JUST IN: Senate Democrats Speak In Support Of 'Reproductive Freedom For Women' Act

  • 2 months ago
During remarks on the Senate floor, Senate Democrats expressed support for Reproductive Freedom For Women Act.

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00:00Madam President. The junior senator from Hawaii. Madam President, I ask unanimous
00:05consent that the following senators be recognized to speak prior to the
00:11scheduled roll call vote. Hirono for up to 10 minutes, Stabenow for up to 5
00:16minutes, Klobuchar for up to 10 minutes, Murray for up to 5 minutes, Schumer for
00:21up to 5 minutes. Further, that the mandatory quorum call with respect to
00:26the Klobuchar vote and the motion to proceed to calendar number 420S4554
00:33be waived. Finally, that the Klobuchar motion with respect to the Kiko
00:38nomination be withdrawn and at a time to be determined by the majority leader in
00:44consultation with the Republican leader, the Senate vote on confirmation of the
00:48Kiko nomination. Is there objection? Without objection, so ordered. Madam
00:56President. The junior senator from Hawaii. After Dobbs came down, we worried
01:03about what a post-Dobbs America would look like. Would other reproductive
01:09freedoms be attacked and stripped away piece by piece across the country? Now, two
01:17years later, we know the answer is yes. In Dobbs, the Supreme Court, quote, returned
01:23the issue of abortion to the states, quote, and eliminated a constitutional
01:29right women in our country had relied on for nearly 50 years. We often refer to
01:36the states as laboratories of democracy. Sadly, these laboratories are now
01:43experimenting on women with dystopian results. This hellish experimentation has
01:51resulted in devastating consequences for women and families across the
01:57country who are now subject to state-imposed abortion bans. As a result
02:03of over 20 states enacting abortion bans, some without exception for rape or
02:10incest, women all over our country are being forced to travel far distances for
02:16abortion care, or worse, to continue pregnancies regardless of the risks.
02:21Their stories are horrifying. Stories like that of Kate Cox, a mother of two in
02:29Texas whose pregnancy was threatening her life and her ability to have more
02:34children in the future. Despite her deteriorating physical condition, Texas
02:39officials ruled that she wasn't sick enough to get an abortion. Forcing her to
02:46travel out of state to receive the life-saving care she needed. While Kate
02:52has the ability to travel, so many other women in her condition do not and are
02:58forced to suffer the unimaginable consequences of Republicans' obsession
03:04with power and control. What's more, health care workers in states with
03:10abortion bans are living under a constant threat of criminal prosecution.
03:17When patients in states with abortion bans present with signs of a miscarriage,
03:24doctors are unable to provide emergency treatment, going against their legal and
03:29professional duty of care and years of expert training. As a result, many of
03:36these providers are fleeing their practices, contributing to reproductive
03:41health care deserts all across the country. The cruelty of DOBS has also
03:48resulted in an increase in infant mortality in states with abortion bans,
03:54as women are forced to carry fetuses with fatal birth defects to term. Let's
04:01be clear, abortion bans aren't about protecting anyone. They're about the
04:07right's obsession with power and control, plain and simple. But while Republicans
04:14continue their march toward a nationwide abortion ban, they refuse to be honest
04:19with the American people. Time after time, Republicans have come to this floor
04:24insisting that they support women's health, only to turn around and vote
04:30against bill after bill that would do just that. Despite their rhetoric, they
04:36voted en masse against the right to contraception, the right to IVF, and have
04:42consistently blocked any effort in this chamber to protect women's fundamental
04:48rights. But still, my Republican colleagues insist they stand with women,
04:53and today they have the opportunity to put their money where their mouths are.
04:57The Reproductive Freedom for Women Act is straightforward. It simply expresses
05:03support for protecting access to reproductive health care. The bill is one
05:09page long and does not codify, row, or enact any policy changes. This should be
05:15a no-brainer for anyone who actually supports women and our right to control
05:20our own bodies. But if passed this prologue, it is safe to say Republicans
05:26will vote against this bill today, only to insist tomorrow that they are the
05:32Party of Freedom. Give me a break. Democrats, meanwhile, are determined to
05:38restore, protect, and strengthen reproductive rights. And we will not stop
05:43fighting until we succeed in this. That is why today I am proud to stand with my
05:52fellow Democrats in voting for the Reproductive Freedom for Women Act to
05:56support reproductive rights and health care for all.
06:03Madam President, I yield.
06:07Madam President. Senator from Michigan. Thank you, Madam President. I'm really
06:23proud to be joining the senior senator from Hawaii and other colleagues that
06:30will be coming to the floor to talk about such an important topic and bill
06:36as the Reproductive Freedom for Women Act. We know that for 50 years,
06:43Roe v. Wade protected our freedom to make our own health care decisions. Then
06:50two years ago, it was gone. I can't believe that today's young women,
06:56including my daughter and granddaughters, have fewer freedoms than their mothers
07:03and their grandmothers did. And frankly, Madam President, we're furious in
07:09Michigan. Want to know just how furious? Well, in Michigan, we turned our anger
07:14into action, and in November of 2022, we had the largest voter turnout for a
07:21midterm election ever. And one of the measures on the ballot enshrined a right
07:30to reproductive freedom in our Michigan Constitution. And it passed by a strong
07:3813-point margin because Michiganders understand that health care decisions
07:46should be made by individual women, not by judges, not by politicians, and by the
07:53way, we hear all the time on the other side that it's a debate between, should
07:58it be federal politicians or state politicians? Neither. Neither. This is
08:05about individuals having the freedom to make their own health care decisions, and
08:12I can't believe we have to debate this in 2024 in America. But a lot of folks
08:19just haven't gotten the message yet. Today, 22 states now have near total
08:27bans or severe restrictions on abortion services. And that means one out of three
08:33women now live under extreme or dangerous abortion bans. And we know
08:41who's to blame for this because they brag about it all the time.
08:45Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And since the fall of Roe, Republicans
08:52have continued their assault on access to contraception, on IVF, a choice for
08:58those who desperately want a baby and need some additional help from science
09:06to help make that happen, to severe and total restrictions on abortion services.
09:14Unfortunately, MAGA Republicans want total control of our lives and total
09:22control of our fundamental freedoms. Last month, Democrats acted to protect
09:29these freedoms for women. And unfortunately, every time we brought
09:35bills to the Senate floor, Republicans blocked them. And unfortunately, we know
09:43that they won't stop there. We know that the Republican Party, if they have their
09:54way, will create a national abortion ban, which means Michigan's constitutional
10:00protections that people worked very hard to achieve, hundreds of thousands of
10:07signatures, working hard, voting to put this protection for our freedoms into
10:14the Michigan Constitution, will all be ripped away if that happens. Imagine what
10:21this would mean for a woman who learns that the pregnancy she desperately wants
10:26is not viable and her own life is at risk. This is actually happening,
10:33unfortunately, all the time right now in the states that have severe restrictions.
10:40And I will never forget hearing a woman talking about her own experience of
10:47being told she wasn't close to death enough to get care in the emergency
10:53room. She had to go out and sit in your car until she was so close to death that
10:59they felt they could treat her. Doctors are now talking to their attorney before
11:07they're talking to other doctors or women and their families and so on. And
11:13we're seeing so many things happen, so many things now. We've already seen one
11:19study showing in Texas that there's been an 8% increase in infant mortality. That
11:25means children don't live until their first birthday because something has
11:30happened. So who decides what happens to someone in that situation? The woman
11:42supported by her family and her doctor or a right-wing Supreme Court and
11:49Republicans in the United States Senate or any other elected body. Today we have
11:57an incredibly important vote. It will tell us where every single member of
12:04this chamber stands. Do you think that women should have the basic freedom to
12:10make decisions about our own health? That anyone should have the freedom to make
12:16their decisions about their own health? It's as simple as that. We know where we
12:23stand. We're working every day to defend our freedoms, to make decisions about our
12:31own health care, to make sure it's not a politician, it's not a judge, that it's
12:37women, their faith, their family, their doctors, that people who are directly
12:42involved are making those decisions. The women of this country should have the
12:49freedom to make our own decisions about our own health care, our own lives, and
12:53our own futures. That's what this vote is about. And we're not going to give up
13:00until we have those freedoms fully protected. I would urge colleagues to
13:06pass the Reproductive Freedom for Women Act. I would yield the floor. Thank you.
13:12Madam President. Senator from Minnesota. Madam President, I join my colleague from
13:17Michigan and all of the other senators who have spoken out on this topic today
13:24to say that now is the time to protect women's reproductive freedom. I thank
13:31Leader Schumer for organizing this group of senators, and I thank Senator Murray
13:36for her work on this. I thank you as our newest senator for being part of this. A
13:42few weeks ago, America marked two years since the Supreme Court overturned half
13:49a century of precedent and stripped away every woman's right to make her own
13:55health care decisions going against the 70 to 80 percent of Americans who
14:00believe that this decision should be made by a woman and her family and her
14:05doctor and not by politicians. And no, they don't want our colleagues sitting
14:11in the waiting room. In the wake of that disastrous decision, women across the
14:16country remain at the mercy of a patchwork of state laws that are
14:21creating chaos when it comes to accessing reproductive health care. Today,
14:2622 states have passed laws to fully or partially ban abortion, and one-third of
14:31women of reproductive age live under extreme and dangerous bans. For instance,
14:37just two weeks ago in our neighboring state of Iowa, right below Minnesota, the
14:42state Supreme Court allowed a six-week abortion ban to take effect. You couple
14:48that with what's going on in South Dakota and North Dakota, and you
14:51understand why in Minnesota clinics have moved across the border. That's what's
14:58happening in every state in this nation right now. In states across the country,
15:04women are also being forced away from emergency rooms and left to travel
15:09hundreds of miles for health care. I think of the woman in Oklahoma who was
15:14told that she needed to wait in the parking lot until she was much sicker, or
15:18as the doctor put it, on the verge of a heart attack. I also think of the woman
15:25from Louisiana who was turned away from two emergency rooms during a miscarriage
15:30because the doctors feared prosecution for providing care under stringent
15:35abortion laws. And I'll never, I don't think any of us will ever forget the
15:41heartbreaking story of the ten-year-old girl in Ohio who had to go to Indiana in
15:46order to get a legal abortion after she was raped. A ten-year-old girl. People
15:53didn't believe the story. Remember that? And then it turned out it was completely
15:57true. They said it was a hoax. It wasn't. It's what's happening right now in
16:04America. Doctors are being threatened with prosecution for doing their jobs, and
16:10access to fertility treatment is at risk for families who are desperately trying
16:14to get pregnant. Like many of my colleagues, I did a series of Fourth of
16:19July parades over the last week. I think I did eight of them. And in nearly every
16:25parade, someone came up with their child, a little baby, sometimes more grown up,
16:31and said she wouldn't be here, he wouldn't be here without IVF. But right
16:38now, all of those things that we have expected for so long are at risk. Access
16:44to contraception, access to abortion drugs that are safe in dozens of
16:50countries. Because while the Supreme Court gave us a temporary reprieve in
16:55the MIFA-Pristone case, we know that a number of other states are now gearing
17:00up to bring similar lawsuits because that was just thrown out based on a
17:05legal requirement, a legal standing for who could bring the case, not actually on
17:11the merits. This is our current reality, but it doesn't have to be our future.
17:18This is a pivotal moment for America. Are we going to move forward and protect
17:24freedom, which has long been a hallmark of our nation? Or are we going to go
17:29further backwards in history? Not just to the 1950s, but to the 1850s. The Supreme
17:37Court's decision threatens women's health and freedom, no matter where you
17:42live in this country, and it demands a swift response. All three branches of
17:47government have a responsibility to protect people's rights, and if one
17:51branch doesn't do its job, then it's up to another to step in. That means it's on
17:56Congress to codify Roe v. Wade into law. Every American woman should be able to
18:03get the care she needs without navigating unnecessary bans, and the
18:07choice of whether and when to start a family should be just that. While we are
18:13here today, I also see Senator Murray is on the floor, and I want to thank her for
18:18organizing yesterday's group of speakers on important legislation related to
18:23reproductive freedom. In addition to codifying Roe v. Wade into law, we need
18:28to pass other common-sense measures, like my bill, the Uphold Privacy Act,
18:34which we tried to move forward thanks to Senator Murray yesterday, unfortunately
18:39was blocked. This bill sets limits on how companies can use people's health data.
18:44This is particularly important following recent troubling reports of companies
18:50collecting and sharing data related to reproductive health care. Just this year,
18:55we learned that a company allegedly tracked people's visits to nearly 600
18:59Planned Parenthood locations across the country and provided that data for an
19:04anti-abortion ad campaign. That is just wrong. No one can believe that is
19:11happening today in America, but it is. And with women's right to reproductive care
19:17under attack, it is even more dangerous. That's why enacting common-sense limits
19:22on how companies can use people's personal data is so critical right now.
19:27All of this comes down to one question. Who should get to make personal health
19:33care decisions for women? The woman herself, her doctor, family, consultation,
19:40or a politician that she's never going to meet, that isn't going to be looking
19:45out for her? To me, the answer is clear. As our country enters its third year
19:51without Roe v. Wade, I continue to stand with my colleagues in the fight for
19:56reproductive freedom. We stand on the side of the American people who have come
20:00together time and time again. In Kentucky, where they voted for a governor who is
20:05standing up for reproductive health care. In Kansas, in the middle of the prairie
20:12where no one expected it, the first real test of this, where Democrats and
20:16Republicans voted on the side of freedom. In Ohio, in a referendum whereby 11
20:23points, the people of Ohio stood up for freedom. Or in the legislative races in
20:30Virginia. Or in a congressional race in Long Island. Or in the Wisconsin Supreme
20:37Court race. The message is clear where the American people are. This isn't about
20:45red states or blue states. Think of the states that I just listed. This is about
20:52freedom. So we refuse to back down. We refuse to give up. We refuse to settle
20:58for a reality in which our daughters have fewer rights than their mothers and
21:02grandmothers. This may be our reality right now, but colleagues, it does not
21:08have to be our future. Madam President, I yield the floor.
21:18Senator from Washington. Thank you, Madam President. Today we are going to vote on
21:24a bill that offers a simple statement of values. Do you support a woman's freedom
21:31to make her own health care decisions? For the vast majority of Americans, the
21:38answer is yes, without question. We know that because the American people have
21:44been speaking out loudly and repeatedly and at every opportunity to oppose
21:50Republicans' extreme abortion bans. The record here is remarkable and
21:56unmistakable. Since Trump and Republicans succeeded at overturning Roe v. Wade and
22:03ripping away a constitutional right from our daughters and granddaughters, every
22:09single time abortion rights have been on the ballot, abortion rights have won
22:15every time. But the American people have not just been speaking with their own
22:22votes, they have been using their voices and sharing their own personal stories
22:28of the nightmares that Republican abortion bans have put them through.
22:33Women denied medical care for a miscarriage because of abortion bans.
22:39Women turned away from hospitals because their doctor's hands were tied until
22:45they lost over half of their blood, until their husband found them
22:49unconscious on the floor, until the only option was an emergency hysterectomy, or
22:56tragically, until it was simply too late. Children who couldn't get abortion care
23:04after being raped. A teenager delivering a baby clutching a teddy bear forced
23:11through pregnancy by Republican politicians. This isn't some dystopian
23:17prediction. This has all happened recently in the United States of America
23:24because of Donald Trump and Republicans anti-abortion extremism. Just last month
23:31the New York Times profiled the story of one mother in Idaho who woke up with
23:37heavy bleeding in her 20th week of pregnancy. She was leaking amniotic fluid.
23:43She went to the emergency room. She was told nothing they could do to help her.
23:51Sorry. Because of Idaho's extreme abortion ban, it meant that any doctor
23:57who gave her the abortion care she so desperately needed would be risking
24:02their loss of their medical license and jail time and heavy fines. The best they
24:08could do was give her an emergency flight to another state, and when she
24:13arrived, nurses remembered her saying, I just need to stay alive so I can be
24:18around for my two other kids. That same hospital in Idaho has already had to
24:25airlift six pregnant women out of the state for emergency abortion
24:30care this year. Madam President, that's just one hospital in one state and one
24:37horrific variation of the many nightmares that are happening on loop
24:41across the country as a direct result of the Republican abortion bans. And Madam
24:48President, I'm going to keep saying it. A forced pregnancy does not have to make
24:52headlines to make someone's life a living hell. This is not an issue that
24:58Republicans can run away from, no matter how much they try to. Donald Trump, a
25:03convicted felon and a liar, is trying to tell us he doesn't know anything about
25:09Project 2025. That is the playbook that has been written by some of his top
25:14advisors for him. He may as well be saying he has no idea who named Trump
25:19Tower. We all know Donald Trump ended Roe v. Wade. We all know Republicans
25:28championed that for decades, and we know that Trump will absolutely ban abortion
25:35nationwide. Republicans do not get to pretend they support the health of a
25:40mother while ignoring the horror stories happening today across the
25:45country and urging the Supreme Court to rule against ensuring abortion is
25:51available in emergencies. Republicans do not get to pretend that they support IVF
25:58and birth control while championing a national fetal personhood bill and
26:04voting down bills to protect the right to IVF and birth control.
26:09Republicans do not get to pretend they only want state politicians controlling
26:15women's most personal decisions while supporting national abortion bans,
26:20including the fetal personhood bill I just mentioned, supporting efforts to
26:25strike down access to medication abortion nationwide, blocking efforts to
26:32protect women who might travel out of state for care, and even blocking
26:37protections for doctors in states like mine where abortion is legal. And I
26:43cannot stress enough how transparently unserious it is for Trump and
26:49Republicans to pretend they are somehow returning abortion to the people, when in
26:55reality they are doing the exact opposite. Republicans are giving
27:00politicians power that once belonged to an individual, an individual woman,
27:07letting politicians force women to stay pregnant, and they're trying to sell that
27:12as giving people a bigger voice in this issue. Do Republicans really think
27:17Americans are that stupid? Do Republicans really think they can take
27:21away a constitutional right and convince us it is a win for freedom? That is
27:28insulting. Here's an idea. You want to really give the people a say on abortion?
27:33How about you let each person decide with their doctor what's right for them?
27:39How's that for small government? How's that for letting people decide? Madam
27:46President, if Republicans really want to let people make their own decisions on
27:51abortions, that's news for me. It would certainly be news to the countless women
27:55who've had that choice ripped away from them by Republican politicians over the
28:01past two years. But they have a chance to prove it right here, today, right now, when
28:06we vote on my Reproductive Freedom for Women Act. This is a plain, up-or-down
28:12vote on whether you support women being able to make their own reproductive
28:18health care decisions. It doesn't force anything. It doesn't cost anything. It's
28:23actually just a half-page bill simply saying that women should have the basic
28:28freedom to make their own decisions about their health care. Seriously, that
28:33is it. Simple as it gets. If you care at all, even the tiniest bit, about protecting
28:40women's access to health care and allowing women to make their own
28:44decisions about their pregnancies, you should support this bill. Now, make no
28:50mistake, I'm not holding my breath here today, but I am going to be holding
28:54Republicans accountable. Donald Trump is trying to rewrite his abortion record,
29:00but I will not let him or anyone else off the hook. If Republicans are going to
29:06force women to stay pregnant, we are going to force them to be honest with
29:13the American people about their extreme position. And by the way, Democrats are
29:18going to keep fighting to restore the rights the American people have been so
29:22clear that they want back. Thank you, Madam President. I yield the floor.
29:30First, let me thank the Senator from Washington State, the
29:35Senate Pro Tem, President Pro Tem, for her amazing leadership on this issue.
29:40She's the lead sponsor of the legislation and on so many other issues
29:45across the spectrum, but particularly on women's rights and women's health care.
29:49Note, there's no more clarion-stronger voice than the Senator from Washington,
29:53so I thank her for that. Now, today, Madam President, Senate Republicans must answer
30:00a simple question. Do they believe that women should have the right to make
30:04their own health care choices, yes or no? The Reproductive Freedom for Women Act is
30:10exceedingly simple. All it does is express support for a woman's right to
30:16choose. That's it. No more, no less. It should be an easy yes vote. My Republican
30:24colleagues have a choice. Vote yes and stand with women who want their rights
30:28protected, or stand with Donald Trump and MAGA radicals who want to see those
30:33rights taken away. We know where the American people stand on the freedom of
30:38choice. Over 80 percent of Americans, including two-thirds of Republicans,
30:42agree that health care decisions, including abortion, should be between a
30:47woman and her doctor. But Americans are rightfully worried that reproductive
30:51rights are becoming extinct in this country. They see what's happening at the
30:55Supreme Court. They see the attacks on women's rights in states like Texas and
31:00Florida and Alabama and Idaho and beyond. The American people want to know where
31:06their senators stand on freedom of choice. By voting on reproductive
31:12freedoms, we are moving forward because it's very important and very reasonable
31:17for members to be asked to take a position on such a vital issue. If
31:21Senate Republicans genuinely trust women to make their own
31:26reproductive choices, then they should not block this bill today. And I want to
31:31tell our Republican colleagues, the American people are watching how we vote.
31:36You can run, but you can't hide. All of America is going to know whether you're
31:41for women's reproductive rights or not by this vote. No excuses. This is it.
31:51The American people want to see who will defend their fundamental freedoms
31:56and who will not. Again, let me thank Senator Murray for leading this bill. Let
32:01me thank every female senator on our side of the aisle for co-sponsoring it
32:05along with me. We need a yes vote and I ask for the yeas and nays.
