Simak! Kinerja Ekspor Perikanan RI

  • 6 months ago
PT Perikanan Indonesia Persero mencatatkan, lonjakan yang signifikan terhadap ekspor produk perikanan pada tahun 2023. Ekspor perikanan 2023 mencapai 572 kg, dengan nilai mencapai Rp31 miliar.


00:00 Indonesia Persero Fish Market recorded a significant spike in fish export in 2023.
00:07 The fish export in 2023 reached 572 kilograms, with a value of 31 billion rupiah.
00:14 Indonesia Persero Fish Market recorded a significant spike in fish export in 2023.
00:24 The spike was both in volume and export value compared to 2022.
00:29 In 2022, Indonesia Persero Fish Market focused on exporting to several major countries, including America, Japan and Singapore, with a total export of 288,081 kilograms, worth 26.1 billion rupiah.
00:45 Entering 2023, Indonesia Persero Fish Market managed to expand its export market by adding Australia, China and Korea to the list of export targets.
00:56 This pushed the total export increase to 572,633.26 kilograms, with a value of 31 billion rupiah, recording significant growth from the previous year.
01:10 There are also major products exported, namely tuna, jackalang and gurita, as well as several new products such as tuna, shellfish, fish fillet and squid.
01:22 [Music]
01:28 (bell chimes)
