Mama June - From Not to Hot S06 E26 Family Crisis- Forever, Anna (July 12, 2024)

  • 3 months ago


00:00The tumor tripled the size that they were.
00:02This is getting serious.
00:05Anna's health started to go downhill quickly,
00:08but she did finally tell us her custody wishes.
00:11I want Caitlin to go to Eldridge.
00:13You know, I want two people.
00:14That's why I want to put him first and then you.
00:17If Eldridge doesn't do what he does,
00:18mama's gonna step in.
00:20Hearing what Anna wanted,
00:22mama quickly got the custody papers drawn up.
00:25Her goal is to make sure Caitlin is secure.
00:27That's my main priority.
00:29With Anna getting worse,
00:31I decided to throw her a Christmas extravaganza
00:34while she was still able to enjoy it.
00:37I want the house to be lit up.
00:38Yard to be like winter wonderland grew up.
00:42But unfortunately, Anna had less time
00:45than any of us thought.
00:47We love you.
00:48I'm gonna have to cancel the Christmas party
00:49as much as I don't want to.
00:51She hasn't grown up.
00:52Anna, I finished my first semester of college.
00:55And we all came together to say our final goodbyes.
00:58Anna passed away.
01:00And I pulled myself together to keep going.
01:03I really wish she would've seen me graduate,
01:05but that'll be okay
01:06because she's gonna be watching over me.
01:09I feel like she won her battle
01:10because Anna's no longer suffering.
01:12Just know that she's up and at it.
01:32So, how's everybody holding up?
01:35A lot of people don't know this,
01:36but like Anna and Alana shared the same birthday
01:40and they're 11 years apart.
01:41So, Alana goes on without her sister that has the same birthday as her.
01:48Like, it's a lot, like, is there ever any normalcy?
01:54Life doesn't just, oh, it's peaches and rainbows,
01:58because it's definitely not.
01:59For Kylie and Kaitlyn, it's not fair.
02:02Like, it shouldn't be that way.
02:08Anna should be here raising them.
02:11Not us.
02:15Like, I have, like I said, I've lost my brother,
02:18I've lost a stepdad that was like a father figure to me,
02:21I lost Sugar Bear's parents that I took care of,
02:24and this, this don't even f***ing compare.
02:33It's a lot.
02:36It's a lot, like, you have a lot to think about, like,
02:39you know, you still have to get up every day and, like,
02:41put your baby girl panties on when you don't want to.
02:48But like I said, I wish no parent has to go through it.
02:51And if you have, I am so sorry.
02:54So sorry.
03:04Good morning, guys.
03:05Still not sleeping a full night's of sleep.
03:08But I just want to let y'all know that tomorrow,
03:11we are celebrating Anna's life.
03:13It's for y'all to say goodbye to her.
03:17And we're going to do it together,
03:19because Anna wouldn't want it any other way.
03:35Today is Anna's funeral, so we're going to respect Anna's wishes,
03:39and we're going to give her the full, like, funeral,
03:42and everybody can come in and see her in her casket,
03:45and then after, she will go and be cremated.
03:48And I'm not going to lie, I've really been dreading this day,
03:51because I did not think that I would be laying my sister to rest
03:54at, like, this young of an age.
03:56It was a very nice service.
03:58People showed up, fans showed up,
04:00and I think that we did the best that we could,
04:04getting the pictures of her and the girls
04:06and making that special for them, too.
04:09At first, it was very, like, surreal.
04:12Like, I think it really didn't hit me until her funeral,
04:15like, when we knew it was over and you're not going to see her again.
04:18That's when it sunk in.
04:20She's officially done.
04:24Grief has hit me, like, in different ways.
04:26There's days that I'll cheer up and stuff, you know,
04:29and then there's times that I'll go through videos in my phone
04:33of us sitting at my kitchen table
04:35and doing wedding arrangements and watching Anna smile.
04:40And it has been very hard without, like, hearing her voice.
04:52I would spend every last penny
04:56just to have her, like, back, like...
04:59I don't wish this on anybody, like...
05:38What are you doing?
05:40Somebody's got to do something around here.
05:42But anyway, I'm coming out here because, like,
05:44I have been concerned about a few issues.
05:46And what's that?
05:48I mean, one is Caitlin, OK?
05:50This child needs to be took care of.
05:52This child needs to be put in school.
05:54She has a disability in her life more than ever right now.
05:57And I don't have any paperwork. I can't even put her in school.
06:00I can't even take her to the damn doctor right now.
06:02Like, literally.
06:04Because Anna did not sign the paperwork.
06:08Unfortunately, guys, Anna never signed the paperwork.
06:11So Kylie has went to go live with her biological father, Michael.
06:15The deal with Caitlin is
06:17Anna wanted me and Eldridge to take care of Caitlin.
06:20So me and Eldridge sat down,
06:22and with Eldridge, like, working
06:24and his life being turned upside down,
06:26we came to the decision that Caitlin is better off right now
06:31with me and Justin.
06:33And that's why I need to go in here
06:36and call this attorney and actually hire her.
06:39I mean, I hate the fact that, yes, it's going to cost us money.
06:42Well, it don't matter about the money.
06:44We need to go talk to her.
06:46And definitely before damn Michael does his little bulls***.
06:49You know, I've been hearing around town,
06:51because we live in a small town,
06:53that, you know, Kylie's dad, Michael,
06:56is now wanting custody of Caitlin.
06:59And these two girls lost everything that they know.
07:03And even though they're living in separate households,
07:06we could work together to have them
07:08seeing each other on a regular basis.
07:10But when it comes to, like, Caitlin,
07:13Anna wanted her to stay with her biological family.
07:15And I'm going to fight to my last breath
07:18so I don't have any more fight in me
07:20to make sure that is how it works.
07:22But the point of the matter is,
07:24is, like, the custody papers will say,
07:26you know, Caitlin belongs to me.
07:28Permanent and legal custody is to Jim Shannon,
07:30not to, like, anybody else.
07:33Well, what about me? I mean, we are married.
07:36I have to make sure Caitlin is took care of.
07:38I have to make sure that nobody comes and gets her.
07:40What do you mean just I? It's a we thing.
07:43It is a we thing, but at the end of the day,
07:45you know, I'm not saying that you ain't involved,
07:47but, like...
07:48I'm only involved as much as June allows me to be involved.
07:51Whatever. Whatever. That is not the case.
07:53It is the case.
07:55It really upsets me that June doesn't want me
07:57on the paperwork about Caitlin
07:59because, you know, I have children of my own,
08:02and, you know, when I went through my addiction,
08:04I made a lot of mistakes,
08:06and they got pulled away from me,
08:08which now that I've been sober almost four years,
08:11you know, I strive every day
08:13to try to build a relationship with my children,
08:16and it's hard, and that's what bothers me
08:18when it comes to Caitlin and this whole parenting thing
08:21is, like, this is supposed to be a teamwork.
08:24I should have a say-so
08:25when it comes to a situation like this.
08:27But anyway, I'm gonna probably need you
08:29to give me a ride there,
08:30but that's about as... I just wanted to let you know.
08:34Love you bunches.
08:52I hate that we even had to bring lawyers into this.
08:55Hopefully we get some good news.
08:57Well, hopefully.
08:58I actually reached out to a lawyer
09:00that I've used on a previous case
09:02and told her, like, what was going on,
09:04and so she told me I needed to see her, like, the next day.
09:07So that's what I'm gonna do,
09:08because Caitlin needs to get in school,
09:10I need to take care of her medical needs,
09:12and if Michael, like, starts up something,
09:15I have somebody to back me up for it.
09:18Hello again.
09:20Hey, Miss Shannon.
09:21Thanks for coming in. How are you?
09:23Hello, Justin. Nice to meet you.
09:24Hey, nice to meet you.
09:25Y'all go ahead and have a seat.
09:27Oh, goodness.
09:29Well, Jean, tell me what's going on.
09:32Well, unfortunately, I lost my daughter a week or so ago.
09:37That is something a mom should never have to go through,
09:40so my heart absolutely goes out to you about that.
09:43Unfortunately, Anna did not sign the guardianship papers,
09:47and when all this went down, even before it went down,
09:50her child, Caitlin, would tell us
09:52that she wanted to live with a biological family
09:55if anything happened.
09:57So Caitlin's father is who?
10:02We tested, like, quite a few, like, five or six men,
10:05to be honest.
10:06So her actual biological father is unknown.
10:12And I pretty much raised Caitlin
10:14the first, like, four or five years of her life.
10:16So she moved in with you.
10:18Correct. She moved back in with me.
10:20So right now, she has no real custodian
10:23in the eyes of the law.
10:26And there's also another child, Kylie.
10:28And who is her father?
10:30Is Michael.
10:31And he was in and out of Caitlin's life
10:34throughout her life,
10:35and so in the back of my mind, I'm like,
10:37he's gonna try to, like, fight for custody of Caitlin.
10:41If he's going to pull something
10:44and going to file something,
10:46I need to know, you know,
10:47we've got to be prepared for anything.
10:50Is there anything about you
10:53that I need to be prepared for
10:55that they're gonna use against us?
10:57They wouldn't know this.
10:58Maybe, maybe they don't know this.
10:59Okay, well, then pause.
11:01Different question.
11:02Everybody saw all over the news about your arrest.
11:06We're, I'm sure they're gonna throw that out.
11:08And we need to deal with it.
11:15Coming up on Mama June Family Crisis...
11:19I'm sorry that you feel a certain way.
11:21Stop laying in the bed till 12 o'clock every day.
11:23Get your ass up out of the bed.
11:26Are you okay?
11:28Anna passing at 29 is a very big eye-opener.
11:31It's scary.
11:33June, the police is here.
11:36What the hell did you do?
11:44Everybody saw all over the news about your arrest.
11:48I'm sure they're gonna throw that out.
11:50And we need to deal with it.
11:52So tell me what you've done to put that behind you.
11:56I went to rehab.
11:57I got a completion letter for that.
12:00I did celebrate it on the 27th.
12:02Four years.
12:03That's huge.
12:04That's a big accomplishment.
12:05So right now, with Caitlin's mom being gone,
12:10we'll get an emergency order of custody,
12:13lets you get her in school.
12:14The most important thing always is Caitlin's well-being
12:18being taken care of.
12:19She shouldn't be forced,
12:20after going through what she's been through with her mom,
12:22to be in a situation where she's not comfortable
12:24and she's not happy.
12:26So we can file a petition for you to have custody
12:29as her biological maternal grandmother.
12:31And when we file the petition for the change of custody,
12:34we can reach out and get in to see a judge
12:36for that emergency order, okay?
12:39All right, thank y'all.
12:40Thank y'all so much.
12:41It was good to meet you both.
12:42You too.
12:43It was good to meet you too.
13:05Hey, honey.
13:07You want to come in here and watch a movie?
13:11No, not really.
13:14What are you in there looking at?
13:16Not something I really want to look at,
13:18but stuff to put Anna's cremains in.
13:22I've been with Pumpkin for almost 10 years,
13:25and I've seen some damage been dealt over the years,
13:29but losing Anna has been the worst that I've seen.
13:33I keep thinking tomorrow she's going to get up,
13:35she's going to want to do something,
13:37she's going to want to eat,
13:39and then it doesn't come.
13:40You know, I'm doing everything I can around the house
13:43to distract the kids,
13:44but it's just, like, they need mama pee bag for sure.
13:49You know, like, how am I supposed to sit here
13:51and pick something, you know, like,
13:54that I have to put my 29-year-old sister in?
13:58You know, like, it kind of makes you realize, like,
14:00things can happen in a blink of an eye, you know?
14:04Come on, son.
14:05I love you.
14:08I love you so, so much.
14:11You're the sweetest baby girl.
14:15Now that Anna's passed,
14:17everybody in the family is having to deal
14:19with the repercussions.
14:20The kids live in different places.
14:22I don't want my family or my kids
14:25to ever have to worry about that.
14:27It's opened at least my eyes a lot on everything,
14:32like, wanting to be prepared for that moment
14:35in my life or Josh's life.
14:37You're not promised tomorrow.
14:39Literally anything could happen.
14:41We don't even have a will.
14:43If something was to happen, like,
14:45who's gonna raise my kids, my mother?
14:48You know? I don't want that.
14:51So I'd rather it be set in stone
14:53with a lawyer and a will
14:55so that the kids are taken care of
14:57when we're not here anymore.
15:00Are you okay?
15:14It's a lot.
15:19Like, when you really think about it,
15:21you do want to get things together, you know?
15:25We are so busy with the kids.
15:27We are so busy with the kids
15:29that we just kind of tend to move on...
15:33with life.
15:40Okay, with everything.
15:45And a passing at 29 is a very big eye-opener
15:49to have your priorities in line.
15:53It's scary. It really is.
15:56And me and Pumpkin need to get on it soon.
15:59I guess I'm fixing to go lay in the bed
16:02and pick out an urn
16:04for my sister's ashes to go in.
16:06I love you.
16:07I love you.
16:08Man, I'd rather you not spend
16:10the rest of the day in there, you know?
16:12I know.
16:14Are you gonna come out eventually?
16:16I guess.
16:24Y'all remember, make it sensible in here.
16:27Don't go too crazy.
16:28And you don't need, like, 500 pairs of clothes either.
16:33Small budget.
16:35You got expensive taste like Junebug does.
16:39I was able to get this emergency order from the judge,
16:42so now we're able to put Katelyn in a new school.
16:45But also that means
16:46that we have to buy her new school clothes
16:48because Anna was too sick to buy her clothes,
16:51and nothing fits.
16:52And she keeps growing like there isn't nothing.
16:55Here you go.
16:56This right here will be something.
16:58Ew, purple?
16:59Well, what about this?
17:01You could be very...
17:03Be the number one nerd in the whole school?
17:05Thank you.
17:06Oh, what about this in my school dance?
17:09You don't even know if you're having a school dance yet.
17:13Okay, you are just starting school.
17:16You are 11.
17:17Bring it in a little bit.
17:20Listen, listen, listen.
17:21What you got on right now is a cute little outfit,
17:23so it needs to be going in somewhere in the line
17:26of what you got on.
17:27All right, Junebug.
17:30She don't need to worry about her school dance or her boys.
17:33She need to worry about doing her homework and her schoolwork.
17:36I mean, I'm trying to raise, like, maybe an A, B student,
17:40sometimes some Cs, and not a teen mom.
17:43I did that with myself, and I did that with Pumpkin,
17:46and I did that with Anna.
17:48So I want to, like, break that curse.
17:51Look, how about something like this?
17:53Okay, it plunges down too low.
17:55Well, here, we're going to try it on.
17:56We'll see.
17:59What about this?
18:01That's a crop top.
18:02It'll be a croppy toppy on you.
18:04You cannot wear that at this school.
18:06This school is very strict when it comes to dress code.
18:09Okay, well, I don't think...
18:12I don't think, look, though, look.
18:14I don't think that's a crop top.
18:15We'll see when she lifts her arms up.
18:17So me as Gigi DeCaitlin and only having to be Gigi DeCaitlin,
18:21I can be a little bit more lenient.
18:23But now Mama Gigi, no, not happening.
18:27But when it comes to Justin now,
18:31Justin very much spoils her.
18:35And those materialistic things
18:37aren't going to, like, fill that void that she feels.
18:41Honestly, I raised Caitlyn as Gigi.
18:44Well, now I have to kind of, like, be more stern
18:46because she needs a new school,
18:48she needs to wear the right clothes, like Mama Gigi.
18:51Okay, well, that's fine, but we're a team.
18:53We're supposed to be doing all this together.
18:55You've got to learn to listen to other people
18:57because you wasn't the perfect parent.
18:59You didn't have it all figured out.
19:01And you made a lot of mistakes during parenting.
19:06Raise your hands up.
19:07No crop top.
19:08It's a jacket.
19:13You're worried about the wrong things.
19:15She's 11.
19:16She's supposed to want to do that.
19:20Coming up on Mama June, family crisis.
19:23Don't listen to him.
19:24I done told you to go to bed.
19:26It's like my opinion doesn't matter.
19:28That really does bother me.
19:29Since I don't have an opinion,
19:31you can do your own laundry around here.
19:33Mama, you said it.
19:35Yeah, it wasn't good.
19:36I never seen my mom this sad.
19:38What's wrong with her?
19:40The police is here.
19:41You're June's family?
19:43That's bull.
19:54New school, new day.
19:56So are you excited at all, Katelyn?
19:58I'm not excited.
19:59I don't want to go.
20:01Justin, why don't you just keep me home?
20:04No, you've been home long enough.
20:06I do understand Anna leaving the kids home a lot
20:09to be able to spend those last moments,
20:11but Katelyn starting back in a new school
20:14is going to be a big change for her.
20:15She's coming around new people, new teachers,
20:18and having Kylie at the other school,
20:20like, they don't go to the same school anymore.
20:23And, you know, that sucks.
20:26I know it's going to be rough,
20:28and you're going to be the new kid,
20:30and everybody's going to try you.
20:31People are going to test you.
20:33Don't get smart with people.
20:36Do your work.
20:37Do the quizzes.
20:38Learn to take notes.
20:40Make your hand cramp a little bit,
20:41and write the notes that they're providing for you.
20:44She's in sixth grade.
20:45You don't, you ain't been in sixth grade in a long time,
20:48so you don't know how it's done now.
20:49Alana just graduated school.
20:51There again, you ain't had a kid in sixth grade in a while.
20:54You know, I can't believe June's trying to be
20:57the clean bee of sixth grade.
20:59Like, I cannot wait till Katelyn brings home some homework
21:03and let's see how much June knows about the sixth grade.
21:06I don't see how she was able to see the GED to pass it.
21:10But it's all going to be a learning process for everybody.
21:13It is what it is.
21:14There's nothing you can do about it.
21:17Here you go, Katelyn.
21:29So you didn't talk about how the first day of school was.
21:31How was it?
21:33I mean, it's just your first day,
21:34and you might change your attitude about it.
21:36No, I don't like school, period.
21:38What's better, your little old school
21:40or the school you're in now?
21:42Neither one.
21:44Did you do your homework?
21:45I ain't got no homework.
21:48I'm hungry.
21:49Well, you should have ate this good dinner that I just cooked.
21:52Because I'll be honest with you,
21:53your mama cooked the same s*** I be cooking every night.
21:56But you cook it different.
21:57You season it weird.
21:59Different things, different seasonings, all of that.
22:02Well, what are you supposed to do, not season it?
22:04Well, a lot of times you be cooking these, like, one or two seasonings,
22:08but you got to add five or six seasonings in it.
22:13Parenting Katelyn is going to be difficult
22:18because Katelyn is a handful now.
22:22Katelyn's mouth is going to get her in trouble.
22:26So Katelyn needs some structure and needs to know who's in charge,
22:29and that's me.
22:30But you need to worry about eating what we're cooking,
22:32not what you want to eat.
22:34I seen nobody swept the floor like I got asked.
22:36I guess I'll do that, too.
22:38Y'all just need to get me an apron put on around here.
22:41You need to get ready to go to bed.
22:43You need to go take a bath.
22:44I took a bath last night.
22:46You got to take a bath every night.
22:48Every night, you're getting to be that age.
22:50But me and Kylie will...
22:51I don't care what you and Kylie used to do.
22:53Every school night, we would stay up,
22:55and y'all didn't say anything.
22:57That's because it was your mama...
22:58Your mother was living here with us.
23:01That wasn't my place, but now you're my place to say,
23:03okay, you're going to have a bedtime.
23:05Because if not, you won't want to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning,
23:08and you don't want to do your homework.
23:10So get your pillow and blanket, clean your room up,
23:13go take a shower, and get ready to go to bed.
23:16Will, when I come back out,
23:18can we watch a little bit of TV and have a little ice cream?
23:20Will, watch a little bit of TV and have an ice cream
23:23after you do all that before bed.
23:26Will, that's not my problem.
23:28She ate. She already ate something today.
23:30Well, don't listen to him. I done told you to go to bed.
23:34All right, Will. Peace out, bro.
23:41You can't sit there and tell the youngin
23:43that, oh, his opinion don't matter.
23:44Don't listen to him.
23:46But you can't just let her get her damn way.
23:48It needs to be, like, I guess my way,
23:51because, like, she's got to have some structure in her life,
23:54and that is what Caitlyn truly needs.
23:56It sounds like you're the only one raising her.
23:58I mean, I'm not saying that you don't have a say in it,
24:00but, like...
24:01You literally told the youngin he doesn't have a say.
24:04Do not listen to him.
24:06Do you think she's ever gonna listen to anything I say
24:08when you're telling her that?
24:10But the point of the matter is she knows
24:12if I go over there to you, I'm gonna get my way.
24:15No, me giving in would have been like,
24:17yeah, Caitlyn, just eat the ice cream
24:19without doing anything that you were told to do.
24:21I was able to make her take a bath, clean her room.
24:24If she had homework, I could have got her to do her homework
24:27just by being able to emphasize with her a little bit.
24:30Well, she's gonna have to learn that...
24:32Exactly. It's gonna take time, June.
24:34You're not gonna do it overnight.
24:36Well, what it is, you have to be consistent.
24:38And the consistency that you have been
24:40is letting her just run right over you.
24:44June's way of parenting is just,
24:46rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, you know,
24:48that doesn't do anything.
24:50You have to work with her.
24:51You have to show her that if you do this,
24:53you get rewarded this way.
24:54That's how life works.
24:55You go to work, you get a paycheck.
24:57I tell you what, since I don't have an opinion,
25:00you know what, you can do your own laundry around here.
25:04Well, them bathroom clothes stay in that basket.
25:07Oh, wow.
25:28Hi, Mama.
25:30Hi, Mama.
25:31Hi, Baba.
25:50Mama, you say it.
25:52Yeah, I love that, babe.
25:55I love you.
25:57I love you.
26:00It does suck, but it really...
26:06I never seen my mom this sad.
26:08Like, I hope nothing's wrong with her.
26:11I can tell my daddy anything
26:15because he always ends up fixing stuff,
26:17and it always ends up...
26:19Okay, I think Mama's sad.
26:22You think Mama's sad?
26:25Mama is kind of sad, I'm sure.
26:27Daddy's gonna try to go in here and make it better, okay?
26:34I don't really know what to do with Pumpkin.
26:37I've done, tried every route possible
26:41to try to get her out of this moment.
26:43So, like, I've got to call in backup.
26:46You're Mama.
26:53Coming up on Mama June...
27:04What's Josh want?
27:12What are you doing?
27:14Oh, picking up around the house and stuff.
27:20Me and your sister have been at a funk the past couple days,
27:23and she could probably use your presents.
27:27I don't know.
27:28She just hasn't really done anything.
27:30She just goes from the bed to the couch,
27:32and she's not really wanting to do anything but lay around.
27:36I mean, she's really that bad in a funk?
27:38I mean, even the kids are in there playing,
27:40and she's just like, blah, you know?
27:43What's your name mean today, Josh?
27:45I just need you to come over here
27:46and figure out what the hell is going on.
27:47Maybe she just needs her sister.
27:49I don't know.
27:50Her sister's out of state at the moment.
27:52I mean, well, I can come over tomorrow probably.
27:55I kind of need you to come today there, Jessie P.
27:58Well, okie dokie.
27:59Let me get ready, and I'll head over that way.
28:01Thank you, thank you.
28:03You're welcome.
28:08All right, Hazel, I'll be back.
28:11I need Jessie to the rescue.
28:14Yep, get your bags out.
28:16Yep, there you go.
28:18Well, you want to go shopping?
28:22You're going to carry them clothes in.
28:24So we're back from another shopping trip for Caitlyn.
28:29I mean, I did not realize how much a child needs.
28:33I mean, I don't know.
28:34I don't know.
28:35I don't know.
28:36I don't know.
28:37I don't know.
28:38I don't know.
28:39I don't know.
28:40I don't know.
28:41I don't know.
28:42A child needs clothes and grows out of clothes.
28:46But I mean, she did get everything that she needs
28:48and some of her wants.
28:50Wow, Junebug wasn't much of a help, was she?
28:54I order my clothes online.
28:56They come straight to the door.
28:59Bring your sh… in here, I'm not bringing it in.
29:02F… you.
29:03Go put your sh…
29:04You all didn't warn me out.
29:05Oh, you'll be all right.
29:08Man, kids are expensive.
29:11Well, you're the one that was like, oh, let's get this,
29:15and let's get that.
29:16No, I know.
29:17I just literally didn't mean it.
29:18But she also has to know that it's not spin, spin, spin,
29:22spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin every damn day.
29:24Just like she asked for an ice cream and something else,
29:27and you said, OK.
29:28She just asked for her normal ice cream
29:30like I get her every day.
29:31But the point of the matter is she eats three
29:34of those ice creams a day.
29:35You know, that's a child for you.
29:38Justin and Kayla need to get their shit together, OK?
29:41Justin needs to stop giving Kayla what she wants,
29:43because you know what?
29:45The way it needs to work is it needs to work my way.
29:47You know, Justin's fighting against me
29:49and giving her everything.
29:51He pretty much loves to get away with whatever
29:52the fuck she wants to get away with.
29:54Like, you don't have no sympathy for the situation
29:57that's going on.
29:57I understand that she lost her mother.
29:59We all lost somebody.
30:00She didn't just lose her mother.
30:01I get that.
30:02She lost her entire life.
30:03It's been flipped upside down.
30:05But surrounding her with normalcy, like, now she's-
30:09No, no, no, no.
30:10Your normalcy is I run this shit,
30:12and y'all are on my time, and y'all do what I say,
30:14and nobody else has a say-so.
30:16No, but when she comes to you at nighttime and comes to be in-
30:18No, but as a child, when one adult gets on to them,
30:21they're going to turn to the other one.
30:23But when you sit there, and you want me to raise a child,
30:26but you want to tell the child to her face
30:28that I don't have any say-so.
30:29I didn't say you didn't have a say-so.
30:31I said you didn't have a say-so because you
30:32needed to go to bed.
30:33That's still saying the same thing,
30:34that I don't have a say-so.
30:36It's already hard enough for me to swallow the fact
30:39that June didn't want to put me on the paperwork.
30:41Like, I'm not on the custody paper.
30:44I don't have a say-so in this house.
30:46Like, do you want to raise Kaitlyn all by yourself?
30:49I do all of these things that it requires from a parent
30:52to do for a child.
30:54Like, I'm not just your, you know, driver,
30:57because that's how I feel like.
30:58I'm just here because it's convenient.
31:01It's not you don't have no say-so.
31:02That's what it is.
31:04It's not you don't have no say-so.
31:05That's what you're telling them.
31:06That's what it is.
31:08All you do around here is cook a meal,
31:10and you think you're f***ing high and mighty
31:12and do everything.
31:13That's not all I do.
31:14Who cleans up after you?
31:15Don't you clean up after me, nothing.
31:17Who washes the f***ing towels?
31:19Who takes kids to school?
31:20Who picks kids up?
31:22Then you f***ing do it.
31:25Stop laying in the bed till 12 o'clock every day.
31:28Get your f***ing ass up out of the bed.
31:32You don't do nothing.
31:37Coming up on Mama June.
31:39Family crisis.
31:40And this July, find out if the release...
31:43Ah! I'm free!
31:44...was worth the wait.
31:45We did not use protection.
31:47I'm fed up.
31:48On Love After Rock Off.
31:49Premieres Friday, July 26th.
31:51Part of For Real Fridays on WE tv.
31:53Stream on All Black.
31:56You don't do nothing.
31:59You can't sit here and continue.
32:00It has to be mutual.
32:02And you can't be against the one person
32:04that does do majority of the s***.
32:06OK, well, you've been saying that for months.
32:08Because when you say stuff like that, June...
32:10And I've been saying, if you're so unhappy...
32:11When you say stuff like that,
32:13how does that make somebody feel?
32:14...then the door opened up the same way as when...
32:16That's your answer for everything.
32:18There's the door.
32:19Go out the door.
32:21There's the door.
32:22That's all you say.
32:24I'm not going to constantly sit here
32:27and beg somebody to stay.
32:28Like, he has packed his s*** before.
32:30And I begged him not to walk out the door.
32:33But now him still saying that he's unhappy,
32:35like, I wouldn't want to do that
32:36because I did that once before.
32:39And so I'm OK with saying, there's the door.
32:42Go be somewhere where you are happy.
32:44If you're so unhappy with the situation...
32:46I'm trying to tell you what my feelings are.
32:49Well, I don't want to keep somebody here
32:51that doesn't want to be here.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:53As much as I love you...
32:54You don't love me, though.
32:56I'm sick of doing everything.
32:58I'm sick of being June's assistant
33:00for you to tell everybody that I don't...
33:03Nothing I say matters.
33:05You can't say that I'm always the problem
33:08when you can't admit that you are part of the problem, too.
33:12I don't see too many sacrifices you've made
33:14for anybody besides yourself.
33:17I'm not saying I'm perfect,
33:19but you literally don't make a sacrifice for nothing.
33:24And you don't respect what I do do for you.
33:26Like, I'm tired of, like, trying to, like, show you
33:29and, like... You ain't showing me nothing.
33:30...bowing down at that man's...
33:32You're in the seat? There it is, bowing down.
33:33Nobody's told you to bow down.
33:35If anything, I've bowed down to you.
33:40If you want this to work,
33:41you've got to be willing to sincerely
33:43take some of my advice sometimes.
33:45How many times in the last year
33:46have I asked you to go to counselling?
33:49F*** you and counselling.
33:51That's what you say all the time?
33:53I'm not going to keep investing into somebody
33:56who thinks she's above everybody else.
34:01No, you can't.
34:04It's not funny, June.
34:10Right there.
34:12Pumpkin, you got to get up.
34:14You got to get motivated.
34:17Look at Ella's hair.
34:18I mean, Pumpkin, when is the last time
34:19you brushed this kid's hair?
34:21Go. We ain't going nowhere.
34:23It's rats in it.
34:24I love you, baby.
34:26I bought a cake that we could bake.
34:29What kind of cake did you buy?
34:31Um, let me see.
34:34Dark chocolate with chocolate chips
34:38and chocolate icing.
34:40I mean, do you remember why Josh was paid
34:42for us to go to a baking class?
34:45And you bought store-bought icing,
34:49store-bought cake, store-bought chocolate chips.
34:52I was just there for moral support.
34:54I wasn't there to learn how to bake the cake.
34:56So you forgot.
34:57I did.
35:00Tell her, Ellie, let's make a cake.
35:02Get up.
35:04Well, give me a kiss, and I'll get up.
35:08I'm always, like, the strong-headed,
35:10level-headed one of the family.
35:12And I know that everybody's just trying to check on me
35:15and make sure that I'm OK.
35:16But, like, for one minute in this one time,
35:20just, like, let me have my space,
35:22let me grieve, without somebody asking me, like, hey,
35:25you want to get off the couch?
35:26Hey, you want to get up?
35:27Like, no, I don't.
35:29Come on, Mommy.
35:33Yeah, Mom's sad.
35:35Everybody's sad right now, pootie.
35:37It'll get better, though, OK?
35:39Ellie, we need some eggs.
35:41And the milk.
35:43You're going to crack the egg?
35:45No, we all will do it.
35:49We don't got any milk.
35:51We ain't got no milk?
35:53We can add a yoo-hoo.
35:55You ready?
35:56Here, hit it on this.
35:58That's right.
35:58You just take it and go.
36:01Let's take the whole part.
36:03No, you got to whip it up, Jazzy.
36:05Let me show you move.
36:07Now you're back to punking.
36:17All right.
36:19Now it's time for me to go lie down.
36:21Nope, you're going to come sit at the table.
36:23Let's go.
36:23Come on.
36:24Come on, come sit down.
36:41Come on, lovey.
36:42Give me a hand.
36:49This is bringing you up.
36:50You know, you're smiling.
36:51You're getting happy.
36:52You're getting excited.
36:53You're not on the couch moaning and groaning.
36:55You're getting your mind off of it.
36:57Oh, I know, Jazzy.
36:58But why do you got to just keep bringing it up?
37:00I mean, you got to do something.
37:02Do you think Anna would want you to lay on the couch
37:04and do nothing?
37:08What would Anna do?
37:11She'd tell you to get your fat ass up and get moving.
37:14I know, Jazzy.
37:16It's just been, it's just been hard.
37:21What is something that you've done since, you know,
37:23everything with Anna that's made you happy?
37:27That's got you up off the couch.
37:28I was, I've been working with this, like, cool girl.
37:32She's a vendor.
37:33Like, she sells wholesale stuff.
37:35I don't know.
37:36I mean, it was just really fun.
37:37Like, you can get on social media
37:38and reach, like, thousands of people,
37:40which I think is bizarre.
37:42That was nice.
37:43I like that.
37:45I mean, if you like stuff like that,
37:46instead of baking,
37:47why don't you get into something like that?
37:51Like, think about the things you could get.
37:52Like, it's endless,
37:53because you get on social media
37:54and you see people selling all kinds of stuff.
37:56All kinds of stuff.
37:56I mean, I've bought some stuff off there before.
37:58Me too.
37:59I mean, couch buying.
38:01It's definitely something I might want to try to, like,
38:04get into.
38:06I don't have to leave the house.
38:07I mean, if we could bring the fans, like,
38:10high quality stuff for, like, a cheaper price,
38:13you know what I'm saying?
38:14Then, boom.
38:29Ain't shit on TV.
38:32Junebug, what you doing over here?
38:35Ain't nothing on TV.
38:36I was just scrolling through my phone.
38:36Ain't shit on the damn interweb either.
38:40You know, it's really frustrating
38:42that me and June bump heads a lot,
38:44and I get that.
38:45You know, we've went through more,
38:46especially in this short time that we have been married,
38:49than what most people do their entire marriage.
38:52But, you know, for the sake of Kaitlyn,
38:54like, sometimes I do just let stuff go and just move on.
38:58You know, there's a child in the house,
38:59and for the sake of her,
39:00sometimes we just leave it alone.
39:03I thought Kaitlyn was doing her homework.
39:04Um, she said she wanted to do it in her room.
39:07Well, like, I might not be the brightest crown in the box,
39:09but don't you need your book bag to do your homework?
39:12I mean, it's literally sitting right beside you.
39:13I didn't realize that she didn't take her book bag out there.
39:17Wow, well, look, Lee, I'm gonna show you something.
39:21Uh, wait, uh, how's that homework going?
39:24Um, one plus one equals three.
39:27I know that, but...
39:28You were supposed to be doing it in your room,
39:30but you're not doing it,
39:31so we're gonna sit right up here and do it together.
39:33No, five more minutes.
39:34Five more minutes.
39:35No, no, no.
39:37I done gave you an hour and a half,
39:40and literally...
39:40Junebug thought you was back there doing it
39:42the whole time, the book bag right back here.
39:44You didn't want to go to bed last night.
39:46So sit there, Justin's gonna help you with it.
39:48We're gonna do it together.
39:51Don't park it.
39:53Yep, homework.
39:54You need to start being sturdy now,
39:55because if you have a quiz tomorrow,
39:57a pop, what they call a pop quiz...
40:01Okay, June.
40:03You're not gonna know that, are you?
40:05Come on now, teacher June.
40:06Why don't you go get us, like, a little study snack?
40:09Make me a charcuterie board.
40:11No, you don't deserve nothing
40:12because you haven't done no homework,
40:14and you lied about doing your homework.
40:16What about me getting a snack?
40:18I might think about it.
40:19Oh, wow.
40:21So whenever you're studying,
40:24all these notes that you wrote down in class,
40:27this is literally where all the answers
40:29to your test is gonna be.
40:30That's why they tell you to take notes.
40:33If you don't read it,
40:34you won't know the answers to your test.
40:39Who the f*** is here?
40:41June, the police is here, dude.
40:45What the hell did you do?
40:48This isn't funny.
40:49Why is the police here?
40:52Well, you're not hurting me, f***.
40:54Come answer the door.
41:02Hey, are you June Shannon?
41:04Um, yes, sir, I am, why?
41:06Got some paperwork for you here for you.
41:09What is that for?
41:10You've been served.
41:12What is this for?
41:12Have a good day.
