Nilai Ekspor 2023 Melambat

  • 8 months ago
Direktur Eksekutif Center of Reform on Economics (CORE), Mohammad Faisal menilai, perlambatan ekspor tahun 2023 dipengaruhi permintaan global yang melemah. Perlambatan tersebut mengakibatkan, turunnya harga komoditas global yang juga memukul nilai ekspor nasional tahun lalu.


00:00 Director Executive Core Indonesia, Muhammad Faisal,
00:02 assesses the delay in 2023 exports
00:05 due to weak global demand.
00:08 The delay has led to a drop in the price of global commodities,
00:12 which also hit the national export value last year.
00:15 The Central Statistics Agency has recorded
00:21 the export value throughout 2023
00:23 dropped 11.33 percent compared to the previous year.
00:27 The export value was recorded at 258.82 billion dollars,
00:31 or lower than the 2022 export value,
00:33 which reached 291.90 billion dollars.
00:37 Director Executive Core Indonesia, Muhammad Faisal, assesses
00:40 the drop in export value due to a delay in demand,
00:43 the impact of global dynamics that is still high in 2023.
00:47 The delay has led to a drop in the price of global commodities,
00:49 which also hit the national export value last year.
00:52 Overall, from January to December,
00:56 the contraction in exports was deeper,
00:58 minus 11 percent compared to 2022.
01:03 Import contraction, but minus 6.5 percent,
01:08 so not as deep as exports.
01:11 This shows that the decline in demand
01:14 and also a weak price
01:17 is more significant in external countries,
01:22 or our partner countries.
01:24 Meanwhile, the decline in domestic demand
01:29 is relatively more marginal
01:33 compared to the global conditions.
01:36 The Central Statistic Agency also noted
01:38 that the drop in export value also occurred in December 2023,
01:42 which was recorded at only 22.41 billion dollars.
01:44 Non-MEGA exports in December 2023
01:47 reached 20.93 billion dollars,
01:49 or 1.06 percent higher than November 2023.
01:54 From Jakarta, Rajopat, for IDX Channel.
01:56 For more information, visit
02:00 [Music]
