• last year
Vivimos en un planeta entre cientos de miles de millones de nuestra galaxia. En una galaxia entre trillones en nuestro universo. Somos lo más pequeño que existe, pero ahora, por primera vez, podemos contar la historia de todo el Universo. Encontrar el momento en que surgió y desentrañar 13.800 millones de años de evolución que nos han conducido hasta nosotros, para poder responder a la vieja pregunta: ¿por qué estamos aquí? Los telescopios actúan como máquinas del tiempo, ofreciéndonos una ventana al pasado. Uno de ellos, más que ningún otro, nos ayuda a retroceder en la historia del Universo. A lo largo de tres décadas, el telescopio espacial Hubble de la NASA nos ha revelado el Universo con una claridad sin precedentes. Los increíbles descubrimientos del Hubble han permitido a los científicos reconstruir la mayor parte de nuestra historia cósmica. Pero para volver al principio necesitamos un telescopio que pueda mirar mucho más allá del alcance del Hubble.
#BigBang, #Cosmología, #OrigenDelUniverso

Etiquetas: universo, cosmología, expansión, materia, energía, tiempo, espacio, teoría, astrofísica, creación


00:00Our universe is an enigma, an inexhaustible paradox.
00:27It is a dark ocean, cold and lifeless.
00:44But it is an ocean with shining islands, full of light.
00:49Galaxies that are counted by billions.
01:12Each of them is made up of hundreds of thousands of millions of stars.
01:20And around many of those stars, there are planets.
01:26Which one is more incomprehensible and strange?
01:38In our universe, there are billions of planets.
01:41And one of them became the home of beings capable of contemplating this cosmic spectacle.
01:54Like lit candles,
01:59miraculously improbable,
02:02that sparkle in an eternal night.
02:11When night falls, when it is known that all those points of light that appear in the sky are distant stars,
02:19it is impossible not to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude and majesty of what is seen.
02:28The universe is infinite in all directions, and terrifying in all directions.
02:36But if you can overcome that fear, then questions arise.
02:40And surely the most profound question is, how did all this get here?
02:45This questioner has defined a large part of human history.
02:49But it was during the last century when we have the intellectual capacity and the technical tools
02:55to search for answers by directly questioning nature.
03:00And the discovery has been to know that in our reality there was a first moment in time
03:06that the universe had a beginning 13,800 million years ago, the Big Bang.
03:25Although it may not be absolute.
03:30Because we now suspect that there is something else.
03:34And we have embarked on a heroic search for time before dawn.
03:43I can see everything very clearly.
03:46It is an inhospitable beauty.
04:00I found it!
04:02I found it!
04:04I found it!
04:06I found it!
04:08I found it!
04:11Magnificent desolation.
04:15Beautiful, beautiful.
04:31To all the inhabitants of the Earth.
04:34The crew of Apollo 8 wants to send you a message.
04:41At the beginning, God created heaven and earth.
04:47And the earth was uniform and empty.
04:51And darkness covered the surface of the abyss.
04:56And God said, let there be light.
05:03And there was light.
05:11And God saw that the light was good.
05:20Since we have become aware of ourselves.
05:28We have not stopped looking at the sky.
05:31We observe those mysterious lights.
05:36In search of answers.
05:41What is the universe?
05:44How did it emerge?
05:47What is our place in the cosmos?
05:53Sometimes we doubt the stories our ancestors told about creation.
06:00But those ancient myths hide a deep truth.
06:08The clues to the origin of everything could be out there.
06:29In the light that reaches us.
06:33From beyond the stars.
06:51If we want to discover the origin of the universe, we need some evidence.
06:57And if there is something that connects us to the distant past, it is the light.
07:07If we use a cosmic scale, the light travels very slowly.
07:12It barely reaches 300,000 kilometers per second.
07:15It takes eight minutes to get from the sun to the earth.
07:19And it takes four years to get from the nearest star.
07:23And that means we see that star as it was four years ago.
07:28So the further we go into the universe, the further we go back in time.
07:33And because we can look at the universe from the distance,
07:37we can go back to the beginning of time.
07:43Go ahead, Charlie.
07:45Okay, everything is ready, but it will take one more minute.
07:49Okay, Charlie.
07:51To find the origin of the universe, we need a time machine.
08:00Everything seems to be fine, and we can go ahead.
08:04Okay, Charlie.
08:08A telescope so powerful that it can look as far into the universe as to capture the oldest light.
08:18We have released the telescope.
08:22And transport us to the beginning of time.
08:30Okay, Charlie.
08:33Okay, Charlie.
08:46The Hubble Space Telescope has embarked us on an odyssey through the universe.
08:54Revealing its gods.
09:04And its monsters.
09:12Our universe is a place full of beauty.
09:17And terror.
09:22Hubble has shown us visions of sublime creations.
09:27And images of spectacular destructions.
09:33Illuminating our journey through time.
09:38Towards dawn.
09:45The Orion Nebula, a stellar nursery.
09:49With gas clouds that feed the newly born stars of the Milky Way.
09:55This is the first time in the history of the universe that we have seen a nebula.
10:02With gas clouds that feed the newly born stars of the Milky Way.
10:07This image has come thanks to the light that left the nebula 1,300 years ago.
10:17The pillars of creation.
10:20Delicate tower-shaped structures, with a height of several light years.
10:257,000 years ago.
10:33The Andromeda Galaxy.
10:36A brilliant island of a billion suns.
10:402.5 million years ago.
10:50A cosmic rose.
10:53Galaxies colliding in celestial choreography.
10:58300 million years ago.
11:02But Hubble's journey has taken us even further into the unknown ocean of space.
11:08This is the first time in the history of the universe that we have seen a nebula.
11:14With gas clouds that feed the newly born stars of the Milky Way.
11:20This is the first time in the history of the universe that we have seen a nebula.
11:26But Hubble's journey has taken us even further into the unknown ocean of space.
11:42Delving deeper into the darkness.
11:46Gazing at innumerable ancient and distant galaxies.
11:58Conglomerates of stars, aggressive and primitive.
12:04Illuminating the way to the primordial past.
12:16Unleashing a new era.
12:34Until, at last, Hubble reached the farthest edge.
12:46A galaxy near the beginning of time.
13:00This is the galaxy GNZ11.
13:04One of the farthest that we have ever seen.
13:08Its light comes from some of the first stars of the universe.
13:12It began its journey just 400 million years after the Big Bang.
13:18And it has taken 13,400 million years to reach us.
13:24This light was formed when it had 9,000 million years traveling through the universe.
13:30And the time it took to complete the last third of its journey,
13:36to enter our telescopes, is equivalent to the entire history of our planet.
13:40It is an image of the beginning of time.
13:44GNZ11 was one of the first galaxies.
13:48They were born when the universe itself was being formed.
13:52Just after the Big Bang.
14:22GNZ11 was a strange galaxy, compared to the current ones.
14:3425 times smaller than the Milky Way.
14:46But full of huge stars, and full of energy.
14:52And full of life.
14:56And full of life.
15:20Along with those giant stars, there were other things.
15:24Some delicate objects that tried to resist that voracity.
15:38They were some of the first planets in the universe.
15:44Strange and primitive worlds.
15:48And on the horizon of one of them, a sun was rising.
16:12Writing a new chapter in the history of the universe.
16:16The beginning of the relations between stars and planets.
16:24That thousands of millions of years later,
16:28in a distant world,
16:32would lead to the origin of life.
16:37Actually, we do not know when or where this galaxy came to the earth.
16:43the origin of life.
17:03In reality, we don't know when or where the first dawn occurred in the universe.
17:10But what we do know is that the first dawn was not the first instant.
17:15The stars and the planets come from somewhere.
17:18So, before that first dawn, there was a long night.
17:31Astronomers call this time the Dark Age of the Universe.
17:40If we continue to travel back in time,
17:44we will see how the shadows fall on the universe.
17:53The galaxies would disappear.
17:58And the primordial stars would go extinct.
18:03One after the other.
18:10And the darkness would reach the same edge of the abyss.
18:18It seems that it is here,
18:20in the impenetrable darkness of the Dark Age of the Universe,
18:25where our search to understand its origin ends.
18:49So, how can we explore the origin of the universe by looking at the Dark Age?
18:56Well, contrary to intuition, we can guide ourselves by the light of the stars.
19:01Because that star has been traveling through the universe for billions of years
19:07in order to reach us.
19:09That stellar light has imprinted the change in the evolution of the universe.
19:31The stars have illuminated our journey through time.
19:38But although their light cannot guide us through the Dark Age,
19:44we can use it to build maps of the universe,
19:49in space and time,
19:53that allow us to navigate
19:58to the moment of creation.
20:32The most valuable light of all.
20:37It comes from a specific star,
20:40during the spectacular singing of a swan in its life.
20:59The existence of the stars is based on a state of permanent conflict,
21:04because the force of gravity is implacable.
21:07If it acts without opposition, it can crush anything,
21:10and it would crush everything, with no exceptions,
21:13if no other forces intervened.
21:15When a star collapses, the nucleus heats up
21:18and turns it into a gigantic nuclear fusion reactor.
21:21Hydrogen turns into helium,
21:23and the energy released in the process creates a pressure
21:26that holds the structure of the star.
21:30But stars consume hundreds of millions of tons of hydrogen per second,
21:35and although they are very large, their size is not infinite.
21:39Just like humans, they have a limited life.
21:43They are subject to the relentless advance of time.
21:47Now, for stars like our sun,
21:50the collapse continues until it becomes another kind of star,
21:54known as a white dwarf.
22:00White dwarfs are very strange celestial bodies,
22:06deadly remains of stars.
22:13They have a super-dense nucleus, the size of a planet,
22:17made up entirely of stars,
22:20and they have a super-dense nucleus,
22:23the size of a planet,
22:26made up entirely of carbon and oxygen.
22:32A star that at its best had an equivalent size
22:36to a million times our planet,
22:39would be crushed to its size.
22:42Carbon, subjected to extreme pressure,
22:45will turn the white dwarf into a stellar diamond.
22:56These diamond stars have a very critical balance.
23:00The time they can withstand the relentless attraction to their interior is limited.
23:09They are like clockwork bombs.
23:26In 2018, Hubble was in orbit,
23:32facing a galaxy far, far away.
23:36He was observing a distant white dwarf,
23:39who we knew had arrived at the last moments of her extraordinary life.
23:44The white dwarf remained hidden for millions of years.
24:15In the orbit of a much larger star,
24:22a red giant.
24:45Little by little,
24:48the gravity of the white dwarf
24:51attracted the gas and plasma of the red giant.
25:02The mass of the white dwarf continued to increase,
25:08until it reached the critical limit.
25:15The so-called Chandrasekhar Limit.
25:23And it surpassed it,
25:26causing a colossal thermonuclear reaction.
25:45The white dwarf detonated in a gigantic explosion,
25:49called Supernova.
26:02The one that the Hubble telescope witnessed.
26:08Millions of years later,
26:12millions of light years later.
26:19The supernova in which that white dwarf became,
26:22received a name.
26:25It's called SN 2018 GV.
26:28And even though it's 70 million light years away,
26:32it's so bright that we could make a movie with it.
26:37It's a star the size of a planet,
26:40ending its life with a flash of light
26:43as bright as 5 billion suns.
26:50Although supernovas of this type
26:53shine only for a few days,
26:56they radiate a very intense light
26:59through the universe.
27:06We have classified these supernovas with a name.
27:11Type Ia Supernovas.
27:17And they are common enough
27:20to allow us to map the evolution of the universe.
27:29For science, Type Ia Supernovas
27:32are a gift from nature.
27:35They rotate in the same way,
27:38and they all shine with the same intensity.
27:41And that means that if one appears more faint,
27:44it's because it's farther away.
27:47And that allows us to calculate the distance
27:50from the galaxy to which the supernova belongs.
27:53As they are so bright,
27:56we can see them even though they are
27:59tens of billions of light years away.
28:02But in the light, there is more encoded information.
28:33When we look at the light of distant supernovas,
28:37we see something very interesting and very surprising.
28:41Because the light of all the supernovas
28:44that are not in our region
28:47is redder than it should be.
28:50And the further away they are, the redder their light is.
28:53It's called redshift.
28:56The longer the wavelength, the redder the light.
28:59So during the time that the light has been traveling
29:02from the supernova to us,
29:05the space itself has been stretched,
29:08and the wavelength has been stretched as well.
29:11And that means that the universe is expanding.
29:18It's a crucial clue in our search for the origin of the universe.
29:25If the universe is expanding today,
29:28tomorrow everything will be further away.
29:37From what we deduce, yesterday everything was closer.
29:44To understand how it all started,
29:50we have to go back in time.
29:54Through billions of days.
30:01We have to go back to a time before the Earth and the Sun.
30:16Before the galaxies.
30:24When we go back, the universe shrinks.
30:30It becomes even smaller,
30:36and hotter.
30:39Until we reach the most famous moment in the history of the universe.
30:54The galaxy of the universe.
31:10The variety of our universe is infinite.
31:14There are galaxies of exquisite beauty.
31:22Stars with formidable power.
31:29And planets.
31:32Countless extraordinary worlds.
31:36The galaxies, the stars, and the planets
31:39make our universe so impressive.
31:47The universe is so vast,
31:50so vast that it is impossible to measure it.
31:56The universe is so vast,
31:59so vast that it is impossible to measure it.
32:05The universe is so vast,
32:08so vast that it is impossible to measure it.
32:11It is much more interesting than an immense sterile place.
32:23How could a universe of light and life
32:26emerge from the cataclysm of the Big Bang?
32:29emerge from the cataclysm of the Big Bang?
32:36Unfortunately, we don't know.
32:39We don't even know if the universe had a beginning.
32:42But we do know a lot about how the universe evolved
32:45starting from a different state.
32:48We know that 13,800 million years ago,
32:51the space where I am now,
32:54and the space where you are now,
32:57and all the space to the edge of the observable universe
33:00with its two billion galaxies,
33:03it was very dense,
33:06and it has been expanding since then.
33:09That implies that if we go back,
33:12everything will be closer, contained in a very small speck.
33:15And how small was that speck?
33:18How did it all happen?
33:21Well, we used to think that the universe
33:24emerged at the beginning of time,
33:27in that very hot and very dense state
33:30that we call Big Bang.
33:33But now we have reasons to suspect that the universe existed before that.
33:36And in that sense, it is possible to speak of a time before the Big Bang.
33:39And in that sense, it is possible to speak of a time before the Big Bang.
33:50How was the universe before the Big Bang?
33:54First of all, it must be said that it was very strange.
33:57First of all, it must be said that it was very strange.
34:05There was no matter.
34:09There was only space-time and energy.
34:12There was only space-time and energy.
34:15An ocean of energy almost inert,
34:18but with a slight wavelength.
34:21Before the Big Bang, the universe was a cold, alien, strange place.
34:39There was nothing in it.
34:45Picture it as a calm ocean of energy that occupies the void.
34:49Although there were no structures, that energy had an effect on space.
34:55It caused its expansion.
34:59Not the gentle expansion we have today, but an unimaginably violent expansion.
35:05That expansion is known as inflation.
35:12Let us think of a tiny and insignificant mote in space.
35:23Insignificant, but which, billions of years later, would grow to become our observable universe.
35:37That mote expanded in a vertiginous rhythm, with an exponential expansion,
35:47which lasted just one billionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second.
36:00The mote expanded until it reached the size of a cave.
36:04And then inflation came to a rapid end.
36:08And all the energy ocean that was driving the expansion,
36:11was poured into space and formed the ingredients of everything that is in our observable universe.
36:18I mean, imagine that a place of this size,
36:22is filled with enough energy to form two billion galaxies.
36:27That is what we call the Big Bang.
36:39That is to say, the Big Bang was not the explosion we have always thought of.
36:47In reality, it was a transformation of energy into matter.
36:58And the fossilized remains of those transcendental events,
37:04the memory of the wavy ocean of energy that propelled inflation,
37:09were imprinted in our universe.
37:13In fact, these fossilized waves shaped our universe.
37:18They conditioned the place where each galaxy and each star would form,
37:24each planet and each moon.
37:31And how can we know all this?
37:37How do we know that there was a Big Bang?
37:41How do we know that there were waves in an ocean of energy before the Big Bang?
37:54The answer is...
37:58We know it because we have seen it.
38:23The Big Bang
38:28The Big Bang
38:33The Big Bang
38:38The Big Bang
38:43The Big Bang
38:48The Big Bang
38:53The Planck Space Telescope scanned the entire cosmos,
38:58searching for light.
39:11It did not search for the light of galaxies or stars,
39:15but the light of the beginning of time.
39:46In this photograph, we see a very distant past.
39:51It is the oldest light in the universe,
39:54a light that has traveled almost 13,800 million years to reach us.
39:59It is a photograph of the entire firmament, or celestial sphere if you prefer,
40:03in all the directions in which we can look.
40:06And we have flattened it to be able to see it completely.
40:09It is called background radiation of microwaves,
40:12and it is a reflection without just elements that shine.
40:16It is a universe without stars or galaxies.
40:19And the question is, if there are no stars or galaxies, where does that light come from?
40:25The answer is that it comes from the universe itself,
40:28since it belongs to a moment just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.
40:33And at that moment, the universe was still hot.
40:36What we see here is the twilight reflection of the Big Bang.
40:42The most revealing thing about this photograph is the detail.
41:05The variation.
41:12This pattern is one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind,
41:17because it represents one of the necessary steps in the history of how we got here.
41:43This peaceful ocean of energy that spurred the rapid expansion of space during inflation
41:49could not be so peaceful.
41:52There had to be waves.
41:54It is a consequence of the laws of nature as we understand them.
42:05And those waves were imprinted in the universe through the Big Bang
42:10as areas with slightly different densities,
42:13imprinted in a young universe.
42:18As the universe expanded and cooled,
42:21the densest regions collapsed to form the first stars and galaxies.
42:28Without those waves, we would not exist.
42:32But there is something even more extraordinary about these waves.
42:36We predicted them before we knew they existed.
42:44And then we ventured into space to prove our theory.
42:49The image of the twilight after the Big Bang that the Planck telescope provided us with
42:54is a proof of this.
42:57It is the story of that wave, the waves and inflation.
43:07The waves were the seeds of creation.
43:10And we were able to guess their existence from our point of observation,
43:14a small planet, 13.8 billion years old.
43:18And we were able to predict their existence.
43:21And we were able to predict their existence.
43:24And then, because we are scientists,
43:27we decided to launch a spacecraft to capture the oldest light in the universe.
43:33And we saw that our assumption was correct.
43:37We dared to imagine a time before the beginning of time
43:41that showed that the history of creation is not a myth.
43:46So this would be the history of creation, told by science.
43:55At first, there was an ocean of energy
43:59that caused the rapid expansion of space.
44:02And then there was an ocean of energy
44:05that caused the rapid expansion of space.
44:08And then there was an ocean of energy
44:11that caused the rapid expansion of space, called inflation.
44:17In that ocean, there were waves.
44:24At the end of inflation, the ocean of energy became matter,
44:31during the Big Bang.
44:35And the pattern of the waves was imprinted in our universe,
44:40as regions with slight differences in the density of hydrogen and helium gas
44:46that formed after the Big Bang.
45:05The regions with the densest gas collapsed
45:11and formed the first stars.
45:35And the first galaxies.
45:42And 9 billion years later,
45:47a new star was born on the Milky Way.
45:53The Sun.
45:55The Earth.
46:03Eight planets were joined to the star,
46:08including the Earth.
46:17And almost 13.8 billion years after that beginning,
46:23we emerged,
46:27blinking to the light.
46:59To see the Earth as it really is,
47:02small, blue and beautiful in that eternal silence in which it floats,
47:06is to see riders riding on the Earth,
47:10together as brothers in the eternal cold.
47:15Brothers who now know that they are truly brothers.
47:23We all have moments of astonishment.
47:27We all dream.
47:31Our thoughts float freely,
47:34rising above the Earth,
47:37towards a starry docile.
47:42In our most reflective moments,
47:45we all understand that we are connected to the universe,
47:49no matter how small we are.
47:53We are nothing more than a set of simple atoms,
47:58but atoms arranged in an extraordinary way,
48:03eager to explore the universe to understand it.
48:14And to celebrate our own place
48:17in this great cosmic saga.
48:26To follow that saga to the past
48:29is to peregrinate to a previous time,
48:34to the beginning of time,
48:42and to strange waves that existed
48:45in a universe prior to ours.
48:59I think we should all ask ourselves
49:02about the meaning of all this.
49:04What does it mean to be human?
49:06Why do we exist? Why does everything around us exist?
49:10More than scientific questions,
49:12they could seem like questions for philosophy or theology.
49:17But I do think they are scientific questions,
49:20because they are questions about nature,
49:22they are questions about the universe.
49:24And the way to understand the universe is to observe it.
49:28Observing the oldest light in the universe,
49:31we have seen waves caused by events that occurred before the Big Bang.
49:36We have seen millions of galaxies written in the sky
49:39in a gigantic cosmic network.
49:41And we have seen thousands of planets
49:43orbiting around distant stars,
49:45worlds beyond our imagination.
49:48But the lesson to me is very clear.
49:50It is impossible to answer those deep questions
49:53by being introverted, by looking inwards.
49:56We will answer them by looking up at the horizon
49:59and seeing the universe beyond the stars.
50:03We used to look to the sky and only see questions.
50:07Now we have started to see answers.
50:12NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
50:14California Institute of Technology
50:41Hubble is a very special telescope, it's the most famous and for a good reason.
50:50It was the first time that we were able to launch into space such a powerful optical
50:57The Earth's atmosphere blurs what we observe, but by placing a telescope in space we get
51:06precise and crystalline images of the universe.
51:103, 2, 1 and takeoff of the Space Transporter Discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope,
51:18our window to the universe.
51:21What you feel when the Space Transporter takes off, with that sound and those vibrations,
51:28is extraordinarily inspiring.
51:32The solid fuel propellants have already completed their mission.
51:37Okay, Charlie.
51:38Okay, everything is ready, but it will take one more minute.
51:43We were all sitting on each other's cheeks, waiting for Hubble to show us what it can
52:06see in the universe, and that wait was unexpectedly long.
52:13The technicians have discovered that the Great Telescope has a deformed mirror, which means
52:19that the images it sends are distorted.
52:22We had a mirror made with great precision, but made with great precision in the wrong
52:32For the first three years of Hubble's life, it didn't give us the wonderful images we
52:40The solution was the same as when I was a little girl and I couldn't read the blackboard
52:47in the classroom.
52:48The solution was to add to the telescope a corrective optics, something very similar to
52:58Takeoff of the Space Transporter Endeavour, on an ambitious mission to repair the Hubble
53:03Space Telescope.
53:04It's kind of amazing to be able to place that optical device with a possible precision
53:09error of less than a millimeter.
53:12It's even difficult to do it on land and without gloves.
53:16It's kind of amazing to be able to do that.
53:19It's kind of amazing to be able to do that.
53:23It's even difficult to do it on land and without gloves.
53:26The Endeavour has been correctly attached to Mr. Hubble's telescope.
53:31The Vice President and I would like to congratulate you on one of the most spectacular space missions
53:38in our history.
53:43And when Hubble opened its eyes, after the repair, the images we got changed for
53:51forever the way we understand and visualize the universe in which we live.
54:02The images are spectacular.
54:05The problem with Hubble is over.
54:12It's really hard to remember what we had before the Hubble Space Telescope.
54:17We've got to get used to these extraordinary photographs of what's close, what's far,
54:22and what's very, very far.
54:28I think every time I look at an image of Hubble, I feel wonderful.
54:34I was the kid that had the Hubble pictures in the locker room.
54:39Anybody, whether they have a heart of an astronomer or a soul of a poet,
54:44will look at the Hubble images and see everything that's in them from the purest of amazement.
54:52Hubble has not only done what we expected and wanted it to do,
54:57but it's actually done a lot of things that nobody had dared to dream of.
55:05One of the biggest discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope
55:09was the discovery of the Hubble Space Telescope.
55:12It's the world's largest telescope.
55:15It's actually getting bigger.
55:18It's actually getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
55:33The universe is going to keep expanding
55:37and we imagine that it will be so big that all the galaxies will disappear from our sight.
55:42They will be so far away from us and will move so fast that we will not be able to see the light they emit.
55:48It is a very real possibility of what could happen in the future.
55:55We still do not know what drives this new phase of accelerated expansion,
56:00and we are building new tools to improve this research.
56:12The Hubble telescope, which was a technological wonder of its time, is very far from what we can build today.
56:30So it will be completely surpassed by the new James Webb Space Telescope,
56:35with which we will be able to observe space in more depth.
56:42It will provide us with images with unprecedented detail.
56:47We will be able to see through some dense and cloudy clouds to observe stars during their formation process,
56:56and we will use it to look much further back in time.
57:03The story that will unfold over the next three or four years will be very exciting.
57:12The Hubble Space Telescope
57:21The Hubble is the king because it is still a great observatory compared to what we had before in space.
57:28It is a unique instrument for making discoveries that would have been impossible with another telescope.
57:35When you think about an image of space, you actually think about an image of Hubble.
58:06The Hubblecast highlights the latest discoveries of the world´s most recognized and prized space observatory,
58:12the NASA Ames Space Telescope
