
  • 2 months ago
00:00Here I am!
00:16Surya Uncle!
00:17Your money has joined the Supreme Supreme!
00:21Is this a special money?
00:23It's different from the others.
00:25Why is it in a special box?
00:27This is my 10-year-old ghost uncle.
00:30I call him Kashi Uncle.
00:32Every time he comes, I'm so happy.
00:35It's true!
00:37I won't let him come.
00:39He'll come on his own.
00:43I've been keeping this in my pocket.
00:45But he took the money I had in my pocket,
00:49and started coming here.
00:51Sometimes I see him.
00:53Otherwise, all our secrets are revealed.
00:58That's why I'm keeping this in a special box.
01:03Let's see how this uncle turns into a ghost today.
01:07Let's see what he looks like.
01:10This money is too much for me.
01:16Okay, bye uncle.
01:17We're going to school.
01:19Take care, kids.
01:28We're going to school.
01:30You guys go ahead.
01:32I'll go pay the bill.
01:34Thank you, uncle.
01:36Welcome, Rukhi.
01:40Kashi Uncle can make new things now.
01:43He can be like that too.
01:47There's a lot of money here.
01:50Hi, I'm Kashi Uncle.
01:52Would you like to come with me?
01:54Come on, let's go somewhere else.
01:56Let's get some fresh air.
02:05Yes, that's right.
02:07I think this is a school.
02:10Let's go.
02:11Let's go.
02:12Let's go.
02:13Let's go.
02:14Let's go.
02:15Let's go.
02:16Let's go.
02:18Be careful.
02:20Don't let our money slip away.
02:29What are you doing?
02:31How did I get that?
02:36Did you work at the school?
02:38Yes, I did.
02:39If he sees this, he'll go crazy.
02:44My son doesn't work at the school.
02:47What are you doing?
02:49What are you doing?
02:52Take the money.
02:54Oh, no!
02:55How did he get here?
02:57It's my fault.
02:59I'll go get the money.
03:01Take it quickly.
03:04If you can, show me how to take it.
03:14Uncle Ghasi!
03:18Let's go.
03:19Rocky will kill me if he sees me.
03:26Let's go.
03:44Rocky, why did you go so fast?
03:47There's something here.
03:49Let's go and see.
03:54I won't let you go.
04:03How did this light come here?
04:08What is this light doing here?
04:11What is this light doing here?
04:13I don't know.
04:15First, I have to keep Uncle Ghasi inside.
04:18Then, the other one.
04:24Where did he go?
04:30Where did Uncle Ghasi go?
04:32How did he get here?
04:34Uncle Ghasi, come here.
04:37I'll teach him a lesson.
04:39Let's go and eat something.
04:42I can't go through this hole.
04:44Let's go this way.
04:49Rocky, stop!
04:51Rocky, where are you?
04:58Rocky, sorry.
05:00It's my fault.
05:02You said there was a dustbin.
05:05If I go through a hole...
05:08It's okay.
05:09I'll teach him a lesson.
05:11Before Uncle Ghasi came here,
05:13he was thinking about me.
05:15Now, I'll teach him a lesson.
05:17Otherwise, Uncle Ghasi will throw us out of the house.
05:20I'm scared.
05:25Come here.
05:26I'll teach Uncle Ghasi a lesson.
05:31What are you saying, Jilbu?
05:33How can something like that happen?
05:35Let's go and see.
05:37Sir, I'm telling the truth.
05:39Wherever Rocky goes is a problem.
05:47What's going on?
05:49How did Ghasi get here?
05:51Rocky, we have to get out of here.
05:53Sir, hurry up.
05:55Let's go this way.
05:57I'll go to Uncle Ghasi.
05:59Hurry up.
06:01Hello, I'm Uncle Ghasi.
06:04Let's go.
06:05Let's get out of here.
06:07Then, we won't be able to get out of here.
06:12That was a good sleep.
06:14Actually, I'm scared.
06:16I don't have a child.
06:18But, I can sleep well.
06:25Oh, no.
06:26How did this hole get here?
06:29We can't get out of here.
06:32But, we can get out of here with money.
06:34Let's go and meet the principal.
06:39Uncle Ghasi.
06:40You've made a lot of money at school.
06:43Oh, no.
06:44I can't tell the principal about the money.
06:47Uncle Ghasi.
06:49Please don't go.
06:50Otherwise, everyone will find out about your son.
06:53We'll find out.
06:54That's good.
06:57Come, Uncle Ghasi.
06:58Let's all go together.
07:00Let's get out of here.
07:05Let's go.
07:06Let's go.
07:07Oh, no.
07:08The principal.
07:10Rocky is here.
07:11Let's get out of here.
07:13Rocky, what's going on?
07:15There's no money in the bag.
07:17It's in this bag.
07:19Where did you get it?
07:21How do I know that?
07:23I didn't see it.
07:25How did you find that bag?
07:27What's in it?
07:31I ate a little too much.
07:33That's why my stomach is upset.
07:35I need to go to the toilet.
07:37Sorry, sir.
07:44Let's go.
07:48That's good.
07:49That's good.
07:50Uncle Ghasi.
07:51You're not doing the right thing.
07:53That means, Uncle Suri put the money in the bag and hid it.
07:58What if the water makes my stomach upset?
08:02You'll feel better, won't you?
08:04No, Rocky.
08:05Don't do that.
08:06Why are you doing this to me?
08:13That's right, Rocky.
08:15You've become smarter.
08:18I'm not as smart as I used to be.
08:20Use your brain and get out of here.
08:22Or you'll be in trouble.
08:24I'm going to hurry.
08:27Oh, no.
08:28Where did he hide it?
08:30It's a ghost.
08:33Let's get out of here.
08:38Where did you see Uncle Ghasi?
08:40The whole house saw him.
08:42I thought I'd see him here.
08:44Uncle Suri.
08:45I really saw him.
08:49What happened?
08:56Oh, no.
08:57Uncle Suri is coming this way.
08:59What are we going to do?
09:01Don't worry, Rocky.
09:04What's going on here?
09:06I'll tell you.
09:09Oh, no.
09:10Uncle Suri.
09:11Yes, sir.
09:12Let me tell you about a small incident.
09:14Actually, I found a silver coin with the money in it.
09:18The special thing about it is...
09:20...that you can earn a lot of money with it.
09:24The principal came to the school today...
09:26...because of Rocky's mistake.
09:28That's why he has a silver coin in his pocket.
09:32He was worried.
09:33He saw something else...
09:35...and ran towards the school.
09:39Don't worry about anything.
09:41Everything will be fine.
09:43What is it?
09:44A silver coin?
09:46Can I see it?
09:48Here it is.
09:50This is all because of my mistake.
09:53I'm sorry, Principal.
09:55It's okay.
09:57You saw it, didn't you?
09:59It's not Rocky.
10:00You don't understand.
10:02There's nothing in it.
10:04It's because of him.
10:06Yes, sir.
10:07I saw a ghost.
10:09He's crazy.
10:10He's crazy.
10:11You're right.
10:12You're crazy.
10:13We're all crazy.
10:16This is your money.
10:18You can take it to the office.
10:20Now go.
10:22I'm sorry, sir.
10:23I shouldn't have lied to you.
10:25Sorry, sir.
10:26Very sorry.
10:27It's okay.
10:28It's okay.
10:29We all saw something new today.
10:32Isn't that right, Communist?
10:35I saw it for the first time.
10:37It's amazing.
10:38Come on.
10:39Let's go to the school.
10:41Let's go.
10:47Uncle Kasi.
10:48You've spent a lot of time in school.
10:51So I don't want to take you out of my mind.
10:55Let's go.
10:56Let's go home.
10:59They're going home.
11:01I'm going to lock them up.
11:03Why don't you say something?
11:05I'm Uncle Kasi.
11:06Do you like my potatoes?
11:23Look, Jilbu.
11:24Rocky is coming this way.
11:27Now you'll see what I'm going to do to Rocky.
11:37I'm fine.
11:39This is not good.
11:41Wait a minute.
11:42Let's get out of here.
11:47What's going on here?
11:49Oh, no.
11:50Jilbu is in trouble.
11:52First of all,
11:53take him to the doctor as soon as possible.
12:01my locker is broken.
12:03It's broken.
12:04Where do I keep the keys?
12:06Don't worry about it, Rocky.
12:08The locker in the room
12:10hasn't been used for years.
12:12You can keep it.
12:13It's inside the old locker.
12:22Don't go inside the locker.
12:27I told you not to go inside.
12:32Who's that uncle who's scared of ghosts?
12:36He told you not to use this locker.
12:43let's go and open the locker.
12:51who's this?
12:53Come and see for yourself.
13:02who are you?
13:03I'm a good hero.
13:07Why are you laughing?
13:11Because I'm a ghost.
13:13That's why I'm laughing.
13:15Now, no one is scared.
13:21Stop laughing.
13:22That's how everyone laughs at me.
13:27I'm sure I'll get 100 this time.
13:31What did I say?
13:33I'm sure I'll get 100 this time.
13:38I'm sure I'll get 100 this time.
13:43Oh, no.
13:44We're going to lose.
13:46Oh, no.
13:47We're going to lose.
13:49What did you say?
13:56I'm going to get my revenge.
13:59Today, I'm going to do a good job
14:01for the school that treated me so badly.
14:04I'm going to do a good job for the school that treated me so badly.
14:09I'm going to go and see.
14:13I'm going to go and see.
14:17Can I go to the bathroom?
14:19Let's go that way.
14:22Oh, oh.
14:28Where did this ghost go?
14:35I think there's a ghost here.
14:38Shut up, Mintu.
14:40Ghosts don't exist.
14:42I think the principal must have turned on the lights.
14:45I think the water turned into a ghost.
14:48I think the water turned into a ghost.
14:50I think the water turned into a ghost.
14:53A ghost?
14:59Sir, there's a ghost here.
15:03Sir, Rocky has been doing that for a long time.
15:07Sir, I did it.
15:09You're completely wrong, Rocky.
15:11That's why you don't use any of the instruments here.
15:14That's why you don't use any of the instruments here.
15:18Oh, no.
15:20Where did this ghost go, Manda?
15:22Where did he go?
15:24Oh, no.
15:30Oh, no.
15:32Oh, no.
15:34Oh, no.
15:43Oh, no.
15:45Oh, no.
15:49Sir, I'm here.
15:51I'm here.
15:53Who's there?
15:57Oh, no.
16:04What are you doing here?
16:06What are you doing here?
16:08I'll punish you if you don't come to school today.
16:12But, sir...
16:14I'm not saying anything. I'm really hungry.
16:17I'm hungry.
16:23Now, come here, sir.
16:27I don't like them.
16:39Give it to me.
16:41Give it to me.
16:43Give it to me.
16:52What's this?
16:54You don't like these donuts, Rocky?
16:56I... I... I...
16:58You don't like this canteen after today, Rocky?
17:04You went to school to save money, didn't you?
17:14You didn't like these donuts, did you?
17:17Oh, no.
17:19I'll punish you if you don't come to school today.
17:24Rocky, don't come to school after today.
17:27Yes, Rocky.
17:29Rocky, Rocky, Rocky.
17:31I'll punish you if you don't come to school today.
17:33Let's see, Rocky.
17:35Yes, Rocky.
17:40Rocky, we've been attacked.
17:42Is this the time to joke around?
17:44Let's go to the canteen.
17:45No, sir. Not me.
17:47We have to stop this stupid life somehow, Happy.
17:50Otherwise, I'll become a bad person without doing anything wrong.
17:54If I go like this, I'll go to school.
17:58Don't be afraid.
18:00I'll solve your problem as soon as I can.
18:03Let's go. Let's catch him.
18:08Oh, no.
18:10Oh, no.
18:14If you don't go to school, I'll go to your locker.
18:17So what?
18:19I won't go because I'm afraid of you.
18:21And I won't be angry at you for anything.
18:24Ha, ha, ha.
18:26Oh, no.
18:28Oh, no.
18:30Oh, no.
18:32Oh, no.
18:34Oh, no.
18:36Oh, no.
18:39Oh, no.
18:41Oh, no.
18:50Oh, ho!
18:52I can't see anything.
18:54I'm done for.
18:56Oh, no.
18:58Oh, no.
19:00Oh, no.
19:02Oh, no.
20:34Hey surprise test
20:59Yeah, it finished
21:54Thank you, sir