komedya 2015 for kids cartoon

  • 2 months ago


00:00I'm, um, I'm fulfilling an obligation to my people.
00:17You are being cursed.
00:21Yeah, tell me about it.
00:23We cursed you.
00:29You dumped some garbage into the ravine, and my brother is still badly hurt.
00:35You nearly killed me and destroyed half our village.
00:39You've been cursed ever since.
00:41All this time it's been you?
00:44Every time I fell or ran in this stuff?
00:47All the trips to the hospital?
00:49All the embarrassing, humiliating moments when it was you?
00:54Why? Why would you do that to me?
00:58I told you, when you...
01:00Because I dumped garbage into a river?
01:04I know, I... Look, it's just the way we do things.
01:09Wait, no! You can't leave me here!
01:12I'm not letting you screw up my life anymore!
01:28Okay, this is gonna be okay.
01:57Okay, any minute now Max and Twitch will arrive to save me.
02:12Yep, any minute now.
02:18Hey Dad, looking sharp.
02:20Joe, we agreed you weren't supposed to be in here.
02:24Get back to the desk and answer the phones.
02:28Check the ignition cables?
02:30Yeah, checked all the cables, replaced the fuel pump, the starter.
02:35Give her another start.
02:38Try it again.
02:40Joe, I'm warning you.
02:43And let's do it.
02:47Snacks pops.
02:53He shoots!
02:56He scores!
03:10Whoa! Whoa!
03:14I got it! I got it!
03:31Hey, Joe.
03:34That was pretty incredible back there.
03:39Remember that promotion we were talking about?
03:42Well, let's do it.
03:44How about floor manager?
03:47You even have tomorrow off to celebrate.
03:50Why don't you go meet a nice girl?
03:52Already one step ahead of you, Dad.
03:54Oh, so that's what's got you going.
03:57I'm working on it.
04:07Little goobers, I swear by all that is holy,
04:12if you don't get off my slug,
04:17this pitchfork is going where the sun don't shine.
04:23That was awesome.
04:26Sammy would have loved that.
04:29Hey, where is Sammy?
04:36Sam, where are you?
04:42I see him.
04:47Over there.
04:48He's underneath that glass.
04:50What the heck is he doing in there?
04:55I'm trying to figure it out.
05:02Do you have to do that now?
05:05Slug riding always makes me hungry.
05:08Is there anything that doesn't?
05:13Those make me super hungry.
05:16Wake up!
05:20He's not moving.
05:29Whoa, look who's all smiles and happy time.
05:33And he's here to share a little of that happy time
05:36with the lady he's been thinking about all day.
05:39You're referring to yourself in the third person.
05:42This has to be something major.
05:45I'll give you one guess.
05:47Who's got two thumbs, one eye, and a promotion at work?
05:50Ooh, who?
05:52This guy right here.
05:57Put me down, I'm going to hurl.
06:00I just got promoted to the manager of the car garage.
06:04That's what I'd rather do than take you out for a nice celebration dinner.
06:08What do you say?
06:10Oh, absolutely.
06:13I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock sharp.
06:31Who do you think he is?
06:35Don't say that.
06:41You alive in there?
06:46Man, I had the worst dream.
06:49No dream.
06:50I was caught.
06:53Thank goodness you're here.
07:02You guys can't hide.
07:11Hey, guess what?
07:13I had the perfect day.
07:15Not a single incident.
07:17All thanks to this little glass jail.
07:20Little guy knocked himself out trying to escape.
07:31That was mine.
07:43The coast is clear.
07:45Google Patrol!
07:47He can see us, dummy.
07:49Look, I almost got out of here all on my own.
07:52With the three of us working together, you should have no problem knocking this thing over.
07:57Okay, got it.
07:59Don't threaten me.
08:02Um, on the boring days, I've been reading Joe's Spanish-English dictionary.
08:12On the count of three, we push.
08:14One, two, three!
08:27Everything hurts!
08:31But we're almost there.
08:32One more push.
08:39Come at me.
08:41Come at me.
08:42Come at me.
08:43Come at me.
08:44Come at me.
08:45Come at me.
08:46Come at me.
08:47Come at me.
08:48Come at me.
08:49Come at me.
08:50Come at me.
08:51Come at me.
08:52Come at me.
08:53Come at me.
08:54Come at me.
08:55Come at me.
08:56Come at me.
08:57Come at me.
08:58Come at me.
08:59Come at me.
09:00Come at me.
09:01Come at me.
09:02Come at me.
09:03Come at me.
09:04Come at me.
09:05Come at me.
09:06Come at me.
09:07Come at me.
09:08Come at me.
09:09Come at me.
09:10Come at me.
09:11Come at me.
09:12Come at me.
09:13Come at me.
09:14Come at me.
09:15Come at me.
09:16Come at me.
09:17Come at me.
09:18Come at me.
09:19Come at me.
09:20Come at me.
09:21Come at me.
09:22Come at me.
09:23Come at me.
09:24Come at me.
09:25Come at me.
09:26Come at me.
09:27Come at me.
09:28Come at me.
09:29Come at me.
09:30Come at me.
09:31Come at me.
09:32Come at me.
09:33Come at me.
09:34Come at me.
09:35Come at me.
09:36Come at me.
09:37Come at me.
09:38Come at me.
09:39Come at me.
09:40Come at me.
09:41Come at me.
09:42Come at me.
09:43Come at me.
09:44Come at me.
09:45Come at me.
09:46Come at me.
09:47Come at me.
09:48Come at me.
09:49Come at me.
09:50Come at me.
09:51Come at me.
09:52Come at me.
09:53Come at me.
09:54Come at me.
09:55Come at me.
09:56Come at me.
09:57Come at me.
09:58Come at me.
09:59Come at me.
10:00Come at me.
10:01Come at me.
10:02Come at me.
10:03Come at me.
10:04Come at me.
10:05Come at me.
10:06Come at me.
10:07Come at me.
10:08Come at me.
10:09Come at me.
10:10Come at me.
10:11Come at me.
10:12Come at me.
10:13Come at me.
10:14Come at me.
10:15Come at me.
10:16Come at me.
10:17Come at me.
10:18Come at me.
10:19Come at me.
10:20Come at me.
10:21Come at me.
10:22Come at me.
10:23Come at me.
10:24Come at me.
10:25Come at me.
10:26Come at me.
10:27Come at me.
10:28Come at me.
10:29Come at me.
10:30Come at me.
10:31Come at me.
10:32Come at me.
10:33Come at me.
10:35Everybody fly!
10:38Oh, no!
10:39Yo, Silver!
11:04you I just want to be left alone I missed the perfect date with the girl
11:17of my dreams because of you and your trap that was mine yeah that was your
11:24trick here's mine
11:34I didn't mean for this to happen but it did not only does this outsider know we
12:02exist that he has destroyed everything I've worked so hard to build
12:08yeah I'm so sorry this is all my fault
12:32I'm really looking forward to tonight and I will see you in about 20 minutes
12:37bye hey Joe it's a little past 7 now and I was just wondering if you were
12:44running late Joe it's 720 and I hope everything's okay considering how we met
12:53look buddy it's 730 and you are still not here
12:58call me listen I'm not trying to sound psycho here but it's 745 where are you
13:19what hey Michelle yeah what do you want I just want to apologize for all for
13:29being a jerk face no yes wait listen I just ran into a little car trouble
13:37aren't you a mechanic yeah I think you're great and I'm hoping you're sweet
13:46enough to give me another chance okay meet me at the horn of plenty tomorrow
13:52at noon that's the vegan restaurant right this time I won't let you down I
13:57promise yeah you'd regret it this means war you know hey maybe we just do what
14:12he says and leave him alone excuse me who do you think you are I am your son
14:19and so is William and he would never approve of what we've done to this human
14:25well Samuel tell me what would William have approved would he have approved of
14:31you bringing death and destruction upon our kind he would have talked to the
14:36human reason reason you ask for a reason your brother may not see another sunrise
14:45and you need a reason we fixings do not reason with our enemies we are survivors
14:52we are fighters and we will exact revenge and uphold our traditions we
15:00ruined that humans life it's our tradition that caused this destruction
15:06no it was a boy who refused the commands of his king a son who ignored his father
15:15I am here to keep all of us safe that is why I wear the crown you need to
15:25exact revenge we the pixies declare war on Joe
15:31I guess you're right I'll do it
15:37you made the right choice it says brothers sisters prepare yourselves for
16:37hey thanks sorry to keep you waiting I had car trouble I thought you didn't
17:06come on let's go inside what's in your tie it's a Cthulhu no no it's a Cthulhu
17:16it's a cosmic entity that's a mix of human dragon and octopus oh yeah he's
17:24awesome right yeah welcome to the horn of plenty where food is thy medicine and
17:37medicine is thy food my name is Alex and I will be your server please look over
17:47our menu oh yeah he looks thrilled to be here what oh the menu they have
18:06durian oh you like durian sure yeah I love it just like mom used to make
18:18I it's a ritual I have I use the menu and I slam it shut and I work it like a
18:31butterfly and I get the aroma of the kitchen in hmm um I've never heard of
18:40that you're so right I could totally smother me so
18:50are you hungry sir how about I bring you some bread okay yeah I had a horrible
19:13experience that Christmas once pigs were involved it didn't end well oh tell
19:21me about it the holidays can be pretty traumatic it's one time I'm home and I
19:25were decorating our tree when my dad came in and
19:31what will you be having today oh I'll have the organic portobello sandwich
19:43with a side of vegan soy and tofu fries please Jeff have the same come with
19:51bacon meat is death hold the bacon yep yep doing good just keeping an eye out
20:04for more figs well anyway so we were decorating our tree when
20:13oh it's on let's do this what are you talking about oh it's on shelter it's on
20:26it's it's open let's go to the animal shelter oh that is so incredible
20:33yes let's go there right now I'll cancel our order and we can go to my parents for dinner later
20:40this is getting out of control I say stay away
20:49don't you just love the smell of the animal shelter oh yeah love that smell of wet dog
20:56if I had it my way humans would be locked up and animals would be free
21:05so you're a troublemaker
21:07what no I'm not a troublemaker
21:27oh look at that post
21:39you had that pair of scissors there the entire time
21:43a good artist is always prepared
21:45I made for a great sketch
21:47how did you
21:49it's amazing
21:51what's amazing is that you didn't get bit
21:53speaking of fighting
21:55my parents are having dinner at 5
21:57if they're still hungry
21:59meeting the parents already
22:01I actually think my mom will really like you
22:03my dad on the other hand
22:05he's a bit harder to get to know
22:07hold that thought
22:11don't you dare
22:13Joe what what is it
22:23no no no no
22:29Joe that is so sweet
22:31I mean people can't stand to see that little puppy in here
22:33you're saving him from these oppressors
22:35that was your plan the entire time
22:39oh absolutely
22:52hey Joe
22:54I know it's a bit early
22:56to be meeting my parents and all
22:58yeah I'm looking forward to it
23:02you just seem a bit
23:06I'm just picturing
23:08how wonderful your parents must be
23:10do you play race girl like you
23:12let's just head inside
23:14shall we
23:20thank you
23:22I think I shall stay
23:24my word he's so
23:28don't scare the boy
23:30before he had a chance to meet him
23:32help me with the tofu
23:34it's getting unwieldy
23:36you did
23:39fantastic with this one Michelle
23:41not like that last boy you brought over
23:43with the piercings
23:45and that loud carbon emitting
23:47death trap you was driving
23:51come in
23:53I had to come from somewhere
23:55didn't want to warn me first
24:01all hail
24:03king pixie
24:09for too long
24:11we have been pushed
24:13to the edges of this world
24:15we live in the ruins
24:17of the temple
24:19that was nature
24:21the humans continue to force us back
24:23with their growing gluttony
24:25of technology
24:27and garbage
24:31no more my pixie warriors
24:33no more
24:35today we make a stand
24:37today we strike
24:39back at the very core
24:41of indecency and woe
24:43that has beset our tribes
24:45for generations
24:49today we will strike
24:51down the
24:53auto mechanic known
24:55as Joe
24:59for the glory of
25:04he's incredible
25:06I wish my mom
25:08was here to see this
25:10Max he's right over there
25:12hey Max
25:14hey mom
25:16you ready for war Sam
25:22I have a bad feeling about this
25:26and this is the kitchen
25:28the stone is from
25:32most of the decor hails from Africa
25:36having trouble keeping up with mom
25:38who me I'm good
25:40pretty sure the speed walking
25:42wore holes in my shoes though
25:44oh a comedian
25:46hey Joe
25:48what do you call a cow
25:50with no legs
25:52oh dad please don't
25:54what ground beef
25:56because the cow
25:58is on the
26:01I think the boy gets it dear
26:03okay okay
26:05it also wouldn't hurt
26:07to have real beef
26:09every once in a while
26:11that's enough Captain Cannibal
26:13do I look like someone
26:15who'd eat people
26:17I'd never eat a person
26:19unless you considered
26:21a talking cow a person
26:23in which case I might
26:25just be persuaded to give it a try
26:27I think they like you
26:30as long as your dad doesn't toss me on the grill
26:34just grab a tray
26:40cheap thing won't bite
26:44so what's your deal Joe
26:46oh I'm an auto mechanic
26:48I actually just got a promotion
26:50that's great
26:52you hear that Gail
26:54this hard working boy
26:56just got a promotion
27:00it's moving fast isn't it
27:02oh so what
27:04I met your father on a Tuesday
27:06and a week later we were married in Vegas
27:08well I'm definitely not ready
27:10for marriage
27:12he's cute funny
27:14seems like he's got things together
27:16and it would be nice to have
27:18grandkids around
27:20okay slow down mom
27:22I just can't
27:24get this lighter going
27:26here let me try
27:38that's some bad luck
27:42bad luck
27:48oh no
27:50okay girls
27:52Joe's got the hot stones
27:59pyrotechnic mishap
28:01how in the world
28:03did a crease monkey like you
28:05become such a charmer
28:07just lucky I guess
28:11Joe I'm not sure if you've ever done
28:13hot stones before
28:15but dinner takes a while
28:17what we do to keep things moving
28:19is play a game
28:21how about boys versus girls
28:23mom you're called Joe
28:25are you afraid of getting crushed
28:27by the girls
28:33uh sure yeah
28:37from William
28:51is the game charades
28:54I don't think so
28:58then what is he doing
29:06full locust mom
29:08what are you talking about is he having a seizure
29:10no I think he's stretching
29:12looks like
29:18nice form Joe
29:48I don't know that one
29:54oh no
29:56my body shouldn't do that
29:58he is a very fit
30:00young man
30:10and what a display
30:12it's also known
30:14as the dead body pose
30:17a little pre meal
30:19stretch is good for everyone
30:21come on Henry
30:23come on Michelle
30:25gather round
30:31our troops are exhausted sir
30:33they need rest
30:35and cannot continue
30:37they liked what he did
30:39they think he's fit
30:41we need him ruined
30:43do something Sam
30:45you must be the hand of vengeance
30:49all right team
30:51let's eat
30:54all right team let's eat
31:16this is not one of my better days
31:20well done my son
31:24let's go home
31:26what makes you think
31:28this is over
31:30it's over for me
31:32what I just did
31:34wasn't right
31:42I am so sorry mom
31:44don't worry about it
31:46everyone's okay and that's what matters
31:48besides I haven't seen
31:50an explosion like that since I snuggled
31:55love you mom
31:59saves me some money on a haircut
32:01at least
32:03hope you don't change it
32:07can I apologize for
32:09not right now
32:11just drive
32:17hey hey Michelle
32:19wait up
32:21I would really appreciate it
32:23if you just left
32:27oh man
32:29this is gonna be great
32:33Joe I'm working right now
32:35and do not have the temperament
32:37please let me explain
32:39explain what
32:41did you ruin my parents house
32:43with some outlandish yoga infused craziness
32:45no I
32:47look I have seen
32:50and I thought that was adorable
32:52but today's event
32:54that was too far
32:56what is wrong with you
32:58if I tell you
33:00you promise not to think I'm crazy
33:02go ahead I'm listening
33:08it's this whole curse thing
33:10it started a while ago
33:12you think that's funny
33:16you think you can win me over
33:18with pixies for your problems
33:20no it's the truth
33:22absolute truth
33:24Joe just go home
33:26before you break something I won't forgive you for
33:32here behind you
33:34stop I don't have the patience
33:36for this anymore
33:38I got it
33:48please leave Joe
33:56so sorry
33:58come in
34:00come in
34:02come in
34:04what next
34:08we go home
34:10this is over
34:14you're not thinking big enough
34:17Sammy boy
34:25you okay
34:35about time
34:37give me a hand
34:41oh no
35:11this is the best day of my life
35:43Dad, look at him.
35:47All I see is a big load of human...
36:22Joe, are you okay?
36:26How could you possibly think this is right, Dad?
36:30Right or wrong, we did what must be done.
36:35Pixies, our war is over, and history shall declare us victorious.
37:05I need a status update.
37:30Sir, it looks like this is going to take a lot longer than we expected.
37:35How long are we talking?
37:37Well, if you factor in...
37:39I said how long!
37:41A few dozen years.
37:44What are our options?
37:46We could send half of our pixies to join another colony.
37:49Send scouts to check for room in allied villages.
37:53Start dividing us up into refugee camps.
37:57Yes sir, will do.
38:00Oh no, there is so much for our kingdom.
38:06What are we going to do?
38:09I have an idea.
38:16Oh, wow, you've really let this place go.
38:22And yourself.
38:25Have you not moved at all?
38:29We're going to need to get you in the shower.
38:33So you can trip me again?
38:35Set my room on fire?
38:36Continue to ruin my life?
38:38No, no, I never...
38:40Look, I didn't want to do it.
38:43This was all because of my brother, and he would have hated this.
38:47He always used to tell me to treat people how you want to be treated.
38:54Do unto others.
38:56We humans have a saying, do unto others as you want done unto you.
39:02That sounds like my brother.
39:05My mom used to say it.
39:07That's why I gave up.
39:09I deserved your punishment.
39:12I think we deserve the same, after ruining your life for so long.
39:16So now what?
39:18Now we're going to stop this horrible cycle.
39:21And we're going to do something good together.
39:25I like the idea, but how?
39:27First, you're going to have a shower.
39:30And next, I'm going to burn that chair.
39:33Good call.
39:41It does feel good to build something.
39:44Pixies are not great builders.
39:47Magnificent trickster.
39:49Fantastic ruiners.
39:50Great smashers.
39:51But after we break something, we never have to put it back together.
39:56We really suck at building things.
40:00Birds build nests out of sticks in like a day.
40:03Birds eat us.
40:09Let's keep the chatter down.
40:11No one else can see me and people are shuddering to stare at me.
40:18Are you invisible?
40:21We're wings and blood like you, Joe.
40:23Don't overthink it, big guy.
40:25Hey, believe me.
40:26Most things in life I don't overthink.
40:28This time, though, I have put some thought into this.
40:48You're Samuel's friend, Clit, aren't you?
40:52This is where I get my medal for brilliant combat strategy.
40:56Have you seen my son, Samuel?
41:00No medal?
41:01I saw him.
41:04Well, do you know where he is now?
41:07I think so.
41:09Well, I'd like to apologize for my behavior.
41:15He may have been a little wiser than I gave him credit for.
41:20We'll find him, sir.
41:24Come on, Twitch.
41:26Since when have you been the leading type?
41:37Hurry up, Chunky.
41:39Listen, just because I might not be what you call a small pixie
41:44doesn't mean you can pick on me.
41:46I can't look like the pixies in those magazines.
41:50I'm sorry, Max.
41:55He's torturing Sammy.
41:58It sounds like laughter to me.
42:01Of course it sounds like laughter.
42:04It's diabolical laughter.
42:07Let him go, you madman.
42:09Let him go.
42:12Let's go tell the king.
42:14Oh, great majesty.
42:39Lord of all we survey.
42:41He who is higher than the holiest...
42:44Okay, okay, Jessica, do it.
42:46Your son, our friend, the Prince Samuel, is being tortured by that big-headed human.
42:55Is this true?
42:56It is true.
42:58His head is massive.
43:00He's pulling Sam apart wing by wing.
43:04You two enough already.
43:06Round up the troops.
43:08One last battle to fight.
43:12What's with all of us?
43:15Samuel, my boy, you're alive.
43:20Did that human hurt you?
43:23I've been working with Joe.
43:27He wants to help us.
43:29Help us?
43:30But he hates us, just as we hate him.
43:34Joe doesn't hate us.
43:36He was angry, but we ruined his life.
43:39You're angry because William is hurt.
43:42Both of us are allowed to be angry, but what we did when we were angry, it was wrong, Dad.
43:49We were both wrong.
43:52You have an entire kingdom to lead, and you're going to lose them.
43:56Let it go, Dad.
43:58Let's stop the fighting.
44:01Forgive me, sir.
44:03You've been so worried over William.
44:06You forgot about Sam.
44:08He's a great son and an amazing leader.
44:13Oh, William.
44:15I can help lead our people in a new direction, but I need you to trust me.
44:21Look at you, Samuel.
44:34I'm sorry, son.
44:39Follow me, Dad.
44:41I have a surprise to show you.
44:43I have a surprise for everyone.
44:50This is Joe.
44:53Hi, Joe.
44:58I'm really sorry about what I did to you.
45:02I lost my temper.
45:04What I did was wrong, and I'm sorry.
45:09I'm really sorry.
45:13And William, I wish I could take it all back.
45:18Sam told me something that William used to tell him, something my own family once said.
45:25Do unto others as you have done unto you.
45:28I hope what I'm about to show you will pay just some of the damage I've caused.
45:35Welcome to your new home.
45:38Each house is plumbing and electricity.
45:41Sammy mentioned that sometimes the elements can be harsh out there, and this thing is stormproof.
45:47I can attach these to the rest, assuming you want it.
45:52And we can both forgive each other.
45:55Joe, um, we forgive you, and we are all so sorry.
46:02I know this is what William would have wanted.
46:06It is, Dad.
46:08William, my son!
46:10You're okay.
46:12Oh, careful, guys.
46:14Yeah, still not quite healed yet.
46:17I'm so sorry.
46:19It was never my intention.
46:22I'm really glad you're okay.
46:25Pixies may be small, but we're feisty.
46:29So I've learned.
46:31Well, Joe, I've been wrong all along.
46:36It seems we can coexist, and peacefully.
46:41Way to go, Dad!
46:44Dad, William, with everything Joe's done for us, maybe there's something we can do for him.
46:54Mrs. Mayor, you look absolutely stunning.
46:58Just stunning!
47:00Dina, you must give me a call sometime next week.
47:03We need to talk TV interviews for Michelle!
47:07You have my card?
47:08Get it off the desk inside.
47:19How's my brilliant artist doing on her big night?
47:25Michelle, honey, I know you've had setbacks, but we couldn't push this opening off any longer.
47:32Use the ones you've repaired, and let's hit it!
47:36Barbara, they look terrible.
47:39I can't represent myself like this.
47:41Michelle, my dear, you're established, respected, published, and never rejected.
47:49In the art world, that means your mistakes are art, and everyone will love you for it.
47:56Just say it's part of the exhibit.
47:59You can say it represents the broken world we live in.
48:03Are you sure? I don't know.
48:07I've been doing this for a long time, honey.
48:10Now, you've got 300 people who don't give a rat about the truth.
48:14They just want to see some art.
48:19Ladies and gentlemen, attention please!
48:23Now, without any further ado, let me introduce the lady of the evening, Miss Michelle Myers!
48:33Oh, thank you! Oh, my, thank you!
48:37That is so nice! Thank you so much!
48:41Well, firstly, I wanted to start by thanking all of you, as my manager Barbara just did,
48:48for your understanding in regards to this ever-changing opening day.
48:54This project has been a long time coming, and just as I thought I'd reach the end of this long journey,
49:03fate or circumstance has some havoc in my personal life that affected me here.
49:13Um, I am missing some of the little people for my...
49:17Excuse me!
49:19Uh, hi! Hello, sorry to interrupt.
49:22Excuse me. Joe?
49:26Special delivery for a Michelle. Where should I put it?
49:31Joe, if you so much as trust me.
49:35Um, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that I do have another guest for my carnival.
49:41Looks like he arrived on time, after all.
49:50Trust me, please.
49:53Okay, you're all set.
50:24This is unbelievable! This is going to go viral!
50:29No better! This is going to go antibiotic!
50:33Ah! I feel healthier just watching it!
50:38And the delivery guy was a great touch! So avant-garde! What showmanship!
50:45Oh, thank you!
50:48They look so real! You must have spent a fortune on these little robots!
