• last month
00:00:00You've come a long way, terrifying attraction.
00:00:30How will they pay me so much for doing these things?
00:00:39Oh, what a mess.
00:00:40It's not open yet.
00:01:00Here we are.
00:01:31Now I'm here.
00:01:48Hello, I'm here.
00:01:52I'm here!
00:02:00I'm here!
00:02:26I'm here!
00:02:31Stop right there!
00:02:34Out! Get out!
00:02:36Let's go!
00:02:39The terrifying attraction doesn't start until nightfall.
00:03:00No! No!
00:04:30I'm here!
00:04:32I'm here!
00:04:34I'm here!
00:04:36I'm here!
00:04:38I'm here!
00:04:40I'm here!
00:04:42I'm here!
00:04:44I'm here!
00:04:46I'm here!
00:04:48I'm here!
00:04:50I'm here!
00:04:52I'm here!
00:04:54I'm here!
00:04:56I'm here!
00:04:58I'm here!
00:05:00I'm here!
00:05:02I'm here!
00:05:04I'm here!
00:05:06I'm here!
00:05:08I'm here!
00:05:10I'm here!
00:05:12I'm here!
00:05:14I'm here!
00:05:16I'm here!
00:05:18I'm here!
00:05:20I'm here!
00:05:22I'm here!
00:05:24I'm here!
00:05:26I'm here!
00:05:28I'm here!
00:05:30I'm here!
00:05:32I'm here!
00:05:34I'm here!
00:05:36I'm here!
00:05:38I'm here!
00:05:40I'm here!
00:05:42I'm here!
00:05:44I'm here!
00:05:46I'm here!
00:05:48I'm here!
00:05:50I'm here!
00:05:52I'm here!
00:05:54I'm here!
00:05:56I'm here!
00:05:58I'm here!
00:06:00I'm here!
00:06:02I'm here!
00:06:04I'm here!
00:06:06I'm here!
00:06:08I'm here!
00:06:10I'm here!
00:06:12I'm here!
00:06:14I'm here!
00:06:16I'm here!
00:06:18I'm here!
00:06:20I'm here!
00:06:22I'm JP, one of the actors, and each room you enter has a particular theme.
00:06:27We have several themes. We have the escape room, which is the best of the best, similar to the horror game.
00:06:33That's right, I remember that movie.
00:06:35We have the clowns' room.
00:06:37We have a boxing room.
00:06:41And the mafia's room.
00:06:43I'll be in charge today, don't worry about Cathy.
00:06:47That's irrelevant, but if you want to follow me, I'll show you the surroundings.
00:06:53Let's go.
00:06:59Oh, yes.
00:07:00Let me introduce you to our excellent fixed image photographer, Mr. Gaz DeVere.
00:07:05By the way, Gaz, where does DeVere come from?
00:07:08It's made up.
00:07:09Ah, completely made up. Well, there you have it.
00:07:11Good. Well, come on, follow me.
00:07:13Okay, good.
00:07:14Oh, Jake! Silas!
00:07:17Say hello to the camera.
00:07:18This is our fabulous production team.
00:07:21And obviously he's been putting on, well, I don't know, I don't know, tomato sauce or is it blood?
00:07:27I don't remember what it is.
00:07:28It tastes sweet.
00:07:29Oh, really? Well, well, I'll ask someone to try it later.
00:07:34Come here, guys.
00:07:35Okay, okay, now I really have to tell you about this place.
00:07:38It's probably 400 years old.
00:07:41As you can see, the building is quite deteriorated.
00:07:44If you focus here, here's an interesting story about...
00:07:49Here you go, guys.
00:07:50Again, interrupting me.
00:07:51Damn it.
00:07:52You know, what can we do?
00:07:53So, in this particular building, we've seen...
00:07:58A child and a mother.
00:08:00There's an interesting story about the child and the mother.
00:08:02Because apparently, I think it was about 150 years ago.
00:08:06The mother was in the garden with her son and then he threw him down the stairs.
00:08:13And as a result, we can hear footsteps.
00:08:17Very chilling footsteps.
00:08:22Well, depending on how much they pay, we could hear them tonight, okay?
00:08:27Now, over here...
00:08:31Through the front window, you can see the candelabrum.
00:08:35I've seen that movement many times and to be honest with you, it's really creepy.
00:08:46That's another story.
00:08:47Anyway, let's continue.
00:08:48One of our first rooms.
00:08:50This is probably the best of the best.
00:08:52Where all the clients who pay...
00:08:54Look, I'll be with the wall while I go around here.
00:08:56It's probably the strange presence.
00:08:58This is the escape room where everyone...
00:09:02Our clients who pay love this room.
00:09:05Because it's a bit like the movie The Game of Fear.
00:09:08Where each character doesn't know...
00:09:13In general, they don't know...
00:09:16The other characters, so...
00:09:18As you can see, the way it's positioned is very good.
00:09:21We have a clock...
00:09:24On a countdown.
00:09:26Is it okay?
00:09:27It's okay, thank you, friend.
00:09:28It's sweet, right?
00:09:29As I like it or just enough?
00:09:30Of course I'm sweet enough, you know.
00:09:33Well, anyway.
00:09:35What I was going to do is sit here in this dentist's chair.
00:09:39Maybe I could...
00:09:44Extract the judge's teeth.
00:09:46Although I don't remember the last time I took them out.
00:09:48You did that, by the way?
00:09:50I'm sure you did.
00:09:51Oh, well, well.
00:09:52It's okay.
00:09:53Does anyone have a knife?
00:09:54Well, that won't work, right?
00:09:56It doesn't have enough edge.
00:09:57It has a small tool for oysters.
00:10:00Very useful.
00:10:01Oh, really?
00:10:02It could be useful.
00:10:04Do I feel anything right now?
00:10:07Probably not, actually.
00:10:09I mean the clock.
00:10:11Actually, it's not a countdown to be honest.
00:10:13It stopped.
00:10:15Why that?
00:10:16Why did it stop?
00:10:17I don't understand that.
00:10:18Just focus on that, Steve, please.
00:10:26It's going up and then down.
00:10:28Actually, I can't explain that.
00:10:29Can you?
00:10:30Actually, I can't.
00:10:31Anyway, whatever.
00:10:32So, as I was saying, this is...
00:10:34The escape room.
00:10:36Now we'll move on to the next room.
00:10:38Which is the clowns' room.
00:10:41Follow me.
00:10:45Seriously, I can't find the staff.
00:10:47What the...
00:10:48Oh my God!
00:10:49Oh my God!
00:11:05Correct me if I'm wrong.
00:11:06Did that really happen or not?
00:11:08Or is it just my imagination?
00:11:10I don't know.
00:11:12But I feel very...
00:11:15Silas, did this really happen?
00:11:17I don't know.
00:11:18Seriously, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:11:19A masked killer just came in here and I...
00:11:21Is he one of our actors?
00:11:24There's nothing on the camera, right?
00:11:27There's nothing on the camera.
00:11:28What are you talking about?
00:11:29Maybe it was when you went back.
00:11:31Okay, anyway.
00:11:33Let's go to our clowns' room.
00:11:35Clowns' room.
00:11:36Clowns' room.
00:11:37And let's meet our...
00:11:40And I think...
00:11:41That we also have our makeup artist there.
00:11:43So, please, let's go in.
00:11:46Here you go.
00:11:47After you.
00:11:51How are you, friend?
00:11:52Behind the scenes?
00:11:53How are you?
00:11:54Yes, how are you?
00:11:55Yes, fine, yes.
00:11:56And you're Bella, right?
00:11:57Yes, hello.
00:11:58Good, very good.
00:11:59So, Can, tell me.
00:12:00What does it feel like to be a clown?
00:12:01Yes, look.
00:12:02It's funny.
00:12:03I'm always joking.
00:12:05She liked it, look.
00:12:07Okay, next question.
00:12:10Tell me about this wonderful mask.
00:12:11What is it?
00:12:12Of clown that you've made.
00:12:13Well, actually, I mean, I guess the question is for you.
00:12:16Can, which one do you prefer to use?
00:12:18I prefer that one.
00:12:19Because this is like wearing a condom on your head.
00:12:20It's very tight, you know?
00:12:21He knows why.
00:12:22And this one...
00:12:23Can, there are ladies present.
00:12:25Not so funny.
00:12:27Good, okay.
00:12:28It's fine.
00:12:29But yes, I will use the red pelirroja mask.
00:12:30She thinks it's red, but it's red.
00:12:31It's orange.
00:12:32Good, and why do you use this one tonight?
00:12:34It's scary, you know?
00:12:35I want to scare people.
00:12:37I love scaring people.
00:12:38I've always been a joker.
00:12:39Yes, I prefer the other one.
00:12:41You know, yes.
00:12:42I can't see.
00:12:44Well, that's the idea.
00:12:45Yes, well, that's the idea.
00:12:46Very good.
00:12:47Very good.
00:12:48Well, guys, let's continue.
00:12:49Let's continue.
00:12:50See you later.
00:12:51The next room.
00:12:53See you later.
00:12:55I hate this guy.
00:12:56You don't even know how to act.
00:12:57Oh, really?
00:12:58You're better?
00:12:59Come on.
00:13:02I'll make Kati say goodbye later.
00:13:05Well, whatever.
00:13:06Let's get back to business.
00:13:07Now we'll enter...
00:13:09The mafia's room.
00:13:10Oh, yes.
00:13:11That one.
00:13:13And of course, we have our enchanter, Jake, there.
00:13:17Classifying the weapons.
00:13:18Who are you?
00:13:19What are you doing?
00:13:20Hi, Willie.
00:13:21How are you?
00:13:23You should be rehearsing with us.
00:13:24Rehearsing with you?
00:13:25Yes, you're supposed to.
00:13:26You should sit here.
00:13:27Hey, I'm always ready.
00:13:28Yes, but you should rehearse.
00:13:29Yes, you haven't rehearsed anything.
00:13:30Let's rehearse.
00:13:31Yes, but first...
00:13:32Why do we have to rehearse?
00:13:33That's how we'll know what to do.
00:13:34People pay.
00:13:36People pay, J.P.
00:13:37Yes, but what we see as spontaneity, you say, oh no, that's wrong.
00:13:40Hey, listen.
00:13:41Excuse me.
00:13:42At least I present my performance.
00:13:43Oh, excuse me.
00:13:44What are you doing?
00:13:45What are you doing?
00:13:46The only thing you're doing is twisting the case to the position it shouldn't be.
00:13:51J.P., if you were here, then you would know.
00:13:53And as a result, I'm wrong.
00:13:55Could we just sit down and rehearse?
00:13:57I don't need to rehearse.
00:13:59I don't need to rehearse.
00:14:00By the way, where are you going?
00:14:01I'm going over there.
00:14:02To do what?
00:14:03No, no.
00:14:04Excuse me.
00:14:05Excuse me.
00:14:06Listen, I'm the only one who does this.
00:14:09Not you.
00:14:10Kathy gave me permission, not you.
00:14:12No, no.
00:14:13They told me to do it, so let's go.
00:14:16And when did that happen?
00:14:17Two days ago, when you were...
00:14:18When you were...
00:14:19Forget it.
00:14:20Well, then, what will you do?
00:14:21Will you introduce the boxers?
00:14:24Let's go.
00:14:25Let's go.
00:14:26Let's go.
00:14:28Let's go.
00:14:29Come here.
00:14:30I don't know if it's championship boxing, but...
00:14:31Well, that's obvious.
00:14:32If he's as weak as the last time, he'll be knocked out cleanly.
00:14:35And we practice properly, friend.
00:14:37Oh yeah?
00:14:38Let's go, let's go.
00:14:39You caught me off guard.
00:14:40Hey, I think we better go.
00:14:41Let's go.
00:14:42Let's go.
00:14:43Let's go.
00:14:44I could do that better, to be honest.
00:14:46All right, guys, listen.
00:14:47Let's go.
00:14:48Hey, hey.
00:14:49Let's go.
00:14:51Do I have to go in there and separate them?
00:14:52Let's go.
00:14:55Hey, hey, hey.
00:14:56Let's go.
00:14:58Let's go.
00:14:59Let's go.
00:15:00Follow me this way.
00:15:01This is the main hall.
00:15:03This is where all the action will take place later.
00:15:06Now, um...
00:15:08This is our super clown.
00:15:10Brilliantly funny.
00:15:11I saw him back there.
00:15:12Well, he thinks he's funny.
00:15:13Why are you...
00:15:15What are you doing?
00:15:16I'm showing you the place.
00:15:19I'm supposed to be showing you the place.
00:15:24JP showed you everything before I...
00:15:27Oh, my God.
00:15:28I don't care who started it.
00:15:30What's going on?
00:15:31Well, you weren't here.
00:15:33I've been here all the time,
00:15:34setting up the costumes.
00:15:36By the way, why are you still ready?
00:15:38Well, I'm...
00:15:39General, one minute.
00:15:40Well, I'm ready.
00:15:41You don't look ready.
00:15:43Listen to him.
00:15:45Well said, Gan.
00:15:46I don't...
00:15:48What do you need to do now?
00:15:49Move your ass, okay?
00:15:50What's the problem, Cathy?
00:15:51Turn that off.
00:15:5820 MINUTES LATER
00:16:05Make them wait 20 minutes.
00:16:07They're not ready,
00:16:08damn beginners.
00:16:11We should wait here.
00:16:12They're not ready yet,
00:16:13damn beginners.
00:16:14What are we really doing here?
00:16:16Drake will be there.
00:16:17Drake only makes us wait.
00:16:18They're not ready for you yet.
00:16:20Oh, my God.
00:16:21I should have done Baker's job.
00:16:23Much more money
00:16:24and much better than this shit hole.
00:16:26What are we doing here?
00:16:27Why are you making us wait?
00:16:29Drake just wants everything ready
00:16:30for his arrival.
00:16:31He doesn't care.
00:16:32Do you know who we are?
00:16:33I'm sure some have heard of you.
00:16:35Excuse me, was that sarcasm?
00:16:37Do you know I can get rid of you
00:16:38with just a snap of my fingers?
00:16:41Just remember that you work for me, okay?
00:16:43I can easily get rid of you.
00:16:51We're ready.
00:16:53Very good, you're ready.
00:16:56Let's go.
00:17:05A little more than I thought it would be.
00:17:10Great, don't you think?
00:17:17Take your pictures over there.
00:17:21One more, one more.
00:17:23Oh, beautiful.
00:17:24Let's go inside.
00:17:25Yes, yes, okay.
00:17:26Thank you, thank you.
00:17:27No, no, no more.
00:17:28Thank you, thank you.
00:17:29Let's go, let's go.
00:17:31Wait, don't get in.
00:17:37They're coming!
00:17:40And I can tell you
00:17:41it's a great honor
00:17:42to welcome you to our attraction.
00:17:45These are our fabulous artists
00:17:47who will entertain you today.
00:17:49I'll show you the place,
00:17:50but we all participate and interact with everyone,
00:17:53so I'll walk around the rooms.
00:17:57Guys, let's give the best show possible.
00:18:00Get to your positions.
00:18:02Move it.
00:18:05What's up with him?
00:18:06See you.
00:18:07What's up with him?
00:18:08See you.
00:18:09What's up with him?
00:18:10What's up with him?
00:18:11What's up with him?
00:18:12What's up with him?
00:18:13See you.
00:18:17What's this shit?
00:18:18National SerenCadena.
00:18:19In star time, just like you ordered.
00:18:21Yes, that's what we were talking about.
00:18:23There was one.
00:18:24Boys and girls.
00:18:25Oh, don't say boys and girls.
00:18:27What the fuck are we doing here?
00:18:28That doesn't help our image at all.
00:18:30This means
00:18:31a thousand for each of you
00:18:33for a 30-minute walk.
00:18:35All you have to do is get in there,
00:18:37take some pictures,
00:18:39share some,
00:18:40and leave.
00:18:41Now stop crying.
00:18:42And mature.
00:18:43Just for the next 30 minutes.
00:18:48But I want a five-star hotel with all the extras.
00:18:52Got it?
00:18:54Now go and do your damn job.
00:18:59Shall we begin?
00:19:01Let's finish this shit.
00:19:04This is going to be scary.
00:19:11If we have those celebrities here,
00:19:13I need you to be in good shape.
00:19:15You know, we need to impress.
00:19:18Really impress.
00:19:19You know,
00:19:20they paid a lot of money to be here,
00:19:22so I really want them to impress.
00:19:24Are you ready?
00:19:26The situations need energy.
00:19:28You know?
00:19:29You want it?
00:19:33Welcome to the Fight Club.
00:19:36the first rule of the club.
00:19:39the first rule of the club.
00:19:41No one
00:19:43about the Fight Club.
00:19:44The second rule of the Fight Club
00:19:46is that
00:19:47NO ONE
00:19:53This is round 15.
00:19:55I need a lot of motivation.
00:19:57In the right corner,
00:19:59the winner of 32 professional fights,
00:20:0331 knockouts,
00:20:05the unstoppable sexual machine,
00:20:07the Count of Norwich.
00:20:13In the left corner,
00:20:15the winner of 31 professional fights,
00:20:2029 knockouts,
00:20:22the destroyer of Dagenham,
00:20:28Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
00:20:29you have reached a critical point.
00:20:31We are in round 15, okay?
00:20:33The final round.
00:20:35I need motivation, okay?
00:20:37Good, guys.
00:20:38Good, listen.
00:20:40It is very important that we impress them, okay?
00:20:42Watch your kidney punches.
00:20:43Watch your low blows, okay?
00:20:46Punch gloves.
00:20:47Good, okay.
00:20:48Let's start. Fight!
00:20:50Come on, you got it.
00:20:51Come on.
00:20:52Come on.
00:20:53Come on.
00:20:55Andy, come on.
00:20:57Don't let him go.
00:20:58You got it.
00:21:01Come on.
00:21:02Drop the punch.
00:21:03Come on.
00:21:04I know you can hit better than that.
00:21:11Come on, fight.
00:21:20Come on, hit him.
00:21:21Keep going, keep going.
00:21:24Good, good, good, good, good.
00:21:26Are you okay? Are you okay?
00:21:27Yes? Okay.
00:21:32Very good.
00:21:35Come on, catch him.
00:21:36Return the blow.
00:21:43Next room.
00:21:45What the hell?
00:22:03What the hell?
00:22:20That's low.
00:22:21First disguise.
00:22:22Change of disguises.
00:22:24No orders, okay?
00:22:25No orders.
00:22:26Let's make a great show.
00:22:27Good, gentlemen.
00:22:28Let's make a good show.
00:22:30Who has the guns?
00:22:31Guns, Paul?
00:22:32Good, okay.
00:22:33Sing, you see?
00:22:35Come on, we have to go.
00:22:37I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:22:48This is the mafia's room.
00:22:52What's wrong with you?
00:22:53Oh, my God.
00:22:54Relax, okay?
00:22:55Wake up.
00:22:58Wait, I have to take a good picture.
00:23:03God, let's see what we have.
00:23:09you decided to come visit us?
00:23:15This is very serious.
00:23:25Are these the mafia's men?
00:23:30Are these the damn idiots
00:23:33who are receiving the money?
00:23:35It's them, boss.
00:23:37They had the suitcase.
00:23:39I saw them.
00:23:43They saw them in the security cameras.
00:23:45It was them.
00:23:46Let's hurt them.
00:23:54Here's the box, boss.
00:23:59Let's go.
00:24:13It's empty.
00:24:18where's my money?
00:24:23I'm talking to you.
00:24:27I don't like them.
00:24:28Did I allow you to speak?
00:24:29Who are you yelling at, man?
00:24:32You, you damn idiot.
00:24:34Where's my damn money?
00:24:38It's part of the game.
00:24:39Keep going.
00:24:40Let's go.
00:24:42Yes, check it very well.
00:24:44Forget it.
00:24:47I just want my damn money.
00:24:50That's mean.
00:24:57Just try to look like you're having fun, okay?
00:25:00We put a lot of time and effort into this.
00:25:04Don't screw it up.
00:25:06Yes, of course.
00:25:10What's that damn smell?
00:25:15Probably one of Jimmy's farts.
00:25:18How funny.
00:25:23Well, well, well.
00:25:27I'd recognize that smell anywhere.
00:25:35You two are the ones who stole from me.
00:25:38In situations like this, you should ask yourself a question.
00:25:42Do you feel lucky?
00:25:44Yes or no, morons?
00:25:53God, I'm crazy.
00:25:58Shall we continue?
00:25:59Of course.
00:26:18What have we become now?
00:26:19That was terrible.
00:26:20In fact, call the agent.
00:26:22I'll do a little boxing.
00:26:23I need the boxing one.
00:26:24What is this?
00:26:25Come on, darling.
00:26:26Make me look beautiful.
00:26:28Don't be upset.
00:26:30They're just beginners.
00:26:33Whose gloves are those?
00:26:34Whose are they?
00:26:35I guess they looked very nice.
00:26:36I could knock him out.
00:26:37Yes, it was terrible.
00:26:39It was terrible.
00:26:40Come on, guys.
00:26:41He can do it, but you know.
00:26:55Who the fuck is that?
00:26:57Who the fuck is that?
00:27:00Oh, wow.
00:27:05Oh, it's a wolf.
00:27:06Oh, great.
00:27:07What the hell?
00:27:08What the fuck?
00:27:09It's just a damn disguised man.
00:27:12Oh, my God.
00:27:13What is he doing?
00:27:14What is he doing?
00:27:15Oh, my God.
00:27:20Oh, it looks like he's seeing me.
00:27:23Oh, he's looking at me and I don't like it.
00:27:25Drake, can we go?
00:27:26I'm leaving.
00:27:27Come on, Drake.
00:27:28Come on.
00:27:29Pete, come on.
00:27:30I don't like it.
00:27:44So you stand behind Jake, behind the tree.
00:27:46You can turn around there, right?
00:27:48So you stand behind Jake, behind the tree.
00:27:49You can turn around there, right?
00:27:57Yes, keep turning around.
00:28:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:28:01We're kidding.
00:28:18We're kidding.
00:28:19We're kidding.
00:28:20We're kidding.
00:28:21We're kidding.
00:28:22We're kidding.
00:28:23We're kidding.
00:28:24We're kidding.
00:28:25We're kidding.
00:28:26We're kidding.
00:28:27We're kidding.
00:28:28We're kidding.
00:28:29We're kidding.
00:28:30We're kidding.
00:28:31We're kidding.
00:28:32We're kidding.
00:28:33We're kidding.
00:28:34We're kidding.
00:28:35We're kidding.
00:28:36We're kidding.
00:28:37We're kidding.
00:28:38We're kidding.
00:28:39We're kidding.
00:28:40We're kidding.
00:28:41We're kidding.
00:28:42We're kidding.
00:28:43We're kidding.
00:28:44We're kidding.
00:28:45We're kidding.
00:28:46We're kidding.
00:28:47We're kidding.
00:28:49No, no, no, no, no!
00:28:50We're kidding.
00:28:51We're kidding!
00:28:52No, no, no, no, we're gonna hurt you!
00:28:53Come here!
00:28:54It's not as stupid as it looks.
00:28:55It's not funny.
00:28:56Oh my god, what's going on?
00:28:57Are you sure you want to go this way?
00:28:59Maybe you should be the first one to go.
00:29:01You first.
00:29:02You first, you first!
00:29:03You first, you first!
00:29:04Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:29:05Oh, I don't wanna go.
00:29:06I swear, man!
00:29:07Oh my god.
00:29:08I swear something just touched me.
00:29:09Where'd it go?
00:29:10Where'd it go?
00:29:11Don't make me jump from my bed.
00:29:12Where did he go?
00:29:14Don't make me jump
00:29:16Can I hold your arm?
00:29:18It's stupid
00:29:20It's too dark
00:29:22Don't let me go
00:29:24Don't squeeze me
00:29:26There's something there
00:29:28Don't say that
00:29:30It's not funny
00:29:34Don't laugh
00:29:36What could it be?
00:29:38Hug me
00:29:40Do you think Tony knows?
00:29:44All this disturbing darkness
00:29:46What are we supposed to do?
00:29:48I don't know, I thought there was something here
00:29:50I swear there's something swinging
00:29:52Don't touch me
00:29:54Who is it?
00:29:56It's me
00:29:58If I hit someone, I'm sorry
00:30:00Don't let me go
00:30:04Don't move
00:30:06What was that flash?
00:30:08What the hell did you just touch me?
00:30:10What the hell was that?
00:30:12It's Drake, calm down
00:30:14There's something
00:30:16Something touched me
00:30:18That's not funny
00:30:20Whoever it is, stop
00:30:22I didn't pay enough to do this
00:30:24Stop touching me
00:30:26Hold the wall
00:30:28I found a wall
00:30:30Shut up, I found something
00:30:32That's not funny
00:30:46Actually, there have been ghost sightings
00:30:48just passing this entrance
00:30:54What the hell was that?
00:30:58That was really crazy
00:31:02Can you hug me?
00:31:04Pete, that's not funny
00:31:06Oh God
00:31:08I hate jumps
00:31:10Shit, now my makeup will be ruined
00:31:12For the love of God
00:31:14Let's take a look
00:31:18It's me
00:31:20Hurry, let's lock them up
00:31:22Let's go
00:31:30Great, let's go
00:31:32Let's go, hurry
00:31:36Now we're locked up
00:31:38We won't get out of here
00:31:40There's a brick wall back there
00:31:42We must solve the clues together
00:31:44Oh God, please
00:31:46Sometimes I get scared
00:31:48But this is a damn nightmare
00:31:52Have you forgotten who I am?
00:31:54I told him I forgot who the hell I am
00:31:56Oh, I haven't forgotten
00:31:58Believe me
00:32:00Excuse me, are you laughing at me?
00:32:02Yes, I was laughing at you
00:32:04But just remember our conversation
00:32:06about the money
00:32:10And think about the next words
00:32:12that will come out of your mouth
00:32:14Because I was the one who made you
00:32:16in the nest of love
00:32:18Unless you want to go back
00:32:20to your minimum wage of shit
00:32:22Maybe we should get into the game, yeah?
00:32:24Start looking for clues
00:32:26Yeah, that works
00:32:28I'm here to help
00:32:30Let me fix this room
00:32:36Don't these kinds of places
00:32:38usually have some kind of clues or something?
00:32:40Yeah, something like that
00:32:42Yeah, something like that
00:32:44Hey, stop
00:32:48The point is that we found clues
00:32:52Yeah, it's an escape room
00:32:54so do you want to get out or not?
00:32:56I want to get out
00:33:00Fucking idiots
00:33:04Look, why don't we just limit ourselves
00:33:06to wait?
00:33:08Nothing good comes out of looking anyway
00:33:10Excellent, I'll talk by myself
00:33:12Look, I...
00:33:16Great, I'll join your hideous
00:33:18boy scout brigade
00:33:20I don't see anything
00:33:22It won't be easy, right?
00:33:24You're not going to leave a key lying around
00:33:26Yeah, I bet I will
00:33:28Maybe we should force the exit
00:33:30I'd be surprised if it were that easy
00:33:32Why don't we wait for instructions?
00:33:34Actually, I don't like waiting
00:33:36I agree, this place is scary
00:33:38Yeah, you quickly agree with him, right?
00:33:40That's just...
00:33:42What? That's just an observation, that's all
00:33:44Well, I don't see how that helps
00:33:46Yeah, for the first time I agree with you
00:33:48Why did you bring him?
00:33:50Because he needs me
00:33:52Damn, I think you need him a little more
00:33:54Oh, and why do you think that?
00:33:56Oh, look who's talking
00:33:58And why do you say that?
00:34:00Because I think you think she's just a shitty celebrity
00:34:02like me
00:34:04Yeah, if we both are
00:34:06Guys, this won't take us anywhere
00:34:08What did you just say?
00:34:10Hey guys, look at this, what do you think?
00:34:12Oh, I think it's a fan
00:34:14Maybe we should look for clues there
00:34:16Oh, so you do know what the exit is
00:34:18I'll volunteer
00:34:20Come on, I'll give you a hand
00:34:22I'll give you a hand
00:34:24Let's go
00:34:28Let's go
00:34:34Well, do you see anything?
00:34:40Oh God, this is stupid
00:34:42Wait, I hear something
00:34:44What is it?
00:34:46It sounds like a kind of whistle
00:34:48A kind of whistle
00:34:54Silvido said
00:34:56Wash your ears, moron
00:34:58Oh, why don't you calm down?
00:35:00Something's not right
00:35:02Something's not right
00:35:04Catch her, catch her
00:35:06Hey, what's up?
00:35:08Diablos, Katy
00:35:10Hey, what's that?
00:35:12It's a kind of...
00:35:14Jesus, it's gas
00:35:16Yeah, we have to...
00:35:18Get out of here, please
00:35:20Oh my God
00:35:22Let us out, this is not funny anymore
00:35:26This is not funny, come on
00:35:28We don't want to do this ever again
00:35:30Let us out
00:35:32Let us out
00:35:36Let us out
00:35:40Let us out
00:35:48My lunch time
00:35:50Zombie time
00:35:52I'm very excited
00:35:54God, I hate this place and that hair
00:35:56I'm not your partner
00:35:58I'm your teacher
00:36:02Walk carefully
00:36:04Step by step
00:36:06A step down?
00:36:08Take my hand
00:36:10I hope you're handsome
00:36:12Good, here, please
00:36:14So you got there
00:36:16Stay there, I got you
00:36:18Right there, good
00:36:20Are you okay?
00:36:22Go ahead
00:36:24Good, so, towards me, put your feet together
00:36:26Good, the reason you're in this room
00:36:28is because
00:36:30she's really bewitched
00:36:34Okay? And sometimes
00:36:36things happen in this room
00:36:40a little boy comes out
00:36:44And apparently his name is Charlie
00:36:48Wait, wait, wait
00:36:50Wait a minute
00:36:52What's that?
00:36:54I can see something now, take off your blindfold
00:37:00I don't like that
00:37:04You're so mean
00:37:06You can go now
00:37:08That's all
00:37:10Everything okay?
00:37:12Are you okay?
00:37:14Oh my God!
00:37:16We did something unknowingly
00:37:18I touched her by accident because she was too close to me
00:37:20I'll do this
00:37:22I'll tell them to take off their blindfold
00:37:24I was a little worried
00:37:26that we could see
00:37:28But I couldn't, but it didn't matter
00:37:30because as soon as...
00:37:40What the hell is this?
00:37:44What the hell?
00:37:46What the hell is going on?
00:37:48What the hell?
00:37:50What's going on?
00:37:52Some idiots are playing a bad joke on us
00:37:54Okay, Sus, calm down
00:37:56Don't tell me to calm down, okay?
00:37:58Well, big guy, you can get out of this
00:38:00No, I can't
00:38:02I can't let go
00:38:04What the hell is this?
00:38:06I'm getting pissed off, I don't want to play these stupid games anymore
00:38:08Whoever is behind this
00:38:10Let me go, and I'll make it easy for you
00:38:12I'm a very important man
00:38:14What is that?
00:38:16What the hell is this?
00:38:18We have to get out of here
00:38:20Yes, we'll get out, okay? It's just a joke
00:38:22Joke? They put gas in us, for God's sake
00:38:24I didn't plan that
00:38:26Everyone has been chosen
00:38:28Chosen to tell the truth
00:38:30There is a riddle and a truth
00:38:32Solve the riddle
00:38:34and tell the truth
00:38:36and you will be free
00:38:38If you don't
00:38:40you will suffer the consequences
00:38:44is an imperfect organism that should not exist
00:38:46Each of us
00:38:48is capable of horrible acts
00:38:50Even the most innocent
00:38:52of souls
00:38:54are contaminated by acts of humanity
00:38:56What is this shit?
00:38:58Riddle and truth
00:39:00Riddle and truth
00:39:02In front of you
00:39:04There are things
00:39:06Each represents a riddle
00:39:08Each element has importance
00:39:10for you
00:39:14Each element
00:39:16contains the scars and weight
00:39:18of your misdeeds and bad actions
00:39:22Shut up, idiot
00:39:24Three minutes for your riddle
00:39:26and truth
00:39:28If you don't answer with your truth
00:39:30you will be judged
00:39:32Go to hell
00:39:34Contestant 1
00:39:38This is shit
00:39:42What is this?
00:39:44The voice said riddle and truth
00:39:46What does that mean?
00:39:48Who cares?
00:39:50Well, obviously he wants you to play
00:39:52And I don't want to play, right?
00:39:54The voice said
00:39:56that those elements
00:39:58are important
00:40:00Stop getting upset when you saw them
00:40:02It irritates you so much
00:40:04Why don't you try to solve this?
00:40:06Well, as far as I remember, intelligence
00:40:08is not one of your gifts, right?
00:40:12Oh, look at the countdown
00:40:14Maybe he's trying to get me out of here
00:40:16Maybe you should try
00:40:18I don't remember asking for opinions
00:40:20And what the hell does
00:40:22riddle and truth mean?
00:40:24Oh, who cares about a shit?
00:40:26Oh, that was good
00:40:28You're stupid
00:40:30Maybe we should try it
00:40:32and get into the spirit of this, right?
00:40:34Buddy, what's your problem?
00:40:36What's your problem?
00:40:38Don't you want to get out of here?
00:40:40Yes, and I'll sit here and wait
00:40:42for that damn clock to go to zero
00:40:44And when I do
00:40:46some idiot will come in
00:40:48and open that damn door
00:40:50Just do it, will you?
00:40:54And when I come in
00:40:56I'll break that damn clock
00:40:58Look, the time is almost over
00:41:04Listen to this
00:41:06It's like the new year
00:41:08If there is a countdown, nothing happens
00:41:12Oh my God
00:41:14His face
00:41:16Yes, your highness
00:41:18Just play the game, okay?
00:41:20No, this is wrong, this is very wrong
00:41:22We have to get out of here
00:41:24What are you doing?
00:41:26Everyone on board
00:41:50Do you see what I say?
00:41:52It would be like I said
00:41:54Now, your highness, can we...
00:42:00Good, good
00:42:02Oh my God
00:42:04Do something, do something
00:42:06Good, good
00:42:10He's dead
00:42:22He's dead
00:42:52The next contestant
00:42:59The back guard
00:43:03Damn! Damn!
00:43:05We have to think, we have to think
00:43:07God, Pete, no!
00:43:09What should I do, what did I do?
00:43:13Shut up, you damn lip
00:43:15The voice said to do you right
00:43:17what does that mean to you?
00:43:19do you right
00:43:21Look, friend, I need to get out of here. I can't die here. Not like this!
00:43:30One of those articles, some of them, must mean something.
00:43:34Yes, the articles on the table, some of them must mean something to you.
00:43:38No, it doesn't mean anything.
00:43:40A clue, some kind of clue.
00:43:43I can't see a clue, for God's sake.
00:43:47Think, something, anything.
00:43:52The money! The money!
00:43:54What's up with him?
00:43:55Look, I have a problem with cocaine. Inhale coke, okay?
00:44:06Where are we going now?
00:44:08Are you sure?
00:44:09Are you okay?
00:44:10Yes, I'm fine.
00:44:11I got you. Walk carefully.
00:44:12Walk carefully. There's a step here. Careful.
00:44:14It's okay. It's safe. It's okay. It's okay.
00:44:17Okay, you're ready.
00:44:19Can you turn around? Can you turn around?
00:44:21I'll touch your shoulder.
00:44:23I'll touch your shoulder, okay?
00:44:25Okay, yes.
00:44:26Now, take off the bandage slowly.
00:44:28Hold on. Just hold on.
00:44:29How? Is that all?
00:44:30Yes. Can you see anything?
00:44:32Okay, take off the bandage. That's all.
00:44:33Okay, so just put your hands down, okay?
00:44:36I'll take your hand. Don't worry.
00:44:38Basically, this is the story of a ghost, and this is really genuine.
00:44:43This ghost is genuine.
00:44:45And if you turn around, turn around. That's it.
00:44:49Sometimes this ghost appears, but only for really attractive people.
00:44:54And his name is Charlie.
00:44:57Oh, God! Oh, my God!
00:45:02It's okay. Yes.
00:45:03Are you okay?
00:45:05That's it. Very good. Very good.
00:45:07Now you're going to turn around.
00:45:08It's okay.
00:45:09Okay? Okay?
00:45:10Can you see the door? Very good.
00:45:16What does that mean? What does that mean?
00:45:19Maybe he did it.
00:45:23Next contestant, Shirley.
00:45:26Oh, God! Oh, no! No! No!
00:45:32It's okay, honey. It's okay.
00:45:34We just have to think, okay?
00:45:36I can't! I can't!
00:45:38Oh, my God! You're so pathetic!
00:45:39Get out of here!
00:45:40Are you that good? Is that why Pete came to me?
00:45:44What did you just say?
00:45:45Is that why Pete came to me?
00:45:47Damn bitch!
00:45:51That's it, isn't it?
00:45:53That's your truth.
00:45:58You had an adventure with Pete.
00:46:00Damn bitch!
00:46:02Come on, say it.
00:46:04I had an adventure with Pete. I had an adventure with Pete!
00:46:11Say it again.
00:46:12I had an adventure with Pete!
00:46:15Oh, my God!
00:46:16I can't die! I can't die!
00:46:19You're not going to die!
00:46:20The riddle.
00:46:21It can't be just the truth. It has to be the riddle.
00:46:24One of the items on the table has to mean something.
00:46:31Look at them. Focus.
00:46:33The chocolates! The chocolates!
00:46:35Those are the ones he gave me.
00:46:37Son of a bitch!
00:46:38Pete bought me those chocolates.
00:46:43Welcome to the Fight Club.
00:46:46Now, the first rule of the Fight Club is that we don't talk about the Fight Club.
00:46:52The second rule of the Fight Club is that we don't talk about...
00:46:58The Fight Club!
00:47:00Now, ladies and gentlemen, you have reached a critical stage.
00:47:03It's round 15 of this incredible fight of these incredible fighters.
00:47:07So, in the right corner, with an impressive weight of 112 kilos,
00:47:14the unstoppable sexual machine, 26 knockouts and 32 professional fights,
00:47:22the Count of Norway!
00:47:29In the left corner, with a weight of 86 kilos, 36 professional fights,
00:47:39of which 27 were knockouts,
00:47:42the Destroyer of Dagenham, Durso!
00:47:50Okay, guys. Good.
00:47:52Watch out for the knee strikes.
00:47:54And we start!
00:47:57Come on! Come on! Go!
00:48:00Come on, Durso! You can do it!
00:48:05Come on! Come on!
00:48:07Come on! Yes!
00:48:08Come on! Come on!
00:48:09Come on, Durso! Come on!
00:48:13Come on, Durso!
00:48:15You can! You can!
00:48:18You can!
00:48:20You can!
00:48:33What's wrong?
00:48:34Be everything!
00:48:45Let's go, guys, you enjoyed it, you loved it, right, let's go this way.
00:49:15Who's next, then?
00:49:27Next contestant, Drake.
00:49:30What? No, no, no.
00:49:33What do you mean? Just decipher it, decipher it.
00:49:36You already know, the voice already knows the truth.
00:49:39Just, just say it.
00:49:45For God's sake, what the hell are you doing?
00:49:47We have to get out of here.
00:49:49Just answer the question, the riddle and the truth.
00:49:51Answer it.
00:49:53What did you do? What did you do?
00:49:57It's the photo, right? Is that damn photo yours?
00:50:03Wait, I recognize that girl.
00:50:06Why do I recognize that girl's face?
00:50:09Shut up. You hear me? Just shut up.
00:50:12Of course, she had a name. She was on all the news, um, she was on the news a year ago.
00:50:19She was, she died, she died run over and they ran away.
00:50:23Shut up.
00:50:24You ran her over and you escaped, you bastard.
00:50:29What does that mean?
00:50:31What does that mean?
00:50:33Wrong contestant.
00:50:35What? What do you mean, wrong contestant?
00:50:38What does that mean?
00:50:41What does that mean?
00:51:11What does that mean?
00:51:41What does that mean?
00:51:57You have to take a step, okay?
00:52:00Take a step and watch your head.
00:52:02Reach for it, reach for it, that's it.
00:52:04I have your head.
00:52:05Careful, take a step down.
00:52:12Okay, now turn around. This, this room is haunted.
00:52:17Can you take off the blindfold?
00:52:21Open your eyes. Can you see anything?
00:52:24No, no.
00:52:25No? Because apparently this ghost called Charlie sometimes appears.
00:52:31Ah, damn it!
00:52:35They gave me a good scare.
00:52:37Good, good, what a scare, what a good scare.
00:52:41No, I haven't seen it, damn it.
00:52:45That was evil, that really was evil.
00:52:49Is he the last one?
00:52:51Let's go, sir.
00:52:58Correct, right, over there.
00:53:00Right through that door.
00:53:08Go that way.
00:53:24Careful with your head, careful with your head.
00:53:27A step, a little step.
00:53:29Careful with your head, Steve.
00:53:32Okay, okay, there are steps.
00:53:35Go down the steps carefully.
00:53:38That's it, stop there, very good.
00:53:41So, can you take off the blindfold?
00:53:44Yes, I can.
00:53:47Okay, now turn around.
00:53:51So, can you take off the blindfold?
00:53:55Can you see anything?
00:53:57Nothing yet.
00:53:59Can you see me?
00:54:01Apparently there is a ghost, a ghost called Charlie.
00:54:06Sometimes he appears.
00:54:10Good, good, great.
00:54:12You were not that scared, right?
00:54:15Can you see?
00:54:17Very good, can you see him?
00:54:18Yes, can you?
00:54:19That's it, okay, don't worry.
00:54:22Okay, we're out, then, that's it, don't worry.
00:54:25Okay, let's cut.
00:54:27Yes, sir.
01:00:05Carefully, step by step.
01:00:07Come on, carefully.
01:00:11Good, now turn around.
01:00:13Look, can you take off the bandage?
01:00:18Can you see?
01:00:19Can I tell you a story about a ghost?
01:00:22A ghost named Charlie.
01:00:26Oh God!
01:00:28Oh no!
01:00:29Good, turn around.
01:00:31That's all, that's all.
01:00:33Are you okay?
01:00:34I'm fine.
01:00:35Are you okay?
01:00:36I'm fine.
01:00:37Are you okay?
01:00:38I'm fine.
01:00:39Hurry, hurry, the next one.
01:00:41I'm running out of battery.
01:00:45No screaming here.
01:00:46The damn visitors don't do that.
01:00:59This way.
01:01:03Go, go, go.
01:01:31Damn it!
01:01:33Damn it!
01:01:47So, when I talk about Charlie,
01:01:49stand up, count to two,
01:01:51and then do the flash.
01:02:05There's a ghost here.
01:02:09This is a real one.
01:02:11Take off the bandage.
01:02:13Keep going.
01:02:14Can you do it?
01:02:15Come on, take it off.
01:02:19Can you see anything?
01:02:25Here's a ghost named Charlie.
01:02:27Did you see him?
01:02:28Oh, he was close.
01:02:29I saw him.
01:02:30Okay, turn around.
01:02:32Okay, you can go now.
01:02:34Let's go.
01:02:47Yes, this way.
01:03:27I did it.
01:03:28I did it!
01:03:46I have to admit it.
01:03:48I'm really impressed.
01:03:53You really have balls, don't you?
01:03:57What the hell?
01:03:58You're a damn pathetic whore.
01:04:00Did you know that?
01:04:02It was me.
01:04:04It was my idea.
01:04:07I should have had your life.
01:04:08And I wouldn't have ruined it like you.
01:04:11I wouldn't have wasted it.
01:04:16But you've been in the room all the time.
01:04:18It was pre-recorded.
01:04:20What a bitch.
01:04:23Sticks and stones.
01:04:27I should have had your life.
01:04:29I wouldn't have ruined it like you.
01:04:33I would have done something
01:04:35if I had entered that program instead of you.
01:04:38But you...
01:04:39You slept with someone to get in, didn't you?
01:04:43But this...
01:04:45I admit it.
01:04:46It's really impressive.
01:04:48This must have cost you a lot of work.
01:04:54How does it feel?
01:04:57How does it feel to fight for something for the first time?
01:05:01To fight for your life?
01:05:28If you weren't so stupid,
01:05:29If you weren't so stupid,
01:05:30you might still be alive.
01:05:31you might still be alive.
01:06:28Good night, Susie.
01:06:30Sweet dreams.
01:06:58I'm sorry.
01:06:59I'm sorry.
01:07:00I'm sorry.
01:07:01I'm sorry.
01:07:02I'm sorry.
01:07:03I'm sorry.
01:07:04I'm sorry.
01:07:05I'm sorry.
01:07:06I'm sorry.
01:07:07I'm sorry.
01:07:08I'm sorry.
01:07:09I'm sorry.
01:07:10I'm sorry.
01:07:11I'm sorry.
01:07:12I'm sorry.
01:07:13I'm sorry.
01:07:14I'm sorry.
01:07:15I'm sorry.
01:07:16I'm sorry.
01:07:17I'm sorry.
01:07:18I'm sorry.
01:07:19I'm sorry.
01:07:20I'm sorry.
01:07:21I'm sorry.
01:07:22I'm sorry.
01:07:23I'm sorry.
01:07:24I'm sorry.
01:07:25I'm sorry.
01:07:26I'm sorry.
01:07:27I'm sorry.
01:07:28I'm sorry.
01:07:29I'm sorry.
01:07:30I'm sorry.
01:07:31I'm sorry.
01:07:32I'm sorry.
01:07:33I'm sorry.
01:07:34I'm sorry.
01:07:35I'm sorry.
01:07:36I'm sorry.
01:07:37I'm sorry.
01:07:38I'm sorry.
01:07:39I'm sorry.
01:07:40I'm sorry.
01:07:41I'm sorry.
01:07:42I'm sorry.
01:07:43I'm sorry.
01:07:44I'm sorry.
01:07:45I'm sorry.
01:07:46I'm sorry.
01:07:47I'm sorry.
01:07:48I'm sorry.
01:07:49I'm sorry.
01:07:50I'm sorry.
01:07:51I'm sorry.
01:07:52I'm sorry.
01:07:53I'm sorry.
01:07:54I'm sorry.
01:07:55I'm sorry.
01:07:56I'm sorry.
01:07:57I'm sorry.
01:07:58I'm sorry.
01:07:59I'm sorry.
01:08:00I'm sorry.
01:08:01I'm sorry.
01:08:02I'm sorry.
01:08:03I'm sorry.
01:08:04I'm sorry.
01:08:05I'm sorry.
01:08:06I'm sorry.
01:08:07I'm sorry.
01:08:08I'm sorry.
01:08:09I'm sorry.
01:08:10I'm sorry.
01:08:11I'm sorry.
01:08:12I'm sorry.
01:08:13I'm sorry.
01:08:14I'm sorry.
01:08:15I'm sorry.
01:08:16I'm sorry.
01:08:17I'm sorry.
01:08:18I'm sorry.
01:08:19I'm sorry.
01:08:20I'm sorry.
01:08:21I'm sorry.
01:08:22I'm sorry.
01:08:23I'm sorry.
01:08:24I'm sorry.
01:08:25I'm sorry.
01:08:26I'm sorry.
01:08:27I'm sorry.
01:08:28I'm sorry.
01:08:29I'm sorry.
01:08:30I'm sorry.
01:08:31I'm sorry.
01:08:32I'm sorry.
01:08:33I'm sorry.
01:08:34I'm sorry.
01:08:35I'm sorry.
01:08:36I'm sorry.
01:08:37I'm sorry.
01:08:38I'm sorry.
01:08:39I'm sorry.
01:08:40I'm sorry.
01:08:41I'm sorry.
01:08:42I'm sorry.
01:08:43I'm sorry.
01:08:44I'm sorry.
01:08:45I'm sorry.
01:08:46I'm sorry.
01:08:47I'm sorry.
01:08:48I'm sorry.
01:08:49I'm sorry.
01:08:50I'm sorry.
01:08:51I'm sorry.
01:08:52I'm sorry.
01:08:53I'm sorry.
01:08:54I'm sorry.
01:08:55I'm sorry.
01:08:56I'm sorry.
01:08:57I'm sorry.
01:08:58I'm sorry.
01:08:59I'm sorry.
01:09:00I'm sorry.
01:09:01I'm sorry.
01:09:02I'm sorry.
01:09:03I'm sorry.
01:09:04I'm sorry.
01:09:05I'm sorry.
01:09:06I'm sorry.
01:09:07I'm sorry.
01:09:08I'm sorry.
01:09:09I'm sorry.
01:09:10I'm sorry.
01:09:11I'm sorry.
01:09:12I'm sorry.
01:09:13I'm sorry.
01:09:14I'm sorry.
01:09:15I'm sorry.
01:09:16I'm sorry.
01:09:17I'm sorry.
01:09:18I'm sorry.
01:09:19I'm sorry.
01:09:20I'm sorry.
01:09:21I'm sorry.
01:09:22I'm sorry.
01:09:23I'm sorry.
01:09:24I'm sorry.
01:09:25I'm sorry.
01:09:26I'm sorry.
01:09:27I'm sorry.
01:09:28I'm sorry.
01:09:29I'm sorry.
01:09:30I'm sorry.
01:09:31I'm sorry.
01:09:32I'm sorry.
01:09:33I'm sorry.
01:09:34I'm sorry.
01:09:35I'm sorry.
01:09:36I'm sorry.
01:09:37I'm sorry.
01:09:38I'm sorry.
01:09:39I'm sorry.
01:09:40I'm sorry.
01:09:41I'm sorry.
01:09:42I'm sorry.
01:09:43I'm sorry.
01:09:44I'm sorry.
01:09:45I'm sorry.
01:09:46I'm sorry.
01:09:47I'm sorry.
01:09:48I'm sorry.
01:09:49I'm sorry.
01:09:50I'm sorry.
01:09:51I'm sorry.
01:09:52I'm sorry.
01:09:53I'm sorry.
01:09:54I'm sorry.
01:09:55I'm sorry.
01:09:56I'm sorry.
01:09:57I'm sorry.
01:09:58I'm sorry.
01:09:59I'm sorry.
01:10:00I'm sorry.
01:10:01I'm sorry.
01:10:02I'm sorry.
01:10:03I'm sorry.
01:10:04I'm sorry.
01:10:05I'm sorry.
01:10:06I'm sorry.
01:10:07I'm sorry.
01:10:08I'm sorry.
01:10:09I'm sorry.
01:10:10I'm sorry.
01:10:11I'm sorry.
01:10:12I'm sorry.
01:10:13I'm sorry.
01:10:14I'm sorry.
01:10:15I'm sorry.
01:10:16I'm sorry.
01:10:17I'm sorry.
01:10:18I'm sorry.
01:10:19I'm sorry.
01:10:20I'm sorry.
01:10:21I'm sorry.
01:10:22I'm sorry.
01:10:23I'm sorry.
01:10:24I'm sorry.
01:10:25I'm sorry.
01:10:26I'm sorry.
01:10:27I'm sorry.
01:10:28I'm sorry.
01:10:29I'm sorry.
01:10:30I'm sorry.
01:10:31I'm sorry.
01:10:32I'm sorry.
01:10:33I'm sorry.
01:10:34I'm sorry.
01:10:35I'm sorry.
01:10:36I'm sorry.
01:10:37I'm sorry.
01:10:38I'm sorry.
01:10:39I'm sorry.
01:10:40I'm sorry.
01:10:41I'm sorry.
01:10:42I'm sorry.
01:10:43I'm sorry.
01:10:44I'm sorry.
01:10:45I'm sorry.
01:10:46I'm sorry.
01:10:47I'm sorry.
01:10:48I'm sorry.
01:10:49I'm sorry.
01:10:50I'm sorry.
01:10:51I'm sorry.
01:10:52I'm sorry.
01:10:53I'm sorry.
01:10:54I'm sorry.
01:10:55I'm sorry.
01:10:56I'm sorry.
01:10:57I'm sorry.
01:10:58I'm sorry.
01:10:59I'm sorry.
01:11:00I'm sorry.
01:11:01I'm sorry.
01:11:02I'm sorry.
01:11:03I'm sorry.
01:11:04I'm sorry.
01:11:05I'm sorry.
01:11:06I'm sorry.
01:11:07I'm sorry.
01:11:08I'm sorry.
01:11:09I'm sorry.
01:11:10I'm sorry.
01:11:11I'm sorry.
01:11:12I'm sorry.
01:11:13I'm sorry.
01:11:14I'm sorry.
01:11:15I'm sorry.
01:11:16I'm sorry.
01:11:17I'm sorry.
01:11:18I'm sorry.
01:11:19I'm sorry.
01:11:20I'm sorry.
01:11:21I'm sorry.
01:11:22I'm sorry.
01:11:23I'm sorry.
01:11:24I'm sorry.
01:11:25I'm sorry.
01:11:26I'm sorry.
01:11:27I'm sorry.
01:11:28I'm sorry.
01:11:29I'm sorry.
01:11:30I'm sorry.
01:11:31I'm sorry.
01:11:32I'm sorry.
01:11:33I'm sorry.
01:11:34I'm sorry.
01:11:35I'm sorry.
01:11:36I'm sorry.
01:11:37I'm sorry.
01:11:38I'm sorry.
01:11:39I'm sorry.
01:11:40I'm sorry.
01:11:41I'm sorry.
01:11:42I'm sorry.
01:11:43I'm sorry.
01:11:44I'm sorry.
01:11:45I'm sorry.
01:11:46I'm sorry.
01:11:47I'm sorry.
01:11:48I'm sorry.
01:11:49I'm sorry.
01:11:50I'm sorry.
01:11:51I'm sorry.
01:11:52I'm sorry.
01:11:53I'm sorry.
01:11:54I'm sorry.
01:11:55I'm sorry.
01:11:56I'm sorry.
01:11:57I'm sorry.
01:11:58I'm sorry.
01:11:59I'm sorry.
01:12:00I'm sorry.
01:12:01I'm sorry.
01:12:02I'm sorry.
01:12:03I'm sorry.
01:12:04I'm sorry.
01:12:05I'm sorry.
01:12:06I'm sorry.
01:12:07I'm sorry.
01:12:08I'm sorry.
01:12:09I'm sorry.
01:12:10I'm sorry.
01:12:11I'm sorry.
01:12:12I'm sorry.
01:12:13I'm sorry.
01:12:14I'm sorry.
01:12:15I'm sorry.
01:12:16I'm sorry.
01:12:17I'm sorry.
01:12:18I'm sorry.
01:12:19I'm sorry.
01:12:20I'm sorry.
01:12:21I'm sorry.
01:12:22I'm sorry.
01:12:23I'm sorry.
01:12:24I'm sorry.
01:12:25I'm sorry.
01:12:26I'm sorry.
01:12:27I'm sorry.
01:12:28I'm sorry.
01:12:29I'm sorry.
01:12:30I'm sorry.
01:12:31I'm sorry.
01:12:32I'm sorry.
01:12:33I'm sorry.
01:12:34I'm sorry.
01:12:35I'm sorry.
01:12:36I'm sorry.
01:12:37I'm sorry.
01:12:38I'm sorry.
01:12:39I'm sorry.
01:12:40I'm sorry.
01:12:41I'm sorry.
01:12:42I'm sorry.
01:12:43I'm sorry.
01:12:44I'm sorry.
01:12:45I'm sorry.
01:12:46I'm sorry.
01:12:47I'm sorry.
01:12:48I'm sorry.
01:12:49I'm sorry.
01:12:50I'm sorry.
01:12:51I'm sorry.
01:12:52I'm sorry.
01:12:53I'm sorry.
01:12:54I'm sorry.
01:12:55I'm sorry.
01:12:56I'm sorry.
01:12:57I'm sorry.
01:12:58I'm sorry.
01:12:59I'm sorry.
01:13:00I'm sorry.
01:13:01I'm sorry.
01:13:02I'm sorry.
01:13:03I'm sorry.
01:13:04I'm sorry.
01:13:05I'm sorry.
01:13:06I'm sorry.
01:13:07I'm sorry.
01:13:08I'm sorry.
01:13:09I'm sorry.
01:13:10I'm sorry.
01:13:11I'm sorry.
01:13:12I'm sorry.
01:13:13I'm sorry.
