Proteksi Barang Impor Cegah Bangkrutnya Pabrik Tekstil

  • 3 months ago
Pemerintah berencana merumuskan kebijakan anti-dumping dan Bea Masuk Tindakan Pengamanan (BMTP) untuk menyelamatkan keterpurukan industri tekstil tanah air dari ancaman impor.


00:00According to the Ministry of Finance, the regulation on the entry fee, security measures, or BMTP,
00:05and the anti-sideline entry fee, or BMAD,
00:09can prevent bankruptcy,
00:12which ends up on the large parties that dominate the textile sector.
00:16The Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hassan, affirmed that the BMTP and BMAD regulations
00:22will also apply to electronic commodities, footwear, and ceramics.
00:27In addition, MENDAK will also review the import-related regulations in the Ministry of Trade Regulation No. 8 in 2024,
00:37which is the third amendment to Regulation No. 13 in 2023 on policy and import regulations.
00:45There are several points in the policy that do not accommodate the interests of the domestic industry.
00:52MENDAK will re-meet with the Ministry of Industry.
00:55In three days, there will be a decision on the fate of Permendak No. 8.
01:03But earlier we agreed to use instruments,
01:07regulations for TPT,
01:10and ready-to-wear,
01:13then electronic, footwear, and ceramics.
01:18Footwear, ceramics, and electronics will be applied to BMPT and BMAD.
01:31It will also be anti-dumping.
01:34Later this afternoon, I will convene a meeting with the Minister of Finance.
01:38Hopefully, tomorrow, if it is approved,
01:42three days later, it will be approved by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
