19930331 The Strangest Evening

  • 3 months ago
General Hospital


00:00Oh, dear. Uh, this probably wasn't a good idea. You want to go someplace else?
00:15No. I'm fine.
00:18Okay. Okay.
00:20Good evening. Uh, could, uh, well, would you like a table?
00:26Well, actually, we're not going to eat, but we're going to drink, so we'd love a table while we're doing it.
00:30Anything for friends.
00:31Great. It's okay. I think we can manage.
00:36Well, you can do me a thank you. I appreciate it.
00:45Oh, excuse me. You. Wait. You.
00:50That's all right.
00:52I'm a little short-handed tonight. I'd be happy to take your order. I believe it would be a sweet sherry for you.
00:58Very good. I need a drink, please.
01:01I would like a double martini, half gin, half vodka, with a little orange on top, okay?
01:07Yes, ma'am.
01:11Did you get a chance to talk to him?
01:15He left us the other day. He swore to me that Victoria is now completely in his past.
01:22You don't sound like you believe him.
01:24I just wish that he'd been honest with me in the first place.
01:30Well, he's trying to make it up to you now, don't you think?
01:33Oh, you don't understand.
01:37Ever since Robert, it's very hard for me. I'm just afraid of being hurt again.
01:47Oh, sweetheart. I think it's too late for that. Just look at you. You look hurt already.
01:54Here we are. Sweet sherry. And I had him put two orange slices for you.
02:02Thank you.
02:04Looks like you're needed.
02:05Yeah, I'm kind of stretched in every direction tonight.
02:09Would you consider doing me a favor?
02:12It depends.
02:14Well, it's, uh... You remember those drinks Felicia made up? People are ordering them like crazy.
02:20They must be very popular. Bubblegum vodka surprises in Shanghai.
02:25Over-the-top things. And I have no idea what they are, how to make them, and I was wondering if you would consider...
02:30You fired me, remember?
02:32No, I didn't. That was for Halifax. This would be for me.
02:41Why don't you just go do it? I need time to unwind. So go, okay?
02:47Okay, but I'm doing this for Mac, okay?
02:53Right. Of course. Well, for Mac, sure.
02:58The natives are restless. A bunch of animals tonight, I guess.
03:08Very good. Would you tell him that? Very good. And I'll have another.
03:12Another? Another what?
03:29How are you doing? Fine. I've got to use another drink.
03:34You finished that one already?
03:36For the day I had, I practically inhaled this thing.
03:39You ready to tell me about it?
03:42I don't think you want to be bored by what's going on with me.
03:45Yes, I do. I do.
03:50Shawn and I went to see Lucas today.
03:52Together? Yes, together.
03:55But it didn't go well.
03:58Lucas is great. He is. It's Bobby.
04:03She's always, like, hovering all over me.
04:05She's just, like, ready... looking like she's ready to pounce on me every time I'm around him.
04:08She just makes me nervous, you know?
04:11I don't think you want to be bored by what's going on with me.
04:14She's just, like, ready... looking like she's ready to pounce on me every time I'm around him.
04:17She just makes me nervous, you know?
04:19You sure you're not being overly sensitive?
04:23No, I'm not.
04:25Well, hopefully it'll get easier with time.
04:30I don't think it'll ever get easier.
04:32Bobby sat there and he's not going to let me see Lucas at all without her unless Shawn is with me.
04:40You know, considering how difficult it was for both of you during the custody hearing,
04:45I don't think you can blame her.
04:48I mean, you have to try and see it from her point of view.
04:50Whose side are you on?
04:52I'm not on anybody's side.
04:53I'm trying to help.
04:54Just like Shawn. You sound just like him.
04:59I know how upsetting this is for you.
05:04Well, Shawn is on her side. He doesn't even try to hide it anymore.
05:07Oh, that's not true.
05:08Yes, it's true. It is.
05:11I mean, he thinks I'm getting everything that I deserve because of the way I acted at that hearing.
05:14It wasn't my fault.
05:16He just doesn't ever try to understand anything about me.
05:19He doesn't understand how I feel, how empty I feel when I don't have Lucas, you know?
05:24He's just blown anything. There's no way we're ever going to get back together.
05:27There's no way. I don't even care.
05:31It's so painful.
05:32Shawn and I used to love each other.
05:35Forget us, you know? Stupid, stupid, stupid me.
05:38Bill? Bill? Come here.
05:41What's up?
05:42You got your dancing shoes on, honey?
05:44Got my what?
05:45Dancing shoes. I want to twirl around the dance floor, okay?
05:47But what about my customers here?
05:48I'll take care of them.
05:50Yeah, you go ahead. Don't...
05:51This is the strangest evening.
05:53In that case, I'll leave, honey. But that strange...
05:56You'll leave?
05:57I'll leave.
05:59How have I seen you for a while? Where have you been?
06:03Oh, well, I was in Europe for a while.
06:06You were in Europe for a while? Oh, wonderful.
06:08Did you have fun?
06:10Hi, Holly. What the hell is she doing?
06:14I think she's trying to forget her troubles.
06:21Seems to be doing a bang-up job of it.
06:24That's Tiffany.
06:27I just wish she would realize that I'm not the enemy of that song.
06:31Oh, deep down she knows that.
06:33It's just hard. She feels betrayed.
06:36Look, Holly, I didn't betray her.
06:38All I want her to do is face the facts.
06:41Bobby and Tony have custody of Lucas.
06:43Now she has to get on with her own life. Our life.
06:47She's trying.
06:49It's just, you know, she can't do it overnight.
06:52She really loves you.
06:55Time has a way of putting things in perspective.
06:58I just hope you're right. I just hope you're right.
07:00The longer we're separated, the harder it is to communicate,
07:03and the harder it is to get back together again.
07:16Have you heard from Mac and Felicia?
07:19I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said.
07:21Mac and Felicia, how are they doing? Do you know?
07:25Uh, yeah, they're safe.
07:27Felicia and Mrs. Maxie are not, but she and Mac are just hanging in there.
07:31Good. Good.
07:33I know what it's like to be in their shoes.
07:36Yeah, I know you do.
07:38Look, by the way, I never got a chance to thank you
07:40for putting them in touch with those friends of yours.
07:43I really wanted to tell you that day at the Brownstone, but I...
07:46I know you didn't want to compromise my position.
07:49I appreciate that.
07:51Any leave for you?
07:53Not really.
07:55Our friend Ryan has a hell of a way of covering his tracks,
07:58but I think we're getting close to the proof
08:00we need to put him behind bars and overturn Felicia's conviction.
08:03If there's anything I can do to help, you know...
08:05Keep your fingers crossed, okay?
08:08Because if the DA found out what's going on,
08:11we'd all be in the soup, believe me.
08:14Sean Donnelly, you have some explaining to do.
08:17Uh, hi, Jessica.
08:19Uh, Jessica, this is Holly. Holly, this is Jessica.
08:22Holly, hi. Pleasure.
08:27So I gathered from what you said at the office
08:29you weren't showing up tonight.
08:31Well, I changed my mind.
08:33Well, listen, we already had dinner,
08:35so why don't you join us for drinks?
08:37I'm afraid I can't do that, Jessica.
08:39Uh, excuse me.
08:44Unless you want something stronger?
08:48Thanks, but no thanks.
08:50I have some business to take care of right now.
08:53Okay, well, if you change your mind, I know where I am.
08:56Thank you. Okay.
09:00Will you excuse me just a moment, please?
09:04Well, well, well, it doesn't take you long, does it,
09:07to pick up some little tart like Jessica?
09:09Now, as usual,
09:11you have misinterpreted another situation.
09:14I came here to get something to eat.
09:16Yeah, right. I'm sure you did.
09:18What are you doing? What are you doing?
09:20I'm trying to save you from yourself.
09:22That's what I'm trying to do.
09:24Would you let go of me? Just let go.
09:26No, I'm not gonna let go of you.
09:28Now, it's time that you get a little lesson of reality, woman.
09:31Now, sit down.
09:33God, Sean.
09:37I see you've been doing a little drinking.
09:39I'm a big girl, Sean. I can do whatever I want to.
09:42I don't like making a fool of yourself in public.
09:45I came down here to have a drink with Holly.
09:47I see that you're a little P.O.,
09:49because I just kind of spoiled your rendezvous with Jessica, didn't I?
09:51No, I told you, I came here to have something to eat.
09:54I ran into her. Besides, Jessica and I work together.
09:57Since when did you start working with a woman who put Felicia away?
10:00Give me a break.
10:02You know, as usual, you blow everything out of proportion,
10:04the same way you did with Cheryl.
10:06I don't ever want to talk about that again, okay? Just leave it alone.
10:08Why don't you start facing facts?
10:10You're angry at Cheryl for giving custody of Lucas to Bobby,
10:13and now you're jealous of Bobby because of it.
10:17You think you know me so well, don't you?
10:19Oh, yeah, I know you very well.
10:21You keep running away from your problems the way you run away from me.
10:25Now, what the hell was the use?
10:28I mean, how can we ever get back to the way we were
10:30with this custody business always between us?
10:34Listen, baby, let me listen very closely,
10:37because this is the last time.
10:40Bobby and Lucas are just part of our life,
10:43not our whole life.
10:46You better get control of your feelings
10:49and start looking at the right priorities,
10:52or you start looking at the next move.
10:56Is that a threat?
11:00It's the truth.
11:17Looks like Tiffany really enjoyed herself dancing with you.
11:20That was nice.
11:22She's been hurting a lot lately.
11:25Has she?
11:28Thanks for taking care of those drinks.
11:30I don't think...
11:32I didn't know how to make any of them.
11:34I couldn't have handled it without you.
11:41I'm sorry.
11:44Remember, I did it for Mac.
11:47Yeah, I remember.
11:51So, look, for Mac,
11:54will you come back to work until he and Felicia are clear?
11:58I know what you're trying to do is look at work.
12:03Victoria is behind me now.
12:06Well, then, for your sake, I'm glad.
12:10Take the job.
12:17Well, if you want to take the job,
12:19may I walk you home?
12:21I don't know.
12:23No, I think it's not a good idea.
12:25I think it's too soon.
12:27I don't want to lose you.
12:33Where's the bartender?
12:35I need a drink.
12:37I need a drink.
12:39Honey, would you be a sweetheart and go get me a drink, please?
12:42I think we should go home.
12:44I just need one more drink, and then we'll go home.
12:46Okay, then we'll stop for some coffee on the way home.
12:48I don't want any coffee, and I don't want to go home yet, okay?
12:50Just one more drink, and then I'll go.
12:52You told me what a very busy day you had tomorrow at work,
12:55and you need some rest.
12:57I need a drink.
13:08Well, my friends all went home to their loved ones.
13:11I'm not in such a hurry.
13:13Care to join me for a nightcap?
13:20Sure, why not?
