• last year
Dila – Episodi 11 - FULL HD
Dila – Episodi 11 - FULL HD
Dila – Episodi 11 - FULL HD
Dila – Episodi 11 - FULL HD
Dila – Episodi 11 - FULL HD
00:24Son duanı et Rıza.
00:30Rıza Bey burada değil.
00:33Dila Hanım.
00:36Şimdi indirin silahınızı.
00:42Metin Bey ne oluyor? Rıza Bey'imiz nerede?
00:53Sen kimsin?
00:56Rıza nerede?
00:57Ben kardeşiyim.
01:01Şimdi silahınızı indirmezseniz canınız yanacak.
01:20Yalan söylüyorsun korkak herif.
01:23İster inan ister inanma.
01:26Bu senin bileceğin iş.
01:30Selam oğulları öyle göz göre göre kendini ateşe atmaz Dila Hanım.
01:33Her şeyden haberimiz var.
01:55Ne oluyor Metin?
01:57Abi Baroz oğulları düğün evine sana pus kuracaklarmış.
02:01Abi hemen eve dönmen lazım annem haber almış.
02:03Nereden haber almış?
02:04Bizim ahırda çalışan Serhat'tan.
02:05Canip onu tutmuş mutluluk yapsın diye.
02:07Ne yapıyorsun nereye gidiyorsun bilmek istemişler.
02:09Serhat senin nikah şahidi olacağını duyunca gidip Canip'e haber vermiş.
02:12Sonra sen evden çıkınca da pişman olup anneme her şeyi itiraf etmiş abi.
02:15Canip'in boynu aşağıymışlar.
02:17Beni Hazar takip ettirmişler.
02:19Abi Hazar, Canip ne fark edecek?
02:21Baroz oğulları kesin bir iş çeviriyor.
02:23Bu riski göz alamayız abi.
02:24Sen eve dön.
02:25Hatta ne olur ne olmaz benim arabayla git tamam mı?
02:27Sen ne yapacaksın?
02:28Ben gidip neler olduğunu öğreneceğim abi.
02:29Hayır sen de gitme o zaman.
02:30Abi annem jandarmaya haber vermiş.
02:32Sen git bu işi de bana bırak tamam mı?
02:41Çiftlikteki adamınızdan abimin nerede olduğunu öğrendiniz.
02:45Sonra ona alçak çıplıstık oluyorsunuz.
02:49Öyle mi?
02:52Bunu sizin yanınıza bırakmayız Dila Hanım.
03:00Demek abi ne olacak o korkak yine kaçtı ha?
03:03Geçen sefer anasının arkasına saklanmıştı.
03:06Şimdi de seninle öyle mi?
03:10Görün duyun!
03:13Rıza Bey diye eline sarıldığınız adam bir kadının karşısına çıkamayan ödlek herifindeki.
03:23Alın şunu götürün arabaya!
03:30Nereye kaçıyorsunuz beni hayvan herifler bırakın!
03:53Kusura bakmayın sizin de keyfinizi kaçırdım.
03:58Devam edin.
04:00Devam edin.
04:12Ne oldu oğlum?
04:13Suikastçımızı yakaladık.
04:15Şu an araba da yanımda.
04:17Ne diyorsun?
04:18Lafı geveleme abla de!
04:21Dila Barazoğlu.
04:22Abimi vurmak için büyüğüne gelmiş.
04:24Sen haklıymışsın anne.
04:26Eğer abim var ya burada olsaydı çok kötü şeyler olacaktı.
04:29Deli karı.
04:31Ben ona bunun hesabını sorarım.
04:33Ee ne yapacağız şimdi?
04:35Dikenli düze götürün.
04:37Benden haber bekleyin.
04:39Niye ne yapacaksın?
04:40Ne yapacağım Metin?
04:42Konuşacağım tabi bu karıyla.
04:44Abime bir şey söyleme.
04:51Oh çok şükür.
04:53Demek düşündüğümüz gibi değilmiş.
04:55Tamam o zaman sen de gel.
04:56Hadi çocuğum.
04:59Ne oluyor anne?
05:00Bir şey yok Rızacığım.
05:01Sen iyi misin evladım?
05:04Barazoğullarından kimse yokmuş Dikenli.
05:06Metin de jandarmayla şimdi geri geliyor.
05:08Senin anlayacağın Serhat bizi boşu boşuna telaşlandırmış.
05:11Söyle o Smetana yanıma ayarsın.
05:17Nereye gitti?
05:20Barazoğullarına casusluk yapan, bize de ihanet eden birini daha fazla tutamaz Serhat.
05:40Emrini bekliyoruz Melike Hanım.
05:42Ne yapacağınızı bilmiyorsunuz.
05:51Abi Allah rızası için yapmayın.
05:53Abi Allah rızası için yapmayın abi.
05:55Abi Allah rızası için yapmayın.
05:58Abi Allah rızası için yapmayın.
06:23Burada mı sıkacaksınız kafamı?
06:28Kocamı katlettiğiniz yerde mi?
06:32Kimse kimseyi sıkmayacak.
06:34Annem gelip konuşacak sadece seninle.
06:37Yine Rıza Bey değil öyle mi?
06:40Ya anası ya kardeşi.
06:43Bir dahaki sefere de Fatma'yı gönderir.
06:47Bir dahaki sefere diye de bir şey olmayacak.
06:49Bak ne yalan söyleyeyim.
06:51Cesaretine hayran kaldım.
06:53Öfkene de saygı duyuyorum.
06:54Kocanın ölümüne hepimiz çok üzüldük.
06:57Ama bu olup bitenlerde abimin hiçbir suçu yok.
07:03Bütün Selam oğulları söz birliği etmiş gibi aynı şeyi söylüyor.
07:07Ama nedense bir tek Rıza Bey çıkıp söylemiyor.
07:10O nerede ha?
07:12Nikaha sen niye geldin?
07:14Ben gelmemiş olsaydım
07:16abim sen daha ne olduğunu anlamadan çekip vururdu seni.
07:20Kimlerle uğraştığını bilmiyorsun Dila Hanım.
07:23Vazgeç bu işten.
07:25Abimi değil vurmak yanına bile yaklaşamazsın.
07:32Hayatını bir öfke uğruna ziyan etme.
07:36Sen de abin gibi ödlek herifin tekisin.
07:56Bırak beni.
07:58Sana bırak dedim.
08:00Dedim ya cesaretine hayran kaldım.
08:04Ama boşa uğraşıyorsun.
08:09Bu pusu işinde bir bit yeni var usta.
08:11Sen jandarmayı ara.
08:13Annem gerçekten orayı aramış mı aramamış mı görelim.
08:15Ya annenden şüphelenmekte acele etmiyor musun beyim?
08:17Ya onun tek derdi seni korumak.
08:19Biliyorum usta biliyorum da.
08:21Ama ondaki hırs var ya hırs.
08:23Anne olduğunu bile unutturuyor.
08:25Neyse ben şimdi kulübeye gidiyorum.
08:26Dilara belki de oraya gelir.
08:27Ben de oğlanın telefonundan ararım.
08:30Belki de bütün oğlanlar bunun başının altından çıktı.
08:32Dikkatli ol beyim.
08:39Hadi oğlum.
09:29Lan canip.
09:30Bu Dila'dan ses soluk yok.
09:32Bir gidip baksak mı düğün evine çaktırmadan ha?
09:34Aman beyim bekle.
09:36Belki de vurmuştur Rıza'yı.
09:37Ortalık karışmıştır şimdi orada.
09:39Durup dururken biz gitmeyelim o kan altına.
09:41Yok be oğlum ya.
09:43Vurmuş olsa hadi şimdi yakı okusu çıkardı.
09:45Jandarma on kere aramıştı babamı.
09:48Eceline de boş ver oğlum.
09:49Bekleyelim beyim biraz daha.
09:51Ya Dila çıkar gelir ya da kötü haberi.
09:58İyi bekleyelim bakalım.
10:18Sen eve git ağabeyin şüphelenmesin.
10:20Ben bununla konuşup geleceğim.
10:22Konuştuktan sonra bırakacaksın değil mi?
10:25Sen anneni ne zannediyorsun?
10:47Nerede bunun silahı?
11:17O gün söylediklerin mıh gibi aklımda.
11:27Bana yakışan ihsanımın acısını içime gömüp yaşamak.
11:31Katillerinin yakalanmış olmasıyla teselli bulmaktır demiştin.
11:37Hiç inanmamıştım sana.
11:39Bir alçaklık yapacağın belliydi.
11:41Lakin bu kadar düşeceğin hiç aklıma gelmemişti.
11:45Nerede o konağın kapısına silahla dayanan Dila?
11:52Nerede bu oğlumu sırtından vurmak isteyen Dila?
11:56Ben kimseyi sırtından vurmam.
12:00Bu oğlun ödlüklük etmeyip karşıma çıksaydı.
12:04Gözlerinin içine baka baka gebertecektim onu.
12:10Sen gerçekten çok aptal bir kızsın.
12:12Ben böyle bir şeye izin verir miyim?
12:15Göz göre göre oğlumu sana kurban eder miyim?
12:20Önümde diz çöküp bağışlanmak için yalvaracağına hala dik dik konuşuyorsun.
12:28Ben canından geçmişim.
12:32Kimsenin önünde diz çökmem.
12:35Senin gibi bir şeytanın karşısında asla.
12:37Sana fırsat verdim.
12:39Takip etmedim vazgeçtim.
12:41Acısı büyük dedim bağışladım.
12:43Barış bozulmasın diye yüksünmedim geldim Zeyit Bey'le konuştum.
12:47Sen ne yaptın?
12:49Göz göre göre ara zorlarıyla ara bağıştın.
12:53Oğlumu ikinci defa öldürmeye kalktın.
12:56Şimdi tek bir sebep söyle.
12:59Seni öldürmemem için tek bir neden söyle bana.
13:02Oğlumun yaşamasını mı istiyorsun?
13:07Çek vur beni.
13:11Ben yaşadığım sürece davamdan vazgeçmeyeceğim.
13:15İhsan'ın da Hacer'in de intikamını alacağım.
13:19İhsan'ın da Hacer'in de intikamını alacağım.
13:22İhsan'ın da Hacer'in de intikamını alacağım.
13:25İhsan'ın da Hacer'in de intikamını alacağım.
13:27Ben vazgeçmeyeceğim.
13:29İhsan'ın da Hacer'in de intikamını alacağım sizden.
13:49Bu kadar kolay olmayacak.
13:52Sana iyilik yapmayacağım.
13:54Ölümü yudum yudum hissedeceksin.
13:57İçtiğin su gibi, soğuduğun hava gibi.
14:00Ruhuna pençe pençe içeceksin.
14:27Hayrola usta?
14:29Seni merak ettim de beyim.
14:32Bazı haberlerim var.
14:34Marazolları nikaha gelmedi.
14:36Yani belli ki senin bir aşını koruyacaklar.
14:39Tabi eğer bu annenin anlatmasına izin verirsem,
14:42ben de sana bir şey söyleyebilirim.
14:55Ne bağırırlar?
14:57Tabi eğer bu annenin anlattığı Serhat'ın hikayesi doğruysa.
15:01Jandarmayı aradın mı?
15:03Aradım beyim aradım.
15:05Ne annen, ne de konaktan başka biri jandarmaya konuşmamış.
15:08Ben sana bu işte bir bit yeniği var demiştim usta.
15:13İyi de beyim annen durup dururken böyle bir şeyi niye yapsın ki?
15:16Evet jandarmayı aramamıştır belki ama…
15:19Seni korumak için oraya Ment'ini o göndermiş olabilir.
15:21It's even worse, boss.
15:22Metin put my place in danger.
15:24Why? Because he's the son of a prostitute.
15:28What are we going to do, sir?
15:30You go to the mansion, boss.
15:32Now, if there's a curse or something, you won't be seen around here.
15:35And the Barazoğulları won't come to me twice in the same day.
15:38Do you understand?
15:39Okay, sir. Okay.
16:21I'm sorry, boss.
16:23I'm sorry, boss.
16:25I'm sorry, boss.
16:27I'm sorry, boss.
16:29I'm sorry, boss.
16:31I'm sorry, boss.
16:33I'm sorry, boss.
16:35I'm sorry, boss.
16:37I'm sorry, boss.
16:39I'm sorry, boss.
16:41I'm sorry, boss.
16:43I'm sorry, boss.
16:45I'm sorry, boss.
16:47I'm sorry, boss.
16:49I'm sorry, boss.
16:51I'm sorry, boss.
16:53I'm sorry, boss.
16:55I'm sorry, boss.
16:57I'm sorry, boss.
16:59I'm sorry, boss.
17:01I'm sorry, boss.
17:03I'm sorry, boss.
17:05I'm sorry, boss.
17:07I'm sorry, boss.
17:09I'm sorry, boss.
17:11I'm sorry, boss.
17:13I'm sorry, boss.
17:15I'm sorry, boss.
17:17I'm sorry, boss.
17:19I'm sorry, boss.
17:21I'm sorry, boss.
17:23I'm sorry, boss.
17:25I'm sorry, boss.
17:27I'm sorry, boss.
17:29I'm sorry, boss.
17:31I'm sorry, boss.
17:33I'm sorry, boss.
17:35I'm sorry, boss.
17:37I'm sorry, boss.
17:39I'm sorry, boss.
17:41I'm sorry, boss.
17:43I'm sorry, boss.
17:45I'm sorry, boss.
17:47I'm sorry, boss.
17:49I'm sorry, boss.
17:59You may be the hero
18:01in others' eyes
18:03for your loving justice.
18:09But you're not my hero.
18:15Why are you crying?
18:17Oh, my dear.
18:19You're going to meet your husband soon.
18:29Come on, let's go.
20:25Hey, hey!
20:40Calm down, calm down.
20:42Where is Bilal, Akdar? Bilal?
20:44Come here.
20:45Come here, Bilal.
20:47Come here, come here.
20:49Come here, Bilal.
20:55Come here.
21:10Come here.
21:12Come here.
21:25Come here.
21:26Come here.
21:27Come here.
21:28Come here.
21:29Come here.
21:30Come here.
21:31Come here.
21:32Come here.
21:33Come here.
21:34Come here.
21:35Come here.
21:36Come here.
21:37Come here.
21:38Come here.
21:39Come here.
21:40Come here.
21:41Come here.
21:42Come here.
21:43Come here.
21:44Come here.
21:45Come here.
21:46Come here.
21:47Come here.
21:48Come here.
21:49Come here.
21:50Come here.
21:51Come here.
21:52Come here.
21:53Come here.
21:55Come here.
21:56Come here.
21:57Come here.
21:58Come here.
21:59Come here.
22:00Come here.
22:01Come here.
22:02Come here.
22:03Come here.
22:04Come here.
22:05Come here.
22:06Come here.
22:07Come here.
22:08Come here.
22:09Come here.
22:10Come here.
22:11Come here.
22:12Come here.
22:13Come here.
22:14Come here.
22:15Come here.
22:16Come here.
22:17Come here.
22:18Come here.
22:19Come here.
22:20Come here.
22:21Come here.
22:22Come here.
22:23Come here.
22:24Come here.
22:25Come here.
22:26Come here.
22:27Come here.
22:28Come here.
22:29Come here.
22:30Come here.
22:31Come here.
22:32Come here.
22:33Come here.
22:34Come here.
22:35Come here.
22:36Come here.
22:37Come here.
22:38Come here.
22:39Come here.
22:40Come here.
22:41Come here.
22:42Come here.
22:43Come here.
22:44Come here.
22:45Come here.
22:46Come here.
22:47Come here.
22:48Come here.
22:49Come here.
22:50Come here.
22:51Come here.
22:52Come here.
22:53Come here.
22:54Come here.
22:55Come here.
22:56Come here.
22:57Come here.
22:58Come here.
22:59Come here.
23:00Come here.
23:01Come here.
23:02Come here.
23:03Come here.
23:04Come here.
23:05Come here.
23:06Come here.
23:07Come here.
23:08Come here.
23:09Come here.
23:10Come here.
23:11Come here.
23:12Come here.
23:13Come here.
23:14Come here.
23:15Come here.
23:16Come here.
23:17Come here.
23:18Come here.
23:19Come here.
23:20Come here.
23:21Come here.
23:22Come here.
23:23Come here.
23:24Come here.
23:25Come here.
23:26Come here.
23:27Come here.
23:28Come here.
23:29Come here.
23:30Come here.
23:31Come here.
23:32Come here.
23:33Come here.
23:34Come here.
23:35Come here.
23:36Come here.
23:37Come here.
23:38Come here.
23:39Come here.
23:40Come here.
23:41Come here.
23:42Come here.
23:43Come here.
23:44Come here.
23:45Come here.
23:46Come here.
23:47Come here.
23:48Come here.
23:49Come here.
23:50Come here.
23:51Are you hearing me Metin?
23:52Son if you know something, say it.
23:55What about Dila?
23:57Ikea came to kill you
23:59I caught him and took you to the other one.
24:00What do you mean caught you and took me?
24:02What did you do to her?
24:04Melike said she will come and talk.
24:06Are you crazy too?
24:51Ah! Ah! Ah!
25:21Ah! Ah! Ah!
25:53Only 10 minutes left.
25:57I have no choice.
26:01You have to win!
26:05Go for it!
26:07Go go go go!
26:09Go go go go!
26:11Go go go go!
26:13Go go go go go!
26:15Go go go go!
26:17Go go go go!
26:19Go go go go go!
26:31Okay, okay, okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, don't be nervous, it's okay, it's okay.
26:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
27:14, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
27:44no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
28:35I'm not afraid, I'll rest a little more, okay?
28:50Thank you, I'm fine.
28:56Let's go.
29:01Look, you're still alive.
29:17I don't know how to thank you.
29:22You saved my life.
29:24How did all this happen?
29:26Who did this to you?
29:29Melike Selamoğlu.
29:32Rıza's mother.
29:35Why did she do that?
29:37Was it because of Rıza?
29:43I heard that Rıza was going to a villager's shop.
29:47I went there.
29:50But somehow Selamoğlu found out that I was going to be there.
29:54Brother Metin came to me instead of Rıza.
29:58As a result, I couldn't kill him again.
30:00Look, they're going to kill you.
30:02Learn a little from what we've been through.
30:07Don't ask me for this, Yavuz Bey.
30:11It's really enough.
30:13I'm tired of this stubbornness.
30:15Look, death, blood, revenge.
30:19I want to experience other things with you.
30:22I want to laugh.
30:24Look, life comes and goes.
30:26We miss it because of your stubbornness.
30:34Yes, us.
30:36Don't you know how much I care about you?
30:40I know, but why?
30:46Because we've shared a lot with you.
30:49You're a big part of my life now.
30:55I can't control myself, Yavuz Bey.
30:58There's another wish in me for you.
31:02I whisper in your ear all the time.
31:06If you don't take revenge, you can't live.
31:09You can't breathe easily.
31:13Hasan, I don't know what to do.
31:15Keep your voice down, Lila.
31:18Or you'll suffer a lot.
31:21I have to go, Yavuz Bey.
31:24If my family finds out about this,
31:27they'll be furious.
31:31I'll drop you off somewhere near the mansion.
31:36They'll come with me.
31:42Don't worry.
31:50Put this around your neck.
31:52You won't be suspicious.
32:09Be careful.
32:12Thank you.
32:22Who is she?
32:24I don't know.
32:27Is Mr. Seyit home?
32:29What are you doing here?
32:31I'm from Ilıcak.
32:33Something happened to Lila.
32:35What happened to Lila?
32:37How are you, sir?
32:39What happened to Lila?
32:41Nazım had a wedding in the village today.
32:43Lila got married and shot Mr. Metin.
32:46Oh my God!
32:47Reza's brother Metin?
32:49Yes, sir.
32:50What happened?
32:51I thought it was Reza.
32:52Reza was supposed to be the wedding witness,
32:54but Mr. Metin came instead.
32:55Where is Lila now?
32:56They caught Lila and took her to the car.
32:58Oh my God!
32:59Mr. Seyit, please do something.
33:01Azar, Canip, gather the men.
33:03We're going to Selamoglu mansion.
33:05Lila is coming.
33:12Lila, are you okay?
33:16Are you okay?
33:18I'm fine, mom. What happened?
33:20Oh my God!
33:21You're acting like nothing happened.
33:23Where have you been?
33:24I was just wandering around, dad.
33:25What happened?
33:26Wandering around?
33:27Come here.
33:28Come here.
33:31Come here.
33:34Come here.
33:36Sit down.
33:42You got married to hit Reza.
33:46Selamoglu took you away.
33:48Tell me what they did to you
33:50before you lied to me.
33:52They didn't do anything. I'm fine, dad.
33:54Lila, you gave up taking revenge.
33:57Why did you do the same thing again?
33:59She plays the role of a good girl at home
34:00and drinks water under the straw.
34:02Why are you angry, dad?
34:03Is it because I didn't forget my husband's death?
34:05Is it because I didn't do anything as if nothing had happened?
34:07Nobody forgets people.
34:10But you don't even let us remember him in peace.
34:14You lied to us all.
34:15You said you gave up revenge.
34:17Come on, if you don't think about us,
34:18think about yourself.
34:20One day you're going to die somewhere.
34:24How did you find out that Riza was going there?
34:27I'm telling you, how did you find out?
34:34I heard the approaches while talking to each other.
34:39Did they touch you?
34:42Did they do anything to you?
34:44Look, if they did something, tell me.
34:46Let's go to their necks, those bastards.
34:48Nobody did anything.
34:49That's all Metin did.
34:51Okay, this is over.
34:54You're not going to take a step out of this house.
34:56It's enough that I treated you softly.
34:58Get out of the room.
35:03Are you imprisoning me in this house now?
35:05Yes, I am.
35:08If you go out of this mansion,
35:11I swear I'll shoot you.
36:05Didn't I tell you not to get involved with Dila?
36:08Didn't I tell you I'd kill you if something happened to her?
36:11Calm down.
36:13What are you doing here?
36:15Are you a executioner or a murderer?
36:18I saved your life.
36:20Is this how you thank me?
36:25May God punish a mother like you.
36:28If I hadn't caught you, the girl would have died.
36:30You saved her, didn't you?
36:32Pray, I saved her.
36:35Otherwise, you wouldn't be alive now.
36:38God damn it.
36:40When did you turn into a cold-blooded murderer?
36:46How many dead bodies do I not know?
36:49How many?
36:52Open your eyes, Rıza.
36:55This girl raided our mansion.
36:57She ambushed you.
36:59She started a war against us and our family.
37:01If you can't rule and fight against them,
37:04if you can't protect us,
37:06I'll do it.
37:07I'll protect you.
37:08I'll fight.
37:13Shame on you.
37:16Shame on you.
37:18There's no humanity left in you.
37:22No humanity.
37:24You're not my mother anymore.
37:26You're a monster.
37:29Your life is saved.
37:31You're a monster.
37:37It's not that easy.
37:38What you did this time won't go unpunished.
37:41Whatever you did to Dilaha,
37:43I'll do the same to you.
37:47You'll see.
37:58You'll see.
38:00You'll see.
38:28You'll see.
39:29The head of the Selamoglu family,
39:31who has been honoured with justice and honesty,
39:34the mayor of the Beys,
39:36my late father, Mr. Aslan,
39:38gave me a lesson in his sickbed before he died.
39:43Beys are just like your father.
39:46You have to respect your father.
39:48You have to respect your father.
39:50You have to respect your father.
39:52You have to respect your father.
39:54You have to respect your father.
39:57Beys are like sultans.
39:59They are the shadow of God on earth.
40:01That's why he said,
40:03don't ask for anything from your family,
40:05your village, your friends,
40:07to put you and them in sin.
40:09He said, don't order.
40:12If you want something,
40:14there must be justice, honesty and truth in it.
40:17That's what he said.
40:20If anyone doesn't like your marriage,
40:22tell him to be patient.
40:24If he doesn't listen to you,
40:26if he continues to rebel,
40:28punish him.
40:29Don't let him get into the community,
40:31into your family,
40:32and spread evil and corruption.
40:35Punish him.
40:39Tonight, you will see
40:41how my daughter-in-law has become
40:43despite my warnings.
40:47Even if she is my mother,
40:49you will see that I don't care about her age.
40:51Do you understand?
40:52Don't do it, sir. She is your mother.
40:54Fear God.
40:55I fear God, master.
40:57And I fear a lot.
41:01But I fear more than those who don't fear God.
41:06Brother, I beg you, don't do it.
41:08Brother, I beg you, please.
41:11Brother, I beg you.
41:12Get in.
41:13Don't do it. Get in.
41:15Put the horse down.
41:22Put the horse down.
41:28Put the horse down.
41:52Put the horse down.
41:54Put the horse down.
42:21Put the horse down.
42:24Put the horse down.
42:54Put the horse down.
42:56Put the horse down.
42:58Put the horse down.
43:00Put the horse down.
43:02Put the horse down.
43:04Put the horse down.
43:06Put the horse down.
43:08Put the horse down.
43:10Put the horse down.
43:12Put the horse down.
43:14Put the horse down.
43:16Put the horse down.
43:18Put the horse down.
43:20Put the horse down.
43:22Put the horse down.
43:24Put the horse down.
43:47Bring martyrdom.
43:52La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
44:22la, la, la, la, la Na, na.
44:54Mom, it's okay.
45:02Now pray.
45:03I couldn't tie that rope.
45:06Don't forget this day until the end of your life.
45:10Be yourself.
45:11Don't break your promise again.
45:34What happened to your neck?
45:35Nothing, mom.
45:37What do you mean, nothing?
45:38Dila, what's that mark on your neck?
45:40Mom, okay, calm down.
45:41Dila, what happened?
45:42Or did they do it?
45:43Mom, look, I'll tell you, but...
45:45...you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone.
45:49Tell me.
45:52Rıza's mother, Melike, did this to me.
45:57I don't know what to do.
45:58I don't know what to do.
45:59I don't know what to do.
46:00I don't know what to do.
46:01I don't know what to do.
46:03He tried to hang me.
46:07Mom, okay, calm down.
46:08Oh my God.
46:09God, be with me.
46:13After they caught me, they took me to Değirmen.
46:16A while later, Melike came.
46:19She put me on a horse and put a rope around my neck.
46:26Fortunately, Mr. Yavuz caught up with me and saved me.
46:30Mr. Yavuz.
46:33The man we met at the bazaar last night.
46:37Yes, mom.
46:41If it hadn't happened by chance, I would have been dead.
46:58listen to your mother now.
47:00I'm not old anymore.
47:03I want the old Dila.
47:06Please, my daughter.
47:11Okay, mom, don't cry.
47:21You're going to give up, aren't you?
47:24You're going to give up the feeling of taking revenge, Dila.
47:27Okay, mom.
47:28I'm going to give up.
47:31But you promise me.
47:33You're not going to tell anyone what you're talking about.
47:38If Mr. Seyit hears it, it'll be a mess.
47:43I'm not going to tell anyone.
47:46I'm so scared, mom.
47:49I'm so scared.
47:54I'm so scared.
48:20I'm so scared.
48:23Don't do this, Melike.
48:26You saw it.
48:29You saw what I did to Elin's daughter.
48:35But you're not going to give me a last chance.
48:41Don't you think it's time to stop?
48:44If you stop working for your son,
48:47believe me, everything will be a mess.
48:49Everything will be a mess.
48:52Why does she care so much?
48:58Is there something between them?
49:01What makes you think that?
49:04She knows her husband is the murderer.
49:07She's trying to kill him.
49:09Is she in love?
49:15So that's why she's so soft.
49:20She didn't want anyone to die because of her.
49:23Dila or someone else.
49:25What difference does it make?
49:26Whoever it is, they're going to save her.
49:28Don't you know your son?
49:30That's enough.
49:31Pull yourself together.
49:32That's enough, Melike.
49:33That's enough.
49:34You're starting to scare me.
49:40I see.
49:43You're in the same boat as them.
49:45Don't do this, Melike.
49:46Get out!
49:49I said, get out!
49:52What are you doing in my room?
49:56Don't forget where you belong.
49:57You're in the basement.
49:58Get out!
50:16So be it.
50:19Get out.
50:35Is there anyone you want to talk to?
50:37Anyone you want to talk to?
50:44What are you waiting for?
50:46You were hanging your mother in front of us.
50:49I didn't hang her.
50:50I just wanted to scare her and teach her a lesson.
50:54Your mother did a terrible thing.
50:56But did she really deserve all this?
50:59He tried to kill a person.
51:01Is there anything beyond that?
51:03Is there?
51:04Don't look at me like that.
51:06No one in this house will talk to him.
51:08He won't even go to his side.
51:11Did you hear me?
51:17Are you going to hang us too?
51:21Calm down.
51:46Calm down.
52:16Calm down.
52:17Calm down.
52:46Calm down.
52:47Calm down.
53:16Calm down.