HonkaiImpact3rdPart2 Stories-EngDub Ch2-Ph3-Pt1 Shadowless Night

  • 2 months ago
When people emerge from #danger and find a moment to catch their #breath, a certain sense of #relief tends to overshadow all other #emotions, even if the ultimate #goal remains distant, even if failure looms ahead...
00:00It's okay.
00:09This is a common sentiment that people always subconsciously feel.
00:16When people emerge from danger and find a moment to catch their breath, a certain sense
00:21of relief tends to overshadow all other emotions, even if the ultimate goal remains distant,
00:29even if failure looms ahead.
00:36Most will comfort themselves by saying, it's okay.
00:42She has already tried her best, doing everything she can to fight.
00:54And in her desolate disillusionment, only one thing still fills her with pride.
01:02Wait, there's one other thing.
01:08Judging from her current situation, it isn't natural for her to keep coming after you.
01:15If she comes knocking at the door, I'm afraid I'm also in no position to object.
01:22All I can do is hand you over to her.
01:25No way, Chen Xue.
01:29At this moment, for the adventurers who've just made their hurried escape, Axia is clearly
01:35a place where they can relax and catch their breath, at least for now.
01:42But after telling Chen Xue everything that happened, the response they got was hardly
01:52Let's consider the situation from her perspective.
01:58I awaken from my slumber, only to find the world I created and sustained frowned with
02:04After finding nothing amiss with the companions who created the world alongside me, the only
02:11variable that remains would be the intruders who appear quite suspicious.
02:16Nothing amiss.
02:17What about the body?
02:22I guess that makes us even more suspicious.
02:28But this misunderstanding should be easy to resolve.
02:31Isn't she a bit... too headstrong?
02:40I was looking for a friendlier adjective.
02:45Judging from the example of Leteuse, you could say stubbornness is one of the hallmarks of
02:50You mean obsessed with killing people?
02:54What's wrong with her?
02:55If you're a Shu, you can hardly be called normal, whether you can draw power from the
03:01shadow or not.
03:02Okay, there's an exception.
03:03But it's not necessarily bad.
03:05A hundred years ago, the title Shu refers to those who conquer shadows in a certain
03:14But today, these people are confined to their own ways of thinking.
03:18Maybe we could turn this to our advantage.
03:21Speaking of which, wake up, Donigue.
03:32Is it time to eat?
03:36Donigue was filled in on the previous discussion.
03:41Looking back on what everyone's been through, I think only Donigue ever succeeded in leveraging
03:47a Shu's way of thinking to his own advantage.
03:50So what?
03:51You're never going to pull it off.
03:55Me and Leteuse, we're tight as, um, what I'm saying is, you don't have what I've got.
04:10You know what?
04:11I think it is time to eat.
04:12We're going to need some ingredients for cooking.
04:16The girl looked at Donigue somewhat intentionally.
04:24I'm sure that wasn't necessary.
04:26According to Song Que, while Leteuse never wields the power of a Shu, she possesses
04:34a comparable strength, which sets her apart even among that particular group.
04:42I've got another Shu in mind for talking about identity rather than power.
04:48Song Que, aren't you in a somewhat similar situation, confined of their own ways of thinking?
04:59Does being the Shu of deception mean you have to deceive people?
05:05I can't do that.
05:06Honesty is my greatest virtue.
05:07I mean, I'm good with my Shu staff, but Master used to say that you should not strike before
05:21the time comes.
05:28It's true that a good lie could help defeat enemies and achieve your goal.
05:32Sometimes it can even reverse the tide.
05:38But once you lie, you have to keep lying to cover it up, just like Leteuse and the others.
05:44In the end, nothing you say will be true.
05:52At least that was what Master said.
05:54I shouldn't use my power as a Shu unless the situation absolutely calls for it.
06:04Well, the way you make things up is rather impressive.
06:11Well, I'm absolutely sincere.
06:14If you don't believe me, let's become sworn sisters.
06:19However, compared to the one-sided portrayal in history books, the Shu aren't quite the
06:26transcendent pioneers, but more like some kind of patients.
06:31I don't mean to disparage.
06:35As you're saying, regardless of the reason, this is a sacrifice they made.
06:40If it hadn't been for them, perhaps none of us would have had a peaceful and stable life.
06:47When fear could lead to life-threatening danger, becoming a patient was the only means
06:52of resistance.
06:53The idea of gathering seven Shus to save the world seems more like combining various flawed
06:59abilities to achieve a supposed complete state.
07:04Langqiu relies on shadows, while Oxy relies on source matter.
07:08Compared to the past and future, we two worlds have different paths.
07:15As with the existential challenge, Langqiu presents the seven Shus as a solution, while
07:19Oxy has a data research institute.
07:22We should be able to find a gentler Oxy approach.
07:26Follow me.
07:27We are, from a rational perspective, I doubt that someone would solely rely on their physical
07:39body to confront the roots of shadows.
07:43But if that's true, do you remember?
08:01No way, she really managed to track us down here.
08:06Perhaps, like Donnigue, she also used the power of the Shus to smuggle herself.
08:12Come to think of it, her assumption was really stingy last time.
08:17She could have easily achieved similar tasks.
08:20That's not necessarily true.
08:23For instance, individuals like Sara and Ms. Delima probably find it hard to leave their territories.
08:30Are we getting off topic by discussing this now?
08:38Chen Xue, do you think we can evacuate the civilian before she finds us?
08:45I see. Judging by your reactions, that must be the lantern you've been talking about, right?
08:59If she's willing to wait for negotiation, then let's talk everything out.
09:18Being targeted by lantern, this means nowhere to escape.
09:26Fine, just have to swallow a bit of pride.
09:32Hm, lantern. Actually, there's no need for this.
09:40Look, we never even fought back, and even when we did, it was just to defend ourselves.
09:47We don't have any ill intentions.
09:50And the Ni Hui running around causing so much trouble is partly we seven Shus' fault.
09:56So I plead with you not to make things difficult for them, okay?
10:02Oh, really?
10:14What's going on with all this?
10:20What? Do you expect me to be hospitable to guests from the Sea of Data?
10:26No, this way is better.
10:28Sun Xue, things aren't as simple as you think.
10:31Ms. Math, Do Ni Gui couldn't have done it alone.
10:34Don't underestimate me if I weren't in this vulnerable position.
10:39I'm fully aware of Do Ni Gui's actions, but I barely made a ripple compared to the real crisis.
10:47The current turmoil in Lang Qiu is undoubtedly caused by you all.
10:53But judging by your look, you seem oblivious to the power within yourselves.
11:02Her expression appeared somewhat peculiar when she said this.
11:08When recalling extremely distant memories, people often subconsciously reveal such expressions.
11:15Forget it. Let's not waste our time on explanations.
11:20With certain research results I kept, I can extract that power from you.
11:26And I apologize if the power extraction should fail. Your lives are equally a price to be paid.
11:35That sounds harsh. Shouldn't you ask me first about that?
11:43Mind you, this is my territory, and I don't want to be messed up by two groups of outsiders like you guys.
11:52Territory? Is she planning to handle it like the Lima did at the Corridor?
11:59You people cross the line first.
12:04Come on, I can't exactly say I know them.
12:09They're merely self-claimed aliens and unknown replications from the sea of data.
12:16I was about to bring them into custody prior to Term 22 of the Source Matter Management Regulation.
12:23And then you're here.
12:27Please spare me. I'll do anything.
12:33Seeing as you have some grievance among yourself, I'd prefer to stay out of it.
12:40Just don't mess up my turf. You can take them wherever you wish.
12:46No offense, but what should I call you?
12:50Will this really work?
12:53My name is Chen Xue. Let's skip the formalities for this encounter, Ms. Zavarie.
13:00I'll send them back to the anger of the apocalypse, and the rest is none of my concern.
13:06Agreed. No need to harm the innocent.
13:09As for the name Zavarie, it's been a long while since someone called me by that.
13:14Can't blame that fellow Kao Songxue for having a loose tongue, can we?
13:20Since we've come to an agreement, please go ahead.
13:24Please don't struggle. You've tried it before. It is futile.
13:34Well, this keeps Axia from being the battleground. What about our task here?
13:46Oh no no, my fragile body can't handle being the last one again.
13:51Surely one tumble is more than enough.
13:54Alright guys, come closer.
14:01I'm sorry, but the rules of the anger of the apocalypse are unlikely to allow queuing.
14:07Likewise, the rules are also unlikely to allow too many travelers to pass through at once.
14:14Do you think this trick actually works?
14:23Guess I didn't fool you.
14:26The acting was too clumsy.
14:30Actually, even if you had told me the truth, I wouldn't have done anything to your territory.
14:39That's different from what they told me. I thought you'd have put a gun on me right away.
14:49If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have brought a few robots to come fight me.
14:58Here, I heard familiar language and saw familiar writing.
15:05Axia, after breaking free from the shadows, has indeed continued to thrive in peace until today.
15:13That's right.
15:14Ah, is that why you refrained from causing trouble today?
15:21Being a Shu, it is against your nature to be ruthless towards your past achievements.
15:30That's hardly the reason.
15:33I'm afraid none of the Shus, including myself, have truly cared about the parts we left behind.
15:43In the end, the Shus you may remember aren't just those who inadvertently gained fame by deceiving the world.
15:51I never consider resolving the dispute here and now because I've always believed that nothing can be achieved in one attempt.
15:59Besides, I'd rather accommodate the host's preference while in their territory.
16:04Gain fame by deceiving the world? I never saw it that way.
16:08Perhaps because the Lantern Organization was too large, the records about you were the clearest among the Shus.
16:14Acquire power comparable to that of Shus through mortal means without having to deal with the 10 faces of misery.
16:21I never imagined it was possible.
16:23But now it seems that without my professor around, not to mention destroying the Santeres building,
16:30it would only be a matter of time for you to take over the entire Axia if you felt like it.
16:37However, regardless of the trials you've endured,
16:40it seems unlikely that your current combat style could have been developed solely through mortal means.
16:46What are you trying to say?
16:47Nothing in particular. My intention, after all, is just to buy them time for a fair duel.
16:54I trust they knew it, too.
16:56However, as a scholar, even if my next question may provoke you and endanger me, I still have to ask.
17:06Lantern, the so-called utmost limit of mortal means, is nothing more than a shame, isn't it?
17:13Just like the other Shus, obeying different forms,
17:16your power was drawn from the shadows, adhering to the rules of 10 faces of misery.
17:22Which means you are also forced to be someone confined to their own ways of thinking, correct?
17:34On the other side of the sea of data, just as before,
17:38the adventurers arrived at the other world through that apocalyptic phenomenon,
17:44and someone was fully prepared to leave everything to fate.
17:49My fate is in your hand, Lantern.
17:57Yes, your fate is in my hand. Now, crouch over there and bow your head.
18:07As the girl came to her senses, she finally realized that an important visitor was missing in this journey due to Chen Xue's intervention.
18:16Lantern is not with us.
18:20Does that mean the act we just put on was all in vain?
18:25But how is that possible?
18:28Based on the previous times the anchor of the apocalypse was activated,
18:33it seemed more than a launcher that projects the user into another space rather than a smoothly accessible gateway.
18:41The interval between two activations means a genuine gap in space-time within the sea of quanta enough to leave Lantern behind.
18:50Oh, what you guys call the sea of data.
18:53Wait, but that means Chen Xue is all by herself over there with only those security robots.
18:59Will she be in danger?
19:01Speaking of which, I have a meticulously designed funeral arrangement.
19:06Stop it. Why are you either being quiet or talking about funeral arrangements?
19:12That's okay. I'm rather curious about my own funeral.
19:17Are you all right?
19:19No worries. I even had the leisure to try to get some information from Ms. Lantern, although it yielded no fruitful results.
19:28You'd better focus on finding vantage points.
19:31She's also entered the anchor of the apocalypse and may show up at your current location soon.
19:38Vantage points. I see.
19:42Looks like Clever Craley has already grasped my plan.
19:46Explaining it here would be a waste of time.
19:49Let's leave everything over there to Craley's command for now.
19:53Indeed, time is running out.
19:55Let's head out before Lantern arrives. We must reach the library before she does.
20:01So, are we going to exploit some loopholes in the rules and leverage the power of the other shrews?
20:07Yes, but we're not trying to take on too much at once.
20:11If we can just secure enough time for ourselves, that'd be a good chance we can turn things over.
20:17But what if Sanha refuses to cooperate with us?
20:21When do we do that?
20:23Then you'll have to ask Chen Xue.
20:26I only had enough time to think up to this point.
20:32There's a solution, but it's not time to unveil it yet.
20:40I still need about 20 minutes to prepare for it. Try to be patient for now.
20:45Weird, where are the United people?
21:16LongQiu Bedtime Stories Collection 12. Snowflake.
21:20For as long as it could remember, it was an ordinary snowflake.
21:24At the foot of the hills, along a narrow path, it drifted freely, neither staying in one place nor melting away.
21:32Such a free little snowflake.
21:34Where did snowflakes come from?
21:36From way up in the sky, perhaps.
21:39Where did snowflakes come from?
21:41From way up in the sky, perhaps.
21:44But the sky was too high up.
21:46It tried drifting upwards, but could never touch the sky's edge.
21:51Winter gave way to spring.
21:53The sun warmed the earth, melting away the snow, and everything came back to life.
21:58And the snowflake remained a snowflake, neither staying in one place nor melting away.
22:04It rode winds and mists through cities, mountains, and forests.
22:08It landed on a traveler's hat, traveling from one country to another with him.
22:13It hid on the tip of a bobcat's tail, spending every lively night in the forest with it.
22:20Days became years, and the snowflake saw a great many things.
22:25A harsh winter was followed by another summer, and the snowflake continued to travel.
22:31It had no companion.
22:33Perhaps its companions melted on the last day of winter.
22:37The snowflake began to feel lonely.
22:40It's strange. I've traveled so much and learned many things.
22:44But where would I settle down, and who would I share what I've learned with?
22:49The snowflake sought out a cloud to speak with.
22:53The cloud said,
22:55Oh, snowflake, I am not your companion, for my journey is directionless.
23:01Seek downward. There you will find your companion.
23:05So the snowflake sought out a mountain.
23:07The mountain said,
23:09Oh, snowflake, I am not your companion, for my body is rock hard.
23:14You should widen your search. There you will find your companion.
23:18So the snowflake sought out a meadow.
23:21The meadow said,
23:23Oh, snowflake, I am not your companion, but I have seen those that are.
23:27Seek along this path. There you will find your companions.
23:32So the snowflake come upon the river.
23:34The snowflake asked,
23:36River, river, am I your companion?
23:39There were millions of voices in the river, which responded in unison.
23:43I am not a river. I am a droplet of water.
23:47But if you like, you can join us.
23:50So the snowflake joined the river.
23:52Now the snowflake no longer drifts along,
23:55but is instead surrounded by millions of droplets, all indistinguishable from one another.
24:02The snowflake then asked,
24:04Am I a droplet of water?
24:06And from the bottom of his heart, a million voices cried out,
24:11You are not a droplet of water. You are a river.
24:15Let us flow on until the riverbed dries.
24:19And so the snowflake is no longer alone.
24:23And so the snowflake is no longer a snowflake.
24:53Thanks for watching!
25:23Let's go!
25:26Everyone, keep up!
25:27This way, don't fall behind!
25:45Let's go!
25:48Leave the enemies ahead to me!
25:53Let's go!
26:01Let's go!
26:09Let's go!
26:24Let's go!
26:42Donigue was nursing a grudge
26:44Zofrael, scatter
26:46After narrowly escaping their pursuit once again
26:49It bitterly etched these two names into memory
26:53Despite its current flight being a matter of its very nature
26:57It decided to unleash its fury on the toast
27:01Was it necessary to come to a place like this?
27:04Ultimately, they are just two mortals
27:07Can't we deal with them once and for all?
27:12Indeed, they are just two mortals
27:15But antagonizing the organization behind them is unnecessary
27:19Besides, they are just doing their duty because you are...
27:23Born as their mortal enemy
27:27You treat me like some insignificant, tense cessation of the shadows?
27:32Of course not
27:33I still remember our first encounter
27:36Or that aurora of yours
27:39When I was still imprisoned deep in the dungeons
27:42I once read about mythical creatures from ancient times
27:46Conjured by the imagination of humans
27:49But even with the most skilled warsmith
27:52The fear they depicted pales in comparison to yours
27:56While the tense cessation of the shadows
28:00May be perilous to ordinary folks
28:03They can't hold a candle to you
28:07Great, that's all you need to know
28:11But that's also the question that has eluded me
28:14If you are so extraordinary
28:17Possessing the nature to destroy everything
28:20Then why did you indeed comply
28:22When I asked you to flee from two vast, wicked creatures?
28:27That's because
28:31Renegade began to wag his tail
28:34Then fell silent for a long time
28:36Unable to finish the sentence
28:39That's right, I'm a monster
28:42Why didn't I just kill them both?
28:45Yeah, Donigue
28:47So why all of this?
28:49When we first met
28:51You were like a creature from the stories
28:53Almost able to dominate everything
28:56Even though I understood how you wanted to amuse yourself with me
29:00I still couldn't figure out
29:03Why now
29:04Are you willingly becoming a pet to me?
29:06A mere mortal?
29:08And obeying my commands?
