Maks Chmerkovskiy On Peta Expecting Baby No. 3 A Lot Of Energy In The House

  • 2 months ago
Maks Chmerkovskiy On Peta Expecting Baby No. 3 A Lot Of Energy In The House


00:00When we're on Dancing with the Stars, I feel like we have a responsibility to uphold with this.
00:04We've been able to allow ourselves to be really intimate and sexy, which is super fun.
00:09Savor After Hours is a family affair, so we let this trio interview each other.
00:14Val and Jenna, what is the highlight of working together on this show?
00:18My highlight of the show is actually us dancing to
00:21Love Beyond Rose, which was our wedding song.
00:23Oh, yes.
00:26Val and Max, the show is all about savoring the moment.
00:31In recent memory, what moment in time would you like to go back and relive?
00:35I think Max is going to cry.
00:37Which one? I'm just so...
00:39Once you start having kids, there's like a handful you can pick on on any day.
00:43My brain initially went to that initial moment of our son Rome walking for the first time.
00:50That was exciting.
00:51Rome, come here! Yes!
00:53This kid, he just freaking loves to dance.
00:56He loves music, he loves moving, he loves watching us dance.
01:01Shai also loved dancing.
01:03Then when he learned how to speak, said, I don't want to dance.
01:06So there's not much you can do after that.
01:08All right, Max, you and Peter are expecting your third child, making you a family of five.
01:14What are you most excited about?
01:16What makes me exciting is just a lot of energy in the house,
01:19and they're all so cute, and they run around.
01:21Rio's birthday, I looked around, I'm like, yeah, we could probably have more kids.
01:26But then I looked at Peter, and she had this like death stare in her face.
01:30She's holding a watermelon in her hands.
01:31Holding two watermelons.
01:33Max's wife and Dancing with the Stars co-star,
01:35Peter Murgatroyd, put those watermelons to use.
01:38She had an idea, like, hey, let's watermelon to the stomach.
01:42I did the boobs situation just for her.
01:44I was like, well, how hard can it be?
01:46Then when she dropped the pen in front of me, I was confused.
01:48I was like, what are you trying to do?
01:50She's like, pick it up.
01:51I'm like, oh, damn.
01:54I'm so excited because Rome has like two immediate best friends.
01:59He and Rio are only, what, six months apart?
02:01It's going to be like a little trio of mischief, and I cannot even wait.
02:05They'll be like quintuplet if you guys are going to hurry up with that situation.
02:10Let's start work now.
02:11Yeah, don't shush me.
