Peppa Pig En Español ✌ Videos de Peppa Animación Capitulos Completos Nuevos 1

  • 3 months ago


00:00I am Peppa Pig.
00:04This is my little brother George.
00:07This is Mama Pig.
00:09And this is Papa Pig.
00:13Peppa Pig.
00:16Work and play.
00:19It's a nice morning.
00:22I think today is a great day to do nothing.
00:27Papa Pig loves to do nothing.
00:29Daddy, don't you have to go to work today?
00:32No, Peppa. Today is Saturday.
00:35Papa Pig doesn't work on Saturdays.
00:37What are you doing? You'll be late for work.
00:40Why? Today is Saturday, Mama Pig.
00:42Isn't it Saturday?
00:43No, today is Thursday.
00:47Papa Pig does work on Thursdays.
00:49I'm going to pee.
00:52Poor Daddy, he has to go to work.
00:54Mommy, you're so lucky. You stay at home playing all day.
00:58But I don't stay to play.
01:00I work from here with the computer.
01:04George wants to play happy hen.
01:08George, now you won't be able to play happy hen when you're done working.
01:15Mama Pig and Suzy come to pick up Peppa to go to the nursery.
01:19Hi, Peppa.
01:21Good morning, Suzy.
01:23Have a good time at the nursery.
01:25Bye, Mama.
01:26Mama, work a lot.
01:30Hey, Mama Pig, do you work or play all day?
01:34Today, without going any further, I'm going to work a lot.
01:38I'm going to the gym.
01:39And what are you going to do in the gym?
01:41Well, run, jump, exercise.
01:44But Mama, that's not working.
01:47That's playing.
01:52Peppa and Suzy have arrived at the nursery.
01:56Hi, everyone.
01:57Hi, Peppa.
01:58Hi, Suzy.
02:01Attention, children.
02:03I thought we'd play at the shops today.
02:07Who wants to be the shopkeeper?
02:10Peppa and Suzy can be shopkeepers.
02:13And the rest of you can be customers.
02:16Peppa and Suzy are going to take care of a lie detector shop.
02:19And now what do we have to do?
02:22If you want, I'll take care of the money.
02:24And you take out the things they ask for.
02:26Yes, okay.
02:28Danny Dog is the first customer.
02:31Good morning, shopkeeper.
02:32Hello, Mr. Dog.
02:33I wanted to buy cookies, please.
02:36Suzy, do we have a package of cookies?
02:39No, but we have a toy phone.
02:42Can you tell me how much it costs?
02:44Yes, this phone costs 100 euros.
02:50Thank you, Mr. Dog.
02:54Good morning, shopkeeper.
02:55Please, can I have a loaf of bread?
02:58We don't have it, but you can take this little house.
03:01If you want, I'll put it in a bag, sir.
03:04Yes, thank you.
03:05The little house costs a penny.
03:09I'm sorry, I don't have enough money.
03:13Well, you can pay next time you come.
03:16How much do you work in a shop?
03:21Hello, shopkeeper.
03:22Please, I want to know what I can buy for a million thousand euros.
03:27Suzy, what can we have that costs a million thousand euros?
03:33A carrot?
03:34Okay, I'll take it.
03:36Rebecca likes carrots a lot.
03:41It's time to go home.
03:44Daddy Pig has come to pick up Peppa and Suzy.
03:48Daddy, you've had to work a lot today.
03:51Yes, it's been a hard day at work.
03:54Well, we've also worked a lot.
03:57We've made tenders.
04:02Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
04:05It's over.
04:06Now to print.
04:08Mama Pig has finished working.
04:11Very good, George.
04:13Now you and I are going to play a game of Happy Chicken.
04:17We've won it.
04:25What a kid, Mommy.
04:26You two come and play Happy Chicken.
04:29We're playing because George and I have finished working.
04:33Right, George?
04:34Since we've all finished, come and play.
04:40Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
04:47The Rainbow.
04:49Peppa and her family are going for a mountain trip.
04:53How long until we get there?
04:55It's almost there, Peppa.
04:58I know a game.
04:59Everyone has to see a car of their favourite colour.
05:04My favourite colour is green.
05:07Mine is orange.
05:09El mio es el rojo. George, dinos cual es tu color favorito.
05:15El color preferido de George es el azul.
05:18Fijaos en el color del coche que veamos primero.
05:21¡Sí, vale!
05:22Por ahí viene Candy Cat en su coche verde.
05:26¡Es verde! Ese es el color que he elegido yo. ¡He ganado!
05:31¡Hola, Candy!
05:33¡Adiós, Peppa!
05:36Ahora viene Danny Dog en la grúa naranja de su abuelo.
05:40¡Naranja! ¡Gano yo!
05:42¡Hola, Danny!
05:44¡Hola, Peppa!
05:46¡Ja, ja! Estoy viendo otro coche.
05:48¡Es Susie! ¡Hola!
05:51¡Adiós, Peppa!
05:54¡Sí, George! Era un coche azul. Así que ganas tú.
05:59¡Qué tontería de juego! ¡No veo ningún coche rojo por ninguna parte!
06:05Pues tienes un coche rojo muy cerca.
06:10A ver, piensa. ¿De qué color es nuestro coche?
06:14¡Es rojo! ¡He ganado! ¡He ganado!
06:20Van a empezar a subir la montaña.
06:23Habrá una vista fantástica cuando lleguemos a lo más alto.
06:27¡Ya hemos llegado!
06:30¡Mirad qué paisaje y hace muy buen tiempo!
06:35¡Vaya! ¡Se ha puesto a llover!
06:37¿Y el paisaje que íbamos a ver?
06:40Allí veo algo muy bonito.
06:43Es el puesto de helados de la señora Rabbit.
06:46Hola, señora Rabbit.
06:47¿Qué tal, Papá Pig?
06:49Cuatro helados, por favor.
06:51¿De qué sabores los quieres?
06:54De naranja, de fresa y de arándanos, si puede ser.
06:57Aquí los tienes.
07:01¡Mirad lo que os he traído!
07:05¡Son de los colores que más nos gustan!
07:08Sí, es verdad. Para mí el verde.
07:11El naranja para mí.
07:12El rojo fresa es para mí.
07:15Y para George es el...
07:21¡Qué rico!
07:22¡Chaos! ¡Está saliendo el sol!
07:24Y mirad, también se puede ver...
07:26¡El arco iris!
07:28A Peppa y a George les encanta ver el arco iris.
07:31¿Sabéis que el arco iris solo se puede ver cuando llueve y hace sol al mismo tiempo?
07:38Y además de otros, tiene nuestros colores favoritos.
07:43Rojo, naranja, verde y azul.
07:48¿Y a que vosotros no sabéis lo que hay al final del arco iris?
07:54Dicen que hay un tesoro.
07:56¡Oh! ¿Podemos ir a buscar ese tesoro ahora mismo?
08:00Muy bien. A mí me parece que el arco iris acaba en la montaña de ahí enfrente.
08:05¡Pues allá vamos!
08:10Cuando llueve y hace sol, el arco iris veo yo.
08:16Arco iris.
08:19Rojo, naranja, amarillo y verde y violeta y azul.
08:23Arco iris.
08:26Cuando llueve y hace sol.
08:30¡Hemos llegado!
08:32¡Oh! ¿Dónde está nuestro arco iris?
08:35¡Se ha ido a otra montaña!
08:37¡Pero qué travieso!
08:39¡Rápido! A ver si lo pillamos.
08:41El arco iris veo yo cuando llueve y hace sol.
08:46Ha dejado de llover.
08:49Por eso el arco iris se ha ido.
08:52George, el arco iris ya no está.
08:55Pero a lo mejor nos ha dejado un tesoro. Vamos a mirar.
08:58Venid aquí. He encontrado algo.
09:00¿Has encontrado el tesoro del arco iris?
09:03Sí. Aquí está. Mirad.
09:05¡Un charco bien grande para saltar!
09:11¡El mejor tesoro que el arco iris nos ha podido dejar!
