Emmanuel Macron Forms 'Alliance Of Dishonour' With Far Left-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 8 2024

  • 2 months ago
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Europe is literally in a state of shock today, astonied at another brilliant escape from utter disaster by Emmanuel Macron. I am reminded of another Frenchman, Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, the 19-century illusionist that American escape artist Harry Houdini named himself after. Macron is right up there with the best of them after his stunning snap election gamble. But Macron is not out of the woods yet by any means. In order to fend off the Far Right, Macron was forced to make a deal with the Communist Far Left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon, a name that is sure to shortly become a household word. For you students of history, the climate in France, Germany and the UK right now is nearly identical to the political turmoil of the late 1920’s in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the ‘man of the hour’ then, Emmanuel Macron is the man of the hour right now. Hitler was the 555 type of Antichrist, and the question we ask today, is Emmanuel Macron Mr. 666? Join us today for a Prophecy News Podcast you will not want to miss!
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and
00:00:05Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider. Rightly divided. Dispensationally
00:00:10correct. And standing on the authority of the King James Holy
00:00:14Bible. This program is brought to you by NowTheEndBegins.com.
00:00:19And good afternoon everybody. Happy Monday and welcome to this
00:00:23edition of the Prophecy News Podcast. Today, Emmanuel
00:00:27Macron is the big winner in snap election, but he had to
00:00:33make a deal with the devil with Jean-Luc Melenchon to be able to
00:00:37do it. As the sun rose this morning over planet earth, the
00:00:42dust was still settling on the final results of the snap
00:00:45election called by Emmanuel Macron to fend off the
00:00:49insurgents of the far right and Marine Le Pen. This is what we
00:00:54know so far. Macron's bitter enemy, Le Pen, was yet again
00:00:59denied the victory that last week seemed so sure and so
00:01:04secure. But when you're talking about Emmanuel Macron, nothing
00:01:10is as it seems. And today he is a very happy man. A man on an
00:01:16end times mission. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3, let no
00:01:22man deceive you by any means. For that day, the day of Christ,
00:01:27the rapture of the church, for that day shall not come except
00:01:31there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed
00:01:36the son of perdition. Today, Europe is literally in a state
00:01:41of shock, astonished at yet another brilliant escape from
00:01:47utter disaster by Emmanuel Macron. I'm reminded of another
00:01:51Frenchman, Jean Eugene Robert Howden, the 19th century
00:01:56illusionist that American escape artist Harry Houdini named
00:02:00himself after. Macron is right up there with the best of them
00:02:05after his stunning snap election gamble. But Macron is not out of
00:02:10the woods yet by any means. In order to fend off the far right,
00:02:15Macron was forced to make a deal with the communist far left
00:02:18leader, Jean-Luc Melenchon, a name that is sure to shortly
00:02:23become a household word. For you students of history, the climate
00:02:28in France, Germany, and the UK, Hungary, Spain, right now is
00:02:34nearly identical to the political turmoil of the late
00:02:381920s in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the man of the hour then,
00:02:44Emmanuel Macron is the man of the hour right now. Hitler was
00:02:50the 555 type of Antichrist, and the question we ask today, is
00:02:55Emmanuel Macron Mr. 666? You're going to find out today. Heavenly
00:03:03Father, we thank you God for waking us up this morning. We
00:03:07thank you for the food on the table, for the clothes on our
00:03:11back, for the roof over our head, and we're glad and we're
00:03:14grateful, Lord, as an NTEB family. Today we pray for lost
00:03:20souls. We pray for Sarah and Eric and Becky Jacobs, Greg and
00:03:25Melissa Price, Kimberly McClintock. Please pray for the
00:03:29salvation of my two adult daughters, E and J. Shayla
00:03:34Clark's husband, Glenn. In Jeanette's family, Cheyenne,
00:03:37Bridget, Tony, Dion, Samuel, and Matthew, and two great grand
00:03:43babies, Trista, Tara, Ted, Shauna, and George, Trevor,
00:03:49Derek, Adam, and Roland Carrier and their families. My three
00:03:53brothers, John, Jimmy, and David. Daughter, Christy, niece,
00:03:57Melissa, sister-in-law, Dale. Jesse and his mom, Rachel's dad,
00:04:02Ralph. Johnny Bolton's unsaved Catholic family members, Jordan
00:04:08Shapiro, David Peck. In the Wears Bickey family, daughters,
00:04:12Valerie and Marie. Husband, Greg Sr., son, Greg Jr. Jeffrey's
00:04:19children, Tyler, Tevin, daughter-in-law, Caitlin, and
00:04:22grandsons, Logan, Ronnie, and Russell. Jeanette and Bob's
00:04:26unsaved Catholic family members, Connie, three unsaved kids,
00:04:30Brandy, unsaved family. Rita in Colorado praying for son, Dan.
00:04:36Ron needs to get saved. Spray of Sunshine's sons, Daniel, Patrick,
00:04:41and Brian. And Shannon is praying for Lori W. and Brian M.
00:04:47People who need a healing today. Lulu, please pray for my
00:04:52sister's friend, Charlene. She has liver cancer and she is not
00:04:56saved. Amber asking for prayer for Jamie Quiles with stage 4
00:05:02brain cancer. He is being treated for the pain, but
00:05:05nothing is working. Adrian Brita, please add my father to
00:05:10the list. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. Lori
00:05:16says, please pray for my dad, Roland, and my mother, Joyce,
00:05:21for health issues. Sandy, she has a blood flow problem to her
00:05:26shoulders. Gail says I'm having severe arthritis in my knees and
00:05:31very difficult to walk. Laurent, please pray for my nicotine
00:05:36addiction and for my mental health. Alicia, for mental
00:05:40health recovery. NC Jen, for God to lift my grief and replace it
00:05:46with his strength. Salvation for my family. Reconciliation for
00:05:51my daughter. Shea Castor, going through a difficult time and
00:05:55we're praying for him. Daniel R. for mental and emotional support.
00:06:00Sadie, for wisdom and guidance. Heather, for Lyme disease and
00:06:04rheumatoid arthritis. Jeff Ward and wife Amanda, as she goes
00:06:08through cervical cancer. Amber, for complete healing and peace.
00:06:13Gail, for stage 2 melanoma skin cancer. Angela, for my sister
00:06:19in law Gail with stage 4 kidney disease on dialysis and for my
00:06:24brother Larry to get saved. Gail has an unspoken, the Lord knows
00:06:30the need. Ladies who are expecting. Spray of Sunshine
00:06:36says, please pray for son and girlfriend expecting twins. Jose
00:06:41and Anna Della Rosa expecting their third baby. Marilyn
00:06:45Lina, granddaughter Tori and granddaughter-in-law Tori
00:06:50expecting a baby boy in August. Tanya, son Vincent and fiance
00:06:55Sarah, twin boys in August. A lot of twin boys in August. CJ,
00:07:01daughter-in-law Emily expecting in December. Deborah Mack's
00:07:05good friend Gwen is pregnant and Lauren is expecting a baby in
00:07:11December. Let's go to the chat room today and see what we have.
00:07:18Let's take a look here. Jeanette from Wisconsin. Good morning,
00:07:24everybody. I'm usually here just a silent listener. Please keep
00:07:28me in prayer. With my blood pressure. I'm allergic to most
00:07:33medications. Thank you, everybody. You're very welcome.
00:07:37Chelsea P, praise report. I asked the Lord to help us with
00:07:41his lawsuit and he has. We are getting our money back from the
00:07:46crook contractor. Thank you for praying NTEB family. You're very
00:07:51welcome. Deborah Mack, please pray for Gwen's mom Wilma having
00:07:56major back surgery today. Rapture 57 praise report. I
00:08:03reported yesterday that my oldest son was in so much pain.
00:08:07He had many obstacles trying to get to Florida to see family for
00:08:12vacation. The enemy was trying to stop him. His pain is gone.
00:08:18And we rejoice with you. Delmar unspoken prayer requests for
00:08:25Ariel. Marjorie, I'm coming down with something I have fever and
00:08:30neck aches and my back is sore. Please pray for my health. And
00:08:36we're happy to do that. And there was somebody that had a
00:08:44medical emergency of some kind. And now I don't see it. If I
00:08:49come across it, I will stop the program and lift that up. But I
00:08:55don't see it. Rob says I mentioned last night about my
00:09:01neighbor Ed being arrested. I looked on recently book.com. And
00:09:08unbelievably on Saturday, the person who used to live in that
00:09:11house was also arrested in a different town on different
00:09:16charges. If jail for either most likely at the Ocean County Jail
00:09:21in Tom's River, New Jersey. Praise God for the Bible's
00:09:25behind bars program that sent them Bibles last year. Amen,
00:09:30brother, praying that Ed and Mike and their families get
00:09:36saved. Char says please pray for brother Roy. He needs help with
00:09:42his air conditioning. He is in 120 degree weather. Heavenly
00:09:50Father, for all of these prayers and for the unspoken prayers of
00:09:55our hearts. We come before you and we ask you to work and move
00:10:00as only you can. Lord, if you don't do it, it's not going to
00:10:04get done. If you don't give it to us, we're not going to have
00:10:09it. And Lord, we just lift up all of these prayers and praises,
00:10:15along with the complete list from last night. And we ask you
00:10:20to to work and move and answer all of these prayers, large and
00:10:25small, for your glory for our good. And we ask these things in
00:10:31Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Somebody in the chat room posted about 10
00:10:38minutes ago about a surgical procedure. I don't see it. I
00:10:43lost that one. Please, if you're listening, repost it in
00:10:48the chat room, so we can grab it. I definitely want to lift
00:10:52that up. All right, let's get started with today's program. If
00:10:58you remember last week and every single program for the last week
00:11:03and a half. The whole world has been freaking out that Emmanuel
00:11:09Macron called a snap election. And then he lost big time to the
00:11:18far right and Marine Le Pen. And everybody was predicting that
00:11:23this was the end of the road for Emmanuel Macron. Well, here we
00:11:29are one week later. And as it turns out, the far right, they
00:11:35did not win. They are not taking over power. And Emmanuel
00:11:40Macron, exactly like we told you, is not the loser. I think
00:11:47nobody can celebrate tonight because we are back to a
00:11:50situation that we knew too well in France. Here it is not the
00:11:54columnist but the historian that speaks. It's the situation of
00:11:57the Fourth Republic with the three blocks that were opposed
00:12:00together and with no one being able to lead a proper policy for
00:12:06the country. Because what we're going to see in the next month is
00:12:10an unconferable France. So there is no victory for anybody
00:12:15tonight, to my mind. But I would say that Macron is not the loser
00:12:19that we expected. And in a way, he has to be rather satisfied by
00:12:24the result tonight because it's not a secret, it's a very
00:12:30popular figure among everybody. Macron is not the loser that
00:12:36everybody expected him to be. Emmanuel Macron is a very, very
00:12:41happy man today. He averted sure and certain disaster. And
00:12:48there's a reason why he did. And we're going to tell you what
00:12:50that reason is. Buddy, I remember that two weeks ago, I
00:12:55was on the radio set for a British channel and I was facing
00:12:59leftist journalist, I'm working for a conservative magazine. And
00:13:03we were both saying, well, we agree about almost nothing. But
00:13:07we agree on one point, Macron is a disaster. And tonight, Macron
00:13:14did pretty well, I think. So if there is a well someone who can
00:13:18say there is a kind of victory, it's my call. Well, I think
00:13:21nobody can say
00:13:23Macron is a disaster. Everybody in France hates him. And yet,
00:13:30he wins time and time and time again. How is that even
00:13:36possible? Here's that prayer request. Deborah Mack says,
00:13:41please pray for Gwen's mother Wilma. She is having major back
00:13:46surgery today. They just took her back for the surgery. Please
00:13:52put Gwen's mother Wilma back surgery happening right now.
00:13:57Please take a moment and pray for her. Thank you very much.
00:14:03Emmanuel Macron is the man of the hour. Emmanuel Macron has
00:14:08been president of France since 2017. And there's a reason why
00:14:16Emmanuel Macron, even though everybody says he is the most
00:14:21hated person in in France, and nobody likes him and nobody
00:14:26supports him. And yet time and time again, he either wins
00:14:31outright or he wins enough to stay in the picture. And there's
00:14:37a reason why he keeps doing that. Now, let's just roll the
00:14:45clock back 24 hours. Let's get up to speed with what's been
00:14:51happening in France in the past 24 hours. The far right party
00:15:00represented by Marine Le Pen lost. They won some seats.
00:15:06They're not completely out of the picture, but they are not
00:15:10going to take over and nobody from the far right is going to
00:15:14become the prime minister of France. You know what the funny
00:15:18thing is, and this is something I don't think we've ever talked
00:15:21about. Everybody talks about Emmanuel Macron as being the
00:15:27leader of France. And it is true. Emmanuel Macron is the
00:15:34president of France. But France has a prime minister. Nobody
00:15:43ever, ever talks about that guy. Nobody ever mentions his
00:15:49name. And if somebody said, I'll buy you a free dinner, if you
00:15:56can tell me without going to Google who the prime minister of
00:16:01France is, I bet you couldn't do it. But the prime minister of
00:16:07France is a man by the name of Gabriel Attal. Nobody ever
00:16:13talks about the prime minister. Emmanuel Macron takes all the
00:16:19oxygen out of the room. Emmanuel Macron, he gets all the
00:16:24attention. Now, the far left beat the far right. The far
00:16:33right is a very nationalist group of people. They want to do
00:16:39some good things, but they want to do some bad things as well.
00:16:44They want to stop globalism, which is a good thing. But they
00:16:49want to have ultimate power in the hands of very few people.
00:16:54And that's exactly how Adolf Hitler came to power. Adolf
00:17:00Hitler used whatever alliance that he could cobble together.
00:17:05And he came to power. And two years after he became the
00:17:09chancellor, he became the sole leader and sole ruler of Nazi
00:17:15Germany. And Marine Le Pen and her people, that's ultimately
00:17:22what they want to do. Marine Le Pen wants to be the sole leader
00:17:27of France. But they lost yesterday. Now the group that
00:17:32won is a group called the far left. And the far left is
00:17:38represented by a man named Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And he is
00:17:44the hard left leader. Associated Press says this, Mélenchon has
00:17:51been a figure on the left for a long time, first in the
00:17:55Socialist Party and as a senator. He founded the hard
00:18:00left France on Baud party in 2016, but failed to reach the
00:18:05presidential runoff in 2017. So let's start here today. I have a
00:18:14clip from 2017, when Emmanuel Macron was running for president
00:18:20for the very first time. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who is the
00:18:26leader of the far left that just won the election yesterday,
00:18:30who has made a deal with Macron, was actually running against
00:18:36Macron in 2017. Take a listen to this amazing clip from seven
00:18:43years ago.
00:18:51Time now for the Campaign Beat, our daily roundup of news from
00:18:55the French presidential campaign trail. News is just coming in
00:19:02that two suspects have been arrested in Marseille. French
00:19:06authorities believe they were planning a terror attack before
00:19:10the presidential election. Security has of course been a
00:19:13major issue throughout the campaign. In the meantime, it's
00:19:16the final countdown to the round one vote on Sunday.
00:19:20Round one. Now this is of course probably going to add a lot of
00:19:23uncertainty to what already is a very uncertain election. In
00:19:27fact, it's unprecedented in French history. With just five
00:19:31days to go until round one, four candidates are battling it out at
00:19:35the top. You can see here the centrist Emmanuel Macron. There's
00:19:39also the far right candidate Marine Le Pen, the conservative
00:19:42François Fillon, and far left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
00:19:45Given the margin of error, they are virtually neck and neck. So
00:19:48as you can imagine,
00:19:50now that woman when she was pronouncing the names of those
00:19:53people, she has a very thick French accent. But if you were
00:19:57paying attention, you heard her say that back in 2017, it was
00:20:03Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and Marine Le Pen
00:20:10battling it out, and all of them wanted to become president of
00:20:15France. Emmanuel Macron went on to win that election.
00:20:21Imagine they're throwing their energy into the final battle. You
00:20:25can see images here from a rally that Macron held in Paris
00:20:29yesterday. It was seen as quite a make or break moment for
00:20:33Emmanuel Macron. Organizers say about 20,000 people showed up.
00:20:37He spent a lot of time during his speech throwing punches at
00:20:41his rivals. But you'll hear there was also a lot of love
00:20:44going around.
00:20:46I love you, Mr. Macron.
00:20:50It'll be like Cuba without sun, Venezuela without oil. You have
00:21:00the choice between Thatcher and Trotsky. Just like General
00:21:04de Gaulle, I've chosen the best of the left and the right and
00:21:07even the centre. I'm ready with you by my side, Brigitte.
00:21:13So some love.
00:21:18That was Emmanuel Macron back in 2017 when he came to power in
00:21:25an absolutely stunning way. Do you remember one of the very
00:21:30first articles that we ever did about Emmanuel Macron? Where he
00:21:36was sitting on a chair that looked like a throne next to
00:21:40another throne. And the title of the article was Emmanuel
00:21:46Macron wants to rule France like the God Jupiter. Do you remember
00:21:53when we did that article on Emmanuel Macron ruling France
00:21:58like the God Jupiter? Well, that's what he's done for the
00:22:02past seven years. And I said at the start of the broadcast
00:22:07today that there is a reason why Emmanuel Macron keeps
00:22:12winning and winning and winning. Last week, people reached out to
00:22:19me and they said, Are you willing to concede that Emmanuel
00:22:23Macron is not the man of sin that you say he is? Because it
00:22:28looks like his career is all finished. Well, what did I say
00:22:33last week? I said, Emmanuel Macron is not going anywhere. I
00:22:39don't know how he's going to do it, but he will do it. And when
00:22:43the election is over, he will still be in power, and he will
00:22:47make whatever deal that he has to make. And that's exactly what
00:22:52he did. Back in 2020, we wrote an article called, Your head
00:22:58will spin after you realize that Emmanuel Macron has both Jewish
00:23:03ancestry and inexplicable ties to Rome and the Assyrian Empire.
00:23:10That article has been read by hundreds of thousands of people
00:23:14over the last four years. If you haven't read it, please go to
00:23:19NowTheEndBegins.com and just type the word Assyrian into the
00:23:25search box, and that article will pop right up. But let me
00:23:30just give you a couple of nuggets from this article that
00:23:35you may or may not know about Emmanuel Macron. Did you know
00:23:41that Emmanuel Macron used to be in the banking business? Did you
00:23:45know that he was an investment banker at Rothschild and
00:23:51Company? Doesn't that blow your mind? Before he was the
00:23:57President of France, he was very closely embedded with the
00:24:02Rothschilds family. He was an investment banker. He was brought
00:24:08up as a young global leader under Klaus Schwab's program. And
00:24:14in 2014, Emmanuel Macron was invited by Henry Kissinger to
00:24:20that year's Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen. The Bilderberg
00:24:26group is a globalist elite meeting with the world's most
00:24:30powerful individuals. And Henry Kissinger led Emmanuel Macron by
00:24:38the hand and introduced him. That was Emmanuel Macron's
00:24:43coming out party. 2014 in Copenhagen, Bilderberg meeting
00:24:49Henry Kissinger as his mentor. He went from being an investment
00:24:56banker with Rothschild to running for President of France.
00:25:01And then when he won the election, the French newspapers
00:25:05the next day reported that Emmanuel Macron had won with
00:25:1166.6% of the vote. You can't make this stuff up.
00:25:18Love there for Brigitte, his wife. Now our reporter, Claire
00:25:22Williams was at that rally. And she spoke to a lot of Macron
00:25:26supporters who say they're a little bit worried about the
00:25:28surge that Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been seeing in the polls in
00:25:33recent weeks. Take a listen.
00:25:35Yeah, I'm first and first of all, worried to get the choice
00:25:39only between extreme right and extreme left. That's my first
00:25:44concern. But I'm quite comfortable for the future. Even
00:25:48if we don't win, we already have done a lot of things. So it's
00:25:53I'm quite happy what we have we have done since a year now.
00:25:57Yeah, to be honest, I'm very worried about the latest
00:26:02sondage. But the thing is that I think that's a day like this on
00:26:06a meeting like this just show that people are really
00:26:09supporting and it's just that Mélenchon is a very good
00:26:13speecher. And that's why a lot of people are doubting for the
00:26:17moment. But I'm sure that when it will be the moment to vote,
00:26:20they will realize that Macron is the only one who got a really
00:26:24right program.
00:26:27Well, a far right leader Marine Le Pen also held a rally in
00:26:31Paris yesterday and she's been
00:26:33so that was a clip from 2017. And that was showing you that
00:26:39seven years ago, Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron, and Jean-Luc
00:26:46Mélenchon were all battling it out together. She is on the far
00:26:51right, he is on the far left and Macron is in what they call the
00:26:57centrist party. That's where Emmanuel Macron is. Somebody in
00:27:03the chat room just asked about the name of Emmanuel Macron.
00:27:08Well, Emmanuel Macron has five names. Emmanuel, which means
00:27:14God with us. Jean, meaning the Lord is gracious. Michelle, who
00:27:20is like God. Frederick, peaceful ruler. And last but not least,
00:27:27his name Macron. The literal definition of his last name is a
00:27:34short, straight, horizontal mark. Five is the number of
00:27:41death and judgment in the Bible. Emmanuel Macron has five
00:27:46names. The first four names are a reference to God. The last
00:27:51name, his fifth name, Macron, is a direct reference to the mark
00:27:57of the beast. Are you starting to see why Emmanuel Macron is
00:28:02not going to lose? Are you starting to see why I was not
00:28:08surprised yesterday, when I pulled up the news and it said,
00:28:14Emmanuel Macron big gamble pays off? Well, we've been telling
00:28:19you that for the last week and a half. We've been telling you
00:28:22that for the last seven years. He's not going anywhere. He's
00:28:29going up, up, up, up. And when he gets as high as he's going to
00:28:35go, he's going to stay there for seven years. And you can
00:28:40count on it. You can count on it. All right, what did France
00:28:46wake up to this morning? You want to know what they woke up
00:28:49to this morning? They woke up to this.
00:29:05And just to let you know, if you were watching that video,
00:29:25you would have seen them waving Palestinian flags. The far left
00:29:31that Emmanuel Macron made his deal with, they are pro Hamas
00:29:36and pro Palestinian. Those were the people that Emmanuel Macron
00:29:42got in bed with in order to win in the election yesterday. The
00:29:48only way that he could make, the only way that he could win is he
00:29:56had to make a deal. And I call it the devil's deal. With the
00:30:02head of the far left movement, Jean-Luc Melenchon. And that
00:30:07group of people are anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, pro Hamas, and pro
00:30:13Palestinian. Those are the people keeping Macron in power
00:30:19This is what the victory rally for the new French government
00:30:26looked like. And as you can see in that footage, there are far
00:30:29more Palestinian flags being waved than French flags. In fact,
00:30:33there are hardly any French flags at all. It comes as Marine
00:30:37Le Pen
00:30:39There's far more Palestinian flags being waved than French
00:30:44flags. Isn't that an amazing thing? How come the far left
00:30:50followers are not waving French flags? Well, for the same reason
00:30:57why Adolf Hitler didn't wave the German flag. He didn't wave the
00:31:02national flag of Germany. He waved the Nazi flag, the red,
00:31:09white and black Nazi flag. That's the one that Adolf
00:31:14Hitler waved. He was not pro German. He was pro Nazi. He was
00:31:20pro Nazi. The far left party in France are not pro French. They
00:31:27are pro communism. They are pro socialism. They are against
00:31:32Israel. They are for Hamas and they are for Palestine. These
00:31:37are Emmanuel Macron's new coworkers.
00:31:42Marine Le Pen's National Rally Party was defeated in the second
00:31:45round of the French parliamentary elections and the
00:31:47country's left wing alliance, the New Popular Front, looks set
00:31:51to win after exit polling indicated it would win the most
00:31:54seats. Now this alliance didn't even exist a month ago, but four
00:31:58parties came together to keep the far right out of power. And
00:32:02it's promised to scrap immigration reforms and set up a
00:32:06rescues agency for undocumented migrants to facilitate visa
00:32:11applications. Now the world is watching and reacting to the
00:32:14results coming in. This is what is being posted on X. Goodnight
00:32:18France, you've always been good at being rapidly conquered.
00:32:22Another person wrote, one thing about France is they never miss
00:32:25an opportunity to surrender their country and enjoy your
00:32:29country while it lasts. Journalists and commentators are
00:32:33sharing vision from on the ground where despite being the
00:32:35projected winners of the elections, many who belong to
00:32:38the far left are rioting in the streets.
00:32:43Many who belong to the far left are rioting in the streets. In
00:32:50the chat room, Heath just said, I thought France was a socialist
00:32:57country. Well, they are a democratic socialist nation,
00:33:01absolutely. But there's all different degrees of socialism.
00:33:07Here in America, we have a senator by the name of Bernie
00:33:10Sanders. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He is not a
00:33:17constitutionalist. He is not a Democrat. He was elected by the
00:33:24Democrat Party, but Bernie Sanders is a socialist. And so
00:33:29there are all different degrees of socialism. Marine Le Pen is a
00:33:34socialist, and she's a nationalist. Emmanuel Macron is a
00:33:41socialist, and he's a centrist. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a
00:33:47socialist, and he's a communist. He wants to take it all the way
00:33:53as far as it will go.
00:34:05Podcast host Brianna Morella shared this clip and wrote, I'm
00:34:22fascinated by France's far left. If they lose, Paris will burn.
00:34:26If they win, Paris will burn.
00:34:35If they win, Paris will burn.
00:35:00That was the same guy. The same fat guy.
00:35:03In the Parisians' hands. A country that seemed poised to
00:35:07put its faith in the far right suddenly, dramatically changing
00:35:11direction. Instead, it is a left-wing coalition that will be
00:35:16France's biggest political group, immediately demanding power.
00:35:23The popular front is ready to govern. The elements on the left,
00:35:29this extraordinary historical situation.
00:35:32So what will we do now?
00:35:34Once again, save the Republic.
00:35:36But Mélenchon is unpopular.
00:35:38Even within his own coalition, he
00:35:41is unlikely to have the support to become prime minister.
00:35:45But the job will very soon be vacant.
00:35:48The present prime minister, Gabriel Attal,
00:35:50says he will resign.
00:35:52France is in a state of flux.
00:35:55A week ago, it seemed certain that the National Rally
00:35:58Party of Marine Le Pen were on course
00:36:00for a thumping parliamentary victory.
00:36:03They had the champagne ready after dominating
00:36:06the first round of this election.
00:36:08They had the champagne ready, and they were all set to go.
00:36:13After dominating the first round of the election,
00:36:17you blink your eyes, and it's all done.
00:36:20It's all over.
00:36:22France is now a far-left nation.
00:36:26And Emmanuel Macron made a deal with the devil.
00:36:31But the exit poll came as a thumping blow,
00:36:35reduced to third place and to stoic smiles.
00:36:41Marine Le Pen still acclaimed like a triumphant hero,
00:36:45even in the wake of defeat.
00:36:48Marine Le Pen is putting on a brave face,
00:36:50but she must be crestfallen.
00:36:51She spent decades building up her party
00:36:54with the ambition of taking power in Parliament,
00:36:58the next step towards a presidential run.
00:37:02And yet here, all those dreams have been dashed.
00:37:05She was thwarted by her opponents ganging up on her.
00:37:11Her protégé, Jordan Bardella,
00:37:13had been primed to become prime minister.
00:37:16He was defiant.
00:37:20I would like to tell you that my intention, in fact,
00:37:22is stronger than ever.
00:37:23I will be there.
00:37:24I will be there for you, with you, right until the victory.
00:37:28So this evening is just the beginning.
00:37:30An old world has fallen.
00:37:32What thwarted them was a coalition of opponents.
00:37:37Did you hear what that guy just said?
00:37:39The old world has fallen.
00:37:44That is a very, very true statement.
00:37:46What you're watching is the new world order
00:37:50reassembling itself.
00:37:53Joint forces in hundreds of constituencies
00:37:56to put all the votes behind just one candidate.
00:38:01Emmanuel Macron, the president,
00:38:02had stunned his nation by calling this election,
00:38:06apparently sure that the French would turn
00:38:08against the far right.
00:38:10They did, but they didn't provide a clear answer.
00:38:13One of the world's most influential nations
00:38:17is mired in uncertainty.
00:38:23So there you have Emmanuel Macron
00:38:26making a deal with the far left,
00:38:28and now France is a nation that exists in a state of,
00:38:34well, he said a state of flux,
00:38:37but it is an absolute state of turmoil.
00:38:42If you've ever watched any of the documentaries
00:38:44on World War II, and you look at the political climate
00:38:48that was there in the late 1920s, early 1930s,
00:38:53in places like Germany,
00:38:55what you had is you had multiple little parties
00:38:59all fighting each other for power.
00:39:03The Nazi party was one group,
00:39:06the Weimar Republic was another group,
00:39:09the communists had a party,
00:39:12the socialists had a party,
00:39:14the democratic socialists had a party,
00:39:17and all these groups battled for power.
00:39:22And Adolf Hitler came on the scene in 1919,
00:39:26and he pushed his Nazi party higher and higher and higher
00:39:31until they were able to break into the parliament
00:39:34and get Nazis sitting on parliament
00:39:38until they could get more and more of the votes.
00:39:42And eventually in 1931,
00:39:45they won the largest amount of votes that they ever got.
00:39:50And by 1933, Hindenburg had declared Adolf Hitler
00:39:55to be the chancellor of Germany.
00:39:58So one thing that you have to understand
00:40:01about European politics,
00:40:04it's not the same as American politics.
00:40:08It operates on a very, very different level.
00:40:12And all these groups battle each other
00:40:16to see who is going to take over
00:40:18and who's going to be in charge.
00:40:20In America, we have one party
00:40:23that pretends to be the democratic party
00:40:29and the Republican party.
00:40:30And you have the Republicans, that's considered the right.
00:40:34You have the Democrats, that's called the left.
00:40:38But if you follow politics for any length of time,
00:40:42it's a funny thing, you wind up with the same result,
00:40:46no matter which candidate wins.
00:40:50And so over a period of time,
00:40:52you come to the understanding
00:40:54that America may have a two-party system
00:40:58and it may be called the Democrats and the Republicans,
00:41:02but you wind up with the same people,
00:41:07no matter what you do.
00:41:09You wind up with the same problem,
00:41:11no matter who you put in office.
00:41:14To me, America has one party.
00:41:18Deborah Mack is asking a question.
00:41:20She says, so France has fallen.
00:41:24Yes, France has absolutely fallen,
00:41:27but there is turmoil all across Europe.
00:41:31It is not just France.
00:41:35So Emmanuel Macron has a new problem.
00:41:40Let's take a listen to what that new problem might be.
00:41:45Macron says he's actually quite relieved
00:41:48because he has lanced the abscess, he says, in private.
00:41:51He's not said it in public.
00:41:53He's shown that the national rally is not ready to govern
00:41:57and the people don't want it yet.
00:41:58And this is what he wanted.
00:41:59But of course, Macron said he wanted clarification
00:42:01when he announced these elections
00:42:03and he has got the very opposite.
00:42:05All the French political analysts were saying
00:42:07that Marine Le Pen's right-wing national rally
00:42:09would be the biggest party in the French elections.
00:42:11Well, all the French political analysts
00:42:13are now shrugging their shoulders gallantly this morning
00:42:15because in fact, the left has come out on top.
00:42:20Let's talk to European correspondent Nina Dos Santos.
00:42:22Good morning to you.
00:42:24Good morning, Esme.
00:42:25Macron made a huge gamble when he called the election.
00:42:29He was in some jeopardy for some time.
00:42:33This is not the worst result,
00:42:37but he's still in some difficulty.
00:42:39Yeah, I think that's a very good summing up of the situation, Esme.
00:42:42And France, by the way, is in some difficulty
00:42:45and likely to remain so for the next weeks or months
00:42:48as these three parties that managed to block the far right
00:42:52from coming to power,
00:42:53but essentially divided up the number of seats among themselves.
00:42:58And when they did so, what it means...
00:43:01I think that's Times Radio calling me, actually,
00:43:03at the same time, Esme.
00:43:05Lovely being so popular.
00:43:07We want you on stereo.
00:43:11The point, essentially, is that these three parties,
00:43:15the far left, the centre left and Emmanuel Macron's centrist movement
00:43:19moving back and having a slightly better night than expected yesterday evening.
00:43:24What has happened is that they've divided the vote three ways.
00:43:27And it means that none of them have managed to emerge
00:43:29with any kind of majority in the French Assemblée Nationale,
00:43:32the lower house of parliament.
00:43:34And that means that we're going to see a hung parliament
00:43:37for France.
00:43:38And we're not even going to see one of those situations
00:43:40that we were talking about two or three weeks ago,
00:43:42which is the potential for a cohabitation government,
00:43:45where essentially you'd end up with a president
00:43:48of one side of the political aisle or the centre of the political aisle
00:43:51and then a prime minister who might be from the far right or the far left
00:43:55and that they would have a sort of fractious, hard time.
00:43:58Now, even that isn't the situation that France is facing.
00:44:01It's going to have to try and form some sort of coalition.
00:44:05But the question really is, who is going to be dominating that?
00:44:08Presumably the far left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, will try as hard as he can.
00:44:13So the question that she's asking is now that France has to form a new coalition,
00:44:20somebody has to be the figurehead.
00:44:24Somebody has to be the person who's calling all the shots.
00:44:28Now, what you're going to see, in my opinion,
00:44:32over the next couple of weeks, in the next couple of months,
00:44:36you're going to see things going back and forth and back and forth
00:44:41as the necessary backroom deals get hammered out
00:44:46between Macron and his centrist party
00:44:49and Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his far left socialist communist party.
00:44:56They are going to have to make compromises.
00:45:00Do you remember when Adolf Hitler was going back and forth and back and forth
00:45:06and everybody thought that he was going to start a war
00:45:09and everybody thought that he was going to invade territories?
00:45:12And then he took Austria.
00:45:15He took the Rhineland.
00:45:16He took the Sudetenland.
00:45:18He took Czechoslovakia.
00:45:21And Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister of England,
00:45:26gets on a plane and goes to Germany to make a backroom deal with Adolf Hitler.
00:45:34And he comes back and he waves that worthless piece of paper
00:45:40that him and Hitler signed.
00:45:42And he proclaimed, peace in our time.
00:45:47Was there peace?
00:45:49Absolutely not.
00:45:50World War II had already begun.
00:45:54There was no peace.
00:45:56There was no peace.
00:45:59What does the Bible say in 1 Thessalonians 5?
00:46:04Take a look at verses 1 through 3.
00:46:081 Thessalonians 5, 1 through 3.
00:46:11But of the times and the seasons, brethren,
00:46:14ye have no need that I write unto you.
00:46:16For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord
00:46:19so cometh as a thief in the night.
00:46:22For when they shall say, peace and safety,
00:46:24then sudden destruction came upon them as travail upon a woman with child,
00:46:30and they shall not escape.
00:46:34Isn't it ironic that Neville Chamberlain in 1938
00:46:40waved that piece of paper and said, we have peace in our time?
00:46:45What was the next thing that was going to happen on that timeline?
00:46:49Adolf Hitler was going to invade Poland just a couple of months later,
00:46:55and there was no peace.
00:46:57There was the greatest war that the world up to that point had ever seen.
00:47:0355 million people dead.
00:47:08For when they shall say, peace and safety,
00:47:11then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child,
00:47:15and they shall not escape.
00:47:19to exact an important price from President Macron,
00:47:22for as he will put it, having saved France from the far right.
00:47:26And the far right itself will still probably come back
00:47:28emboldened for the presidential race in 2027.
00:47:31So who's your best bet then for prime minister? Is it Mélenchon?
00:47:35This is the big question. He's already said yesterday evening,
00:47:38and by the way, he was the first one to immediately hit the airwaves,
00:47:41which is significant to say, look, essentially we won one of the biggest,
00:47:46you know, our bloc won the biggest share of the vote.
00:47:48Remember that he's coalesced with these other centre-left parties
00:47:52to form this new popular front.
00:47:53But he is from the far left.
00:47:56The centre-left will say, well, look, we actually did better
00:48:00proportionally raising our share of the vote than the far left.
00:48:03So really, we should have more of a say.
00:48:06Jean-Luc Mélenchon said that he wants to try and create a government,
00:48:10potentially of national, a minority government,
00:48:13but not everybody will play ball in that.
00:48:15So Mélenchon will certainly try and dominate the conversation,
00:48:18but it's very unclear who might emerge at this point.
00:48:21I think nobody really knows.
00:48:23And it's a big problem, not just for France,
00:48:25it's a problem for the rest of Europe as well.
00:48:27You already seen yesterday evening Donald Tusk,
00:48:30the centre-right prime minister of Poland,
00:48:33who wrested his country back from the clutches of the far right
00:48:37when they'd become really entrenched.
00:48:39And let me just put that on pause for a second.
00:48:43I'm on a website right now called the Jewish Chronicle.
00:48:47And here's an article entitled,
00:48:51what does the rise of Mélenchon mean for Jews in France?
00:48:59And the article says, in a result almost no one anticipated,
00:49:04France has rejected the far right in favour of the far left alliance
00:49:10of the new popular front.
00:49:12That's the name of the far left party,
00:49:14put together over the past week
00:49:16to fight Sunday's second round of assembly elections.
00:49:20Led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon,
00:49:23who has a long history of accusations of anti-Semitism
00:49:28and is said to be pro-Putin,
00:49:31the new popular front surprise victory
00:49:34has understandably concerned French Jews.
00:49:38Rabbi Moshe Sebeg from the Grand Synagogue of Paris
00:49:43went as far as to tell the Times of Israel that,
00:49:46quote, it seems France has no future for Jews
00:49:52and advised the young Jews to leave France to go to Israel.
00:49:58That's what one of the main rabbis in Paris
00:50:02is now telling his people.
00:50:04If you are a young Jew,
00:50:07you need to get out of France right now.
00:50:11Mélenchon, who leads the far left party LFI,
00:50:15has been accused of underplaying anti-Semitism,
00:50:19dog-whistling and playing into anti-Semitic stereotypes
00:50:23over his long career in politics,
00:50:26all of which he denies.
00:50:29So this guy, Mélenchon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon,
00:50:35he is very far left.
00:50:37He is a socialist slash communist and he is anti-Semitic.
00:50:42He is pro-Palestine and he is pro-Hamas.
00:50:48He essentially said, look, Moscow will be disappointed.
00:50:50Kiev will be happy.
00:50:52And this is a result that Warsaw can live with.
00:50:54We also saw members of Olaf Scholz's own party saying,
00:50:58look, even in Germany and Brussels,
00:51:00they are breathing a sigh of relief that the far right,
00:51:03the big Eurosceptic far right,
00:51:05didn't manage to get into power here
00:51:07in such a consequential part of the EU.
00:51:10But it's still very, very unclear
00:51:12who's going to be able to govern from here on.
00:51:15Remember that they can call more snap elections
00:51:18in a year to come.
00:51:19Of course.
00:51:20But again, the national rally did still manage
00:51:23to gain more seats.
00:51:24So they will presumably use any future opportunity
00:51:26to do that as we head towards the presidential race
00:51:29in three years time.
00:51:31Thank you very much for that, Nina.
00:51:33That is a European correspondent, Nina dos Santos.
00:51:36How has this not happened before?
00:51:38Do you know, I think it's so odd
00:51:39that they've ended up with this really hung parliament.
00:51:41There's no mechanism to fix it.
00:51:44It's just sort of direct-
00:51:45It's up to negotiate.
00:51:46Yeah. That's it.
00:51:48So what you're seeing happening in France right now
00:51:51is extremely similar to what was happening in Germany
00:51:56in the early 1930s.
00:51:59You had Adolf Hitler who was working around the clock
00:52:03to disrupt the political system
00:52:06so that he could get a foothold, which he did in 1931,
00:52:11becoming chancellor in 1933,
00:52:14and then taking over the whole thing by 1935.
00:52:20Well, this is exactly what Emmanuel Macron
00:52:23has been doing for the last seven years
00:52:27in a different way, in a different time,
00:52:31the same end result.
00:52:34And Emmanuel Macron said seven years ago
00:52:39that he wanted to rule like the God Jupiter.
00:52:44Emmanuel Macron is not a Christian, he is a pagan.
00:52:49Just like Adolf Hitler was a baptized Catholic
00:52:54who was also a pagan,
00:52:56Emmanuel Macron is a baptized Catholic who is also a pagan.
00:53:03And it is this element of paganism
00:53:06that Adolf Hitler brought to the party,
00:53:09and this is exactly what Emmanuel Macron
00:53:13is bringing to the party as well.
00:53:16So I've said it before and I will say it again.
00:53:24Emmanuel Macron is not going anywhere.
00:53:29He is ascending in politics.
00:53:33He is ascending in power in Europe.
00:53:37And when this whole thing, whatever you wanna call it,
00:53:41this snap election, by the time that it's all done,
00:53:48Emmanuel Macron is going to be in charge
00:53:51and in control of all of it.
00:53:55He is going to rule France like the God Jupiter.
00:54:01And you can count on that
00:54:03because that's exactly where he is going.
00:54:08Now we have breaking news coming in.
00:54:10Hurricane Beryl has made landfall in the state of Texas.
00:54:16Over 2.5 million people are without power right now.
00:54:21Roadways have been submerged underwater.
00:54:26I don't know what it is about Texas.
00:54:29Maybe somebody can explain it for me.
00:54:33But Texas has been unbelievably hit
00:54:41by an endless array of bad weather, extreme weather,
00:54:46cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods.
00:54:50What is it about the state of Texas
00:54:55that is attracting these things?
00:54:59So right now, and let me just verify what I'm saying.
00:55:05This is from the Associated Press.
00:55:08Tropical storm Beryl unleashed heavy rains
00:55:12Tropical storm Beryl unleashed heavy rains
00:55:16and powerful winds along the Texas coast on Monday,
00:55:19knocking out power to more than 2 million homes
00:55:23and businesses and flooding streets with fast rising waters
00:55:28as the first responders raced to rescue stranded residents.
00:55:38Beryl had already cut a deadly path through parts of Mexico
00:55:42and the Caribbean before making a turn
00:55:44and sweeping ashore as a category one hurricane
00:55:48early Monday.
00:55:53So I'm not sure if it's a tropical storm
00:55:56or it's a hurricane, but it sure looks and sounds
00:56:00like a hurricane to me.
00:56:03If we can get a clip up before the program is over,
00:56:07we will do that.
00:56:12Florida is not impacted by this storm.
00:56:16We have beautiful weather here in Central Florida,
00:56:20but please, please, please pray for the state of Texas
00:56:25and the over 2 million people without power.
00:56:30Lulu says Bible camp in Austin today,
00:56:33my son and students driving there,
00:56:36please pray for safe travels for the whole group
00:56:39that are headed that way.
00:56:42Heavenly father, we just pray for the people
00:56:44in the state of Texas, keep them safe
00:56:47and all the churches and vacation Bible schools
00:56:51that's going on.
00:56:53Lulu's son and I think, oh, who else?
00:56:58Who was, Mia knows people from different churches in Texas
00:57:04and Lord, we just pray for everybody
00:57:07in the state of Texas right now,
00:57:10that you would keep your hand of protection on them
00:57:14and sending Christians, Lord, send in relief workers,
00:57:19send in people to bring the gospel.
00:57:21And we just thank you and praise you God,
00:57:24in Jesus name, amen, amen and amen.
00:57:32So there you have the update on Emmanuel Macron.
00:57:38From our perspective, it's going fantastic.
00:57:42This is exactly what we thought would happen.
00:57:45This is exactly, he's doing exactly
00:57:49what we thought he would do.
00:57:51And from an end times, look, I'm not happy
00:57:56for the people of France that they have to put up with this.
00:58:01I'm not happy for the people of Europe
00:58:03who are about to be plunged into world war three,
00:58:10sooner rather than later.
00:58:12Please don't get me wrong,
00:58:14I am not rejoicing in those things.
00:58:18Those things are terrible, bad things.
00:58:23And we don't take pleasure
00:58:24in any of those things happening.
00:58:27But from an end times perspective,
00:58:31these things must come to pass.
00:58:34You want the rapture of the church?
00:58:37Well, in order to get the rapture of the church,
00:58:41you have to have these events taking place.
00:58:45You have to have a global realignment of power.
00:58:49You have to have Europe preparing itself for world war three
00:58:54and all these things must happen.
00:58:58And if they don't happen,
00:59:00you're not going to have a pre-tribulation rapture
00:59:03of the church.
00:59:05The timeline cannot go forward without these things.
00:59:11So from that perspective, it is amazing news.
00:59:16From that perspective, it is fascinating to watch.
00:59:20But pray for the people in France,
00:59:25pray for the people in Europe
00:59:27who are shortly about to be plunged into war.
00:59:33We know what's taking place.
00:59:34If you have a King James Bible,
00:59:36and if you read it and you believe it,
00:59:39then you know what's going to happen.
00:59:41Look, I'm not a prophet.
00:59:45I don't lay any claim to prophetical power.
00:59:49And I'm certainly not a psychic.
00:59:53So how is it that I knew that Emmanuel Macron
00:59:57was going to win this election?
01:00:00And I wrote about it and I talked about it.
01:00:02Well, how did I know that Donald Trump
01:00:05was going to win in a landslide in 2016?
01:00:09Because I have a King James Bible,
01:00:12I read it every day and I believe what I read
01:00:17and I ask God to give me wisdom about the future.
01:00:22And if you do that, if you do that, I promise you,
01:00:28you'll know what's going to happen next
01:00:30because the King James Bible is ahead
01:00:35of whatever the headlines are going to be tomorrow.
01:00:39Good or bad, the King James Bible
01:00:42is already out in front of tomorrow's headlines.
01:00:48All right, we do have an update
01:00:50on Hurricane Beryl turning deadly in Texas.
01:00:54Take a listen.
01:00:56Harris County Sheriff says one person has died
01:00:59as Hurricane Beryl made its way across Southeast Texas.
01:01:02Fox 4's Shannon Murray in the studio with the latest
01:01:05as we're still watching the storm
01:01:06because it is still a moving.
01:01:07Right, still moving and that update
01:01:09just coming in on Twitter moments ago,
01:01:11the storm bringing heavy rain and strong wind
01:01:13across the greater Houston area.
01:01:15And the sheriff says a person died
01:01:17when a tree fell on a home in Humble, north of Houston,
01:01:20trapping a man under debris.
01:01:22Around 4 a.m., Beryl made landfall
01:01:24as a Category 1 hurricane near Matagorda.
01:01:27With it, heavy rain, life-threatening storm surges
01:01:29and winds as high as 92 miles per hour.
01:01:32In many areas also now dealing with flash flood warnings,
01:01:36Shelby Rose from our sister station in Houston
01:01:38found drivers attempting to cross a flooded intersection
01:01:41in Sugar Land, southwest of Houston.
01:01:45It is like a river out here.
01:01:47The wind just whipping up this water.
01:01:49It looks like a fast current is taking place out here.
01:01:53And despite this, we have seen about two dozen drivers
01:01:58navigating through here.
01:02:01Some of them have turned around.
01:02:02We've got one driver over here who's saying,
01:02:04no way, I'm not going through this intersection.
01:02:07But there are a lot of drivers who have decided
01:02:10to just plow through here.
01:02:11And I'll tell you what,
01:02:12it is not a good idea right now at all.
01:02:17Power outages are mounting.
01:02:18More than 1.3 million homes and businesses
01:02:21lost electricity hours after Beryl made landfall.
01:02:24According to CenterPoint Energy in Houston,
01:02:27Beryl did cause 11 deaths as it made its way
01:02:30through the Caribbean, Lauren and Brandon.
01:02:31So still keeping an eye on this
01:02:33and looking for any updates
01:02:34from officials in the Houston area.
01:02:36All right, Shannon, thanks.
01:02:38So there's a breaking news update
01:02:41on Hurricane Beryl in Texas.
01:02:44One person has already died.
01:02:46Please keep your NTEB family in Texas in your prayers
01:02:52as well as the entire state, saved or lost.
01:02:57We have been through a couple of hurricanes here in Florida.
01:03:01They are not fun.
01:03:03They are exhausting.
01:03:04They are scary.
01:03:05They are draining.
01:03:06They are terrifying.
01:03:09Hurricanes just wipe everything out.
01:03:12So please keep the people of the state of Texas
01:03:17in your prayers right now.
01:03:21All right, let's switch gears for a moment.
01:03:24We have a lot more that we have to talk about.
01:03:27But before we do, I wanna let you know
01:03:30that we have finished the very first week of operation
01:03:35at the NTEB bookstore.
01:03:37We have moved it to the beautiful town
01:03:41of Palatka in Florida.
01:03:45It's about an hour south of St. Augustine.
01:03:49And it's a beautiful old historic town.
01:03:53And we finished our first week.
01:03:56We have been embraced by the locals.
01:03:59They have opened their arms to us.
01:04:01And the feeling is very mutual.
01:04:03We are so glad to be there.
01:04:06And already, already we have been there for one week
01:04:12and we are getting requests for free Bibles.
01:04:17Because of your prayers and your support of this ministry,
01:04:21we are able to operate on so many levels
01:04:24to get the gospel out in these last days.
01:04:27Because of your giving, we have the free Bible program.
01:04:31We have Bibles Behind Bars.
01:04:33We have the Gospel Witness Billboard program.
01:04:37And we have the bookstore itself,
01:04:39which is the hub of all this activity
01:04:42that sends out all these Bibles and New Testaments,
01:04:47scripture portions and gospel tracks.
01:04:51If the Lord has prospered you,
01:04:54we invite you to go to BiblesBehindBars.com
01:04:57and click on the donate link
01:05:00to help us to send out more Bibles.
01:05:04Last week, we were raising funds
01:05:07to send Bibles out to three different jails
01:05:14across the country.
01:05:16Chaplain Zachary at the Fulton County Jail
01:05:19in Atlanta, Georgia.
01:05:20Chaplain Milner from CIC Ministries
01:05:24at the Santa Clara Jail in California.
01:05:26And Chaplain Gonzalez at the Orange County Jail
01:05:30here in Florida.
01:05:34If you would like to help us to pay for that,
01:05:37please go to BiblesBehindBars.com
01:05:41and click on the donate link.
01:05:43And it is your prayer and your support
01:05:47that allows us to keep this program going.
01:05:53The Bibles Behind Bars, the free Bible program,
01:05:56and everything else related to
01:06:00the outreaches and the ministries
01:06:03which God has given us.
01:06:05So please take a moment,
01:06:07go to BiblesBehindBars.com,
01:06:10click on the donate link,
01:06:12and help us to continue to send these Bibles out.
01:06:15We need your prayer.
01:06:16We need your support.
01:06:17We can't do it without you.
01:06:20Thank you so very much.
01:06:23All right.
01:06:25You know what the news is saying
01:06:26in addition to World War III coming in Europe?
01:06:29In addition to Emmanuel Macron
01:06:33snatching victory from the jaws of defeat?
01:06:36In addition to Putin threatening nuclear war?
01:06:40As if all that wasn't enough?
01:06:44This is what the news is also saying.
01:06:49It sounds like an old science fiction movie,
01:06:51but a study out of Harvard finds
01:06:53that aliens might be living among us.
01:06:55I'm not sure what kind of Pandora's box you opened,
01:06:58but when it comes to this paper,
01:06:59I gotta ask, what do you think about your peers,
01:07:02what they're writing over at Harvard there?
01:07:04The fascinating part of that to me
01:07:05is that it just went literally out of my head.
01:07:09Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program
01:07:12speculates UFOs may be spaceships
01:07:14visiting alien friends planted on Earth,
01:07:17planted right here on Earth, that is.
01:07:19Those aliens then are disguised as humans
01:07:21trying to fit in.
01:07:22They were just at the beach, all those aliens.
01:07:24You just saw the beach.
01:07:25They're living among us.
01:07:26Yep, yep, they are.
01:07:27And I guess what got me interested in this
01:07:30is how often these beings are described
01:07:33as looking just like that.
01:07:36We're sort of at the point where we can't just talk
01:07:37about the craft any longer,
01:07:39but we also have to acknowledge
01:07:40that there are seemingly an intelligent
01:07:44group of individual species that are piloting these things
01:07:48and are ubiquitously described as looking just like us.
01:07:51You weren't crazy if you saw this in the sky last night.
01:07:54A lot of you called us today.
01:07:56This is our friend Mike Kristen up in Moon Valley,
01:07:58and he got it all on tape last night
01:08:00between 8.30 and nine o'clock.
01:08:02Take a look.
01:08:03Seven lights, almost real,
01:08:05actually hovering really low over the valley
01:08:07moving towards the south.
01:08:09And it's important to point out
01:08:10that just as fast as word of these strange lights
01:08:12have spread, explanations have been tossed about
01:08:15that they were flares,
01:08:16that there were planes flying in formation.
01:08:18But Mark and Robin, we checked with the FAA today.
01:08:20We checked with Sky Harbor.
01:08:21We checked with Luke Air Force Base,
01:08:22and there's been no official explanation
01:08:24of those strange bright lights last night.
01:08:26I'm told that at least one traffic controller
01:08:28saw the lights.
01:08:29They were reported by at least one commercial airline pilot,
01:08:32but John and Marlene, nothing showed up on radar.
01:08:36Nothing showed up on radar?
01:08:39Hmm, all right.
01:08:40A mystery, then still.
01:08:42Jim, thank you.
01:08:43You're welcome.
01:08:43I was gonna say it sounded like
01:08:44some type of military aircraft,
01:08:46but if it doesn't show up on radar,
01:08:47now you've got me wondering.
01:08:49Maybe able to help me in this, who knows?
01:08:51Because this is an international story.
01:08:52Because of you both being here,
01:08:54I looked into the international files,
01:08:56not covered by our Ministry of Defense,
01:08:57but maybe covered by yours.
01:08:59This took place in Arizona.
01:09:01An unidentified pilot, according to the press cuttings,
01:09:04flying near an airport in Arizona with his son
01:09:07when he spotted six lights in the night sky.
01:09:10So he called from the airplane to air traffic control
01:09:13to say, I'm seeing these lights here.
01:09:16I wasn't expecting any other planes.
01:09:18There are none supposed to be on my landing path.
01:09:20Can you tell me what's going on?
01:09:22They said there are no other planes.
01:09:24He said, I'm seeing six bright lights coming towards me.
01:09:28Mystery unresolved.
01:09:31Except, tail number for that plane
01:09:35was Bonanza Two Tango Sierra, and I was the pilot.
01:09:37No way.
01:09:40Good evening, I'm Mark Bailey.
01:09:41And I'm Robin Sewell, thanks for joining us.
01:09:43We start tonight with those strange dots of light
01:09:45that were the talk of the town.
01:09:47But it is very rare for thousands of people to call
01:09:50and report seeing the same lights in the same spot
01:09:53at the same time.
01:09:55It happened last night, and eyewitnesses who saw it
01:09:58say it's like nothing they've ever seen before.
01:10:00And these objects were not only seen over Phoenix.
01:10:03There have been multiple descriptions,
01:10:04but the people up in northern Arizona
01:10:07saw lights that were distinctly red.
01:10:09By the time they'd gotten down to Phoenix,
01:10:12they were white, the color of stars,
01:10:13bluish white, people described.
01:10:15We had some visitors recently.
01:10:18The buzz is very big in the desert southwest
01:10:20where it's really never gone away
01:10:22after some weird happenings in the skies
01:10:24over Phoenix recently.
01:10:26Last night, shortly after 8 p.m.,
01:10:28hundreds, maybe thousands of Arizonans
01:10:31reported seeing a triangular-shaped object
01:10:34with three distinct lights streaking across the sky
01:10:38at incredible speed.
01:10:39The first sighting last night came in from Paulden,
01:10:42then Prescott, and then Phoenix
01:10:44where the objects turned white.
01:10:46The white objects were later seen over Tucson,
01:10:48and the last sightings were from northwest Arizona
01:10:51around Kingman.
01:10:52Some witnesses described the fleet of lights
01:10:55as a V-shaped formation.
01:10:56Some say they were in a line.
01:10:58Others saw a diamond shape, and still others saw a star.
01:11:01Another observer reported that when one turned,
01:11:05they all turned together as if by the same command.
01:11:10Last night, I've seen something extraordinary.
01:11:13Tom King has been watching the skies over Phoenix
01:11:15since October of 1995.
01:11:17Last night, he saw something he cannot explain.
01:11:20He shot this videotape of two bright lights
01:11:23that turned into three bright lights
01:11:25that turned into four bright lights.
01:11:27Now, if you just look at the videotape,
01:11:29you might wonder what's so unusual
01:11:30about three or four bright lights in the sky,
01:11:32what with so many planes coming and going
01:11:34from Sky Harbor Airport.
01:11:35But the people who saw the lights will say
01:11:37the lights were orange, they were bright,
01:11:39and they were big, and they were like nothing
01:11:41they've ever seen before.
01:11:42At the Phoenix airport,
01:11:43there was nothing unusual on the radar,
01:11:45but controller Bill Grava and his colleagues
01:11:47could see the lights.
01:11:48They were amber colored, very bright.
01:11:51And on a scale of one to five
01:11:55with an airplane light being maybe two,
01:11:57these are four and a half, at least.
01:12:00Isn't it funny how the United States government
01:12:05went from saying that if you believe in aliens
01:12:10and spacecrafts and UFOs,
01:12:13that you are a basement dwelling conspiracy theorist
01:12:19and yet back in 2019,
01:12:24do you remember when the United States government
01:12:28just suddenly changed their position
01:12:35and decided that UFOs are real?
01:12:39Decided that space aliens are actually out there
01:12:44and that our pilots are actually interacting with them?
01:12:49They never made any sort of an explanation
01:12:54for why they changed their position.
01:12:57They never gave any sort of an apology
01:13:00for all of the conspiracy truth tellers
01:13:04who warned about these things for decades.
01:13:08Now, Now The End Begins has only been doing this
01:13:10for 15 years, but there are people
01:13:15that have been warning about UFOs and aliens
01:13:19and all these other things for quite some time,
01:13:23close to half a century.
01:13:26With an Air Force base nearby,
01:13:28many assumed the lights were burning flares
01:13:30suspended from parachutes,
01:13:32but the military says it had only routine fighter flights
01:13:34flying that night and no flare.
01:13:37Some like Tim and Bobby Lee claim they saw even more.
01:13:40Something was there.
01:13:41It was a structure.
01:13:42It was going 35 miles an hour.
01:13:44It was huge.
01:13:46It didn't make a sound.
01:13:47And you tell me what can do that.
01:13:49Now we have checked into it.
01:13:50We called the FAA, Sky Harbor Airport
01:13:53and Luke Air Force Base for some kind of an explanation
01:13:56as to these strange lights.
01:13:58And so far we have nothing.
01:14:00Paul and Robin.
01:14:01Phil, you said over the last 10 years,
01:14:02there's been a lot of significant sightings
01:14:04across the country.
01:14:05When was the last one here in the Southwest?
01:14:07Well, according to MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network,
01:14:10about two weeks ago,
01:14:11they say there was a series of four golden disks
01:14:16or flying saucers that were hovering just above Phoenix.
01:14:19That's the first I've heard of it.
01:14:20All right, well, we'll be keeping our eyes up on the sky.
01:14:22A little spooky that they couldn't find it on radar.
01:14:24The lights traveled close to 200 miles in about 40 minutes.
01:14:29Even a commercial airline pilot
01:14:31here at Sky Harbor Airport
01:14:33reported seeing the lights last night.
01:14:35He radioed the tower just after takeoff,
01:14:37telling them that the object was directly above him.
01:14:41That means that air traffic controllers in the tower
01:14:44should have picked the object up on their radar screens.
01:14:47And yet they say they saw nothing.
01:14:49I was flying him to go see his girlfriend
01:14:52and we were on approach.
01:14:54And I saw six lights over the airport
01:14:58in absolute uniform in a V shape.
01:15:01And I, and Oliver said to me,
01:15:03I was just looking at him and I was coming in,
01:15:04we're maybe a half a mile out.
01:15:05And Oliver said,
01:15:06Pa, what are those lights?
01:15:08And I, then it kind of like came out of my reverie
01:15:11and I said, I don't know what they are.
01:15:13I said, he said, are we okay here?
01:15:15And I said, yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna call him.
01:15:17And I reported it.
01:15:18And they said, we're not painting anything.
01:15:20We don't show anything.
01:15:21I said, well, okay, I'm gonna declare it's unidentified.
01:15:25It's flying and it's six objects.
01:15:28We landed.
01:15:30I taxied, dropped him off, took off, went back to LA.
01:15:36Never said a word.
01:15:37He never said a word.
01:15:38I never thought of it.
01:15:39Two years later, Goldie is watching a television show.
01:15:42When I came home and the show is on UFOs.
01:15:47But as I'm, I came home, hey honey, how's it going?
01:15:49And I'm kind of hearing this TV going
01:15:51and I stopped and I started watching
01:15:52and it was on that event.
01:15:54Now that was the most, that was the most viewed UFO event.
01:15:58Over 20,000 people saw that.
01:16:01And I'm watching this and I'm feeling like Richard Dreyfuss
01:16:06in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
01:16:08It's like, why, why do I know this?
01:16:11And it's not clear to me.
01:16:13And finally I said, then they said the pilot reported it,
01:16:18a general aviation pilot reported it on landing.
01:16:21I'd never thought of it since then.
01:16:23And I said, that was me.
01:16:27That was me.
01:16:28And I said, wait a minute, I'll go to my log books.
01:16:31So I went to my log books and there was the flight
01:16:34at that time and I didn't mention anything about the UFO.
01:16:37The fascinating part of that to me is that
01:16:39it would just went literally out of my head.
01:16:43And Oliver never mentioned it.
01:16:45And had I not seen that show,
01:16:47I'd have never thought of it again.
01:16:49So you just listened to Hollywood actor, Kurt Russell,
01:16:53who is also a pilot, telling you that him and his son
01:16:58witnessed six bright shining lights coming right at them
01:17:05while flying a plane up in the sky.
01:17:09And he was astonished that when he went to write
01:17:13in the log book about the flight,
01:17:17he was not able to recall that he saw
01:17:20those six UFOs coming at him.
01:17:23And it wasn't until years later that he remembered
01:17:27that his memory was jogged.
01:17:29And you just heard him say,
01:17:32I don't know why I couldn't remember that.
01:17:34It just went right out of my mind.
01:17:43Are there UFOs up in the sky?
01:17:48Are there space aliens?
01:17:50So-called, we call them fallen angels.
01:17:54But are there other creatures up in the sky
01:17:56who are coming down and visiting our planet?
01:18:00Absolutely, 100%.
01:18:02How do I know that?
01:18:04Well, I could play an endless amount of clips
01:18:10of firsthand testimony of people who saw this stuff
01:18:14with their own eyes, like I just did.
01:18:18But if you turn to Luke chapter 17,
01:18:24look at verse 26.
01:18:26Luke 17, 26.
01:18:30And as it was in the days of Noah,
01:18:33so shall it also be in the days of the son of man.
01:18:37They did eat, they drank, they married wives,
01:18:40they were given in marriage,
01:18:42until the day that Noah entered into the ark
01:18:44and the flood came and destroyed them all.
01:18:48Likewise, also, as it was in the days of Lot,
01:18:52they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,
01:18:54they planted, they builded.
01:18:57But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom,
01:19:00it rained fire and brimstone from heaven
01:19:03and destroyed them all.
01:19:05Even thus shall it be in the day
01:19:08when the son of man is revealed.
01:19:11You know what happened in the days of Noah?
01:19:14You need to get that book, the Genesis 6 Giants.
01:19:18We sell it at the bookstore.
01:19:21You can go to BibleBeliever.com
01:19:23and get yourself a copy of Genesis 6 Giants.
01:19:28But you know what happened in Genesis 6?
01:19:32Fallen angels came down from outer space
01:19:38and they co-mingled with women on the earth.
01:19:46And they gave birth, those women gave birth to hybrids.
01:19:52Part fallen angel, part human being.
01:19:55Those hybrids grew up to be the giants.
01:20:00The Nephilim are the fallen angels,
01:20:02the Rephiam are the giants.
01:20:05And Jesus says that in the end of time,
01:20:09it is going to be like the days of Noah
01:20:12and it is going to be like the days of Lot.
01:20:18This is why we see the LGBTQIA2SL++
01:20:24taking all the control and taking all the power.
01:20:27This is why we have Pride Month every single year.
01:20:32This is why the transgender movement
01:20:35has exploded to such a high degree
01:20:39because it is the beginning of the days of Lot.
01:20:45It is the beginning of the days of Noah.
01:20:51And this is where we are on the end times timeline.
01:20:55And there is no doubt about it.
01:20:57All right, two more quick things we got to talk about.
01:21:00We actually started about 10 minutes late.
01:21:04So we're gonna go for another couple of minutes.
01:21:09Angela is asking, how soon after the broadcast
01:21:12is it posted to hear again?
01:21:14It takes about 15 minutes.
01:21:17Takes about 15 minutes to repost this
01:21:20after we are done with the live portion of the program.
01:21:25But two more things we have to talk about.
01:21:29Take a listen to the president
01:21:31of the National Education Association
01:21:35giving a speech at their annual convention last week.
01:21:41If you need a reason to homeschool your child, this is it.
01:21:48NEA delegates, we can do this work.
01:21:52We must do this work.
01:21:54We get to do this work.
01:21:56We will do this work
01:21:59because our students are depending on us
01:22:03to win all the things.
01:22:07NEA, we have to win all the things,
01:22:11all the things, all the things.
01:22:15Our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things.
01:22:20Keep going, NEA.
01:22:22To preserve our democracy, we must win all the things.
01:22:28Delegates, we won't go back.
01:22:32We will keep going forward
01:22:35because we are the NEA.
01:22:38We are the NEA.
01:22:40We are the NEA.
01:22:43And that's what we do.
01:22:48If you need another reason
01:22:51why you should homeschool your child,
01:22:53that's about as good as any other reason
01:22:57that I could possibly give you.
01:22:58They are crazy at the far left,
01:23:02very liberal NEA, National Education Association
01:23:08with their common core curriculum.
01:23:12I'm not even gonna go into how it is recruiting
01:23:16an entire generation of children to the far left.
01:23:20That will be a topic for another day.
01:23:24Last thing, Joe Biden sent a letter
01:23:29to his Democratic buddies.
01:23:30Now, you know he didn't write this letter.
01:23:33He didn't even dictate this letter.
01:23:36He's well past doing any of those things.
01:23:40But take a listen to this.
01:23:42Joe Biden says he is not stepping down.
01:23:46As President Biden is urging Democrats to come together.
01:23:50In a lengthy letter to Democrats,
01:23:52the president says it's time for the party to come together
01:23:54so they can have the best chance at beating Trump.
01:23:57He's also doubling down on his commitment
01:23:59to stay in the race.
01:24:00Senior reporter, Catherine Falters
01:24:02joins me now from Capitol Hill for more.
01:24:04Catherine, what stands out to you from this letter?
01:24:07I think you nailed it, Diane.
01:24:08It's his commitment to staying in this race.
01:24:11He is very emphatic that he is not going anywhere,
01:24:14that he will be the one to defeat Donald Trump
01:24:17come November.
01:24:18I just wanna read you a portion
01:24:19of the first part of the letter.
01:24:21Biden writes, I am firmly committed
01:24:22to staying in this race, to running this race
01:24:24to the end and beating Donald Trump.
01:24:26He also writes towards the end of this lengthy letter
01:24:30has been well aired for over a week now.
01:24:33It's time for it to end.
01:24:35This is a letter that he penned the president
01:24:37just moments ago to Democrats here on Capitol Hill
01:24:40who have been coming out saying, some of them,
01:24:43that they believe Biden should step aside.
01:24:45Now, of course, it remains to be seen
01:24:46whether this letter will have any effect,
01:24:48but it's notable that Biden is sending this letter
01:24:50to congressional Democrats before they all return
01:24:52to Capitol Hill later this afternoon.
01:24:55And Catherine, as they return to Capitol Hill,
01:24:58more and more are calling for the president to step aside.
01:25:01Democratic senators are also set to meet tomorrow.
01:25:03So what are you watching for
01:25:05as lawmakers come back to the Hill today?
01:25:07Look, I'm watching to see whether this letter
01:25:09from the president has any effect,
01:25:11whether it changes any of the sentiments
01:25:13from these Democrats who have already said publicly
01:25:15that they want President Biden to step aside.
01:25:17It's interesting because a spokesperson
01:25:19for the Biden campaign, an advisor for the Biden campaign
01:25:22said that they realize that they believe more Democrats
01:25:25will come out asking Biden to step aside.
01:25:28So the timing of this is pretty interesting
01:25:31from the White House.
01:25:32So the question becomes, does this have any effect?
01:25:35We know, as you mentioned,
01:25:36that Senate Democrats will meet tomorrow.
01:25:38This is a regularly scheduled caucus meeting
01:25:40that they have with their caucus.
01:25:42This topic will surely come up.
01:25:44We'll see what they have to say after.
01:25:46We will.
01:25:47Senior reporter, Catherine Faulders, thank you.
01:25:50So Joe Biden says he's not stepping down
01:25:53even though everybody wants him to.
01:25:55Well, we gotta put him on the list.
01:25:58What list is that?
01:26:00Well, that's the heart attack, blood clot, stroke,
01:26:05traffic accident list.
01:26:08I don't wish any of those things on Joe Biden,
01:26:13but they're gonna do it to him.
01:26:16One of those four ways they're gonna take him out,
01:26:20heart attack, stroke, blood clot, traffic accident.
01:26:24You watch.
01:26:25If he refuses to step down,
01:26:30I think they're gonna step him down.
01:26:34I think it's fairly safe to make that prediction.
01:26:38And again, we don't wish that on him.
01:26:43If I could wish anything for Joe Biden,
01:26:46I would wish that he would believe the gospel
01:26:50and get saved, retire, and spend the rest of his life
01:26:54enjoying his family and children.
01:26:58I don't wish on him what they're getting ready to do to him.
01:27:03But if he doesn't step down voluntarily,
01:27:07sadly, that looks like that's gonna be in his future.
01:27:12And with that, we have come to the end of our time for today.
01:27:16I thank you so much for being a part
01:27:18of the NTEB Global Family of Bible Believers
01:27:21across America and around the world.
01:27:24Lord willing, we'll see you back here tomorrow night,
01:27:277 p.m. Eastern time for part two
01:27:31on our look at the doctrine of hell.
01:27:36It was a fascinating look last night,
01:27:39and we will do, Lord willing,
01:27:41a part two of that tomorrow night.
01:27:46Have a great day, everybody.
01:27:50♪ Oh, daughters of Zion ♪
01:27:55♪ Oh, Abraham's sons ♪
01:27:59♪ Hear the words of your father ♪
01:28:04♪ Hear his promise of love ♪
01:28:09♪ I will make you a blessing ♪
01:28:13♪ So count the stars if you can ♪
01:28:18♪ You will be a great nation ♪
01:28:22♪ I will give you this land ♪
01:28:28♪ I will bring you back home ♪
01:28:31♪ I'll bring you back home, oh, my children ♪
01:28:37♪ You will no longer roam lost and alone in the night ♪
01:28:46♪ There is nothing on earth that could take you away ♪
01:28:51♪ Once I gather you under my wings ♪
01:28:56♪ I will bring you all back home again ♪
01:29:01♪ Again, though you've wandered like strangers ♪
01:29:09♪ To the ends of the earth ♪
01:29:13♪ I will send you a savior ♪
01:29:18♪ I will finish my work ♪
01:29:22♪ You have no other shepherd ♪
01:29:27♪ You have no other Lord ♪
01:29:32♪ Green pastures are waiting in Zion once more ♪
01:29:41♪ I will bring you back home ♪
01:29:44♪ I'll bring you back home, oh, my children ♪
01:29:50♪ You will no longer roam lost and alone in the night ♪
01:29:58♪ There is nothing on earth that could take you away ♪
01:30:03♪ Once I gather you under my wings ♪
01:30:07♪ I will bring you all back home ♪
01:30:12♪ So we pray for the peace, but look to the east ♪
01:30:16♪ For the sun rises sudden and fierce ♪
01:30:21♪ Every prophet and priest and king in the city ♪
01:30:26♪ Will look on the one they've pierced ♪
01:30:31♪ We will mourn for the one we've pierced ♪
01:30:37♪ But don't fear, oh, my daughters or sons of Abraham ♪
01:30:47♪ I will wash you with water, I will offer the lamb ♪
01:30:56♪ Though your sins were like scarlet ♪
01:31:01♪ They'll be whiter than snow ♪
01:31:06♪ I've always been with you, I will never let go ♪
01:31:16♪ I will bring you back home, I'll bring you back home ♪
01:31:20♪ Oh, my children, you will no longer roam ♪
01:31:28♪ Lost and alone in the night ♪
01:31:34♪ There is nothing on earth that could take you away ♪
01:31:38♪ I will gather you under my wings ♪
01:31:43♪ I will bring you all back home, I will bring you all back home ♪
01:31:51♪ Again ♪
01:31:55♪ Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad ♪
01:32:03♪ Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad ♪
01:32:12♪ Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Eloheinu ♪
01:32:20♪ Echad ♪
