Hollyoaks 12th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 12th July 2024
00:00It's almost locked the door.
00:06You two are out of line.
00:07This, this is out of line.
00:09You're famous.
00:10Get your grabby little mitts off my husband.
00:30Get your grabby mitts off my husband.
00:58Get your grabby mitts off my husband.
00:59Greg, you saved my life.
01:00Yeah, well, I do wish you could say it was a pleasure but quite frankly, what I'm going
01:01to do right now is give you a slap.
01:02Now come on, he needs to focus on getting out of here.
01:06Warren's not going to stop.
01:10He thinks I'm shy.
01:13He thinks I'm Blue?
01:14Blue's here.
01:15We need to get out of here.
01:17What about Lexie?
01:18I've got to pick her up from school.
01:20Warren will go for her.
01:21They'll get to me.
01:22Will you chill out about Warren, all right?
01:23I've sorted it.
01:24And you're welcome, by the way.
01:25Now we need to get you and Lexie out of the country.
01:27Now, move!
01:28I need to take Minnie to school.
01:34Just give me five minutes, that's all I ask.
01:37She's in her room, she'll hear you.
01:38Okay, and I'll keep my voice down, I promise.
01:41Let's just sit down and have a nice chat, nothing heavy.
01:46Look, Patrick was cruel and abusive, you know that better than anyone.
01:52I see the fear in your eyes every time you look at me.
01:56And I understand it must feel like he's back from the dead, but he's not.
02:00Jeremy, I'm asking you politely to leave.
02:08You say you're nothing like your brother, yet you barge into my home, you trample all
02:17over my boundaries and you don't take no for an answer, even when you can see that I'm
02:23How much more like Patrick could you be?
02:36How many times?
02:37My girlfriend is about to give birth.
02:39Look, you need to send a midwife.
02:42We are in the cafe next to the hospital.
02:45What part of locked in don't you understand?
02:46They would even lock us in here anyway.
02:48Look, you need to get someone over here, ASAP.
02:51This better not be that blunt.
02:53I've already told you.
02:54I've got someone out there looking for him as we speak.
02:56Oh, do you even know what you're looking for?
02:58Because yesterday you fought with Freddy Roscoe.
03:00Well, you really want to talk about this now?
03:02Oh, this is probably a silly question, but have you ever delivered a baby before?
03:09Look here, don't panic.
03:11Look, the nurse on the phone...
03:13Oh, I don't care what the nurse said, Warren!
03:16I'm telling you, these babies are coming now!
03:21All right, all right.
03:22Just breathe.
03:26Steve, open this door!
03:30Let me out!
03:31I swear if you don't let me out!
03:44Where's Freddy?
03:46Not dead in the tub, that's for sure.
03:48You had one job.
03:50Guard the door!
03:51You're the one that's just got yourself locked in a bathroom.
03:55And forgive me for not expecting a bang to the head of Grace Black.
04:01I wish I'd never laid eyes on you.
04:03What, on a second date, then?
04:05I don't belong in this world.
04:07I should be at home right now.
04:10Eating James's lasagne, nagging my kids to clean the room.
04:13I just want my life back.
04:14You've got one last chance to redeem yourself.
04:16It's time that Freddy Roscoe met with a nasty accident
04:19and you're gonna make it happen.
04:44That's them.
04:45They're the rogue traders.
04:47That makes us sound pretty cool, actually.
04:48There's nothing cool about crime.
04:50These two have been buying cheap cans of pop
04:51and marking them up to whatever they like.
04:53It's daylight robbery.
04:54They're taking all my business.
04:56Are you having a mid-life crisis, mate?
04:58I'm 24, thank you very much.
05:00Tom, you said this was an emergency.
05:02I am pregnant and dying in this heat.
05:04Actually, give me one of those cans.
05:08You do realise that buying those cans from your grandmother,
05:11I really do not want to have to bring this to the attention of the council.
05:16Sorry, boys. On your way.
05:19We're not hurting him.
05:20We're trying to get a bit of cash for our holiday
05:21and he's only salty because he fell in the paddling pool.
05:23Come on, Zoe, please.
05:24Be cool.
05:25We'll take our business somewhere else.
05:28Look, I'm sorry.
05:29My hands are tied.
05:31I'm shutting you down.
05:35I'm sorry.
05:37I don't know how excited you were for Cornwall
05:38and I guess it's just regular part-time jobs for us now.
05:42This is all Tom's fault.
05:45If he wants a war,
05:46he can have one.
05:53Don't make a mess.
05:54Libby and Sienna are selling the lot,
05:55but I promised they'd keep it tidy.
05:59I see.
06:00Oh, you couldn't get this off quick enough.
06:02What was I supposed to do?
06:03You made it pretty clear where I stood.
06:06So, are you going to tell me how your shore shanked your way out?
06:09Yeah, it was...
06:13Freddie, I have...
06:14a terminal illness.
06:17At least that's what the doctor said.
06:18It's amazing what you can do with a bribe
06:19and a bit of paperwork.
06:20You have got to be kidding me.
06:21Grace, I begged you to keep your head down and do your time.
06:23I'm not going to get you out of prison.
06:25They're going to put you away for years.
06:26Why do you care?
06:27You can wait to see me behind bars again.
06:30I didn't want our marriage to start on a jailbreak.
06:32I wanted a normal life.
06:33Yeah, and I wanted a husband who had my back.
06:41Sooner or later,
06:43Soon as I get you and Lexi out of here,
06:45the sooner I don't have to look at your face anymore.
06:48So, why'd you help me then?
06:51I was going to die if it wasn't for you.
06:53I was thinking about all the things I was going to miss out on.
06:56Like watching Lexi grow up.
06:57Opening my own tattoo studio.
07:00Kissing you again.
07:03I do love a good romance.
07:06It's a shame the best ones end in tragedy.
07:12I am not middle-aged.
07:17Sorry to disturb, Patrick.
07:19Mr Blake.
07:22Perri, my ex-girlfriend,
07:23she just sent me this really stupid video.
07:28You know, first Dylan and Lucas threatened my business.
07:31And then they make a show of me and let out a lie.
07:33So what?
07:34I care about trading standards, eh?
07:35Does that really make me middle-aged?
07:38I'm not middle-aged.
07:39I don't think so, no.
07:41I mean, does this face make me Patrick Blake?
07:46People get hung up on appearances,
07:48but as the saying goes,
07:49never judge a nana by its peel.
07:52Maybe these guys would hassle you less
07:54if they knew the real you.
07:57No, you're right.
07:59Thank you, Mr Blake.
08:00I will show them.
08:02At least Tom likes you.
08:05I'm so sorry about barging in earlier.
08:07It's just...
08:09Well, Sienna, Dillian and Minnie
08:11are about the only family I have.
08:13And I was so determined to cling on to them,
08:16Well, I didn't stop to consider
08:18how that might impact you.
08:21Well, thank you.
08:24I'm sorry.
08:26I'm sorry.
08:28I'm sorry.
08:30I'm sorry.
08:31Thank you
08:32for apologising.
08:38In a way, I'm lucky.
08:40I escaped Patrick when I was 19.
08:43I remember once
08:45I won a goldfish at a fair
08:48and he was so jealous
08:49he poured bleach into the bowl.
08:51Sounds just like something Patrick would do.
08:53And I did manage to save the fish,
08:55but of course he didn't apologise.
08:58And from that moment on
08:59I promised myself
09:01I would never turn out like my brother.
09:04Well, you know what they say.
09:06Never judge a nana by its peel.
09:10my friend Scott's still missing,
09:12so I need to get home
09:13in case he comes back.
09:14Oh, well,
09:15I hope he turns up soon.
09:17if you
09:18ever fancy
09:19a chinwain,
09:20stop by the allotment.
09:21Have some very nice
09:23gooseberry wine.
09:25Wow, OK.
09:26Patrick would have never said that.
09:29Maybe you are different.
09:30Oh, I definitely am.
09:32I'm far more handsome.
09:35See you soon.
09:44OK, I'll just check.
09:46The nurse needs to know
09:47are you in a comfortable position?
09:49Oh, what do you think?
09:50This is your fault
09:51we locked her in here
09:52because of you!
09:54Yeah, she's absolutely fine.
09:55Just get someone
09:56to open that door, will you?
09:57Yeah, don't worry,
09:58that's just the pain talking.
10:01I've got a thick skin.
10:02You've got verbal diarrhoea.
10:03OK, so what do we do now?
10:06I'm going to have to...
10:07OK, yeah,
10:09I can do that.
10:10OK, OK.
10:12you are going to push
10:13as hard as you can, OK?
10:15You've got this.
10:16Keep pushing.
10:17Keep pushing, nurse.
10:18I can see the baby's head.
10:19Keep pushing,
10:20keep pushing.
10:21You've got this,
10:22you've got this.
10:24Oh, nurse.
10:26Our beautiful little girl.
10:27Oh, my God,
10:28she's so beautiful.
10:34OK, OK.
10:36Look, look.
10:38The other twin is coming.
10:40It's not mine,
10:41it's my mate Felix's,
10:42but the other twin is...
10:43It's a long story.
10:44OK, OK.
10:45Look, nurse.
10:46You've got to push again, OK?
10:47You've got this.
10:48I believe in you, OK?
10:50I can see the head.
10:51Keep pushing.
10:52Keep pushing.
11:01Why isn't she crying?
11:04She's still breathing,
11:05but only just.
11:07Look, the cord's
11:08wrapped around the baby.
11:11Listen to me.
11:12The cord is wrapped
11:13around the baby.
11:15You need to get here
11:16as soon as possible.
11:17Please, please,
11:18hurry up.
11:24Look, the door's locked.
11:25You need to open the door.
11:26Hurry up.
11:28My name's Millie.
11:29Mum, she's over here.
11:32The cord,
11:33it got wrapped around her neck.
11:35I got it off,
11:36but you need to help her.
11:37We're going to get you
11:38checked out, OK?
11:40Is she OK?
11:41She's breathing,
11:42but we need to check her over
11:44Let's get them to hospital.
11:51Let's get them to hospital.
11:52I'm so scared,
11:53my little girl.
11:54Don't worry.
11:55Everything's going to be all right.
11:56I promise you.
11:57I'm going to look after her.
11:58I love you, OK?
11:59I love you.
12:00Let's get you,
12:01Mum and the babies
12:02to hospital.
12:08Hey, Max,
12:09can I, um...
12:10Can I talk to you
12:11about Jeremy?
12:12Look, I've...
12:13Jeremy and I
12:14have kind of cleared the air
12:15and you know what?
12:17He does seem
12:18like a nice guy.
12:22Must be an explanation
12:23for that blood.
12:26I just...
12:27I found one of Jeremy's shards
12:28and there was
12:29a blood stain on it.
12:31things that went
12:32through my brain,
12:33I have watched
12:34way too many horror films.
12:36have a good day.
12:37You too.
12:39Hey, Maxine,
12:40can you remind Scott
12:41to buy some Factor 50, please?
12:42The minute we touch
12:43Spanish soil,
12:44I'm going to live
12:45by the pool.
12:46Scott didn't come home
12:47last night.
12:48When's the last time
12:49you two were having
12:50a blazing row
12:51with that Jeremy bloke?
12:52About what?
12:53About you.
12:54After you left,
12:55they were probably
12:56having a go at each other.
12:57I mean, Scott was tearing
12:58into him over
12:59making you uncomfortable
13:00and Jeremy
13:01didn't like that one bit.
13:02I wonder if he's got Scott
13:03locked up in that shed
13:04on the allotment of his...
13:05No way.
13:06The guy's a gardener.
13:07He's way too boring
13:08to be a kidnapper.
13:09Can't be so sure.
13:10I mean, you know,
13:11Patrick Blake's brother
13:12and all.
13:13Evil's in his DNA.
13:14This is ridiculous,
13:15all right?
13:16My dad used to talk
13:17about blow all the time.
13:18He's some kind of legend.
13:19Does that look
13:20like a legend to you?
13:21It's all up to me, love.
13:22Warren wants the man
13:23who shot him
13:24and as Warren did steal
13:25Fraser's stash off you,
13:26he gives your beloved husband
13:27the perfect motive.
13:29what's happened to you?
13:31just walk away.
13:32Warren will kill me.
13:33So I don't have a choice.
13:34That's right,
13:35you don't.
13:37he said not
13:38to leave a mark on you
13:39but maybe you slipped
13:40off the boat,
13:41hit your head,
13:42had a freak accident.
13:45I don't know.
13:46Freak accident.
13:47Well, uh,
13:48that'd be two freak accidents
13:49then, wouldn't it?
13:51what are you doing?
13:53are you just going to stand there
13:54and watch a new bestie do this?
13:55I was going to do more
13:56than just watch.
14:03remember your kids.
14:05Do it.
14:10can I borrow a tenner?
14:12me and Faye want to get
14:13ice vanilla mochas.
14:14Aren't you supposed
14:15to be in prison?
14:16And shouldn't you be in jail?
14:19good behaviour.
14:20You should try it sometime.
14:22we're going to let you get on.
14:25Not in front of my kid.
14:33I think something bad's happened.
14:34Please tell me this isn't
14:35about soft drinks.
14:37Never mind.
14:38No, it's Scott.
14:39He's missing.
14:40Okay, slow down.
14:41How long's he been missing for?
14:42A day.
14:44so are you sure he's missing?
14:45I mean,
14:46we've all had a big night out
14:47and stayed with friends.
14:49but he and Freya
14:50are starting a brand new life
14:51in Spain tomorrow
14:52so why would he randomly
14:53go on a bender
14:54and not tell anybody about it?
14:55I really feel
14:56like something's wrong
14:57and you need to talk
14:58to Jeremy Blake.
15:00The nice man
15:01with the allotment?
15:03Leah Barnes heard them
15:04having a blazing row
15:05in the village.
15:06Scott was warning Jeremy
15:07to stay away from me.
15:09Because he's being protective.
15:11He knows how weird
15:12it is for me
15:13to have Patrick's twin
15:14in the village
15:15and Dilly found Jeremy's shirt
15:16and it was covered in blood.
15:17Let's not jump
15:18to any conclusions.
15:19You know,
15:20Jeremy's a lovely man.
15:21He's been in the shop
15:22a few times.
15:23He even offered me
15:24some gooseberry wine.
15:26he had me fooled too.
15:27Just like Patrick did.
15:28He was all polite
15:29and friendly
15:30but it's a lie
15:31until he gets what he wants.
15:32Okay, Maxine,
15:33are we talking about
15:34Jeremy or Patrick?
15:36Listen to me.
15:37Whatever has happened
15:38to Scott,
15:39Jeremy Blake
15:40has got something
15:41to do with it.
15:44But you're gonna need
15:45a lot more evidence.
15:50get turned down
15:51for a job collecting glasses.
15:52That's seriously a new low.
15:53Was it me
15:54or was Tony just a bit
15:56Like he was too good
15:57to hire us
15:58in his precious pub.
15:59We need that chip
16:00on your shoulder
16:01surgically removed.
16:02It's his loss anyway.
16:03I'm sure there's loads of places
16:04in the village
16:05crying out to hire
16:06the likes of us.
16:07I wouldn't be so sure.
16:08Do you value the chance?
16:11How do you like that, eh?
16:12Does that look like
16:13something somebody
16:14middle-aged would do?
16:17Well, at least I can
16:18afford to go on
16:19a summer holiday.
16:20You know,
16:21when the world finds out
16:22that you've been trading
16:23without a licence,
16:24you'll never work
16:25in this village again.
16:32I think we've lost him
16:33for now.
16:34Hey, listen,
16:35you can take us home
16:36if you want.
16:38you can take a breather
16:39when you and Lexie
16:40are on your way
16:41to Timbuktu.
16:42Come with me.
16:45Come with me
16:46to South Africa.
16:47My mum's still there.
16:48She can help
16:49us start a new life.
16:51me and Lexie.
16:52When the dust settles,
16:53we'll come back,
16:54get Curtis out of care.
16:55We'll be a proper family.
16:57I want to trust you,
16:58I really do.
16:59But we started
17:00this marriage,
17:01what if you leave me?
17:03And we're still married.
17:05And I'll never leave you again.
17:07If you want,
17:09we could be
17:11running from
17:12and it's out of love.
17:14You'd better not.
17:16Right, come on,
17:17let's get you hid.
17:18I can't.
17:20I've got to get Lexie's
17:21replacement unicorn
17:22from Nancy and Darren's.
17:23Are you for real?
17:25Or I can get her
17:26a million cuddly toys
17:27once you're safe.
17:28Not like Tallulah.
17:29It was her mum,
17:30she loves it.
17:31If it matters to her,
17:32it matters to me.
17:34That's really sweet.
17:35I mean,
17:36it's killed,
17:37but it's sweet.
17:38Fine, alright.
17:39I will get the kid,
17:40you get the unicorn.
17:41Words I never thought
17:42I'd hear myself say.
17:43And I'll meet you back
17:44in here in half an hour.
17:45I love you.
17:46I love you too.
17:47Now go!
18:06I love you too.
18:45Been for a little while.
18:47Please tell me she's okay.
18:52The doctor's removed the cord,
18:53no problem.
18:55She's breathing fine now.
18:59She just got a little bit
19:00tangled up on the way out.
19:02It's definitely Felix's kid.
19:03I was so scared
19:04I was going to lose her.
19:06Me too.
19:11I know that Felix isn't here,
19:16but this little girl
19:18will always have a dad.
19:20And I will do
19:23for both of them,
19:24I promise.
19:27Well, no more blue
19:28or anyone like him
19:29in our lives then, yeah?
19:30I promised you, didn't I?
19:34Well, that's before
19:35we got locked in a cafe
19:36and I know what you're like.
19:42these girls deserve you
19:44to be the best dad
19:45that you can be, yeah?
19:49shh, shh, shh,
19:51There you go.
20:06was ripped away from me
20:09before I ever got the chance
20:10to really get to know her.
20:13And I wasn't very nice to her
20:14and I will never
20:15forgive myself for that.
20:20When Sophie and Sebastian were born,
20:23me and Sienna,
20:25we were constantly at war
20:26with each other.
20:29But this time,
20:33this time I get to do it right.
20:37And I promise you
20:39I am not going to let you
20:42or those girls down.
20:43Do you hear me?
20:49But it is hard work
20:51popping out a couple of twins,
20:54go on,
20:55do honours.
20:57Let mummy have her rest.
20:58Yeah, of course.
21:19Cough, cough.
21:29you two having a little moment?
21:32Hello, sweetheart.
21:34Look who I got.
21:35You brought Talula?
21:38You, me and his dad
21:39are going on an adventure
21:40and no adventure
21:41is complete without a unicorn.
21:43We're going to go and live
21:44with your gran in South Africa.
21:46Who knows,
21:47your Uncle Robin might stop by
21:48and say hello.
21:49Would you like that?
21:50What if you have to go back to prison?
21:53I won't.
21:55I promise.
21:56Cross my heart.
21:59Are you ready to go on an adventure?
22:00Can I get to the loo first?
22:02Of course you can.
22:03Just be quick like a bunny.
22:05Come on.
22:08Look at the state of you.
22:09Clearly I'm going to be the one driving.
22:11Freddie, we've got to go.
22:55Don't worry.
22:57We'll get there.
22:59The D Valley Degenerates are good.
23:00It's cool.