يختص الله برحمته من يشاء

  • 2 months ago
قصة من الشيخ عبد الغنى المقالى يحكى فيها عن عبد من عباد الله الصالحين مستجاب الدعوة..
00:00Don't you dare to make fun of anyone
00:03Our master Malik Ibn Al-Dinar may Allah be pleased with him
00:06One of the great Zohads
00:08He was in Kufa
00:11So he said I was walking in the street and I saw people running with their backs
00:16Women, men, old and young
00:18So I said what's the matter? Where are our brothers?
00:21They said the sky hasn't rained for a while and the earth has dried up and we are in need of water
00:27We should go to the big mosque in Basra and pray Salat Al-Istisqa'a so that Allah will show us the way
00:33I said I will go with them
00:35So we prayed Dhuhr and Salat Al-Istisqa'a
00:39And we took Naj'ar and we prayed to Allah to send us rain
00:44We stayed till the afternoon, there was no need
00:48So we reached after the afternoon prayer Naj'ar and we prayed to Allah to send us rain
00:53Till the sunset, there was no need
00:55We reached after the sunset and we prayed to Allah to send us rain
01:00But it didn't rain
01:02It was late at night
01:04So we said let's go home and pray tomorrow
01:07Maybe Allah will show us the way
01:10The mosque was empty except me
01:14I was a guest
01:16So I said I want to spend the night in the mosque
01:19The big mosque in Basra
01:21At that time, the number of lights was low
01:24It was a simple thing to sleep
01:28So I chose to sleep next to the mosque
01:31And I was the only one who stayed
01:33Everyone went home
01:35And I went to pray
01:37And in the darkness of the night, a young man came
01:41And the world is dark
01:43He came with two blind men
01:46Two blind men
01:48He was as wide as my eyes or as big as the book
01:56So I woke up
01:58I can see him but he can't see me
02:00He made the mosque empty
02:02But I can see him
02:03I was in the darkness
02:05And he came after midnight to pray
02:07And he is a servant of the Beloved
02:10So when I found him ready to go to the Qibla
02:14I focused with him
02:16He can't see me but I can see him
02:19So he comes with two rak'ahs
02:22Then he extends his hands and says
02:24O Lord!
02:29Don't destroy your country because of the sins of your servants
02:37I swear by you, from you to you
02:40I don't hold a grudge against you
02:42We got used to your generosity
02:44There is no generosity other than generosity
02:47O Allah! I ask you to give us water for our crops, for our livestock, for our women, for our children, for our souls
02:57O Allah! Give us water from the spring of your generosity
03:01And from the well of your water
03:03You say to everything, be and it is
03:07He said, when he extended his hands
03:11I heard thunder and lightning
03:15And he ran to the door
03:17I crawled behind him
03:19He put on his shoes and went out
03:21And the sky was like doors of hell
03:25And the rain began to fall
03:28So I followed him
03:29I want to know who he is
03:32I want to know who he is
03:34The whole country was upside down from noon to two in the evening
03:38No one is accepted and no one has a job
03:40This is the solution for the whole world
03:42And the worst slave
03:44I don't want to know who this man is
03:46I will die if I know his secret
03:48So I followed him and he ran fast from the water
03:51He entered a path and I followed him
03:53He entered a neighborhood and I followed him
03:55Until he entered a house
03:57I can't go to the other one, I can only go to one or two
04:00So I wanted to make a mark for the house
04:03So I grabbed some dirt
04:05And it turned into mud
04:07The rain stopped
04:08And I put something on the wall
04:10And I made a mark
04:12And I went back to the mosque
04:14And in the afternoon
04:16I went out to look for the mark
04:19I want to see the man in the fire
04:22So I walked until I reached the place of the mark
04:27So I found a gate
04:29Inside of it there was a pit
04:32A pit in the al-Qisariya
04:34The wide pits that have more than one floor
04:38So I looked around
04:40And I saw a man wearing a sadat
04:42And around him a group of slaves
04:44Men and women
04:47Women and men
04:50So I contemplated
04:52And he said, come, we will sell what you like
04:55If you like one, we will sell it at a price
04:57I am a man who is flexible in this matter
04:59I am a merchant
05:01I am a slave
05:03He said, so I looked around
05:06One after the other
05:08And I didn't see anyone
05:11I said, don't you have anyone else?
05:13He said, all of them
05:15So I said, did you see anyone this morning?
05:17He said, no
05:18I didn't see anyone this week
05:20So there is no one else besides him?
05:22No, there is no one else
05:24I said, I see no one else
05:27I said, no
05:28I will look around
05:29And I will come back again
05:31And I went out
05:33And I found a room with a slave
05:35By himself
05:37So I looked at him and I recognized him
05:40It was him
05:42So I said, I want this
05:44He said, leave this
05:46This is a broken slave, no one will buy it
05:48And it is not good for anything
05:50Come, take from the good ones and leave this
05:52You are in a bad situation
05:54He said, I want it
05:56I said, it is not good for you
05:58It is not good at all
05:59He said, I want it
06:01He said, take it for free
06:04Do you believe what I am saying?
06:06It is not good for anything
06:08Take from the good ones
06:09He said, I want it
06:10He said, take it for free
06:12He said, no, it is expensive
06:14Come, I will give it to you
06:16So he took the slave and went home
06:20And he said to him, I came to you to trust you in the face of Allah
06:24He said, may Allah bless you, my master
06:27And why do you trust me?
06:29He said, you are a master of the poor and the needy
06:33He said, who said that?
06:35I am a poor and needy slave
06:38I am a master of the poor
06:40I am a needy
06:42O my master, it seems to you that I am a beggar
06:45And you do not know
06:47I am a poor and needy slave
06:49He said, no
06:51You are one of those who, if you call upon Allah, He will answer
06:55He said, me?
06:58He said, I say to you, me, with all confidence
07:01I saw you yesterday in the mosque
07:05And you are the reason that Allah gives us water from the sky
07:10He said, did you see me?
07:12He said, I saw you and heard you
07:14And I was in the mosque
07:16And there was no one else in the mosque
07:18He said, did you hear me and see me?
07:21He said, yes
07:23He raised his hands and said, O my master and God
07:27O the one with the secret, the secret has appeared
07:30And I do not want to live after it has disappeared
07:33Then he took a whip and fell on the ground
07:36And I turned him and I found that he had left the life of this world
07:41I found that he had left the life of this world
07:43He came back
07:45He was like a beggar
07:47But he was connected to Allah
07:50He is not connected to the color
07:52He is not connected to the shape
07:54He is not connected to the body
07:56He is not connected to the testimony
07:58He is not connected to the Eid
08:00He is not connected to the wedding
