انفاق کیا ہے ؟

  • 2 months ago
00:00Muttakeen are those people who spend in the way of Allah in poverty and in happiness.
00:05Alladhina yunfiqoona fissarra'i waddarra
00:08So in this part of this verse, we are going to understand a few things.
00:11One is Infaq. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has said it many times in the Qur'an.
00:16wa mimma razaqnahum yunfiqoon yunfiqoon anfiqoon yunfiqoon anfiqoon
00:20He said it again and again.
00:21So what is this word? What does it mean?
00:23InshaAllah, we will try to understand it.
00:25Infaq is derived from Nafaqa.
00:27Noon, Fa and Qauf.
00:28This is its substance.
00:29And Nafaqa means to be two-headed, two-sided.
00:33This is also called Munafiq.
00:34Munafiq is also derived from this yunfiqoon, this substance.
00:36And Munafiq is the person who has two faces.
00:38Which is of one kind and the other is of another kind.
00:42And Allah has said Infaq to spend because there are many Ahadith.
00:46There are Ahadith of Bukhari Sharif and there are Ahadith of Qudsi.
00:50Allah says,
00:51anfiq ya ibn-e-adam unfiq alaika
00:53O Ibn-e-adam, you spend in my way, I will spend on you.
00:57Like a pipe is attached to a tank and there is a tap in front of it.
01:02Now, this pipe has two openings.
01:05One is from the tank where the water is stored.
01:08And the other opening is where the tap is attached.
01:12So, the more you open the tap, the more water will come from the tank.
01:15Now, there is no shortage of water in the tank, it is full.
01:18The problem is that there is a lot of water on that end.
01:20The more we open the tap from this end, the more water will come from behind.
01:26This is Infaq.
01:26For participation in the lecture, please visit your nearest Burhania Centre.
