• 3 months ago
00:00at you now have Alex Cora saying one thing which fans are going to run with because they love AC
00:05and they should and then you got Sam Kennedy where I think for a lot of fans you take some
00:10things with a grain of salt or maybe you try to look a little deeper into the comments and then
00:15you got Breslau who's like in the middle and I feel like Breslau stand there being like oh well
00:20I I I hear what you want Alex and oh boy boss that's news to me that we would have all this
00:26stuff without question I just feel like that what we worried about what Craig Breslau is happening
00:35he's in the middle of a tidal wave yeah he's in the you can't handle this gig this is not his deal
00:45he's not ready for the job yet because a lot of the job is also running subterfuge
00:53managing bull crap and at times being full of crap when you are talking to the media
01:01and with with Breslau it's like here comes the question
01:07here is my pre-programmed answer that I am going to spit out to you but say it very nicely and
01:12with long syllabic words so that you can understand and still feel like I am the smartest person in
01:17the room yeah and and then the motor shuts down and then he perks up again when you ask him a
01:22question yeah and paying off the answer making you feel heard and you know like he's making so he's
01:28he's doing what like what Brady did for years but in like his own different way because when
01:33Breslau speaks there is this like roundabout merry-go-round answer you know and and wasn't
01:40he the guy correct me if I'm wrong yep wasn't he the guy that says we got to pick a lane
01:44was he was that him uh that was the whole sunday night baseball thing yeah we're gonna pick a lane
01:49you're gonna have to pick a lane does it feel like I feel like in his own way Sam Kennedy
01:56has determined what his lane is and and I know Cora he lives on caveat lane because even amongst
02:04all that mind numbing schlock that he rolled out it was the can we find the right fit can we find
02:10the right deal to me those are all givens of course you of course like we we know it is
02:16understood that of course you got to find the right guy and Bill used to talk about this all
02:21the time well it takes two teams to trade you know there's a lot of different variables things
02:25sometimes happen at the last minute sometimes you're working on a guy for you know three months
02:30and then it there's I get it like I don't need that explanation Cora has decided and is telling
02:37everybody as much as he can that this is the lane we need to be in
