Macron Call For Troops To Fight Against Russia-NOW THE END BEGINS-MARCH 8 2024

  • 6 months ago
Type of Antichrist Emmanuel Macron is wanting an EU Army to fight against Russia which would almost certainly mean launching an invasion
French President Emmanuel Macron surprised fellow European leaders this week with his suggestion that some European countries might send troops to Ukraine to prevent Russia from winning its war of aggression there. Taken at face value, Macron’s remarks—made at a newly created European Union-Ukraine summit in Paris—put him immediately at the more forward-leaning end of the spectrum of Western leaders. Just how serious is Macron about troops on the ground to repel Russia? Let’s take a deeper look at the coming WWIII that Emmanuel Macron is lobbying for.

“But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.” Luke 21:9 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, right now Emmanuel Macron is working feverishly to position France as the nation leading Europe, with himself as its commander. Indeed when he was first elected in 2017, he told reporters that he desired to rule France as ‘the god Jupiter’, the Roman god of gods. Here in 2024, Emmanuel Macron has become the dominant force across the European Union, and he wants a EU Army to defend Ukraine against Russia. Now what does history show us? Well, it shows us that in June of 1812, French dictator and type of Antichrist Napoleon Bonaparte got the bright idea to invade Russia, and was resoundingly defeated. In June of 1941, German dictator and type of Antichrist Adolf Hitler decided to invade Russia and lost over 2 million men, decimating his military and sealing his fate. Now, type of Antichrist Emmanuel Macron is wanting to fight against Russia which would almost certainly mean launching an invasion, will that also take place in the month of June? On this Podcast, we bring you the very latest about the EU Army, what Joe Biden said last night at the SOTU, and everything else you need to know in these rapidly escalating end times we live in!


