A.l-S.u.r-D.e.l-C.o.r.a.z.o.n - Cap 60

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A.l-S.u.r-D.e.l-C.o.r.a.z.o.n - Cap 60
00:00A fruit. That's what it has.
00:02Oh, but that's too much. No, I also want a pie.
00:04And I could make it with fruit so that everyone is happy.
00:08Yes, delicious.
00:10And why don't you do it if you cook very well, Paula?
00:14Ah, you still remember.
00:16The best sopa y pillas of the south of Chile.
00:18It's true. Yes, it's true.
00:20I remember when I saw it, I thought, oh, how delicious.
00:22I'm going to get home and they're going to give me an exquisite sopa y pilla.
00:26Now, the pants are broken, you have more or less one.
00:31I thought it was a good idea to come and have a drink with you.
00:35Oh, but that's great, but what a joy.
00:39Do you bring a bread? A kuchen, actually.
00:42I can't believe you read my mind.
00:45Really? Yes.
00:47So, let's eat.
00:53I really wanted to go live with Pablo, but...
00:57It's just that if he's not prepared, he's not prepared.
01:00It's complicated anyway.
01:02That relationship must have been very strong for him to be so close to Caro.
01:09He feels super responsible for his death anyway.
01:12Like the way he died.
01:15It's a very big trauma.
01:18Sometimes it's stronger than just one.
01:21Even though one is aware that it is something that has already happened,
01:25that was left behind,
01:27like it dominates you and doesn't let you move forward
01:30and begins to occupy such an important place in your life.
01:34What are you talking about, Gracia?
01:38That with this relationship that I'm starting with Felipe,
01:43inevitably there are memories that move me,
01:47that I thought I had buried,
01:48but it seems that...
01:51I don't...
01:52And what kind of memories are they?
01:56Do you remember that I told you that before Felipe, I had...
01:59You had an affair, which you never told me.
02:02And he was very important in my life.
02:07Did he do something bad to you?
02:12Just as he appeared, he disappeared and I never heard from him again.
02:17And what does that matter to you now?
02:21Nothing really.
02:22I mean...
02:24I hope nothing, because now you're with Felipe, you're happy, you're calm.
02:28I mean, you don't have to worry about stories that already happened.
02:31I think.
02:32Yes, you're right.
02:33No, it's true.
02:34It's true.
02:35Unless there's something here that you're not telling me.
02:39Something like what?
02:41I don't know.
02:42It's just that the way you talk...
02:45makes me feel like there's something you're not telling me.
02:50I mean...
02:52That he disappeared.
02:54Yeah, but thanks to you I just didn't know him.
02:57That's very normal.
03:00But you know what?
03:01I really think Felipe is a good man.
03:05So don't worry.
03:07Yes, you're right.
03:11They're my traumas, don't look at me.
03:14You know that between your traumas and Pablo's, you're going to go crazy.
03:37Oh, Rodri.
03:38What happened?
03:40What do you mean?
03:41I'm sweeping here.
03:42There's so much hair that I can't read.
03:44Come on, Eve.
03:45I know you.
03:46What's wrong with you?
03:48Yes, yes.
03:49I'm crying.
03:50It's obvious.
03:51But I'm not crying because I'm sad.
03:53I'm crying because I'm angry.
03:55Do you want to know why?
03:58I went on the Facebook of Mauro's ex-wife.
04:00Supposedly ex-wife.
04:01And you know what I found?
04:02What did you find?
04:05A picture of him having lunch with her today.
04:08As if nothing had happened.
04:11I can't believe it.
04:16How can you do this to me?
04:19Forget me like that from night to morning.
04:22Come on, Eve.
04:23Don't get like that.
04:25Calm down.
04:28It's not going to be the first or the last baby that is going to change.
04:33How did you tell me this?
04:34I kicked myself on the floor.
04:38I didn't mean to say that, Evelyn.
04:39No, no.
04:40It wasn't what I wanted to say.
04:41What I want to say is that ...
04:42It doesn't matter.
04:43Look, I don't understand either why he had that changed.
04:47Come on, Evelyn.
04:48Don't be like that.
04:49Hey, listen to me.
04:50You are a great woman.
04:53You think?
04:56Yes, look.
04:57When we were together, not everything was like that.
04:59It was hell.
05:00We also had a very nice moment.
05:02Do you remember?
05:04Oh, you know what I always remember?
05:06That time we were in the car at night on the way to Curicó.
05:09Because we were going to the house of my uncle Fernando.
05:10Yes, the house of my uncle Fernando.
05:11Because he was going to introduce me.
05:13And we got lost because you didn't want to follow him.
05:16And I told you, Rodrigo, why?
05:18And you told me, Evelyn, calm down.
05:19I told you, how am I going to calm down?
05:21And you told me, the important thing is that we are together.
05:26No, Rodrigo.
05:27Yes, that's the important thing.
05:29That's the important thing, Evelyn.
05:31You have to pull up.
05:33Come on.
05:34Don't be like that.
05:35I can't.
05:38Can I ask you something?
05:39Kind of weird.
05:41Yes, what?
05:44Could you hug me?
05:49Oh, yes.
05:51Yes, yes.
05:54Come on.
05:58Come on.
06:03Let's see, let's see, let's see.
06:06What's going on here?
06:08Nothing, nothing.
06:09What happens is that Rodri was offering to clean the hairdresser here
06:12because he is such a good person.
06:14Excuse me.
06:25No, not with me.
06:27What I just saw here is highly dangerous, Rodri.
06:30I tell you so that I don't cry later in the corners.
06:33In fact, chest.
06:34What chest?
06:36You go to the movies and she asked me for a hug.
06:39Yes, but I saw you the happiest today in the intimate romantic situation.
06:43Romantic situation?
06:46If Evelyn is a friend.
06:47A friend.
06:48I have a fondness for her.
06:50She realizes because I'm flirting.
06:52Oh, Rodri.
06:53That flirting is worse.
06:55Rodri, I tell you this because I love you.
06:59You see what they do.
07:00Well, that's it.
07:04Good night.
07:11Well, let them cook more delicious.
07:15I bought it at the store.
07:17No, it looks delicious.
07:18Who wants?
07:20A little piece?
07:21No, thank you.
07:22But as if you were craving, look.
07:25The truth is that I prefer to taste Paula's hand.
07:28As you just said that she has cooked so delicious.
07:31But Emilia.
07:32She came with this gift.
07:35Just Manuel was asking me to cook like in the old days.
07:38Yes, well, it's true.
07:39As Vale was craving.
07:42And I proposed Paula who?
07:44Ah, cook like I don't cook anything.
07:46Oh, well, neither do I.
07:47But I love that there are people who know how to cook.
07:49Yes, something better.
07:50Judith, can you bring me a coffee?
07:52But I, Emilia.
07:53I follow the dishes.
07:54Sit down.
07:55Even if you don't eat.
07:56Join us there to drink.
07:58It is that.
07:59Now we have things to do.
08:00We are making the list.
08:02Of the things we are going to buy for the baby with Felipe.
08:05So we leave them calm.
08:08Already, well, have a good time.
08:11And we are going to save a little piece for you.
08:13Don't worry.
08:17What a good idea you had.
08:22Because nothing more normal than coming to have lunch with a polar bear.
08:26Nothing more normal.
08:27That's the normality itself.
08:29Hey, if you asked Paula to cook for you.
08:35I'm going to have to go to this house.
08:36Let's see, Emilia.
08:38Paula knows that every time she speaks, it is to provoke you.
08:41I, Paula, spend it little.
08:46You are getting jealous.
08:55You put that face of a taimada goat.
08:59Do I look like that?
09:01Then next time I'm going to make you a pataleta.
09:04Well, I'm an expert in controlling pataletas.
09:07There you go.
09:14A woman of your age coming to get in here.
09:17And you saw the face of a fool, Emanuel.
09:19And if he comes with his daughter later.
09:22I'm not going to allow it.
09:23Don't worry.
09:24But Paula, this is Emanuel's house.
09:26I mean, maybe we don't agree.
09:28But we don't have much to touch.
09:30But now his ex-wife lives here.
09:33Mother of his son and future grandmother of his grandson.
09:36So you can't judge so much.
09:38Neither she nor he.
09:40What is the teenager doing now?
09:43He probably did it to mark the ground.
09:46Yes, of course.
09:48Antipathic and misplaced and disrespectful.
09:51Why do they want to go drinking tea together?
09:53Why don't they go to a coffee shop?
09:55I don't know.
09:56And if the next one comes, misfortune.
09:58We poison the coffee.
10:02Oh, Paula.
10:03I feel like I'm getting further and further away from Felipe.
10:06I mean, I don't have anything in my favor.
10:12You're pregnant, Abel.
10:15You have everything in your favor.
10:24It's okay.
10:36I don't know why so much reluctance to have another party.
10:39It's a round business, really.
10:41Business? What business?
10:42No, that Francisco insists on having another party.
10:45I say no.
10:46Oi, count on me.
10:48What, to keep candidating, if the parties are ugly?
10:52I'm sorry.
10:53We finally agree on the milk.
10:55The party was a disaster, Francisco.
10:58Don't worry so much.
11:00It wasn't that bad.
11:01I think we should have a party with a little more mood,
11:04more modern.
11:05I don't know.
11:06Because, frankly, dressed like a colonel.
11:10Well, you must have seen hunger.
11:12What I saw, but spectacular.
11:14Girl, what we can do is that the next party
11:16we do it with music, I don't know, like our time.
11:20Like the 2000s.
11:21But laugh.
11:22But laugh.
11:23But laugh.
11:24The 2000s.
11:25Laugh like Chintita.
11:26Come on, laugh.
11:28One has the age that represents.
11:30Already, already.
11:31Don't start.
11:32Don't start.
11:33But look, what we could do with the party
11:34is use it to relaunch my candidacy.
11:37Well, you already did.
11:38And it was bad for you.
11:40Nobody caught you.
11:41But why do you say that?
11:42Nobody caught you.
11:43What's wrong with you?
11:44Let's see the four of us together.
11:46Hello, honey.
11:47How are you?
11:49Here we are with the gang from the social assistance.
11:51With some friends.
11:52And we are short of money to fix Mr. Hermillo's house facades.
11:56And also the garbage men of the school square
11:58who have been wanting to fix them for I don't know how long.
12:01Come on, honey.
12:02We'll get something.
12:03With someone.
12:04Something, something.
12:05Hey, we can use the party to raise funds.
12:07Let's give a hug to you.
12:10Oh, good slogan.
12:11That was out of the question.
12:14Why don't we help you in a serious way?
12:17Seriously, Salterín left the prophet, go to the nuns.
12:20You too, go to the nuns to help Octavio.
12:24Why help Octavio?
12:25Yes, go to the nuns.
12:27I'm bringing the nuns.
12:28You too.
12:29I'll give you later.
12:30It would be a little.
12:31You know I love you.
12:32Let's see, here I have...
12:40This could be magic.
12:41Yes, I enlarged the letter and increased the contrast.
12:45Let's see what it says.
12:46You'll have to look and look in the background
12:51until you find that box.
12:54You'll have more time than I had to do it.
13:03I think it must be in the cypress forest.
13:09But Grandma, we just looked there.
13:11But that forest is very large.
13:14If we had a clue, something to tell us where it could be.
13:17Wait, here it says, I think...
13:19No, I think it's in the place where we met that bastard.
13:28Near the estuary.
13:32But what estuary if there is none?
13:34But there was.
13:35Yes, but it dried up.
13:38But I know where it is.
13:40So we have to look there.
13:41Of course.
13:43I don't know if I'm going to make it alive
13:45until I find that damn heart of shit.
13:49Grandma, don't worry.
13:50I'll keep looking for you, for me
13:53and for all the women in the family.
13:55Besides, for you to die, there's still a long way to go.
14:02I doubted.
14:04What did you doubt?
14:05Of coming.
14:06I really wanted to see you.
14:09I came.
14:10But that's how it should be.
14:12From now on, that's how things should work.
14:15You come.
14:16I love it.
14:17Yes, I'm going to come much more often.
14:21I'm even going to bring pajamas.
14:24Well, as we speak, I'm going to have to return that cabin then.
14:29No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
14:31You with pajamas, what are you doing?
14:33I love that we have that space for us.
14:36But I had to prove to myself that I am able to do things for you.
14:41Because you have had a lot of patience with me.
14:43But patience is not infinite.
14:45And I don't want to lose you.
14:53You're not going to lose me again.
14:57This is my house and the woman I love can come in and out
15:01as many times as she wants, when she wants, where, always.
15:05Thank you.
15:06Although Griselda and Natalia don't like the idea.
15:10Well, they're going to have to get used to it.
15:13Because the guests here are them, not you.
15:19I'm leaving.
15:20Because it's too late and I'm going to be alone.
15:25Your mother, your mother.
15:26Well, tomorrow I'm going to visit you at your house
15:29and I'm going to take advantage of you to bring some broken panties to my room.
15:32Don't forget the anti-panty vest.
15:35Yes, I have it on, I put it on in the morning.
15:38Thank you.
15:41Take care.
15:44Let me know when you get there.
15:53Griselda and Anastasia.
15:58They are misplaced, Emilia.
16:02Don't lose the habit of listening behind the doors.
16:05I was coming down, the doors are open.
16:09Now, if there is someone misplaced in this house,
16:12it is not precisely Emilia.
16:15She hurt me a lot, Manuel.
16:17Do you want me to forgive her?
16:20It was her fault.
16:22We could never be a happy family.
16:25Seeing her here, coming in like this,
16:28in this house,
16:30it hurts me.
16:32You could have a little more empathy.
16:36Paula, I think you are wrong.
16:40If you are here, it is only and exclusively for Vale.
16:44For no one else.
16:45No, you are wrong.
16:47You are wrong and you are blind.
16:49Do you really think I'm here just for Vale?
16:54Then if not, why?
16:58Because despite all the time that has passed,
17:04Felipe and you
17:09are the most important thing in my life.
17:28That's how he dared.
17:32You should have seen Paula's face.
17:34She wanted to cut me into pieces.
17:36I would have planted myself to be there
17:38just to look at her face.
17:41I felt so good, so normal.
17:44A polola taking eleven with the pololo.
17:46Without thinking about my lover or Paula.
17:49I'm so happy for you.
17:52I regret something, though.
17:54Of what?
17:55I shouldn't have taken him before Manuel.
17:59Sometimes it gets so complicated
18:01and the solutions are so simple.
18:04Yes, there are problems that the solutions are simple.
18:08And there are others that are a little more complicated.
18:12Do you want me to tell you something?
18:14I'm worried about my daughter Trini.
18:16I find her not very well.
18:19And the girl Gracia has all the nerves
18:21taken with this situation.
18:24I don't know how long Gracia will hold on
18:26without talking to someone.
18:29Talk to whom?
18:32Mom, that bad habit of listening behind the door.
18:36Good thing it was me and not Trini.
18:39When will they learn that these issues
18:41can't be ventilated like this?
18:44Maybe it's time to be honest with all this.
18:47That this lie is over and that it gets here.
18:50No, you can't do that.
18:52Grandma, but...
18:55I want you to understand, mom.
18:58Maybe it's time to face all this.
19:02When I was a girl,
19:05maybe I had a reason to be,
19:08but now...
19:11I feel prepared to assume
19:14that I am Trini's mother.
19:17And for that to happen,
19:19we're going to have to tell her the truth.
19:23Really, my girl?
19:26Yes, grandma.
19:28I've already thought about it.
19:30If we do it right,
19:32with delicacy, with love,
19:34step by step,
19:36this will be healing for Trini.
19:39Are you sure, Gracia?
19:41Yes, mom.
19:45I already took the first step.
19:48Contact Nicolas.
20:20Hello, Ms. Valentina.
20:22Come in, come in.
20:24How are you?
20:26Why so formal?
20:28We're supposed to be friends.
20:30How are you?
20:32Good, good.
20:34What's that?
20:36Look, a cookie.
20:38Oh, how nice.
20:40But why did you bother?
20:42Do you want some tea?
20:44Yes, breakfast.
20:46I was at home
20:48and I thought maybe
20:50you might like it.
20:52And of course, we could have a cup of tea,
20:54a breakfast.
20:56Yes, happy, happy.
20:58How's the baby going?
21:00She's growing.
21:02That's good.
21:04And you?
21:06How are you?
21:10Good, good.
21:12I'm happy, really.
21:14That's important.
21:16Yes, but
21:18I'd like to feel
21:20less alone.
21:22But you're not alone,
21:24you have your in-laws,
21:30But I don't have a partner.
21:32So that still hurts.
21:34And there are things
21:36you can't talk about with your in-laws,
21:38especially not with Felipe,
21:40because we're not together anymore.
21:43They're in Santiago.
21:45You're right.
21:51that's why I came,
21:53because we were close
21:55and I thought we could talk.
21:57Yes, whatever you want to talk about.
22:01Well, I imagine you know
22:03that Felipe is with Gracia,
22:05you two are super close and friends.
22:07Of course, of course.
22:09Yes, we're super friends.
22:11But I honestly
22:13preferred not to talk about it
22:15because I have nothing to do with it.
22:17Do you understand me?
22:19Yes, you're absolutely right.
22:21But I don't know, Pablo,
22:23if he
22:25said something to you,
22:27insinuated something,
22:29I don't know.
22:31Look, the truth is that
22:33at this point I'm super desperate
22:35and as I was saying,
22:37I feel more and more alone.
22:39I imagine, yes.
22:41Let's see.
22:45With all due respect,
22:47you're not alone.
22:49You have
22:51that girl in there
22:53who will always accompany you
22:55and in case of anything,
22:57here you have a friend
22:59to vent, to listen to you.
23:01So stay calm,
23:03you're not alone.
23:05Give me a hug.
23:08Everything will be fine.
23:10Thank you.
23:12Stay calm, everything will be solved.
23:28I guess you made your daughter come to her senses.
23:34The truth is,
23:36she made me come to my senses, Mom.
23:38What do you mean?
23:40Gracia is an adult woman
23:42and she has clear things.
23:46If she had clear things,
23:48wouldn't she be with that boy
23:50who lives with the other girl?
23:56She's not asking, Mom.
23:58She's not telling us
24:00that she made a decision.
24:02No, you've gone crazy.
24:06The only thing they're going to get
24:08is to make Trini suffer.
24:10She's too young to understand something like that.
24:14If we make a decision
24:16when she was born, we have to keep it.
24:20Imagine what people in the village
24:22are going to say.
24:24At first.
24:26Then they're going to forget.
24:28No, on the contrary,
24:30the classmates at school
24:32are going to laugh at her
24:34or they're going to feel sorry for her.
24:36And the poor thing,
24:38who is she going to tell, Mom?
24:46You're going to be a grandmother
24:48and I'm going to be a great-grandmother.
24:50It's crazy.
24:52This lie we made up is the craziest thing
24:54we've ever done, Mom.
24:56Well, we don't have to cry
24:58over spilled milk.
25:00We have to breastfeed her.
25:03Of course, that's what we're going to do.
25:05We're going to breastfeed each other
25:07and we're going to face the truth.
25:09You know, the only thing they're going to get
25:11with this sudden attack of honesty
25:13is for Trini to suffer.
25:15How can you not understand that?
25:19Gracia is
25:21Trini's mother.
25:23If she wants to get her daughter back,
25:25I'm no one to deny it.
25:27She's not going to get her back.
25:29On the contrary.
25:31Believe me, they're going to regret it.
25:35This lie
25:37isn't killing as a family.
25:39We're in a cage.
25:43And do you know what happens
25:45when you let go of a canyon
25:47that has lived its whole life in a cage?
25:49It dies.
26:01I need a second chance.
