Devuelveme La Vida - Cap 61

  • hace 2 meses
00:00:15Gossip in Ocierto
00:00:22No puedo creer que la vida me está dando la oportunidad de ver a mijo casarse y feliz
00:00:29No existe la justicia divina también
00:00:47Por tanto amor y lealtad
00:00:51Gracias a ti tu honestidad
00:00:57Quiero que sepas que siempre vas a ser parte de mi vida, okay
00:01:01Por supuesto
00:01:04Es el padre de mi hija
00:01:13Me veo
00:01:18Te ves hermosa mamá
00:01:20tú también
00:01:23Sabes que?
00:01:25Te amo
00:01:30Estas lista?
00:01:37Pero que bonita se ven las dos gracias
00:01:41Señora Mariana para usted del teléfono quien no se me dijo únicamente que es urgente
00:01:56Aló Mariana
00:02:00El amor de mi vida siempre un gusto escuchar su voz
00:02:06Que quiere Rogelio?
00:02:08No podía dejar de llamarla en este día tan especial para usted claro
00:02:14Tengo que reconocer que me ofende un poco que no me haya invitado a su matrimonio
00:02:18Ni crea que me va a dañar este momento
00:02:21No cuelgue por favor que no quiero arruinar el matrimonio todo lo contrario
00:02:27Me tengo un regalo de bodas muy especial escucha
00:02:51Y Mariana no debería ser aquí
00:02:54Como si no no no puede ser si puede ser tengo a su hijo
00:03:00Rogelio suéltelo
00:03:03Hay mañana usted no puede ordenar nada
00:03:06Se lo advierto porque no deja de ordenar y de advertir que no está en posición de y mejor escucha muy bien
00:03:19Quiere volver a ver a su hijo con vida tiene que cancelar ese estúpido matrimonio ahora mismo eso sí
00:03:26Nadie se puede enterar de esta llamada y de qué está pasando
00:03:30Rogelio esto es un enfermo quiero que sepa que lo odio
00:03:34En cambio yo la amo con todo mi ser se lo juro
00:03:38Todavía la amo con todo mi ser
00:03:41Pero esto es serio y entre usted y yo si alguien se entera lo mato
00:03:48que quiere que haga
00:03:49así está mejor
00:03:51si quiere ver a su hijo con vida otra vez tiene que venir
00:03:55y sola
00:03:57No sé qué carajos va a decir pero cancele ese matrimonio ya
00:04:02No haga
00:04:07No le voy a hacer nada no le voy a hacer nada ya sabe cómo son las cosas conmigo cierto
00:04:51Mariana se que es un mal momento pero algo pasó con su papá
00:04:57No sé dónde está y temo que atente contra su propia vida
00:05:31No, no, no.
00:05:34No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:05:37No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:05:39Mamá qué pasó?
00:05:46Mariana mi amor qué pasó?
00:05:48Joaquín perdóname pero no me puedo casar en este momento
00:05:56Por qué que pasó?
00:05:58Padre perdón pero tenemos que cancelar
00:06:00What happened?
00:06:01Mom, what happened?
00:06:07Mariana, please tell me.
00:06:09Tell me what happened, please.
00:06:12But this is serious.
00:06:14And between you and me,
00:06:16if anyone finds out, I'll kill him.
00:06:19My dad is missing.
00:06:21What do you mean my grandpa is missing?
00:06:23Let's calm down.
00:06:26Where did that news come from?
00:06:28Your dad just told me.
00:06:29Yes, I looked for him and I couldn't find him anywhere.
00:06:37Sorry, what a shame.
00:06:39We have a very serious problem
00:06:41and we're going to have to interrupt.
00:06:43We'll be right back.
00:06:57Everything okay?
00:06:59Grandpa disappeared.
00:07:01What are we going to do?
00:07:06I'm sorry.
00:07:08It's okay.
00:07:12My girl.
00:07:14Are you okay?
00:07:16Lie down.
00:07:20I'm sorry, Joaquin.
00:07:22Mariana, calm down.
00:07:24Calm down, what happened?
00:07:25Joaquin, I'm sorry, but I can't marry you right now.
00:07:29Did something happen to your dad?
00:07:31Well, Mr. Alfredo, I was taking care of him
00:07:34because he has problems with drinking.
00:07:36The other day he tried to hurt himself
00:07:38and this morning he escaped.
00:07:40Why didn't you tell me before, Dad?
00:07:42It was a personal matter.
00:07:44A personal matter?
00:07:46Joaquin, I know this is very unfair,
00:07:48but please don't doubt
00:07:50even for a second of the love I feel for you.
00:07:52No, I'm never going to doubt you, Mariana.
00:07:54But it seems like your dad
00:07:56will always want to interfere in our happiness.
00:07:58I know.
00:08:00I'm sorry.
00:08:04I'm sorry.
00:08:06I have to talk to Sara.
00:08:08I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:08:13I wanted to apologize.
00:08:15What happened to him in the end, Mom?
00:08:17Well, Graciliano
00:08:19says he's lost,
00:08:20that he's had problems with drinking
00:08:22and that maybe, I don't know,
00:08:24he could get hurt.
00:08:26So we have to find him now, right?
00:08:28Yes, but
00:08:30we have to cancel everything.
00:08:32No, no, yes, of course.
00:08:34I already talked to Tina
00:08:36and if you don't get married,
00:08:38neither do we.
00:08:40Don't worry.
00:08:42I'm sorry.
00:08:44Don't worry, Mom, it's not your fault.
00:08:46Thank you for understanding.
00:08:47I haven't told you anything
00:08:49because I know it's a delicate issue for you,
00:08:51but I did prefer to get married
00:08:53with my present wife.
00:08:55Well, let's go tell the guests.
00:08:57Let's go.
00:09:09Primitivo is very upset.
00:09:15What happened?
00:09:17Nothing, son.
00:09:21I'm tired,
00:09:25it must be because of
00:09:27everything that's happened
00:09:29in the last few days.
00:09:31But don't worry, I...
00:09:33That's all.
00:09:35Do you want me to call a doctor?
00:09:37No, no.
00:09:39What happened with the ceremony?
00:09:41It was canceled because
00:09:43Don Alfredo is missing.
00:09:45No, son, no.
00:09:47There's nothing left to do.
00:09:49It was canceled.
00:09:51No, don't do that to me.
00:09:53I wanted to see him married,
00:09:55starting a family.
00:09:57I even thought about having grandchildren.
00:09:59Maybe he's getting ahead of himself.
00:10:01Tell me what happened.
00:10:03I don't have much time, son.
00:10:07Why do you say that?
00:10:11Mom's stuff.
00:10:13Mom's stuff.
00:10:15Tell her the truth, Sofina.
00:10:17Don't pretend anymore.
00:10:19What truth?
00:10:21What's going on?
00:10:23It's just that
00:10:25I've been having
00:10:27problems with my heart for a while
00:10:29and lately it's getting worse.
00:10:33It must be
00:10:35all these emotions together.
00:10:40Have you seen a doctor?
00:10:42It's been a while.
00:10:44Why don't you tell me anything?
00:10:45Don Alfredo told me the same thing.
00:10:47What's the same thing?
00:10:50That this heart is very bad
00:10:52and that
00:10:54there's not much to do, son.
00:10:56That it's getting worse
00:10:58and that
00:11:01the only thing
00:11:03that can save me is a miracle.
00:11:09Thank you very much for coming.
00:11:11I'm sorry for you.
00:11:13As soon as I hear from my dad, I'll let you know.
00:11:15Thank you for coming.
00:11:17Thank you for coming.
00:11:19Thank you for understanding.
00:11:21See you later.
00:11:27Mrs. Mariana,
00:11:29Don Alfredo was in a cabin
00:11:31ten kilometers north of here
00:11:33and he could have left
00:11:35on the road to Cali
00:11:37or if he went up and down
00:11:39he could be on the road to Buenaventura.
00:11:41Brazilian, do you really think
00:11:43he could hurt himself?
00:11:45It's hard to know with his father.
00:11:47But I'm going to talk to the policemen
00:11:49and I'll have them look for his father
00:11:51all over the area.
00:11:53Thank you.
00:11:55Thank you.
00:11:57Mom, I can go in my car and go look for him in Cali.
00:11:59Most of his family members have been there.
00:12:01Yes, I'm also going to file a report.
00:12:03See you later.
00:12:05Thank you.
00:12:07Mati, will you come with me?
00:12:09Yes, of course.
00:12:11I'm going to go support my dad
00:12:13in the search for Don Alfredo.
00:12:26I'm sure there's nothing else
00:12:28you want to tell me.
00:13:04It can't be.
00:13:09It looks like our life isn't going to be easy.
00:13:11Normally, I'd tell you that's his charm,
00:13:13but not today.
00:13:15I don't want to leave you.
00:13:17Me neither, honey.
00:13:19But I have to take my mom to the hospital
00:13:21and then to the pension.
00:13:23See you later.
00:13:25But remember that you and I still have a night
00:13:27in a hotel in Cali
00:13:29and that if we want to get ahead of the honeymoon,
00:13:31we can get ahead of it, right?
00:13:33Of course.
00:13:35Are you going to Cali?
00:13:37I'm going with you.
00:13:39Yes, I'm going.
00:13:54The marriage of Mrs. Mariana has been suspended.
00:13:57And the marriage of your daughter too, sir.
00:13:59All the guests left.
00:14:01And Joaquin left with Grasiliano.
00:14:03The one who stayed at the house was Mrs. Mariana.
00:14:05You tell me how to proceed, sir.
00:14:07How many men did you get?
00:14:11Keep an eye on the area.
00:14:13Monche, you can't trust Mariana.
00:14:15She's probably going to try to get away with hers.
00:14:17So be on the lookout.
00:14:19Let me know if anything happens.
00:14:21Is that clear?
00:14:26You should thank me.
00:14:28Sara's marriage was also canceled.
00:14:30And don't worry,
00:14:32she has little time to meet with her mommy.
00:14:38I want to report the disappearance of Mr. Alfredo Azcarate.
00:14:44He's going to the station?
00:14:47No, sir, I can't go.
00:14:49That's why I'm calling you.
00:14:51Look, do you know who Mr. Alfredo Azcarate is?
00:14:54Well, his daughter, Mrs. Mariana,
00:14:57wants to ask you to please send permanent, urgent surveillance
00:15:02to Hacienda La Victoria.
00:15:05Yes, sir.
00:15:07And since he's going to talk to his commander,
00:15:09also remind him of the donations that Mr. Alfredo has made to the institution.
00:15:16That they're going to send a patrol car right now.
00:15:19Thank you, Mauri.
00:15:21Mrs. Mariana,
00:15:23I'm sorry to meddle in what I don't care about,
00:15:26but I understand that you are worried about the disappearance of Mr. Alfredo,
00:15:30but is that all?
00:15:33Yes, Maura, everything is fine.
00:15:35Look, all I want is for Mr. Alfredo to appear quickly
00:15:38and for everything to return to normal.
00:15:40Because the truth is, we all need it.
00:15:54Good morning.
00:15:59Hey, the train's over.
00:16:01Yes, about 20 years ago, boss.
00:16:06Why, did you need it?
00:16:10I haven't been able to decide
00:16:12if I shoot myself
00:16:14or I shoot the train.
00:16:17Well, you and I would shoot the train,
00:16:19because if it doesn't pass, it won't hurt you.
00:16:22And why is that, boss?
00:16:24Do you have problems?
00:16:26Do you need something?
00:16:28I'm thirsty.
00:16:32No, real water.
00:16:35I know.
00:16:36Whoever you give it to,
00:16:38my God will keep it.
00:16:40This is what you are looking for.
00:16:54Let's find where and I'll give it back to you.
00:16:57There's a store down here if you want.
00:17:00Yes, please.
00:17:02I'll go with you, boss.
00:17:04Let's go.
00:17:06Let's go.
00:17:17Tino, wait.
00:17:20We need to talk about the magazine.
00:17:26A few days ago I received information about corruption
00:17:28and I began to investigate, but everything went wrong.
00:17:30I suspect that the lady deceived me,
00:17:32but I don't know why and I would like to know your opinion.
00:17:37Lucy, now is not a good time to talk about work.
00:17:39For me it is important.
00:17:41I don't know if you found out,
00:17:43but Matilde was kidnapped when she was doing an interview for me.
00:17:45Did you get Matilde involved in this?
00:17:47Well, I had no choice.
00:17:49I was going to get drunk.
00:17:51But hey, the important thing is that I think,
00:17:53I suspect that Panelita has something to do with this.
00:17:57Lucy, now is not a good time.
00:17:59My mother is dying.
00:18:03I'm thinking of quitting.
00:18:05Mr. Dominguez, the doctor can see you now.
00:18:08Thank you.
00:18:14Miss, I would like to take the tests.
00:18:18Go ahead.
00:18:20Thank you.
00:18:22I was hoping that Mr. Alfredo would have returned.
00:18:25Oh, dad.
00:18:27Why do you insist on lending a hand to someone
00:18:29who has despised him all his life?
00:18:31Because I trust that people can change.
00:18:34Don't waste your time.
00:18:36There are people who will never change.
00:18:38If I could, so could Mr. Alfredo.
00:18:41No, no, no.
00:18:43You are not like him.
00:18:45Well, but I was an accomplice to him many times.
00:18:47But because he had to.
00:18:49You know, he had to.
00:18:51He was threatened with taking him out of the house.
00:18:53Yes, but look, don't justify me.
00:18:55I am very clear about the bad decisions I made in life.
00:19:00And well,
00:19:01thanks to that big heart,
00:19:03my marriage has just been damaged.
00:19:05I'm very sorry.
00:19:07But that's why I'm not going to change my mind
00:19:10about helping Mr. Alfredo.
00:19:12Look, son,
00:19:14when you were out there in the north,
00:19:17your mother's death drowned me in alcohol.
00:19:20I wanted to die.
00:19:22And Mariana helped me
00:19:24and didn't let Mr. Alfredo kick me out.
00:19:27Do you know what I learned from this?
00:19:29Rancor eats our souls and doesn't let us be happy.
00:19:37It's a shame I can't be like you, Dad.
00:19:40Because I can't forgive you.
00:19:42Well, don't do it for yourself.
00:19:44Do it for Mariana.
00:19:46If she loves you and wants to see you happy,
00:19:49and she's happy next to her father,
00:19:52you should at least try.
00:19:55You should at least try.
00:20:06It's strong,
00:20:08but the best remedy for the sorrows you carry inside.
00:20:13For the sorrows I carry inside,
00:20:16I would have to go back in time
00:20:19and repair many mistakes I have made.
00:20:23And I can't do that anymore.
00:20:26So why are you worried?
00:20:30If your problems have no solution,
00:20:34why are you worried if you can't do anything?
00:20:37I'm worried because I've hurt
00:20:41many people I love.
00:20:44And those people are alive?
00:20:48And why don't you apologize?
00:20:51I already apologized.
00:20:54I already did, and they didn't...
00:20:58They didn't forgive me.
00:21:02You are rich,
00:21:04and you drown in a glass of water.
00:21:06Or hot water.
00:21:08You don't know me.
00:21:10You don't know who I am.
00:21:12I've had many bosses like you.
00:21:15Oh, yeah?
00:21:17Let's see, then.
00:21:20Describe me.
00:21:22What am I like?
00:21:24I'd rather kill myself
00:21:26than apologize.
00:21:29And change, which is the most important thing.
00:21:37What symptoms have you had?
00:21:41All of them.
00:21:43And I'm also 10 days late.
00:21:44Miss, how long does it take for the results to be ready?
00:21:47They could be ready by tomorrow.
00:21:49And there's no way they'll be ready today?
00:21:52Look, the thing is,
00:21:54those results depend on whether I leave the country or not.
00:21:57We'll do everything we can.
00:21:59Thank you.
00:22:01And one more thing.
00:22:03This information is only for me, right?
00:22:05Of course.
00:22:07Thank you.
00:22:15Well, according to the diagnosis of this latest electrocardiogram,
00:22:19the result is not very encouraging, let's say.
00:22:23The heart is working at half its capacity.
00:22:27What does that mean?
00:22:29Well, that somehow we would be increasing his life,
00:22:33so to speak, to his mother in a few months.
00:22:36I can't believe that with the scientific advances
00:22:39there is still no effective treatment.
00:22:40Well, there is a possibility.
00:22:42Which one?
00:22:44In cases as extreme as his mother's,
00:22:46heart transplants have been practiced.
00:22:48And in the hospital we have been investigating for a few years.
00:22:52Heart transplants?
00:22:54Yes, well, there have been some successful cases,
00:22:57although obviously the operation is risky.
00:23:00Oh, son, that sounds very complicated.
00:23:02Mom, as things are, we have to take the risk.
00:23:05But that sounds expensive.
00:23:06Isn't it very expensive, doctor?
00:23:08Mom, you have to be optimistic.
00:23:10I would say that before being optimistic,
00:23:13you have to be realistic.
00:23:16Doctor, I prefer to be optimistic.
00:23:20Help me please get all the possible information
00:23:23about that surgery.
00:23:25We have to save my mother.
00:23:37Nothing that my grandfather appears.
00:23:40And you could have married him anyway.
00:23:43With my grandfather missing.
00:23:45Oh, Sara.
00:23:47How long have you not spoken to him?
00:23:51What are you, thinking badly of me?
00:23:53Well, no, but I say that all this tragedy
00:23:55fell like a ring on your finger, right?
00:23:57Your grandfather disappeared
00:23:59and you immediately canceled the wedding.
00:24:01So what you're insinuating is that
00:24:03I don't want to marry you, is that it?
00:24:04But yesterday you just saw Joey
00:24:06and you canceled the wedding as if nothing happened.
00:24:08Let's see, Joey has absolutely nothing to do with it.
00:24:10So I ask you, please,
00:24:12to stop insinuating nonsense.
00:24:14I had enough with Lucia's comments yesterday.
00:24:16I don't need more, thank you.
00:24:18Well, sorry.
00:24:20And to make it very clear to you,
00:24:22I do want to marry you.
00:24:24And whatever Joey does, he is careless.
00:24:26Because he is making his life,
00:24:28and I am also making mine.
00:24:32Well, how are you?
00:24:34You know what, Joey?
00:24:36I was thinking
00:24:38and I realized that none of this would have happened
00:24:41if Alfredo had pants.
00:24:46If at the moment he realized
00:24:48that Joaquin was looking at Mariana,
00:24:50he would have decided
00:24:52and he would have killed him.
00:24:54None of this would be happening.
00:24:56What's more, you wouldn't have been born.
00:24:59And for your happiness,
00:25:01Joaquin is alive
00:25:02and with Mariana.
00:25:07That's good.
00:25:09Dolio, I have to admit that it still affects me a little.
00:25:15But you know me
00:25:17and you know very well
00:25:19that I am the one who is going to put things in their place.
00:25:25At last we are going to have news.
00:25:30What happened?
00:25:33Everything has to go on as if we didn't know anything.
00:25:38Keep up with the plan
00:25:40and keep me informed.
00:25:46if you know how to pray,
00:25:49I advise you to start.
00:26:01Good morning.
00:26:05Good morning, ma'am. How are you?
00:26:07Good morning.
00:26:09Very good, Mr. Agent.
00:26:11Come with me, please.
00:26:13Thank you.
00:26:20Can I trust you?
00:26:22Of course, ma'am. You can trust us.
00:26:24How can we help you?
00:26:26It is true that my father is missing,
00:26:27but that's not why I called you.
00:26:30Rogelio Benitez, my ex-husband,
00:26:33is a fugitive.
00:26:35You know that.
00:26:38They told us that at the station.
00:26:40Well, Rogelio kidnapped my son, Jove,
00:26:43and he's asking me to meet him.
00:26:45And Rogelio is capable of doing anything.
00:26:47He's completely crazy.
00:26:49He already killed a person, Marina's sister.
00:26:51Look, ma'am, calm down.
00:26:53We are here to help you.
00:26:54But tell us, did he ask you for anything?
00:26:56Did they demand anything from you or something?
00:26:58Yes, he asked me to cancel the marriage
00:27:00and he told me he would call again,
00:27:02but he hasn't done it yet.
00:27:04And does anyone else know about this?
00:27:06No, no, no.
00:27:12Write down everything I tell you,
00:27:14but you have to be calm so that he doesn't notice.
00:27:17Answer completely normal.
00:27:22Answer completely normal.
00:27:27Tell me you don't feel happy to hear my voice.
00:27:29I want to know if Jove is okay.
00:27:32Do you want to know if she's okay?
00:27:35Do you comply with her?
00:27:45You are sick, Rogelio.
00:27:48I want to talk to Jove.
00:27:50Stop screwing, Mariana.
00:27:53You don't put conditions.
00:27:56And I remind you that if you try something,
00:27:58your son will pay for it.
00:28:02He listened to me with the instructions
00:28:04not to tell anyone anything.
00:28:06Yes, yes, of course.
00:28:10Then take notes because I'm going to tell you
00:28:12where we're going to meet face to face.
00:28:14How do I know this isn't a trap?
00:28:16It's going to hurt both of us.
00:28:18You'll have to trust me.
00:28:19As I trusted that our marriage
00:28:21was going to be for life.
00:28:23Don't talk about betrayal, Rogelio.
00:28:25You've only lied to me all these years.
00:28:30my lies were all to make you happy.
00:28:34Remember that you have a daughter thanks to me.
00:28:37That's crap.
00:28:42No offense.
00:28:44No insults.
00:28:46I'm sensitive.
00:28:47And you can make me hang.
00:28:49Do you agree?
00:28:51I'll hang up.
00:28:53No, no, no, please give me the instructions.
00:29:01You have an hour to get there.
00:29:04And I repeat,
00:29:06don't try anything.
00:29:08Remember that I have nothing to lose
00:29:10and you have a lot.
00:29:13And you know what I'm capable of, right?
00:29:14And you know what I'm capable of, right?
00:29:22We'll take care of this from here.
00:29:25Can I go with you?
00:29:27Ma'am, I don't think it's wise.
00:29:32it's my son's life.
00:29:34I'll go with you.
00:29:39Let's go.
00:29:51Are you okay?
00:29:55Here I am, here I am.
00:29:57Fine, fine.
00:29:59Dad, please, I have all the employees looking for you.
00:30:01Where were you?
00:30:03I came to your wedding because I want to be part of your life again.
00:30:05We need to talk.
00:30:07No, no, there is no wedding.
00:30:09Why is the police here?
00:30:11There is no wedding?
00:30:12I told you.
00:30:14I'll leave you to it.
00:30:16No, no, dad, that's not it.
00:30:18I can't talk right now, but keep going.
00:30:20I'm not going to beg in front of these people.
00:30:22We have to talk.
00:30:24Let's talk.
00:30:26Dad, this is not a good time.
00:30:28Let's talk.
00:30:30Give me five minutes, please.
00:30:32Let's talk.
00:30:36I've been reflecting a lot these days
00:30:38and I want to tell you that I regret
00:30:40all the harm I've done to you in this life.
00:30:43Dad, thank you for telling me that,
00:30:45but I can't talk right now.
00:30:47Daughter, do you think it's easy for me
00:30:49to humiliate myself like this?
00:30:51I guess it's not easy,
00:30:53but the world does not revolve around you.
00:30:55I have a very serious problem to solve right now.
00:30:57And what could be more important
00:30:59than the reconciliation of an honest father
00:31:01with his daughter?
00:31:03Dad, listen to me.
00:31:05I need you to do me a favor.
00:31:07If I haven't returned in two hours,
00:31:09I need you to tell Joaquin
00:31:10that Joaquin is in danger.
00:31:14Yes, and that I went to rescue him.
00:31:16And what did he do?
00:31:18Just tell him that Joaquin is in danger
00:31:20and that I went to rescue him.
00:31:41Let's go.
00:31:46Look at this delight.
00:31:50Here's your food.
00:31:54Don't make that face.
00:31:56It's healthy food.
00:31:58You have to follow the doctor's recommendations.
00:32:00You can't eat salt,
00:32:02you can't eat sugar,
00:32:04you can't eat flour,
00:32:06you can't drink milk,
00:32:08you can't eat fat.
00:32:10You can't eat anything.
00:32:14It's for your own good.
00:32:16Don't be like that.
00:32:18Wait a minute.
00:32:20I know there's a pill around here
00:32:22that you have to take before eating.
00:32:24Let's see.
00:32:27This is two pills every six hours.
00:32:31This is every eight hours.
00:32:37This is after each meal.
00:32:38This is after each meal.
00:32:46You have to get well
00:32:48so we can do all that I told you.
00:32:50We're going to buy clothes,
00:32:52we're going to go to the park,
00:32:54a lot of things, right?
00:32:56I never lost hope of finding him.
00:32:59And now,
00:33:01I thank God
00:33:03that you are the one who is taking care of me right now.
00:33:05It makes all this worth it.
00:33:09I assure you that I will get that transplant.
00:33:13It doesn't matter how long you live.
00:33:17What matters is that you have already made me
00:33:19the happiest mom in the world.
00:33:25Let's see.
00:33:41Can you come here for a second, please?
00:33:48Okay, done.
00:33:51Done, yes, ma'am. Thank you very much.
00:33:53See you later.
00:33:55What is this?
00:33:57A list of sources I consulted.
00:33:59It seems that Mrs. Alina is not known to anyone.
00:34:01I don't even know her name.
00:34:03But what's the problem, Matilde? She already showed up.
00:34:05I know, but I can't leave here
00:34:06knowing that you and my family are in danger.
00:34:08Where are you going?
00:34:10I'm going back to the United States.
00:34:12Look, if it's for me ...
00:34:14No, it's not for you. It's a personal matter.
00:34:16I need you to help me verify
00:34:18if this lady has anything to do with Panelita.
00:34:20And do I have to do it now?
00:34:22Yes, we take a maximum of an hour.
00:34:24We are a good team and, well,
00:34:26after this, I promise I won't bother you again.
00:34:30Okay, I'll go with you, but on one condition.
00:34:33Leave the drama.
00:34:35I'll leave this in the kitchen.
00:34:37On the way, tell me about the trip.
00:35:04But I don't understand.
00:35:06Why are we turning around here?
00:35:08Shut up!
00:35:10No, no, no, no.
00:35:12No, no, no.
00:35:14No, no, no, please.
00:35:16Take it, take it, now.
00:35:18No, no, no, please.
00:35:22I know, I know, I know, I know.
00:35:36Mrs. Mariana.
00:35:38It's a pleasure to see you again.
00:35:40Is Rogelio here?
00:35:42Don't worry, we'll see him.
00:35:44Get dressed.
00:35:46No, no, no, you don't have to, you don't have to.
00:35:48Shut up!
00:35:50You don't have to.
00:35:54To the trunk.
00:36:05To the trunk.
00:36:07Monche, you don't have to.
00:36:09Get in, sir, get in.
00:36:11Be careful with the head.
00:36:16No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:36:20I'll get the others.
00:36:23Get me out of the car.
00:36:35What do we do with these two?
00:36:37Why do you ask me if you know what you have to do?
00:36:45It's nothing personal.
00:36:47Have a good trip.
00:37:04There's no one.
00:37:07And now what do we do?
00:37:09Oh, look, there's a lady coming.
00:37:10Let's ask her.
00:37:17Excuse me, by any chance, do you know anything about Mrs. Lina?
00:37:19The owner of this house?
00:37:22No, Mr. Braulio is the owner of the house.
00:37:25Mr. Braulio?
00:37:26Yes, all his life.
00:37:29You mean that Mrs. Estela.
00:37:32That lady was the one who rented that house and left without paying.
00:37:36Oh yeah?
00:37:38And what else do you know about Mrs. Estela?
00:37:40It's just that the lady didn't socialize much with us.
00:37:42But if she came and visited him, a man like that, all bad-faced,
00:37:47hairy hair, horny.
00:37:50He didn't look like her husband.
00:37:51Oh, look.
00:37:53Well, thank you very much.
00:37:55May he be very well.
00:37:56He got crazy, right?
00:37:57Yes, it seems so.
00:37:59What do you have?
00:38:00Nothing, nothing.
00:38:01I'm fine.
00:38:02It was probably something I ate, but now it's gone.
00:38:04Are you sure?
00:38:05Yes, yes, yes.
00:38:10I don't have a good impression.
00:38:11Do you want to see a doctor?
00:38:12No, I'm fine.
00:38:17Lucy, you're weird.
00:38:19From one moment to the next, you gave up and wanted to leave the country.
00:38:22And now, out of nowhere, you get sick.
00:38:23You're sick and you don't want to tell me?
00:38:25I'm fine, Tino.
00:38:26I'm just worried about all this Mrs. Lina thing.
00:38:29Let's focus on that.
00:38:30There's not much to investigate.
00:38:31The lady used a fake name and disappeared.
00:38:34That's it.
00:38:35And I don't need to look for you.
00:38:38The lady didn't know me in person.
00:38:39We only talked on the phone.
00:38:44Matilde came to my place and she was kidnapped.
00:38:48That's weird.
00:38:51Did Matilde get confused with you?
00:38:53No, probably not.
00:38:55But it was at night.
00:38:56They put a hood on her.
00:38:57When they realized it wasn't me, they let her go.
00:39:03Of course, if it had been something related to the magazine,
00:39:05they would surely have sent a message, a threat.
00:39:08Yes, no, no.
00:39:09Danielita has nothing to do with this.
00:39:11This is personal.
00:39:13Against me or against my family.
00:39:18Did Matilde tell you anything about the kidnapping?
00:39:21No, we can't talk about that.
00:39:23We have to talk to her.
00:39:43Where is Mariana?
00:39:45She left with two policemen who came to look for her.
00:39:48And do you know anything about Mr. Alfredo?
00:39:50Yes, he arrived.
00:39:52Where did he appear?
00:39:53He arrived alone at the hacienda.
00:39:55And how is he?
00:39:58Well, Mrs. Mariana took him to the room
00:39:59and told me not to leave him alone.
00:40:02Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:40:04Does that mean Mariana managed to talk to her father?
00:40:08So why did she leave with the police?
00:40:10Oh, no, I don't know.
00:40:12Mrs. Mariana took Mr. Alfredo to his room,
00:40:14told me not to leave him alone,
00:40:16and left with the police.
00:40:24Mr. Alfredo.
00:40:26Mr. Alfredo.
00:40:30Mr. Alfredo.
00:40:33Mr. Alfredo.
00:40:35Mr. Alfredo, wake up.
00:40:41Mr. Alfredo, where did Mariana go?
00:40:45Mariana, why did she leave with the police?
00:40:48With the police?
00:40:49The police already talked to her.
00:40:54In my memory,
00:40:56we talked.
00:40:58She didn't want to hear anything I had to tell her.
00:41:03But did she tell you where she was going?
00:41:05No, no.
00:41:07She went that way.
00:41:09She went that way.
00:41:10No, she didn't tell me anything.
00:41:13She didn't tell me anything.
00:41:16I don't know.
00:41:18What did she tell you?
00:41:19No, no.
00:41:21No reason for urgency.
00:41:26I don't remember.
00:41:52Are you okay?
00:41:53I'll help you so you don't get hurt.
00:41:55Come here.
00:41:57Your feet first.
00:41:59Come here.
00:42:00Don't get hurt.
00:42:08You know what?
00:42:09I don't care how you treat me.
00:42:11I don't care.
00:42:13I don't care.
00:42:15I don't care.
00:42:17I don't care.
00:42:19I don't care how you treat me or what you think of me.
00:42:22Seeing you always lights up my day.
00:42:26Where do you think you're going, Mariana?
00:42:31Where am I, Rogelio?
00:42:34Besides, you always smell divine.
00:42:39I'm already here.
00:42:41I already fulfilled my part of the deal.
00:42:45Yes, now you fulfill yours.
00:42:47You know you didn't fulfill your part of the deal.
00:42:51And you're here because I knew you'd betray me, right?
00:42:58you'll see your son whenever I want.
00:43:02Who told you to marry her?
00:43:04Take that off.
00:43:11Come here.
00:43:13Are you okay?
00:43:14Are you okay?
00:43:16Come, come, come.
00:43:21Come with me, come with me.
00:43:24This way, come.
00:43:40Sit down.
00:43:42You're at home.
00:43:48Rogelio, I'm already here.
00:43:53I'm here.
00:43:56I'm all yours.
00:43:59No, Mariana.
00:44:01You're not mine.
00:44:04You never were.
00:44:06But now I am.
00:44:12I'm not going to try anything, Rogelio.
00:44:16I'm not going to try to hurt you.
00:44:21But please let me see my son.
00:44:25Do you really want to deceive me again with the same face, Mariana?
00:44:29No, no, no, I don't want to deceive you.
00:44:33I'm here.
00:44:36At your mercy.
00:44:38I can do whatever I want with my son.
00:44:43But not at your will.
00:44:45I know and I apologize.
00:44:49I'm sorry.
00:44:51I know I behaved badly.
00:44:54That I was ungrateful and I admit that I never
00:44:57made an effort for our marriage to move forward.
00:45:02But Rogelio, I'm not going to resist anymore.
00:45:07I'm all yours.
00:45:11But please let me see my son.
00:45:37I'm sorry.
00:45:45Matilde, try to remember.
00:45:47Anything can serve as a clue for us to start investigating.
00:45:57I remember there were two men, but I don't remember them very well
00:46:01because they put a bag of cloth on my head and then they threw something at me to put me to sleep.
00:46:05Did you really not see their faces?
00:46:09No, when I woke up, I was still blindfolded and half doped.
00:46:13I only heard some murmurs in the background.
00:46:16Listen to me, listen to me.
00:46:18We have to get him to wake up completely.
00:46:21You couldn't understand what they were talking about?
00:46:25No, no.
00:46:27Then they drugged me again.
00:46:29Did they ask you anything?
00:46:30Did they ask you anything?
00:46:33I think I told them something about Joel.
00:46:36You told them about Joel?
00:46:38I have to go where Sara is, I have to save her.
00:46:42I have a bad feeling, I have to save Joel.
00:46:48Yes, I told them that I had to save you.
00:46:53Because you were afraid that something would happen.
00:46:56No, I didn't say that.
00:46:58What else did you tell them?
00:47:01I don't know, I don't remember, everything is very blurry in my head.
00:47:05You have to make an effort to remember, Mati.
00:47:07I'm trying, Lucy.
00:47:09Let's see, Mati, try to remember, please.
00:47:13Where, but where is it?
00:47:16It's in a hotel,
00:47:19there it lands on the highway.
00:47:23I think I told them where Joel was.
00:47:25Did you really tell them that?
00:47:30I'm sorry.
00:48:22What are you doing here?
00:48:25I'm not going to let you die.
00:48:27You didn't have to do this, Mariana.
00:48:33I did it.
00:48:35Let him go.
00:48:37Instead of demanding anything,
00:48:39be grateful, Mariana.
00:48:41Do you want to see your son?
00:48:43There he is.
00:48:52Did you really think he was going to do it?
00:48:56Benitez doesn't want us alive.
00:48:59I don't know what's going to happen, Joel.
00:49:02But I'm not going to let him kill you.
00:49:10I'm going to find a way to get you out.
00:49:28Look what I found.
00:49:43Let me go.
00:49:45Let me go.
00:49:47Let me go.
00:49:50Let me go.
00:49:52Mr. Alfredo, please.
00:49:56Make an effort.
00:49:58Why do you serve water to the fire?
00:50:00Bring hot water to me.
00:50:02I agree.
00:50:04Bring hot water to me.
00:50:08Take a watch out.
00:50:10Take a watch out.
00:50:12A watch?
00:50:14A watch.
00:50:16What watch?
00:50:18Ah, ah, ah, ah!
00:50:20What would you like to inform me of?
00:50:22What do you want me to inform you of?
00:50:24What do you want me to inform you of, Mr. Alfredo?
00:50:28Mr. Joaquin...
00:50:29Let go.
00:50:30Let go of me.
00:50:31Mr. Joaquin...
00:50:32Let go of me, Ramalva.
00:50:33Mr. Joaquin, it's your daughter on the phone.
00:50:35It's urgent.
00:50:40Don't you remember what Mariana said?
00:50:41Don't get out of here.
00:50:43Then I'm not going with you.
00:50:44I'm going to get a lawyer.
00:50:47Hi, honey. What's up?
00:50:49Do you know anything about Joey?
00:50:51Joey's in Europe.
00:50:53Since yesterday.
00:50:55Why do you ask?
00:50:57He was in Cali yesterday.
00:51:00He didn't travel, or at least we think so.
00:51:02Dad, Matilde's kidnapping wasn't because of the magazine.
00:51:05They were looking for my daughter, Joey.
00:51:07Are you sure?
00:51:08Yes, Matilde says they asked her where they could find him,
00:51:11and since then we haven't heard from him.
00:51:13I don't know where he is.
00:51:19Mr. Alfredo remembered.
00:51:21He says Mariana went to look for Joey because he's in danger.
00:51:27It was Benitez, Dad.
00:51:29He's back.
00:51:32Come here, come here.
00:51:36Rogelio left the keys there, look.
00:51:40Come here, come here.
00:51:45Let's go get them.
00:52:00There they are, there they are, there they are.
00:52:03Let's find a way to catch them.
00:52:13It was a warehouse, an abandoned warehouse.
00:52:17How was it?
00:52:18Any detail can tell us where it was.
00:52:24I don't know, it was a warehouse,
00:52:26and I know it wasn't far from here.
00:52:28How far?
00:52:29I don't know.
00:52:30Five, 10, 15, 20 minutes, half an hour, an hour, how much?
00:52:34I don't know, I know it wasn't far.
00:52:36Look for a reference, like going from here to the hacienda?
00:52:38No, more.
00:52:39I don't know, Tino, I don't know.
00:52:41Stop it, you're pressuring her, let her think.
00:52:44I don't have time to think, try to remember.
00:52:58Joey, Joey, look.
00:53:10It's okay.
00:53:15It's just so...
00:53:20Help me, help me, help me.
00:53:22It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:53:27It's okay, it's okay.
00:53:40What are you doing?
00:53:43Wait, wait, wait.
00:53:57I distract him and you leave.
00:53:59No, Joey, I won't leave you alone.
00:54:01We're going to have a hard time, I don't want anything to happen to you.
00:54:03Me neither, we're in this together.
00:54:31Run, Mariano, run!
00:54:33I won't leave you alone.
00:54:40No, no, no, Rogelio.
00:54:42No, no, no, no.
00:54:45No, Rogelio, let him go.
00:54:47Let him go or I'll kill myself.
00:54:50I'll kill myself, Rogelio.
00:54:51I'll kill myself, you know I can do it.
00:54:54I'll kill myself, Rogelio.
00:54:57Put the gun down.
00:54:59Rogelio, I'll kill myself.
00:55:03Run, Joey.
00:55:04I won't leave you alone.
00:55:05Run, Joey, run!
00:55:07Run, Joey!
00:55:12It's over, Rogelio.
00:55:15It's over, Rogelio.
00:55:22Catch him.
00:55:25Catch him!
00:55:35Come on.
00:56:05Come on.
00:56:43I need a phone.
00:56:45A phone.
00:56:47They kidnapped me and they have my mom.
00:56:50I need you to take me.
00:56:52Calm down, Joey.
00:56:53Get in, easy.
00:57:05Get in.
00:57:22I'm sick of your games.
00:57:26This isn't a game.
00:57:28You know what I'm capable of, Rogelio.
00:57:30I'd even kill for my son.
00:57:32You can do whatever you want with me,
00:57:35but you'll never have my will.
00:57:37I have news for you.
00:57:44My will has limits.
00:57:47And I have all the years in the world
00:57:50to break yours.
00:57:59I hate you.
00:58:02I hate you, Rogelio.
00:58:06I hate you, I'll always hate you.
00:58:46It was a wooden bridge because the car...
00:58:49We passed through a part where it jumped
00:58:52and some boards sounded.
00:58:54What else?
00:58:57Yes, there were a lot of cows.
00:58:59They were heard nearby.
00:59:00A slaughterhouse?
00:59:01No, because they sounded at certain times.
00:59:04It was as if someone was taking them somewhere.
00:59:07That works here.
00:59:08There are almost no cattle in this area.
00:59:10What else do you remember?
00:59:12Is there anything else?
00:59:13The car was making a lot of turns
00:59:16and then it jumped again, but it wasn't a bridge anymore.
00:59:21Maybe it was an uncovered road.
00:59:23Yes, I think we were on an uncovered road,
00:59:26but no, it was different.
00:59:28It was as if we had passed through pipes.
00:59:30Oh, a bridge.
00:59:32A bridge what?
00:59:33A bridge.
00:59:34It's a step that replaces a brooch
00:59:36so you don't have to open and close it,
00:59:38but it also prevents the cattle from escaping.
00:59:41What else?
00:59:43I don't know.
00:59:44I think we're almost there.
00:59:48I'll go get a map.
00:59:53You did a great job, Mati.
00:59:57I'm going.
01:00:01Do you think we can do something with what I found?
01:00:04Yes, of course.
01:00:07We'll find them.
01:00:11Good afternoon, I'm looking for Ms. Lucy Mosquera.
01:00:13It's me.
01:00:14Ms. Lucy, I'm calling you from the health center.
01:00:17I have the results of your tests.
01:00:19You can come pick them up.
01:00:20Tell me right now, please.
01:00:22I can't do that.
01:00:23Miss, please.
01:00:24I'm not authorized.
01:00:26You just have to tell me positive or negative.
01:00:30Look, I'm alone.
01:00:31I live alone in this city.
01:00:32I don't have anyone to go with me.
01:00:34I'm begging you.
01:00:35That result will change my life.
01:00:37I'd rather be here when you tell me.
01:00:42You're about six to seven weeks pregnant.
01:01:00Where's Joel?
01:01:02I have no idea, sir.
01:01:04That's it.
01:01:06That's it.
01:01:08Leave the car.
01:01:09I'll get my things and we'll leave
01:01:11before Joel gets a phone call.
01:01:13I don't think he'll get a phone call.
01:01:15That road is too far, sir.
01:01:17I'm not going to risk it, Bonche.
01:01:22Who's coming?
01:01:23Who's coming?
01:01:32This little bird got away.
01:01:37Open it.
01:01:44Thank goodness you found him.
01:01:46Yes, thank goodness someone does their job.
01:01:50Bonche, take him inside.
01:01:52Tie him up.
01:01:54And bring the shovels.
01:01:56Yes, sir.
01:01:58Up you go.
01:02:11Do you think those guys hurt Joel?
01:02:19No, Mati.
01:02:20I can't stop feeling guilty for dropping him off at his hotel.
01:02:24Me neither.
01:02:26I was the one who told the kidnappers where he was.
01:02:29No, Mati. It wasn't your fault.
01:02:31Then why do I feel so guilty, Sara?
01:02:34I don't know what happened.
01:02:36I forgot everything.
01:02:37If I had remembered, forgive me.
01:02:39No, no, no.
01:02:40There's nothing to forgive.
01:02:42There's nothing to forgive.
01:02:45If something happens to Joel, I'll die.
01:02:49I don't know what I'd do.
01:02:53I shouldn't have let him stay with me.
01:02:55That's the problem.
01:02:57You didn't know this was going to happen.
01:02:59But it did.
01:03:00That's the problem.
01:03:01I should've let him go to Bogota and leave the country at once.
01:03:05But that's my problem with Joel.
01:03:07I always let him mess up my life.
01:03:42Forgive me.
01:03:45Forgive me.
01:03:50Joel, everything's going to be okay.
01:04:00Put it there.
01:04:04Ponche, find the new car.
01:04:06Park it where I told you and leave the keys on.
01:04:09Did you fill up?
01:04:10Yes, sir.
01:04:12Go on.
01:04:15You two, grab those shovels.
01:04:17They're going to dig a hole where I tell you to.
01:04:21We have to pay the bird first.
01:04:26Of course.
01:04:28But first you dig the hole.
01:04:30Then I pay you and you leave.
01:04:33Grab the shovels.
