40 The Secret Fireworks (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba.
00:11Now dear Lord.
00:14You've got to watch out for her.
00:17Just wait.
00:18I'll get her.
00:19I'll get her.
00:20I'll get her.
00:21Get her.
00:22You better be careful.
00:23She's got a hard spot in the head.
00:25Are we sure?
00:27It's so cold.
00:29I'm warm.
00:30I'm warm.
00:31All right.
00:32I'm gonna go.
00:33I'm gonna go.
00:34I'm gonna go.
00:35I'm gonna go.
01:06The sick girl that Sniff had found wandering in Moominvalley and rescued slept very, very late till the next morning.
01:22Good morning, Mama.
01:24Oh, good morning, Moomin.
01:30How is she?
01:31Well, the fever's gone, of course, since I gave her Grandma's medicine.
01:35She'll be just fine after she has some more time in bed.
01:39The best thing is to let her sleep now.
01:48Well, Mama, how is she this morning?
01:50I've just been in and she's looking much better.
01:53The fever's gone down now and she's not so pale.
01:56She just needs sleep.
02:02Good morning, my dear.
02:04I hand-picked these little flowers especially for you.
02:09I'm looking forward to this.
02:23Good morning, Moominpappa.
02:25Morning, Sniff. You're up early.
02:28Yes. Is Moomin up yet?
02:35Not that I'm interested, of course, but how is the girl today?
02:40Oh, much better, but she still has to stay in bed.
02:43Don't worry.
02:44Me worry?
02:54That's right. And big, beautiful ones, too.
02:57We'd been hearing bangs for many nights, but we couldn't work out exactly where the sound was coming from
03:02until we went down to the beach. Then we found out.
03:09So that's what they were. They kept me awake.
03:13Remarkable. They were beautiful to look at, but just a bit too noisy.
03:18Pretty strange when you come to think about it.
03:20After all, nobody's seen any fireworks from Moominhouse, have they?
03:24They must have been too far away for us to see them.
03:27The beach isn't far from here, silly.
03:29And the whole point of fireworks is that they're designed to be seen from far away.
03:32In that case, how come we don't see them from here, huh?
03:35I don't know. I was asking that question, so how can I answer it?
03:40Well, I'd like to know just who's behind this nasty prank.
03:43You think it's a prank?
03:45Yes. It kept me awake.
03:48Very elaborative. It's a prank.
03:52I know. I'll go there with you tonight.
03:54Go where with us?
03:55Down to the beach, of course. We can catch the dirty culprit red-handed that way.
03:59Well, I don't know. We ought to check with Snufkin first.
04:03Why ask Snufkin?
04:05Well, you know, I figure the reason why whoever it is shoots off the fireworks at night
04:10is probably because he doesn't want to be seen doing it by anybody else.
04:14Well, obviously he doesn't.
04:16But if he doesn't want anybody to see him, don't you think we should just leave him be?
04:21Rubbish. Well, I'm going anyway.
04:23In the middle of the night, alone?
04:25I won't be alone. You'll come too, won't you?
04:28But of course I'll come down with you, Sniff. You're scared to go on your own, huh?
04:32Huh? That's not what I meant.
04:34I only asked you to come because I thought you'd want to know who it is, too.
04:37Sorry to disturb you, but could one of you go upstairs and change the wet clothes?
04:41Sorry to disturb you, but could one of you go upstairs and change the wet towel I put on that girl's brow?
04:46I'd do it myself, but my hands are full just now.
04:49One moment, Mama.
04:50Oh, would you, Sniff? Thank you.
04:52You feeling all right, Sniff?
04:54Well, I saved her life, and I'm not sure she really trusts anyone else.
04:57She's a very sensitive girl.
05:05Sniff, don't forget to wring the towel out really well.
05:10Sniff's acting very strangely today.
05:12But then again, what's normal behavior for him?
06:01No, no, don't get up. Lie down in bed.
06:07Who are you, please?
06:10Have you forgotten me?
06:12But it's me!
06:16It's me, Sniff, the one who saved you.
06:21Did you really?
06:23She's forgotten me already.
06:25After all that effort.
06:27I'm sorry, I don't remember.
06:30You said that you'd come to Moominvalley to see the Hemulen, and after that you just fainted.
06:37I was trying to say you can't remember him, either.
06:42Oh, I have a headache.
06:44Now, don't you worry. It's probably nothing serious.
06:47I'll get Moominmama to come up.
06:49Mama, is that your mother?
06:51Oh, no, she's Moomin's mother.
06:53And this is Moominhouse.
06:55This is Moominhouse?
07:01Hey, she's woken up!
07:05Oh, yes.
07:07Did she say anything to you?
07:09No, nothing important, anyway.
07:11She's forgotten me!
07:13Has she really?
07:15How is that possible? I held her, I carried her.
07:17She looked at me.
07:19Is my face really hard to remember?
07:21If you want my opinion, it's harder to forget.
07:23Did you ask her her name?
07:25Oh, I forgot all about that.
07:27What's going on? Is the girl all right?
07:30Yes, she's woken up.
07:32Oh, that's good news.
07:33Let's go and have a look.
07:49Don't get up. You take it easy.
07:51It's okay. I'm fine.
07:53I'm feeling a whole lot better today.
07:55I'm very pleased to hear it.
07:57You must be Moominmama.
07:59Yes, that's right. How did you know my name?
08:01We just now talked about a Moominmama,
08:03and you look like a Moominmama.
08:05Oh, yes. That was Sniff.
08:07He picked these flowers for you.
08:09Oh, that's nice.
08:11And may I ask what your name might be?
08:13Oh, of course. It's Nana.
08:15Aren't you hungry, Nana?
08:17After all, you've been asleep for quite some time now.
08:19Yes, I am a little hungry.
08:21In that case, how would you like some soup?
08:23Thank you. And could you please tell that nice boy
08:25I'm sorry if I was rude
08:27and thank him for the flowers?
08:29Don't worry about that.
08:31Sniff just thinks you've lost your memory.
08:35Now that you're getting better,
08:37I'm sure that everybody would like to see you.
08:39I'll just call them in.
08:41Well, allow me to introduce you to Nana, everyone.
08:43She says she's feeling much better now.
08:47She's sitting up in bed.
08:49Oh, she looks marvelous.
08:51Oh, good.
08:53We were very worried about you for a while.
08:55Thank you. You're all very kind to me.
08:57Especially Sniff.
08:59I'm so sorry I behaved so badly when I woke up.
09:01You're my hero.
09:03Your hero?
09:05Aw, Chucks, it was really nothing.
09:07You could walk over me any time.
09:09I mean stumble.
09:11After all that rehearsing, you blew it, Sniff.
09:13Delighted to meet you, Nana.
09:15My name's Moominpappa.
09:17This is our son, Moomin.
09:19This is Snorkmaiden.
09:21And that's Little My.
09:23I'm very pleased to meet you all.
09:25The Hemulen was here too a little earlier,
09:27but you were still fast asleep then.
09:29The Hemulen?
09:31Oh, yes, the Hemulen.
09:33I must see him at once. It's very important.
09:35That's very odd.
09:37Are you absolutely sure you've got the right Hemulen?
09:39Ours did say he didn't know you.
09:41Oh, did he?
09:43Then that must mean my fiancé hasn't told the Hemulen anything about me.
09:49It's a bit like a boyfriend, but we're getting married.
09:51Getting married?
09:53Um, I'm sure Mr. Hemulen knows my fiancé.
09:55He has been here several times.
09:59Well, that is interesting.
10:01The Hemulen is a close friend of mine,
10:03but I'm sure he hasn't mentioned anything about any fiancés.
10:05Oh, well,
10:07I got a letter from my fiancé
10:09saying that he was right here in Moominvalley.
10:11Perhaps we could work out who he is
10:13if you told us what he does.
10:15He makes fireworks.
10:17You see, he's my father's apprentice.
10:23Does that mean you do have some idea
10:25who my fiancé is?
10:27Well, perhaps we do.
10:29After all, the children saw someone
10:31shooting fireworks near the sea last night.
10:33Oh, yes! That must be him!
10:35I was right.
10:37It must have been him making the fireworks.
10:43Where are you running off to in such a hurry?
10:45Come with us.
10:47The mystery of the fireworks has been solved.
10:49Has it really?
10:51So who's behind it?
10:53It's too complicated to explain now.
10:55Hurry, and I'll tell you on the way.
10:57At least tell me where we're going.
10:59To the Hemulen's house.
11:01Oh, yes!
11:03We're going to the Hemulen's house.
11:05Oh, yes!
11:07At least tell me where we're going.
11:09To the Hemulen's! Come on!
11:11To the Hemulen's?
11:17It's good.
11:19Oh, I'm glad you like it.
11:21I made both the soup and the medicine
11:23from Grandma's recipes.
11:25You've really been very kind to me.
11:27Would you like some more?
11:29No, thanks.
11:31Try to get some more sleep,
11:33or you'll tire yourself out.
11:35They'll be here when they find him.
11:37Thank you very much, Mama Mama.
11:43Oh, Nana.
11:49But why would Nana's fiancé
11:51be making fireworks in secret?
11:53Well, she says he wants to surprise
11:55Nana's father.
11:57Her fiancé got rather upset because her father
11:59didn't really think he was much good
12:01at making fireworks.
12:03So she asked her relative, the Hemulen,
12:05for help because he makes great fireworks.
12:07Yes, and now they've got a problem
12:09because her father's been taken ill
12:11and there's no one to make the fireworks for Midsummer.
12:13So Nana came here to get him.
12:15Yes, and she was tired
12:17because she'd been trying to make the fireworks herself.
12:19Poor thing.
12:21Lucky she stumbled over me.
12:39Hey, mailman.
12:41You mean my letter hasn't arrived
12:43for me today either?
12:47Are you quite sure?
12:51It could be at the bottom of your bag.
12:53No, it couldn't.
12:55Well, you never know.
12:57It might have got stuck to another letter,
12:59maybe with chewing gum.
13:01Could you please remind me what you found
13:03at it, Mr. Hemulen?
13:05Nothing, it hadn't arrived.
13:07Maybe it has arrived today.
13:09Okay, I give up.
13:11You know, perhaps it would be simpler
13:13if I got you a job sorting the mail.
13:19Hey, mail sorters,
13:21don't drop letters.
13:25Well, are you satisfied now?
13:27Twenty-five years
13:29in this job and I haven't mislaid
13:31a single letter.
13:33I know, I'm sorry.
13:35It's just that this was such an important letter.
13:37Don't tell me it's from a young lady.
13:41Oh, Mr. Hemulen.
13:45This is your letter.
13:49From the Hemulen Federation
13:51of Botanists, a seed catalog, no doubt.
13:53But why didn't you
13:55say you had the letter?
13:59Because you doubted my word as a mailman
14:01and if you doubt me, you pay for it.
14:15I did it! I did it!
14:17Oh, boy, I did it!
14:19I did it! I did it! Oh, I really did!
14:21Well done!
14:23Congratulations, Mr. Hemulen.
14:25Thank you!
14:29What is it you've done?
14:31I've found a whole new species!
14:33Is that so?
14:35It's a totally new plant
14:37and now the Federation of Botanists
14:39says so in writing!
14:41I've done it! I've been famous!
14:43Glad to be of service, Mr. Hemulen.
14:45Hello, there.
14:47Where are you going?
14:49We're going to see the Hemulen.
14:51Do you know if he's in?
14:53Oh, he's in, all right,
14:55unless he's floated off in a cloud.
14:57I'm a genius!
14:59Oh, hello, friends.
15:01Have you come to congratulate me?
15:03What for?
15:05Oh, this is very kind of you,
15:07I must say.
15:09Well, I've got to go.
15:13Mr. Hemulen, do you know a young man
15:15who makes fireworks?
15:17Young man?
15:19Oh, perhaps. Why do you ask?
15:21Because his fiancée has come
15:23all the way to Moominvalley to see him.
15:25Do you know where he is?
15:27Because she's longing to know.
15:29His fiancée?
15:31Do you mean that sick girl
15:33you took me to see yesterday at Moominhouse?
15:37She finally woke up and told us
15:39the whole story, Mr. Hemulen.
15:41I found that out. What a relief.
15:45He's in the cave down on the beach
15:47working hard on midsummer fireworks.
15:49He's working in the cave?
15:51He did ask me not to tell anyone else,
15:53but I suppose it's all right to tell you now.
15:55We saw a beautiful fireworks display
15:57on the beach last night.
15:59You did? Good.
16:01I guess that means he must be ready by now.
16:03We'll go down and see him right away
16:05and tell him that Nana is here in Moominvalley.
16:07Yes, that's a good idea.
16:09I'm sure they'll be very happy
16:11to be reunited at last.
16:13Goodbye, Mr. Hemulen.
16:15Thanks for the information.
16:17Uh, wait.
16:21Perhaps you would be good enough
16:23to tell him that I am now
16:25the officially recognized discoverer
16:27of a new type of orchid.
16:29Hey, that's great news.
16:31Congratulations, Mr. Hemulen.
16:35Well, thank you very much, all of you.
16:37Yes, it is, you know,
16:39somewhat of a feather in my cap.
16:41See you later.
16:49Do you think he's really in there?
16:51We'd better shout,
16:53Hey in there!
16:55Hey in there!
16:57I don't think he's there.
16:59Let's go see.
17:01Huh? Scared?
17:03Of course not.
17:05Come on, let's go.
17:07Hey in there!
17:09Hey in there!
17:11Hey in there!
17:13Hey in there!
17:15Hey in there!
17:21You Nana's fiancé?
17:25Yes, I am.
17:27But who are you, and how do you know Nana?
17:35She's in here.
17:37Thank you.
17:47Oh, it's you!
17:51I'd better be on my way now,
17:55Urgent business to attend to.
17:57Well, I want to see now
17:59if I can find another new species.
18:01You never know.
18:03The next time I might even be made an honorary fellow.
18:05So you see, there's no time to lose.
18:07Mr. Hemulen,
18:09we'd like to have a party
18:11in honor of your first plant.
18:13Oh, thank you very much.
18:15Just wait until you see
18:17how much I've improved, Nana.
18:19Now I understand what your father means
18:21by good fireworks.
18:23My uncle the Hemulen makes beautiful ones.
18:25And while I've been here in Moominvalley,
18:27he's taught me everything he knows.
18:29I can see now that fireworks
18:31aren't just lots of colors and big bangs.
18:33They must come together
18:35to make a whole.
18:37I'm very proud of you.
18:39I have made some really good ones at last,
18:41and I tested them for the first time last night.
18:43I think they look wonderful.
18:45I know.
18:47Somebody else was watching them, too.
18:57And so they both prepared
18:59to leave Moominvalley for their own home.
19:01But first, they decided
19:03they would give one last show of fireworks.
19:05And that was for the party
19:07Moominpapa held in honor of the Hemulen.
19:11Dear friends, we are deeply honored
19:13to have among us here
19:15this beautiful knight in Moominvalley,
19:17Mr. Hemulen.
19:19He is the discoverer
19:21of a new type of orchid,
19:23soon to be named Hemulensis or Hemuliformis
19:25after him.
19:27But this famed botanist will be able to tell you
19:29more about it himself,
19:31since he has promised that he will now describe
19:33the new orchid for us.
19:35So, Mr. Hemulen, if you'd be so kind.
19:37Ah, where to begin?
19:39Now, the orchid has no fewer than 16 pistols.
19:41It has a lovely...
19:53It looks like that!
19:55That's exactly what it looks like!
20:26The party for the Hemulen
20:28lasted long, long into the night.
