debate commentary 4

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hello friends, welcome to Humanology Facebook live edition.
00:07Yes, so happy Tuesday and we have two choices, okay?
00:11Should we watch like the 4th episode, 4th 10 minutes of Trump-Biden, Biden-Trump debate?
00:19Or should we watch some like movie clips, TV show clips,
00:26art, music?
00:31We are learning piano, okay, so I guess I did enough music for the day, so...
00:37Sure, yeah, it's election season, so let's take advantage of this situation, election season, okay?
00:44Yeah, sure.
00:48Yeah, Biden-Trump debate commentary number 4, sure, sure, we can do that, yeah.
00:55But that's entertaining too, so, yeah.
01:08There's Wall Street Journal in YouTube.
01:14I mean, President Barack Hussein Obama, $5 donation to Biden campaign.
01:32Why do they need money?
01:35What, advertisement revenue?
01:37They really think that makes difference?
01:40That's old politics, okay, the kind of campaign that depend on money.
01:44I don't do that stuff, okay, so, yeah.
01:49Hunkily's campaign is about ideas, knowledge.
01:53It's not about money, okay?
01:57I don't take donation money, okay, so, yeah.
02:02But like Hunkily merchandise, yeah, our friends make it.
02:06I let them keep their money to themselves, okay, because they're future business leaders, okay?
02:11Yeah, I encourage them to make more investment, also education investment, business investment, okay?
02:18Because Hunkily brand is copyright waived, okay, so.
02:21Yeah, feel free to make, like, Hunkily brand merchandise, and when you do it, keep the money to yourself, okay?
02:27Pay off your tuition, college tuition, or make more business investment, okay?
02:33Money is yours. Hunkily brand, yeah, copyright fully waived, okay?
02:39So keep the money to yourself, okay? Yeah.
02:42Be the future leaders, okay? Thank you.
02:45Now let's key this to minute 30, where we left off last time.
02:53It is entertaining.
02:55Politics, it is entertaining, yeah.
03:00I'm in it. I'm running for US president as an independent thinker, you know.
03:03Yeah, it's fun. It's a nice hobby.
03:12Okay, let's go.
03:15Moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan.
03:18Great reaction to that.
03:19We left billions of dollars of equipment behind.
03:21We lost 13 beautiful soldiers, and 38 soldiers were obliterated.
03:26And by the way, we left people behind, too. We left American citizens behind.
03:29When Putin saw that, he said, you know what?
03:32I think we're going to go in and maybe take my – this was his dream.
03:36I talked to him about it, his dream.
03:38The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine, never.
03:42Just like Israel would have never been invaded in a million years by Hamas.
03:48You know why? Because Iran was broke with me.
03:52I wouldn't let anybody do business with them.
03:54They ran out of money. They were broke.
03:56They had no money for Hamas.
03:57They had no money for anything. No money for terror.
04:00That's why you had no –
04:02Okay, commentary, okay?
04:06If I'm U.S. president, I will lift all the sanctions against Iran, Russia, North Korea, Cuba.
04:13Because sanctions make situation worse.
04:15They start to hate America.
04:19Then it causes terrorism.
04:25I love all foreign countries, okay?
04:27And we need to make them love us, Americans, okay?
04:31And then they will buy our products.
04:33We do some international trades.
04:35Okay? Yeah.
04:37I do not like sanctions. Period.
04:40If I'm U.S. president, unconditionally I lift all the sanctions,
04:44and they will start to love America, and then we'll achieve world peace.
04:49So I disagree with Trump on that.
04:51Let's continue.
04:55Yeah, I love all countries, like Iran, North Korea, Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, Israel.
05:02I love all countries, okay? Yeah.
05:04China, I love China, okay?
05:07Terror at all during my administration.
05:10This place, the whole world is blowing up under him.
05:14President Biden?
05:16I've never heard so much malarkey in my whole life.
05:18Look, the fact of the matter is that we're in a situation where –
05:20Let's take the last point first.
05:22Iran attacked American troops, caused brain damage for a number of these troops,
05:29and he did nothing about it.
05:31Not when he was president.
05:33They attacked.
05:34He said, they're just having headaches. That's all it is.
05:36We didn't do a thing when the attack took place, number one.
05:40Number two, we got over 100,000 Americans and others out of Afghanistan during that airlift.
05:48Number three, we found ourselves in a situation where, if you take a look at what Trump did in Ukraine,
05:54this guy told Ukraine, he told Trump, do whatever you want.
06:02Okay, look, I'm independent. I used to be Republican.
06:05But in defense of Biden, because he's been panned by his performance,
06:09I heard that he was in foreign travel, suffering from some jet lag as an 81-year-old man.
06:17That's understandable.
06:18So he was very tired that night.
06:21I understand that, okay?
06:24Yeah, but I did watch a couple minutes earlier today, I guess,
06:30the Washington, D.C. NATO speech by President Biden, and I was not impressed at all.
06:36Yeah, he was more energetic. Maybe he had a good night's sleep, okay?
06:40He didn't do traveling this time.
06:43But he's like reading off of teleprompter.
06:46He did look energetic, but maybe he took some energy-enhancing drug or maybe, okay?
06:54I don't know.
06:55Just reading off of teleprompter, although he looks stronger, it means absolutely nothing to me, okay?
07:02Just reading off of teleprompter, okay?
07:07That's why I'm running for U.S. President, okay?
07:08Neither of them are good, okay?
07:11But, yeah, let's continue.
07:15But it's highly entertaining, though.
07:30Great reaction shot. Yeah, I like that.
07:35Kind of like reality TV show, you know?
07:40And he, in fact, didn't do it at all.
07:42He wouldn't be able to get it done, and they've lost thousands and thousands of troops, 500,000 troops.
07:49Thank you.
07:50President Trump, I'm going to come back to you for one minute.
07:52I just want to go back to my original question, which is, are Putin's terms acceptable to you, keeping the territory in Ukraine?
07:59No, they're not acceptable.
08:01But, look, this is a war that never should have started.
08:04If we had a leader in this war, he led everybody along.
08:08He's given $200 billion.
08:10Great reaction shot. They're like actors.
08:12To Ukraine. He's given $200 billion.
08:14That's a lot of money. I don't think there's ever been anything like it.
08:17Every time that Zelensky comes to this country, he walks away with $60 billion.
08:21He's the greatest salesman ever.
08:23And I'm not knocking him, I'm not knocking anything.
08:25I'm only saying, the money that we're spending on this war, and we shouldn't be spending, it should have never happened.
08:33I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky, as president-elect, before I take office on January 20th.
08:41I'll have that war settled.
08:43People being killed so needlessly, so stupidly.
08:46I like the confidence.
08:48I will get it settled, and I'll get it settled fast before I take office.
08:52You have a minute.
08:54The fact is that Putin is a war criminal.
08:57He's killed thousands and thousands of people.
09:00And he has made one thing clear.
09:02He wants to re-establish what was...
09:06Okay, let's talk about Russia invasion of Ukraine.
09:10It's unjustified. It's bad.
09:12I'm very sorry.
09:14It was...
09:15Because he's playing a video game.
09:18He's so bored.
09:20President Putin, okay?
09:22My recommendation, why don't you go to Karaoke Bar and sing a song and dance.
09:27Some dance.
09:29How about learning something new, like learning a piano.
09:33That's what I'm doing.
09:35Because I'm bored.
09:36Yeah, I do mathematics as a hobby, but it's been for too long a hobby.
09:40Mathematics for decades.
09:42Piano is brand new to me.
09:45I learned a little when I was in elementary school.
09:49But I'm re-learning piano.
09:52Yeah, I definitely recommend it to President Putin of Russia.
09:58Russia is a big territory. They don't need more territory.
10:02They got a lot of resources, like oil and gas, coal.
10:06They don't need more money, Russia.
10:09So why is Putin doing this?
10:11It's for fun.
10:12He's playing a video game.
10:19And I'm very sorry about that bombing of Children's Hospital.
10:23That's horrible.
10:28Yeah, I'm very sorry about that, okay?
10:30So my recommendation to President Zelensky of Ukraine.
10:36Yeah, make some compromise.
10:38Maybe give one-tenth of Ukraine's territory to Russia.
10:41Maybe one-tenth, not half, okay?
10:44Make some negotiation, make some compromise, okay?
10:47Because we need to stop this war because too many people are dying.
10:54Okay, let's go.
11:16Well, okay, another commentary.
11:18Yeah, that's like domino effect argument, okay?
11:21Like, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley.
11:26I'm not a huge fan of that lady at all, okay?
11:28And she expressed that concern, domino effect.
11:31She's a Republican. She used to work for Trump, okay?
11:34And during our, like, debate time, like, Republican primary a year ago.
11:40Yeah, she worried about domino effect, okay?
11:43I'm not.
11:49Hypothetically, even if Russia conquers Ukraine,
11:55do I think that Russia will go after another country, after another country, after another country?
12:01I doubt it.
12:05I doubt it, okay?
12:06It may happen, but it may not.
12:09We don't know, okay?
12:12So domino effect theory, it may happen or it may not.
12:16But nobody can predict the future except God or goddess, okay?
12:20We're only humans, okay?
12:22But Nikki Haley, Republican and Biden, Democrat,
12:27they are so 100% sure about this domino effect.
12:30Yeah, Russia will go after another country, after another country, after another country.
12:34That may happen or that may not, okay?
12:36So, Nikki Haley and Joe Biden being so sure about the future,
12:43that tells me they're extremely ignorant people.
12:48Both Nikki Haley and Joe Biden, okay?
12:51They don't know what the future is.
12:54I don't know either, okay?
12:57And when it comes to future, I make some reasonable, logical, scientific, mathematical projection or theory.
13:06But Nikki Haley and Joe Biden, they're so sure about the future.
13:09They think they're like fortune teller, okay?
13:11That tells me they're ignorant people, okay?
13:16But I appreciate fortune tellers a lot, okay?
13:20They have good wisdom, like palm reading, tarot card.
13:23They're very wise people.
13:25Yeah, I appreciate them, okay?
13:27But Biden and Nikki Haley, I don't appreciate them at all.
13:33Trump? Yeah, I appreciate him a little bit, okay?
13:38At least he's entertaining, right?
13:41But I disagree with Trump on many points, okay?
13:45And I know, yeah, he's a committed criminal.
13:48He should not be next president.
13:50Between Trump and Biden?
13:52Biden is bad.
13:53I think Trump is a lot worse.
13:55He's immoral.
13:56He's criminalistic.
13:58He's too dangerous.
14:00I think he's very bad for America.
14:02How about Biden?
14:03He's neutral.
14:05He's not doing anything.
14:06Too old to do anything.
14:07He's dysfunctional.
14:09Yeah, that's fine.
14:10America will do just fine.
14:13Because Biden, he cannot do anything.
14:14He's not doing anything, okay?
14:16America will take care of itself.
14:18America is run by Americans.
14:20Not by president, okay?
14:23So I'm not worried about America, okay?
14:25Let's go, yeah.
14:30Welcome to Human Rights School.
14:33You know what?
14:34Let's take five minutes break.
14:35I need some vocal rest, okay?
14:37Five minutes break, please.
14:38Thank you.
14:44It's beautiful outside in Alaska.
14:48In the evening.
14:50Maybe 9 p.m. or something.
14:54Let's bring some fresh Alaskan oxygen in the room, okay?
14:59Five minutes, thank you.
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19:22Five minutes.
19:24Five minutes.
19:26Five minutes.
19:28Five minutes.
19:30Five minutes.
19:33Welcome back.
19:34Welcome back.
19:35Let's talk more about Ukraine and Russia situation.
19:43This is important.
19:45We need to stop this war.
19:47Look, I'm running for US president.
19:49As an independent thinker.
19:50And hypothetically, if I become US president this year, 2024, what I would do is this.
20:00If I have actual meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and President Vladimir
20:09Putin of Russia, they have same first name.
20:14Volodymyr, Vladimir.
20:16It's that similar language.
20:18Ukrainian and Russian.
20:19I'm also Russian.
20:21So we have meeting maybe in Washington, D.C.
20:31In person.
20:33Before we do Facebook live, we do Instagram live.
20:36I said I would have like Zoom meeting with them.
20:39But maybe in-person meeting would be better.
20:42So that we can have vodka together.
20:45Vodka happens to be my favorite drink.
20:51And it's like a former Soviet Union drink.
20:58Vodka together.
20:59Maybe do some karaoke together.
21:00And we can still do that in Zoom meeting too, right?
21:04In their respective places.
21:06I prefer that.
21:08But if not, yeah, in-person meeting maybe more effective.
21:13Just to be friends.
21:15Yeah, let's forget about past.
21:18We cannot change the past.
21:19But we can shape and make the future to be, you know, better place than present and the
21:29So yeah, I'm willing to have this meeting with Mr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky in-person.
21:38I think it's worthwhile because we need to stop this war.
21:42Because I do not like meeting people in-person.
21:46But in this case, yeah, there's a lot of big stake here.
21:51Sure, yeah.
21:52Drink some vodka.
21:53Some karaoke.
21:54Sure, we can do that.
21:58To start the war.
22:01We just need to learn to love each other, be friends with each other, despite the differences.
22:06And NATO, yeah, it kind of alienates non-member countries.
22:11So I'm not a huge fan of NATO.
22:14It kind of estranges other countries who are not members.
22:18All right.
22:19Yeah, let's continue.
22:24We only have seven more minutes left.
22:26I mean, in the footage, but we do a lot of commentary here.
22:31We spend more time doing commentary than watching the footage, which is the right thing to do.
22:37Because those people, we don't need those people talking.
22:41There is not that much to learn from those people.
22:46So, but.
22:48Yeah, I have a lot to teach.
22:50So welcome to Human Rights School.
22:51Thanks for this.
22:52Thank you.
22:54Let's go.
22:56What do you think happens with those NATO countries?
22:58And so if you want a war, you ought to find out what he's going to do.
23:02Because if in fact he does what he says and walks away.
23:05By the way, all that money we give Ukraine are from weapons we make here in the United States.
23:10We give them the weapons, not the money at this point.
23:13And our NATO allies have produced as much funding for Ukraine as we have.
23:19That's why we're strong.
23:22Thank you.
23:23Moving on to the Middle East.
23:24In October, Hamas attacked Israel, killing more than a thousand people and taking hundreds of hostages.
23:31Among those held and thought to still be alive are five Americans.
23:35Israel's response has killed thousands of Palestinians and created a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
23:41President Biden, you've put forward a proposal to resolve this conflict.
23:47But so far, Hamas has not released the remaining hostages and Israel is continuing its military offensive in Gaza.
23:55So what additional leverage will you use to get Hamas and Israel to end the war?
24:01You have two minutes.
24:03Well, what they have to say is worthless.
24:10Okay, so what I have to say is priceless because I'm smart.
24:16They're not.
24:17Okay, so you may say I'm pathetic because I'm watching them on YouTube.
24:23Look, yeah, sure.
24:25I don't even have cable TV.
24:27I cannot afford it.
24:29Yeah, I'm an Alaskan American in Alaska and I make enough money to pay my mortgage.
24:41I don't get to save very much.
24:44But I pay my bills.
24:48But I cannot afford cable TV.
24:50And also I don't need it.
24:52So whenever I travel in a hotel, I enjoy watching cable TV.
24:58That happens like once a year.
25:00To me, that's good enough.
25:02Now, okay, Israel and Hamas.
25:10Yeah, they need to stop the war and the way I would approach this.
25:14Yeah, Hamas, give up your weapons.
25:15Give up your hostages.
25:18Surrender to Israel military.
25:23Hamas needs to be neutralized.
25:25Give up your weapon.
25:26Give up your hostages and you get to live.
25:29Yeah, you go to jail because you're criminals.
25:31Yeah, October 7th, 2010.
25:33And then you go to jail.
25:35That's too dangerous.
25:36We need to disarm Hamas, period.
25:39But in return, Israel, yeah, you need to give some more land to Gaza.
25:44It's too small, too overpopulated.
25:47So Israel, give some more land to Gaza.
25:52That's how I negotiate between those two.
26:09Now, for the fun, let's hear these stupid two people, okay?
26:18For comedy.
26:25Two studios.
26:28For comedy.
26:29For fun, okay?
26:33Number one, everyone from the United Nations Security Council straight through to the G7
26:41to the Israelis and Netanyahu himself have endorsed the plan I put forward, endorsed
26:45the plan I put forward, which has three stages to it.
26:48The first stage is we train the hostages for a ceasefire.
26:53Second phase is a ceasefire with additional conditions.
26:56The third phase is, no, the end of the war.
26:59The only one who wants the war to continue is Hamas, number one.
27:03They're the only ones standing out.
27:05We're still pushing hard to get them to accept.
27:08In the meantime, what's happened?
27:10In Israel, we're finding the only thing I've denied Israel was 2,000-pound bombs.
27:15They don't work very well.
27:17One more thing I forgot to say, okay?
27:20So, I mean, we love Palestine, of course.
27:24We love Gaza.
27:25We love Gaza.
27:27What Israel is doing, a lot of air bombing, okay?
27:30Just to indiscriminate, okay?
27:32What I recommend Israel to do, how about ground force?
27:36Like special forces, okay?
27:38More precision, okay?
27:42That was my recommendation.
27:43I was in the U.S. Army, okay?
27:46I was in the infantry.
27:48My friends were.
27:49So, I know enough about it.
27:50I was an electrician for helicopters, okay?
27:52So, never saw combat, okay?
27:54I know enough about combat in theory, okay?
27:59It's common sense.
28:05Yeah, let's continue.
28:12Yeah, and those two people that went to U.S. military, I have.
28:15I was not infantry.
28:16I was an electrician for helicopters.
28:17Never saw combat, but still, okay?
28:21I was there for four years, okay?
28:23Well, the populated areas, they kill a lot of innocent people.
28:26We're providing Israel with all the weapons they need and when they need them.
28:29And by the way, I'm the guy that organized the world against Iran when they had a full-blown
28:35intercontinental ballistic missile attack on Israel.
28:39No one was hurt.
28:40No one Israeli was accidentally killed and stopped.
28:45We saved Israel.
28:47We are the biggest producer of support for Israel of anyone in the world.
28:52And so, there are two different things.
28:54Hamas cannot be allowed to be continued.
28:57We continue to send our experts and our intelligence people to how they can get Hamas like we did
29:02Ben Laden.
29:03You don't...
29:04Okay, so come at the commentary, okay?
29:08Yeah, after this, yeah, President Biden's skin more tanned like Trump, more orange,
29:14more brown, okay?
29:16More healthier.
29:19After that debate, okay, yeah, so there is some better makeup job, I guess.
29:23I don't know.
29:24Tanning salon.
29:26President Biden have been to.
29:27I have no idea.
29:28Okay, but yeah, there's some news talk about it, okay?
29:31Okay, his color is hilarious, right?
29:33He look too pale.
29:35So he was tanning skin like Trump, okay?
29:39There's some commentators are saying, okay?
29:41I think it's hilarious, okay?
29:49Yeah, whatever.
29:50It's too funny.
29:51Yeah, it is.
29:53We have to do it.
29:54And by the way, they've been greatly weakened, Hamas.
29:57Greatly weakened, and they should be.
29:59They should be eliminated.
30:00But you've got to be careful for what using certain weapons among population centers.
30:08Just getting back to Ukraine for one second.
30:11We have an ocean separating us.
30:13The European nations together have spent 100 billion or maybe more than that.
30:19Less than us.
30:20Why doesn't he call them?
30:22So you got to put up your money like I did with NATO.
30:24Put up hundreds of billions of dollars.
30:27The Secretary General of NATO said Trump did the most incredible job I've ever seen.
30:31They wouldn't have any.
30:32They were going out of business.
30:33We were spending almost 100% of the money.
30:36Surprise and laughter.
30:38Yeah, he didn't smile.
30:40He's getting old.
30:41You got to ask these people to put up the money.
30:43We're over 100 billion dollars more spent.
30:45They're very handsome, good looking people.
30:47Because of location, because we have an ocean in between.
30:50You got to ask them as far as Israel and Hamas.
30:55Israel is the one that wants to go.
30:57He said the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas.
30:59Actually, Israel is the one.
31:01And you should let him go and let him finish the job.
31:03He doesn't want to do it.
31:04He's become like a Palestinian.
31:06But they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian.
31:08He's a weak one.
31:10President Biden, you have a minute.
31:12I've never heard so much foolishness.
31:14This is a guy who wants to get out of NATO.
31:16Are you going to stay in NATO?
31:17He's going to pull out of NATO.
31:19The idea that we have our strength lies in our alliances as well.
31:23It may be a big ocean, but if we're able to avoid a war in Europe,
31:27a major war in Europe, what happens if, in fact,
31:30you have Putin continue to go into NATO?
31:33We have an Article 5 agreement.
31:35Attack on one is attack on all.
31:37You want to start the nuclear war he keeps talking about,
31:39go ahead, let Putin go in and control Ukraine
31:42and then move on to Poland and other places.
31:45We'll see what happens then.
31:47He has no idea what the hell he's talking about.
31:49And by the way, I've got 50 other nations around the world
31:52to support Ukraine, including Japan and South Korea,
31:56because they understand that this kind of dislocation
31:59has a serious threat to the whole world peace.
32:02No major war in Europe has ever been able to be contained just to Europe.
32:07President Trump, just to follow up, would you support the creation
32:11of an independent Palestinian state in order to achieve peace?
32:16Let's take five minutes break. I need some vocal rest, OK?
32:19Yeah, welcome. Good evening.
32:21OK, five minutes break. Thank you.
32:24Yeah, in the debate, there are two minutes footage left there, but...
32:29Yeah, vocal rest I need.
32:32Five minutes break, please. Thank you.
32:34Yep, make up this moment.
32:37Let's pull out of here this time.
33:04Five minutes break.
33:34Five minutes break.
34:04Five minutes break.
34:34Five minutes break.
35:04Five minutes break.
35:34Five minutes break.
36:19Five minutes break.
36:49Five minutes break.
37:19Five minutes break.
37:49OK, friends, welcome back. We are back.
38:03I mean, yeah, I do drink alcohol, but I drink a lot of water.
38:07I carry a plastic water bottle everywhere I go, except when I run, OK?
38:13Except when I run, OK?
38:16For, like, ten minutes during the lunch hours, OK?
38:21Sure, yeah, let's continue, OK?
38:26Yeah, they're entertaining, yeah, sure.
38:33Two worst people in America who's running for U.S. president, top two candidates.
38:38What does that say about America, right?
38:40Yeah, we can do better than this.
38:42And we will, in the future. Let's give them some time, OK?
38:45Yeah, they're locked in, trapped in this two-party system, right?
38:49Which is not an ideal system.
38:52Ideal system? Independent politics.
38:55Just like what I'm doing, OK?
38:57Let's go.
39:00I'd have to see, but before we do that, the problem we have is that we spend all the money.
39:05So they kill us on trade.
39:07I've made great trade deals with the European nations.
39:10Because if you add them up, they're about the same size economically.
39:14Their economy is about the same size as the United States.
39:17And they were written, no cars, no...
39:19They don't want anything that we have, but we...
39:21The whole world peace.
39:23No major war in Europe.
39:25It will be contained just in Europe.
39:27President Trump, just to follow up.
39:30Would you support the creation of an independent Palestinian state in order to achieve peace in the region?
39:35I'd have to see, but before we do that, the problem we have is that we spend all the money.
39:40So they kill us on trade.
39:42I've made great trade deals with the European nations.
39:45Because if you add them up, they're about the same size economically.
39:49Their economy is about the same size as the United States.
39:51That's Europe, that's not Palestine.
39:53And they were written, no cars, no...
39:54They don't want anything that we have, but we're supposed to take their cars, their food, their everything.
39:58Their agriculture.
40:00I changed that.
40:01But the big thing I changed is they don't want to pay.
40:03And the only reason that he can play games with NATO is because I got them to put up hundreds of billions of dollars.
40:11I said, and he's right about this.
40:13I said, no, I'm not going to support NATO if you don't pay.
40:16They asked me that question.
40:18Would you guard us against Russia?
40:20At a very secret meeting of the 28 states at that time, nations at that time.
40:25And I said, no, if you don't pay, I won't do that.
40:28And you know what happened?
40:29Billions and billions of dollars came flowing in the next day and the next month.
40:34But now we're in the same position.
40:36We're paying everybody's bills.
40:38Let's turn to the issue of democracy.
40:40Former President Trump.
40:42So, yeah.
40:43In Korean proverb, yeah.
40:48Answer from east.
40:50I mean, question from east, answer from the west.
40:56The moderator asked a question about the independence of Palestinian state and Trump.
41:04He's getting old, too.
41:06He's 78, right?
41:07He's getting there.
41:09He's like three years apart.
41:10Biden, 81.
41:11He did not answer that question at all.
41:16It's not about, his answer is not about Palestinian independence.
41:20He talked about like European nation, like NATO, whatever.
41:25He's getting old, too.
41:27So, yeah.
41:28Oh, well.
41:34I want to ask you about January 6th, 2021.
41:37After you rallied your supporters that day, some of them stormed the Capitol to stop the
41:42constitutionally mandated counting of electoral votes.
41:45As president, you swore an oath to, quote, preserve, protect, and defend, unquote, the
41:51What do you say to voters who believe that you violated that oath through your actions
41:55and inaction on January 6th and worry that you'll do it again?
41:58Well, I don't think too many believe that.
42:00Let me tell you about January 6th.
42:02On January 6th, we had a great border.
42:05Nobody coming through.
42:06Very few.
42:07Great reaction, guys.
42:08On January 6th, we were energy independent.
42:10On January 6th, we had the lowest taxes ever.
42:12We had the lowest regulations ever.
42:14On January 6th, we were respected all over the world.
42:17All over the world, we were respected.
42:19And then he comes in-
42:21Hey, I'm balancing out the volume of their voices.
42:26Trump is loud, so I'm kind of volume it down so that it's not too loud.
42:30Biden, too soft-spoken, so I volume up to even out, average out, okay?
42:35I'm being fair here, okay?
42:39And we're now left that.
42:40We're like a bunch of stupid people.
42:43What happened to the United States' reputation under this man's leadership is horrible,
42:49including weaponization, which I'm sure at some point you'll be talking about,
42:53where he goes after his political opponent because he can't beat him fair and square.
42:57You have 80 seconds left.
42:59My question was, what do you say to those voters who believe that you violated your constitutional oath
43:05through your actions in action on January 6th, 2021, and worry that you'll do it again?
43:09Well, I didn't say that to anybody.
43:11I said peacefully and patriotically.
43:14And Nancy Pelosi, if you just watched the news from two days ago,
43:18on tape to her daughter, who's a documentary filmmaker, they say,
43:23but she's saying, oh, no, it's my responsibility.
43:26I was responsible for this because I offered her 10,000 soldiers or National Guard,
43:31and she turned them down.
43:32And the mayor, in writing, by the way, the mayor, in writing, turned it down, the mayor of D.C.
43:38They turned it down.
43:40I offered 10,000 because I could see.
43:42I had virtually nothing to do.
43:44They asked me to go make a speech.
43:46I could see what was happening.
43:47Everybody was saying they're going to be there on January 6th.
43:50They're going to be there.
43:51And I said, you know what?
43:52There's a lot of people coming.
43:53You could feel it.
43:54You could feel it, too, and you could feel it.
43:56And I said, they ought to have some National Guard or whatever.
44:00And I offered it to her.
44:01And she now admits that she turned it down.
44:04And it was the same day.
44:06She was, I don't know, she can't be very happy with her daughter because it made her into a liar.
44:10She said, I take full responsibility for January 6th.
44:16Look, I sat in the dining room off the Oval Office.
44:23He sat there for three hours, three hours watching, begging, being begged by his vice president
44:30and a number of his colleagues on the Republican side as well to do something, to call for a stop, to end it.
44:36Instead, he talked about these people being patriots and great patrons of America.
44:41In fact, he says he'll now forgive them for what they've done.
44:44They've been convicted.
44:46He says he wants to commute their sentences and say that, no.
44:51He went to every single court in the nation.
44:54I don't know how many cases, scores of cases, including the Supreme Court.
44:58And they said, no, no, this guy is responsible for doing what was done.
45:05He didn't do a damn thing.
45:07And these people should be in jail.
45:09And they should be the ones who are being held accountable.
45:12And he wants to let them all out.
45:14And now he says that he loses again, such a whiner that he is.
45:17That could be a bloodbath.
45:19Thank you, President Biden.
45:20President Trump.
45:21What they've done to some people that are so innocent, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
45:26What you have done, you've destroyed the lives of so many people.
45:30When they ripped down Portland, when they ripped down many other cities, you go to Minnesota, Minneapolis.
45:38What they've done there, with the fires all over the city.
45:41If I didn't bring in the National Guard, that city would have been destroyed.
45:44When you look at all of it, they took over.
45:48No, no, no.
45:49There's some correction there, historically speaking.
45:52So, after COVID-19.
45:55By the way, I don't have potbelly, okay?
45:57I suck it in.
45:58I don't have potbelly.
45:59It's water malfunction.
46:01Okay, after COVID-19, 2020.
46:08George Floyd riot, okay?
46:10It did not happen under Biden.
46:12It happened under Trump.
46:15And he could not stop it.
46:17Trump failed in COVID-19, 2020.
46:21And George Floyd riot, 2021.
46:24It happened under Trump.
46:26What did he do?
46:27What did he do?
46:28He didn't bring in, like, Dr. Fauci, right?
46:31Dr. Anthony Fauci.
46:33And hand over the White House to Dr. Fauci.
46:37That was not Biden.
46:38That was Trump.
46:40Americans saw that, the failure of leadership under Trump.
46:45That's why Americans voted for Biden.
46:49Because Americans were disappointed.
46:51That's what happened in the 2020 election.
46:54In my opinion.
46:56I didn't vote for him.
46:57I ran for U.S. president in 2020.
47:00Yeah, I voted for myself.
47:03Because these two, yeah, they're not as smart as I am.
47:07Look at them.
47:09Look at their faces.
47:11Good comedians.
47:13They should be in Hollywood.
47:15Not Washington, D.C.
47:19Look at them.
47:21America's two top presidential candidates.
47:24Look at them.
47:25They're great comedians.
47:26I love this.
47:30But I'm running for U.S. president again.
47:32I always run for U.S. president every four years.
47:35Yeah, because I'm just smarter than both of them combined.
47:39Yeah, my name is Hong Ki-ri.
47:40I'm running for U.S. president 2024 as an independent thinker.
47:43Yeah, as a scientist, mathematician.
47:46Yeah, sure.
47:47As a humanologist.
47:50Look at their faces.
47:53America's top two presidential candidates.
47:56What a comedy.
47:58And I am enjoying this.
48:06Okay, I think that's about it.
48:15I have a proposal for you, okay?
48:17Yeah, let's take five minutes break, okay?
48:19And we'll continue this some other time.
48:25But now it's too young.
48:27It's not even 9 p.m. in Alaska.
48:30Now it's too young.
48:31So we'll check out some music scene in YouTube video.
48:35Like Mozart versus Salieri.
48:37Salieri versus Mozart.
48:41They won multiple Academy Awards back in 1980s.
48:45When I was in Seoul South Square Elementary School, I guess.
48:50Now I'm kind of re-learning how to play piano.
48:53As a brand new hobby, I guess.
48:58Five minutes break, okay?
49:01Yeah, we'll continue video commentary of the presidential debates.
49:05Like, maybe later.
49:07Maybe tomorrow.
49:08The day after tomorrow.
49:09Whenever we want, I guess.
49:12Five minutes break.
49:13Thank you.
49:14Very cool.
49:15Welcome to humanized school.
49:16Yeah, yeah.
49:18Welcome to humanized show.
49:19A late night show.
49:21Five minutes break.
49:23Thank you.
49:25And we'll check out some music scene in YouTube.
49:29Acting scene.
49:31Filmmaking and stuff.
49:36Five minutes.
49:37Thank you.
49:49Five minutes, thank you.