A.l-S.u.r-D.e.l-C.o.r.a.z.o.n - Cap 61

  • 2 ay önce
A.l-S.u.r-D.e.l-C.o.r.a.z.o.n - Cap 61
00:00I didn't celebrate it at the hostel because Juan is going to charge you until you breathe.
00:04Yes, what happens is that I was thinking, I don't know what you think, but what happens if...
00:10If I celebrate it here?
00:12Something quiet, I want my daughter to come.
00:15So, something more...
00:17Yes, but I don't know, I don't want Mecha to be here.
00:22If you invite her, you invite Juan.
00:24Mecha will come to give her opinion about the house, how I have to charge her,
00:27because if Jontay is not here, I don't know, I can't stand her.
00:29Yes, what happens is that I still want Trini to come,
00:32so I would have to invite Oscar, because he can convince her,
00:35and well, Mecha and Juan, because they have been with me for a while.
00:38I know that, but the house is small.
00:41And your daughters already have Polol, I mean, imagine the amount of people.
00:45I don't know.
00:47It's okay, right?
00:49Look, I had to ask you, but if you can't, you can't, no more.
00:52I can do it at the Sentinela too, what happens is that...
00:54I feel that the Sentinela is something more impersonal,
00:56and here, I don't know, it's hot, but it doesn't matter.
00:59You can't, you can't.
01:00Hey, and do you think that Grace would go to your birthday?
01:04Well, I have to try.
01:06With the miracle, it's easier, but...
01:09With Grace, the path is difficult.
01:13I don't know, I was thinking, why don't I write her a letter?
01:17A letter, like, from the inside, like a love letter,
01:21where I tell her how important it is for you that she is at your birthday,
01:25and you can also tell her to invite Felipe to be happy.
01:30You know, the last birthday I celebrated with her,
01:33they threw me a surprise party.
01:36The miracle made me one of these things to hang the keys with golden sticks.
01:41Oh, my love.
01:42And Grace made a cake with her own hands,
01:46that said,
01:49for the best dad in the world.
01:51Oh, how nice.
01:54And she drew a horse, and the two of us riding the horse.
01:58Very, very nice.
02:01How exciting, you still remember.
02:04Well, during all this time, every birthday, I remembered her.
02:10You know what else?
02:12The party is held here.
02:14It was thought and done.
02:15Let all the faces come, let Trini come, Mrs. Hilda if she wants to come,
02:18let Meche come, everyone.
02:20Juan, because I'm going to bank them all.
02:22Because, well, I do anything for you, Francisco.
02:25What's wrong?
02:26What happens is that she needs a house, because being in the piece, in the hostel, tires.
02:31I can imagine.
02:33You have to count on this house for all your personal things.
02:39You are beautiful, Rita.
02:42I am not only a beautiful person on the outside, but I also have a great heart.
02:55Now, close yourself.
03:05And you?
03:08What are you doing?
03:11Nothing, I went out for a walk, I wanted to get some air, I went out for a walk.
03:16Yes, but to go where Pablo does not need to walk so much either.
03:20Are you spying on me?
03:22No, Valentina, I went to the garden and there I saw you.
03:27Well, sometimes I feel a little lonely and it makes me feel good to talk to someone.
03:34You know what?
03:37I understand.
03:38Because I have realized that Mr. Felipe has not been very companion with you.
03:43But where Pablo is not there.
03:46No, I realized that Pablo walks like ...
03:48That Pablo what?
03:50There is nothing, Judith, really not.
03:53I just wanted to talk to a friend, you know how things are here.
03:57It hurts me a lot to have this son and be separated from Felipe.
04:02We were fine until he came to live in the country.
04:07Yes, because you know what happens?
04:09That there is no drama in between.
04:12Look, they say that men are the ones who make him suffer.
04:15But in reality, she makes them suffer.
04:20I would not have seen my boss suffering with his family.
04:23And now Felipe says he is in love with grace.
04:26Can you believe it?
04:28I am sure that in the long run she will make him suffer.
04:32It is that she does not leave a puppet with a head, hey.
04:36Yes, it's like men, I don't know, like they like women to make him suffer.
04:41They are like masochists.
04:42We were fine, we had a nice relationship.
04:46We got along so well in every way.
04:51But look, you, in bad times, put on a good face.
04:57Quiet, wait for your baby to be born.
05:01And I will support you in everything.
05:05Look, I love Don Felipe a lot.
05:08Look, I love Don Felipe a lot.
05:12But I am sure that he would be much happier.
05:16Forming a family with you.
05:19Than getting involved with a whore.
05:27So, wow, the card was discarded.
05:31Only that I just managed to take a picture of you.
05:36You can't tell anyone about this.
05:38And who am I going to tell?
05:41Your friends from social assistance.
05:43That now you get together with them and not with me.
05:45Don't tell me that I'm going to make you jealous of them.
05:47No, just that before we were alone, just the two of us.
05:50Now I don't even see you.
05:52Yeah, but that's because you didn't want to get involved with the social assistance.
05:55And now I have money.
05:56And I tell you, who is the one who got more involved with the money?
05:59Your dad?
06:01I mean, no, your dad, your ex-dad, I mean, Francisco.
06:06Do you remember Francisco?
06:08He's not my dad.
06:09Yeah, I know, sorry.
06:10I was wrong, sorry.
06:12I'm never going to do it again, forget about it.
06:15I can't forget him.
06:17No matter how hard I try, I always remember that story.
06:20What story?
06:21Knowing who my dad is is true.
06:23When I remember, I hate my mom and Gracia.
06:26Also Francisco for being a liar.
06:28Yeah, but he always treated you well.
06:30Yeah, but he lied to me anyway.
06:32The worst thing is that now I don't dare to tell the truth at school.
06:35Because everyone is going to bully me.
06:37You haven't told anything, have you?
06:39No, never.
06:41I never tell the secrets of others, except yours.
06:43You will be my best friend, Jim.
06:45Oh, my God.
06:47Oh, my God.
06:53I'm leaving anyway.
06:55But do you want me to walk you home?
06:56No, I'm going to meet Gracia.
06:58She's going to take me.
07:05Bye, Vicky.
07:06Have a good day.
07:10She would have loved it if you were her dad.
07:13Me too.
07:16Hey, Dad.
07:17What a good surprise.
07:19You didn't like the garbage men, did you?
07:21Oh, little boy.
07:23I told you, I have to do the math.
07:24Yes, but you're going to have to do the math,
07:26because I don't have a penny left.
07:28So I'll fix it for you.
07:31I can't think of anything.
07:33Vicky, come with me.
07:34We're going to look for the financier.
07:35Hurry up, man.
07:37The financier.
07:39What's up?
07:52Where do you think you're going?
07:55To fix the lock on the suitcase.
07:57It's coming out.
07:58To fix the lock on the suitcase.
07:59To fix the lock on the suitcase.
08:00Do you think I'm stupid or what?
08:01I'm going to tear you apart, right?
08:03You got the wrong car for the bus.
08:06We rang.
08:09Are you helping her?
08:11No, this is called sorority and loyalty, Rodri.
08:16Oh, loyalty.
08:17What's wrong with you, aunt?
08:19Have you gone crazy?
08:20How dare you help her?
08:21Don't you love me either?
08:22No, Rodri.
08:23It's not about affection.
08:24What happens is that we were talking to Eva yesterday
08:27and I find her all right.
08:29If she stays,
08:30her brother's strangers will come
08:32and they will take you where Don Pedro,
08:34the one who opens the door to heaven.
08:37Yes, Rodri, think about it.
08:38It makes perfect sense.
08:39If my brother comes and they don't find me,
08:40they're going to look for me like crazy, wherever.
08:42And they're going to leave you alone for a while,
08:44at least until baby Rodri is born.
08:46Cut it out with that baby, Rodri.
08:47Please, I'm fed up.
08:48I'm fed up.
08:49Do you want to kiss?
08:57No, no, no.
09:04Here we are.
09:07Oh, but why so risky?
09:10Because he's married, baby.
09:12How do I explain it to you?
09:14And moreover, he told me it has nothing to do with you.
09:16What do you mean not?
09:17I was giving him a kiss.
09:18The lady, please.
09:19No, miss.
09:20Not at all, not at all.
09:21I would never,
09:22I would never mess with the sister of my best friend.
09:25Hey, let's see.
09:26Tell me the truth, Rosa.
09:27Hey, they're all married the same.
09:29They have an embolism,
09:30I lost one,
09:31and then at the time of the kiss,
09:32they stay with the lady.
09:33And if I've seen you, no.
09:34I agree.
09:35That's not how it goes, girl.
09:36Just like this other one.
09:39Look, the only coward
09:40is you who didn't want to look at your son.
09:42So the show's over, buddy.
09:43Look, Evelyn.
09:48your only daughter with a coward son.
09:50No, no, no, no, no.
09:51She loves you well married,
09:52like God commands.
09:53So you two
09:54are going to get married.
09:55Right now.
09:56Did you hear me, Rodriguito?
09:57Let's go.
09:58If not,
09:59Don Genaro
10:00will slap him
10:01because we always leave him
10:02last with the kisses.
10:05Then let's go.
10:06Let's go sing.
10:07No, No.
10:08No, I like to save.
10:09Let's go.
10:10Let's go.
10:11Let's go.
10:12Let's go.
10:14but it's closed.
10:15It's closed.
10:16Shout as loud as you can.
10:17Let's go.
10:18Let's go, baby.
10:19Let's go, baby.
10:20Let's go!
10:21Let's go.
10:22Let's go, baby.
10:23Let's go.
10:24Let's go.
10:25Let's go.
10:26I'm a bit crazy today. You know that.
10:28Don't you like to be seen together?
10:32Why do you say that?
10:34I don't know.
10:36You're kind of weird. Distracted.
10:40Yes, something's wrong with you. You're nervous.
10:42You're looking everywhere. You're worried.
10:44What's wrong?
10:46Is it because of the pending conversation we have?
10:48Is that it?
10:50It's important that we tell each other everything.
10:54Not necessarily, Felipe.
10:56Why not?
10:58There are personal things that don't need to be told.
11:00I think the most important thing is to trust each other.
11:02To trust, you don't have to have secrets.
11:04I don't have any secrets with you.
11:06If I don't tell you about things, it's because they're pending matters that I still have to resolve.
11:10But before I went to tell you.
11:12And now you didn't want to. Why?
11:14Because I regretted it.
11:16Because I got carried away.
11:18Because this is a delicate issue that doesn't involve only me.
11:20Because I could hurt other people.
11:22I'm sorry.
11:24Look, I think that when you keep a secret for a long time, it hurts you more.
11:28And in the end, everything is known.
11:30We have to have a transparent relationship.
11:34Don't pressure me, please.
11:36I'm not pressuring you.
11:38I'm not pressuring you.
11:40But I think that relationships with hidden things don't work.
11:46I'm sorry.
11:48You know I should have paid the bill.
11:50Because if not, the time is passing.
12:02Why don't we calm down a little bit?
12:04Let's talk.
12:06I think it's crazy to get married here.
12:08Let's see.
12:10Do you have suicidal intentions?
12:12No, no, no.
12:14I don't want to get married either.
12:16No one is asking you if you wanted or didn't want to get married.
12:18Everything is ready.
12:20No, no, no. Everything is ready because the boyfriend is missing.
12:22Look, I'll take you home with a gun.
12:24And that's unnecessary.
12:26Didn't you like messing with my sister?
12:28Why don't we calm down a little bit and talk like civilized people?
12:30No, no, no, ma'am.
12:32No, ma'am.
12:34There's nothing to talk about here.
12:36Or do you want to be a single mom?
12:38I'm not going to be a single mom.
12:40Because the truth of the matter is that I'm with Mauro.
12:44Tell him, Mauro.
12:46What are you saying?
12:48You're getting carried away.
12:50Sorry, I'm getting carried away?
12:52What about the WhatsApps you sent me?
12:54What WhatsApps?
12:56What WhatsApps?
12:58Where are the WhatsApps?
13:00What WhatsApps?
13:02You deleted everything.
13:06How could you be deleting messages?
13:08No, please. For no reason.
13:10I was just messing with you a little bit.
13:12Because since you got dumped,
13:14I'm a friend of your brother, that's why.
13:16My best friend?
13:18Yes, your best friend.
13:20And we all know that the best friend's sister is a man.
13:24She's a man.
13:26I mean, you're not a man.
13:28I mean, you're getting carried away.
13:32Isn't this Mauro's number?
13:34No, no, no.
13:36You know what?
13:38That's not my profile picture.
13:40That's a lie.
13:42It's a lie that you have two phone numbers like that.
13:44Wait, wait, wait.
13:46Listen to me.
13:48Why don't you get married to your daddy?
13:50And we'll save everyone problems.
13:54Look, if Vicky finds out that you're talking about this,
13:56she'll get angry.
13:58You didn't tell me that you were breaking up with Vicky.
14:00You didn't see us kissing.
14:02What? You saw us?
14:04Yes, I saw you.
14:06I mean, I didn't see him clearly.
14:08Well, well.
14:10Evelyn said it was him.
14:12But it wasn't!
14:14It was probably you.
14:16You know what?
14:18Stop it!
14:20You get married and that's it.
14:22And hey,
14:24didn't you like messing with my brother?
14:26My mom.
14:28If you marry him,
14:30you'll be able to get out.
14:32She'll be ashamed and all the shame is on you.
14:34That's it, Richie.
14:44How are you?
14:46Fine, and you?
14:50I came to see you.
14:52I felt like you were a little sad yesterday.
14:54Yes, Mom, I was a little sad.
14:56I don't want you to leave me.
15:00I'm not going to leave you.
15:02I'm just giving you your space.
15:04You were right.
15:06I'm stuck in the past,
15:08in pure memories.
15:12what about the pictures of the face?
15:14I took them out.
15:16You are much more important
15:18than the memory of the face.
15:20You represent my present
15:24hopefully also my future.
15:28Our future.
15:30I love you so much.
15:32I love you too.
15:40Hey, I was thinking
15:42that to celebrate our reconciliation,
15:44you could stay
15:46and sleep with me today.
15:48I think so.
15:50You think so?
15:52And if you don't have a toothbrush,
15:54you can take mine
15:56or I can give you one.
15:58I got ahead of myself.
16:00Yes, why?
16:02I brought my toothbrush.
16:04I'm going to leave it here.
16:06Very good.
16:08We're going to make a space for it.
16:10Hey, I think you're not looking at me.
16:12I was looking at you.
16:14Do you think so?
16:16Hello again.
16:18What's up?
16:20Let's drink wine
16:22after giving presents.
16:24Yes, I think so.
16:26What do you think?
16:28Yes, I think so.
16:32Put a picture of the face.
16:34Just one.
16:36We'll think about it.
16:38We'll think about it in the room.
16:46Hey, what's with that face?
16:48Did something happen?
16:50I have a problem with some buyers.
16:52It's a matter of money.
16:54Felipe, I've known you for a long time.
16:56I know all your faces.
16:58I'm sure something worse happened.
17:00If you know me so well,
17:02you should know that there are things
17:04I don't like to talk about.
17:06I'm asking you because you're my son's father
17:08and I'm worried.
17:10I appreciate it,
17:12but it's a personal matter
17:14and I don't have to talk about it with you.
17:16Can I come in? I'm tired.
17:18I want to rest for a while.
17:20Okay, fine.
17:22You're not the only one
17:24who has a problem.
17:26So could you rest for a while
17:28and listen to me for a second?
17:34Emilia came yesterday.
17:36She brought a cook.
17:38She came to have lunch and walked around her house.
17:40What's the problem?
17:42This is my father's house.
17:44I can invite whoever I want, right?
17:46Yes, but he doesn't live alone.
17:48His ex-wife, your mother, is also here.
17:50Well, exactly.
17:52My mother is his ex-wife.
17:54You don't have to explain.
17:58Now I'm going to lie down for a while.
18:00Felipe, can I ask you something?
18:06Can you please not invite Gracia
18:08to this house?
18:10Not while I live here.
18:16Look, Vale.
18:18I'm going to promise you not to invite her.
18:20I'm not going to ask her to come.
18:22But if one day she shows up here,
18:24on her own initiative,
18:26I'm not going to deny her entry to my house.
18:38Take the afternoon
18:40and try to get the pearl out of my face.
18:42Please, not now.
18:44I've been delivering all day.
18:46I don't want to fight.
18:48Well, start reliving.
18:50Because we both have to talk.
18:52Yes, you know we do.
18:54We have to talk about Trini.
18:56Shut up.
18:58That's why I want to tell you.
19:00Because I'm tired of keeping secrets.
19:02I'm tired, Grandma.
19:04I'm tired of being afraid.
19:06I'm tired.
19:08Because the pearl is tired,
19:10now she wants to launch the atomic bomb
19:12in this house.
19:14When you're a mother,
19:16you have to make a lot of sacrifices for your children.
19:18I don't want to tell you
19:20just to get a pound off my chest, Grandma.
19:22I want to tell you because Trini doesn't deserve
19:24to live surrounded by so many lies.
19:26She wants to know.
19:28Tell her how well she's lived all these years
19:30without knowing.
19:32Yes, but things have changed.
19:34And now her head is full of questions.
19:36And what are you going to get out of telling her?
19:38She's going to hate you.
19:40Well, if that's the cost,
19:42I'm willing to pay it.
19:44I'm not going to allow it.
19:46No? And what are you going to do?
19:48Are you going to tie me to the bed?
19:50Or are you going to leave me locked up in this room?
19:52If you don't have a way, forbid me, Grandma.
19:54And this conversation, you know,
19:56doesn't make any sense because I...
19:58I already did what I had to do.
20:00What are you talking about?
20:04I'm going to get together with Nico, Grandma.
20:06With who?
20:08Trini's father.
20:12He's meeting us today.
20:14And no one is going to stop me.
20:16No one.
20:24Did it bother you?
20:28It's never bothered me.
20:30Hey, did you see all the things Mom bought for Grandma?
20:32The truth is, no.
20:34But I can imagine them.
20:36She's so cute.
20:38I hope she's a girl.
20:40Really? Why?
20:42I don't know, because she...
20:44She tells me she feels the same way,
20:46but I'm sure she'd love it if she were a girl.
20:48She always missed her.
20:50And you too.
20:52Me? No. You're very wrong.
20:54When you were born, I've told you a thousand times,
20:56it was the best thing that could have happened to me.
20:58Well, when you're born, your baby,
21:00you feel the same way whether it's a girl or a boy.
21:04I don't know, sometimes I see them both so excited
21:06that I feel like it's my fault.
21:08Get that guilt out of your head.
21:10You're doing an amazing job.
21:12I can assure you that you're going to be
21:14a great dad.
21:22Vale told me that Emilia had come
21:24and that she was very uncomfortable.
21:26Not for me. For your mom, yes.
21:30I took the opportunity to ask her not to come
21:32to this house.
21:34And I don't know what to do, Dad,
21:36we can't see each other here.
21:38What do I do? Do I put a tent in the yard
21:40so I can be alone? No, that's enough.
21:42That's enough, son.
21:44This house is yours and mine.
21:46They are visiting here.
21:48With all the heart in the world,
21:50but visiting.
21:54This situation has to be changed.
21:56And what do we do?
22:00I'm going to confess that I've been
22:02looking for houses in the village
22:04so that your mother and Valentina
22:06can live together there.
22:08What do you think?
22:16He's so unfaithful to my mom.
22:18He doesn't want to give up.
22:20But in this case,
22:22I agree with Mrs. Hilda
22:24because I'm worried about Trini
22:26and the reaction she might have.
22:28Well, but...
22:30Well, where's Gracia?
22:32They won't tell me
22:34that she went out again.
22:36No, she said she was going and coming back.
22:38I can't believe it.
22:40Now she's gone to hell.
22:42I was talking to her
22:44and she told me a scary story
22:46but I never thought
22:48she would be able to do it.
22:50Mom, what are you talking about?
22:52Your daughter found the bastard
22:54who left her pregnant.
22:56Yes, Nicolás.
22:58She told us she was going to find him.
23:00Why are you so calm?
23:02You stay calm too.
23:04She said she was going to do it little by little.
23:06Little by little.
23:08She's gone too far.
23:10Now she's going to meet that bastard
23:12and tell him the whole truth.
23:26How are you?
23:32Anything else?
23:34No, thank you.
23:36I'll let you know.
23:38Don't tell me they left her pregnant.
23:40No, no.
23:42Okay, let me know.
23:54How are you?
23:56Fine, and you?
24:06You look the same.
24:10We need to talk.
24:14Yes, I'm happy.
24:16That's why I came.
24:18Sit down.
24:20It won't be long
24:22since I felt you better.
24:30A lot of water has passed under the bridge.
24:34You can't imagine how much.
