19930702 Kicked in the Gut Instead

  • 3 months ago
General Hospital, aired July 2, 1993


00:00Dr. Raulston, please call extension 570.
00:05Good morning, Amy.
00:06Hi, Sean. Hi, Tim.
00:07Hi, Amy.
00:08You know, Dr. Meadows is running a little bit late this morning. Can I...
00:10It's okay, honey.
00:11Oh, thanks.
00:14Have I told you?
00:18What a handsome, loving, sexy husband you are.
00:22Oh, she did. I... I can't remember.
00:25Well, let me know.
00:31Do you two know each other?
00:35We got caught.
00:36Hi, Jessica. How are you?
00:38I thought you'd be pacing the halls of justice by now, Jessica.
00:41No. I had an early doctor's appointment.
00:51Is anything wrong?
00:52Oh, no. I just had my checkup with my gynecologist.
00:56Oh, it's always great to get that six-month checkup out of the way, isn't it?
01:00Hey, Tim?
01:02Dr. Meadows can see you now. Thank you.
01:03Oh, thanks, Amy.
01:04Dr. Meadows is your doctor?
01:07Is that who you just saw?
01:08Mm-hmm. It's a small world, isn't it?
01:10Oh, it is, and she's so great. You're gonna love her.
01:12Uh, actually, I don't want to keep her waiting. I don't know why she keeps me waiting all the time.
01:15Darling, do you have time for lunch today?
01:17Yeah, yeah. Well, I could probably sneak out during the noon recess, yeah.
01:20Uh, one o'clock at the outback then?
01:22Yeah, fine. Um, any change, I'll give you a call.
01:25All right. Good luck today.
01:26Oh, we won't need any. Ryan's dug his own grave.
01:28Okay. Bye, sweetie.
01:30I'll see you later.
01:36So will the doctor say you're pregnant?
01:38I'll know later.
01:40This afternoon.
01:41Yeah, I still don't understand why you didn't take one of those horn pregnancy tests.
01:45Because I didn't want to, Sean.
01:48Listen, if I took one of those and the results were positive, I still would have had to come and see the doctor.
01:54And if they were negative, I still would have had to see the doctor to find out why my period was so late, okay?
01:59This way, I killed two birds with one stone.
02:01Yeah, right. Oh, good morning, Steve.
02:03Dr. Hardy?
02:04Oh, hi.
02:05You ready to testify?
02:06I suppose so.
02:08Listen, sir, don't be nervous and just tell her like it is, okay?
02:10I will. I certainly will.
02:11Uh, how's Audrey doing, Steve?
02:13Not very good. She's still traumatized about what happened.
02:16Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Listen, I will do everything in my power to not have her testify, but I can't make any promises, okay?
02:23We're going to have to do anything we can to nail Ryan.
02:25Look, look, I'm not sure I'd allow her to testify in her present state of mind.
02:29It's that bad?
02:30Right now, she's afraid of her own shatter. I've never seen her this way.
02:33Oh, damn. You know, you and Audrey shouldn't have been involved in this in the first place.
02:38Listen, sir, are you free to come into the courtroom before noon? I hope that works with your schedule.
02:44Just let me know when you need me. I'll be there.
02:46Okay, thank you.
02:48I want to know the minute you get those test results back.
02:51Who else would I call?
02:53Just be discreet about it.
02:55Don't insult me, Sean. I haven't told anyone.
02:58Keep it that way.
03:06This will be fine.
03:07Very nice.
03:10Steve had a go.
03:12Well, I told him exactly what happened.
03:14What was Ryan doing?
03:16Mostly, he kept looking over at me.
03:18Knowing full well I still had the urge to kill him.
03:24Yeah, Mac, everything's fine. We're on a 15-minute recess, and then I'll be ready for you, Sean.
03:28All right.
03:29Look, I'm going to go make a phone call. I'll be right back.
03:33Jessica, you will keep me informed as to how it goes this afternoon?
03:37Sure. I have to put in a call to the hospital this afternoon.
03:41But I'll have them transfer me up to you.
03:43There's no possibility that Ryan will be granted bail, is there?
03:46None whatsoever. You and Audrey don't have to worry about that.
03:48Good, good. But I still want to hear when it's official.
03:50Okay, no problem.
03:52Steve, I'll walk you out. I'll get some fresh air anyway.
03:55Don't be long, Sean.
03:56I won't.
03:59So, Felicia, nice outfit.
04:05So, are you pregnant?
04:07Excuse me?
04:10Sean is like a father to me, and I don't appreciate what you're doing to him.
04:14Wait a minute. Back up a bit.
04:16Did Sean tell you?
04:18I figured it out for myself.
04:24Jessica, if you're so smart, how the hell did you get pregnant?
04:38About Friday the 16th, 9 o'clock.
04:429 o'clock?
04:44Got it.
04:45How are you enjoying this?
04:47My pregnancy?
04:48Yeah. I mean, I'm kind of jealous. What's it like?
04:50Oh, I don't know how to describe it.
04:53It's incredible. It's just incredible.
04:55That's what I figured you were going to say.
04:57Yes, you know, I've heard all these people talk about how they hated it when they gained weight,
05:01and they had this morning sickness, and they'd get kicked in the bladder and everything,
05:05and I thought, ugh, it's going to be horrible, but I love it.
05:08I can hardly wait to be kicked in the bladder.
05:10It's going to be great, you know?
05:13And I don't mind. I'm eating like a pig, so.
05:16I got a good excuse. You know what I mean?
05:20I thought you were down for an appointment. How did it go?
05:22You tell her.
05:23She's wonderful.
05:26Excuse me. That's for me.
05:27Okay. Bye.
05:29Congratulations to you and Sean. I'm very happy for you.
05:32Oh, thanks.
05:34Oh, Bobby, I missed him so much.
05:36I know you did, but I knew it was going to work out for you, too.
05:39It really has. Actually, everything.
05:43Including Lucas, actually.
05:46What about Lucas?
05:48I don't know.
05:49I don't know. It's like, maybe it's because I'm pregnant.
05:52Maybe it's because Sean and I are back together. I don't know.
05:56It's like, it just doesn't hurt as much, you know?
06:01Well, I'm delighted that Lucas is going to have a little cousin to play with soon.
06:04I know. It's been terrific.
06:07I have you and Tony to thank for that.
06:08I don't think I've properly thanked you for kind of showing me the mistake I made with Sean.
06:12Hey, you know, we didn't tell you anything that you didn't already know.
06:15Yeah, but you put it in perspective.
06:17You know, I wasn't seeing right. I wasn't focusing on it, you know?
06:20And it took really good friends to do that, especially after everything I put you through.
06:24You know what I mean?
06:26That's what friends are for. You know that.
06:29I sure do.
06:36It's time you joined the real world, Felicia.
06:38Accidents happen. Nothing is 100% a factor.
06:43Well, fine then.
06:44Why the big wait to find out if you are or if you aren't?
06:48How long does a pregnancy test take, Jessica? Five minutes?
06:52Have you seen a doctor?
06:53You expect me to answer these questions?
06:55No, because then you would have to tell me your whole plan, wouldn't you?
06:58Oh, Felicia, get a life.
07:01You ready, Sean?
07:02Yeah. Are you guys coming in?
07:05We'll be along in a minute, Sean.
07:06Go ahead. Why don't you guys go ahead.
07:11Felicia, what are you doing? What was that with Jessica?
07:13I just had a little talk with her about Sean.
07:17You what? Why?
07:19I just wanted her to know that I was on to her.
07:21Felicia, I hate to be the one to break this to you,
07:23but Sean is the one responsible for getting himself involved in this mess.
07:26That's not the issue.
07:28What's the issue?
07:29The issue is the way she's handling the situation,
07:31and I don't like it, and I wanted to tell her about it.
07:34And do you think it did any good?
07:36I don't know, but I just wanted to tell her.
07:40Does that quality in a woman threaten you, Mac?
07:44Would I be hanging out with you if it did?
07:52Hi, princess. Tiffany here yet?
07:54Hi. Uh, I haven't seen her.
07:57Oh, I guess I'm early.
07:59Do you have a second?
08:00Yeah, sure. What's up?
08:02I had a little talk with Jessica a little while ago about you.
08:06You did what?
08:08Oh, I've got to go fill that order for that man with that table.
08:10No, no, no. Felicia, no.
08:11Just a second.
08:12No, I'll fill you in in a minute.
08:14Hey, mate.
08:15Do you know what Felicia meant, she talked with Jessica?
08:18She told you, huh?
08:19Only that she talked to her.
08:20About what, though?
08:22Look, Felicia just laid into Jessica a little bit
08:24about not keeping you on the hook about the pregnancy.
08:26Oh, that's all?
08:27And Jessica told her to mind her own business.
08:28Oh, Greg, that's just great.
08:31I hope that Jessica is not pregnant,
08:33and I wish I could wipe out the fact
08:35I ever slept with that woman.
08:48I hope that Jessica is not pregnant.