• 2 months ago
00:00I think that we always look at the relationship with Allah on an individual level.
00:07What can we do individually for the connectivity with Allah.
00:11When the individual is always in connection with Allah.
00:15There is nothing alone.
00:17There is joy in the river, there is nothing outside the river.
00:20If a person struggles alone, it is good, it is very good.
00:25But his results are not achieved.
00:28Which can be achieved collectively.
00:30This is the first thing I want to say.
00:32But I will come to the individual efforts first.
00:35And after that I will come to communal efforts.
00:39So as far as connecting with Allah individually is concerned.
00:44The methods that Allah has told us.
00:47Generally the methods of worship that we see.
00:51And what we know and what we go through.
00:54Like prayer, like fasting.
00:57Like charity.
00:59Like the remembrance of Allah.
01:02Like prayers.
01:04Like the creation of Allah has a connection with the dome of Allah.
01:10It is a matter of mercy on the creation.
01:13And if they are close relatives, then they are merciful.
01:17And if they are from the deprived classes of society.
01:20Then naturally for those deprived classes.
01:23When a person does charity or charity.
01:27Or for the benefit of humanity.
01:30Then all these things are to bring people closer to Allah.
01:34But the basic thing for this closeness.
01:37We forget that.
01:39That is contemplation.
01:41That we should contemplate on the attributes of Allah.
01:45I feel that this month, especially.
01:48Generally it is the whole year.
01:51Similarly this month is the month of contemplation on the attributes of Allah.
01:57This is the month of Allah.
01:59So we will not know about our Lord.
02:01About His powers.
02:03About His ownership.
02:05About His mercy.
02:07About His wisdom.
02:09About His decisions.
02:11For example, I say.
02:13That Allah has so many mercy on us.
02:16But when we do not contemplate on His mercy.
02:20And when we do not thank Him.
02:22Then we get compassion.
02:24We become grateful.
02:27So all the mercy of Allah.
02:30For contemplation on them.
02:32On the sky.
02:33On the earth.
02:34In the shining stars.
02:36And in the bright sun.
02:38Everything demands our attention.
02:42That we should contemplate.
02:44This is a very valuable advice.
02:45That in this month we should learn more about the attributes of Allah.
02:48And now it is so easy.
02:51With the help of Allah.
02:53But it is very important.
02:54That in the month of Allah.
02:55You should learn about Allah.
02:57Because I feel.
02:59Not from one side.
03:01So many beautiful people of Allah.
03:03People with so much potential.
03:04Everyone should do this.
03:06In the month of Allah.
03:08Talk about the wisdom of Allah.
03:10Talk about the connectivity with Allah.
03:14And then through infographics.
03:17Through so many videos.
03:20There is so much that we can bring to people.
