Surah Al -Najm Full By Sheikh Abdallah Abdal WIth English Translation

  • 2 months ago
Confirmation of Prophethood:
Surah Najm commences by recounting the vision where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw the angel Jibril in his true form, affirming the authenticity of his divine message. This confirmation lends strength to the Prophet's mission, reinforcing the belief in his prophethood.
00:00Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
00:30Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:00Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:30Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:35Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:40Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:45Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:50Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:55Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
02:00Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
02:05Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
02:10Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
02:15Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
02:20There is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone, and has no partner.
02:49And how many angels are there in the heavens whose intercession is of no avail except after Allah has given permission to whom He wills and is pleased.
03:12Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter will name the angels after the female.
03:26And they have no knowledge of it. They follow nothing but conjecture, and indeed, conjecture is of no avail against the truth at all.
03:42So turn away from him who turns away from Our Reminder, and does not desire except the life of this world.
03:54That is their attainment of knowledge. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of those who have strayed from His path, and He is most knowing of those who are guided.
04:12And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, that He may reward those who do evil for what they have done, and reward those who do good for what is good.
04:31Those who avoid the great sins and immoralities except greed. Indeed, your Lord is All-Encompassing, Most Forgiving.
04:48He is most knowing of you when He created you from the earth and when you were jinn in the wombs of your mothers. So do not purify yourselves.
05:15He is most knowing of those who fear Him. Have you seen the one who turned away and gave a little and was full?
05:27Does he have knowledge of the unseen, so he sees it? Or has he not been informed of what is in the scriptures of Moses and Abraham, who fulfilled?
05:43That no burden will bear another burden. And that there is not for man except what he strives. And that his striving will be seen.
06:04Then he will be rewarded the full reward.
06:14And that to your Lord is the destination. And that it is He who made laugh and made weep. And that it is He who made dead and made alive.
06:32And that it is He who created the two mates, the male and the female, from a sperm when it is emptied. And that upon them is the progeny of the other.
06:52And that it is He who is the Lord of the poets. And that it is He who destroyed the first Adam. And Thamud, and what remained.
07:18And the people of Noah before. Indeed, they were the most wronged and the most transgressed.
07:31And the turning away was easy. So He covered it with what He covered. So which of the favors of your Lord do you dispute?
07:46This is a warner from the first warners. The coming is near. There is not for it other than Allah a coverer. Then from this statement do you wonder?
08:10And you laugh and do not weep. And you are steadfast. So prostrate to Allah and worship.
