The Trap Door The Dose Full Episode Halloween Special

  • 2 months ago


00:30Ah, what he needs is Burke's special medicine.
00:34This should sort him out.
00:37Now, let me see.
00:39A bit of this, perfect.
00:41And a little bit of that.
00:43Oh, dearie me, not you, I don't think.
00:47Guess what's going to happen next.
00:51What did I say?
00:56What did I say?
01:04We'll just leave old Loverbag's medicine to go rancid for a while.
01:09Oh, you, come down off there!
01:14Hey, I'll not have the likes of you mucking about round the place,
01:17horrible, greedy, cocky lump.
01:19Hey, come here!
01:20Oh, I wish he'd use an handkerchief.
01:23Oi, you stay there, scoundrel.
01:34Now, where are you going?
01:36You come back here, you little bogey person.
01:53Ah, there you are.
02:21What be you doing?
02:23He's drunk all the medicine.
02:27Right, you horrible, greedy, cocky lump,
02:30I'm going to chuck you down that trapdoor where you belong,
02:33and I don't want to see you up here again.
02:35I'm getting fat.
02:36Oh, what have we got here, then?
02:40There's a pigeon.
02:43Come here.
02:45Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
02:47Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
02:49Oh, I see.
02:51You're his mum.
02:59Blood medicine!
03:01Oh, dear.
03:02I'll have to go and make some more.
03:10You'd better go and make some more for us, black old chap.
03:16Come to think of it,
03:17I don't feel so well meself.
03:24Oh, dearie me.
03:42What are you doing back?
03:45I've nailed the trapdoor shut.
03:48I'm fed up with all them weird things that keep popping out.
03:51Now I don't have to worry about anything horrible bursting out of there anymore,
03:55or ever again, never no more.
04:08Oh, globbits.
04:09He's an ugly one.
04:10I ain't staying around here.
04:19I don't like the look of him.
04:27I say, are you all right back?
04:30I feel peculiar.
04:39I don't think this is funny.
04:41I think it's...
04:46What's going on then?
04:48What's he up to?
04:51Now what?
04:52Right, that's it.
04:53I ain't standing for no more of this.
04:55A joke's a joke, but this has gone some way beyond the realms of light entertainment.
05:00Listen here, pumpkin face.
05:02You turn me back to normal right now.
05:07Oh, globbits.
05:12What are you doing hiding in my cooking utensils, ugly thing?
05:19Ah, that's better.
05:22He turned me into a worm.
05:27And you can stop laughing too, horrible little drut.
05:35Oh, globbits.
05:38Drut thinks I'm a worm.
05:42This is getting ridiculous.
05:49It's me, drut.
05:50Your old friend, Berk.
05:53Oh, I don't think he believes me.
05:58Oh, dear, dearie me.
06:08I suppose that thingy thinks this is funny.
06:16Well, at least it hasn't had a go at me.
06:40Ah, my normal, handsome self.
06:43That thing was most peculiar.
06:45Thank goodness it's gone.
06:47I wonder why it went.
06:50I don't know.
06:51Perhaps it got fed up with mucking about.
06:54I don't think it has finished mucking about, actually, Berk.
06:59What is that, then?
07:02Oh, what's this?
07:06Have you ever had one of those days?
07:13Well, that's my cupboard all nice and tidy, then.
07:17Oi, you can't go in there, you little pest.
07:21Oh, I just spent hours tidying all that lot up, you horrible, fat drut.
07:27Well, that's sorted you out.
07:29Irritating little grey blob.
07:31Well, that should keep you out of mischief for a bit.
07:36I've had enough, and I'm going to bed now, boney.
07:39It's been one of those days.
07:41What I need now is a good night's sleep.
07:46See you later.
07:48Good night.
07:50Oh, deary me, I'm so tired.
07:52Good night.
07:54Oh, I'm tired, too.
08:14Come in.
08:17My word.
08:23What was that?
08:24Was that you, boney?
08:29He's gone.
08:31Where's he gone?
08:33He can't have gone far.
08:36Where are you?
08:41Oh, globbits.
08:44Hey, boney.
08:46He's down there.
08:50I'm not coming down there.
08:54Oh, well, here goes.
09:10Oh, it's horrible down here.
09:14Oh, there's someone over there.
09:17And over there.
09:19Oh, what's that over there?
09:22Oh, I don't think I should have come down here.
09:29Oh, it's that b-b-b-botsy's playing games.
09:38What was that?
09:41It looked like a gorgon.
09:42It's got stupid teeth.
10:09Get off!
10:10Leave me alone!
10:14Don't worry.
10:15I'll get you out.
10:16Rescue is at hand.
10:18He's still stuck down the trap door.
10:25Oh, boney.
10:27You've been dreaming, berk.
10:30Oh, I haven't, have I?
10:32What, really?
10:33Yes, berk.
10:35Oh, thank goodness for that.
10:37It was more horrible than giving old blubber guts upstairs a slime bath.
10:52Berk left the trap door open.
10:57And this horrible yellow bubo came out.
11:04And he's giving me a headache.
11:09Ah, it'll be so rough.
11:14Hello, Len.
11:15I thought I heard Boney moaning.
11:20What's up, grunt?
11:23Where's old bone-bots, then?
11:28It's that horrible blasted bubo thing again.
11:31Come on, grunt.
11:32We've got to rescue Boney.
11:36Oh, grunt.
11:38Come on.
11:41What's up with him, I wonder?
11:47Stop, stop, you nasty little creature.
11:54Take me home at once.
12:00I say.
12:02How rude.
12:06My word.
12:07What a nasty, ill-mannered creature he is.
12:10I insist that you take me home.
12:27That sounds like Boney.
12:37Is that you?
12:38There you are.
12:40I thought it was you.
12:42I heard you singing.
12:44I wasn't singing.
12:46He was bonking me on the head with a stick.
12:48It was awful.
12:49Well, where's that bubo now?
12:51I don't know.
12:52He's around somewhere.
12:57He's a funny one, that bubo mind.
13:00Can we go home now, Bert?
13:07Now that wasn't funny.
13:16Well, how am I going to get out of here then?
13:18I could be stuck here for ages.
13:25Well, that soon got you out.
13:28Cor, that thing nearly had me for lunch.
13:30And it's all that blinking bubo's fault.
13:35Ah, there you are, you horrible little thing.
13:37Come here.
13:39It's bonking time again, fans.
13:44Play tunes on my mate's bonce, eh?
13:46Make me fall in the swamp, eh?
13:48Or I'll soon sort you out.
13:50What he needs is a good killing off.
13:52A good telling off, eh?
13:54Like this?
13:56So good show back.
13:59The moral of this story is don't mess with Bert.
14:02And don't sing like Boney.
14:03Ready then, you lot?
14:05Time to go home.
14:07I must say, I didn't care for him at all.
14:10Don't worry, Boney.
14:12We won't be seeing him anymore.
14:14He'll never get out of that swamp.
14:58What's all this here, then?
15:01How did these get here, Boney?
15:10Well, I suppose I could fry them or boil them, maybe.
15:17Why is it doing that?
15:22Whatever it is it's catching.
15:25Just look at them.
15:30Oh, globlets.
15:34Ain't nature wonderful?
15:39Oh, what a pretty thing.
15:42Truly beautiful.
15:44Truly, truly beautiful.
15:50Could watch them all day.
15:53I wonder what they taste like.
15:56Oh, well, fancy that.
15:59They eat pops.
16:09Oh, bonbons will sleep through anything.
16:20You know, Summit, I think this could turn out to be a bit messy.
16:39Oh, how am I going to get rid of this lot, then?
16:43Oh, Blubberbuttocks upstairs will do his various nuts
16:47if he sees this mess all over the place.
16:52Ah, I know what I can do if I can find it.
16:55It's in there somewhere.
17:00Oh, it's like letting a bath in, isn't it?
17:06Oh, it's like letting a bath in upstairs.
17:09Oops, hang on, Drat. Nearly lost you then.
17:15You're a tiny twerp.
17:18There you go, then.
17:27Ha! Oh, Boney's still asleep, then?
17:30Hey, Boney!
17:32Huh? Huh? Oh.
17:34Ah. Is he not even shamoting?
17:37Oh, no, just another normal run-of-the-mill sort of day.
17:44Well, how about some nice scrambled eggs for breakfast?
17:51What's that horrible smell?
17:53Oh, you don't know, you wobbliness.
17:55It's not you, is it, Sawyer?
17:57No, it's not. It's coming from downstairs.
18:00Oh, I'll go down and have a sniff about.
18:04Oh, my word.
18:06What's that thing doing there?
18:10Whatever it is, it smells most unpleasant.
18:14I wonder what it is.
18:17All right, then. Where's that stink coming from?
18:20Oh, what's this?
18:22Don't look at us, Berk.
18:25We didn't put it there.
18:28Sniff that.
18:30Oh, that's...
18:32I suppose I've got to find some way to get rid of this.
18:36Oh, I agree, Berk. It is rather revolting.
18:40I wonder if it moves or anything.
18:43Be careful, Berk, old chap.
18:45I don't think it does anything apart from smell rotten.
18:48I wouldn't get too close, Berk. It might bite.
18:51Oh, don't be silly, Boney.
18:53Oh, it moved.
18:55Oh, it moved.
18:57Hello, Berk.
18:59Ah, it's only Rog.
19:04Ooh, it's a lump.
19:07I like lumps.
19:10Problem is, though, Rog,
19:12we've got to find some way to get rid of it.
19:17You got any bright ideas, then?
19:19Well, you could, um...
19:23Don't know.
19:26The sad thing is that you've just heard
19:29the brightest idea Rog's ever had. Ever.
19:33Who squeaked?
19:35Not me. I don't squeak.
19:38I can't squeak.
19:42Well, then.
19:44It must have been...
19:46the lump.
19:48It must have been...
19:51the lump.
19:53It's a squeaking lump.
19:55It smells lovely.
19:57I reckon it...
19:59Oh, it honked.
20:02It squeaked, then it honked.
20:05I wonder what it's going to do next.
20:08Honk, honk, honk.
20:10Honk, honk, honk.
20:12Honk, honk, honk.
20:14Honk, honk, honk.
20:16Honk, honk, honk.
20:18Honk, honk, honk.
20:20Honk, honk, honk.
20:22Oh, fancy that thing.
20:24Don't love it.
20:27I think this is getting a bit noisy.
20:33Oi, stop that noise.
20:48I think it's finished.
20:50That's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.
20:54I wonder what it is.
20:56That, Berk, is a honking, squeaking, foul-smelling lump.
21:02What, really?
21:04Well, you don't see many of them about, then, do you?
21:08Bye, now. See you next time.
