Hollyoaks 19th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 19th July 2024
00:00What do you know about binding?
00:01All this gender stuff is a minefield, and I feel useless.
00:04And worse than that, I'm confused.
00:06I'm getting information coming from the telly, from the internet, from friends,
00:10and I don't know what to say.
00:11You don't have the answers, because none of us do.
00:13Do you have any idea how much I love you?
00:15Well, you did buy me a house and a business.
00:18She said them two weren't together.
00:20Yeah, well, she was clearly lying, wasn't she?
00:22Do you really think I'd forget you walking away and leaving me?
00:24I hate you, and I just want you to die!
00:26Frankie, stop that right now!
01:10♪ I've got to get through this
01:12♪ I've got to get through this
01:14♪ I've got to make...
01:15Major morning coffee?
01:18Is that to make up for what you said to JJ?
01:21Look, it's not acceptable, Frankie, OK?
01:24And there's going to be consequences.
01:34Hey! Happy birthday!
01:36Oh, God, I'm sorry.
01:38What's wrong with Mum?
01:51She's definitely back with Warren.
01:54And we need to find out the truth before Prince gets home.
02:03You wished your brother dead, Frankie.
02:05Obviously. I didn't mean it.
02:07Yeah, but you understand how I'm now questioning
02:09whether you deliberately left him when he was ill.
02:11Yeah, and I told you I didn't.
02:14Look, JJ worships you.
02:15He's always in your corner.
02:17I mean, don't forget, you know, he saved your life when you were choking.
02:21Look, the bottom line is,
02:23these incidents of bad behaviour keep on happening.
02:26Yes, incidents.
02:28And after JJ sees you, he needs harmony here, OK?
02:32Not to mention the fact my brother's in a coma,
02:34and Lexi's staying here.
02:35So what?
02:36You think she's not safe with me or something?
02:38I can't trust you.
02:39Hannah's down in London,
02:41and summer holidays start tomorrow.
02:43I want you away from Lexi,
02:45and I want you away from JJ.
02:47I'm sorry.
02:57Wild how many nappies these babies get through.
03:01You know, maybe Amos isn't romantically involved with Warren.
03:04Maybe he's just being paranoid,
03:06or we've been watching him like a hawk,
03:07or maybe he just loves his babies.
03:08Theresa, we both know that there's something going on.
03:12I'm off to work.
03:15Oh, hey, where you going?
03:18Me and these little divas are going out for a walk.
03:20Get some fresh air.
03:21Oh, I'll come with you.
03:22Yeah, I'd love to spend some time with you and the girls
03:23before Kathleen Angel's off for summer.
03:25I'd rather it just be us.
03:26Why's that then?
03:27Well, I'm wiped out.
03:29I'm barely getting any sleep,
03:30and it's absolute chaos here.
03:32Come on, you get it, don't you?
03:34Yeah, have fun.
03:36In a bit.
03:37Well, the good news is you can take it easy.
03:39It ain't your birthday, kid's last day of school.
03:42You get your relaxation in while you can.
03:44So you're not tipping me off for a nice bottomless brunch
03:46or anything like that?
03:47Well, maybe we should save the sparkles
03:49until a little bit later, yeah?
03:50Because I've got a little surprise for you,
03:52but you just have to wait.
03:55Hey, why don't you have a go at it?
03:57I'm not going to.
03:58I'm not going to.
03:58I'm not going to.
03:59I'm not going to.
04:00I'm not going to.
04:00I'm not going to.
04:01I'm not going to.
04:01I'm not going to.
04:02I'm not going to.
04:02I'm not going to.
04:03I'm not going to.
04:03I'm not going to.
04:04I'm not going to.
04:06First call?
04:07Brother and sister left ages ago.
04:09And what's the matter?
04:10You pulled a muscle?
04:11No, I'm just shouting something out.
04:14Um, happy birthday, Mum.
04:15Oh, thanks, love.
04:18Oh, sweethearts.
04:19Well, that is much nicer than the cheap tassel
04:21our Aunt Daisy got me.
04:23Nothing got both of us all together.
04:24Yeah, I don't know what's the matter with him lately.
04:26I think he must be missing Kitty.
04:28Anyway, what about your mum's other present?
04:30There isn't another present, remember?
04:32Oh, Charmin?
04:33Oh, yeah, my mistake.
04:35Right, I better get to work.
04:35See you in a bit.
04:36See you later.
04:38Come on, then.
04:39Give me a nice big birthday cuddle.
04:42Well, you can't actually hug me back, you know.
04:45So long.
04:46No, I just really need to go.
04:54And you can hear them from your place?
04:56Yes, it is the middle of summer.
04:59I either have to sleep with the windows closed
05:00and burn alive
05:01or have them open and be kept awake all night
05:03by screaming babies.
05:05Well, they are my queens.
05:06I can't warrant having them for a few nights awake.
05:09And what is happening between him and Mercedes now, anyway?
05:12That's a very good question.
05:14See you.
05:18Are you not supposed to be on bed rest?
05:20Was Darren having a proper go at you this morning?
05:22I heard voices in my room.
05:23No, he was just having a chat, that's all.
05:26I told you everyone would think you're out of hand
05:27if you play up.
05:30Well, yeah, you're right.
05:32You just need to learn to chill out a bit
05:34and eventually we all can just move forward.
05:37Well, actually, there's no eventually about it
05:40because I'm being sent to London to stay with Hannah.
05:43Yeah, soon as the summer holiday starts, I'm gone
05:46and we won't be under the same roof anymore.
05:48But I'm your brother.
05:49You need me.
05:51I'm the only one who understands you.
05:52Right, well, it's really not that deep
05:54because I would have been going down there
05:55for dance school in September anyway
05:57and you, well, you'll be playing for United soon enough.
06:01So we may as well get used to not living with each other.
06:04But there are no doubts.
06:10You don't need to worry.
06:12I'm telling you, you've got it wrong, Mum.
06:14It's definitely Freddie Roscoe.
06:17I'll call you back later.
06:19There you go.
06:20One for you, boss.
06:21What's your mum saying?
06:23She reckons we've not managed to solve our little blue problem.
06:26She's on about the blue coins
06:27she found in the loft the other day.
06:29It's probably one of Freddie's minions messing me up.
06:32Hey, there's my little girls.
06:36Who are you?
06:38Rex, I'm Warren.
06:39Head of security.
06:39Been talking about Freddie, have you?
06:42You know, what a shame, him slipping into a coma like that.
06:45Poor bloke.
06:46I heard.
06:48See, I've got nothing to worry about, have I?
06:50Well, you don't think it was anything to do with me, do you?
06:52Apparently, it happened while you were having the babies.
06:55I was with you.
06:56I'll leave you to your family time.
06:58Nice to meet you.
07:02I've been thinking about you.
07:04A lot.
07:05I just wish we could be together
07:07so I could help you with these two.
07:08I slept a total of two hours last night.
07:10I feel like rubbish.
07:12Come here.
07:14My tea's watching.
07:18You do believe me about Freddie, don't you?
07:23Watch your feet.
07:23I'm not great with this thing.
07:32Yep, nice work, Arlo.
07:35Sir, you can't allow that.
07:37You've been paying attention.
07:38I'm just trying to get to the end of this half day like the rest of you.
07:40Now, come on, play.
07:41What's the matter?
07:42Can't keep up with elite players?
07:43Yeah, well, I'll let you know when I see any.
07:46Oh, what's that?
07:48Get off me, will ya?
07:49What, is that tea?
07:51What's going on over there?
07:52That's what I want to know.
07:54It is nothing.
07:54It's just banter.
07:55Are we playing basketball or what?
07:57Come on.
07:58I need to have a loo.
08:05She's in a good mood.
08:06Yeah, because it's the last day of school.
08:08I know, well, maybe that smile can rub off on this one.
08:11She's missing her daddy, aren't you, honey bunny?
08:15Well, at least you don't have school anymore.
08:18I guess.
08:19Hey, we can have the best summer holiday ever,
08:21starting with this cinema tonight.
08:23Would you like that?
08:24It'd be good, yeah?
08:25It's a good idea.
08:26It'd be good, yeah?
08:28I tell you what, go and watch TV with JJ,
08:30and then we can go in a bit then, all right?
08:36Lex, your dad would want you to be excited for the summer.
08:40Do you need a hug or something?
08:41Listen, thank you for being so understanding about moving to Henness.
08:44Come on.
08:45Come and sit here with me.
08:47No, no, I just want JJ's recovery to go as smooth as possible.
08:50Good girl.
08:51We don't care about you, you know that, don't you?
08:53I can't leave.
08:54I'm not going, and you can't make me.
08:57Keep your stillness, make the hit!
09:11Why did Arlo say you were kicking off about some tape?
09:16No idea.
09:17You know I can tell when you're lying.
09:23I was binding.
09:25Is it dangerous?
09:26It can be, if you don't do it right.
09:29It was my first time, so I messed it up a bit.
09:32I just felt like I had to do something.
09:36You know, while our bodies are changing.
09:39You won't tell mum and dad, right?
09:41Why would I talk to mum and dad about puberty?
09:43Don't. Dad would probably use food metaphors or something.
09:46He won't even be getting.
09:48What are you guys chatting about?
09:52Er, basketball.
09:53Rue needs a new one.
09:54Oh yeah? What happened to your old one?
09:56Oh, it got punctured.
09:57Do you think I can get it replaced?
09:59You hear this, Di?
10:00Our son's going through basketballs like they're going out of fashion.
10:02Oh, and you need to take better care of them.
10:05Actually, I meant your other son.
10:11Listen, boys, can you come down to the pub with me?
10:13I need your help with something.
10:23I don't want to go.
10:24Sorry, it's not about what you want.
10:25Is it?
10:28Will you just stop?
10:29What is going on, Frankie?
10:31You were good to go this morning, weren't you?
10:33Oh, here we go.
10:33Well, Hannah's not returning any of my calls.
10:35As if leaving without saying goodbye was enough of a slap in the face.
10:40Frankie's refusing to go.
10:45So I'm trying to work out, isn't it?
10:46But sweetheart, I thought you wanted to stay with your sister.
10:50But this is such an overreaction.
10:54More than wishing JJ dead?
10:56I thought you'd love to get away if you hate me that much.
10:59You love Hannah.
11:00But if she wanted visitors, she would have said that she was going.
11:03Maybe she just wants to be alone.
11:05Excuse me, this is about Lexi, remember?
11:08And Lexi is why I have to stay.
11:12She's already dealing with so much with her dad being in hospital.
11:16I just want to stay and keep her company during the school holidays.
11:20You hardly know her.
11:21Not yet, but she's my cousin.
11:24And I am not a threat to her.
11:28Look, I can admit why I said what I said, okay?
11:33I was jealous of all the fuss that JJ was getting.
11:37I just wanted some attention.
11:40And I know that you can't trust me, but could you at least forgive me?
11:47That's not me you're asking forgiveness from, is it?
11:54I'm sorry, JJ.
11:56And JJ, do you accept?
12:00So you don't want to leave?
12:03You want to stay here with me?
12:09Is asking you a question?
12:14Then I forgive you.
12:17Well, are you going to meet me, girl?
12:24Why aren't you with the little ones?
12:28Mercedes fobbed me off again.
12:29She doesn't want her family knowing that we're together.
12:33That can't be your suitcase.
12:34I know.
12:35I ordered a new one for my trip to Tuscany.
12:37And trust me, I did not choose this pattern.
12:39Since when were you going to Tuscany?
12:41Well, I'm meeting with some business associates there.
12:44And when I turn up with this, I will lose every ounce of credibility.
12:47They'll think I got lost on the way to Megalith.
12:51Those paintings have been moved.
12:54Those paintings have been switched.
12:58And that picture of Ella, it was definitely over there.
13:02I know it was over there because the light was shining on it.
13:05Are you sure?
13:05Yes, I'm positive.
13:08Someone is messing with us.
13:10No, that was Freddy.
13:12I've dealt with Freddy.
13:14Someone has been in here.
13:15Okay, okay, I'll look into it.
13:17Although there was no sign of forced entry when I got home.
13:22Warren, Warren, look at me.
13:24Are you okay?
13:27Okay, I just wish I was with my kids, that's all.
13:30Do you know all the stress over Blue and the babies
13:34and sneaking around with Mercedes?
13:36It's just wearing you out.
13:40You know, I suggest you find a way to get her family off her back
13:43and then spend some time with your children.
13:54Hey, those grapes are for your mum's birthday.
13:56Leave them alone.
13:56If you ask me, you teachers get way too much holiday.
13:59Are you going to stand for this, Bo?
14:01That's an interesting point.
14:03He's been acting weird for weeks.
14:04You've got to begin, Lou.
14:06Hey, Tony invited me, just like he did you.
14:08I'm sure you two can play nicely.
14:12Okay, everyone, she's coming.
14:13Kids, get ready.
14:22Oh, so this is it, your big surprise to make everything better?
14:27Four to five people getting a freebie and a few poxy nibbles.
14:31I'm sorry, everyone, but I'm not exactly in the party mood.
14:33But I do, however, need to get another little drink.
14:37Hey, I think we've had enough already.
14:39Oh, shut up, Tony.
14:41It's my birthday.
14:42It wasn't your birthday last night or the night before or the night before that.
14:46Well, can you remember the last day you didn't want some wine?
14:48What, is this a party or an intervention?
14:52You know, in case you hadn't noticed, we've got a lot going on.
14:58And as much as you like to say, it'll be okay, Diane.
15:02Oh, everything's going to work itself out, Diane, it's not.
15:07What's going to work itself out?
15:08Oh, you know.
15:10You know, this whole situation.
15:13I'm sorry, love, but I can't pretend this whole journey's been easy.
15:18And I just wanted today to be an escape.
15:23From me?
15:25No, I didn't say that, okay?
15:27Don't twist my word, you.
15:29Perhaps we should all go.
15:31No, no, it's fine.
15:32I'll go.
15:32I just...
15:35I want to show you this.
15:36It's a present Dad was on about earlier on.
15:38I've sent it to you.
15:40What is it?
15:42It's a personal message from the presenter of the show we watched together.
15:45I saved up and got it for you.
15:48Happy birthday.
16:06Come on, then.
16:06Now Dan's taking Lexi to the cinema.
16:09What was that drama about?
16:11I'm gonna go to my room.
16:14You wanted to move out?
16:16Why so desperate to hang out with Lexi now?
16:17Because of you!
16:24She's a child.
16:28How can you even begin to think that?
16:31I would never.
16:33So what?
16:34You're gonna watch it every minute of the day?
16:36Just because you've got some disgust and suspicion about me?
16:40You know Freddie's gonna be in the hospital for a while.
16:43Where are you going?
16:45I know what it's like to have a bad mum.
16:47But, you know, yours isn't that bad.
16:48I don't need your opinion, Ella.
16:50I'm just saying, you're too sensitive.
16:52Probably on your period.
16:54I'm just pointing out the obvious.
16:56You're still a girl and your mum knows it.
17:02Hey, Nancy.
17:03I'll be back at Diane's party in a bit.
17:05I just had to drop Hilton off at some sleepover.
17:08Plus, I need a break from Dave gawking at me across the bar.
17:11Gotta go.
17:13I didn't realise my gawking was so intense.
17:15It wasn't.
17:16You must've misheard me.
17:17I'm actually not bothered about you.
17:19At all.
17:20Well, I only left the party because of you.
17:22And if you're not bothered about me being there, maybe I'll go back.
17:25Makes no difference to me.
17:27Good to know.
17:33Hey, excuse me.
17:35Mr. Sir.
17:36You don't know me.
17:38But, erm, I saw you earlier with Warren Fox and my cousin Merce.
17:44I was sorting out some security issues at the loft.
17:47You know, they're just a great couple, aren't they?
17:50You know, Warren and Merce.
17:52Such a loved-up couple.
17:55What are you doing?
17:56Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on Mercedes?
17:58Are you spying on her or something?
18:02I'm impressed.
18:05John Paul, I got bored of just following her around,
18:07so I thought I'd ask this very handsome man what he knew.
18:10And as a matter of fact, I have it from a very good authority
18:13that they're not together anymore.
18:16Apparently, she hates him.
18:18Yeah, that's what I heard.
18:19So, you could probably stand out.
18:22She's a great girl, though.
18:24And, er, good looks obviously run in the family.
18:32Do you believe him?
18:36Oh, was it me, or is the air just literally pumped with sexual tension?
18:41He fancies me.
18:43Theresa, he's gay as a bag of rainbows.
18:45No, what?
18:47Next time we see him, whoever lands a date with him gets 50 quid.
18:55Yeah, I just got a message from Rex.
18:59So, Theresa believed what I asked him to tell her.
19:02That me and you are sworn enemies.
19:04Did you hear that, baby?
19:05Daddy is cleverer than he looks.
19:07Hey, do you reckon she's got my nose?
19:09Warren, she's a week old.
19:10Knows its size of a fingernail.
19:13So, darling, this is where I used to work with Daddy Felix.
19:19I mean, I was a much better mechanic than him because I used to bring in much more money.
19:23These girls are going to have an amazing childhood.
19:27Right, do you, er, do you think we should get Sophie and Sebastian out of here?
19:31What did you say?
19:33You called them Sophie and Sebastian.
19:36I did, didn't I?
19:38Do you know what? I'm just, must be totally knackered.
19:41Well, you look a bit frazzled.
19:43Yeah, well, it's just a busy time, that's all.
19:45But don't you worry about anything, okay?
20:05Didn't expect to see you here on your first night of freedom.
20:10The school holidays.
20:13Yeah, I don't know about freedom.
20:15I thought I was going to get it, but turns out I can't.
20:18I'm a complicated.
20:20Don't tell me.
20:22You had visions of being off, gallivanting in the sun for six weeks,
20:26but you're stuck with your family.
20:28Something like that.
20:32Has me Uncle Freddy made any more progress?
20:34Not really, I'm afraid.
20:37I'm so sorry.
20:38But for what it's worth, talking to coma patients has been known to help.
20:44I'll be on the ward if you need anything.
20:47Thank you.
21:04It's Frankie.
21:09I know you don't know me that well yet, but I really need you to wake up now, okay?
21:19Please, it's really important.
21:23They all think that I'm the one that would be a danger to Lexi,
21:26but it's not me they need to be scared of.
21:33JJ swears that he'd never do to her what he spent years doing to me.
21:38But what if he does?
21:46What if he touches her?
21:58Are you awake?
21:58Can you hear me?
22:35The party's, um, it's well and truly over, but you can join me for a drink if you want.
22:42I'm joking.
22:44You can go.
22:46Yeah, I should, um, probably...