00:00The Metatron's Cube is a complex symbol that has long been used as a sacred tool to
00:08understand certain intangible ideas, beliefs, and a universe itself.
00:14Named after the archangel Metatron, who appears in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions,
00:20Metatron's Cube is a perfect example of sacred geometry.
00:24It is an easy symbol to identify, with its geometric design made up of circles and lines.
00:30In this video, we'll take a closer look at this unique symbol, its origins, and what
00:35it means.
00:38The name Metatron first appeared in Kabbalistic and Talmud texts of Judaism, referring to a
00:43mythical archangel responsible for watching over the flow of energy in creation.
00:50In this capacity, it's likely that he understood the rules that underpin creation, which almost
00:55always incorporate sacred geometry.
00:59Metatron was typically depicted with a cube, which he is said to have formed out of his
01:02very soul.
01:05What makes Metatron's Cube so special is that it's said to contain all the geometric
01:10shapes and patterns that exist, from the spirals of snail shells to the hexagons of a honeycomb,
01:16as well as the geometric codes found in flowers, snowflakes, DNA molecules, organic lifeforms,
01:23and heavenly bodies.
01:25Naturally, the cube is considered sacred because it's associated with the belief that God
01:29is a geometer of the universe.
01:33At first glance, the Metatron's Cube may look a bit confusing and messy, but when you
01:37look closely, you'll find that it does follow a specific pattern and layout.
01:43As you deconstruct the image, you'll notice that several other important sacred geometry
01:47symbols are embedded within Metatron's Cube.
01:51The cube is made up of a central circle, surrounded by six other circles.
01:57All the circles are of the same size, and together they form the shape of a simple flower.
02:02This symbol is also known as the Seed of Life.
02:06Each circle has another circle extending from it, making up 13 in total.
02:11If this pattern were to continue, it would create the Flower of Life.
02:16Also within this image is the Seed of Life, which consists of six lines of connected circles
02:21emanating from a central circle.
02:24In the Metatron's Cube, the circles are all interconnected by a series of straight lines.
02:30These lines form the five platonic solids, said to be bases for every design in the universe.
02:37These are the tetrahedron, octahedron, hexahedron, icosahedron, and a dodecahedron.
02:45The platonic solids appear repeatedly and randomly in nature, a fact which made the
02:50ancient Greeks associate with the five elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.
03:00Throughout history, the Metatron's Cube has been used to represent intangible aspects
03:05of life.
03:06It represents the following concepts.
03:10Balance of Energy In sacred geometry, the Metatron Cube represents
03:15the balance of energy within the universe.
03:18If you look closely at the symbol, you'll notice how all the shapes in it are connected,
03:23regardless of how small or insignificant they may be.
03:27The circles of the cube are thought to represent the feminine, while the straight lines symbolize
03:31the masculine.
03:33The symbol is often used as an inspiration for personal transformation.
03:39Map of Creation As the Metatron Cube represents all the geometric
03:43shapes found in nature, ancient civilizations regarded it as a map of creation.
03:49Some scholars still believe that the symbol is the building block of everything in the
03:53universe and reveals the inner knowledge of the divine.
03:59Guidance and Healing Protection Metatron's Cube has been used as a symbol
04:03for guidance, healing, and protection.
04:08As a guardian of heavenly secrets and the highest of angels, Metatron's Cube, which
04:12represents the angel himself, has the ability to attract positive forces and dispel negative
04:19The Metatron's Cube has been used in art, architecture, and even fashion.
04:25Many use it as a visual focal point for meditation, while some believe that it has healing and
04:30protective powers.
04:32The symbol is also said to ward off bad luck or negativity and attract positive energies.
04:37In some cultures, the symbol is hung on the windows or doors to keep out evil influences.
04:43What do you see in Metatron's Cube?
04:46Let us know in the comments below!
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