Inaplas Keluhkan Banjir Barang Impor

  • 2 months ago
Terbitnya Peraturan Menteri perdagangan Nomor 8 Tahun 2024 yang merevisi Permendag 36 Tahun 2023, tentang larangan pembatasan barang impor membuat Indonesia kebanjiran barang dari luar negeri.Sekretaris Jenderal Asosiasi Olefin, Aromatik dan Plastik Indonesia (Inaplas), Fajar Budiono menyebutkan kebijakan tersebut, membuat banyak sector terhimpit oleh barang-barang impor sekaligus, menyebabkan PHK di industri tekstil dan produk tekstil yang berdampak langsung terhadap turunnya produksi Petrokimia di industri Petrokimia Hulu.


00:00According to the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 8 of 2024,
00:04which revised Article 36 of 2023,
00:07on the prohibition of import goods restrictions,
00:09Indonesia is flooded with goods from abroad.
00:12The Secretary-General of the Association of Fin, Aromatics and Plastics Indonesia,
00:17Fajar Budiono said,
00:18the policy makes many sectors clogged by imported goods,
00:22at the same time causing PHK in the textile industry and textile products
00:26which has a direct impact on the decline of petrochemical production
00:30in the petrochemical industry.
00:32Even some polyester industries have closed
00:35and some others are immediately affected if the conditions continue to deteriorate.
00:39Moreover, the use of the polyester industry is currently only 50%,
00:44so many entrepreneurs find it difficult to maintain factory operations.
00:48INAPLAS asks the government to understand
00:51the challenges faced by the domestic industry,
00:55especially the petrochemical industry, which is one of the sectors
00:58that has priority in development
01:00because it contributes significantly to the national economy.
01:07It is expected that it can be a fairly fair lawsuit
01:14because the domestic industry, especially in the plastic industry,
01:18has become a judge, so there is always an extra action
01:22for security reasons,
01:26so that at the moment,
01:28we hope that it can be in line with the existing market conditions,
01:35so that we can implement it.
