Lady and the tramp

  • 3 months ago


00:00Of your loved one, you'll need it about this time
00:08To keep from falling like a star when you make that busy climb
00:16For this is the night, and the heavens are right
00:26On this lovely, mellow night
00:33On this lovely, mellow night
00:56Silent as the snowflake in the night
01:03Holy is the spirit of this night
01:07All the world is calm and peaceful
01:11All the world is bright and joyful
01:15Spirit of love and child of peace
01:23Love unending that shall not cease
01:31Peace, my children, of good will
01:40Peace, my children, peace be still
01:49It's for you, darling. Merry Christmas.
01:52Oh, Jim, dear. It's the one I was admiring, isn't it?
01:55Trimmed with ribbons?
01:57Well, it has a ribbon.
02:01Oh, how sweet.
02:04You'll like her, darling.
02:05Oh, I love her.
02:09What a perfectly beautiful little lady.
02:12Come on, lady. Over here.
02:22That's a girl.
02:24There, now. A nice little bed for you.
02:28But, Jim, dear, are you sure she'll be warm enough?
02:31Why, of course, darling. She'll be snug as a bug in a...
02:34Uh-oh. Almost forgot something.
02:38Good night, lady.
02:40Now, don't worry, darling. She'll go right to sleep.
02:45No, no, lady.
02:48This is where you belong. Right here.
03:05Oh, look. She's lonesome.
03:08Don't you think maybe just for tonight?
03:10No, darling. If we're going to show her who's master, we must be firm from the very beginning.
03:39Lady, stop that now. Stop it.
03:57Lady, quiet now. You hear me?
03:59Back to bed.
04:01Quick now.
04:03Not one more sound.
04:33Jim, dear.
04:40Oh, Jim.
05:01Oh, Jim.
05:10Oh, all right.
05:12But remember, just for tonight.
05:50All right, lady. All right.
05:52I'm up. I'm up, lady.
05:54Oh, no.
05:56What's wrong, Jim? What is it?
05:58Did you tell the lady about Sundays?
06:29Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
06:33Oh, Jim.
06:57Have you noticed, darling, since we've had a lady,
06:59had a lady we see less and less of those disturbing headlines. Yes I just don't
07:04know how we ever got along without her. Say she must be about six months old.
07:09We'd better be getting her a license.
07:22I hope it fits. My, but it does look nice. So grown up. Won't Jack and Trusty be surprised?
07:44That's a grand sight. Jack. Oh Jack. Hello Jack. Oh it's you Lassie. Notice anything different?
08:13You've had a bath? No, not that. You've had your nails clipped? Guess again. Well I wouldn't be unknown.
08:26Why Lassie, a bonnie new collar. Do you like it? Aye. It must be very expensive. Have you shown it to Trusty yet? No.
08:37We'd best go at once. You know how sensitive he is about these things. He's dreaming. Aye. Dreaming of those bonnie bygone days
09:02when he and his grandfather were tracking criminals through the swamps. They were? But that was before. Before what?
09:10Tis time you knew the truth Lassie. It shouldn't have happened to a dog. But, well, Trusty has lost his sense of smell.
09:20No. Aye. But we must never let on that we know Lassie. It would break his poor heart. Which way did he go? Which way did he go? Go?
09:37Yeah, big fella. About six foot two. No, uh, three. Wore a striped suit. No collar. Why, Miss Lady, you have a collar. Mm-hmm. And a license.
09:53My, my. How time does fly. Aye. It seems only yesterday she was cutting her teeth on Jim Deere slippers and now there she is, a full grown lady.
10:04When the greatest honor man can bestow. The badge of faith and respectability. That's right, Miss Lady. As my grandpappy Old Reliable used to say, don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Reliable before. Aye, you have, laddie.
10:22Oh, it's Jim Deere. Please excuse me. Hello there, lady. Come on, beat your home. Oh, you win again. Steady now. Steady. Well, what have we here? Oh, big girl now, huh? All right. Oh, ladies first.
10:52You know, darling, with Lady here, I'd say life is quite complete. Yes, dear. I don't imagine anything could ever take her place in our hearts.
11:22Ah, what a day. Well, now to dig up some breakfast.
11:44Oh, cute little rascals. Coochie, coochie, coochie, coochie, coo. Ah, that breakfast. Let's see. Bernie's? No. Francois? Nope, nope, nope. Too much starch.
12:09Ah, Tony's. Oh, that's it. I haven't been there in a week.
12:14Well, buongiorno, butch. You want your breakfast, eh? Okay. The boss, he's a save some nice buns for you. Breakfast coming up from the left field. Good catch.
12:35Oh, boy. Oh.
13:05Hey. Blimey. Look, Peg, it's the tramp.
13:16Hiya, handsome. Come to join the party? All right, all right. No time for wisecracks. I've got to get you out. I'm telling you, the pressure's really on. Signs all over town. Gee, thanks.
13:26You're a bit of all right, chum. Okay, okay, get going. Hey, what's going on over there? Scram and be careful.
13:33What do you mean, she must be? Let go, let go of me.
13:52Well, snob hill.
13:54Hi, gals. How's pickings? Pretty slim, eh? Yeah, I'll bet they've got a lid on every trash can. Uh-oh. And a fence around every tree. I wonder what the leash and collar set does for excitement.
14:13Lassie? Lassie? Oh, Miss Lady, ma'am. Miss Lady. Ah, good morning, Lassie. It is a bonnie bra break day. The day.
14:33Well, Miss Lady, is something wrong? Aye, tell us, Lassie, if somebody's been mistreating you. Oh, no, Jack. It's something I've done, I guess. You? It must be. Jim Dear and Darling are acting so.
14:52Jim Dear and Darling? Hush now.
15:02Now, Lassie, get on with the details. Well, I first noticed it the other day when Jim Dear came home.
15:18Down, Lady, down. Darling? Darling? Are you all right? Of course I am. Why shouldn't I be?
15:33I just can't help worrying. After all, in your condition, alone here all day, you're walking that dog. That dog? That dog. He's never called me that before.
15:45Well, now, Lassie, I wouldn't have worried my wee head about that. Remember, they're only humans, after all. That's right, Miss Lady. As my grandpappy Old Reliable used to say, don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Reliable before.
15:59Aye, you have, laddie. Frequently.
16:03But now Darling is... Well, we've always enjoyed our afternoon walk together. But yesterday...
16:22No, Lady. No walk today.
16:30No, Lady. Not now. Lady. Drop that, Lady. Drop it, I say.
16:43It didn't hurt, really. But Darling has never struck me before.
16:50Now, Lassie, don't take it too seriously. After all, at a time like this...
16:54Ah, yes. You see, Miss Lady, there comes a time in the life of all humans when, well, as they put it, the birds and the bees. Or, well, the stork. You know. No.
17:11What he's trying to say, Lassie, is Darling is expecting a wee bairn.
17:18He means a baby, Miss Lady.
17:20Oh. What's a baby?
17:23Well, they... they resemble humans.
17:26But I'd say a mite smaller.
17:28Aye, and they walk on all fours.
17:30And if I remember correctly, they beller a lot.
17:33Aye, and they're very expensive. You will not be permitted to play with it.
17:38But they're mighty sweet.
17:40And very, very soft.
17:42Just a cute little bundle... of trouble.
17:45Yeah. They scratch, pinch, pull ears.
17:48Aw, but shucks. Any dog can take that. It's what they do to your happy home.
17:52Move it over, will you, friend? Homewreckers, that's what they are.
17:55Look here, laddie. Who are you to barge in?
17:57The voice of experience, Buster.
17:59Boy, just wait till Junior gets here.
18:02You get the urge for a nice, comfortable scratch and...
18:05Put that dog out. He'll get fleas all over the baby.
18:08You start barking at some strange mutt.
18:12Stop that racket, you'll wake the baby.
18:15And then... then they hit you in the room and board department.
18:19Oh, remember those nice, juicy cuts of beef?
18:23Forget them.
18:25Leftover baby food.
18:27And that nice, warm bed by the fire.
18:34A leaky doghouse.
18:36Oh, dear.
18:37Now listen, lassie. No human is that cruel.
18:39Of course not, Miss Lady Y.
18:42Everybody knows a dog's best friend is his human.
18:47Oh, come on now, fellas.
18:49Boy, you haven't fallen for that old line, have you?
18:51Aye. And we've no need for mongrels and radical ideas.
18:55Off with you, now. Off with you. Off with you.
18:57Okay, Sandy.
18:58My name's Jock.
18:59Okay, Jock.
19:00Ever a lad of Glencairn to you.
19:01Okay, okay, okay.
19:02But remember this, pigeon.
19:04A human heart has only so much room for love and affection.
19:07When a baby moves in, the dog moves out.
19:15Oh, let's see. That'll be about...
19:18Oh, well.
19:26Darling, there isn't any way we can tell for sure what it's going to be, is there?
19:31I'm afraid not.
19:32Nobody ever knows for certain.
19:34All we can do is hope.
19:42Ding, ding.
19:58Darling, are you sure you want watermelon?
20:01Mm-hmm. Oh, and some chop suey, too.
20:04Chop su... Oh, all right, darling.
20:13Oh, darling, look at this.
20:16Oh, darling, look at this.
20:18Oh, that's bonnet.
20:19Isn't it just too adorable?
20:21Don't you just love showers?
20:22Darling, I've never seen you look more beautiful.
20:24It's absolutely radiant.
20:25Radiant? Well, that's just what I told Bill yesterday.
20:27Bill, I said darling looks radiant, positive and radiant.
20:29Why, in all my days, I said I've never seen anyone as radiant as darling is radiant.
20:33I turned for the turn.
20:36Absolutely horrible.
20:37I never saw you look worse.
20:39Cheer up, Jim.
20:40Old Doc Jones has never lost a father yet.
20:51Yes, and sir, it's a boy.
20:53Uh-huh, a boy.
20:54And what's that?
20:57Oh, what color are they?
20:59Oh, gosh.
21:00I forgot to look.
21:02A boy.
21:03It's a boy.
21:04It's a doctor.
21:05Doctor, it's a boy.
21:07Yes, yes, I know.
21:08Uh-huh, a boy.
21:09Oh, boy, oh, boy.
21:11It's a boy.
21:12It's a boy.
21:13It's a boy.
21:15Hello, Jim?
21:16Are you there, Jim?
21:18Cedric, will you shut up?
21:38What is a baby?
21:46I just can't understand.
21:49It must be something wonderful.
21:53It must be something grand.
21:57Cause everybody's smiling.
22:00In a kind and wistful way.
22:04And they haven't even noticed.
22:07That I'm around today
22:20What is a baby anyway?
22:24Oh, what is a baby?
22:27I must find out today
22:29What makes Jim dear and darling
22:33And this way
22:45La-la-loo, la-la-loo
22:49Oh, my little star sweeper
22:53I'll sweep the stardust for you
22:59La-la-loo, la-la-loo
23:03Little soft fluffy sleeper
23:07Here comes a pink cloud for you
23:13La-la-loo, la-la-loo
23:17Little wandering angel
23:21Fold up your wings
23:24Close your eyes
23:28La-la-loo, la-la-loo
23:32And may love be your keeper
23:37La-la-loo, la-la-loo
23:46There now, little star sweeper
23:50Dream on
23:59Well, that should do it
24:01We've got enough here to take us halfway to China
24:07Darling, darling
24:09We haven't much time
24:11Jim, I just can't leave him
24:13He's still so small and helpless
24:15He'll be all right
24:16Now, come on
24:17If he wakes up, we'll never get away
24:19Jim, I feel so guilty deserting him like this
24:23Hey, what's the matter with the lady?
24:26She thinks we're running out on him
24:28Oh, don't worry, old girl
24:30We'll be back in a few days
24:32And Aunt Sarah will be here
24:33And with you here to help her
24:35Oh, there's the old girl now
24:37Coming, Aunt Sarah, coming
24:39Sorry I'm late, dears
24:41Hope I haven't kept you waiting
24:42Here, let me take your things
24:43No, no, no, no
24:44No fussing, I know my way around
24:46On your way now
24:47Mustn't miss your train
24:48Have a good time
24:49And don't worry about me
24:50On your way now
24:51Mustn't miss your train
24:52Have a good time
24:53And don't worry about a thing
24:54Good-bye, dears
24:55Good-bye, good-bye
24:57Now to see that big nephew of mine
25:06Good, good, good
25:07Good, good, good
25:08Oh, you adorable little...
25:11Oh, good gracious
25:12What are you doing here?
25:13Go on now, shoo, shoo
25:14Scat, get out of here
25:16Oh, there, there
25:18I won't let that dog frighten you anymore
25:21No, no, no, no
25:25Rock-a-bye baby
25:27On the treetop
25:29Where the wind blows
25:49We are Siamese, if you please
25:54We are Siamese, if you don't please
25:59Now we're looking over our new dabby side
26:04If we like, we'll stay for maybe quite a while
26:13We are Siamese, if you please
26:19We are Siamese, if you don't please
26:22Do you see that thing swimming round and round?
26:27Maybe we could reach in and make it drown
26:31If we're sneaking up upon it carefully
26:35There will be a head for you
26:37A tail for me
26:49Do you hear what I hear?
26:51A baby cry
26:53Where we're finding baby, there are milk nearby
26:57If we're looking baby puppy, there could be
27:02Plenty milk for you
27:04And also some for me
27:11Oh, good gracious
27:13Oh, good gracious
27:15Oh, good gracious
27:21What's going on down there?
27:23Oh, merciful heavens
27:25My darlings, my precious pets
27:28Oh, that wicked animal
27:30Attacking my poor innocent little angels
27:37Good afternoon, ma'am
27:39What can I do for you?
27:41I want a mussel, a good strong mussel
27:43Yes, ma'am
27:44Now, here's our latest
27:45Combination leash and mussel
27:47Now, we'll just slip it on like this
27:49No, no, no, no, no
27:50Nice doggy
27:51No, don't wiggle
27:52Steady now
27:53Now, now, now
27:54Careful, you McLooch
27:55Watch out
27:57Doggy, careful, doggy
28:13Woof, woof
28:43Woof, woof
28:44Woof, woof
28:45Woof, woof
28:46Woof, woof
28:47Woof, woof
28:48Woof, woof
28:49Woof, woof
28:50Woof, woof
28:51Woof, woof
28:52Woof, woof
28:53Woof, woof
28:54Woof, woof
28:55Woof, woof
28:56Woof, woof
28:57Woof, woof
28:58Woof, woof
28:59Woof, woof
29:00Woof, woof
29:01Woof, woof
29:02Woof, woof
29:03Woof, woof
29:04Woof, woof
29:05Woof, woof
29:06Woof, woof
29:07Woof, woof
29:08Woof, woof
29:09Woof, woof
29:10Woof, woof
29:11Woof, woof
29:12Woof, woof
29:13Woof, woof
29:14Woof, woof
29:18Hey, Pidge
29:19What are you doing on this side of the tracks?
29:21I thought you...
29:23Oh, you poor kid
29:26Oh, we've gotta get this off
29:29I think I know the very place
29:32Come on
29:36Well, here we are
29:38The zoo?
29:40No, no, this way. Follow me.
29:52What's the matter, Pidge?
29:53We can't go in.
29:54Why not?
29:55Well, the sign says...
29:56Yeah, well, that's... that's the angle.
29:59Look, we'll just wait for the right...
30:01Uh-oh. Here we are now. Just lay low.
30:11Hey, you!
30:14I beg your pardon. Where are you addressing?
30:16What's the matter? Can't you read?
30:18Yes, in several languages.
30:20Oh, a wise guy, eh?
30:22All right, now. What's this creature doing here?
30:24Oh, he's not my dog.
30:26Oh, he's not, eh?
30:27Go away. Get back. Go on, then.
30:29Why, certainly not, officer.
30:30I suppose you'll be telling me next.
30:32It was the dog that was whistling, eh?
30:33I'm certain I don't know.
30:34Oh, so I'm a liar now, am I?
30:36Will you listen to me?
30:42Pull a knife on me, will you?
30:43I claim to assassinate B.R.!
30:52Come on, Bess.
30:54The place is ours.
31:00We'd better go through this place from A to Z.
31:05No, no.
31:06Who's even asking them?
31:07They wouldn't understand.
31:08They wouldn't?
31:10Too closely related to humans.
31:12Uh-oh. Alligators.
31:14Now, there's an idea.
31:15Say, Al, do you suppose you could nip this contraption off for us?
31:18Glad to oblige.
31:20Whoa, whoa!
31:30Huh. If anybody ever needed a muzzle, it's him.
31:35Now, what harebrained idiot would...
31:37Hey, look!
31:38A beaver!
31:42There's the answer to our problem.
31:44Let me see here.
31:46Six foot six and seven-sixteen inches.
31:49Pardon me, friend.
31:51I wonder if you'd do us a little...
31:52Busy, Sunny. Busy.
31:53Can't stop the gossip now.
31:55Gotta slide this sycamore to the swamp.
31:58Yeah, well, this'll only take a second of your time.
32:00Only a second? Listen, listen, Sunny.
32:02Do you realize every second 70 centimeters of water is wasted over that spillway?
32:07Yeah, but...
32:08Gotta get this log moving, Sunny.
32:10Gotta get it moving.
32:11Take the cut and take the time.
32:13It's your doggone hauling.
32:16The hauling.
32:19Now, what you need is...
32:20Better bisect this section here.
32:22What you need is a log puller.
32:24I said a log puller!
32:27I ain't deep, Sunny.
32:29There's no need to...
32:31A log puller?
32:32And, by a lucky coincidence you see before you,
32:35modeled by the lovely little lady,
32:37the new, improved, patented, handy-dandy, never-fail, little giant log puller,
32:41the Busy Beaver's Friend.
32:43You don't say?
32:44Guaranteed not to wear, tear, rip, or ravel.
32:46Turn around, sister, and show the customer the merchandise.
32:48And it cuts log hauling time 66 percent.
32:5166 percent, eh?
32:54Think of that.
32:55Well, how's it work?
32:56Why, it's no work at all.
32:57You merely slip this ring over the limb like this,
32:59and haul it off.
33:00Say, you mind if I slip it on for size?
33:03Help yourself, friend, help yourself.
33:05Okay, you'll mind if I do.
33:08How do you get the current-started thing off, Sunny?
33:10Glad you brought that up, friend, glad you brought that up.
33:13To remove it, simply place the strap between your teeth, like this.
33:17Erect, friend.
33:18Now bite hard.
33:20You see?
33:21It's off.
33:23Say, that is simple.
33:25Well, friend, we'll be on our way now, so...
33:27Not so fast, though, Sunny.
33:30I'll have to make certain it's satisfactory before we settle on a price.
33:34Oh, no, it's all yours, friend.
33:36You can keep it.
33:37I can, eh?
33:38I can?
33:40It's a free sample.
33:42Well, thanks a lot.
33:45Thanks every...
34:01It works well!
34:06But when she put that horrible muzzle on me...
34:08Oh, say no more.
34:09I get the whole picture.
34:10Ants, cats, muzzles.
34:12Well, that's what comes of tying yourself down to one family.
34:15Haven't you a family?
34:16One for every day of the week.
34:17The point is, none of them have me.
34:20I'm afraid I don't understand.
34:22It's simple.
34:23You see...
34:28Something tells me it's supper time.
34:30Come on.
34:31I'll show you what I mean.
34:33Now, take the Schultzes here.
34:35Little Fritzie.
34:36That's me, Pidge.
34:37Makes this his Monday home.
34:38Monday home?
34:39Ach, ja.
34:40Mondays is Mama Schultz cooking her wiener schnitzel.
34:46Now, O'Brien's here as well.
34:47Little Mike.
34:48Sure, and that's me again, Pidge.
34:50Comes on a Tuesday.
34:51On a Tuesday?
34:52Be good, and that's when they're after having that dial and corned beef.
34:56You see, Pidge, when you're footloose and collar free,
34:59well, you take nothing but the best.
35:03Hey, Tony's.
35:05Of course.
35:06The very place for a very special occasion.
35:10No, this way, Pidge.
35:11I have my own private entrance.
35:16Wait here.
35:21Just a minute.
35:22I'm coming.
35:23I'm a...
35:24What's the matter?
35:25Somebody's making the heck of a fool with...
35:27Oh, hello, Butch.
35:29Where you been so long?
35:31Hey, Joe.
35:32Look who's here.
35:33Well, what do you know?
35:34It's Butch.
35:35Hey, Joe.
35:37Joe, bring some bones for Butch before he eat me up.
35:40Okay, Tony.
35:42Bones are coming up.
35:48What's this?
35:49Hey, Joe, look.
35:50Butch, he's got a new girlfriend.
35:52Well, son of a gun.
35:53He's got a cockroach Spanish girl.
35:57She's pretty sweet, kiddo, Butch.
35:59You take Tony's advice and settle down with this one, eh?
36:04This one?
36:05This one.
36:06This one.
36:07Oh, Tony, you know.
36:08He's not speaking English pretty good.
36:12Now, first we fix the table.
36:14Here's your bones, Tony.
36:15Okay, bones.
36:18What's the matter for you, Joe?
36:19I break your face.
36:20Tonight Butch, he's get the best in the house.
36:23Okay, Tony.
36:24You the boss.
36:25Now, tell me.
36:26What's your pleasure?
36:27A la carte?
36:31Hey, Joe.
36:32Butch, he says he wants two spaghetti a speciale.
36:36Heavy on the meatball.
36:38Tony, dogs don't talk.
36:40He's talking to me.
36:41Okay, he's talking to you.
36:42You the boss.
36:43Mamma mia.
36:45Now, here you are.
36:47The best spaghetti in town.
37:14Look at the skies.
37:16They have stars in their eyes.
37:19On this lovely bell and other.
37:25Side by side with your loved one,
37:29you'll find enchantment here.
37:35The night will weave its magic spell
37:39when the one you love is near.
37:43For this is the night
37:48and the heavens are right
37:52on this lovely bell and other.
38:04This is the night.
38:07It's a beautiful night.
38:10And we call it bella notte.
38:16Look at the skies.
38:19They have stars in their eyes.
38:23On this lovely bell and other.
38:29Side by side with your loved one,
38:34you'll find enchantment here.
38:40The night will weave its magic spell
38:44when the one you love is near.
38:48For this is the night
38:52and the heavens are right
38:57on this lovely bell and other.
39:19Oh, dear.
39:22Is something wrong, Pidge?
39:23It's morning.
39:26So it is.
39:27I should have been home hours ago.
39:30Because you still believe in that
39:31heather-thiefful old dog tray routine?
39:34Oh, come on, Pidge.
39:36Open up your eyes.
39:38Open my eyes?
39:39To what a dog's life can really be.
39:41Show you what I mean.
39:45Look down there. Tell me what you see.
39:49Well, I see nice homes with yards and fences.
39:54Life on a leash.
39:56Look again, Pidge.
39:59Look, there's a great big hunk of world down there
40:01with no fence around it.
40:03But two dogs can find adventure and excitement.
40:06And beyond those distant hills,
40:07who knows what wonderful experiences.
40:10And it's all ours for the taking, Pidge.
40:13It's all ours.
40:16It sounds wonderful.
40:20But who'll watch over the baby?
40:25You will.
40:27Come on.
40:28I'll take you home.
40:41Do-do-do-do, it's a beautiful night.
40:44And they call it...
40:49Not to change the subject, but...
40:51Ever chase chickens?
40:53I should say not.
40:55Oh, then you've never lived.
40:57But we shouldn't.
40:58I know. That's what makes it fun.
41:01Oh, come on, kid.
41:03Start building some memories.
41:06But we won't hurt the chickens.
41:08Hurt them? No.
41:09We'll just stir them up a bit.
41:17Just look at those fat, lazy biddies.
41:19They should have been up hours ago.
41:24Do-do-do-do, it's a beautiful night.
41:30Some fun, eh, kid?
41:32Hey, what's going on in there?
41:34What's that?
41:35That's the signal to get going. Come on.
41:41This is living, eh, kid?
41:43Is it?
41:44Come on, Pidge. Follow me.
41:54You know, there's a little bit of bird dog in all of us, eh, Pidge?
41:58Pidge? Pidge?
42:00Pidge? Where are you, Pidge?
42:08Oh, Pidge!
43:54Oh, wow! Look who's guys, Miss Park Avenue herself!
43:58Blimey! A regular bloomin' Debbie party!
44:01Yeah, and pipe the crown jewel she's wearin'.
44:03What's in for us, sweetheart? Puttin' fleas on to Butler?
44:12All right, all right, you guys. Lay off, will ya?
44:15What's the matter, Peg?
44:16We was only havin' a bit of sport, we was!
44:19Oh, can't you see the poor kid's scared enough already?
44:23That's right, dearie. They don't mean no real harm.
44:35Boris is a philosopher.
44:45My license? But what's wrong with it?
44:47There ain't nothin' wrong with it, dearie.
44:52I'm glad for such a quick knock.
44:54Get your passport to freedom, honey. Without it...
44:56Hey, hey, hey, you guys, look.
44:59Poor Nutsy has taken the long walk.
45:04Where is he taking him?
45:05Through the one-way door, sister.
45:13You... you mean he's...
45:19Oh, well, a short life and a merry one.
45:22Yeah, that's what the Tramp always says.
45:24The Tramp?
45:25Now, there's a bloke what never gets caught.
45:27He's givin' the slip for every dog catcher in display.
45:29You won't believe this, dearie, but no matter how tight a jam he's in,
45:33that Tramp always finds some way out.
45:35I can quite easily believe that.
45:37Ah, but remember, my friends, even Tramp has his Achilles heel.
45:41Pardon me, amigo, what is this chilly heel?
45:44Achilles heel, Pedro. This is meaning his weak muscles.
45:48Oh, oh, the dames, yeah.
45:51He has an eye for a well-turned paw, he has.
45:54Let's see, there's been Lulu.
45:56Yeah, and Trixie.
45:57And Vivi.
45:58And my sister, Rosita, Chiquita, Juanita, Chihuahua.
46:01I think.
46:02What a dog.
46:04Yeah, tell us about it, Peg.
46:06What a dog.
46:08Peg used to be in the dog and pony follies.
46:10He's a Tramp, but they love him.
46:14Breaks a new heart every day.
46:17He's a Tramp, they adore him.
46:21And I only hope he'll stay that way.
46:25He's a Tramp, he's a scoundrel.
46:28He's a rounder, he's a cab.
46:32He's a Tramp, but I love him.
46:36Yes, even I have got it pretty bad.
46:40You can never tell when he'll show up.
46:44He gives you plenty of trouble.
46:47I guess he's just a no-kind pup.
46:51But I wish that he were double.
46:54He's a Tramp, he's a rover.
46:58And there's nothing more to say.
47:01If he's a Tramp, he's a good one.
47:04And I wish that I could travel his way.
47:08Wish that I could travel his way.
47:12Wish that I could travel his way.
47:17Yeah, but he never takes them serious.
47:20Ah, but someday he is meeting someone different.
47:24Some delicate, fragile creature,
47:27who's giving him a wish to shelter and protect.
47:30Like Miss Park Avenue here, eh, Mikey?
47:33Could be, but when he does...
47:35Yeah, I'm way ahead of you.
47:37Under the spell of true love.
47:39The poets are both careless.
47:41The Gus-Hex are picking him up.
47:43And it's Clayton's foot-trip.
47:47Hello, Cockerbill, it's number four.
47:52All right, baby, they've come to take you home.
47:55You're too nice a girl to be in this place.
47:58Courage, man, courage.
48:00But, uh, I've never even considered matrimony.
48:04Nor I.
48:05But no matter which of us she accepts,
48:08we'll always be the best of friends.
48:11Now, remember, not a word about her unfortunate experience.
48:15We didn't want to hurt her feelings.
48:17Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
48:27Miss Lady Mab.
48:30Please, I don't want to see anybody.
48:33Now, now, Lassie, didn't it feel that way about it?
48:36Of course not, Miss Lady.
48:38Why, some of the finest people I ever tracked down were jailbirds.
48:42Quiet, great loony.
48:44Uh, please, Lassie, we've come with a proposition for helping you.
48:49Help me? What do you mean?
48:51Well, now, you see, Lassie,
48:54Lassie, neither of us is as young as we used to be.
48:57But we're still in the prime of life.
48:59Aye, and we've both got very comfortable homes.
49:03That's right, where we know you'll be welcome and appreciated, Miss Lady.
49:08So, so to come directly to the point,
49:12if you could, uh, find it possible to, uh, to, uh, to, uh...
49:18You're both very kind and I do appreciate it, but...
49:21Oh, Pidgeon!
49:23Oh, Pidge... Oh, hi, boys.
49:28Anything new in the Kennel Club set?
49:34Little something I picked up for you, Pidge.
49:43Looks like I'm the one that's in the doghouse.
49:45If this person is annoying you, Miss Lady...
49:49We'll gladly throw the rascal out.
49:51That won't be necessary, thank you.
49:53Very well, ma'am.
49:55You, you mongrel!
50:03Aw, come on, Pidge.
50:05It wasn't my fault.
50:08I thought you were right behind me, honest.
50:11When I heard they'd taken you to the pound...
50:13Oh, don't even mention that horrible place.
50:15I was so embarrassed and, and frightened.
50:18Oh, no, no, no.
50:20Who could ever harm a cute little trick like you?
50:25That reminds me.
50:26Who is Trixie?
50:28And Lulu, and Fifi, and Rosita, Chiquita...
50:30Well, well, whatever her name is.
50:31Chiquita, Chiquita, Chiquita...
50:32Oh, oh, yes!
50:33Well, I, I...
50:34As far as I'm concerned, you needn't worry about your old heel.
50:36My, my heel?
50:37I don't need you to shouter and protect me.
50:39Yes, but, but, but...
50:40If you grow careless, don't blame me.
50:41And I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up.
50:45And take this with you!
51:18Stop that!
51:40Stop that!
51:44Hush! Hush!
51:49Stop that racket!
51:52What's wrong, Pidge?
51:54A rat!
51:56Upstairs, in the baby's room.
51:57How do I get in?
51:58The little door, on the porch.
52:21I'm home.
53:22Oh, merciful heavens!
53:24Oh, you poor little darling.
53:26No, no, no, no, no.
53:27Thank goodness you're not hurt, you...
53:29You vicious brute!
53:30Get back!
53:31Get back!
53:32Go, go, go on!
53:33Get back!
53:34The pound.
53:35The pound, that's it.
53:36I'll call the pound.
53:37Come here.
53:38Come here!
53:39Come on.
53:40Come on.
53:41Come on.
53:42I'll call him this minute.
53:43Go to sleep.
53:44I'll wait for that brute in the house.
53:45I'll call him this minute.
53:46Go to sleep.
53:47I'll wait for that brute in the house.
53:48I'll call him this minute.
53:49Go to sleep.
53:50I'll wait for that brute in the house.
54:02I don't care if you are alone there, young man.
54:05I insist you pick him up immediately.
54:13Darling, look.
54:15And if you want my advice, you'll destroy that animal at once.
54:20Don't worry, ma'am.
54:21We've been after this one for months.
54:23We'll take care of him.
54:27Well, what do you suppose...
54:28Say, what's going on here?
54:29Just picking up a stray, mister.
54:31Come on, get up!
54:33Caught him attacking a baby.
54:34Good heavens!
54:35My baby!
54:36Aunt Sarah!
54:37Aunt Sarah!
54:38Aunt Sarah!
54:39Aunt Sarah!
54:41I was certain he was no good the moment I first laid eyes on him.
54:44Yeah, but, uh...
54:46I never thought he'd do a thing like that.
54:50Thank goodness I got there in time.
54:51There they were, cribbed over here.
54:52Oh, I'm sure there must be some mistake.
54:53I know they do it.
54:56Watch out!
54:57That dog's loose!
54:58Keep her away!
54:59Nonsense, she's trying to tell us something.
55:01What is it, old girl?
55:04What are you trying...
55:06Aunt Sarah, come here!
55:07What is it, Jim?
55:09A rat!
55:10A rat?
55:11We should have known.
55:13I misjudged him.
55:16Come on, we've got to stop that wagon.
55:19But, man, we don't know which way they've gone.
55:22We'll track them down.
55:24And then?
55:25We'll hold them.
55:26Hold them at bay.
55:38Now what?
55:40Follow descent.
55:44Let's face it, man.
55:45You both know you've lost your sense of smell.
56:44Go on, get away!
56:46Go on, you get away!
56:52Go on, you get away!
56:53Watch it now!
56:54Watch it!
57:06Hi, kid.
57:13Hi, kid.
57:32All right, everybody.
57:33Watch the birdie.
57:43Steady now.
57:45Hold it.
57:49I guess I used a little too much.
57:57Why, it's Jack.
58:00And good old trusty.
58:02Careful now, man.
58:04It's a wee bit slippery.
58:09All right, boy, we'll let him in.
58:11No, no, not you, young man.
58:13You're going to take a nap.
58:14Well, Merry Christmas.
58:16Come in, come in.
58:17If you'll just step into the parlor, I'll see about refreshments.
58:20Oh, darling.
58:21Where did you put the dog biscuits?
58:23You know, the box Aunt Sarah sent for Christmas.
58:25In the kitchen, Jim dear.
58:26Oh, no doubt about it.
58:28They've got their mother's eyes.