Spadoni (A2a): “Più di 160 milioni di euro distribuiti sul territorio”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Nel 2023 abbiamo investito in Piemonte oltre 17 milioni di euro tra il potenziamento degli impianti di recupero di materiale ed energia presenti sul territorio e sulla centrale termoelettrica”. A dirlo Lorenzo Spadoni, direttore Generazione & Trading di A2a, intervistato in occasione della presentazione del sesto bilancio di sostenibilità territoriale del Piemonte.


00:00The sixth sustainability assessment confirms the importance of Piedmont in the panorama of our group.
00:14Piedmont is the second Italian region in the presence of the Group 2A.
00:20Today we bring very significant data.
00:23More than 160 million euros is the value that the group has generated on the territory.
00:31A large part of these are linked to our supply chain,
00:36therefore to the active orders that we have conferred over the year to the enterprises of the territory,
00:44a number that has increased by more than 58%.
00:47The presence is strong in the areas of the environment,
00:51therefore with all the infrastructure that helps to manage the circular economy.
01:00We are also present in the field of energy,
01:03especially in the central plant of Chivasso that hosts us,
01:06which is still an important facility in the panorama of the Italian energy transition,
01:13because even though it is still a traditional plant,
01:17it becomes more and more important to ensure to the electrical system
01:21all the balancing that it needs,
01:23which it will need more and more with the greater penetration of renewable energies.
01:28We are talking in the last year in Piedmont of over 17 million euros of investments
01:35that have been divided between these areas,
01:40on the environment, on the enhancement of the recovery systems of materials and energy
01:48that are present on the territory,
01:50and also on this same plant where we are planning investments
01:56also for the installation of batteries and storage
02:00that will serve to increase the flexibility of the system
02:07to better meet the needs of the national energy transition.
