• 3 months ago
A cloudy picture for many with with some outbreaks of rain accross souhtwestern coastal areas, as well as cetral parts and the far northwest of Scotland. Windy in southern coastal zones, with below average temperatures. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 12/07/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Burkill.


00:00Hello, very good day to you. You may be lucky enough to catch a glimmer of sunshine today,
00:05but for many it's going to stay pretty cloudy. There'll be some rain, some heavy thundery
00:08showers around. Starting off looking at the bigger picture, as we go into the weekend,
00:13there is an area of high pressure to the west of us, but that clears northwards, with the
00:16future trying to push its way in from the east, so some thicker clouds, some rain for
00:20eastern parts on Saturday. Sunday's looking a bit dry, but then there's another system
00:25likely to push its way in from the southwest as we go into the beginning of next week.
00:30But let's not worry about that just yet. Let's look first at this afternoon, and we do have
00:35some thicker clouds, some outbreaks of rain across the far northwest of Scotland. Elsewhere,
00:39perhaps some sunshine for the central belt and the Borders area, but otherwise many places
00:44having a pretty cloudy afternoon, and there will be some showery rain. The heaviest showers
00:50will be in the southwest, particularly southern Devon and Cornwall. Here we are likely to
00:54see some thunderstorms kicking off as we go through this afternoon. Hail, lightning, some
00:59intense downpours of rain, all likely to cause some problems. Could be some flooding, could
01:04also be some travel disruption too. Temperatures are going to be a little bit below average
01:09for the time of year, mid to high teens, just about scraping into the low 20s perhaps. Not
01:14feeling too bad where you get any sunshine, but under the cloud it is going to be a bit
01:19disappointing for July. Through the end of the day, still some hefty thundery downpours
01:24causing some problems in the southwest, but most of these will clear as we go through
01:28the evening and overnight. Many places going to stay fairly cloudy, some clearer breaks
01:33perhaps most likely towards the west where you're closer to that area of high pressure.
01:38In the east, we have some thicker cloud and some rain pushing its way in. Where we stick
01:43with the cloudy skies, as you would expect, temperatures aren't going to drop a huge amount.
01:47Most towns and cities are going to hold up in double figures, but perhaps where we get
01:51some clearer skies over western parts of Scotland could dip into mid to high single
01:56digits, so a bit fresher here. A damp start then across eastern parts first thing on Saturday
02:02morning and that cloud, that rain is going to feed a little bit further westwards as
02:07we go through the day, so more places turning a bit damp as we go into the afternoon. Further
02:12west and south, it's not looking too bad, largely dry, just a scattering of showers
02:17here and there, some bright or sunny spells possible, and the showers less likely to be
02:22as thundery, as intense as what we're expecting today, especially in the southwest. But yes,
02:28some persistent rain pushing its way into eastern, northeastern parts as we go through
02:32the afternoon. Where you're stuck under this cloud and this rain and with some blustery
02:37winds, it's going to feel pretty cool, temperatures staying suppressed. Elsewhere, not feeling
02:43too bad if you get the sunshine, but still a little disappointing for this stage in the
02:47season. As we go through the evening, we will see that cloud and rain continuing across
02:52some northeastern parts, but it does ease a little bit as we go overnight and clears
02:57away for a time. And elsewhere, most of the showers will largely die out as we go through
03:01Saturday night into Sunday. And so Sunday actually looks like the driest day of the
03:06weekend and the brightest one. Not for everyone will there be lots of sunshine around, and
03:10in fact, we'll probably see a bit more cloud bubbling up as we go through the day. But
03:14many of us will see a bit more sunshine on Sunday compared to today and Saturday, and
03:19there will be fewer showers and a bit less rain around. So it does look like it will
03:23be a bit drier. That being said, there will still be some showery bursts to watch out
03:27for here and there. Temperatures picking up a little bit low 20s, 22, 23 Celsius, perhaps
03:33more widely high teens or low 20s. So feeling a bit warmer, especially if you do catch any
03:38of that sunshine. We will, of course, be keeping you up to date with the forecast as
03:42we go through this weekend. So do head to our YouTube channel so you never miss an update.
03:47Bye bye.
