• 2 months ago
00:30Can you imagine that?
00:33And I'm not making this dream come true by myself,
00:35because Caravan is made of many dreams.
00:38And my travel partner also waited a long time for this.
00:42Icaru Kadoshi!
00:51Good night, DJ!
00:55It's a lifelong dream
00:57to see Brazilian drag art being admired all over the world.
01:02I realize one of my biggest dreams,
01:04which is to hold your hand
01:06and travel all over Brazil!
01:10Xuxa, whisper it to me, because look...
01:13She's dreaming!
01:15And how's your heart?
01:17Wow, I'm very happy, very excited,
01:19because we're going to give everyone a ride
01:22who wants to embark on this caravan of love,
01:25acceptance, respect and fun!
01:29And look, the road is long, ok?
01:31There are 8 states in Brazil,
01:33there are 8 show categories,
01:362 auditions per episode
01:38and 10 drag queens competing for just one title,
01:42the Caravan Soberana.
01:45Who doesn't shine on the road,
01:47will stay.
01:48Only the owner of the crown
01:50will earn R$150,000 to fill the pot.
01:55So I declare open
01:57the Caravan of Drugs!
02:20Wow, I'm here!
02:22I'm the first drag queen to get in the Caravan of Drugs.
02:29Hello, hello, darling!
02:31Who are you?
02:32I'm Vanessa.
02:33Who are you?
02:34You're the sun, right?
02:35I'm the darkness.
02:37I think that since there's no one down here,
02:39maybe there's someone up there, right?
02:40Maybe people are leaving.
02:41Maybe they're eliminated.
02:42Maybe we win.
02:43I don't know about you, but let's go.
02:45It's not possible, life is unique.
02:47How do I get in the caravan?
02:48I'll have to get down.
02:49It's chaos.
02:58Hey, girls!
02:59Is this the Caravan of Drugs?
03:03Guys, what is this?
03:08In such a starry universe,
03:10the moon will always be the only one.
03:13Here in your place.
03:18Pretend that you got questions,
03:20I got answers.
03:21Wow, Vanessa!
03:24Who's the Bahiana?
03:25It's me.
03:29Oh my gosh!
03:33I got answers.
03:35Here in your place.
03:36This is where they asked for a caipirinha!
03:40I got answers.
03:41Oh my gosh!
03:49Here's what we have.
03:50Ten, now it's time, let's go.
03:52The driver.
03:59I'm feeling famous already.
04:01Welcome to the Caravan of Drugs.
04:03Welcome to this wonderful city.
04:05It's an honor to open the Caravan in Rio,
04:08the city I chose to live in.
04:10Rio also had the first LGBTQIA plus parade in Brazil.
04:15Let's start warming up, because today is a day of games.
04:19And a day of games is sacred.
04:25Welcome to the caravans!
04:29We're here for our first Close,
04:32which is a challenge that highlights the culture of each city we pass through.
04:38But I'm not alone.
04:41The first guest on the caravan
04:44is a drag queen who makes the theater world go wild.
04:48And wherever she goes, my love, there's a hurricane.
04:51The small, notable, and my best friend, Alexia Twist!
05:04Yes, queen!
05:06Oh, my God!
05:07Oh, my God!
05:10Come here, my love!
05:13I don't know if you know, but we're here today to play soccer!
05:22I can't believe it.
05:23And Alexia is here because, I don't know if you know,
05:27but she's a soccer star, a former soccer player,
05:30since she played and still plays in the traditional soccer of drags
05:34that take place in São Paulo, which is the LGBTQIA diversity month.
05:38What position do you play?
05:39Always forward.
05:40I started playing first in the base,
05:44then I played a baton, a gloss,
05:47and now I'm in the blusher brush.
05:51So, let's start?
05:52You can start, Alexia.
05:53Look at the excitement here!
05:56One by one, you'll come and draw to know which team you'll be on.
06:00Let's go.
06:02I'll leave it here.
06:03Give me your hand, Em!
06:06I'm good at soccer, guys!
06:09Let's go!
06:24Every close is not eliminatory,
06:27but the winner of each close wins advantages for the final show.
06:32I didn't say which advantages, nor for whom,
06:35because this show is full of surprises.
06:39We'll play a 10-minute soccer match,
06:43and the winning team goes to the second phase.
06:45Wait, do you want us to play soccer in this sun,
06:48with this outfit, this look and this hair?
06:49Of course not, Alexia.
06:50Here in the caravan, we're ready for everything.
06:52So, you'll go to the locker room, change this outfit,
06:56put on the uniform, and when you come back, I'll be here waiting.
06:58Is it a locker room?
07:02Let's go!
07:03Pink team, you're hot!
07:05Pink team, you're hot!
07:07Pink team!
07:20I want to see the delivery, Em!
07:22You can't pull your partner's wig.
07:24Be very careful with the bottom part, okay?
07:28I was talking about the jump, guys, for God's sake.
07:30I don't know who's going to start, I'm going to throw it up and run.
07:38Guys, they already wanted to hit me on the first ball, what is this?
07:41Soccer is the only thing that I feel totally committed to,
07:44but I take it very seriously.
07:45Pay attention to the defense, no!
07:51An elite player is always competitive, man.
07:54Go, Florentino!
07:56Watch out!
08:00I'm good with the ball.
08:03That's it, man, give it a chance.
08:09Go, Gaia!
08:11It's working, the team is working.
08:13Go, Gaia!
08:15Go, Florentino!
08:16I'm counting on you!
08:19Go, Gaia!
08:20Go, Gaia!
08:22I was saved by my chest.
08:23Thank God this exists,
08:26because the balls always hit me and I came here.
08:28Five minutes to go!
08:31Go, Roche!
08:34When I ran towards the goal,
08:36I didn't even know if I was going to score, but look!
08:39I love this game, it's exciting!
08:42Go, Ravena!
08:44Go, Ravena!
08:47It's over, it's over, it's over!
08:50How wonderful, everything went well!
08:54Team Roche, stop, don't be sad, come here, please, everyone.
08:58We already have the winning team.
09:01Now we need to find the winning player,
09:05who will be the club's winner.
09:06And for that, what are we going to do?
09:08A penalty shoot-out!
09:13Go, Gaia!
09:24I'm Gaia do Brasil, I'm 32 years old.
09:27I'm from São José do Rio Preto, in the countryside of São Paulo,
09:30and I've been a drag queen for four years.
09:32My drag is colorful, it's irreverent, and it's Brazilian.
09:37And I bring this experience of being a drag queen
09:39to be able to deal with everyone.
09:41This is called charisma, right?
09:44I'm very competitive,
09:46but my main opponent is myself and my anxiety.
09:52I'm a person who's in the process of transitioning,
09:55so I came here as a spokeswoman for my community,
09:59to be able to gain space, or just a small opportunity
10:02for us to make a difference.
10:05Let's go, Helena!
10:16Oh, my God, this is not a kick, it's a comet!
10:22We have the first penalty shoot-out!
10:28We only have three left, huh?
10:33And now, if Gaia defends, it's over.
10:37It's the kick of your life, Robert Moon!
10:39I'm a good kicker.
10:51It was a surprise,
10:53because I played soccer when I was very little,
10:56until I was three, when my dad saw it and said,
10:59I'm not going to play for her.
11:00Congratulations, Gaia!
11:03Oh, my God!
11:04You inaugurate the tradition of the advantages
11:08of the winner of the close match for the grand final show!
11:11Glory to the family!
11:13That's it!
11:14But I want to ask one last question.
11:17Alexa, what's the temperature in Rio de Janeiro?
11:19In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it's a maximum of 40 degrees.
11:23Thank you.
11:24You're welcome. Have a good day.
11:30In each episode, we'll have a category for the final show.
11:35And we're going to open this first episode
11:38with the most Brazilian category of all.
11:45Everyone knows that hair-styling is that show
11:48where the wig shines.
11:50You need a lot of balance, a lot of technique,
11:53and, look, the neckline!
11:55Helicopter movements, the hit movements,
11:57going forward and backward, things that even God doesn't know.
12:00That said, come here, Gaia.
12:02Hey, are you going to do the hair-styling now?
12:05No, not yet.
12:06You're going to do the final show.
12:08You know that all of us, like drag queens,
12:10when we do a show with a lot of people,
12:12there's an order, and it's usually a growing order
12:16for the final show.
12:17You say, oh, the crazy show!
12:19That's what we're used to seeing.
12:21But now, the strategy is yours,
12:23because your advantage is to choose the order
12:26of the final show, which is the hair-styling.
12:29Looking at these girls, who's going to start doing this show?
12:35Who's going to open the show?
12:37The queen of the hair-styling of the group, Robitmon.
12:45I'm Robitmon, I'm part of the artistic world.
12:48I've been a drag queen for almost 24 years.
12:50I'm a classic drag queen.
12:52I love a lot of crystals and a more dynamic performance.
13:00I'm considered the queen of the biggest hair salon in Brazil.
13:02I've won this title only seven times.
13:05Hang in there, baby.
13:09I'm very patient, because I know that living with nine other contestants
13:13is going to be the hardest part.
13:16This award is mine.
13:19The second one is going to be my sister, Desi Rebeck.
13:21Desi Rebeck!
13:23She's not very happy.
13:25I can't understand, because she chose me after Robitmon,
13:28which is a reference in hair-styling.
13:30Unfortunately, I can't curse, right?
13:33Slovakia, the third one.
13:35M, in the middle of the show, is going to be Chandeli.
13:38Man, I could've been in fifth, first.
13:41I'm going to do hair-styling.
13:43Fifth is Chandeli, in the middle of the show.
13:45Be careful not to forget about you, okay?
13:47Do this one.
13:49They're fighting, guys, because they didn't do well today, right?
13:52Because I'm doing fine.
13:54In seventh, Friars.
13:56Helena Borges.
13:57The penultimate one is Ravenna.
13:59Oh, so that means you're going to be the last one.
14:03I'm going to be the last one. I don't even know if it's going to be my career.
14:05My strategy was nothing.
14:08At the time, I couldn't process anything.
14:11I ended up being the last one.
14:14After this bomb, I'm going to have a soda,
14:16a wonderful news.
14:18In the final show, there's always a show that was the best.
14:21And this best show, in every episode,
14:24is going to win what?
14:25Five thousand reais!
14:28I did it!
14:29Give me a high-five, give me a high-five.
14:33Look, they're getting ready.
14:34You too, strategist.
14:36You can get ready.
14:37Oh, my God.
14:38I don't know if this strategy is going to work.
14:40But it's going to work.
15:02Guys, what a beautiful thing!
15:06Oh, my God.
15:07Did you find yourself?
15:13Welcome to our dressing room.
15:16I just wanted to tell you that one of these tables is yours.
15:20Ravenna and Lena.
15:22I did it, interior!
15:30I'm going to quote Paris Hilton.
15:31Never walk through a mirror without looking at it.
15:33I loved it. Get in here.
15:35Is the light on?
15:38You know this is the dream of any drag queen artist, right?
15:41It's the validation of everything we've been through
15:43to get to this moment.
15:45Dreams come true.
15:46I want to do the rehearsal now.
15:47So, come here and talk to me so we can rehearse.
15:50Come on!
15:51Are you going to give me a haircut tip?
15:53Oh, my God!
15:54I like it. Surprise!
15:56I like it.
15:57Can I give you a hug?
15:58You should.
16:00Oh, I'm so happy.
16:01And the haircut, Gaia.
16:03And the haircut, my God!
16:04And the haircut, woman.
16:05I'm crazy, right? They put me in...
16:08Actually, I couldn't come up with a face-to-face strategy.
16:11And if I have a chance to put myself in a role of evidence,
16:16I'll do it.
16:21I took a dance class.
16:24I have a wonderful choreographer who helped me.
16:26I said, I want to learn the technique to be able to beat her.
16:34Got the shots, got the shots.
16:36Watch me.
16:37Hello, everyone. I'm from Slovakia.
16:39I'm from Brazil.
16:40I'm from Slovakia. Nice to meet you.
16:42I'm from Slovakia.
16:43I'm the queen of the geeks.
16:45I'm self-proclaimed, because they hate me.
16:47But what a teenager doesn't hate, right?
16:49I'm from São Paulo. I'm 36 years old.
16:51I've been doing drag for eight years.
16:54I started cosplaying when I was 15, with my sister.
16:57And then my sister and I went to represent Brazil in Japan
17:00for the big world cup.
17:01I won this world cup three times.
17:02I won another world cup in Panama and one in the United States.
17:07What I have best about my personality is that I'm very open-minded.
17:10What I have worst about my personality is that I'm completely crazy.
17:13What I have best about my personality is that I'm completely crazy.
17:18So, if I were to explain in one sentence, what is hairstyling?
17:22Hairstyling is the certainty that you are a very powerful artist on stage.
17:26There's no way you can do a half-mouthed hairstyle.
17:29You can't just put on a wig and pretend that you're going to hit.
17:33You have to hit, you have to have energy, you have to be in sync.
17:35And it was a wonderful gift.
17:37What do you mean? Opening the show was a gift?
17:39She shot me in the foot, didn't she?
17:41I'm kidding.
17:42She gave me the chance to set a level.
17:44If this is my element, the level will...
17:48It will make things a lot more exciting.
17:51I'm going to hit like this.
17:53So, there's the leg technique.
17:55It's a transfer of weight.
18:03My name is Chandeli Kidman.
18:05I'm a natural from Teresina, Piauí.
18:07I'm 30 years old and I've been doing drag for nine years.
18:12What I have best, I think, is the strength and grip
18:15of all the female personalities in the Northeast.
18:18And the sweetness, too.
18:21I think dance is one of the strongest points I have.
18:24And, certainly, acrobatic things.
18:29I think I can only do them in the most wonderful details possible.
18:34I always like to hide a little bit of what I'm going to do.
18:39I'm going to show Brazil and the world
18:42what Piauí has best.
18:44Chandeli Kidman.
19:03♪ Do-na-na-na, show me what you got
19:06♪ Unstoppable, unbreakable
19:08♪ I'm powerful, I'm beautiful
19:10♪ I'm stronger than I've ever been before
19:13♪ I've been the sun, I'm the light
19:16♪ I've been the sun, I'm the light
19:18♪ I've been the sun, I'm the light
19:19Cheers, guys.
19:20Cheers, cheers, cheers.
19:22I just have to say, this is crazy.
19:24Come on, you guys.
19:25I want to leave before the sun goes down.
19:27Let's talk about this.
19:28Was it a strategy or not?
19:31My friend, honestly,
19:33the idea was to put Robyn as a tribute.
19:37A tribute? You put her in the beginning?
19:39I think we have an incredible opportunity
19:43to take a crown.
19:44If this was my element and she really wanted
19:47to do good to everyone,
19:49she would have put me last.
19:51The responsibility of the first one is to show a level,
19:53and she took a lot.
19:55I live from that.
19:56Of course I tried to understand why you made that choice.
19:58I felt naked at that moment,
20:00I felt vulnerable,
20:01I felt...
20:02My dream is over here.
20:04That moment weighed on my mind that my dream is over
20:07because I don't know how to do my hair.
20:08I came after Robyn, I couldn't reason.
20:10She may be considered the queen of the hair salon,
20:13but you are the king.
20:15Oh, that's good.
20:17Do you think she made a good choice?
20:19I don't think she thought about her choice.
20:21I had the impression that when it was like,
20:23Gaia calls out,
20:24number one, two, three.
20:27Then it was eight, and Icaro said,
20:29-"Gaia, but there's you." -"I had forgotten about me."
20:32-"Really?" -"Yes."
20:33But it was at that moment that I said,
20:35there are other people, I won't hide.
20:38I'll leave myself for last.
20:39It's a risk you take.
20:41It's a big risk.
20:43Every time we meet Icaro, I get a little...
20:46A little nervous.
20:47I'll even drink a little bit of the ice cream.
20:49I cried like a crazy bitch.
20:52I beat Icaro.
20:53It's like a story of our whole life
20:56in a minute.
20:5730 seconds, right?
20:58We walked and walked to get here.
21:01It's validation, guys.
21:03It's validation.
21:04And the funny thing is that we're still walking,
21:07because, literally, it's an instruction.
21:10I thought it was amazing, Gaia,
21:12that I didn't know you knew about dancing,
21:15that you do something with your body.
21:16I'm an intense former dancer.
21:19I understand your thoughts perfectly.
21:21And I know the goodness of your comment.
21:24But it's the problem of looking at a fat body
21:26and thinking it's not possible to do those things.
21:28In the cast, we have a lot of handsome boys, right?
21:32Who do you think is handsome?
21:33Amy is very beautiful.
21:35Is it possible?
21:36Yes, honey. There's no bad weather here.
21:38Guys, stop it.
21:40I don't want the bus swinging next to me.
21:42Hey, what's that noise down there?
21:44We're going down there to see what's going on.
21:46Oh, my God.
21:48Family, let's go.
21:49What's going on here, huh?
21:51We're watching the conversation from up there.
21:53We were talking bad about you.
21:54What do you mean?
21:55We were talking bad about you.
21:57Come here.
21:59It's Xuxa's birthday, and she's watching us.
22:04Not only watching, but with us in the caravan.
22:07With us!
22:09We need a dose to deal with it.
22:11Let's go, let's go, let's go.
22:13I'm going to introduce myself to Xuxa.
22:26Today is the hair-styling challenge day.
22:28I want the most expensive hair to hit my butt.
22:38Hi, girls.
22:43Hi, hi, hi.
22:46I want to know this art. I want to know these stories.
22:48We're showing people
22:51who are breaking these prejudices.
22:53It's hard, but I'm sure.
22:55I'm sure because I'm fighting.
22:58I'm fighting because I believe it's possible to transform.
23:02My dad always helped me with cosplay.
23:05But drag is something we don't talk about much.
23:07But he helps me unconditionally.
23:09He's sewing, embroidering stones,
23:11we spend the night doing things.
23:12So cool!
23:13It's something we have for ourselves.
23:16I'm known for being the crazy one who hangs on the light grids.
23:20I did theater at university,
23:22then I did art high school.
23:24Then I started drawing.
23:25It's one thing that leads to another.
23:28I feel like I've studied my whole life to be a Friars.
23:34I heard you say something I really like.
23:36You said drag can be a puppy.
23:38Drag can be a man or a woman.
23:40Because it's an expression...
23:42Yes, an artistic expression.
23:47Helena cures a lot of my childhood.
23:49I think that's why there's this thing...
23:51I really like this cartoonish thing.
23:52I like to be a great cartoonist.
23:54With the rush of life, of everything,
23:56we started forgetting to dream.
23:59When the chandelier came up,
24:01which is a sweet, colorful thing,
24:04even more childish,
24:05it was in the kids that I supported myself.
24:07To find this sweetness and spread this color,
24:09this rainbow, all over the world.
24:11While a whole society,
24:14or all the people who, when I go out on the street,
24:17somehow express themselves in a negative way,
24:20in a negative way,
24:21in a way that's too feminine or too colorful,
24:23I'd get home and I could see you
24:26saying and telling me to always believe in my dreams.
24:29And look where I am.
24:32I don't have a mother, a father,
24:34I've lost a brother,
24:35so I've been living with myself for over 20 years.
24:38And I choose people well to be by my side.
24:41And when I see that people are not in the same tune,
24:44I become a hobbit.
24:45It's very difficult for us to be in a place
24:49of fragility.
24:50You said you can see when people will use you,
24:54when people will deceive you.
24:55I'd like to know how you can have this radar.
24:57I'm extremely observant.
24:59I've studied everyone here.
25:01And I'll keep studying.
25:03I study the people around me.
25:05I want to once again applaud these differences
25:08that I'm seeing here,
25:09and say to you guys, thank you so much.
25:11We thank you, Xuxa,
25:12for making it possible for us to enter in such important discussions,
25:15for us to bring such an important and liberating art,
25:18that takes us out of boxes,
25:19that takes us out of norms.
25:22Thank you so much.
25:27Everything that has to be, will be.
25:29The best for you.
25:30Thank you.
25:31Good luck.
25:32And I'll see you guys on stage.
25:48Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!
25:56And now, Rio de Janeiro,
25:58are you ready for the hairstyle show?
26:02It's a whole night working on the wig
26:05and the balance,
26:06because this show category is 100% Brazilian.
26:10It's ours!
26:11Brazilian drag is crazy, people.
26:13We don't owe anything to anyone.
26:16You'll check it out, you'll see it, and you'll enjoy it.
26:19And the task of choosing the winner of the night,
26:22the best show,
26:23it won't be just ours, okay?
26:24Thank God,
26:25because the caravan that passes by
26:27will always give a ride to a celebrity
26:30that will be the jury in this difficult mission.
26:33Today's jury.
26:34I don't need to say much for you to know who it is, people.
26:37Just one sentence is enough, Xuxa.
26:39Say it, say it.
26:40Oh, everything!
26:44Say it, Nicole, say it!
26:46Oh, everything, I'm very happy.
26:48Thank you for the invitation.
26:49Hi, guys.
26:50Nicole, Nicole,
26:51I need to ask you that basic question
26:53that I always do when I see you.
26:55Won't you thank me for this dress, Nicole?
26:57Thank you, dress!
27:07I love it, I love it!
27:08Let's go, caravaners.
27:10The show starts now.
27:12Let's go and have fun.
27:42Oh, my God.
27:50Look at the wig she put on for the show.
27:52It's not bad.
27:53It's not bad.
27:54Look, it was already out.
28:12Very good, very good, very good.
28:42It's so weird.
29:07Did you see the size of the hair?
29:08Let's see if the size of your hair fits.
29:12It's not right, but it's okay Don't make it any way
29:19Pack your bag up and leave Don't you dare come running back to me
29:26It's not right, but it's okay Don't you dare come running back to me
29:33Pack your bag up and leave Don't you dare come running back to me
29:40It's not right, but it's okay I'm gonna make it any way
29:46Close the door behind you, leave no key Rather be alone than unhappy
29:53I'm gonna make it any way Don't think about it
30:00It's not right, but it's okay Don't you dare come running back to me
30:08It's not right, but it's okay Don't you dare come running back to me
30:15So you turn around, there's no more tears left here for you to see
30:22There's a million words keep going out my back, tell me
30:29There's a million words keep going out my back
30:33See, I've been moving on, and I used to turn back, yeah
30:41See, all this time, I thought I had somebody down for me
30:47It turns out, it's not right, but it's okay I'm gonna make it any way
30:56Close the door behind you, leave no key Rather be alone than unhappy
31:03It's not right, but it's okay Don't you dare come running back to me
31:12So you turn around, there's no more tears left here for you to see
31:19There's a million words keep going out my back, tell me
31:27There's a million words keep going out my back
31:30See I'm moving on, and I refuse to turn back, yeah
31:38See all the times, the times I thought I'd die for the way
31:44It turns out, it's really worth doing it like that
31:51See I'm moving on, and I refuse to turn back, yeah
31:59See all the times, the times I thought I'd die for the way
32:05It turns out, you and me
32:12I'm moving on, and I refuse to turn back, yeah
32:29See I'm moving on, and I refuse to turn back, yeah
32:35See I'm moving on, and I refuse to turn back, yeah
32:43See I'm moving on, and I refuse to turn back, yeah
33:05I'm very frustrated, it's not my beach
33:09I tried hard, I had a haircut class
33:13And then I got here, I think I gave away a fifth of what I had to give away
33:17Each one here has a different style, for sure
33:20Of everyone who will be watching this show, there will be several people who will identify with you
33:24Now is the time, let's see
33:26The heart is tight, right?
33:28It's funny that I already have some things in my head to say about the ones I liked the most
33:33The ones I liked the most, and the ones I didn't like the most either
33:36The chandelier surprised me a lot
33:38And also Desi-Rê
33:39Who managed to make a comedy out of the haircut
33:42And what happened to the hobbit, in my opinion?
33:44For being the queen of the haircut
33:47And the wig almost falling, it bothered me
33:50In the backstage, we heard things
33:54Out loud
33:56I heard that there were people who thought that the haircut shouldn't count
33:59In the range of things we have to do
34:01I said that because of the difficulty
34:05It's very difficult to have a preparation to get to the point of having a haircut
34:08It's difficult to think that it shouldn't count
34:11It goes against what I build for people
34:14You are pulling to a point as if you were deserving the haircut
34:17Yes, I feel that
34:18But I'm very far from that
34:20I'm valuing the haircut
34:22I have no conditions, I think the haircut is a difficult thing
34:25It's a very difficult art, an art that I think you have to give
34:29I liked Em's attitude
34:31That hair
34:32Huge hair
34:33And Ravena
34:34There's also a comedy thing that we like
34:37I love it
34:38I thought that Desi-Rê was a big surprise
34:41All of them had mistakes
34:43And these mistakes can't happen again
34:45Many of them missed the dubbing
34:48I like Gaia's make-up
34:51Slovakia, I couldn't see her eyes
34:54I think that sometimes the look speaks a lot
34:56I couldn't feel her eyes
34:57I didn't think that
34:59I thought that she didn't dance
35:00She walked, walked, walked
35:01She used the stage
35:02She just kept walking
35:03And I think that there has to be a mix of everything
35:05You have to dance even more
35:07Don't hit your hair
35:08You have to dance
35:09What surprised me in Xandeli
35:11That she danced a lot
35:13Xandeli comes with dubbing, with hair
35:15It's the delivery
35:16And it comes from the beginning to the end
35:18Holding the same energy
35:19We are all in tune with who won
35:21And in tune with who will leave
35:23I already have it in my head
35:24You too, right?
35:25Me too
35:26I'll pass the ball to you
35:27For you to call back
35:28And let's go, life goes on
35:30Girls, please, on stage
35:40We are going to say now
35:41How were your performances today
35:46All of them, in some way, had mistakes
35:48And if we are looking for sovereignty
35:51We need to be very critical
35:58For example, Slovakia put a tooth
36:00That hinders the dubbing
36:02To see if it's dubbing right or not
36:04France put a wig
36:06That was often more in front of her face
36:08Than outside of it
36:09We couldn't see her face
36:10And the expression of her dubbing
36:12Morgana put two things here
36:15That prevent her from making a move
36:17Because the wig was stuck in the middle
36:18Between these two things
36:19And the choices were yours
36:22We are going to charge a lot
36:24Your energy
36:25To come in and say
36:26I'm really going to give my best
36:28I really want this
36:29And I need this
36:31It's one more special than the other
36:33And it's not easy, right?
36:34About the delivery
36:35All of them were very special
36:37It's the delivery that makes you show us
36:39The passion and the will to continue
36:44The sovereign drag of this night
36:52Chandelier, it's you
37:00Thank you
37:01Your Caravan Ticket is here
37:03And in each city we will have
37:05The Rodopoy Magia
37:07Representing the local beauty
37:09And responsible for the delivery
37:11Of our tickets here in Rio
37:13Diogo, please
37:14Come in with the ticket
37:15Look at the Rodopoy Magia, people
37:22Lock me up in chains
37:24And I'm a barracuda
37:25Congratulations, Chandelier
37:26You can start now
37:27I filled this safe
37:28You won five thousand reais
37:33We now have nine drags
37:36But only eight will board
37:41You can go to the lodge
37:46Hobbit Moon
37:47Hobbit Moon
37:50But please, don't forget
37:52To give us more energy, Hobbit
38:05I'm going to call my cover of this king
38:09Your cover of Nicole
38:19That was close
38:20I hope you learned the lesson
38:22Not only about strategy
38:24But about delivery, mainly
38:26Which was the highlight of today's show
38:32Next is
38:49You were the caravans
38:51With the least brilliant performance
38:54Our elimination reader is there
38:57And you're going to pass
38:59The one that's not green
39:01Unfortunately, won't go to our caravan
39:07Slovakia, please
39:08You're the first to pass
39:16Slovakia, unfortunately
39:18You're going to have to say goodbye
39:21I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
39:23For bringing your art to us
39:25Thank you very much
39:32Welcome, Morgana
39:37Have a good trip, Frimes
39:45I want to learn the technique
39:47So I can beat her
39:50I'm fully aware
39:52That the moment that eliminated me
39:54Was the moment of my decision
39:57To continue with my style
40:00During the competition
40:01I really believed that
40:03Putting the items that would make me safer
40:06Would help me
40:08And it didn't help
40:13Nicole, now I want to thank you
40:14I want to thank you
40:15Thank you for the opportunity to be with you
40:17Thank you, really
40:18It's also a dream
40:19The girls also sang
40:21Look, look
40:22Oh, that's all
40:24We have prostheses, we feel
40:26Right, Nicole?
40:29I love it
40:31Congratulations to the nine drag queens
40:33That are still in the caravan
40:34The bus is ready
40:36And at the next stop
40:37There's sofrencia
40:39There's fruit
40:41And roots of Brazilian music
40:43So get ready for the jumps
40:45The pose
40:46And the throat
40:48Have a good trip, everyone
40:50Hang in there
40:51Because Brazilian drag
40:53Never gives up!
41:01And today is February night
41:04You'll have to produce strokes
41:06Of a song by Cuernejo
41:08Can I go first?
41:09No, we're next
41:11And I hope that
41:12Depending on the elimination
41:13We won't be
41:14So be it
41:15Does the timer start?
41:18I'm nervous, calm down
41:19Calm down!
41:20One of you won't have
41:21Such a happy night
41:22Honestly, you were forgotten