
  • 2 months ago
00:00Yes, I'm in front of the courthouse now.
00:05Huh? Judge Cha, why are you back here?
00:08You know the evidence we got from the investigation office for the Yunhua child murder case.
00:11Please bring all those files to the interrogation room now.
00:14Well, wait, but Judge Cha, I'm on my way home for the night.
00:18Han Yeyun is in the interrogation room right now.
00:21Han Yeyun is in the interrogation room now.
00:23Oh, okay. Wait up for me, Judge Cha.
00:25Oh, Judge Shim. Well, Judge Shim, hey, your hand.
00:33Don't overreact. It's nothing.
00:36Yeah. Oh, well, I couldn't get a hold of the girl's guardian, but I'll try everything I can.
00:42I already found them.
00:43How'd you do it?
00:45I talked to her attorney.
00:47Her attorney?
00:48Both of her parents are currently living in the U.S.
00:51Her father's a businessman, and her mother runs a successful fashion boutique.
00:54Because they're abroad, a law firm acts as her guardian on their behalf.
00:58You know Guillermo Law Firm, don't you? It's a pretty big one.
01:06I wondered what kind of clueless judge was interrogating a minor at this hour.
01:09As I thought, it's you, Eun Seo.
01:11I've heard about you. You only work in juvenile courts.
01:14You'd do well to remember, Ms. Ho, that you're only an attorney.
01:21You think this interrogation is some kind of joke?
01:31I'm obligated to tell you that you have the right to refrain from answering any of the following questions.
01:35A refusal to provide a statement won't count against you.
01:37Anything you say from now on can be used against you in a court of law.
01:41And you have the right to an attorney.
01:45Sign here.
01:59This isn't an interrogation by an investigative body,
02:02but a court investigation meant to check up on some facts, so no need to be nervous.
02:07Thank you, sir.
02:10I'll say it again. Pak Sung Yoo came to the station and confessed.
02:16He told them he killed someone.
02:19The victim attended a nearby elementary school.
02:22Just get to the point. How do you know Pak Sung Yoo?
02:27I don't know him.
02:28But then why did you flee?
02:29Because I was scared. You kept following me.
02:37Sign here.
02:39This is a record showing phone calls between you and Pak.
02:41She must have dialed the wrong number.
02:50There are so many calls. You seem like a kind of stalker, huh?
02:54My client will remain silent.
02:55On the day of the murder, around the approximate time of the incident,
02:58you were the only person who talked with Pak Sung Yoo over the phone.
03:02You really don't know him?
03:03My client will remain silent.
03:04Where were you between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on December 13th, 2021?
03:08That too.
03:09I expect she'll remain silent once again.
03:28Ye Yoon.
03:34Pak Sung Yoo is a young offender who is under the age of 14.
03:38So he'll be able to avoid criminal charges.
03:41But you will not.
03:43According to Articles 2 and 4 of the Special Punishments for Specific Violent Crimes Act,
03:48the longest possible sentence for a juvenile criminal is 20 years.
03:52And I'm sure you're aware of that already.
03:57You do know that Sung Yoo had a trial this afternoon, right?
04:01Can you guess what he said?
04:04Just after the proceedings were over.
04:14It's the agreed upon time. The interrogation is over.
04:16Please sit down.
04:17I'll ask the last question and end this myself.
04:30This right here is the footage from the boys' elevator's security camera on the day of the murder.
04:36So then, Han Yoon, what were you doing there?
04:46I just got in an elevator with him.
04:51What's wrong with that?
04:55The phone calls between you and Sung Yoo right before and after the murder,
04:58as well as the camera footage, suggests you were there at the crime scene on the day of the murder.
05:03And all of this is suggesting to me that you were the third individual who is implicated in this murder.
05:15Just because you're a judge, you can't just lock me up without a trial.
05:19I've read over your record. You were put on level five probation at the last trial.
05:23You didn't follow any of the instructions and you exhibited a poor attitude.
05:26You were not authorized to be at that cafe so late.
05:32Let go of me! Let go!
05:35Hey, don't hurt her. Be careful, please.
05:38Let go! Let go! Can't you hear me?
05:47If you were going to take her all along, you could have let her sleep and taken her tomorrow morning.
05:52She's still a minor, after all.
05:53Even though she's technically still a minor.
06:00A child was still murdered.
06:03And the boys' family was absolutely destroyed.
06:06One night of little sleep won't kill her, will it?
06:12All I did was carry out my duties as a judge.
06:16So why don't you carry out yours?
06:19As her lawyer.
06:38Okay, I will.
06:39I'll call you right away if Mr. Kang asks for you.
06:46Oh, hey, you're up.
06:48Oh, I heard about what happened to Han Ye-eun.
06:50She was taken to the juvenile intake center.
06:52Don't forget to talk to Judge Shim when she gets to work.
06:55Because she's the one who actually caught her.
06:57She went through quite the ordeal.
06:59Her hand was scraped and bandaged up.
07:01All right, no wonder.
07:02Judge Shim just called and said she'd be a little late today.
07:04She really needs some rest.
07:06I think she hasn't been sleeping much lately.
07:08Mr. Kang in?
07:09Not yet.
07:10Okay, then.
07:11Please don't tell him about all this.
07:34I'm off to work.
07:36Your mother's coming over later.
07:39Can I get you to eat something, please, huh?
07:43You've got to eat to stay alive.
08:04Oh, my God.
08:32Hi, it's me.
08:39Were you able to get in?
08:41Oh, no.
08:42The more cases you find, the better.
08:44I've already taken a look at the domestic ones.
08:46Send the overseas ones.
08:48Juvenile cases, though.
08:49And not the parasite ones.
08:51As soon as you get the records on Han Ye-eun from the juvenile intake home,
08:54take them to Judge Shim.
08:56Yes, ma'am.
08:58Oh, by the way, what the hell happened last night?
09:01Don't get me started.
09:02I had to go back to the office on my way home,
09:04and Han Ye-eun was there with her lawyer.
09:06It was pretty intense.
09:07Whoa, that's crazy.
09:09But with the phone records and the security footage,
09:11there's solid evidence.
09:12I don't think she'll find a way out.
09:14Gosh, that's insane.
09:16We've really been walking on thin ice since Judge Shim transferred to our office.
09:19I know.
09:21For God's sake.
09:22What are we going to do if Mr. Kang finds out about this?
09:24Find out about what?
09:26Hello, sir.
09:27Goddamn, look at your faces.
09:29Find out about what?
09:38This is Shim Eun-seo.
09:40I'm at the court now.
09:45Yeah, I'll make my way over there.
09:47Hey, Cha!
09:49Come on!
09:50You should know better!
09:51Shim Eun-seo is going completely out of her mind!
09:54But you can't go acting like her!
09:56You went behind my back!
09:57You're all traitors!
09:58Without my consent, you summoned a minor and put her in the center, right?
10:02Oh, my God! Oh, my God, for fuck's sake!
10:04Are you two crazy or what?
10:05Hey! Hey!
10:07You think I'm fucking pushover?
10:08Get out!
10:09I don't need either of you!
10:11I was going to let you know about it today.
10:13No need!
10:14Go ahead and hold the trial without me, too.
10:15I was ashamed of it, sir.
10:17I was so ashamed!
10:21These kids aren't serial killers or international criminals.
10:25They're just some juvenile delinquents.
10:27But they've managed to fool the whole nation and the police as well.
10:29The court should at least try and find out the reason.
10:33Isn't that our job after all?
10:38If they come away from this thinking,
10:39oh, the legal system is such a joke,
10:41what do we do then?
10:45If they commit even worse crimes when they're older
10:46and victimize more people like Ji-hoo,
10:49whose fault is that going to be?
10:54We need to show them how harsh the law can be!
10:56We have to teach them!
10:57When you hurt someone,
10:59you have to pay the consequences!
11:02And when parents attempt to cover for their criminal children,
11:04we must intervene and stop it!
11:08That's the job we're all here to do.
11:11So just tell me, sir.
11:13What exactly did I do wrong?
11:15What made you so upset
11:16that you threw around these papers?
11:19As a court judge,
11:22tell me what I did that was so wrong.
11:27So then,
11:28what do you plan to do now?
11:30I'm going to use the law to prove my case.
11:39Go meet with Pak Sung-yu's mother.
11:41Should I go now?
11:42What matters more than anything now
11:43is Pak Sung-yu's case.
11:45I don't care.
11:47I don't care.
11:48I don't care.
11:49I don't care.
11:50I don't care.
11:51I don't care.
11:52I don't care.
11:53I don't care.
11:55What matters more than anything now
11:56is Pak Sung-yu's confession.
11:57Tell her that he seems to have worked with an accomplice
11:59and ask her
12:00to persuade him to come clean.
12:02Yes, Judge Shim.
12:08I'll be back soon, Judge Shim.
12:24I'm sorry, Judge Shim.
12:28I should have kept my mouth shut.
12:29Don't worry about all that.
12:30I've had to go through this kind of thing before.
12:32I see.
12:34Oh, and this is what the Juvenile Intake Center came up with when they were running their
12:38own investigation of the case.
12:40It's Backsong who's chatted with someone on a foreign social media account, but the content
12:43is a bit...
12:45I think they're very intimate with each other.
12:52Judge Shim?
12:53Contact the Juvenile Intake Center and ask them if Han Ye-yoon has any other social media
12:58Ma'am, I'll see you same time next week.
13:14Ye-chan, don't forget to solve all the problems by next week.
13:18Thank you so much, ma'am.
13:19Have a good day.
13:21See you next week.
13:22Are you trying to get me fired?
13:43How did you know that I was here?
13:45What if people at my new company find out about it?
13:47The cram school where you worked as an instructor told me you quit.
13:50I contacted the tutoring company where you work now.
13:52Did they really say that?
13:53That I quit my job?
13:56My life will be over if I get fired again.
13:58I have to be able to make a living.
14:00It's not the first.
14:02The first time that kid has me in trouble.
14:03I'm not here to get you in any kind of trouble.
14:05Please trust me.
14:07Well, have you ever seen this girl?
14:15What's wrong?
14:16I think Sang-woo was with her at the scene of the murder.
14:21Then what?
14:22Up until now?
14:23I was only Sang-woo.
14:24God, I just knew it.
14:26He doesn't have it in him to do something like kill a child.
14:28She still hasn't confessed anything, though.
14:32We need his confession, ma'am.
14:34And if he does?
14:35Depending on what he tells us, the degree of punishment could change.
14:37He will.
14:38I'll make him do it.
14:39I haven't been able to reach the victim's parents.
14:41I can't talk to them.
14:42I can't even meet with them.
14:44So what did his public defender say?
14:46His public defender?
14:52I don't answer calls from unfamiliar numbers.
14:58This is the number to call.
15:01If you contact them, you'll learn more about your son's public defender.
15:06You're a judge, sir.
15:11You're allowed to do this?
15:13This is also what we, the court, do.
15:15Considering the gravity of the crime, Sang-woo needs his own attorney, too.
15:20Thank you so much, sir.
15:26Article 1 of the Juvenile Act says the purpose of this act is to ensure the sound fostering
15:31of juveniles.
15:33It isn't just a question of offenders and victims.
15:35The objective of the Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division is to ensure that the juveniles won't
15:39become repeat offenders.
15:41Please, just try to persuade him.
16:11You're back.
16:20It seems like you haven't been sleeping well for a few days.
16:23Why don't you go home and nap a little?
16:36Didn't you say to go to sleep?
16:39Well, you're new to the department, but we haven't had a party for you.
16:42No, I don't do that.
16:45God, it's like you wouldn't even bleed if I pricked you with a needle.
16:50Mr. Soh told me that you were late this morning, not because you overslept, but because you
16:53went to the library.
16:56So I have a question I'd like to ask you.
16:58Mind if I do?
17:05Why this court?
17:08It's not like the Juvenile Division's very high status.
17:10Your work here won't get a lot of attention when you open a law office later, because
17:13of the workload and bureaucratic issues most people avoid us.
17:17Miss Shim, you're such a respected judge, so why did you want to come join this court?
17:29Want to know why?
17:48Enjoy your meal.
17:51Judge Shim.
17:56It's not like the Juvenile Division's very high status.
17:58Your work here won't get a lot of attention when you open a law office later, because
18:01of the workload and bureaucratic issues most people avoid us.
18:03Why did you want to come join this court?
18:10I don't know.
18:26That's it.
18:28One more thing.
18:29The work in our division is one matter, and the juvenile protection case is assigned to
18:34you or another matter.
18:35Those trials are independent, so I'm not allowed to intervene.
18:39But if you want to do it half-heartedly, that's unacceptable.
18:41Yes, of course, sir.
18:43I'm so sorry to interrupt the meeting, but this is really quite serious.
18:46What's going on?
18:49Judge Shim Eun-seok of the Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division at Yeonhwa District Court
18:53has been appointed to the Yeonhwa Child Murder Case, but her qualifications as a judge are
18:58Since she was a juvenile court judge at Uijeongbu District Court two years ago, her overbearing
19:03attitude and manner of speaking have caused much controversy.
19:06She didn't use cuss words, but she lashed out at my child, yelling at him.
19:10I couldn't believe such a person was a judge.
19:13In particular, during the investigation into the Yeonhwa Child Murder Case, she asked a
19:17minor to go voluntarily to the court, but when she refused, she forcibly took her without
19:21a warrant, and there's quite a lot of controversy over this now.
19:32No, no.
19:33Well, they published the article without performing a fact check.
19:36No, she didn't forcibly take her.
19:38She was accompanied by probation officers, and she was investigating a judgment.
19:41I didn't yell.
19:42I just tried to explain what actually occurred.
19:51Mr. Kang, the chief judge is asking to see you.
20:16Look who's here.
20:17What brings you to our office, Your Honor?
20:21It's you.
20:22You're the only one who would think this up.
20:25Yes, it's me.
20:26You told me that I should do my job.
20:30Nations should get this chance to know Shim Eun-seo's true colors.
20:35Your dirty legal tricks didn't work back at the Institute.
20:39They won't work here either.
20:41You lost to me then.
20:43You lose again.
20:46Han Yu-yeon is going to receive a summons to appear in court.
20:49Bring her on time.
20:50Don't be even a minute late.
20:52Because there's going to be a lot of press, which you'll love.
21:02What the hell is going on now?
21:05Because of you, I've been summoned by the chief judge.
21:08You aren't even a junior judge.
21:10You are a senior judge.
21:13Why didn't you tell me that?
21:15You made all that fuss to interrogate Han Yu-yeon last night, but you did it by force.
21:18Didn't you know the problems it would cause?
21:24Hello? Tell Mr. Cha to come to my office.
21:43This case...
21:45I'm reassigning it to Mr. Cha.
21:50Well, Mr. Kang...
21:51It's an order from the chief judge.
21:53Because I warned you that the Justice Department would be in the spotlight
21:57and that we needed to be especially cautious about what we did.
21:59I acted alongside her.
22:02I was also suspicious of Han Yu-yeon's whereabouts the day of the murder,
22:05so I decided to join her.
22:08Is that true?
22:09It isn't, sir.
22:12I looked for Han Yu-yeon on my own that day.
22:15It was my decision and mine alone, sir.
22:17There's no excuse for it.
22:21Mr. Cha.
22:22Schedule a date as soon as possible.
22:24And Miss Sim,
22:26assist Mr. Cha from now on.
22:29Yes, sir.
22:36Why'd you do that?
22:37I'm the one who told you about the internet cafe.
22:40I also looked for Han Yu-yeon.
22:42Why did you take all of the blame?
22:44You put so much effort into all of this.
22:46I tried, so what?
22:47That still doesn't excuse what I did.
22:49The news didn't say anything wrong, after all.
22:52The whole thing was my fault.
22:56knowing it was going against protocol,
22:58I still wanted to catch the girl.
23:02If the case were reassigned, it'd be a problem.
23:04But they just changed the judge.
23:06No big deal.
23:08So what if we had to sacrifice an arm
23:10to finally get the head of the enemy?
23:15These are all the relevant cases here.
23:17Stop worrying about me and read through as many as you can.
23:23Judge Shim, I just got a call from the Juvenile Intake Center.
23:25Baek Seong-woo wants to make a confession.
23:31The trial for the Yeonhwa Child murder,
23:33a case that shocked the whole nation,
23:35will be held today.
23:36As Han, the third person who was caught on CCTV
23:38on the day of the murder,
23:39is suspected to be the real culprit.
23:41The prosecution has filed a murder charge against her.
23:44The trial of Baek and...
23:45The trial of two teenagers...
23:46...will be held this afternoon.
23:47...child murder case...
23:48...will be held at the Yeonhwa District Court.
23:51The court will hold a criminal trial of Han
23:53and a juvenile trial of Baek at the same time.
23:56So everyone is closely watching the results of the trial.
23:59Do you admit that you took the...
24:00What does the Justice Department think about the Yeonhwa trial murder case?
24:03The presiding judge has changed
24:04his mind about that because of the recent controversy.
24:06Will the trial be held behind closed doors?
24:15Case number 2-0-2-1.
24:21will commence with the trial now.
24:24Han Ye-eun's attorney?
24:28Is her guardian absent today?
24:30Han Ye-eun's guardians are unable to attend due to their business in the U.S.,
24:33so her counsel is here on their behalf.
24:35I've been a judge for the last 22 years,
24:37but I've never seen such a legal dream team in a juvenile case.
24:40We'll take it as a compliment.
24:47I'm sorry.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
24:53Han Ye-eun's attorney?
24:55Does she admit murdering and abandoning the body?
24:58She partially admits it, though doesn't admit everything.
25:00As Paek Song-yu has already stated,
25:02she murdered and abandoned the boy's body.
25:04She admits that.
25:05She said it wasn't premeditated murder,
25:07but manslaughter due to her unstable mental state.
25:10Paek Song-yu's defender?
25:13Does your client admit to being her accomplice?
25:16He doesn't admit to it at all.
25:19Paek Song-yu confessed to having committed the crime already, didn't he?
25:22He did, but he wasn't her accomplice.
25:24He claims that he aided the murder.
25:26What's the basis for that?
25:27Until Han Ye-eun actually committed the murder at Paek Song-yu's apartment,
25:30Paek Song-yu interpreted everything as merely a joke.
25:44Is your address Capital Palace 1033201?
25:49Is that right?
25:52Is your address Capital Palace 1033201?
25:59Yes. When someone asks to confirm an address,
26:01people normally answer the question with a yes or no.
26:04Just like you did, right?
26:07And people confirm an address when they're planning on a visit to that place.
26:10Or if they're planning on sending something to that place.
26:12Would you say that's correct?
26:15I guess so.
26:16But why, if that's the case?
26:18Did Paek Song-yu reply to your message?
26:21Is he alive? Did you check the CCTV?
26:27They exchanged these text messages on social media at 11.28 a.m.
26:41The CCTV footage in the elevator at the scene was captured at 11.29 a.m.
26:49There are two things that the CCTV footage and the conversation tell us.
26:53First of all, the person who lured the murder victim to the crime scene
26:57wasn't Paek Song-yu, but was in fact Han Ye-eun.
27:03Second, is he alive? Did you check the CCTV?
27:07And is he alive? Did you check the CCTV?
27:10The reply from Paek Song-yu
27:14indicates that these two conspired to commit this heinous crime.
27:20Besides, Han Ye-eun lured the victim into Paek Song-yu's apartment.
27:24But Paek Song-yu took the whole thing as a joke? That's hard to understand.
27:29Paek Song-yu's defender, what do you think?
27:33I'm sure they'll just claim that the whole thing was accidental.
27:36They can't deny abduction, murder, mutilation, abandonment,
27:38because Paek Song-yu already confessed to all that.
27:40As for Paek Song-yu, he either conspired or aided in the murder.
27:43As for Han Ye-eun, she committed either murder or manslaughter.
27:47They'll claim that they aided in the murder and committed manslaughter, respectively.
27:50Then we need to see if their claims are founded,
27:52or if there are holes in any of their arguments.
27:55Witness, how do you know Han Ye-eun?
27:57I'm the psychiatrist who has been assigned to her case.
28:00Actually, I've been Han Ye-eun's doctor for three years.
28:02What is her condition?
28:04Well, depressive conduct disorder, neurasthenia, and persistent delusional disorder.
28:09So, in other words, she was diagnosed with depressive conduct disorder, neurasthenia,
28:13and persistent delusional disorder, ma'am.
28:15Persistent delusional disorder. Please elaborate on that.
28:19Well, there are many types of delusional disorders.
28:22Han Ye-eun's case was the persecutory type.
28:25In other words, it was a persecutory delusional disorder.
28:29Persecutory delusional patients interpret other people's actions as threats.
28:33Such as slander and harassment, and respond to them instantly.
28:39Hey, sorry.
28:58Depending on what their delusions are,
29:00they can have a hard time trying to control their anger.
29:02Then it is possible that this case only happened because of the persecutory delusional disorder.
29:08Whatever it is, nothing is 100% certain.
29:11Yes, of course, but is it possible?
29:13If you ask if it's possible, then I would say it is.
29:18That's all, sir.
29:31We'll resume the trial after a one-hour recess.
29:45At the rate we're going, it could go on forever.
29:47Han Ye-eun's attorney seemed to be quite prepared to claim that the whole thing was an accident.
30:01Park Sung-yoo.
30:03Do you know what that is?
30:07It's a charger cable for my cell phone.
30:09Additionally, it's the weapon you used when you murdered the victim. Is that right?
30:15Can you tell us exactly what happened that day?
30:21As I said earlier, I didn't see Han Ye-eun kill that boy.
30:25Because I was changing my clothes in another room.
30:27Because I was changing my clothes in another room.
30:31How about we try this now? We'll separate them.
30:34Park Sung-yoo and Han Ye-eun.
30:39And we'll make them reveal the truth about each other.
30:45Did you really kill him?
30:46Hey, you crazy bitch! Answer me, fuck!
30:48Hey, fuck!
30:53Neither of us has to wind up in jail.
30:58We can both get out of this.
31:05Are you really saying that Han Ye-eun started this entire thing?
31:11Well, she said there's a way.
31:12She removed all of her fingerprints from the charger cable and put mine on it.
31:15She said she had a plan and told me to listen to her.
31:19So, who came up with the idea of mutilating the body?
31:32Park Sung-yoo.
31:35He told me to do it.
31:38When I killed the kid, he was so distressed.
31:42So, he told me to do it.
31:45Outside of the bathroom.
31:48He showed me how to chop a body into pieces.
31:51And he told me to throw away all the organs in a trash can.
31:57And the body parts in the rooftop water tank.
32:02He threatened me.
32:03Hey, it was your decision to dump them in the trash can.
32:06I didn't do it.
32:07I didn't do it.
32:08I didn't do it.
32:09I didn't do it.
32:10I didn't do it.
32:11It was your decision to dump them in there not to get caught on CCTV.
32:14That's all a lie.
32:15She did it all by herself.
32:16It's not a lie.
32:17Outside the bathroom.
32:18You told me how to do it all.
32:20You said you would.
32:21I asked you to turn yourself in.
32:22You said you wanted to.
32:23When did I say that?
32:25When did I say that?
32:26When did I say that?
32:27What the fuck?
32:28You're the one who picked that ax.
32:29After you killed him, you were so excited that you danced, you crazy fucking bitch.
32:31When did I do that?
32:32That bitch chopped the kid with an ax.
32:33And looking at him bleeding, she danced over his body.
32:35She did all kinds of crazy shit.
32:37Shut up, you son of a bitch.
32:38Fuck, I'll kill you.
32:39Can you please stop?
32:50Please stop it now.
32:53Just stop.
33:11My baby!
33:48Baek Sun-Yoo and Han Ye-Eun voluntarily made a confession.
33:52So it seems useless to proceed with this trial.
33:55Well, lastly, the victim...
34:00Yeon Ji-Hoon's mother.
34:03If you have anything you'd like to say,
34:07feel free to go ahead and address the court.
34:10To get it off your chest.
34:23I'm not interested in any of those.
34:27What matters to me is...
34:31What's clear to me is...
34:34that my child...
34:38shivered with fear...
34:42without his mother in a stranger's house.
34:48And then was murdered by them.
34:51I still...
34:55don't understand at all...
35:02why my innocent little baby...
35:06had to die like that.
35:12I don't know.
35:15I don't know.
35:16Had to die like that.
35:24Your Honor, I ask you...
35:31punish them severely for their crimes...
35:35so something like this won't happen again.
36:25Whatever the reason was...
36:28they robbed a human of their life.
36:30I think we should sentence Han Ye-Eun to 20 years, the maximum sentence.
36:34And put Park Sung-Yoo on probation, level 10.
36:37The highest level of probation possible.
36:43Probation level 10...
36:45is two years' imprisonment.
36:50What do you think, Judge?
36:52I agree. We should sentence Han Ye-Eun to the 20 years.
36:57And for Sung-Yoo?
37:00The court's reached a decision.
37:02The offenders targeted an innocent stranger for murder.
37:06And they treated him like little more than an object.
37:09And they murdered him in the most brutal way...
37:12just to take pleasure in killing a child.
37:15Most importantly, this was a despicable and inhumane crime...
37:18that shocked parents who have children of their own...
37:21who are in grade school like the victim.
37:23The court sentences Han Ye-Eun to 20 years in prison.
37:29And Park Sung-Yoo to probation, level 10.
37:32No. This is wrong.
37:34Don't. Don't do this. You shouldn't do this, Ye-Eun.
37:37Don't do this.
37:3820 years? Let go of me!
37:40How dare you order me around, you evil fucking bitch!
37:43Let go of me! Let go of me, you fucking bastard!
37:46You bastard! I'll kill you all!
37:48Don't worry. I promise you. Don't worry, okay?
38:14Mr. Baek has decided to appeal the decision.
38:16What is Miss Han going to do?
38:17She doesn't accept the court's decision.
38:19She'll appeal against it.
38:20Does she deny all the charges?
38:21How do you feel now?
38:25Wait! Wait, ma'am!
38:30This is from the judge.
38:36This is from the judge.
38:44Hello, Miss Ju.
38:46Okay, I'll be right there.
38:49I'm sorry. I'm quite behind in my work.
38:51Bye, then.
38:53Oh, right.
38:54Oh, and Judge Shim told me to give it to you. Bye.
39:02I'm sorry.
39:46Han Ye-yoon isn't going to change much even after prison time, will she?
39:50Do you think serving time in prison is really good for such a child?
39:54At least that's the court's rule.
39:57We're only court judges.
39:59I can't change a person's nature, you know.
40:01I'm just concerned.
40:03She'll serve out her prison time and become an adult.
40:07And then what?
40:09That's what her parents need to do.
40:12They need to make her realize the seriousness of what she's done.
40:19there isn't going to be a next time.
40:24The girl committed such an unspeakable, unforgivable crime.
40:28But her parents didn't even go to the trial.
40:31If parents don't make an effort...
40:34their children will never change.
40:40Um, can you lend me your cell phone for a minute?
40:43My mom wants me to call her.
41:26Judge Cha!
41:27You said you'd reduce the punishment!
41:29How can you do this to me?
41:30You said you'd reduce the punishment!
41:32You clearly said that.
41:33Introducing a public defender to me.
41:35You said the judges at the juvenile division aren't our enemies.
41:39Why didn't you release Song-gu?
41:40It's not my son that killed the boy.
41:44No, that wasn't what...
41:45Release Song-gu!
41:46Release him right now!
41:47You said you'd release him!
41:48Why did you lock him up?
41:49Because the boy was killed in your home.
41:53And your son was there.
41:55And he helped Han Ye-eun instead of calling the police.
41:59Furthermore, your son...
42:02complicated our investigation...
42:05and even made a false confession.
42:09The court finds that your son...
42:12should bear some responsibility.
42:17We'll... we'll judge him.
42:20There's an old saying that goes like this.
42:23The pain of a mother who lost her child...
42:25is as severe as an eternal splitting stomachache.
42:33What did you do for Song-gu when he was nine?
42:37When Ji-hoo was nine?
42:41Ji-hoo's mother...
42:45lost her little boy.
42:50All because of your son.
42:55I'm sorry.
43:23Judge him.
43:25I didn't mean that.
43:27Well, I...
43:29I understand why you said that.
43:31And you weren't wrong.
43:35if the Guardian were to take your words the wrong way...
43:38you as a judge are the one to blame.
43:42I'll be careful, ma'am.
43:55I just can't ever...
43:59get used to juvenile cases.
44:04They make me so uncomfortable.
44:11Go home early today.
44:13Go get some rest.
44:15And then we'll get ready for the next one.
44:21You did a good job.
44:25Thank you.
44:56Aren't you going to go?
45:07I wish I had written this steadily.
45:10I wish I had written it every day.
45:25Ji-hoo's Mother
45:45Is this from me?
45:47Do you like it?
45:49That's from Ji-hoo.
45:51Say thank you to her.
45:53Thank you.
45:55Where is Ji-hoo?
45:57I should say thank you to him, too.
46:03What are you...
46:05going to say to Ji-hoo?
46:07Thank you, Ji-hoo.
46:17I wanted to give him a hug so much...
46:21but I couldn't.
46:26I'm so grateful to you.
46:29Thank you for welcoming the toy.
46:32I'm just...
46:34so grateful.
46:55Ji-hoo's Mother
47:26Ji-hoo's Mother
47:47What did you do for Sung-yu when he was nine?
47:50When Ji-hoo was nine?
47:52Ji-hoo's Mother
47:53Ji-hoo's Mother
47:55lost her little boy...
47:59all because of your son.
48:23Ji-hoo's Mother
48:32I'm sorry.
48:36I'm the one to blame.
48:40It's all my fault.
48:41I'm sorry.
48:48I'm sorry.
48:53Ji-hoo's Mother
48:59I just can't ever...
49:02get used to juvenile cases.
49:05They make me so uncomfortable.
49:11Young offenders are the ones who get punished.
49:15But sometimes other people...
49:17have to bear the crosses.
49:32Did we succeed in meting out proper punishment today?
49:37Did the punishment...
49:39give the victim a sense of closure?
49:44Does the offender feel...
49:46Does the offender feel regret?
49:52It's over for now.
49:54But it's never really over.
49:57That's the work we do.
50:16I'm sorry.
50:17I'm sorry.
50:18I'm sorry.
50:19I'm sorry.
50:20I'm sorry.
50:21I'm sorry.
50:22I'm sorry.
50:23I'm sorry.
50:24I'm sorry.
50:25I'm sorry.
50:26I'm sorry.
50:27I'm sorry.
50:28I'm sorry.
50:29I'm sorry.
50:30I'm sorry.
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50:32I'm sorry.
50:33I'm sorry.
50:34I'm sorry.
50:35I'm sorry.
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54:06I'm sorry.
