2003 The Kiss Full HOT Movie

  • 2 months ago
A newly-promoted book editor discovers a potential best-selling, although unfinished, manuscript buried in her predecessor's office. Moved by the passionate love story, she embarks on a journey to find the author and the missing ending.
00:00:00Lover, where did you go?
00:00:17You told me that you'd love me till the end of ever after
00:00:24Lover, you were the one
00:00:38You said the sun would shine upon our love forever after
00:00:45It took you all this time for you to realize I'm not what I seem
00:01:01Memories leave you cold, the future seems so old
00:01:10You woke from my dream
00:01:16Goodbye, my little one
00:01:21Since you're gone, the love we made has come undone
00:01:33The love we made has come undone
00:01:39Yeah, big!
00:02:04May I help you?
00:02:06I'm here about the ad.
00:02:10And which ad might that be?
00:02:12Single, white, female, seeks quiet, responsible roommate.
00:02:16And I found her. You're responsible and very quiet.
00:02:20Well, did that mean that I had to be too?
00:02:23Come on, Megan. I'd like to get some sleep. Tomorrow's my big day.
00:02:27I know. You're right. Please forgive me. Things just kind of got out of hand.
00:02:33You know how it is.
00:02:35It took you all this time for you to realize I'm not what I seem
00:02:48Memories leave you cold, the future seems so old
00:02:55You woke from my dream
00:03:01Goodbye, my little one
00:03:06Since you're gone, the love we made has come undone
00:03:18The love we made has come undone
00:03:22The love we made has come undone
00:03:55Hey. Sleep well?
00:03:57Oh, right.
00:04:01Uh, this is Zig.
00:04:05Ziggy, actually.
00:04:07But my friends call me Zig.
00:04:10Megan's told me all about you.
00:04:13We just met last night.
00:04:15Over the phone.
00:04:17How did you refer to him?
00:04:19The man of your dreams.
00:04:22I can see why.
00:04:24Ziggy's the new bartender.
00:04:26This is my soon-to-be ex-roommate, Cara.
00:04:30Nice meeting you.
00:04:31I've got to get going.
00:04:33Can't be late on my first day.
00:04:35Cara's just been promoted.
00:04:38What do you do?
00:04:39She's an editor.
00:04:41Associate editor.
00:04:42At Owens & Zella.
00:04:44Explains the books.
00:04:46I was worried they were yours.
00:05:17No place like home.
00:05:24I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.
00:05:32Did they lose the keys to this room?
00:05:35No, they didn't want anything to do with it.
00:05:38I'm sure they did.
00:05:40I'm sure they did.
00:05:42I'm sure they did.
00:05:44Did they lose the keys to this room?
00:05:46They didn't want anything to disturb
00:05:48in case Gilbert was working on something important when he died.
00:05:51On top of everything else, it's our job to figure that out.
00:05:54Think of it as a mission.
00:05:56Unlocking the secrets of Harry Gilbert, the wizard.
00:05:59Do you know how many bestsellers he edited?
00:06:02Let's just hope he left his wizardry here for me.
00:06:10What's the status on Northern Lights?
00:06:12I spoke to Jonathan over the weekend.
00:06:14Does he understand what a million-copy first printing is?
00:06:17Of course. It's just...
00:06:19We paid him $600,000 for this book
00:06:22that is scheduled to be our big Christmas release.
00:06:24Do I have to remind you of that?
00:06:28Then inform Mr. Gray that he better stop fucking around
00:06:31and get his manuscript ready.
00:06:33Kara, are you all moved in?
00:06:35It's underway.
00:06:36Let me know if you find anything interesting.
00:06:38Meanwhile, Diet for a Sensuous You?
00:06:41Ready for copy editing.
00:06:43We're going to push the release date till this November.
00:06:46I think it'll make a perfect stocking stuffer.
00:06:52How'd it go?
00:06:53She wants Diet for a Sensuous You ready for Christmas.
00:06:57This Christmas?
00:07:00This Christmas?
00:07:03Oh, and then there's this.
00:07:05Looking for a husband in all the wrong places.
00:07:08After the meeting, she pulled me aside,
00:07:10told me this is right up my alley.
00:07:13Was that a compliment?
00:07:15I'm not sure.
00:07:22Will you look at this?
00:07:24I don't believe there's a sufficient market for legal thrillers.
00:07:29This guy's been at the top of the bestseller list in the past decade.
00:07:32I wonder if Joyce knew about the wizard's letter.
00:07:34Probably not. His death wasn't ruled a homicide.
00:07:37Hey, girl, it's happy hour.
00:07:39I can't tonight.
00:07:40I'm buying.
00:07:41I'll take a rain check. I've got a date.
00:07:43One, I don't do rain checks.
00:07:45Two, anyone I know?
00:07:46Doubt it.
00:07:47Met him at a photo gallery downtown.
00:07:49Seems nice.
00:07:50Is he cute?
00:07:55Yeah, no, I don't know. She's supposed to be in here.
00:07:57I'm already on my first glass of wine.
00:07:59Yeah, I'll give her a few more minutes.
00:08:06How are you?
00:08:07Sorry I'm so late.
00:08:08That's all right.
00:08:09No problem.
00:08:10I had my phone to keep me company.
00:08:14So, tough first day?
00:08:16Something like that. Just trying to settle in.
00:08:19Yeah, I understand.
00:08:21You know, Carrie, you really ought to think about your future there.
00:08:24What do you mean?
00:08:26Books? Come on.
00:08:29But that's...
00:08:30Let me show you something.
00:08:35The entire 22-volume Oxford English Dictionary in here,
00:08:39compressed into 4 megs of RAM.
00:08:43Bet you missed the whole tactile sensation,
00:08:46the smell of the ink and paper when it was...
00:08:48Cara, this is the future.
00:08:51It's just the start.
00:08:52There's a tech firm out in Seattle
00:08:54embedding microcircuits into monkeys' brains.
00:08:56It takes less than 3 nanoseconds
00:08:58to upload one piece into the chip's memory.
00:09:02And we're next.
00:09:04It's just a matter of time.
00:09:06So, you hungry?
00:09:09Good, good, good.
00:09:29Date sucked, huh?
00:09:32He's no Ziggy.
00:09:33The man of my dreams?
00:09:37Let me tell you something about Ziggy.
00:09:38I mean, he's got some interesting qualities,
00:09:40but, oh, he, like, smells funny.
00:09:43Really? I didn't notice anything?
00:09:45Mm. Next time, get closer.
00:09:47No, thanks.
00:09:48A guy's got to smell nice, among other things.
00:09:52Ooh, like guitar player boy?
00:09:55Oh, please.
00:09:57Oh, he was so cute.
00:09:59He was cheap.
00:10:01I had to pay for everything.
00:10:03His smell, the cologne, I bought him.
00:10:06I even bought him his strings.
00:10:10So, let me get this straight.
00:10:11You're looking for a relationship
00:10:13with no strings attached?
00:10:16Or you could just become celibate.
00:10:19I am celibate.
00:10:21It's not always cracked up to be.
00:10:25I want passion.
00:10:27Ah, the dreaded P word.
00:10:29I want my toes to tingle.
00:10:32Hey, you know, I think there's a personal ad in here
00:10:34promising just that.
00:10:36I want to be swept off my feet.
00:10:39Relax. You've got time.
00:10:41You're, what, 28?
00:10:44I'm 31.
00:10:48Well, you've still got your look, Sonny.
00:10:50I'm sure Mr. Right is out there somewhere right now
00:10:52with flowers in one hand, down on one knee.
00:10:59Am I missing something here?
00:11:03No, it's a long story, Megan.
00:11:05Oh, come on. Tell me.
00:11:09It's just...
00:11:12I think maybe I already let Mr. Right get away.
00:11:16This guy I dated in college.
00:11:20Alan Roberts.
00:11:22Why is it that I'm only hearing about this Alan Roberts right now?
00:11:26It's something I try not to think about.
00:11:29I get it.
00:11:31Hey, how did he smell?
00:11:38And I'm guessing he occasionally picked up the check.
00:11:41More than occasionally.
00:11:43So what did he do?
00:11:45He was an artist.
00:11:47A painter.
00:11:49Come on. What did he do?
00:11:54The day before graduation,
00:11:56he showed up at my dorm,
00:11:58and out of nowhere,
00:12:00drops to his knees, whips out a ring,
00:12:02and says,
00:12:03Kara, I can't imagine living a day without you.
00:12:05I love you. Marry me.
00:12:07What an asshole.
00:12:08Come on. You've got to understand.
00:12:11I mean, I was 22.
00:12:13I wasn't ready for that sort of commitment.
00:12:15He said no?
00:12:17I didn't know what to say.
00:12:19He just kept pressing me for an answer,
00:12:21and I didn't have one.
00:12:23And then he just disappeared.
00:12:27Well, that's not too depressing or anything.
00:12:30Do you have any pictures of this Alan guy?
00:12:33Or is that a stupid question?
00:12:35I've got boxes full.
00:12:43I know. You're right.
00:12:47But that's all been changed.
00:12:50The book's been fast-tracked for Christmas release.
00:12:53Yes, this Christmas.
00:12:57Look, this is coming directly from Joyce.
00:13:01I thought it would.
00:13:03All right. Bye-bye.
00:13:18What's the deal with those?
00:13:20What do you mean?
00:13:22There must be hundreds of editors.
00:13:26Okay, thousands.
00:13:28And every night, each of you brings home
00:13:30three or four manuscripts to read.
00:13:32We're all searching for that perfect book?
00:13:35I mean, I don't know.
00:13:37I don't know.
00:13:38I don't know.
00:13:39I don't know.
00:13:40I don't know.
00:13:41I don't know.
00:13:42I don't know.
00:13:43I don't know.
00:13:44I don't know.
00:13:45I don't know.
00:13:46We're all searching for that perfect book.
00:13:48Is there such a thing?
00:13:53I don't know.
00:13:57I hope so.
00:14:10The Kiss.
00:14:12For Claire.
00:14:14This language had not yet been invented
00:14:16as love was a mere word,
00:14:18a worn cliche compared to their unique experience.
00:14:22What awakened within them
00:14:24was a phenomenon unfamiliar to each
00:14:26which enclosed them like a gossamer blanket of joy.
00:14:38This isn't me.
00:14:40Who is it?
00:14:42I don't do this.
00:14:44Do what?
00:14:45Spend the night with a stranger.
00:14:47It's too quick.
00:14:49Too weird.
00:14:58They became addicted to their passion.
00:15:00Every other heartbeat was communal property,
00:15:03and yet she discovered a fragile bliss
00:15:06threatened by the frightening possibility
00:15:08of it all dissolving in the demanding reality of life.
00:15:17Is anything wrong?
00:15:21No, I...
00:15:26Come on, tell me.
00:15:29Just years from now,
00:15:31I was just...
00:15:33I'm trying to save this moment,
00:15:35this feeling for then.
00:15:37I'll be there to remind you.
00:15:39Will you?
00:15:52She felt exhilarated and simultaneously suffocated
00:15:56by the totality of them
00:15:58to the point of dreading the prospect of a meltdown,
00:16:01leaving her with a tangible emptiness
00:16:04scraping her soul.
00:16:17there's a renowned Japanese theater company in town
00:16:20performing a series of these heightened minimalist plays.
00:16:23It's kind of like a commedia.
00:16:25They use masks and dance and music.
00:16:27Anyway, I thought we'd go with Renée and Isabelle tomorrow...
00:16:31...after dinner.
00:16:33We can go tonight, but we'd have to cancel with your mother.
00:16:36Philip, I...
00:16:39What is it, dear?
00:16:42I love you.
00:16:46Well, I love you.
00:16:50I love you like I have never loved anyone else.
00:16:54You know that, and...
00:16:56I have done things with you that I never dreamed of.
00:17:01And it's gone even beyond that.
00:17:04Good. Something crazy about you.
00:17:07I've completely lost myself in you.
00:17:09All I think about, all I dream about is you, is us.
00:17:13What are you saying?
00:17:15It's too much, Philip. We're too much.
00:17:25I love you.
00:17:28Claire. Claire.
00:17:41He stormed the streets, his personal hell of abandonment.
00:17:44His vanished connection to the meaning of life
00:17:47took the form of heated writing
00:17:49in hopes of alleviating the desperate pain of loss.
00:17:55Lifting his hand, he struck the first key and...
00:18:04Lifting his hand, he struck the first key and...
00:18:55I can't believe this.
00:19:05Good morning.
00:19:06Not yet.
00:19:24Something wrong?
00:19:25The rest of the old manuscripts.
00:19:27Well, I threw them out.
00:19:28What? Like you said.
00:19:31Is something missing?
00:19:33Just the ending to an incredible book.
00:19:37I can't believe that.
00:19:40We're sorry.
00:19:42The number you have reached is no longer in service.
00:19:45Damn it.
00:19:47Do a web search.
00:19:55Director of Assistance, what city, please?
00:19:57Brookdale, please.
00:19:58I'd like the number for a Conway Hall.
00:20:01Can you spell that, please?
00:20:03I'm sorry.
00:20:05Brookdale, please.
00:20:06I'd like the number for a Conway Hall.
00:20:08Can you spell that, please?
00:20:10Hall. H-A-L-L.
00:20:15There's no listing for Hall in Brookdale.
00:20:17Nothing at all.
00:20:19Thank you.
00:20:23No hits.
00:20:38He's just not cooperating.
00:20:40I have legal.
00:20:42Give him a call.
00:20:44Kara, I read it last night.
00:20:47What did you think?
00:20:49Well, I have to say, it's not exactly my taste.
00:20:52My cup of tea, as it were.
00:20:55But I have to admit, it has bestseller written all over it.
00:20:58Assuming it were completed,
00:21:00But I have to admit, it has bestseller written all over it.
00:21:03Assuming it were complete and we knew where it came from.
00:21:06Steve, see what you can do with it.
00:21:20This just came.
00:21:23It doesn't matter anyway.
00:21:25I thought you were going.
00:21:27She just took it away from me.
00:21:29Okay, call it. Let choice walk all over you.
00:21:31She's my boss. What am I supposed to do?
00:21:34Here, have another glass of wine.
00:21:36No, I mean...
00:21:37I know what you mean.
00:21:39Look, tomorrow's Saturday, right?
00:21:41Get up early, rent a car.
00:21:43Yeah, but all I've got is a post office box.
00:21:45To start, right?
00:21:50It's a start, right?
00:21:53But nothing.
00:21:54Every night you search for the perfect book, remember?
00:21:56Just a sec.
00:21:58Look, if you found it, don't give up so easily.
00:22:19Every time you come, you're new again.
00:22:33Excuse me, where's box 708?
00:22:35There is no box 708.
00:22:37That doesn't make sense.
00:22:41Before we remodeled, was there a box 708?
00:22:45Oh, you betcha.
00:22:46It went all the way up to 850.
00:22:48Would you have any information about box 708?
00:22:52A forwarding address?
00:22:54A phone number?
00:22:57We really don't keep those sort of records, miss.
00:22:59That was so long ago, back when the prep school closed.
00:23:04Everybody moved away then.
00:23:06How long ago?
00:23:08Walt, how long ago was that?
00:23:12Oh, I guess 20 years back now.
00:23:16Wait a minute, you're saying that there
00:23:18hasn't been a box 708 in at least 20 years?
00:24:19You were here.
00:24:29Joyce, could I speak with you for a moment?
00:24:32It's about the kiss.
00:24:33I want to find the author.
00:24:34I have a whole set of problems with this.
00:24:36You've only been on the job 10 days.
00:24:38Your plate is full, Kara.
00:24:39I'll make the time.
00:24:40Well, what about the fact that Steve is a fiction
00:24:42editor and you are not?
00:24:43Joyce, give me a chance.
00:24:44I know this book.
00:24:45I'm only asking for one week.
00:24:4720 years is a long time.
00:24:48He could be dead.
00:24:50I'm willing to take that chance.
00:24:52You know, there are plenty of assistants
00:24:53that are waiting to see you screw up
00:24:55so that they can take your slot.
00:25:02Do not make me regret this.
00:25:07A leave of absence?
00:25:09Just the week?
00:25:11I'm the impetuous one.
00:25:12You're supposed to be responsible and quiet.
00:25:17That's some example you're setting.
00:25:19I'm very quiet.
00:25:21It's just time for a little role reversal.
00:25:25A week, huh?
00:25:33You know, this sort of looks like you.
00:25:35Do you think so?
00:25:42When I was reading the book, I actually thought it was me.
00:25:44Let's see.
00:25:47What are you doing?
00:25:48I want to know if you're totally whacked.
00:26:07Oh, beautiful leaves fall down.
00:26:15Pieces of my heart on the ground.
00:26:23The summer winter plays beneath your feet.
00:26:30And you don't even notice the course of their entry.
00:26:45And I'm not even sure they could have known better.
00:27:08Hi, Zig.
00:27:10It's me, Megan.
00:27:11I'm shocked.
00:27:13I'll bet you are.
00:27:15Could you cover my shift for a couple of nights?
00:27:18I don't know.
00:27:19I understand.
00:27:20I'll be back on Wednesday, I promise.
00:27:22All right.
00:27:24How are you going to repay me?
00:27:25How will I repay you?
00:27:29Uh, I'll think of something.
00:27:32Yeah, you better.
00:27:33Be good.
00:27:35Oh, thanks again.
00:27:37OK, bye.
00:27:43We should call it a night.
00:27:46Since when do you get to bed before 4 AM?
00:27:49When I'm driving to Brookdale first thing in the morning.
00:27:52I've got a picture of you.
00:28:16What about the headmaster?
00:28:35Do you remember his name?
00:28:36Hmm, it was a German name.
00:28:43That's it?
00:28:45Do you know where we can find him?
00:28:47Oh, sure.
00:28:48Over at the Heavenly Hill Cemetery.
00:28:50He died a couple of years after the school closed.
00:28:58Now what?
00:29:00Here you go.
00:29:04That's not what I meant.
00:29:05I know, but that cherry pie looks awesome.
00:29:17The local paper.
00:29:19What about it?
00:29:21Maybe there's some kind of lead, you know,
00:29:22something about the school.
00:29:25What, a Derek Conway column?
00:29:27You never know.
00:29:30It's worth a try.
00:29:33Excuse me.
00:29:34Check, please.
00:29:35I'll be right there.
00:29:36No cherry pie.
00:29:37Do you see the sacrifices I make for you?
00:29:43Told you it was a mess.
00:29:46This is why God invented the internet.
00:29:49You two will be all right down here?
00:29:51Yeah, we'll be fine.
00:29:53All righty.
00:29:54You just standing?
00:29:55Where do you want to start?
00:29:58If I go back to the womb, my life had a promise at that point.
00:30:02You work back.
00:30:03I'll work forwards.
00:30:24Hey, listen to this.
00:30:26Services will be held Thursday for Claire Noday.
00:30:29Claire, like in the book.
00:30:31Claire Noday, who died Monday, April 14, 1980,
00:30:34at Brookdale Hospital after a long illness.
00:30:36The time frame is right.
00:30:38Oh, my God.
00:30:39She was married to Philip Noday, English instructor
00:30:42at Westerberg Prep.
00:30:43Philip and Claire.
00:30:44He used their real names.
00:30:57I think I've got it.
00:30:59Address or phone number would be great.
00:31:02How about a photo of the faculty?
00:31:04Donald Kellerman, Priscilla Hopewell,
00:31:06Athene Mumford, and Philip Noday.
00:31:10All we have to do now is find him.
00:31:12Let's go.
00:31:14Can I help you?
00:31:34Yes, Priscilla Hopewell?
00:31:36We'd like to ask you a question about one of your colleagues
00:31:39at Westerberg Prep.
00:31:41Are you with the police?
00:31:44No, not at all.
00:31:46We're trying to locate Philip Noday.
00:31:50You sure you're not with the police?
00:31:58Sorry I can't help you.
00:32:00But, Mr. Kellerman, I...
00:32:05Philip and I didn't exactly see eye to eye.
00:32:08I have no idea where he is.
00:32:10But believe me, I wish I did.
00:32:13That son of a bitch owes me 35 bucks.
00:32:23Are we crazy?
00:32:25You tell me.
00:32:29You know, I don't even care if this thing ever gets published.
00:32:32I just want to find out how it ends.
00:32:34Sometimes I feel the same way.
00:32:36Like, I don't want to share this story with the rest of the world.
00:32:40I want it to be all mine.
00:32:43Do you think they reunite?
00:32:47This is a clue.
00:32:49I thought about that.
00:32:50But I don't know if it's supposed to show them at the beginning or at the end.
00:32:57It's got to be the end.
00:33:00Because all that searching.
00:33:02I mean, he's got to find her.
00:33:04Twin hearts.
00:33:08Twin hearts.
00:33:09The idea that there's one person out there who's perfect for you.
00:33:16It's mushy.
00:33:18I hate mushy.
00:33:20We would lie in bed at night and hold each other, his chest pressing against mine,
00:33:25and I swear we could feel our hearts beating together as one.
00:33:41It's not that mushy.
00:33:49I've got one.
00:33:50No day?
00:33:52Chemistry teacher.
00:33:53Affine Q Mumford.
00:33:55Ah, parents can be so mean.
00:33:57Which one is he?
00:33:59The one with the mustache.
00:34:04He lives in Waterbury.
00:34:10That's about two inches north of here.
00:34:23Let's do it.
00:34:32Go get us thrown out of here.
00:34:35Over here.
00:34:52We're sorry to interrupt.
00:34:53Oh, no, no. Forget about it.
00:34:55I've been trying for two weeks now to rescue the princess from the demon spaceship.
00:35:00She can wait for another hour or so.
00:35:03We'd like to ask you...
00:35:04I know. I know.
00:35:06You're looking for Philip Noday.
00:35:09Priscilla Hopewell told me all about it.
00:35:11You may as well just put it on the internet.
00:35:13She even described what you were wearing.
00:35:17She told you about the book?
00:35:18Yeah, and the missing ending.
00:35:23Do you know where he is?
00:35:25I might.
00:35:31Was it any good, the book?
00:35:33We wouldn't be here.
00:35:35Yeah, I suppose.
00:35:37Can you help us?
00:35:39I'm not sure he wants to be bothered.
00:35:42Mr. Mumford, I can't publish his book unless I find him.
00:35:47I'm not sure he wants to be bothered.
00:35:49Look, we've come a long way, and we're pretty desperate.
00:35:51Oh, now, are you threatening to beat it out of me?
00:35:53No, no, I just meant...
00:35:54No, that's a joke.
00:35:56Old man's fantasy.
00:36:06On one condition.
00:36:08You name it.
00:36:09You got the manuscript with you?
00:36:11In here.
00:36:13Let me read it.
00:36:17Joyce, it's Kara.
00:36:18I think I've got something.
00:36:20Have you got an ending?
00:36:21No, not an ending. Not yet, anyway, but...
00:36:24Did you put off looking for a husband?
00:36:28Looking for a husband is with the copy editor.
00:36:31We're right on schedule with that.
00:36:32Well, don't waste any more time.
00:36:34You'll be back on Monday, right?
00:36:36Yes, I will be there on Monday.
00:36:38Monday. Love you.
00:36:43The witch.
00:36:45I want to kill her.
00:36:50Try a big bucket of water.
00:36:57The first thing you have to do
00:36:59is to be able to tell the difference
00:37:01between an electrolyte and a non-electrolyte.
00:37:03That's a no-brainer.
00:37:04Then you have to be able to predict
00:37:06the solubility of ionic compounds in water.
00:37:08What if he hated it?
00:37:10He didn't say he had to like it,
00:37:12just that he wanted to read it.
00:37:13It's all there in chapter six.
00:37:15Saved by the bell.
00:37:19All right, for tomorrow,
00:37:20we're going to review chapter six.
00:37:22You got me? Review chapter six.
00:37:34Mr. Mumford.
00:37:38The literary angels.
00:37:45It'd sell a million copies, wouldn't it?
00:37:48Yes, I can get the ending.
00:37:50Yes, maybe more.
00:37:55You've got his number?
00:37:58As far as I know, he doesn't have one.
00:38:03He, uh, he lives in East Wellfield.
00:38:07Um, that's up the coast on Route 1.
00:38:11I'm guessing it's about three hours from here.
00:38:14A mile into East Wellfield,
00:38:16there's an old gas station on the right.
00:38:19Does it have a name?
00:38:21No, it just says old here, underlined,
00:38:23and that you can't miss it.
00:38:29You're supposed to ask for him there.
00:38:35Sure you can't stay?
00:38:37One of us has to have a job.
00:38:40Bring back the ending, okay?
00:38:42I don't like to be kept hanging.
00:38:43I'll do what I can.
00:38:45You get a long drive.
00:38:48You better.
00:38:50Good luck.
00:38:53Peace, Mama.
00:39:15You get so alone at times
00:39:17That it just makes sense
00:39:22Even when I talk to myself
00:39:25The fear crackles up again
00:39:29And there's something coming into my life
00:39:33A vision today
00:39:37A memory rings while my mind
00:39:39Unveils all the shit that you say
00:39:45But I'm bad at cheese
00:39:48And I easily bruise
00:39:53And you know my ways
00:39:56I'm, I'm shrunk and dazed
00:40:00What am I supposed to do now that you're not here?
00:40:08What am I supposed to do now that you're not here?
00:40:15What am I supposed to do now that you're not here?
00:40:23Fill her up.
00:40:25Uh, sure.
00:40:29Regular, please.
00:40:41Open the gas cap.
00:40:44Gas cap.
00:40:45On the floor, left of your seat.
00:40:50Rent a car?
00:40:53How did you know?
00:40:54Us, my area of expertise.
00:40:58What are you doing up here this time of year?
00:41:01I'm looking for someone.
00:41:02I'm hoping you can help me.
00:41:04I was told to ask here.
00:41:06Do you know where I can find Philip Nodet?
00:41:10Philip Nodet.
00:41:15Never heard of him.
00:41:16But I'm sure this is...
00:41:21That'll be 12 bucks.
00:41:33Is there someone else who works here who might be able to...
00:41:36Afraid not.
00:41:37I wish I could help you.
00:41:39Drive safely, miss.
00:41:41Is there any place around here where I can get some food?
00:41:44Well, there's a diner, but it's a good hour north.
00:41:51I might have some crackers in the office.
00:41:55Right now, crackers sound great.
00:42:03Um, I'm sure I have some somewhere.
00:42:06Wait here, miss.
00:42:09Thank you.
00:42:10Thank you.
00:42:12Thank you.
00:42:39This is my home, miss.
00:42:40I'm sorry.
00:42:41I just followed you in.
00:42:45That should hold you.
00:42:46Thank you.
00:42:47On me.
00:42:48So, you'll be on your way now, huh?
00:42:51Uh, sure.
00:42:52Thank you.
00:43:10You're him.
00:43:11I told you, I don't know this...
00:43:13No, that's you in the pictures.
00:43:15No, it isn't.
00:43:16Yes, it is.
00:43:19Who sent you here?
00:43:24That's the science himself.
00:43:27What do you want?
00:43:28An ending.
00:43:31An ending?
00:43:32Yes, to this.
00:43:40Where on earth did you find this?
00:43:42At Owen's in Zeller.
00:43:44I work there, and I think I can get it published
00:43:46if you give me the missing pages.
00:43:48We threw them away by mistake.
00:43:52Where were you 20 years ago?
00:43:54In fourth grade.
00:44:01You'd like it?
00:44:04I think it's wonderful.
00:44:16It was our honeymoon.
00:44:18We kissed.
00:44:21When the picture became so...
00:44:27Every goddamn poster shop had one in the window.
00:44:30It stopped being us.
00:44:32Claire and I would imagine about these two people
00:44:35in front of the bookstore.
00:44:37How they met, the passion, the separation.
00:44:40In Claire's version, they were always reunited in the end.
00:44:45And in this one?
00:44:48Are you okay?
00:44:53Time for a cigarette.
00:44:58In fact, I'm a bit tired.
00:45:00I wonder if we could continue tomorrow.
00:45:04Uh, sure.
00:45:06I'll be fine.
00:45:08Tomorrow's fine.
00:45:12Just one more question.
00:45:14Just one more question.
00:45:17Is that a promise?
00:45:20Why Jake?
00:45:22Oh, it's the guy I bought the station from.
00:45:24I got dozens. You want one?
00:45:26No, but thanks anyway.
00:45:28I'll see you in the morning.
00:45:29See you in the morning.
00:45:45That's him in the picture.
00:45:47They were on their honeymoon in Paris.
00:45:49You're kidding.
00:45:51Does he look anything like the guy in the picture?
00:45:53Yeah, sort of.
00:45:56There's something about him.
00:45:59Do I detect a May-December thing here?
00:46:03No, I don't think so, Megan.
00:46:05Hey, don't rule it out.
00:46:06Okay, I'm gonna say goodnight now.
00:46:08Call me when you have an ending.
00:46:14I love you.
00:46:44I love you too.
00:47:14Hey, Kilgore.
00:47:16Hey, buddy.
00:47:24Mr. Noday?
00:47:26Mr. Noday?
00:47:56Come on.
00:48:13I've had a lot of spare time since Claire died.
00:48:16How many are there?
00:48:25I have to run into town for some groceries.
00:48:27You want to come? We can talk in the car.
00:48:29Sure. We'll watch the station.
00:48:31Oh, locals need gas. They'll come by later.
00:48:34Come on, Kilgore. Walk it. Come on, man.
00:48:38You were pretty hard to find.
00:48:40That was the plan.
00:48:45I feel more alone in company.
00:48:51Have you been up here long?
00:48:53Since the school closed.
00:48:56I didn't feel like teaching anymore,
00:48:58and I had a little money stashed away, so...
00:49:02How about a gas station?
00:49:05Suits me fine.
00:49:07I don't do repairs. I don't sell tires.
00:49:11It's a perfect five minutes of interaction
00:49:14and back to the typewriter.
00:49:16So, how many of my colleagues did you meet on this journey?
00:49:20A few.
00:49:22Priscilla Hopewell, Donald Kellerman...
00:49:27Hell will freeze over before he gets his 35 bucks.
00:49:32Damn tourists.
00:49:40Claire and I used to spend our vacations up here.
00:49:47it seemed like a good place to scribble.
00:49:49Actually, could we talk about...
00:49:51No. Later.
00:49:55If I'm going to let you publish it,
00:49:57I should get to know you a bit first.
00:49:59Such as?
00:50:01Well, name would be good.
00:50:04Oh, my God.
00:50:06Kara Thompson.
00:50:08Kara. It's a nice name.
00:50:10We're off to a good start.
00:50:12What do you say, Kilgore?
00:50:16Woof. Woof.
00:50:18He's a cheap date.
00:50:24It's beautiful.
00:50:27Claire used to say...
00:50:29if you squinted, you could see the top of the Eiffel Tower from here.
00:50:35It was her favourite place on Earth.
00:50:38I laid her to rest here.
00:50:42Ah, how I liked it.
00:50:46Was she like the Claire in the book?
00:50:53In small ways.
00:50:56People just liked to be around her.
00:50:59When we were apart, I'd be longing for her return.
00:51:02But when we were together, I...
00:51:04I couldn't relax. I was...
00:51:07dreading her absence.
00:51:38What happens at the end?
00:51:41You're the publishing expert.
00:51:43How do you think it should end?
00:51:46With a kiss.
00:51:51I should be getting back to the station.
00:52:50So how much of the book is true?
00:52:57A lot of it.
00:53:01I was just trying to capture the feeling of how it was.
00:53:06Most of the manuscript's the same.
00:53:08Just shuffling the memories.
00:53:12How about their relationship?
00:53:17I got most of it right.
00:53:19Did Claire leave when I proposed?
00:53:26Probably should have.
00:53:28But she didn't.
00:53:32Was the...
00:53:33passion so...
00:53:46And Paris?
00:53:56Paris I got right, at least.
00:54:04You seem to have a passion for bookshops.
00:54:08Good memories.
00:54:10So why not get your pen name from one?
00:54:13Instead of Conway Hall.
00:54:15Oh, it was a joke.
00:54:17The building was falling down on our heads.
00:54:21An homage?
00:54:24To my crumbling existence.
00:54:31What are you passionate about?
00:54:35Ah, too obvious.
00:54:38Tell me something I don't know.
00:54:40Tell me...
00:54:42Who in history you would have liked to have had a love affair with.
00:54:52Botticelli, maybe.
00:54:56You see yourself as Venus.
00:54:58The goddess of love.
00:55:00No, that's my roommate.
00:55:03Maybe he would have painted me after we made love.
00:55:06Ah, that's original.
00:55:09And you?
00:55:18And I...
00:55:19Well, I did have a lot of fancies about Ava Gardner.
00:55:23But then I remembered how it was with Claire.
00:55:28It couldn't possibly have been better with anyone else.
00:55:32Hopeless, aren't I?
00:55:34I don't think so.
00:55:37So, tell me about the man in your life.
00:55:41There isn't one at the moment.
00:55:44But please tell me you truly have been in love.
00:55:56Okay, once.
00:55:58And what did he do to make you fall so in love with him?
00:56:04He made me feel like we were the only two people alive
00:56:09and everything that existed, existed for us.
00:56:13So where is he?
00:56:15I don't know.
00:56:17So suddenly you weren't so alone anymore?
00:56:23Not at all.
00:56:24What happened?
00:56:29I panicked.
00:56:31Well, we all panic.
00:56:34I haven't heard from him since.
00:56:37So find him.
00:56:41Who knows if he'd remember me.
00:56:47I think you'd be pretty hard to forget.
00:56:50Thank you.
00:56:58I know a secret about cocoa.
00:57:02Triggers the release of endorphins.
00:57:05Your body's own opium.
00:57:08And it's the only way to get rid of it.
00:57:11So, what's the secret?
00:57:14I don't know.
00:57:15Triggers the release of endorphins.
00:57:18Your body's own opium.
00:57:21Produces the same feeling as when you're in love.
00:57:27So let's eliminate love, replace it with cocoa.
00:57:31Heartbreak out the window.
00:57:39By the way, how did you meet Claire?
00:57:42We met in a bookshop in Greenwich Village.
00:57:47I heard this couple arguing.
00:57:49The guy was banging on about how TV had made books redundant.
00:57:54I looked over.
00:57:56I saw Claire clutching a book to her chest.
00:58:01When I saw what it was, I came to her defense.
00:58:04I said it was the most beautiful depiction of unrequited love I'd ever read.
00:58:10She handed the book to her date and said,
00:58:14apparently you need this more than me.
00:58:17What was the book?
00:58:19Sentimental Education by Flaubert.
00:58:23I don't think anybody's ever got it that right, in my opinion.
00:58:29Until now.
00:58:33Silver-tongued devil.
00:58:35Silver-tongued devil.
00:58:38Well, listen.
00:58:42See for yourself.
00:58:58Has there been anyone since?
00:59:01Is that a euphemism?
00:59:07I mean, well, you're intelligent, attractive.
00:59:13Passed my so by date.
00:59:19No, having you here the last few days, it's been...
00:59:25It's been...
00:59:35It's late.
00:59:37Maybe we'd better call it a night.
00:59:42See you in the morning.
00:59:44We'll discuss the ending.
00:59:46I promise.
00:59:48We got a bit sidetracked tonight.
00:59:53Good night, Philip.
00:59:55Good night.
01:00:04Good night.
01:00:34Good night.
01:01:04Good night.
01:01:19Come in.
01:01:24That smells great.
01:01:26Would you like some omelette?
01:01:28Between the food and the cocoa, this is going to be a pleasure to edit.
01:01:32Perhaps not.
01:01:34What? You're going to stop cooking for me once I buy your book?
01:01:39That wasn't what I meant exactly.
01:01:47You didn't lose the ending, Kara.
01:01:53I've got something to show you.
01:02:05There's no ending.
01:02:07Happy, sad, or otherwise.
01:02:10You sent the manuscript to Owens and Zeller incomplete?
01:02:13I was hoping for a response of some kind.
01:02:16An echo.
01:02:18So I'd know I wasn't alone.
01:02:20I guess I thought that if an editor liked the story,
01:02:23it would provide a spark.
01:02:25Give me the push I need to...
01:02:27to solving an ending.
01:02:31So here I am.
01:02:33So here I am.
01:02:39Maybe that was how it was 20 years ago.
01:02:42It's not like that anymore.
01:02:45Can't they just find each other and live happily ever after?
01:02:49It's not like that now.
01:02:52It is, Philip. You can finish this book.
01:02:55I don't think so.
01:02:57At least try.
01:02:59I've been trying.
01:03:00For 20 goddamn years, I've done nothing else.
01:03:03Let me help you.
01:03:05You don't understand.
01:03:08Then tell me.
01:03:10An ending means it's over.
01:03:22I'm sorry.
01:03:23I'm sorry.
01:03:30I guess I should...
01:04:01Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:04:03I'm sorry. You don't like the poster.
01:04:05Get it out of here.
01:04:07I never want to see that picture again.
01:04:10I'm sorry.
01:04:12I'm sorry.
01:04:14I'm sorry.
01:04:16I'm sorry.
01:04:18I'm sorry.
01:04:20I'm sorry.
01:04:22Come here.
01:04:24This sucks.
01:04:28That's life, sister.
01:04:30Can I get you a drink?
01:04:32Beer? Gin and tonic?
01:04:35Whiskey straight up?
01:04:37Or hot cocoa?
01:04:42Coming right up.
01:04:48So he just wouldn't do it.
01:04:51He couldn't.
01:04:53I believe him.
01:04:57No, if you had met him, you'd understand.
01:05:00He's still not over her.
01:05:02Come on, Kara. You've got to be able to move on.
01:05:04Otherwise you...
01:05:08I was going to say rot.
01:05:21When the day ever ends
01:05:25And the night begins
01:05:28You'll be there, be there
01:05:31Oh, you'll be there
01:05:38When the stars fade again
01:05:43And the sun comes in
01:05:46You'll be there, be there
01:05:48Oh, you'll be there
01:05:51As I'm sure you have heard,
01:05:53Kara has struck out with the kiss.
01:05:56You know I read the manuscript.
01:05:58Deidre Stone could tack on an ending in a day.
01:06:00Mr. No Day.
01:06:02Conway Hall was a pen name.
01:06:04His real name is Philip No Day.
01:06:06Like in the book.
01:06:10He doesn't want the book published.
01:06:12With or without his ending, he's no longer interested.
01:06:14I can't believe that.
01:06:16Believe it, Steve.
01:06:18You try, Kara.
01:06:20But now it is time to get serious.
01:06:29Kara Thompson.
01:06:31May I tell you who's calling?
01:06:33Affine Mumford?
01:06:41Mr. Mumford. Hello.
01:06:43Can you come up here? He's asking for you.
01:06:46Sure. How about this weekend?
01:06:48Something's wrong, isn't it? Is Philip all right?
01:06:51Can you come sooner?
01:06:55When will you come?
01:06:57Well, I'm leaving now. I'll be there tonight.
01:06:59I'll see you later, then.
01:07:01Okay. Okay.
01:07:03What's going on?
01:07:05Philip. Philip No Day.
01:07:07The kiss guy?
01:07:09Yeah. Tell Joyce I went home early.
01:07:11Tell her I was sick. Tell her anything. I don't care.
01:07:19He's upstairs.
01:07:21He, um...
01:07:23He doesn't look so good.
01:07:49Can I have a few minutes with my pal?
01:07:57He'll be right downstairs if he needs me.
01:08:05I guess I look pretty rough, huh?
01:08:08Is that morphine?
01:08:13Less destructive.
01:08:17Less distracting than the pain.
01:08:28I heard it's good to...
01:08:32confront what you fear most before you die.
01:08:37Are you referring to me?
01:08:38After you left, I...
01:08:40I suddenly realized that,
01:08:42although I've been living for years without Claire,
01:08:45I've never lived without the memory of her.
01:08:51And then there was a silence.
01:08:57And it just...
01:08:59embraced all the thoughts.
01:09:02A kind of vibrant peace.
01:09:06Empty yet...
01:09:08never the same.
01:09:13Sounds like your luggage is packed.
01:09:20And I'm traveling light.
01:09:24And I'm traveling light.
01:09:27And I'm traveling light.
01:09:28And I'm traveling light.
01:09:33All that time I was...
01:09:36rummaging in the past and...
01:09:40the end was waiting for me in the moment.
01:09:44She'll be there for you.
01:09:47We'll see.
01:09:55I want you to take care of my dog.
01:10:01Yes. Promise.
01:10:06This is for you.
01:10:19It's okay.
01:10:22Nothing real ever dies.
01:10:28It's okay.
01:10:5920 YEARS LATER
01:11:1720 years.
01:11:21I don't see him or hear from him.
01:11:25And then he calls me up here to watch him die.
01:11:29I'm supposed to wrap up the loose ends I did.
01:11:32He told me to...
01:11:34send a check for $35 to Donald Kellerman.
01:11:41All the rest of this...
01:11:43goes to you.
01:11:5920 YEARS LATER
01:12:02Scotch. On the rocks.
01:12:04I don't drink scotch.
01:12:05Good day to start.
01:12:07Single malt. Impeccably aged.
01:12:09The bar's private stash.
01:12:10You know, the owner thinks none of us knows where he keeps the key.
01:12:14What if it's... I mean...
01:12:16There's no guarantee.
01:12:17For all I know, it could be a stack of blank pages.
01:12:21Bottoms up, girl.
01:12:5920 YEARS LATER
01:13:07In hopes of alleviating the desperate pain of loss...
01:13:11lifting his hand, he struck the first key and wrote...
01:13:15for Claire.
01:13:19Sales have been good, Monsieur Naudet.
01:13:21We sold eight copies of your book the last week alone.
01:13:26Very good.
01:13:33You waiting for someone?
01:13:43Thank you.
01:13:59Monsieur, would you please sign this for me?
01:14:12It's me.
01:14:17Oh, my God, Claire.
01:14:19I'm sorry.
01:14:21I'm so sorry.
01:14:22I never should have left you.
01:14:26I wasted so much time.
01:14:29I don't even remember what I was afraid of.
01:14:32It doesn't matter.
01:14:36What we had was...
01:14:38We have...
01:14:40What we have...
01:14:41My feelings haven't changed for you.
01:14:45I was frightened.
01:14:47I was wrong to leave.
01:14:49I was wrong about so many things.
01:14:51I walked the streets of Paris until my feet bled.
01:14:54This guy wrote a book in the hopes that you'd find me,
01:14:58and I really don't care about it because you're here now.
01:15:03I carry this.
01:15:24I carry this.
01:15:25I carry this.
01:15:55As he drew her close, Claire could smell the wool of his coat,
01:15:59made wet by the warm Paris rain.
01:16:01With the touch of his lips, all her senses dissolved
01:16:04and surrendered to the kiss.
01:16:07The kiss which reached through time itself
01:16:09into the boundless, miraculous realm of eternity.
01:16:25Backed by a million-dollar ad campaign,
01:16:28this is gonna be next summer's hot book.
01:16:31The ending's good, Cara.
01:16:33Really good.
01:16:37At long last, I'm home.
01:16:41Not for long.
01:16:42I've got the night off.
01:16:44Dinner out?
01:16:46Nah, I was thinking more along the lines of...
01:16:50an opening.
01:16:55Oh, my God.
01:17:05I can't go to this. Not tonight.
01:17:07No, I can't.
01:17:12I don't have anything to wear.
01:17:14No. No.
01:17:19Are you sure about this?
01:17:22Trust me.
01:17:24What about Kilgore? I can't leave him alone.
01:17:27Oh, Doug, you'll be fine.
01:17:29I even got him a sitter.
01:17:31Speak of the devil.
01:17:36You remember Ziggy.
01:17:38Of course.
01:17:41Ziggy, this is Kilgore.
01:17:45Hi, buddy.
01:17:48Bye, boy.
01:17:58So that's how you repay him for covering his shift.
01:18:01You ask him to dog-sit.
01:18:03He's nuts about animals.
01:18:05He goes to veterinarian school by day.
01:18:07That explains the smell.
01:18:09Honey, it explains a lot of things.
01:18:14I can't do this.
01:18:16I can't do this.
01:18:18Yes, you can. You can.
01:18:20Who knows if he'll even recognize me.
01:18:25Oh, he'll recognize you.
01:18:27How can you be so sure?
01:18:33Oh, my God.
01:18:42I think you've just been swept off your feet.
01:18:47What are you waiting for?
01:18:50I... I...
01:18:59Are you sure about this?
01:19:28You look good.
01:19:30Thank you.
01:19:32So do you.
01:19:34Thank you.
01:19:36Interesting subject.
01:19:41She was a charming girl.
01:19:44She was a charming girl.
01:19:47Never get her to sit still, though.
01:19:52So this is quite a departure for you.
01:19:58A cheesy photorealism as revenge.
01:20:05What do you think?
01:20:07Oh, it works.
01:20:10Good, because they're selling like hotcakes.
01:20:17I was gonna invite you,
01:20:20but I didn't think you'd come.
01:20:26I'm glad I'm here.
01:20:29You sure?
01:20:36Alan, meet my friend, Megan.
01:20:39Hello, friend Megan.
01:20:41Great hands.
01:20:43Thank you.
01:20:44I'm gonna use them to strangle her later.
01:20:48I'll see you guys around.
01:21:11Oh, my God.
01:21:12Here's another ad from the Tingling Toes guy.
01:21:15He's gotta be pretty desperate to place an ad here.
01:21:22We'll be back around dinner time.
01:21:25I hope so.
01:21:26Neither of us knows how to cook, remember.
01:21:28Well, food, that is.
01:21:34Bye, baby.
01:22:13They're together now.
01:22:32You're not gonna freak out on me again, are you?
01:22:39I promise.
01:22:43I don't want to be without you.
01:22:49It's beautiful here.
01:22:53Want to know the best part?
01:22:56If you squint,
01:22:58you can see the top of the Eiffel Tower from here.
01:23:01Oh, yeah?
01:23:34Oh, yeah.
01:25:12Ooh, I hope that you can see me.
01:25:16And I hope that you can hear me.
01:25:23You know I love it when you're near me, near me.
01:25:26There ain't nothing more to love.
01:25:29There ain't nothing more to love.
01:25:31There ain't nothin' more to life
01:25:35I know, I know
01:25:37There ain't nothin', nothin', nothin', nothin' more
01:25:42Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
01:26:04Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:08Thinkin', feelin'
01:26:10Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:13Than simply bein'
01:26:15Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:19There ain't nothin', nothin', nothin', nothin' more
01:26:23No, no, no, no
01:26:29Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:35Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:40There ain't nothin', nothin', nothin', nothin' more
01:26:44Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:47Than laughin', cryin'
01:26:49Ain't nothin' more to life
01:26:53Than livin', dyin'
01:26:55Ain't nothin' more to life
01:27:35Than livin', dyin'
01:27:39Ain't nothin' more to life
01:27:44Than laughin', cryin'
01:27:47Ain't nothin' more to life
01:27:51Than livin', dyin'
01:27:54Ain't nothin' more to life
01:27:59Than livin', dyin'
01:28:02Ain't nothin' more to life
01:28:08Than livin', dyin'
01:28:11Ain't nothin' more to life
01:28:16Than livin', dyin'
