36:07which people do not know.
36:09Some people of Madinah
36:11rebelled and sent an army
36:13against him.
36:15They did whatever they wanted
36:17to do against him.
36:19They killed whoever they wanted,
36:21looted whoever they wanted,
36:23destroyed whoever's house they wanted,
36:25raped whoever they wanted.
36:27And this has happened
36:29in Madinah.
36:31So, in a country that
36:33eats thorns,
36:35there have been many incidents.
36:37Abdullah Ibn Zubair
36:39established a government.
36:41But he remained successful
36:43and did not pledge allegiance.
36:45Finally, his government also ended.
36:47Then Hazrat Zaid stood up
36:49and rebelled.
36:51He also remained unsuccessful.
36:53Then Hazrat Nafs Zakiyah
36:55stood up in Banu Abbas.
36:57He also became unsuccessful
36:59and was martyred.
37:01Then it was understood that
37:03this sixth level
37:05cannot be re-established.
37:07The one who has the strength
37:09will rule.
37:11The one who has the strength
37:13will rule.
37:15The one who has the strength
37:17will rule.
37:19However, people's morals
37:21should be reformed.
37:23The Sufis took this responsibility.
37:25And this is exactly what
37:27the Imams of Ahlul Bayt did.
37:29Hazrat Hassan's children,
37:31Hazrat Ali bin Hussain,
37:33may Allah be pleased with him,
37:35Hazrat Hussain's children,
37:37then Imam Muhammad Baqir,
37:39Imam Muhammad Jafar Sadiq
37:41and five others.
37:43No one rebelled.
37:45Just as the scholars
37:47and the Sufis
37:49were working,
37:51similarly, the Muslims were
37:53being educated and
37:55spiritually trained.
37:57No one challenged the government.
37:59Please note this.
38:01Hazrat Ali also did not challenge.
38:03Hazrat Hassan also did not challenge.
38:05They reconciled themselves.
38:07So, the 12 Imams of Ahlul Bayt,
38:09the last one,
38:11Hazrat Mahdi,
38:13is yet to be revealed.
38:15According to their beliefs,
38:17he is a spiritual leader.
38:19He will be revealed.
38:21However, about the 11 Imams,
38:23no one other than Hazrat Hussain
38:25challenged the government.
38:27And Hazrat Hussain also
38:29made the mistake of
38:31supporting Qufi.
38:33And this is an opportunity
38:35to rephrase it.
38:37They did not claim Khilafat.
38:39They were misled
38:41by the public
38:43that it was a matter of Khilafat.
38:45As I told you,
38:47Adeer Muawiyah never claimed
38:49Khilafat in the time of Hazrat Ali.
38:51He was not a supporter of Khilafat.
38:53He used to say
38:55to punish the killers of
38:57Hussain and Uthman.
38:59That's it.
39:01Similarly, Hazrat Hussain also
39:03did not claim Khilafat.
39:05In this regard,
39:07there is no doubt.
39:09The martyrdom of
39:11Hazrat Hussain,
39:13his companions,
39:17in the history of humanity,
39:19this determination,
39:29is a very clear example.
39:33this did not affect
39:35the speed of history.
39:37The kingdom
39:39that had come,
39:41was getting deeper and deeper.
39:43After the incident of Karbala,
39:45I counted the incidents every night.
39:47I don't think there is
39:49a more shameful incident
39:51for us.
39:53In this regard,
39:55Hazrat Hussain,
39:57if I
39:59pledge allegiance to him,
40:01who was present at that time,
40:03if I pledge allegiance to Yazid,
40:05then it means that
40:07I surrender myself.
40:09The same threat was
40:11to Ameer Muawiyah that
40:13he will not let me reach Ali
40:15and he will kill me first.
40:17The same threat was to Hussain
40:19that he will not let me reach Yazid
40:21and he will kill me first.
40:23Moreover, this was a
40:25demand of decency,
40:27that this is the matter of Yazid
40:29and let me go there.
40:31You can escort me
40:33so that I don't run away
40:35in your opinion.
40:37Let me go there and deal with him.
40:39But they killed him.
40:41The real killers are the Kufis.
40:43The same Sabai.
40:47there is no doubt
40:49in the memory of this incident
40:51that he
40:55a lot.
40:57There is no doubt about it.
40:59And the way
41:01in Ashura
41:03in Muharram,
41:05the way
41:07he sacrificed
41:09a lot
41:11in front of the people.
41:15that passion does not go unnoticed
41:17because they believe
41:19that unless
41:21Hazrat Mehdi appears,
41:23they will not rebel.
41:25This has been their
41:27entire history.
41:31Mehdi comes,
41:33keep sitting and keep waiting.
41:35Wait and see. That's all.
41:39has done this.
41:41He convinced
41:43the Shias of Iran
41:45that when Mehdi comes,
41:47we will come. But we will
41:49sit idle.
41:51We will not challenge the falsehood.
41:53We should do something.
41:55We should do something.
41:57We should clear the way
41:59for Mehdi.
42:01We should attack
42:03their way.
42:05This is the greatness of Khomeini.
42:07He convinced the Shias
42:09of Iran
42:13we will not sit idle.
42:15We will appoint him as Naib-e-Imam.
42:17And according to the philosophy of
42:21which is not my topic right now,
42:23he has
42:25convinced the public that
42:27from 20,000 to 30,000 people
42:29have allowed him to go.
42:31Women have given birth.
42:33A baby boy is in a woman's lap.
42:35And she is being shot and dying.
42:37Imagine how precious life is.
42:39And a mother's life
42:41for a baby boy.
42:43How precious her life will be.
42:45If not for herself, then for the baby.
42:47But no.
42:49She is being shot and dying.
42:51This emotion is in them.
42:53The reality is that
42:55the Sunnis do not have this emotion.
42:57This is what I am saying.
42:59In the whole world of Islam,
43:01only the Shias of Iran
43:03have come out who have
43:05ended the rule.
43:07There is no rule in Saudi Arabia.
43:09They are sitting idle.
43:11Every palace of billions of dollars
43:13is built by those kings.
43:15And the Sunnis are silent.
43:19There is no action.
43:21What is happening now
43:23is anti-American.
43:25In reality,
43:27the situation is completely different
43:29than what is happening now.
43:31But in the whole world of Islam,
43:33no action has been taken.
43:35This is an exceptional thing
43:37among the Shias.
43:39A king who was said
43:41to have the largest
43:43armory in the world.
43:45He wanted to revive
43:47the 2,500-year-old
43:49greatness of Iran.
43:51He had built a city
43:53for 2,500 years.
43:55He had made
43:57Caicosro or Cyrus
43:59or Zulqarnain his heir.
44:01Now he was thinking
44:03that the same greatness
44:05of Iran would be again
44:07in the era of Caicosro,
44:09which is mentioned in the Quran
44:11and the conquests of Iran
44:13and the northern conquests.
44:15So that king had to flee.
44:17Why did he sacrifice?
44:19There is no doubt
44:21that the incident of Karbala
44:23has illuminated
44:25such an example
44:27that everyone should see.
44:29Like Iqbal said
44:31for Ghalib,
44:33it was illuminated
44:35on the human mind
44:37that the wings of imagination
44:39can reach to the level
44:41of sacrifice
44:43for a purpose.
44:45The purpose was
44:47as I read the verse
44:49Ma'azallah, summa ma'azallah
44:51I am saying one last thing
44:53which you should note.
44:55Due to the generalization
44:57of a particular extreme point of view
44:59there has been an extreme
45:01reaction among the Sunnis.
45:03Extreme rightist
45:07If there has been an attack
45:09from one side,
45:11on the intention of Hazrat Usman,
45:13they have been accused of treachery
45:15and treachery
45:17on Hazrat Abu Musa
45:19and treachery
45:21on Hazrat Abu Musa
45:23and treachery
45:25on Hazrat Abu Musa
45:27and treachery
45:29on Hazrat Abu Musa
45:31and treachery
45:33on Hazrat Abu Musa
45:35These people
45:37are not from the Sunnah.
45:39Hazrat Hussain was
45:41a student of Iqtidar.
45:43Not at all.
45:45The same principle that I told you
45:47will apply to everyone.
45:49If it is for Ameer Muawiyah,
45:51then it is for Hazrat Ali and
45:53Hazrat Hussain.
45:55It is a good intention.
45:57You can disagree with them
45:59but you will not attack
46:01their intention.
46:03These are the companions of the Prophet.
46:05The Prophet purified them.
46:07He recited to them his verses and purified them.
46:09All of this was done by
46:11Prophet Muhammad.
46:13In the case of the companions,
46:15the people of the Sunnah
46:17who are moderate,
46:19they are just a few people.
46:21If you look at their books,
46:23they have been published.
46:25But the people of the Sunnah
46:27have declared them as
46:29Nasibi or Khariji.
46:31Just like Khariji said
46:33that Hazrat Ali is also a disbeliever,
46:35Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah is also a disbeliever,
46:37and so is the son-in-law of the Prophet.
46:39Similarly, some people
46:41accuse Hazrat Hussain
46:43that he did all this
46:45because he was greedy for power.
46:47And that's it.
46:49He lost the game.
46:51What is the matter after this?
46:53May Allah forgive us.
46:55That is why I have read
46:57another verse today.
46:59As you know,
47:01it has nothing to do with today's topic.
47:09This is from the last verse of Surah Qasas.
47:11Look, this house of the Hereafter,
47:13we will make it special
47:15for those people
47:17who do not have the knowledge
47:19of their power in this world.
47:21If they have knowledge of their power in this world,
47:23there will be disorder.
47:25You will also have knowledge,
47:27there will be wars, riots, and disorder.
47:35Those people who do not have knowledge
47:37of their power in this world,
47:39and as a result, there will be disorder.
47:41For them, we have made the house of the Hereafter special.
47:45And the hereafter,
47:47the end of the world,
47:49is for the righteous.
47:51This is what all the Companions
47:53will come to.
47:55May Allah be pleased with them.
48:11Keeping this principle in mind,
48:13you can disagree with anyone,
48:15but if you attack
48:17someone's intention,
48:19then your faith in the Prophethood
48:21will be destroyed.
48:23The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
48:25left his wife
48:27when he was going to
48:29the Battle of Tabuk in Medina.
48:31Hazrat Ali said,
48:33are you leaving me with women?
48:35The Prophet said,
48:37your position with me is the same
48:39as it was with Musa and Harun.
48:41You left Harun and went to the Jews
48:43when they went to take the Torah.
48:45So, you have the same position
48:47with me.
48:49This is Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him.
48:51I don't know
48:53if there is a third book
48:55or not,
48:57but I am recommending you
48:59to read it.
49:01The last point is,
49:03what is our job?
49:07why didn't anyone
49:09go against the Prophet?
49:13There was no difference
49:15between the government and the state.
49:17If you stand up,
49:19you will be punished.
49:21This was the matter.
49:23Secondly, the building was not complete.
49:25There was only one floor.
49:27Today, where are we standing?
49:29The whole building has fallen.
49:31There are no fair courts,
49:33no fair decisions,
49:35no divine commandments,
49:37no limits and regulations.
49:39There is nothing.
49:41What is our duty?
49:43To praise Hazrat Hussain.
49:45To praise the companions.
49:47The companions of the Prophet.
49:49A gathering is being held for him.
49:51What are you doing?
49:53They were your forefathers,
49:55but what are you?
50:03There was only one Ummah,
50:05who went to Allah.
50:07What they have earned,
50:09is for them, not for you.
50:11What you have earned,
50:13will be for you.
50:15This is the only way,
50:17to establish the complete system
50:19of Khilafat-e-Rashidah.
50:21To adopt the path of the Prophet's revolution.
50:23My book is on this.
50:25My cassettes are on this.
50:27Audio cassettes, video cassettes,
50:29CDs, DVDs,
50:31everything is available.
50:33I have told you about the biography of the Prophet.
50:35If you don't understand,
50:37then read my book.
50:39Otherwise, you will read the biography of the Prophet.
50:41You will know the facts.
50:43You will learn from my book.
50:45And secondly,
50:47to establish the Khilafat,
50:49the struggle we are doing,
50:51Tehreek-e-Khilafat Pakistan,
50:53of which I am an advocate,
50:55is not an organization,
50:57I am not its leader.
50:59It is a movement.
51:01Like Tehreek-e-Pakistan,
51:03whose organization was Muslim League.
51:05The party's name was Muslim League.
51:07But Tehreek is Tehreek-e-Pakistan.
51:09We have run Tehreek-e-Khilafat Pakistan
51:13When the Khilafat
51:15started 84 years ago,
51:17in November 1921,
51:19there was a case
51:21in Khalid Dina Hall,
51:23as a result of which
51:25our great leaders,
51:27Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar,
51:29Maulana Hussain Madani,
51:31Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
51:33were sentenced to 2 years in prison.
51:37This is Khalid Dina Hall.
51:39In 1980,
51:41I gave three speeches.
51:43From today,
51:45I am going to give three speeches.
51:47One in the evening,
51:49one tomorrow at 9pm,
51:51one day after tomorrow at 10am,
51:55So please participate in this.
51:57So that our real work
51:59is to understand history.
52:01What are the events of history?
52:03What are the hidden events?
52:05What is the real reality of something?
52:07We should understand this.
52:11when I used the word
52:13lip service,
52:15that we should only
52:17lip service,
