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Everyone loves a little couple drama! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the craziest moments featuring the “Mondler” duo on “Friends.”


00:00Is this not the good part?
00:02Do you want me to fast forward to something toothier?
00:06Welcome to Ms. Mojo.
00:08And today we're counting down our picks for the craziest moments featuring the Mondler duo on Friends.
00:14Nice try.
00:15Wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:20Number 10. Workout buddies.
00:22Every time I put on a little weight, I start questioning everything.
00:27Whoa, whoa. I put on a little weight?
00:31Chandler's not the most athletic member of the group,
00:34and after Phoebe offhandedly mentions as much,
00:37Monica decides to make him her project while she's unemployed.
00:40Chandler, I'm unemployed in dire need of a project.
00:43You want to work out? I can remake you.
00:45The two start working out together.
00:47The various ways Monica motivates Chandler are plenty entertaining,
00:50as are the duo's squabbles.
00:55Monica, it's Sunday morning. I'm not running on a Sunday.
00:58Why not?
00:59Because it's Sunday.
01:01It's God's day.
01:03Eventually, though, Chandler has had enough.
01:05His final straw is Monica's encouragement for an early morning run.
01:09Too early.
01:10He reminds Monica of all her shortcomings and stressors, and it is brutal.
01:15You can't tell your parents you were fired because they'd be disappointed.
01:19Topping it all off, by the time he's significantly worn her down,
01:23he rejoices in going back to bed.
01:27Everybody knows the basic erogenous zone.
01:29You've got one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven.
01:36After Chandler starts seeing Joey's ex-girlfriend Kathy,
01:39he commiserates with Rachel and Monica.
01:41He's gotten some feedback from Kathy about his performance
01:44in a certain department that he's rather disappointed with,
01:47especially when compared to his best bud.
01:49It was fine, you know, but she didn't agree with me
01:52as strongly as she agreed with Joey.
01:55Monica decides to help Chandler out with a little visual demonstration.
01:58Drawing a diagram of a woman's seven erogenous zones on paper,
02:02she proceeds to get a little too enthusiastic about her instruction.
02:05Seven. Seven.
02:08Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven.
02:13Not only is it an uproariously funny scene,
02:16it's also great foreshadowing for the two of them eventually ending up together.
02:19Number eight. Twins.
02:21Birth scenes in Friends are typically pretty chaotic,
02:24and the day Monica and Chandler become parents is no exception.
02:28Chandler, you don't want to miss this.
02:31This is the birth of your child. It's the miracle of life.
02:34When Erica, the woman they're adopting from, goes into labor,
02:37Maudler are along for the ride.
02:39However, everyone but the doctor is surprised
02:41when he announces that they'll be having twins.
02:44You know it's twins, right?
02:46Oh, yeah. These are the faces of two people in the know.
02:50As funny as their surprise and Erica's cluelessness is,
02:53it's the heartwarming way that Monica insists that they keep the twins together
02:57that makes us swoon every time.
02:59We are taking them home because they are our children.
03:02It feels like they come full circle,
03:04becoming parents in as chaotic a way as they fell in love.
03:08Number seven. Chandler's declaration.
03:10How far am I going to have to go with her?
03:12Relax. She's going to give in way before you do.
03:14How do you know?
03:15Because you're on my team, and my team always wins.
03:19Chandler and Monica's relationship is fraught with hilarious and surprising moments
03:23basically from the beginning.
03:25Although the reveal that they slept together
03:27or the time Joey found out about them are both scenes we love,
03:30this one wins.
03:32Phoebe is the second-to-last person to find out
03:34about Monica and Chandler's not-so-secret relationship.
03:37And when she does, she and Rachel decide to mess with them.
03:40They thought that they could mess with us?
03:42They're trying to mess with us?
03:45Phoebe comes on to Chandler in what might be the funniest possible way.
03:49The scene is legendary for how awkwardly hilarious it is,
03:52with both sides refusing to give an inch.
03:55However, Chandler does finally crack
03:57and reveals that he's in love with Monica.
03:59It's hysterical and sweet all at once.
04:02I love her! I love her!
04:11I love you, Monica.
04:18While we're on the topic of seductions,
04:20Monica has done her fair share too.
04:22However, in this case, it's to prove she isn't sick,
04:25which she totally is.
04:32After catching a cold, Monica is in complete denial
04:35and eager to show Chandler how fit she is by seducing him.
04:38The contrast between her attempts at foreplay
04:40and her stuffy nose and coughing fits
04:42makes for comedy gold.
04:44We are two healthy people
04:46at the Pribe of Lime.
04:50While her initial efforts to illustrate
04:52that she's in the Pribe of Lime fall hilariously flat,
04:55she eventually succeeds thanks to Vic's vaporub.
05:00What is it with these two in numbers?
05:02While in Las Vegas, Chandler and Monica argue
05:04over Monica seeing her ex-boyfriend Richard.
05:07I was trying to find you and tell you that...
05:09Look, if you don't want me to see Richard again, I won't.
05:11He means nothing to me.
05:12However, they make up while gambling at a craps table
05:15thanks to Monica having an extraordinary run of luck
05:17calling the right numbers.
05:19After attaching several increasingly outlandish bets
05:21along with their calls,
05:23Chandler eventually proposes that the two of them
05:25get married if it comes up a hard eight.
05:27I'll tell you what, you roll another hard eight,
05:30and we get married here tonight.
05:32While one die comes up four,
05:34the second one rolls off the table
05:36and is halfway between a four and a five.
05:38They decide in the moment that it's a four
05:40and plan to marry.
05:42It's a four.
05:46I think so too.
05:48Chandler and Monica don't go through with it,
05:50but it is still a wild moment in their courtship.
05:55Monica and Chandler's romantic surprises for each other
05:58tend to lead to hilarious disasters.
06:02Why am I watching a bunch of sharks swimming around?
06:04One of the strangest happens because
06:06Monica decides to surprise Chandler
06:08at his hotel room while he's working in Tulsa.
06:10She walks in on him watching adult content,
06:13and he quickly changes the channel to a show about sharks.
06:16Do not disturb! Do not disturb!
06:20However, this leads Monica to believe
06:22that he finds the ocean's deadliest killers arousing,
06:24and being a supportive wife,
06:26she tries her best to accommodate him.
06:28It's baffling to him,
06:30but oh so hysterical for us.
06:32Thankfully, he clears up the misunderstanding
06:34quickly enough.
06:40When the gang reminisces about Thanksgiving's past,
06:42a lot of feelings are unearthed.
06:44It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Chandler
06:46bumming us out.
06:48After learning exactly the reason he lost his toe,
06:50Chandler is upset with Monica.
06:52Retreating to his and Joey's apartment,
06:54he's surprised by Monica at the door
06:56who is wearing a full turkey on her head,
06:58a callback to an incident
07:00where Joey did something similar.
07:02This is not going to work.
07:04But this will work.
07:06While he refuses to buy in at first,
07:08Chandler is ultimately charmed
07:10by the hat and sunglasses,
07:12and especially the ridiculous dance.
07:14It's a weird time for him to tell her he loves her.
07:16Or it would be,
07:18but honestly with these two,
07:20it's kind of perfect.
07:22You are so great. I love you.
07:26Number two.
07:28Chandler loses a toe.
07:30Hi Chandler.
07:32Oh my God.
07:34This exact incident could not be more unhinged.
07:36In the first of several
07:38Thanksgiving flashbacks at the Geller's house,
07:40a college-aged Chandler insults Monica
07:42behind her back.
07:44I just don't want to be stuck here all night with your fat sister.
07:48The hit to her self-esteem prompts her to
07:50lose weight and try to get revenge
07:52on him at the next year's celebration.
07:54In the act of seducing Chandler,
07:56Monica accidentally drops a knife
07:58and cuts off his toe.
08:00As if that wasn't enough,
08:02because of Monica's mix-up with a carrot,
08:04Chandler lost the digit permanently.
08:06You brought a carrot.
08:10This isn't your toe, this is a small,
08:12very cold piece of carrot.
08:14Even before they were friends,
08:16Mondler were kind of a disaster.
08:18Before we unveil our top pick,
08:20here are some honorable mentions.
08:23In college, Chandler got drunk
08:25and slept with a lady who cleaned our dorm.
08:29That was you.
08:35Happy birthday!
08:37Love, Janice.
08:44Dear God, this parachute is a knapsack.
08:52You opened all the presents without me?
08:54I thought we were supposed to do that together.
08:56You kissed another woman?
09:00Call it even?
09:03Nubbin reveal.
09:05The real question is how did she find out about it?
09:07Oh, it's not big. Not at all.
09:09You know, kind of the same lines as,
09:11say, oh, I don't know, having a third nipple.
09:15Before we continue, be sure to subscribe
09:17to our channel and ring the bell
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09:33Monica got stung by a jellyfish.
09:35All right!
09:39All right.
09:43The gang's trip to the beach is unforgettable
09:45for many reasons.
09:47Chandler's flirting with Monica is interrupted
09:49when a wave brings a jellyfish in, stinging her.
09:51Joey recalls the myth that
09:53urine can help jellyfish stings.
09:55Later, once they've gotten back,
09:57all three of them are awkward enough
09:59that they're forced to recount the whole story.
10:01We didn't think we could make it.
10:07I was in too much pain.
10:09And I was tired from digging the huge hole.
10:13The way they treat it like a dramatic reenactment
10:15is gold. Ultimately,
10:17Monica finally volunteered for this dubious duty.
10:19Chandler has to do it after the former gets stage fright.
10:21And, contrary to what Monica
10:23would have you believe in the ending credits,
10:25she still ends up marrying the guy
10:27who peed on her.
10:29I think you're sweet and you're smart.
10:31And I love you.
10:35But you will always be the guy who peed on me.
10:39Is there an outrageous Monica and Chandler moment
10:41we forgot? Let us know how you feel
10:43in the comments.
10:47Joy kept screaming at me.
10:49Do you agree with our picks?
10:51Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
10:53And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell
10:55to be notified about our latest videos.
