الشيخ وسيم يوسف يرد على داعش (4)- ليس كل من يستدل بكتاب الله على حق
00:00The Islamic State has published what it described as a religious edition that justifies the religious evidences of the bee crime that was committed against 21 Egyptian captives.
00:18How did Sheikh Waseem Youssef interpret it?
00:22In the beginning, we should know that not everyone who interprets the book of God is on the right path.
00:30The proof of this is the Jews. God said, I have preferred you over the worlds.
00:34If a Jew came and said, I am better than you in interpreting this verse, we would not say that he is on the right path.
00:38The exiles worship God more than we do.
00:41When I see the exiles, I say, Mashallah, these are the worshipers.
00:44The proof of this is the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:48When I see the people of the exiles, or ISIS, wearing short clothes and praying together, it does not mean that they are on the right path.
00:55Because the exiles are the most worshipers.
00:57The issue of daring to believe in religion, we say daring to believe in religion because they are ignorant of religion.
01:01And because they took the rulings with what they wanted.
01:04So they memorized the texts of killing and left the texts of mercy.
01:07And that they want a bloody religion.
01:10There is no religion, and We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds.
01:13And you were the best nation that was brought forth for the people.
01:16They do not want this religion.
01:17They only want to kill the polytheists.
01:19They want to kill the apostates.
01:21Kill the Christians.
01:22Kill the Jews.
01:23Although the origin of the call, Allah Almighty, in Surah Al-Baqarah, is 84 verses only for the children of Israel, reminding them of the blessings.
01:30So the origin of the call is to argue with them in the best way.
01:33That is why they say, no, these are polytheists.
01:35And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says, get the polytheists out of the Arabian Peninsula.
01:38So they must be killed.
01:39We say, the people of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, are polytheists.
01:42You say they are polytheists.
01:44Allah Almighty says, for example, do not marry polytheists.
01:48So why is it permissible for us to marry Christians and Jews?
01:53They do not even understand the terms.
01:55What is the difference between a polytheist and the People of the Book?
01:57They put that a polytheist is finished, even from the People of the Book and so on.
02:00So they put the rules in which polytheism is against them.
02:02Although we know by our creed that their religion is false, whether they are Jews or Christians.
02:07This is known to us.
02:08But this does not mean that I have the right to attack them.
02:11Because Allah Almighty is the one who showed me the truth and guided me to the truth.
02:15As long as they are not the people of attack, I do not have the right to attack them at all.
02:20That is why when a man comes to me and says, what is this audacity of the Khawarij or the Daesh or the Muslim Brotherhood to attack religion?
02:26No, they are not against religion.
02:28That is why the enemy of man is what he ignores.
02:30So since he is not against religion, it is natural for him to speak in the name of religion with a whim.