• last year


00:00:43If you have a built from an important man in cop
00:00:48And so how's it
00:00:54Each was need of Israel
00:00:57I was from it at a gifu and this is gifu Listeria
00:01:23Listen to the rest of the city
00:01:43Starved of me was I'm gonna get my we don't have a telephone
00:01:55Hello, my name is
00:01:57It's been so forward as to make the request
00:02:01My shoulder gets good in buying a bitch at the schmerzen, I believe in the medicament. Oh, you know from me
00:02:08We get a steer good
00:02:10It won't admit you about my absolute fire it needs to go on does to show and I'm absolute
00:02:15It's nice to go. Oh, it's fine. So I think it's I'd be in fluke. Abba
00:02:21It's been working. It's not soft. It's
00:02:23Also mom well, I'm tissue
00:02:26Reservier, okay
00:02:30That's what's a janet
00:02:34Well, then I'm with that as he's come
00:02:41When he's taken time to talk about
00:02:45About a church where they come if you don't have to be missing and it's who's even
00:02:50Make my red and tell our not for negates and dear applaud here
00:02:53Yeah, it's really nice
00:02:55If you know me for complication with an alarm song and it's like that
00:02:59She's missed the boat up and if you listen to some tactile in middle
00:03:07It's up so feel you get down to it when stood up and it's the same
00:03:15Yeah, this is getting it goes out this issue
00:03:18We will spend it. It's a bit of a group
00:03:23Optically, Mr
00:03:28Great little your mission occasion. Okay. It's coming like a river
00:04:25So forth mr. Wiggle good. He's come along with me
00:04:32But it's committed it here to my
00:05:10For service, you know Spaniola prima numero Nueve Benzie and receptor no, I'm willing to the art Benzie
00:05:17Bitter given CD recept number. I'm so be the fifths if I'm not in strict
00:05:29The I'm giving them a lot of art known
00:05:32even known seem up
00:05:35here here
00:05:37Fifth nine. No, I'm fine. So the statement was in the eyes
00:05:45We haven't kind of gotten so that's it. No, my
00:05:49No, I
00:05:55It was the only commission for it. It's been a new until the phone out. Thank you
00:05:59No, I don't see the art for the pharmaceutical
00:06:05Apothecary hello here Greg Whittle and each other and kind of problem. I don't think love the annoying. These are for Schreibung
00:06:11It's the kind that's no fun. Come on. I know I'm the broken. I know it's a fun game. I'm still here
00:06:16I wish I was no fear my landlord
00:06:18See my son. That's it. I'm on it. I'm richness. Oh, yeah, but he's old. That's it. I'm a lot of kind of
00:06:26I'm going to cost run by me. It was
00:06:30Been shown to me it's for something to delay it being like that. Thank you
00:06:37There is myth hello
00:07:25Don't know
00:07:32How to do this in school
00:07:39There must cross I'm sick of this
00:08:02Greg Whittle, he gets mine. Good. Good. Bjorn. Thank you
00:08:08And see I come direct to such a via
00:08:10Vendor in addition concurrence and from computer in the freshen and darn hum. See a heap leaking on time. That's why I'm seeing a cop
00:08:18Am see tightening and for me I'm Tom house and get that each time. So don't steal it once again
00:08:22She did this often fetuses to delight. So he can see I'm fun. So see I'm your chance for game
00:08:28We are open and also just breach it's made an entirely
00:08:32Fancy each I see which is even shown and by bring so I
00:08:38See since if I had
00:08:45Greg season defied
00:08:57In your cup must be a star leagues I'm feeling
00:09:05Height of thinking nice living on
00:10:22Mr. Nick that is here me
00:10:27The toilet is fine good. He's got me kids in medicine. Yeah, come here on Rufus and that's a ricketts
00:11:39Bought me a whiskey drop it
00:11:56Can't believe it up
00:12:16I should stop
00:12:52The west of the story I missed
00:12:55Each other of them. What's that? Oh, can't hear us. I'm a grifter. I'm about to kind of it. Oh, it's only gone
00:13:01Yeah, I'll fix it. So diggin. It's really nice. Oh diggin. It's kind in each folding. It was teenage. What's he mine?
00:13:28Can't hear me. She's on the beach. It's Kenny's in it
00:13:33I'm thanks. This is Emma for sure
00:13:35It's been Isabel come set stick to me
00:13:38Don't care about it. We'll hear what I'm talking about. That's drinking
00:13:42The most an alibi for the niche
00:13:58Interest on the only
00:14:06The nix does shit is auscult spoken which teach you will stand even don't make him get famous for bring
00:14:13This very very very schlecht
00:14:16See me young he's very dear health and well, it's me personally and we need for and what they feel if you don't see to it
00:14:22You'll feel to see for and what we
00:14:25Sang versus and we might as well just is about exist yet
00:14:30Not yet, I guess I was with me that good. I think that's it. Oh, my ass must do it. That's for me
00:14:35Too. It's have a friend in my neck
00:14:39Yes, then I think it's our show yes, that's what it
00:14:42Okay, yeah, that's what that's me
00:14:46Mr. Me about so yeah
00:14:49It's king of me in front X
00:14:51He had my neck and admit a mullet teach to look for
00:14:55He's a concierge have to make barrier in front on them while a realist so we do and they see something in a real
00:15:00What's going on? I see material
00:15:04Started a mention that Ross decent nicht
00:15:08the barkeeper
00:15:10Nicht real nichts nichts nichts von allerdem ist real
00:15:13Es gibt nicht viele von uns ich denke sie brauchen Hilfe
00:15:20Holen wir meine Halskette und ich löse dein Problem für dich Greg woher kennen sie meinen Namen
00:15:27Ich habe in deinen Kopf geblickt
00:15:31Das war nur ein Witz ich habe gehört wie ihn der Barkeeper eben gesagt hat komm schon Greg was hast du zu verlieren
00:15:42Warum ist diese Halskette so wichtig
00:15:45Sie enthält besondere gelbe Kristalle mit der Macht diese falsche Welt zu manipulieren
00:16:09Gut gemacht das ging schnell
00:16:12Hatte Schwierigkeiten gemacht nein er war bewusstlos wirklich großartig geht zurück und holt sein Portemonnaie die drinks gehen auf ihn
00:16:20Nein ich kann ich habe Geld
00:16:22Er schuldet es mir
00:16:44Also gut
00:16:48Lösen wir dein Problem
00:16:50Du hast einen klaren Schnitt verdient und ich mache das für dich
00:17:20Siehst du das
00:17:24Die Welt
00:17:25Ist nichts weiter als Licht das um deine Neuronen tanzt sie ist willkürlich und verformbar
00:17:34Du bist frei
00:18:20Ich wollte nur was essen gehen wir
00:18:27Bist du das gewesen was gewesen ein dutzend Zeugen hat gesehen wie er aus dem Fenster gesprungen ist und danach wie du die
00:18:33Bar gegenüber verlassen hast
00:18:40Ich habe mein Portemonnaie liegen lassen vergiss es einfach nein ich kann zurückgehen ich bin doch unschuldig du kannst nicht zurück du musst
00:18:47Dich bedeckt halten bis der Fall abgeschlossen ist du hast doch selbst gesagt die Zeugen hätten mich aus der Bar kommen sehen ganz genau
00:18:53Lass die die Geschichte erzählen sonst sitzt du in einem Verhörraum
00:18:57Mit einer Lampe im Gesicht und die Bullen haben mit dir leichtes Spiel weil du damit Sicherheit abkacken wirst halt dich raus
00:19:06hast du ein Handy
00:19:18So zweifel das ergibt einfach keinen Sinn John war lebensfroh er war nicht depressiv
00:19:24Ich kann mir das nicht vorstellen als wahrscheinlichste Todesursache wird Selbstmord angesehen jedoch hat die Polizei andere Möglichkeiten bisher nicht ausgeschlossen
00:19:38Hallo ich bin dad und das ist
00:19:42Und was ist das auf deinem shirt?
00:19:45das ist
00:19:53Wie viel für das Handy ich gebe 60 dafür die Ausweis ich habe kein Portemonnaie
00:20:01Kannst du dann kann sie ihren zeigen 40
00:20:11Immer noch besser als es in den Müll zu schmeißen
00:20:14Sicher aber ist dir klar dass er nicht über den Tisch gezogen hat nein ich habe ja kein Handy ich bin nicht so dumm
00:20:32Wohin gehen wir noch mal wir gehen hierher hier bist du sicher bis der Fall abgeschlossen ist
00:20:47Komme in meinem zuhause fern von zuhause
00:20:51Und das ist meine ophelia
00:20:55Was soll ich denn hier bist du obdachlos ist das legal oder
00:21:04Also ich weiß deine Hilfe wirklich zu schätzen aber ich glaube ich werde lieber gehen
00:21:08Und wo willst du hingehen ich werde nach hause gehen
00:21:12Ich wohne in einem motel also gehe ich in meinem motelzimmer aber ich habe keinen schlüssel
00:21:18Das ja auch mein ausweis und mein geld also habe ich keinen ausweis und kein geld aber vielleicht erinnern sie sich an mich
00:21:26hoffentlich erinnern sie sich an mich hey du bist obdachlos
00:21:32Der grund wieso ich nicht nach hause gehe ist dass ich frisch geschieden bin
00:21:36Na gut dann kannst du doch hier bleiben bis die lage sich beruhigt hat dann kannst du dein portemonnaie holen in ein haus ziehen eine
00:21:43Neue frau suchen was auch immer du tun willst ich habe ein fernseher da kannst du die nachrichten sehen allerdings ohne ton was strom hier
00:21:52Siehst du ich bin nicht obdachlos nur schwer zu finden
00:21:57Ich biete dir einen sicheren ort an wo du dich verstecken kannst es ist eine entscheidung okay ich werde nicht darum bette
00:22:04Es ist ja nicht so dass ich gesteigerten wert auf deine anwesenheit lege
00:22:29Kein fremd verschulden siehst du was das steht ja du bist jetzt offiziell frei ja
00:22:41Sehr gut danke danke ich werde
00:22:46Ich werde dich jetzt in ruhe lassen das war
00:22:51Hast du es so eilig von hier zu verschwinden nein nein habe ich nicht ich
00:22:58Kostet da etwas nur ein topf nichts besonders ich mag
00:23:04Ich würde das für mich auch reichen
00:23:12Auf deine unschuld
00:23:19Es tut mir nur leid um björn
00:23:23Natürlich tut es dir leid
00:23:25Er war eigentlich ich meine er war kein furchtbarer mensch konnte im prinzip sogar ausgesprochen nett sein manchmal
00:23:31Wir durften bei der arbeit hin und wieder schwarz tragen
00:23:34Natürlich immer nur im sommer nein das kann ich verstehen ich meine ich kann verstehen wie du dich fühlst du hast ein netten
00:23:41Kerl auf dem gewissen der dich schwarz tragen ließ
00:23:44Und du hältst das für die realität
00:23:48Aber weißt du was
00:23:51Nimm dieses gefühl doch einfach zur kenntnis und dann lasse es los
00:23:56Pass auf ich zeig dir was cooles
00:23:58Hier hast du ein feuerzeug
00:24:00Siehst du diese kerzen da drüben zeigt damit auf die kerzen
00:24:14Sehr gut
00:24:19Ach das war nicht so schwer jetzt versuche es mal ohne das feuerzeug
00:24:31Das gefällt dir
00:24:34Du mich
00:24:46Jetzt wurde für so eine fantastische atmosphäre gesorgt hat lasst uns es
00:24:51Erzähl mir von diesem traumhaus es ist eine beständige fantasie die ich nicht los werde und ich fange immer an zu zeichnen
00:25:01Anwesen dass ich auf einer halbinsel befindet und jedes mal verliere ich mich völlig in dieser vorstellung
00:25:07Zeig es mir hast du die zeichnung hier
00:25:13Lass sie
00:25:22Ich bin beeindruckt das ist sehr detail
00:25:27Das ist es ja gerade all diese details fallen mir leicht weil ich es so klar von mir sehen kann genau hier ist ein weg
00:25:34der zu einer art kleinem raum führt und von dort aus hat man einen wundervollen ausblick auf diese berge
00:25:40Du magst den pool ja der wurde in eine ruine gebaut
00:25:44Siehst du das hotel da drüben es hat im turm ein observatorium
00:25:48das hotel plejaden
00:25:50Plejaden ja das ist ein sternhaufen in meinem kopf fühlt sich das alles real an ich kann es sehen
00:25:58Wo denkst du ist das?
00:26:00Wo das ist?
00:26:02Na ja das ist alles in der gedankenwelt von greco
00:26:12Was und wer ist das
00:26:16Ich hatte ganz vergessen dass das dabei ist
00:26:23Bin ich
00:26:25Sie die ihr gesicht an du hast mich gezeichnet
00:26:29Greg das ist keine fantasie
00:26:33Das ist ein reales leben
00:26:35außerhalb dieser welt
00:26:39Das ist doch nicht möglich dass das aber du weißt doch dass wie es übersteht alles was du dir vorstellen kannst
00:26:46Ich bin da
00:26:51Ich bin da
00:26:55Ich bin da
00:27:02Küss mich
00:27:30Funktioniert etwa dein telefon nicht mehr war klar dass du meine anrufe ignoriert
00:27:37Wir müssen über date reden ich brauche deine hilfe er soll zu meiner abschlussfeier kommen ich versuche ihn zu finden
00:27:45Das ist gut seine mir folge mams beispiel nein
00:27:54Es wäre gut für ihn es wäre für uns alle gut
00:28:05Hat er dich etwa nicht zu jedem einzelnen baseball training gefahren ich habe baseball gehasst
00:28:32Kann mich erinnern
00:28:35Ich weiß noch wie er sich den arsch aufgerissen hat um mir tricks beizubringen und eindrücken
00:28:40Ich meine ich bin auch auf dem arsch gelandet aber er hat wesentlich mehr einstehen müssen
00:28:50Kannst du das nicht einfach festhalten und mir helfen ihn zu finden
00:29:00Kann ich nicht sorry ich kann ihm einfach nicht mehr vertrauen
00:29:16Hey dad wie geht es deinem rücken
00:29:18Das ist okay es ist eigentlich mein knie dass mir probleme macht wirklich ich dachte dass das längst gehalten wäre
00:29:23Oh nein ich glaube was du meinst ist meine schulter auf damit die schulter ist es die linke oder die rechte der etwas fällt
00:29:30Die nächste woche ein vielleicht ein knöchel
00:29:56The colors
00:30:09Sweeps away
00:31:25Man los sie ist nicht real
00:31:45I don't need to feel guilty because of Björn.
00:32:11Break through these illusions!
00:32:39Get out of the way!
00:32:41Get out of the way!
00:33:11Get out of the way!
00:33:12Get out of the way!
00:33:13Get out of the way!
00:33:33This is Base 36.
00:33:35Abducted and murdered.
00:33:38All clear, Base 36.
00:33:44Your things.
00:33:52Hey, ask me if I told them my name.
00:33:56Ask me!
00:33:57Did you tell them your name?
00:33:58No! Never!
00:33:59No! I didn't tell them your name either.
00:34:02They can't do anything to you if they don't know who you are, right?
00:34:23Everything okay?
00:34:24I'm fine.
00:34:26How do I look?
00:34:29Good, right?
00:34:32I'm a little disoriented, but in a good way.
00:34:38Don't worry about it.
00:34:40Hey, are you hungry?
00:34:42Let's go eat something!
00:34:46Have you seen my father?
00:34:47That's what he looks like.
00:34:49No, I haven't.
00:34:51I think he lived here a few weeks ago.
00:34:54I'm sorry.
00:34:55It's your turn, come on!
00:34:56Yo, wait a minute!
00:34:57Hey, yo!
00:34:59What's up?
00:35:00Yo, why are you in such a hurry?
00:35:01Thank you.
00:35:05No, I don't think so.
00:35:06I don't think so.
00:35:07Well, if he were to show up here,
00:35:11would you please call me?
00:35:15Thank you very much.
00:35:16You're welcome.
00:35:17We're organizing a demonstration for minimum wages.
00:35:20Come when you have time.
00:35:22Yes, I'm coming.
00:35:32Order me a chicken sandwich and fries, okay?
00:35:34Go ahead, I'll be right there.
00:35:35And something to drink?
00:35:36Yes, something to drink.
00:35:38Will do.
00:35:49Yo, what can I get you?
00:35:51I'd like two hearty chicken sandwiches,
00:35:54two large fries and two drinks, please.
00:35:57That'll be 12.76.
00:35:58That'll be 12.76.
00:36:04My girlfriend has my money.
00:36:05I have to go.
00:36:15I think I'll come back and order then.
00:36:19I'd like everything together.
00:36:21No problem.
00:36:22I'll wait for my girlfriend first.
00:36:24That's easier.
00:36:25See you in a bit.
00:36:26No problem.
00:36:28See you in a bit.
00:36:54It's over.
00:36:55But that doesn't mean anything.
00:36:57The two hours in the shelf will be thrown away.
00:37:00Thank you.
00:37:23It's a little cold, but it's good.
00:37:26I have nothing against cold food.
00:37:51Let's look for Kendo and refill the amulet.
00:38:07You wait here.
00:38:09I'll be right back.
00:38:13Don't go anywhere.
00:38:26Hey, cutie.
00:38:29Who's the new guy?
00:38:31I don't want to talk about him.
00:38:33He looks nice.
00:38:34I want a handful of yellow.
00:38:36Fill it up.
00:38:40You broke my heart.
00:38:41You know that.
00:38:42Do it now.
00:38:44I have feelings too.
00:38:49Hey, man.
00:38:50Do you want to watch?
00:38:54Big H?
00:38:55No, no.
00:38:56Gato? Caballo?
00:38:57No need.
00:38:58Your bad luck.
00:39:12Are you sure he went west?
00:39:14No, I'm not sure.
00:39:15I never said that.
00:39:17Wait, I see him.
00:39:18Sir, could you please stop there?
00:39:20And could you please wait a minute?
00:39:31Oh, my God.
00:39:32How are you?
00:39:33What are you doing here?
00:39:35Is everything okay?
00:39:37I'm sorry.
00:39:38Those were...
00:39:39Those were some really crazy days.
00:39:41I want you to come with me.
00:39:43Right now.
00:39:45Yes, of course.
00:39:47Let's go right now.
00:39:49Can we...
00:39:50Can we wait a moment?
00:39:51I'm waiting for...
00:39:52I'm waiting for someone.
00:39:54For a friend.
00:39:56And then we can go.
00:40:01Hurry up, please, Kendo.
00:40:03I'm doing my job properly.
00:40:05And I can't wait forever.
00:40:06The graduation party.
00:40:08Oh, my God.
00:40:10I haven't forgotten it.
00:40:11And I will definitely come.
00:40:13I will take you and Arthur to Cliff's Edge afterwards.
00:40:16With your mother.
00:40:17If she agrees.
00:40:19The graduation party was a long time ago, Dad.
00:40:24It was two weeks ago.
00:40:25The two of you are not allowed to be in contact with each other at the moment.
00:40:31It's okay.
00:40:34It's okay.
00:40:36I'll give you...
00:40:41I have so many thoughts.
00:40:43I wish you could see them.
00:40:45I'll give you my...
00:40:52I'll give you this.
00:40:53There's my phone number, okay?
00:40:55Call me when you're ready.
00:41:05Is he real?
00:41:08You wish.
00:41:16Who was that?
00:41:19Who was that?
00:41:24That was my daughter.
00:41:26Oh, ignore her.
00:41:27She's not real.
00:41:28Why do you say that?
00:41:29Because it was.
00:41:30What else should I say?
00:41:31Do you think I came up with that?
00:41:33Let's get out of here and treat ourselves to something.
00:41:39I don't think I want...
00:41:41I don't think I want any special powers right now.
00:41:44Well, then don't.
00:41:45It's not like I'd force anyone to do something.
00:41:48I'm not telling you to...
00:41:50Do you think you can just walk around my neighborhood like that?
00:41:59Don't worry about me.
00:42:01I'll be fine.
00:42:03I don't know about you.
00:42:05Don't just walk away.
00:42:09Isabel, come on.
00:42:10Give me one of those.
00:42:11You didn't want any.
00:42:12Yeah, people make mistakes.
00:42:14I made a mistake.
00:42:15Don't make me beg.
00:42:17Isabel, please.
00:42:18Come on.
00:42:22Hey, hey.
00:42:23That's all...
00:42:24All we have.
00:42:26That's enough.
00:42:41Oh, man.
00:42:43Look at that.
00:42:44You're like a telekinetic warrior.
00:42:53Hey, Greg.
00:42:54It's okay.
00:42:55It's okay.
00:42:57It's okay.
00:44:15Come on, Greg.
00:44:17Oh, yeah.
00:44:18Let yourself go, man.
00:44:28Hello, this is Emily.
00:44:30Leave a message.
00:44:32Hello, this is Dad.
00:44:33And, um...
00:44:35I tried to reach you.
00:44:38You won't recognize the number.
00:44:40I'm calling from a public device.
00:44:42But I'll try again.
00:44:44I don't have my cell phone, so I'll try again.
00:44:47Okay, thanks.
00:45:30I'm sorry!
00:45:40We don't have yellow any more.
00:45:45Someone had to be here.
00:45:50The yellows are gone.
00:45:54And the drawings of our house are missing, too.
00:45:56They're here. I put them in here.
00:45:58See? There they are.
00:46:02Why did you...
00:46:04Why did you hang them?
00:46:06No, I...
00:46:08They're memories of our house. Did you forget?
00:46:10I just wanted to look at them. I'm not trying to forget anything.
00:46:12I just wanted to look at them.
00:46:14Did you hang them because you wanted to leave?
00:46:16No, I didn't.
00:46:18I just had the self-confidence to have them with me.
00:46:26Did you hit her?
00:46:36Tell me the truth.
00:46:38I didn't hit her.
00:46:40Why do you have the picture? Did you try to reach her?
00:46:42No, I thought about it, but I didn't do it.
00:46:44Did you hear? I...
00:46:46I didn't hit her.
00:46:48I tried, but...
00:46:50But what's so bad about it?
00:46:52That's not supposed to happen.
00:46:54That's not supposed to happen.
00:46:58I didn't hit her.
00:47:00I didn't hit her.
00:47:02I'm really worried about you, Greg.
00:47:04I'm really worried about you.
00:47:08You're being sucked in by the illusion,
00:47:10You're being sucked in by the illusion,
00:47:12and you're just pulling me along.
00:47:14and you're just pulling me along.
00:47:16And I know that all of this isn't real.
00:47:18I can hardly breathe.
00:47:24My stomach is spinning, and my skin hurts,
00:47:26and I feel like I'm drowning.
00:47:28But you know that I...
00:47:30And I know that all of this isn't real.
00:47:34You're being seduced by this simulation,
00:47:36You're being seduced by this simulation,
00:47:38and I'm losing you.
00:47:40and I'm losing you.
00:47:42I think we should go our separate ways.
00:47:44I think we should go our separate ways.
00:47:46I think we should go our separate ways.
00:47:48I think we should go our separate ways.
00:47:50We're both soulmates.
00:47:52You can't just leave
00:47:54and think you can break the connection between us.
00:47:56and think you can break the connection between us.
00:47:58If you could tell the difference
00:48:00between what's real and what's illusion,
00:48:02you would know, and you should know by now.
00:48:04How should I know that?
00:48:06You're the one who tells me that he's real and she's not,
00:48:08You're the one who tells me that he's real and she's not,
00:48:10and I have no choice but to trust you, right?
00:48:12This is just your trick,
00:48:38You have to see it for yourself.
00:48:40And what?
00:48:41We have to take a special kind of crystal.
00:48:44Different from the yellow ones.
00:48:47They are extremely rare.
00:48:49I have them from Kendo.
00:48:51They are blue crystals.
00:48:53This is a starting mechanism.
00:48:55It catapults us out of this simulation.
00:48:58Each of us has to take ten.
00:49:012, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
00:49:071, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
00:49:10Oh shit.
00:49:12Is that enough?
00:49:14Doesn't matter. We'll get there.
00:49:16But you know how to dose it.
00:49:20I think it will work.
00:49:24It has to go through the nose.
00:49:38Come on, baby.
00:49:40We have to leave this stupid simulation.
00:49:45Are you sure?
00:50:31The Brain Box
00:50:49Dr. Clemens, is everything alright?
00:50:52Yes, everything is fine, Liang.
00:50:54Don't panic.
00:50:55We left the Brain Box on purpose.
00:50:58Dr. Whittle has created an unhealthy connection to an FGP and dragged me into it.
00:51:04And the starting mechanism?
00:51:06The blue algorithm, as expected.
00:51:08But this time it wasn't easy to get to the crystals.
00:51:11Fortunately, Kendo has developed such a great talent to find them.
00:51:15And, if I may ask you, how was it this time?
00:51:21It wasn't war or extreme poverty.
00:51:25But it was terribly unpleasant.
00:51:27I am so glad that I can breathe this wonderful air here.
00:51:31Please separate, Dr. Whittle.
00:51:39Hello, Dr. Whittle.
00:51:41Is everything alright?
00:51:44Everything is fine.
00:51:54This should help your electrolyte value.
00:51:59Thank you.
00:52:00What is this?
00:52:01Isotonic lemonade.
00:52:05Not so fast.
00:52:15There is my darling.
00:52:17Welcome home.
00:52:19What is an FGP?
00:52:23Pay attention to the memory gap.
00:52:25You spoke of FGP as...
00:52:27Yes, that stands for False Generated Personality.
00:52:31Only these volunteers here are real.
00:52:35Are our incarnations saved?
00:52:37They are automatically in the cloud.
00:52:39Shall I play them right away?
00:52:41Give us a few hours.
00:52:42I'll go eat something with Dr. Whittle now.
00:52:45Sounds good.
00:52:46I'm here.
00:52:53Some FGPs are more convincing than others.
00:53:50What are you thinking?
00:53:54I think this place is overwhelming.
00:53:59Positive or negative overwhelming?
00:54:03Fantastically overwhelming.
00:54:05What about all those...
00:54:09What about the holograms or those ghost people?
00:54:12Oh, that's telepresence.
00:54:14That's the last cry right now.
00:54:17Hello, Dr. Clemens.
00:54:19Dr. Whittle.
00:54:20How is your research going?
00:54:22It's getting better.
00:54:25Is there a problem we should know about?
00:54:30It was nice to see you.
00:54:36She gave you a poisonous look.
00:54:39Is there a problem I should know about?
00:54:42Is everything okay?
00:54:44Yes, yes, everything is okay.
00:54:46Shall we go with the beautiful view?
00:55:00But why can't I remember any of this?
00:55:03Don't worry about that.
00:55:05It happens to volunteers.
00:55:07At least a few of them.
00:55:09It happens again.
00:55:16Go! Catch Greggo!
00:55:21Have a nice day, man.
00:55:25Get off your culinary cloud.
00:55:28We should buy olive oil.
00:55:30Oh, no, Greg, no.
00:55:32We have olive oil at home.
00:55:34At home?
00:56:07I can't believe it.
00:56:10I told you so.
00:56:17The Hotel Pleiaden.
00:56:21What a fantastic name for a hotel that has its own observatory.
00:56:26Search for the star.
00:57:50How is it possible that such a world exists at all?
00:57:58Your memory is not back yet?
00:58:03Is that questionable?
00:58:07I was so afraid of losing you.
00:58:10I made an irresponsible and stupid decision.
00:58:15We shouldn't have gone out like that.
00:58:17Without the appropriate dosage and ...
00:58:21She may not come back.
00:58:23It doesn't matter.
00:58:25I'm glad I can't remember.
00:58:27Because this way I can rediscover everything.
00:58:30I walk around and make experiences like a newborn.
00:58:34That this whole beauty sees for the first time.
00:58:38I would like to know.
00:58:40Where did it come from?
00:58:42Was it like that from the beginning?
00:58:48It used to be worse here than where we just got out.
00:58:55It was terrible.
00:58:58The air pollution was so bad that people died on the street.
00:59:04The extent of poverty was unimaginable.
00:59:08When I see this, I can't imagine what happened.
00:59:13Three things.
00:59:15Only three things?
00:59:17Yes. Are you coming?
00:59:19Come on.
00:59:20I don't know.
00:59:22Synthetic biology.
00:59:26Asteroid mining.
00:59:29How was I supposed to come up with that?
00:59:32Oh, I have.
00:59:33Oh, I have.
00:59:34I'll get your memory back.
00:59:36I will remember you.
00:59:38I will rediscover your memory.
00:59:40You will come back.
00:59:41Just wait.
00:59:44Now I'm scared.
00:59:51The thought visualizer.
00:59:54The thought visualizer.
00:59:59Don't you remember your baby?
01:00:03This is your invention.
01:00:06I invented it?
01:00:07And it's super popular.
01:00:10But only in certain circles.
01:00:12Try it out.
01:00:14What is it?
01:00:16A thought visualizer.
01:00:20Okay, but I don't know what that is.
01:00:22All right, imagine it.
01:00:25I am Greg Whittle.
01:00:34Earth bear.
01:00:36A dinosaur that floats in the sea.
01:00:40A cheetah that hunts a gazelle on a volcano.
01:00:46Oh, and please say my favorite sentence.
01:00:48Say it.
01:00:49Wir sitzen in der Patsche.
01:00:55Wir sitzen in der Patsche.
01:00:59I like that.
01:01:00But do you know that it's not just a toy?
01:01:03It's incredibly practical for illustrating things.
01:01:07Sit up straight and pay attention, Dr. Whittle.
01:01:11Science has saved the world.
01:01:14Synthetic biology has solved all environmental problems.
01:01:19And asteroid mining has created an incredible wealth.
01:01:25And the man who owns the mining company...
01:01:29The one there?
01:01:31Yes, he just started to distribute all the money.
01:01:35I mean, every single person here gets a base salary of 500,000 per year.
01:01:42Of course, the robots have taken over all the boring and unpleasant work.
01:01:48We have the freedom and the time to pursue our passions.
01:01:53Science, art, whatever you want.
01:01:57We have made a beautiful, sustainable, safe Earth out of a broken world.
01:02:05You have to admit, this is spectacular.
01:02:13But you know what?
01:02:18It's always amazing how easily people get used to something so spectacular.
01:02:28Most people think ignorance is a blessing.
01:02:31But I say, you need to experience the good first to appreciate the bad.
01:02:39No, you mean the opposite.
01:02:44So that was the origin of the idea for the Brain Box.
01:02:53It works.
01:02:54Do you really believe that?
01:02:56Do you really believe it works?
01:02:58Look at me.
01:03:01The way I'm sitting here, I can't imagine...
01:03:10I couldn't be more grateful to life.
01:03:14Come on, let's go swimming.
01:03:17That's not possible.
01:03:18Yes, it is.
01:03:19No, we have to go back.
01:03:22Yes, we have to go back to the lab.
01:03:24Let's go, but a little later.
01:03:27Come on.
01:03:29No, I really have to take this seriously.
01:03:31I know, I take this seriously too, but you can't just let me bite off an apple,
01:03:35hold it up, and then take it away.
01:03:37We can just have another bite.
01:03:39I've already finished the last round in advance and it was because of you.
01:03:42Listen, listen, listen.
01:03:44We'll go again.
01:03:45We'll just enjoy this apple for a few more days.
01:03:49And then we'll go back to the lab.
01:03:51But first we'll go swimming.
01:03:53Come on.
01:03:56I'm scared.
01:03:59Be quiet.
01:04:00Just keep your mouth shut.
01:04:05Just one more day.
01:04:07Just one more day.
01:04:09No longer.
01:04:25No longer.
01:04:44Is there a little festivity going on here?
01:04:47Excuse me?
01:04:48A soirée.
01:04:49A fiesta.
01:04:50Oh, yes.
01:04:52The party.
01:04:54Artists and scientists meet twice a month.
01:04:56I forgot about that.
01:04:58Oh, who has memory problems, my dear?
01:05:01Don't worry, that happens to volunteers.
01:05:03But there is hope that it will come back.
01:05:09Is it like you imagined it?
01:05:13The Hotel Pleiaden?
01:05:20Thank you.
01:05:25So beautiful.
01:05:28Hello, Margaret.
01:05:30Dr. Clemens.
01:05:32Oh, Dr. Knight.
01:05:33It's nice to see you.
01:05:34Thank you for taking the time.
01:05:36I hope you're having fun.
01:05:37Of course.
01:05:38Do you remember Greg?
01:05:39Dr. Whittle?
01:05:40Yes, Greg.
01:05:41We ordered one of your thoughts visualizers.
01:05:43It's really fun.
01:05:45Have you ever tried to say,
01:05:47we're sitting in the puddle?
01:05:48Have you tried that?
01:05:50That's really too good.
01:05:51Too wonderful.
01:05:52We're sitting in the puddle.
01:05:53You have to try that.
01:05:55You both look so good.
01:05:57Thank you.
01:05:58You too.
01:05:59Oh, and that.
01:06:01I'll throw that over if I don't care what I look like.
01:06:03So keep going, you two.
01:06:05Thank you.
01:06:06Have fun.
01:06:07Thank you.
01:06:08He has a thought visualizer.
01:06:12Oh, wow.
01:06:14Now I'm impressed.
01:06:16Maybe, but only maybe,
01:06:18the cave is not as horrible a place as we think.
01:06:21Every time I hear something like,
01:06:23oh my God, we're smothering in the cave,
01:06:25my first association is more like,
01:06:27a wild party,
01:06:29bad stuff on the grill,
01:06:30sexual orgy,
01:06:31alcohol, and so on, and so forth.
01:06:33So what if that was the real life in the cave?
01:06:37And what if in the cave,
01:06:39in regular intervals,
01:06:41something like a representative of the devil
01:06:43came by to share with the people
01:06:45who were celebrating in front of them?
01:06:47Listen, people.
01:06:48The people up in the sky
01:06:49are going to check our fingers again
01:06:51for a quarter of an hour.
01:06:53So please, do as you would like.
01:07:04I'm glad I caught you alone.
01:07:07I'd like to tell you something.
01:07:08Rumor has it that there are problems
01:07:10with Isabel's research.
01:07:12Do you know anything about it,
01:07:13or have you heard anything?
01:07:15No, I have a good feeling.
01:07:18We all wish you success,
01:07:20but your reputation is at stake.
01:07:29What did he say?
01:07:31What did he want?
01:07:39Did he threaten you?
01:07:41He said,
01:07:42everyone here would wish you success.
01:07:50But it's not a bad thing
01:07:51if everyone wishes you success.
01:07:53Why didn't you tell me
01:07:54what he actually said to you?
01:07:55That's nonsense!
01:07:56Do you think I believe you?
01:07:57Do you want to sell me for stupidity?
01:07:59Do you think I don't know
01:08:00that you're laughing behind my back?
01:08:02What's so funny about that?
01:08:04Isabel, Isabel, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:08:06No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:08:07No one believes you.
01:08:09They wish you success.
01:08:10Yes, of course.
01:08:11Don't tell anyone here.
01:08:12I'm here.
01:08:13You're on their side.
01:08:14I'm here,
01:08:15and I definitely believe in you.
01:08:22I believe in everything you do.
01:08:28Your patience with me
01:08:29is something incredibly beautiful.
01:08:31Let's get out of here.
01:08:35My grandmother used to say
01:08:37the universe rests on the back of a turtle.
01:08:40And then I asked her,
01:08:42but what does the turtle stand on?
01:08:44And she answered with the deepest conviction,
01:08:48another turtle.
01:08:50Which, in turn,
01:08:51stands on another turtle.
01:08:53And which, again,
01:08:54on another turtle.
01:08:57there are turtles
01:08:59to infinity.
01:09:02You shouldn't get close to him.
01:09:04He's probably unpredictable.
01:09:14Oh, my God.
01:09:45A little cold.
01:09:47I didn't expect that.
01:09:49Are you starting to complain now?
01:09:52Everything's fine.
01:09:53It's just cold.
01:09:55I only get one chance.
01:09:57One single chance.
01:09:59I'm going to prove to these arrogant,
01:10:01degrading swineherds
01:10:05that access to the Brain Box
01:10:07is a human right.
01:10:15Publish it.
01:10:17Don't be afraid of it.
01:10:19And after the publication,
01:10:20you'll see what people say.
01:10:22We have to go back to the Brain Box, Greg.
01:10:24I need the complete data set.
01:10:26We have to finish this process.
01:10:29You already have enough data, Isabel.
01:10:32Not to mention that I'm not going back in there.
01:10:36Stop doubting yourself.
01:10:41Why is it so important to you
01:10:43what others think about you?
01:10:45Publish it.
01:10:47I'm sure they think it's great.
01:10:52And if not?
01:10:54And if not?
01:10:58Then we still have this
01:11:00and us.
01:11:05Didn't you say
01:11:07we're related by soul?
01:11:12Would you like to be interviewed by me on stage?
01:11:18It would be an honor.
01:11:21Our guest lecturer, Dr. Isabel Clemens,
01:11:24is a pioneer in the field of Brain Box simulations.
01:11:27The user can immerse himself in simulations of terrifying worlds,
01:11:31with the help of which,
01:11:32valuations for the real world should be generated.
01:11:35Thank you very much, Dr. Clemens.
01:11:39How is happiness defined?
01:11:41Happiness is neither a place nor a feeling.
01:11:45Happiness is a state of mind
01:11:47that can only be achieved
01:11:49when one has seen as a contrast
01:11:52what the opposite state of mind means.
01:11:55But, as is often the case,
01:11:57it's about trying and studying.
01:12:00Now I'd like to invite my experimental rabbit,
01:12:03Dr. Whittle, to the stage.
01:12:07Please have a seat, Dr. Whittle.
01:12:11Before we connect a volunteer to the Brain Box,
01:12:14we always ask him a number of questions.
01:12:17So I'm going to ask Dr. Whittle the same questions
01:12:20and then compare his answers
01:12:22to the ones he gave me before.
01:12:25Dr. Whittle, how are you feeling right now?
01:12:34I'm feeling great. I'm happy to be here.
01:12:37And I'd like to thank you for the kind reception.
01:12:42Dr. Whittle, how are you feeling right now?
01:12:45Really good. Great.
01:12:48How else?
01:12:49I mean, is that really the first question?
01:12:51Or are we just talking nonsense until it starts?
01:12:58Any complaints, Dr. Whittle?
01:13:01Any complaints, Dr. Whittle?
01:13:04No, not a single one.
01:13:06I feel as if I had risen and landed in heaven,
01:13:11but without having died.
01:13:14Dr. Whittle?
01:13:16Do you have any complaints?
01:13:17Except that I'm allowed to play the lab rat.
01:13:20Just the usual ups and downs of life.
01:13:24I mean, should I be grumpy for a moment?
01:13:27I'm frustrated. I can't get the pool temperature.
01:13:29Not at a reasonable level.
01:13:31I mean, how hard can it be to heat up a pool
01:13:35so that you don't feel like you're swimming with polar bears
01:13:37when you jump in?
01:13:42Dr. Whittle,
01:13:43do you feel like something or someone is missing in your life?
01:13:59Dr. Whittle?
01:14:20Dr. Whittle?
01:14:28I don't feel like something or someone is missing in my life.
01:14:33Dr. Whittle?
01:14:34Yes, Dr. Clemens?
01:14:36Do you feel like something or someone is missing in your life?
01:14:43That's a stupid question.
01:14:47I'm just kidding.
01:14:48That was a joke.
01:14:49I'm asking for an honest answer.
01:14:51Otherwise it won't work.
01:14:53All right.
01:14:54Otherwise it won't work.
01:15:01Yes, there is something I'm missing, but I don't want to talk about it.
01:15:07So, as you can see,
01:15:10from this once frustrated and grumpy man
01:15:18a man full of wonder and
01:15:22gratitude has become.
01:15:25Filled with the longing
01:15:27to consciously enjoy every breath of his life.
01:15:38Thank you, thank you.
01:15:41Congratulations, Isabelle.
01:15:42You have done a great job.
01:15:44Thank you very much.
01:15:45I have read your explanations
01:15:47and I will submit them to the Nature and Science magazine
01:15:50and I hope you will take the title.
01:15:51It's fantastic.
01:15:52Oh, God.
01:15:53I don't know what to say.
01:15:55That's not all.
01:15:56Maybe a leadership position is waiting for you.
01:15:59Oh, I have to tell Greg.
01:16:02Has anyone seen Dr. Whittle?
01:16:33Excuse me.
01:16:35I just want to say hello.
01:16:36Dr. Clemens.
01:16:37What was the origin of the germ cell for your research?
01:16:41Congratulations, Doctor.
01:16:42Thank you.
01:16:43Thank you very much.
01:16:44I have to go look for someone.
01:16:48Hey, please wait a minute.
01:16:49I just want to hear your voice.
01:16:53Are you really here at this place?
01:16:59I am here with you.
01:17:00So you are real.
01:17:02Yes, I am real.
01:17:04You are in Isabelle's study.
01:17:05In Dr. Clemens' study.
01:17:06You belong to the volunteers.
01:17:07My name is Emily.
01:17:09No, I...
01:17:10I am Emily.
01:17:11I know who you are,
01:17:12but how did you get here, into the real world?
01:17:15I am your daughter.
01:17:16I know.
01:17:17I think I don't have a real daughter
01:17:21here in the real world.
01:17:23Your name is Greg Widdle.
01:17:28You have a son
01:17:30and a daughter.
01:17:32Arthur and Emily.
01:17:34You just don't get it,
01:17:35because you are totally crazy.
01:17:41I was at your tent, Daddy.
01:17:50That's good.
01:17:55Yes, it's hard to say what is what.
01:18:00Sometimes it feels like
01:18:01someone is playing a trick on me.
01:18:07When I was six years old,
01:18:10you took me to bed at night and...
01:18:14And I said,
01:18:15be careful,
01:18:16so you don't twist my braid.
01:18:18And you said,
01:18:19my love,
01:18:21I can't twist your head,
01:18:22it's so tight
01:18:23on your neck,
01:18:24on your spine.
01:18:26And I said,
01:18:29my braid, Dad.
01:18:31My braid, not my head.
01:18:34My braid.
01:18:35My braid.
01:18:38My braid, not my head.
01:18:41You remember...
01:18:42Yes, I remember.
01:18:46No, I don't.
01:18:48Have you seen Dr. Ritter?
01:18:50Dr. Clemens!
01:18:57But Dr. Clemens claims
01:18:58that these thought echoes
01:19:00from the Brain Box world
01:19:02are disappearing again.
01:19:04They are just a side effect,
01:19:06because we don't have enough blue crystals.
01:19:09Not her cell, Dr. Clemens!
01:19:12Not for long.
01:19:14And you will have to decide
01:19:15for one of these worlds,
01:19:16for better or for worse.
01:19:18And maybe it's like this,
01:19:20that for you,
01:19:24both are real.
01:19:30just do,
01:19:32just do what's best for you.
01:20:15Did I use the powers?
01:20:16Completely impossible!
01:20:17They can't work here!
01:20:30Greg, that's not good!
01:20:31That's not good!
01:20:40We have to go back to the Brain Box!
01:20:42We need more blue crystals!
01:20:44Why should we go back there?
01:20:45That's not a good idea!
01:20:47We only took 8 instead of 10 crystals.
01:20:49You said it's just a theory,
01:20:50just a guess.
01:20:52I was wrong about that.
01:20:54I think you owe me an explanation.
01:20:56I just know
01:20:57that the Brain Box cells
01:20:58must have reached our heads.
01:21:00It's like we're carrying the simulation
01:21:02around with us,
01:21:04even though we're not connected to it.
01:21:07and how do we do that?
01:21:08By taking every 10 crystals.
01:21:10Come on!
01:21:11Aren't there any crystals here in the lab?
01:21:13They don't exist in the real world.
01:21:14We have to go back.
01:21:15They're only produced
01:21:16inside the Brain Box.
01:21:18Dr. Clemens, we have a problem.
01:21:19The gamma amplitude is too low.
01:21:21Liang, we're going in now!
01:21:23I can only do it for a few seconds.
01:21:25Are you ready?
01:21:26Dr. Clemens,
01:21:27what about the study?
01:21:28Your mission?
01:21:29Shut up
01:21:30and press the damn button!
01:21:32We'll figure it out later.
01:21:35The Brain Box
01:21:58Hey, Greg!
01:22:00Baby, we're back in!
01:22:02Come on, let's go look for Kendo!
01:22:15Is Kendo there?
01:22:16You have nothing to look for here.
01:22:17Fuck off!
01:22:20All right, you wrong wankers.
01:22:22Where's Kendo? We need 20 blue ones.
01:22:24Nobody has blue ones.
01:22:25Kendo does.
01:22:26Where is he?
01:22:27Hm? Where is he?
01:22:28Hey, hey, ho!
01:22:29So again, where is Kendo?
01:22:38Where is he?
01:22:45Why are you still alive?
01:22:46Hey, Björn!
01:22:47Can someone get the security?
01:22:48Okay, I'll do it.
01:22:49I saw you fall out of the window.
01:22:51He jumped out of the window.
01:22:52We saw it, too.
01:22:53He fell right over there, out of this window.
01:22:55Björn, look at me, look at me!
01:22:57No, no, no, I'm talking to you.
01:22:59You should be convinced of me.
01:23:00You want to fool me, people?
01:23:01You can't do that to me!
01:23:02Come on, come on, come on!
01:23:04Come on, come on, come on!
01:23:05Now go, move!
01:23:07Go, come on!
01:23:09I know where Kendo is.
01:23:11Björn is alive.
01:23:12My boss is still alive.
01:23:13Did you see that?
01:23:14Oh my God.
01:23:15That's an FGP.
01:23:17They restarted him.
01:23:19Come on!
01:23:20Kendo is with Doc Henry's?
01:23:22No, but our car.
01:23:24Fake, fake, fake.
01:23:27Hello, my sweethearts.
01:23:30Did one of you happen to have Tabasco?
01:23:34What kind of nonsense are you talking about, bitch?
01:23:36Against the bad guys.
01:23:37I mean pepper spray.
01:23:39Fuck off with your old tooth.
01:23:44Get yourself a toothbrush.
01:23:46Yes, I have old teeth, but I also have a 20, so give it to me.
01:23:50Who has one?
01:23:55Fake, fake, fake, fake.
01:24:00What a bitch.
01:24:01Come on, blondie.
01:24:02Two for one.
01:24:05Hey, are you in the mood?
01:24:08That's why I come to this shitty area.
01:24:19What should it be?
01:24:20Well, you can blow me and stick your finger in my ass.
01:24:24Wait, I need my lipstick.
01:24:26All right.
01:24:28Oh, shit.
01:24:30Yes, yes.
01:24:31Stop it.
01:24:37No, the wallet, the wallet.
01:24:41Yes, blue.
01:24:43Let's go.
01:24:46What do we have there?
01:24:49Oh, yes.
01:24:52Let's go.
01:25:04A philosophical question.
01:25:05Kendo is real.
01:25:06So if Kendo ...
01:25:07Yes, Kendo is real.
01:25:08But if he dies here, he won't die outside this world.
01:25:13I'm not doing anything to him.
01:25:14Stop looking at me like that.
01:25:18Dr. Clemens.
01:25:21We need blue crystals.
01:25:22I don't have time to explain that to you, but on the other level, the shit is steaming.
01:25:27Get them.
01:25:28Come on, get them.
01:25:29Okay, calm down.
01:25:30They'll get them.
01:25:31Get them.
01:25:32But immediately.
01:25:34I have them with me.
01:25:36Ah, shit.
01:25:37Dr. Clemens, what are you doing?
01:25:44I thought he was after a weapon, but he did have it.
01:25:47I'm sorry, Kendo.
01:25:49I'm sorry.
01:25:50I feel like you're thinking about how it fits you right now.
01:25:53He has nothing.
01:25:55Maybe a little bellyache, but he's fine.
01:26:01Stay where you are.
01:26:03This is fake.
01:26:04This is fake.
01:26:05This is fake.
01:26:06Can't you run quicker?
01:26:07That's way too much running.
01:26:08Can't we just take the blue ones?
01:26:09No, we need the machine to get them through the nose.
01:26:10We have to get back to the field.
01:26:11Why can't we just take the blue one here?
01:26:13No, we need the device to take her through her nose.
01:26:16We have to go back to the field.
01:26:17Why didn't you get her first and then shoot her?
01:26:26Quick, quick, quick!
01:26:27Okay, okay.
01:26:5710 for each.
01:27:11They're not enough!
01:27:13They're not enough, I've had enough!
01:27:15Come out with your hands up!
01:27:18We're screwed!
01:27:20Oh my god.
01:27:21Okay, what does that mean?
01:27:22We're screwed.
01:27:23Yeah, what does that mean for us?
01:27:25It means that only one of us can go home and the other is stuck here forever.
01:27:31No, no, I'm not staying here.
01:27:32That means he's going to jail and forever.
01:27:35No, no, no, listen to me.
01:27:36We have to go back.
01:27:37I can't stay here, okay?
01:27:43Don't worry, it's okay.
01:27:45It's okay.
01:27:47We'll see you behind the tree.
01:27:56Here, take it.
01:27:59You won't hurt yourself, right?
01:28:08We could share it.
01:28:10Come on, no, that won't work.
01:28:12Come on, come on.
01:28:15I have an idea.
01:28:18How about you kill me?
01:28:20How about you kill me?
01:28:25Here, listen.
01:28:26Take this and hit me in the head.
01:28:30Then we'll meet at home.
01:28:33I'm not afraid.
01:28:34That's nonsense.
01:28:35I won't do that.
01:28:37What if it doesn't work?
01:28:39What about Kendo?
01:28:40I don't know if I killed him.
01:28:42I don't know what to believe anymore.
01:28:45Oh, shit.
01:28:47Oh, damn it.
01:28:49They surrounded us.
01:28:50Yes, I can see them down there.
01:28:52Catch them.
01:28:53We're sitting in the mud.
01:28:55We're sitting in the mud.
01:28:57Yes, we're sitting in the mud.
01:29:00Okay, come on.
01:29:07Aren't you coming?
01:29:08I'd rather wait.
01:29:11I'm here if you need me.
01:29:13Thank you.
01:29:26This is horrible.
01:29:28This is a nightmare.
01:29:35It's my fault.
01:29:37I created this shit.
01:29:40It was me.
01:30:12But it's beautiful in a way.
01:30:16Yes, it is.
01:30:19Even if we have to flee.
01:30:21And if the police are after us.
01:30:23Everyone plays their part.
01:30:25And for us it's like we never know what to expect next.
01:30:28In one moment we're in a wheelchair and having fun.
01:30:31Do you remember that?
01:30:32Yes, and in the next moment we can't even afford a sandwich.
01:30:35And what comes next, no one knows.
01:30:37That's exactly what I like about this place.
01:30:39With what you've created, you never know what's next.
01:30:41It's completely crazy.
01:30:43And it's amazing.
01:30:45And I don't want to leave.
01:30:52I don't want to leave.
01:31:05Get out of the car!
01:31:07No, no, no!
01:31:42It's too late.
01:31:46It's too late.
01:31:52It's beautiful.
01:32:21What's going on, you pigs?
01:32:24What are you waiting for?
01:32:36Calm down, man.
01:32:37What's in your hand?
01:32:38Keep your hands where we can see them.
01:32:46Keep your hands where we can see them.
01:33:16Calm down.
01:33:17Calm down.
01:33:46Calm down.
01:34:16Calm down.
01:34:46Calm down.
01:35:16Come on.
01:35:39Greg is here for the first time.
01:35:41Welcome, Greg.
01:35:44In this house, no one has to be ashamed of what he does.
01:35:48Everyone on earth has an idea of what it means to chase after happiness.
01:35:55We are completely open, so you can say whatever you want.
01:35:59We'll listen to you.
01:36:14Satsang with Mooji
01:36:44Satsang with Mooji
01:36:51This woman says she would be my daughter.
01:36:56And I believe her.
01:37:01Satsang with Mooji
01:37:08The woman says she would be my daughter.
01:37:13And I believe her.
01:37:18Satsang with Mooji
01:37:23Satsang with Mooji
01:37:28The woman says she would be my daughter.
01:37:33And I believe her.
01:37:38Satsang with Mooji
01:37:43The woman says she would be my daughter.
01:37:48And I believe her.
01:37:53Satsang with Mooji
01:37:58Hello, Dad.
01:38:01Sorry for being late.
01:38:05I saw these flowers on the roadside.
01:38:10I thought they were beautiful.
01:38:16It's all right, Dad.
01:38:21You are here.
01:38:24Satsang with Mooji
01:38:31Satsang with Mooji
01:38:41Satsang with Mooji
01:39:11Satsang with Mooji
01:39:41Satsang with Mooji
01:40:12Satsang with Mooji
01:40:21Satsang with Mooji
01:40:31Satsang with Mooji
01:41:01Satsang with Mooji
01:41:31Satsang with Mooji
01:42:01Satsang with Mooji
01:42:11Satsang with Mooji
01:42:21Satsang with Mooji
01:42:31Satsang with Mooji
01:42:41Satsang with Mooji
01:42:51Satsang with Mooji
01:43:01Satsang with Mooji
01:43:11Satsang with Mooji
01:43:22Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
01:43:26No part of this recording may be reproduced
01:43:29without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
01:43:51© 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
