Front in the rear of the enemy Part One Full Movie War Drama HD

  • 2 months ago
Front in the rear of the enemy Part One Full Movie War Drama HD
00:00:30Comrades soldiers and commanders, the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief has entrusted us with a new important task.
00:00:44We will carry it out on the territory of the states adjacent to us.
00:00:53We are going to help our brothers, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks.
00:01:00Remember, we are soldiers of the regular Red Army.
00:01:06We will honorably carry this high rank.
00:01:12Death to fascism!
00:01:16Freedom to the peoples!
00:01:18Here is our banner!
00:01:30Right face!
00:02:22There were many difficult days, there will be many difficult days.
00:02:37So it's too early to draw conclusions.
00:02:40So we met with her, so we saw each other with her.
00:02:46Somewhere on a country road.
00:02:49Only a few minutes, only a few minutes, the conversation lasted between us.
00:02:58How do I tell you my name? How do I tell you my name?
00:03:02And she answered, Pobeda.
00:03:06How do I tell you my name? How do I tell you my name?
00:03:10And she answered, Pobeda.
00:03:14Under the scarf on the chest, next to the heart on the chest.
00:03:20Modest soldier's medals.
00:03:23But don't go away, don't go away anymore.
00:03:29We waited for you in the trenches for a long time.
00:03:33Only a few minutes, only a few minutes, the conversation lasted between us.
00:03:42How do I tell you my name? How do I tell you my name?
00:03:46And she answered, Pobeda.
00:03:50How do I tell you my name? How do I tell you my name?
00:03:54And she answered, Pobeda.
00:04:11The End
00:04:33Keitel, you promised this year to send Russians from Dnipro to the East.
00:04:40And you are retreating.
00:04:43I'm tired of hearing about this, Keitel.
00:04:48Speer, we have reduced the production of ships so that you don't need metal.
00:04:55You promised me in May to deliver missiles up to 5,000 pieces.
00:05:00Where are they?
00:05:10The Russians are exhausted. They have no more reserves.
00:05:15Their communications are stretched.
00:05:18You, Speer, you will have enough time to finish equipping our army with weapons of retaliation.
00:05:25You don't have enough slaves? Take as many as you need from Himmler.
00:05:30Goering, you said that London would be wiped off the face of the earth.
00:05:36Give Himmler another 100.
00:05:39We need the best pilots of Luftwaffe.
00:05:42They will lead the missile carriers and drop new super-powerful bombs on industrial centers of Russia, England and America.
00:06:00We will make the whole world tremble.
00:06:06The whole world.
00:06:10A personal and strictly secret message from Mr. Churchill to Marshal Stalin.
00:06:17There is reliable information that the Germans conducted tests of flying missiles
00:06:23with an experimental station in Debica, Poland.
00:06:26I would be grateful, Marshal Stalin,
00:06:30if you could give the necessary instructions on the preservation of the equipment and devices in Debica
00:06:37that your troops will be able to capture after taking possession of this area.
00:06:42July 13, 1944.
00:06:49Churchill is insistently asking us for information
00:06:53on the test site of the Germans in the area of Debica.
00:07:02Comrade Anton.
00:07:05The Germans are developing two types of missiles, Comrade Stalin.
00:07:09V-1, which was used in the first massive attack of London,
00:07:14and V-2.
00:07:16This is a completely new type of missile.
00:07:18A ballistic missile with a greater radius of action.
00:07:22These missiles are tested at the Blizna test site,
00:07:26near the Debica station.
00:07:29That's how it is correctly called.
00:07:32Comrade Voronov.
00:07:34What measures have been taken to protect our cities,
00:07:38especially Leningrad, from a missile attack?
00:07:42In the area of responsibility of the Leningrad Air Force,
00:07:45more than 100 anti-aircraft artillery batteries
00:07:49and four regiments of fighter aircraft,
00:07:52equipped with the latest aircraft, have been allocated for the operation against missiles.
00:07:58Comrade Antonov.
00:08:01Put the task of a special assignment in the detachment.
00:08:06As soon as possible, go to the area of the Debica station.
00:08:10When capturing the test site,
00:08:13special attention should be paid to those devices
00:08:17and design features
00:08:20that must be known
00:08:24to organize a successful defense of our cities.
00:08:33To the commander of the special assignment detachment,
00:08:35Colonel Mlynsky.
00:08:38According to the decision of the headquarters,
00:08:40a special group of Zarev is sent to your disposal
00:08:43to carry out the tasks on the V-2 missiles
00:08:46and a part of the forces are transferred for front reconnaissance.
00:08:50When leaving the Blizna test site,
00:08:53rely on the help of the Polish communist guerrilla detachments
00:08:57Warsaw and Kostyushko,
00:09:00who received the corresponding instructions from Comrade Berut.
00:09:17Comrade Colonel, an urgent package from Moscow.
00:09:20Top secret.
00:09:22And replenishment.
00:09:23Thank you.
00:09:26Captain Ozerov, commander of the Zarev detachment.
00:09:28Hello. How did you get here?
00:09:29Thank you, fine.
00:09:31Senior Lieutenant Devanov, arrived for further service.
00:09:35Lieutenant Kovalev.
00:09:36Hello, Lieutenant.
00:09:40Engineer Major Shulsky.
00:09:42Victor Ivanovich.
00:09:43Hello, Victor Ivanovich.
00:09:44How is Moscow?
00:09:45It stands, beauty.
00:09:48The task is clear?
00:09:50Yes, the task.
00:09:53Two-day period,
00:09:55go to the area of the station Dembica and capture this damn test site.
00:09:59The main thing is not to be found.
00:10:01We are here.
00:10:03And Dembica,
00:10:05there it is where.
00:10:07We have on the way ...
00:10:09Who is there?
00:10:11People placed?
00:10:13Placed, fed, wiped the snot and put to sleep.
00:10:16Well, and we will feed?
00:10:18Tea served?
00:10:20There is a smart guy to me raw churk in the samovar threw,
00:10:23I do not know how.
00:10:25It was necessary to melt cones.
00:10:27Right, Yerofeich?
00:10:28It was not at hand.
00:10:29At hand.
00:10:30In the forest he did not find cones.
00:10:35go, look,
00:10:37that we do not interfere.
00:10:46We have on the way
00:10:48two railroads,
00:10:49a few small rivers and crossing the San River.
00:10:53Without conflicts it is impossible.
00:10:57We will melt everything from D.
00:10:59They will not let us sniff to the Dembica test site.
00:11:04We will have to ask the local guerrillas
00:11:06to make noise a little aside.
00:11:11Comrade Colonel,
00:11:13communications from the Polish guerrillas.
00:11:20Hello, daughter.
00:11:21The detachment of Warsaw covers the left flank.
00:11:23It is necessary to cover the left flank.
00:11:25It is necessary to cover the left flank.
00:11:27It is necessary to cover the left flank.
00:11:29It is necessary to cover the left flank.
00:11:32The detachment of Warsaw covers the left flank.
00:11:35Stanislav Lernowski.
00:11:38They knocked out the Swabs in the village Pshedoba,
00:11:39on the other bank of the San River.
00:11:40That's good.
00:11:41Sergeant Kasykh,
00:11:42the chief of the headquarters to me.
00:11:45That is here.
00:11:46It is here.
00:11:47Now hold on.
00:11:49You can not get involved in the battle.
00:11:50They say that the Swabs take care of us.
00:11:54So Poland is not dead.
00:11:55It is not dead.
00:11:57I am in the army with us.
00:12:01Are you tired?
00:12:04You are all wet.
00:12:06We will come soon.
00:12:07What did I want to tell you?
00:12:10What did you want to tell me?
00:12:13That you are even more beautiful in the fog.
00:12:20How is the mood, girls?
00:12:21Everything is fine.
00:12:22Good morning, comrade commander.
00:12:23Good morning.
00:12:24We are always glad to see you.
00:12:25Good morning.
00:12:26Good morning.
00:12:27Good morning.
00:12:28Good morning.
00:12:29Good morning.
00:12:30It is good to see you.
00:12:31Thank you, Katya.
00:12:32Look, sergeant,
00:12:33be careful at the crossing.
00:12:35Do not wet the radio.
00:12:36We will not get wet,
00:12:37comrade colonel.
00:12:38Oh, look at me, girl,
00:12:39you are playing enough.
00:12:40What did I say?
00:12:42The tongue does not hurt.
00:12:43I am always glad to see you,
00:12:44Ivan Petrovich.
00:12:45So what?
00:12:47Oh, you scared me.
00:12:48Where did you get it from?
00:12:49It's all from there.
00:12:50And Burkov is shameless.
00:12:51Do not drink on me.
00:12:52It is useless.
00:12:53It's a dead thing.
00:12:54Not at all useless.
00:12:55I did my job.
00:12:56Come on.
00:12:57You have to fill up the tank.
00:12:58What is there to fill up?
00:12:59If I were younger,
00:13:00I would marry all three of you.
00:13:23Herr Major,
00:13:24the order of the head
00:13:25of the special zone
00:13:26Sturmbannfuhrer Zambia
00:13:27to divide the battalion.
00:13:28Send the company to the area
00:13:29of the village of Pshedoba,
00:13:30the rest to the southwest.
00:13:31Ten kilometers from here,
00:13:32large forces of bandits
00:13:33are crossing the river Zambia.
00:13:34Follow me.
00:13:58Thank you.
00:14:21May I?
00:14:23Oh, well done.
00:14:24Thank you.
00:14:25Like this.
00:14:27Like this.
00:14:43It's quiet.
00:14:44We got through.
00:14:46Comrade Milevsky,
00:14:47I believe
00:14:48that in half an hour
00:14:49you can take your people away.
00:14:50All right.
00:14:51Tell our comrades
00:14:52our heartfelt gratitude.
00:14:53Thank you.
00:14:54Good luck.
00:14:57One hundred grams
00:14:58of such a cupel
00:14:59is a must,
00:15:00Comrade Commissar.
00:15:01It's a must,
00:15:02Comrade Yerofeich.
00:15:03Comrade Colonel,
00:15:04the crossing is over.
00:15:05There is only
00:15:06combat security left.
00:15:13take the detachment away.
00:15:14Yes, sir.
00:15:16take the detachment
00:15:17into the forest.
00:15:18To the forest,
00:15:19to the forest,
00:15:20come on.
00:15:23come to me.
00:15:24Yes, Comrade Colonel.
00:15:25Take the people
00:15:26to the forest.
00:15:27Yes, sir.
00:15:28Armored men,
00:15:29follow me, quickly.
00:15:30We didn't manage
00:15:31to get through.
00:15:32Comrade General,
00:15:33allow me to go with them.
00:15:34All right,
00:16:57Ivan Petrovich,
00:16:58I think
00:16:59we lost them.
00:17:00Ah, Gazan.
00:17:02it's quiet for now.
00:17:03What did you have there?
00:17:04I think
00:17:05they didn't expect
00:17:06such a thing.
00:17:07Four tanks
00:17:08were shot down.
00:17:09Senior officer
00:17:15He died.
00:17:16He died.
00:17:17He died.
00:17:18He died.
00:17:19He died.
00:17:20He died.
00:17:21He died.
00:17:22He died.
00:17:23He died.
00:17:24He died.
00:17:26Ah, Sashko, Sashko.
00:17:31write to your mother.
00:17:32How and where did he die?
00:17:35It's a pity for the sailor.
00:17:37We didn't find the body.
00:17:39He must have drowned.
00:17:40It's a pity.
00:17:42Comrade Milevsky,
00:17:44how are you feeling?
00:17:46I'm fine.
00:17:48If possible,
00:17:49we will send you to Moscow,
00:17:50to the hospital.
00:17:51Thank you,
00:17:58do you know these places?
00:18:00We need to help,
00:18:02I understand everything.
00:18:03I will do everything, Tatya.
00:18:08Does Vanda know Krakow?
00:18:11very well.
00:18:12She lived in Krakow
00:18:13for one year.
00:18:22Viktor Sergeyevich,
00:18:24we must immediately
00:18:25send Shumsky to Krakow.
00:18:27With whom?
00:18:28He will be accompanied
00:18:29by Milevsky's daughter, Vanda.
00:18:31Has Krasev been informed about this?
00:18:33He knows him
00:18:34by the photo.
00:18:35Take care of it.
00:18:41Well, where is he?
00:18:42Stand up, Standartenfuhrer.
00:18:58It can't be.
00:19:12Gruppenfuhrer Wolfgang,
00:19:13your Excellency,
00:19:14invite him in.
00:19:18Heil Hitler.
00:19:22Please sit down.
00:19:24bring us something.
00:19:27I have arrived in Krakow
00:19:28due to extraordinary circumstances,
00:19:29Colonel General.
00:19:30I have brought you
00:19:31a letter.
00:19:33It is very important
00:19:34to you.
00:19:35It is very important
00:19:36to you.
00:19:37It is very important
00:19:38to you.
00:19:39It is very important
00:19:40to you.
00:19:41Gruppenfuhrer Wolfgang,
00:19:42it is very important
00:19:43to you.
00:19:44It is very important
00:19:45to you.
00:19:46It is very important
00:19:47to you.
00:19:50We have received
00:19:51pieces of information
00:19:52that apart from the Polish
00:19:54the Red Army
00:19:55and the regular
00:19:56troops have also
00:19:57participated in the battle.
00:19:58Didn't your people
00:19:59see eye to eye
00:20:00with Gruppenfuhrer?
00:20:03The head
00:20:04of the Special Area
00:20:06Sturmbandfuhrer Zange,
00:20:07knew the one
00:20:08found in the river
00:20:11This is a man from Colonel Mlynsky's detachment.
00:20:26If I'm not mistaken,
00:20:29this is the same Russian colonel who spoiled our blood in Belarus.
00:20:36The secret objects of imperial significance are under threat.
00:20:41The secret objects of imperial significance are under threat.
00:21:11The secret objects of imperial significance are under threat.
00:21:41The secret objects of imperial significance are under threat.
00:22:18Krakow is a beautiful city.
00:22:20Yes, but Warsaw is better.
00:22:22Why didn't you go to the church right away?
00:22:25There were a lot of different types there.
00:22:28I didn't know what to think.
00:22:30Okay, let's get acquainted.
00:22:32Major Karasev. By documents, Captain Dennard.
00:22:35You look much younger in the photo.
00:22:37Time flies.
00:22:39It's noisy. So it is by documents.
00:22:43Mlynsky is interested in everything about the Blizna training ground.
00:22:48How did you get a job?
00:22:50As a mechanic in a car workshop.
00:22:56Mlynsky's appearance in Poland deep into our troops can mean only one thing.
00:23:01That today and tomorrow you have to wait for guests at your facilities.
00:23:06I think what Mlynsky knows.
00:23:10Most likely, the test ground Blizna in the area of Dębica.
00:23:15Noise, flame.
00:23:17It is impossible to hide from attentive observers.
00:23:21But the rest of the objects are unlikely.
00:23:26Evacuate combat missiles immediately from the training ground.
00:23:30Temporarily stop flights over the Heide camp.
00:23:33Increase control at the Velichko facility.
00:23:38Mlynsky rushes to the missiles.
00:23:42Well, okay. He will try.
00:24:33Mlynsky approaches the training ground.
00:25:03Mlynsky approaches the training ground.
00:25:12Keep watching the company.
00:25:18Air alarm.
00:25:37We gave the scouts the opportunity to leave the training ground.
00:25:40Yes, yes. Imitation of air alarm.
00:25:44Now the purpose of Mlynsky's appearance has been finalized.
00:25:50You know Mlynsky.
00:25:53If he clings to the object, he will not leave until he reaches the goal.
00:25:58Here in the barracks, the prisoner, a man 100-150.
00:26:03From here to the site there is a concrete road.
00:26:06On both sides there are 6 hangars.
00:26:09And here on the left is a thing.
00:26:12It looks like a cigar, 15-20 meters long.
00:26:24Missile, of course.
00:26:28Where does this railway lead?
00:26:30To the south, to the Dembitsa station.
00:26:33Did you have a feeling that you were discovered?
00:26:37No, Comrade Colonel.
00:26:39The alarm was clearly airy.
00:26:41Comrade Colonel, a guest.
00:26:44Vanda, what a guest.
00:26:46Comrades, let's take a break. You are free.
00:26:49Come in, come in.
00:26:51Come on, come on. I'll look at you. Sit down.
00:26:54Tired, tired.
00:26:56Vanda, is everything quiet?
00:26:58It's for you.
00:26:59Thank you, daughter.
00:27:01They will feed you and you can rest.
00:27:03Erofeevich, see Vanda off.
00:27:06Thank you, daughter.
00:27:07Thank you.
00:27:15From Karasev and Shumsky.
00:27:19According to preliminary data,
00:27:21the Germans are working to create weapons of retaliation in the special zone Velichko.
00:27:26It includes the Salinaikop, the test site Blizno and the object of the Heide camp.
00:27:32The pilots who arrived in Krakow were from the Heide camp.
00:27:35The Blizno test site from the Dembitsa area should be evacuated.
00:27:41The commandant of the zone, Sturmbannfuhrer Zange.
00:27:44Zange, an old acquaintance.
00:27:46These data must still be checked.
00:27:49Both through Moscow and through Berlin.
00:27:51And if they are confirmed,
00:27:53Karasev and Shumsky must be completely switched to this Velichko.
00:27:59How do you feel?
00:28:00Nothing, thank you.
00:28:02Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time.
00:28:08I'll take a look at the X-ray now.
00:28:11A picture of Mr. Kuenler.
00:28:14Well, Mr. Engineer,
00:28:16you will have to take care of your health seriously.
00:28:19Then postpone all affairs for a few days.
00:28:21Thank you.
00:28:22Unfortunately, Mr. Professor, this is impossible.
00:28:24It is necessary.
00:28:25I have to go on a business trip tomorrow.
00:28:27For how long?
00:28:28Five days, to Krakow.
00:28:32Can't you postpone it?
00:28:34Well, okay.
00:28:35When you return, come to me immediately.
00:28:38If it hurts, be patient.
00:28:40And by no means trust your kind to the Poles.
00:28:49Come on, let's go.
00:29:09Good evening, Anna.
00:29:10Good evening, Martha.
00:29:12Why so late today?
00:29:14That's just the way it happened.
00:29:17I broke my arm again.
00:29:26Thank you.
00:29:30Say hello to the professor.
00:29:47You're welcome.
00:30:18The Center for Mlynsky.
00:30:21From Berlin to Krakow, engineer Kuenl, a major specialist in rocket explosives,
00:30:26left for a short-term business trip.
00:30:2936 years old.
00:30:35First time in Krakow.
00:31:35Kuenl arrived today.
00:31:38Room 31, Hotel Monopoly.
00:31:41If he really
00:31:43had never been to Krakow before,
00:31:45then we have a real chance
00:31:48to infiltrate the Blizno Polygon.
00:31:51I think we should take Kuenl today.
00:31:56And interrogate him.
00:31:59Do you have a plan?
00:32:01Yes, a woman in a black veil will help us.
00:32:04She sits on the left of us, in the second row.
00:32:09I see.
00:32:16Kuenl is careful and does not go anywhere.
00:32:19You can only take him to the hotel.
00:32:25And she just serves
00:32:27in the restaurant of the Hotel Monopoly.
00:32:30Her name is Helena.
00:32:32Too beautiful.
00:32:34Make sure that this is her dignity.
00:32:53Here is Kuenl.
00:33:07Good evening.
00:33:09Sorry I'm in the way.
00:33:11No, no, thank God.
00:33:13Thank you.
00:33:15Engineer, Denert Ernst, Fräulein Gelenna.
00:33:19Take a seat.
00:33:29Have you been in Berlin for a long time?
00:33:31Only today.
00:33:33How did you guess?
00:33:35Very simple.
00:33:37I heard you are a native speaker.
00:33:39You are from Berlin?
00:33:41Yes. And Fräulein Gelenna too?
00:33:43Fräulein Gelenna was born here, in Krakow.
00:33:45Her father is German and her mother is Polish.
00:33:47That's why you have such an unusual charm.
00:33:50Thank you.
00:33:52Have you been to Krakow before?
00:33:56I don't know anyone there and I'm glad to meet you.
00:33:59It's a cozy town.
00:34:01But the front is too close.
00:34:13I am so often alone.
00:34:26And I would like to be next to you.
00:34:32Day and night I thought I could be awake once a day.
00:35:02When I understand you, my heart,
00:35:27then life is twice as beautiful.
00:35:35My heart longs for love.
00:35:42It beats only for you, all alone.
00:35:57You don't mind if I invite your lady?
00:36:07Thank you.
00:36:27You dance very well, Fräulein Gelenna.
00:36:49I understand, but I have to compliment you.
00:36:51You are so beautiful.
00:36:57Please, Herr Hauptmann.
00:36:59Hauptmann Dennert?
00:37:00Dennert is listening.
00:37:05I think everything is fine.
00:37:08I'll be right there.
00:37:29Thank you.
00:37:40I'm sorry, but I have to go.
00:37:42It's a pity.
00:37:44Will you come back tonight?
00:37:47I don't think so.
00:37:49But I hope to see you soon.
00:37:52I leave the ladies to you.
00:37:55Don't worry.
00:38:02I hope you are gentlemen and come to a coffee.
00:38:07Of course.
00:38:16Darf ich bitten?
00:38:47Was ist das?
00:38:53Was soll das?
00:38:55Ue, Herr Ingenieur.
00:39:00I have to explain to you, Herr Captain.
00:39:30What do you want?
00:39:38Listen to me carefully, Siegfried.
00:39:40You have to understand that it is better for you to answer questions that interest us.
00:39:45Do you understand me?
00:39:49Do you work in the missile center of Werner von Braun?
00:39:53How can I tell you?
00:39:55More precisely.
00:39:56I work in the design office of Siemens.
00:39:59We carry out Braun's orders and, of course, we are responsible for them and especially authorized Gruppenfuhrer Wolf.
00:40:06What are you going to do with me?
00:40:08It depends on many circumstances.
00:40:10Including the injustice of your answers.
00:40:13Why did you come to Krakow?
00:40:15On a business trip.
00:40:16More precisely.
00:40:18To the enterprise of the special zone Velichko.
00:40:20What is Velichko?
00:40:22The subsidiary of the company Dora Metalwerke.
00:40:27A test site.
00:40:29The purpose of the business trip.
00:40:57Answer in more detail, Eckendorff.
00:40:59I have to find out the reasons why the missiles explode in the air after the launch.
00:41:05There is an assumption that this is due to sabotage during the assembly.
00:41:08Is such sabotage possible?
00:41:10In principle, yes.
00:41:12There is a slight deviation in the allowances.
00:41:15And when the missile vibrates in flight ...
00:41:17What documents do you have to familiarize yourself with?
00:41:19With the A-1 group.
00:41:21The permission was issued by General Dornberger?
00:41:25Does it apply to all objects in Velichko?
00:41:28This is a general permission.
00:41:30For the documents of the A-1 group, a special permission is required from the Gruppenfuhrer Wolf.
00:41:38Where is it?
00:41:39Transmitted from Berlin to the commandant of Velichko, Sturmbannfuhrer Zange.
00:41:45Does anyone know you in the special zone?
00:41:49I came here for the first time.
00:41:55General Sturmbannfuhrer Zange.
00:42:18Scharfuhrer, Ingenieur Kühnel has arrived in the zone.
00:42:36Yes, Herr Reinke?
00:42:47Please undress.
00:42:50We were warned from Berlin about your arrival.
00:42:54However, Sturmbannfuhrer Zange is not at the facility now and you will have to wait.
00:43:02I have too little time to wait, Scharfuhrer.
00:43:06And too important thing.
00:43:08Put the documentation here and make sure that no one bothers me.
00:43:14One minute.
00:43:58According to the instructions for the storage of the documents of the A-1 group,
00:44:02the Unterscharfuhrer Vogel must be with them at all times.
00:44:06Each facility has its own order.
00:44:08Absolutely right. We have it this way.
00:44:22May I smoke, Unterscharfuhrer?
00:44:25Before the war, I often went on hikes with my students.
00:44:31We also baked potatoes.
00:44:34Do you want?
00:44:37Somewhere now my boys and girls are at war.
00:44:48I just wanted to say that I love you very much.
00:44:53This is the main thing, isn't it?
00:44:55Ivan Petrovich!
00:44:57A messenger from Krakow.
00:45:00I'm coming.
00:45:02This is the main thing. You are right.
00:45:07You didn't say it again.
00:45:10I can't.
00:45:12Oh, ladies, you are in trouble.
00:45:14I don't have much to do.
00:45:16Should I tell him?
00:45:18Don't, please.
00:45:19He'll send me right away.
00:45:21You can't give birth under the bush.
00:45:23Which one of you is a soldier now?
00:45:25There's nothing to grumble about.
00:45:27Take it, it's better.
00:45:28Chew it with a fork.
00:45:30I don't want to. Don't.
00:45:32You don't need it, but it's useful to him.
00:45:35Ivan Petrovich's gun is more important to him now.
00:45:42What happened, Stas?
00:45:44Shumskiy asked me to tell you in words.
00:45:46That Velichko is producing V-2 missiles.
00:45:50More details with Vanda.
00:45:52So, missiles and explosives.
00:45:54Yes, sir.
00:45:55Thank you.
00:45:56Sit down, comrades.
00:45:58Ezha, come in.
00:46:02Comrades, we've just received an urgent radiogram from Moscow.
00:46:09Read it, Viktor Sergeyevich.
00:46:12According to the information we have,
00:46:14the enemy plans to use the KMK-111 bombers
00:46:18to launch missile strikes.
00:46:20According to the information we have,
00:46:22the enemy plans to use the KMK-111 bombers
00:46:24to launch missile strikes
00:46:26on Moscow, Leningrad, Kuybyshev
00:46:28and an important industrial facility
00:46:30located beyond the Urals.
00:46:32Wow, where are they aiming at?
00:46:34The preparation of the bombers
00:46:36and the mortars
00:46:38that will launch the missiles
00:46:40is taking place in the field or in the camp.
00:46:44We need to disrupt this plan.
00:46:49What should we do?
00:46:54First of all, we need to find this steppe camp.
00:47:02Steppe, steppe, in a circle,
00:47:05lies the path far away.
00:47:08Yes, that's right.
00:47:09Where do they get steppes?
00:47:11And where can we find this steppe camp?
00:47:13By the way, how do you say steppe in German?
00:47:17The same as in Russian, steppe.
00:47:21And in Kazakh, step,
00:47:25And how do you say it in the desert?
00:47:34And how do you say opushka,
00:47:36forest, field, clearing,
00:47:39I don't know, onion?
00:47:41Opushka, clearing, I don't know.
00:47:45Onion is hayde.
00:47:50Hayde camp.
00:47:52And what if this steppe camp
00:47:54is the third object of the Velichko zone?
00:47:57It's near Karasev,
00:47:58but not everyone mentions Hayde camp.
00:47:59Yes, yes.
00:48:05I suppose that today or tomorrow
00:48:07Mlynsky will attempt to capture the missiles.
00:48:11And when he thinks that he has them in his pocket,
00:48:15the trap will snap.
00:48:19The signal for the general offensive
00:48:21will be the detonation of the devices.
00:48:25Just don't delay with full encirclement
00:48:27and just in case,
00:48:28reinforce the security of the Hayde camp.
00:48:31No, he won't go there, Grubenfuehrer.
00:48:34Mlynsky has clung to the field
00:48:36like a boy to a Christmas gingerbread.
00:48:40He needs missiles.
00:48:46And still don't forget
00:48:48who you are dealing with, Zange.
00:48:50Comrades officers,
00:48:53tomorrow at dawn
00:48:56we will attack the field
00:48:58and the Hayde camp.
00:49:02For this purpose,
00:49:04first, the main part of our detachment
00:49:06goes to the field,
00:49:07and you will lead it, Gassan.
00:49:09I see.
00:49:10Capture the missiles,
00:49:12remove all valuable equipment,
00:49:13take the plane
00:49:15and load the equipment of the wounded.
00:49:17I see.
00:49:21I, with the company of machine gunners,
00:49:23with the detachment of comrade Rotkevich and miners
00:49:25will attack the Hayde camp.
00:49:29Everything is not clear there.
00:49:30We will have to decide on the spot.
00:49:33If we won't find the mortars there,
00:49:36and I still think that we did not make a mistake,
00:49:38then all the same,
00:49:40we will kill two birds with one stone.
00:49:41We will destroy hangars and warehouses
00:49:43and distract attention
00:49:45from the field.
00:49:48Connection to the radio.
00:49:52And third,
00:49:53you, Victor Sergeevich,
00:49:56tonight, with the detachment of machine gunners,
00:49:58with the army unit and with all our equipment
00:50:00you will go to Czechoslovakia.
00:50:01I see.
00:50:02You will prepare a new base.
00:50:06We will not be able to return here anymore.
00:50:09Czechoslovakian guerrillas will meet you at the border,
00:50:11a detachment named after Yan Zhizhka.
00:50:15The route is agreed with them.
00:50:17I see.
00:50:18Everything is clear.
00:50:19Any questions?
00:50:21Did we leave anyone here for communication with Shumsky?
00:50:24Karasyuk and Shumsky work autonomously
00:50:26and leave Krakow according to the situation.
00:50:28Yes, sir.
00:50:32So, are you ready?
00:50:34What are you doing?
00:50:35Don't get in, throw it out.
00:50:36Throw it out, throw it out,
00:50:37as you wish, throw it all out.
00:50:39I don't like you, Ivan Petrovich,
00:50:41that's what I'm going to tell you.
00:50:42What are you grumbling about?
00:50:43You have stopped to notice people
00:50:45by doing big things.
00:50:46And what happened?
00:50:49What happened?
00:50:53Irina Petrovna's
00:50:55belly will soon get on us.
00:50:58What are you talking about?
00:50:59And you carry her through the woods and mountains.
00:51:03And that is all.
00:51:12But what didn't she tell me?
00:51:14Did you hear?
00:51:15And does that woman have guts or not?
00:51:17Who is she to you?
00:51:19They will kill us, God forbid,
00:51:21she will stay with the child.
00:51:22Who is she?
00:51:24It is not good, Ivan Petrovich, not in a manly way.
00:51:33They've twisted everything.
00:51:38Be patient, my dear.
00:51:40Irina Petrovna...
00:51:42Be strict.
00:51:45What's the matter, Ivan Petrovich?
00:51:52We are leaving and you're staying?
00:51:57Irinushka, it's very good.
00:52:00I know everything, and I'm very glad.
00:52:06Just be careful.
00:52:09We'll see each other soon.
00:52:11Comrade Captain!
00:52:12And we'll get married.
00:52:14You've become even more precious to me.
00:52:16Irina Petrovna!
00:52:19I'm very afraid to lose you.
00:52:21But soon the war will end,
00:52:23and we'll never part.
00:52:31So, the first communication session is at five,
00:52:34and then every half an hour.
00:52:36Let's check the time.
00:52:37Eighteen thirty-two.
00:52:39Why are you laughing?
00:52:40Should I say hello to Sturmbannfuhrer Zange?
00:52:43Kassan, I'm asking you, don't get on his nerves.
00:52:45Be careful.
00:52:46I'll be careful, careful.
00:52:48All right.
00:52:49Don't worry.
00:52:50Well, I'm not sending you to hell.
00:52:52You're going to his teeth yourself.
00:53:24Would you like a coffee, Sturmbannfuhrer?
00:53:26A real one?
00:53:27Of course.
00:53:29There are twenty minutes until dawn.
00:53:32They won't come.
00:54:16I don't see the watchman.
00:54:28Let's go.
00:54:44At last.
00:54:49What's up?
00:54:50No voltage.
00:54:51Cut the wire.
00:54:52Yes, sir.
00:54:54What are you doing, Sturmbannfuhrer?
00:54:55Explode, Major.
00:54:58What's the news?
00:54:59No contact.
00:55:15Give me the alarm signal.
00:55:18Switched on.
00:55:54Gruppenfuhrer, the training ground is under close attack.
00:55:56The guards on the eastern side have let them through.
00:55:58The reinforced battalion of the Jäger Regiment has been alerted.
00:56:02Excellent, Sanger.
00:56:04Give Mlynsky a chance to pull in all his forces to the training ground.
00:56:08Let them crawl in properly.
00:56:10And then destroy them.
00:56:11Report every twenty minutes.
00:56:57I see them.
00:56:58I see Jäger.
00:57:32The plug is a strong connector.
00:57:38And it's empty here.
00:57:41The pipe is inflated.
00:57:43No devices.
00:57:46Everything is clear.
00:57:57Comrade Major.
00:57:59All devices from the rocket are destroyed.
00:58:00There's no fuel in the tanks.
00:58:02The rocket was prepared for the explosion.
00:58:04And the hangars are empty.
00:58:06So they were waiting for us here.
00:58:11They were waiting, bastards.
00:58:12It's a trap, Captain.
00:58:16Yes, sir.
00:58:17Go with the colonel, quickly.
00:58:18Yes, sir.
00:58:19We have to leave, Comrade Major.
00:58:21We won't leave.
00:58:22Since they were waiting for us here,
00:58:24it means they are waiting for us in another place.
00:58:27As soon as the Germans come closer,
00:58:29detonate the rocket.
00:58:30Yes, sir.
00:58:53The rocket is a trap.
00:58:55There's nothing but explosives in the rockets.
00:58:57The hangars and bunkers are empty.
00:58:59The Germans are attacking.
00:59:02The Germans are encircling us with the superior...
00:59:053rd, 3rd, I...
00:59:07Comrade Colonel.
00:59:08We have to leave.
00:59:10We have to leave.
00:59:12We have to leave.
00:59:14We have to leave.
00:59:17We have to leave.
00:59:19We have to leave.
00:59:20Third, Third, I'm...
00:59:21Comrade Colonel, the passages in the damages are done.
00:59:24The scouts are by the wall.
00:59:26Third, I'm the first.
00:59:27We can start.
00:59:28A failure at the training ground.
00:59:30They called us scum.
00:59:31They were waiting for us there.
00:59:33They wanted to cover the whole detachment.
00:59:35That's why they didn't disturb us before.
00:59:37What if there's a trap here too?
00:59:39We have to leave.
00:59:40Go to the Commissar for help.
00:59:41It's not too late.
00:59:42Third, Third, I can't hear you.
00:59:43Third, what happened?
00:59:44Report the situation.
00:59:45Third, Third, what happened?
00:59:46Third, Third, what happened?
00:59:50Third, I can't hear you.
00:59:52Third, what happened?
00:59:55Everyone to their positions.
01:02:14And why do you need a cabin?
01:02:16It's a special order.
01:02:18A man is put in it, and he shoots a bomb at the target.
01:02:20And himself?
01:02:22And himself.
01:02:24And here are the targets.
01:02:40Leningrad, Moscow, Sverdlovsk.
01:02:46Leningrad, Sverdlovsk.
01:03:06They spotted the wolf, bastards.
01:03:08Yes, Moscow.
01:03:12Comrade Colonel,
01:03:14safes with archives have been found.
01:03:16What information do you have from the Commissar?
01:03:18I'll find out.
01:03:40Comrade Colonel,
01:03:42documentation on the FAL.
01:03:44Tactics of use of missiles.
01:03:58What do you have?
01:04:00Comrade Colonel,
01:04:02the remains of the garrison and the pilots-mortars
01:04:04were locked in the basement of the castle.
01:04:06I offered to surrender, but they refused.
01:04:08I offered to surrender, but they refused.
01:04:10May I count on them for Warsaw?
01:04:12Count on them.
01:04:18It's a secret department, too.
01:04:28I'm in deep shit.
01:04:38I'm the Head of the Training Center,
01:04:40Lieutenant-General of the Air Force.
01:04:42Very good.
01:04:58Tell the witnesses
01:05:00that if you miss, Kachan will be torn off.
01:05:04Let's go.
01:05:06Hurry up.
01:05:08Comrade Colonel,
01:05:10we have communication.
01:05:12Commissar Aliyev is badly wounded.
01:05:18Captain Ezerov's camera.
01:05:20Comrade Lieutenant, fascists are approaching.
01:05:22Aliyev is badly wounded in the chest.
01:05:24We are breaking out of the battle
01:05:26to the meeting point.
01:05:28Comrade Colonel,
01:05:30SS soldiers from the flanks.
01:05:32We are retreating.
01:05:34We are out of ammunition.
01:05:36We are going to help.
01:05:38The hangars and the castle are mined.
01:05:40Check that none of our people are left here
01:05:42and blow everything up.
01:05:44Hurry up.
01:05:48General Colonel,
01:05:50the operation has begun.
01:05:52I need another regiment
01:05:54closest to Heidelager.
01:05:58In the square
01:06:54It's too late.
01:06:56You won't get them.
01:06:58Have fun, guys.
01:07:04Let's go.
01:07:06Be careful.
01:07:08Let's go.
01:07:34Be careful.
01:07:36It's all right.
01:07:48Have a drink, Commissar.
01:07:50Maybe it will make you feel better.
01:07:52Leave it, Yerofeich.
01:07:54You'll warm up your throat.
01:07:56It's a tract.
01:07:58It's left from Grandfather Matvey.
01:08:00Grandfather Matvey.
01:08:06It's true.
01:08:14I feel better.
01:08:28Do you remember?
01:08:30The battle of the bridge.
01:08:32And you.
01:08:36About the wedding.
01:08:40I wanted to visit you.
01:09:00Come to my place.
01:09:06Don't forget.
01:10:26It's from the Center.
01:10:36Our battle group with the documentation of the Heide camp and General Forst
01:10:42crossed the front line.
01:10:52Goodbye, Yosanna.
01:10:54We're leaving, Commissar.
01:10:58You'll always be with us.
01:11:00We'll remember this place.
01:11:02We'll remember this place.
01:11:04We'll remember
01:11:06and tell our children and grandchildren
01:11:08in the name of Gassan Aliyev.
01:11:12They'll call it their schools and streets.
01:11:18And they'll always remember
01:11:20how the communists died
01:11:22for their freedom,
01:11:24for their happiness,
01:11:26for their lives.
01:11:28Goodbye, Gassan.
01:11:30Goodbye, Commissar.
01:12:30Thank you for watching.
01:13:00Thank you for watching.
01:13:30Thank you for watching.
01:14:00Thank you for watching.
01:14:02Thank you for watching.
01:14:04Thank you for watching.
01:14:06Thank you for watching.
01:14:08Thank you for watching.
01:14:10Thank you for watching.
01:14:12Thank you for watching.
01:14:14Thank you for watching.
01:14:16Thank you for watching.
01:14:18Thank you for watching.
01:14:20Thank you for watching.
01:14:22Thank you for watching.
01:14:24Thank you for watching.
01:14:26Thank you for watching.
01:14:28Thank you for watching.
01:14:30Thank you for watching.
01:14:32Thank you for watching.
01:14:34Thank you for watching.
01:14:36Thank you for watching.
01:14:38Thank you for watching.
01:14:40Thank you for watching.
01:14:42Thank you for watching.
01:14:44Thank you for watching.
01:14:46Thank you for watching.
01:14:48Thank you for watching.
01:14:50Thank you for watching.
01:14:52Thank you for watching.
01:14:54Thank you for watching.
01:14:56Thank you for watching.
01:14:58Thank you for watching.
01:15:00Thank you for watching.
01:15:02Thank you for watching.
01:15:04Thank you for watching.
01:15:06Thank you for watching.
01:15:08Thank you for watching.
01:15:10Thank you for watching.
01:15:12Thank you for watching.
01:15:14Thank you for watching.
01:15:16Thank you for watching.
01:15:18Thank you for watching.
01:15:20Thank you for watching.
01:15:22Thank you for watching.
01:15:24Thank you for watching.
01:15:26Thank you for watching.
01:15:28Thank you for watching.
01:15:30Thank you for watching.
01:15:32Thank you for watching.
01:15:34Thank you for watching.
01:15:36Thank you for watching.
01:15:38Thank you for watching.
01:15:40Thank you for watching.
01:15:42Thank you for watching.
01:15:44Thank you for watching.
01:15:46Thank you for watching.
01:15:48Thank you for watching.
01:15:50Thank you for watching.
01:15:52Thank you for watching.
01:15:54Thank you for watching.
01:15:56Thank you for watching.
01:15:58Thank you for watching.
01:16:00Thank you for watching.
01:16:02Thank you for watching.
01:16:04Thank you for watching.
01:16:06Thank you for watching.
01:16:08Thank you for watching.
01:16:10Thank you for watching.
01:16:12Thank you for watching.
01:16:14Thank you for watching.
01:16:16Thank you for watching.
01:16:18Thank you for watching.
01:16:20Thank you for watching.
01:16:22Thank you for watching.
01:16:24Thank you for watching.
01:16:26Thank you for watching.
01:16:28Thank you for watching.
01:16:30Thank you for watching.
01:16:32Thank you for watching.
01:16:34Thank you for watching.
01:16:36Thank you for watching.
01:16:38Thank you for watching.
01:16:40Thank you for watching.
01:16:42Thank you for watching.
01:16:44Thank you for watching.
01:16:46Thank you for watching.
01:16:48Thank you for watching.
01:16:50Thank you for watching.
01:16:52Thank you for watching.
01:16:54Thank you for watching.
01:16:56Thank you for watching.
01:16:58Thank you for watching.
01:17:00Thank you for watching.
01:17:02Thank you for watching.
01:17:04Thank you for watching.
01:17:06Thank you for watching.
01:17:08Thank you for watching.
01:17:10Thank you for watching.
01:17:12Thank you for watching.
01:17:14Thank you for watching.
01:17:16Thank you for watching.
01:17:18Thank you for watching.
01:17:20Thank you for watching.
01:17:22Thank you for watching.
01:17:24Thank you for watching.
01:17:26Thank you for watching.
01:17:28Thank you for watching.
01:17:30Thank you for watching.
01:17:32Thank you for watching.
01:17:34Thank you for watching.
01:17:36Thank you for watching.
01:17:38Thank you for watching.
01:17:40Thank you for watching.
01:17:42Thank you for watching.
