• last year
La vida prometida Capítulo 6
00:00:30Io ti cerco, ti invoco follemente Per dirti che ti amo, appassionato
00:00:50Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:01:07Fai fiorire la passione Come il suono della mia canzone
00:01:37E voi? Come back, eh?
00:02:37Quien eres, muchacho? Tienes dinero?
00:03:02Ayudame, ayudame a volver a casa Rosa Eh, tu que quieres? Que quieres?
00:03:12Nada, nada Tienes dinero? Dame algo por favor
00:03:23No me toques Ayudame, tengo hambre
00:03:26Lo hemos perdido todo Ayudame, ayudame a salir de aquí
00:03:36No te entiendo ¿A dónde vas?
00:03:40Mamá, tengo frío Shhh, cariño, duerme, duerme
00:04:10Ayudame, ayudame, ayudame
00:04:40Rosa, tranquila, soy Mikele Todos me habéis engañado
00:05:08No sé cómo has podido encontrarme No he sido yo, ha sido mi madre
00:05:14Fui tonta al fiarme de vosotros Ya, pero no nos juzgues mal
00:05:19Despierta, Pietro, que hay que irse otra vez No, tengo sueño
00:05:23Arriba Espera, espera, dámelo
00:05:36¿Por qué no te calmas? Espera, hablemos ¿A dónde vas con el frío que hace?
00:05:42Estoy tan enfadada que ni lo siento
00:05:45Él no, él no lo está Solo tiene frío
00:05:51¿Ves cómo tiembla?
00:05:58Tu madre no debió arrastrarme hasta aquí, no debió
00:06:03Ya, es verdad Lo hizo por Rocco
00:06:08Si tu hermano no sabe ni quién soy
00:06:11Era el más listo de todos
00:06:13No me digas ¿Qué le pasó para quedarse así?
00:06:22Rocco tenía hambre
00:06:29Tú también conoces el hambre
00:06:30Estaba muerta, me la he encontrado abajo Me la he encontrado abajo, te lo juro
00:06:36Y espanó el que era su capataz
00:06:40Le dio una paliza
00:06:43Durante la fiesta del pueblo lo llevaron a la iglesia, molido a palos
00:06:51Como una oveja al matadero
00:06:55Con un cartel al cuello en el que ponía Carrizo Ladrón
00:06:59¡No soy un ladrón! ¡No soy un ladrón!
00:07:02¡Rocco! ¡Rocco! ¡Rocco! ¡Rocco!
00:07:08Después Rocco se escapó, pasamos muchas horas buscándole
00:07:13¡Rocco! ¡Rocco! ¡Rocco!
00:07:21¡Hijo! ¡Hijo! ¡¿Qué has hecho, hijo?! ¡Ayuda! ¡Ayudadme!
00:07:34Rosa... Rosa...
00:07:41Hoy así ya voy, es docil lo mío dormir en un bol
00:07:48Rocco... Rocco...
00:07:50Rocco, descansa, descansa, vamos, descansa
00:07:54Descansa, descansa
00:08:06Aún recuerdo la rabia de mi padre
00:08:09Ninguno pudimos pararle, ninguno, ni siquiera yo
00:08:13Y es algo que me atormenta, ¿sabes?
00:08:21Cogió la escopeta
00:08:25Fue a buscar a ese canalla de Hispano
00:08:32Y ya no volvió
00:08:38Tienes razón, es verdad, mi madre te ha engañado
00:08:41No aceptaba que Rocco nunca volvería a ser un hombre
00:08:47Es terrible, Miguel, terrible
00:08:54Puedo entender a tu madre y a ti también
00:08:59Pero pensaba que había cubierto mi cupo de desgracias
00:09:03Venga, dime alguna, venga, vamos
00:09:07Las conozco todas, hambre, dolor, maltrato, vergüenza
00:09:13Sobre todo vergüenza
00:09:16Pero pensaba que había acabado
00:09:19Pensaba que también tenía derecho a una vida normal
00:09:22Y eso es lo que quiero, así que me marcho
00:09:25Bien, adelante, renuncia antes de empezar
00:09:29¿Tú qué sabes de mí?
00:09:31¿No sabes cuántas veces he tenido que volver a empezar?
00:09:37Pues toma, coge este dinero
00:09:40Págate el billete de vuelta
00:09:42Despierta al niño, yo os acompaño al puerto
00:09:46¿También quieres pagarme?
00:09:48Tu dinero me da mucho asco
00:09:50Me da asco el dinero de los hombres
00:09:53Yo he venido aquí a trabajar
00:09:56A ganarme la vida con mi trabajo
00:10:01Porque aquí las mujeres son libres
00:10:03Porque aquí las mujeres son libres
00:10:05Son libres para estudiar, para trabajar, para votar, para vivir
00:10:11Pero quizá yo no
00:10:14Quizá yo no tenga derecho a esa libertad
00:10:18Claro que sí, Rosa
00:10:20Pero para eso debes luchar
00:10:23Como yo
00:10:25Como todos los que hemos venido aquí
00:10:30Aquí podrás trabajar y estudiar
00:10:33Ser libre
00:10:39No te creo
00:10:41No te creo
00:10:46Te lo prometo
00:11:04Te llevo a casa
00:11:10Ven aquí
00:11:56Buenos días, Rosa
00:11:57Buenos días
00:11:59¿Dónde guarda la leche?
00:12:03Esta es la nevera
00:12:05Lo mantiene todo fresco
00:12:12¿Has hecho café?
00:12:19Ya sé que es difícil
00:12:22Yo pasé por lo mismo
00:12:24Pero por los hijos se hace cualquier cosa
00:12:27Tú tienes que hacerlo por Pietro
00:12:29Luego te acostumbras, no te asustes
00:12:31Te acostumbras a todo
00:12:34Al engaño nunca te acostumbras
00:12:40Yo no tenía elección y usted lo sabía
00:12:43Así que me quedo
00:12:45Pero a mi manera
00:12:47No te comprendo
00:12:48Que tengo intención de quedarme si puedo trabajar y estudiar
00:12:52Me quedaré
00:12:53Pero a mí nadie me puede encadenar
00:12:56De acuerdo
00:12:58De acuerdo
00:13:00Pero mostrarás respeto
00:13:02Hacia Rocco, tu marido
00:13:04Y hacia nosotros
00:13:06Si es así, te trataré como a una hija
00:13:09Si no, seremos enemigas
00:13:12Y eso no nos conviene a ninguna de las dos
00:13:25Con el trabajo, puedo echarte una mano
00:13:29¿Tú sabes planchar?
00:13:33No, no lo he hecho nunca
00:13:36No pasa nada
00:13:39Puedo enseñarte
00:13:42Prepara el desayuno, yo prepararé la tabla
00:13:56Pietro, cariño, despierta
00:13:59Despierta, que hay galletas y leche caliente
00:14:03Despierta, Pietro
00:14:08Tienes que planchar cinco camisas por hora
00:14:11Y bien, cinco son muchas
00:14:15Se puede hacer
00:14:17A todos se aprende
00:14:28¡Ha vuelto!
00:14:35¿Ya te has despertado, Rocco?
00:14:38¡Ve a jugar con Pietro, venga!
00:14:39¡Ve, que el dormilón no quiere despertarse!
00:14:49¡Te has despertado!
00:14:52¡Hola, Rocco!
00:14:55¡Sigo teniendo sueños!
00:15:51¿Don Vincenzo?
00:15:54¿Qué quieres?
00:15:56El coche está listo
00:15:58Se hace tarde y el barco no le va a esperar
00:16:04Estoy listo
00:16:15Tienes que ser solo mía
00:16:16¡Solo mía, Carmé!
00:16:36Doña Carmela, estoy preparada para todo
00:16:38Lo peor ya ha pasado
00:16:40Y le agradezco mucho la oportunidad
00:16:44Llevo cuatro años lavándoles y planchándoles la roca a los ricos
00:16:48Me he destrozado la espalda a base de planchar y más planchar
00:16:51Tú no los mires, si no empezarás a pensar cosas raras
00:17:06No la mires
00:17:10¿A dónde vas? ¿A dónde vas?
00:17:12Back door
00:17:13¿Back qué?
00:17:14Back door
00:17:15Nosotras entramos por la puerta de servicio, la back door
00:17:18Tienes que aprender el americano, como yo
00:17:37¿Quieres saber cuántas camisas planchas en una hora?
00:17:46¡Sieben! ¡Sieben!
00:17:47Es good la girl
00:17:49Póngame usted a prueba
00:17:51Yo prueba
00:17:53Sí, good, good
00:17:55¿Speak english?
00:17:56No, que pesado el chino con el english
00:17:58¿Acaso tú has aprendido mi idioma?
00:18:01Don't worry
00:18:02She works well
00:18:04Si no good, yo come back, vuelvo
00:18:07¿De acuerdo?
00:18:09¿Puedo venir a la habitación?
00:18:11¿Qué estás haciendo? ¿Por qué haces eso?
00:18:19No, no te asustes
00:18:21Ya lo sé
00:18:23No te preocupes
00:18:25Las camisas de Mr. Ferry las plancho yo en casa
00:18:28Muy bien
00:18:35Good luck
00:18:41Hasta chino he aprendido, ¿ve?
00:18:48Pero si habla mi idioma, ha aprendido mi idioma
00:18:53Bye Carmela
00:19:03Por hoy me quedo yo
00:19:06Yo le enseño, yo le enseño a hacerlo
00:19:10Don't worry, don't worry
00:19:13Menudo lío es esto
00:19:15No te asustes Rosa, que sabes hacerlo, te he enseñado
00:19:18Lo sé, pero estoy nerviosa
00:19:19A ver, empezamos por el cuello
00:19:22Primero el cuello y luego los puños
00:19:38Perdóname, llego tarde
00:19:40No sabía qué excusa inventar con José
00:19:43Al final le he dicho que me acercaba a la peluquería
00:19:47Eres más guapa de lo que recordaba
00:19:53Desde Nápoles te envié una postal
00:19:56¿Por qué no viniste a buscarme?
00:19:58Porque esa postal nunca me llegó
00:20:00Vincenzo Espano la robó
00:20:02Y no pusiste la dirección, solo que estabas en Nápoles
00:20:06Tenías que hablar con Don Cosimo
00:20:08Terminé llegando a Nápoles el 23 de febrero cuando te casaste
00:20:16¿Y por qué no paraste todo?
00:20:20Porque no tuve elección
00:20:22La gente de Espano me había seguido
00:20:25Y para que te dejaran vivir tuve que perderte de nuevo
00:20:32Alvio, yo nunca te he olvidado
00:20:35Pero ahora es muy tarde, ¿entiendes?
00:20:38No lo entiendo
00:20:40No puedo vivir sin ti
00:20:44No digas eso
00:20:48Seremos amigos
00:20:50Y nos queremos como hermanos
00:20:54Entonces prefiero irme
00:20:56¿A dónde?
00:20:57Donde sea
00:20:58Además si no trabajo me echarán
00:21:01América no perdona
00:21:03Pero es mejor así
00:21:14Mosé necesita a alguien que le eche una mano en la tienda
00:21:21Le diré que te contrate
00:21:25Eres paisano mío, ¿no?
00:21:30Sería una humillación para mí
00:21:33Y no sé si podría
00:21:35Es la única forma que tenemos de estar juntos
00:21:40Al final te enamorarás de alguna chica guapa
00:21:46Es contigo con quien quiero estar
00:21:49Solo contigo
00:22:05¿Has visto al Sr. Ferry?
00:22:07¿Sr. Ferry? Lo siento, no lo he visto
00:22:11De nada, señora
00:22:54Sr. Ferry
00:22:55What a pleasure to meet you
00:23:00Have you finished your work?
00:23:02I don't work anymore
00:23:03Today I don't work
00:23:05I gave my job to Rosa, my daughter-in-law
00:23:11But that's the number of my room
00:23:14Yes, it is
00:23:15I'll keep washing and ironing her clothes
00:23:18I won't abandon you
00:23:20Thank you, Carmela
00:23:25I can't live without this good smell
00:23:29Thank you
00:23:30You've done a lot for me
00:23:31I would have liked to do more
00:23:34Do I look good to you?
00:23:36Yes, yes, I'm fine
00:23:38Business is going well
00:23:40But I'll get on with it
00:23:42Carmela, I'm going to have dinner at Walford
00:23:44It would be a pleasure to invite you
00:23:46I hope so
00:23:47I can't, I have to go home
00:23:49It's always been my dream to eat here
00:23:54Unfortunately, it wasn't possible that time
00:23:59But I still have the dress in the closet
00:24:02Very good
00:24:08She hasn't changed, Carmela
00:24:10In fact, she is more beautiful than ever
00:24:13You look at me with good eyes
00:24:16I already have a grandchild of almost six years
00:24:18Then she is the most beautiful grandmother in the world
00:24:23Someday I would like to bring all my family here
00:24:27With all those brilliant glasses
00:24:30Well, then grant me the privilege of inviting you all
00:24:33No, I am the one who should invite you
00:24:37With all my family
00:24:39I will also introduce Rosa, Rocco's wife
00:24:42And how is the couple?
00:24:46Well, with their pluses and minuses
00:24:50Like all marriages
00:24:51I love you very much, Carmela
00:24:57I think it's late
00:25:01I'm the one who comes late
00:25:04To everything
00:25:11See you later
00:25:13See you later
00:25:21See you later
00:25:27We will meet again, Mrs. Carmela
00:25:44My husband is a worker
00:25:47My husband is a worker
00:25:49My husband...
00:25:50Hello, Rosa
00:25:55What are you doing here?
00:25:57Were you going up to the house?
00:26:02I'm waiting for a friend
00:26:08And how are you?
00:26:11You haven't been seen for a month
00:26:15Your mother says that...
00:26:16I've been busy at work
00:26:19The union...
00:26:22Let's say the situation doesn't look good
00:26:27You know what?
00:26:29I also work now
00:26:31At the Walford
00:26:34Your mother gave me her job
00:26:37You've made peace
00:26:40Besides, I go to classes at night
00:26:44There, at the union
00:26:47Carlos Ragusa teaches us to read and write in American
00:26:51He told me
00:26:53That's what you wanted, right?
00:26:55To study and work
00:27:01Are you happy?
00:27:05It's a shame
00:27:06That we never meet
00:27:09Hey, Miquel
00:27:12Hi, Angeli
00:27:13How are you?
00:27:14It's been a long time
00:27:17I'm sorry, but I have to go to a dinner
00:27:20But let me know when you come
00:27:22Bye, Rob
00:27:28She's like that
00:27:34Is everything okay with Rocco?
00:27:36Yes, yes
00:27:37Everything's fine
00:27:39Do you want to go upstairs?
00:27:48The truth is...
00:27:52I just came by to see you
00:28:00Don't tell my mother you saw me
00:28:03She'll be mad because I didn't go upstairs
00:28:07Of course
00:28:09Of course
00:28:12Hey, Miquel
00:28:15I wanted to thank you
00:28:17For what?
00:28:20If you hadn't looked for me that night
00:28:23I would have lost a lot
00:28:28It's a shame not being able to have everything in life
00:28:49Bye, Miquel
00:28:51Bye, Rosa
00:29:24I love you so much
00:29:26Great! Are you learning English?
00:29:29Are you coming to class with me?
00:29:34Good evening, Carmela
00:29:37Good evening, Rosa
00:29:39Everything's ready
00:29:41Pietro's already asleep
00:29:44Are you late?
00:29:46Yes, I'm sorry
00:29:48But class has been longer
00:29:50Tonight I won't have dinner
00:29:52I'll be with the boy
00:29:56I'll study something related to class
00:29:59But spending more time learning English
00:30:02Will it change anything?
00:30:04You run too much, Rosa
00:30:06And when you run a lot, sooner or later you fall
00:30:09Let's hope not
00:30:10Let's hope not
00:30:15Did you meet someone?
00:30:21Who would I meet?
00:30:27Good evening
00:30:29Good evening
00:31:01Please, don't leave
00:31:03Don't say goodbye
00:31:04Don't say goodbye
00:31:10I can't take it anymore, Maria
00:31:12I can't, I love you too much
00:31:14Moses is a good man
00:31:15But every time he puts money in my hand
00:31:16I feel humiliated
00:31:17I feel like a failure
00:31:19I'll talk to him, I swear
00:31:21I'll tell him
00:31:22I'll tell him I love him
00:31:24Swear it
00:31:25I swear
00:31:34I swear
00:31:48Oh no, it's Moses
00:31:50No, it can't be, he's gone to the bank
00:31:52I'll go, watch the coffee
00:31:54Is there no one?
00:31:57It's me, Mrs. Carmela
00:31:58How can I help you?
00:32:00What are you doing here?
00:32:04Does Moses know?
00:32:06Of course he knows
00:32:08Moses saved me by hiring me here
00:32:10At least until this crisis is over
00:32:12Otherwise, I'd have to go back to Sicily
00:32:15Mrs. Carmela
00:32:17In our town, everything has gotten worse
00:32:19Vincenzo Espano has taken everything
00:32:21Hasn't anyone killed him yet?
00:32:23Kill him?
00:32:26Hasn't anyone killed him yet?
00:32:28Kill him?
00:32:30He took everything from Baron Lanza
00:32:32Alfio, I'll take the coffee
00:32:34No, Maria
00:32:35You'd better serve your mother the coffee
00:32:41Hi, Mom
00:32:43I wanted to tell you that Alfio works for us
00:32:46But I haven't had time
00:32:48I see, you had to make a lot of coffees
00:32:52Mrs. Carmela, listen
00:32:54Alfio, wait for me inside
00:32:56Excuse me
00:32:58Go, go
00:33:05What brings you here?
00:33:09I came to talk to you about Rosa
00:33:13I don't understand what's on her mind
00:33:17And I wanted to know if you two talk
00:33:20About what?
00:33:21About what?
00:33:25About all that you don't tell me, Mariuzza
00:33:28About that
00:33:30What do you want to know, Mom?
00:33:32That I can be happy now?
00:33:34And that you know I won't give up my happiness?
00:33:36Listen to me
00:33:38You have a family
00:33:40A husband and a son
00:33:42You have to think about them
00:33:44Have you ever thought about me?
00:33:46You let me die in Naples
00:33:48What kind of mother are you?
00:33:49I won't let you do that
00:33:51Don't say it again
00:33:53I didn't have a choice
00:33:55I didn't have it
00:33:57Well, I do
00:33:59I can choose
00:34:01Mom, I won't give up what fate has given me
00:34:03Look who's here
00:34:07Good morning
00:34:09Good morning, Mrs. Carmela
00:34:11Good morning, Muse
00:34:13I'm taking Maria and Salvatore out to eat
00:34:15Why don't you come with us?
00:34:17No, thank you
00:34:19Come on
00:34:26What's wrong with your mother?
00:34:28She's acting strange
00:34:30Did you argue?
00:34:32No, it's nothing
00:34:34She's worried about Rosa
00:34:36You know her, don't you?
00:34:38She has to control us all
00:34:40Isn't Uncle Alfio coming with us?
00:34:42No, sweetie
00:34:44He has to work
00:34:46Come on, let's go
00:34:48Come on, we'll be late
00:34:51Are you closing, Alfio?
00:34:53Yes, I'll take care of it
00:34:58You're hungry, aren't you?
00:35:17Mom, I swear
00:35:19A ragu like yours
00:35:21is priceless
00:35:24Thank you for waiting for me
00:35:27You're always late
00:35:29You work too much
00:35:33If I do well in a business
00:35:35we'll open a restaurant
00:35:37Think about yourself
00:35:39Of course, of course
00:35:41We'll open a restaurant
00:35:43We'll open a restaurant
00:35:44Think about yourself
00:35:46Of course, think about me
00:35:51What's this?
00:35:55I don't know
00:35:59No, Alfredo, no
00:36:01You gave it to me last week
00:36:03It doesn't matter, Mom
00:36:05You don't have to think about my siblings
00:36:07Buy something nice for yourself
00:36:09Something elegant
00:36:11Thank you
00:36:15I've been to see Maria today
00:36:18And Alfio was there
00:36:20Work, we'll stop
00:36:24That boy deserves something more
00:36:27We have to find him another job
00:36:30Are you worried about him and Maria?
00:36:32It's been a long time
00:36:34But if you put the firewood near the fire
00:36:37it's much easier for it to burn
00:36:40And I don't see Maria serene
00:36:45Why are you so worried?
00:36:48Look at us
00:36:50We arrived empty-handed
00:36:52and we all work
00:36:54Even Michele has been promoted
00:36:58Always alone
00:37:02Hey, don't you know
00:37:04a girl?
00:37:06Even if she's American
00:37:08Do you think Michele needs me to introduce girls to him?
00:37:11He only thinks about politics
00:37:12and the factory
00:37:14If he met a pretty and good girl
00:37:17he could start a family
00:37:19Right, you know what we'll do?
00:37:21Since Angela is going to throw a party
00:37:23I'll introduce her to a friend
00:37:26Very well
00:37:29No, the light is back
00:37:37I want to see you smile
00:37:43I want to see you smile
00:37:50I've had an idea
00:37:52I'm looking for a job for Alfio
00:38:00I understand Maria
00:38:02She's the one who's had it worse
00:38:04But I can't stay still
00:38:06while she ruins her life
00:38:08You have to help me, Mr. Ferry
00:38:12Carmela, Maria is no longer a child
00:38:15She's your life
00:38:17And she's ruining it
00:38:19And I'll do everything I can
00:38:21to protect her
00:38:23Maybe you're overdoing it
00:38:25Young people
00:38:27have to make mistakes from time to time
00:38:29But I can't
00:38:31I can't let them make mistakes
00:38:33What am I going to do?
00:38:35Alfio has to quit that job
00:38:37And you have to find another job
00:38:39Very well
00:38:40It's a difficult moment
00:38:42But I'll try to help you, Carmela
00:38:48Thank you
00:38:57May I?
00:39:03What would I have done
00:39:05without you all these years?
00:39:07You would have wanted to do more, Carmela
00:39:09I've done a lot
00:39:12You don't realize
00:39:14You've been like another family member to me
00:39:19Carmela, I...
00:39:23I'm sorry, Mr. Ferry
00:39:25Do you remember you have a meeting at the bank?
00:39:28Thank you, Maureen
00:39:34Don't worry
00:39:35I'll find you a job, Alfio
00:39:39Thank you
00:39:41See you soon, Carmela
00:39:43See you soon
00:39:49The key word of today's lesson is respect
00:39:53Finished in C
00:39:55What does respect mean?
00:39:57Because without respect
00:39:59people are just numbers
00:40:01Work hand in hand
00:40:02But people are all the same
00:40:04All of them
00:40:06Whites, blacks, women, men
00:40:08Men and women
00:40:10In America, women have the right to vote for years
00:40:12And it's something fair
00:40:14And sacrosanct
00:40:28Because the world is also a place
00:40:29for women
00:40:31In fact, it's all theirs
00:40:33They go to work like us
00:40:35And they raise our children
00:40:37and take care of our elders
00:40:39I'm happy
00:40:41As your teacher, I'm happy
00:40:43Because I finally see women here
00:40:45Even if they are few
00:40:47Of different nationalities, obviously
00:40:49But I'm sure
00:40:51Very sure
00:40:53That sooner or later
00:40:55these women
00:40:56will enjoy the privileges and benefits
00:40:58of the country that welcomes them
00:41:01And in this process
00:41:03education is fundamental
00:41:07See you in January
00:41:09Happy New Year to all
00:41:21Happy New Year to you too
00:41:23Thank you, thank you
00:41:24Thank you, thank you
00:41:54What are you doing? Were you looking for me?
00:41:56What's up, handsome?
00:41:58You already had your chance
00:42:00And if something goes wrong
00:42:02I never repeat, you know?
00:42:04But I was a kid
00:42:06Now I'm a man
00:42:08Come on, go, go
00:42:12On top of bringing you a gift
00:42:14You brought a gift for me?
00:42:16Let me see
00:42:24This is what I think
00:42:32Because it's a liqueur made at night
00:42:34But it's strong, huh?
00:42:36We'll drink it later, okay?
00:42:38Anto, what about us?
00:42:40Hey, if you behave, I'll give it to you
00:42:42Don't worry
00:42:44And I would also invite your mother
00:42:46Mrs. Carmela
00:42:48But she, imagine
00:42:50What about Maria and Rosa?
00:42:52Aren't they coming?
00:42:54Let's wait
00:42:56And what about you?
00:42:58Mom, aren't you coming?
00:43:00We came to pick you up
00:43:02Come on, Mrs. Carmela
00:43:04Angela will be offended
00:43:06I'm not going to that shameless party
00:43:09Rosa, at least you're coming
00:43:12No, no, I have things to do here
00:43:14Come on, I brought you a dress of mine
00:43:16And you can't do that tomorrow?
00:43:19Mom, tell him, you too
00:43:21Isn't everything about work and studying?
00:43:24No, let me
00:43:26Come on, Rosa, go
00:43:29Rocco and I will take care of the kids
00:43:32So, yes
00:43:34Thank you, Mrs. Carmela
00:43:36Five minutes, I won't be long
00:43:38Give it to me
00:43:40It's beautiful
00:43:42Thank you, Maria
00:43:44Very good, Rocco
00:43:45Very good, Rocco
00:43:48Did someone invite Alfio?
00:43:51Yes, why?
00:43:53No reason
00:43:55By the way, did you know that Mr. Ferri got him a job as a chauffeur at Walford?
00:43:59Oh, really?
00:44:01Alfio is a very good boy
00:44:03He deserved something more than just an assistant
00:44:06What's the matter? Now you decide which job is best for Alfio?
00:44:16Maria, why are you like this?
00:44:19Besides, your mother is right
00:44:21Now Alfio earns much more than I could pay him
00:44:31By the way, Alfredo wanted me to tell you that Mikele's thing was ready
00:44:37What's that about, Mom?
00:44:39Is it another little game of yours?
00:44:41I don't play anything, Maria
00:44:42Do you understand?
00:44:44I only think for your own good
00:44:46And change your tone when you talk to me
00:44:49Now go
00:44:51This is very nice
00:44:53I like it more than the other one
00:44:55I'm going to help Rosa
00:44:57Hurry up
00:44:59Goodbye, Maria
00:45:07Kids, Rocco
00:45:09Are we having another party?
00:45:10Are we having another party?
00:45:12Are we having dessert?
00:45:14Yes, yes, dessert
00:45:16Come to the kitchen
00:45:18Dessert! Dessert!
00:45:41Angela, Angela
00:45:43Finally, welcome
00:45:45Congratulations, Angela
00:45:47Welcome, they're there
00:45:51Good evening, good evening everyone
00:45:53Good evening
00:45:55Alfredo, did you win the lottery?
00:45:57Yes, yes
00:45:59Aren't you going to introduce them to me?
00:46:01No, Anto, they're not for you tonight
00:46:03I'm sorry
00:46:05Hey, Mikele, this is Elizabeth
00:46:07Nice to meet you
00:46:08Hey, get up, don't make me look bad
00:46:10Mikele, come on
00:46:13Nice to meet you
00:46:17Nice to meet you, me too
00:46:20And she is my Marianne
00:46:23Nice to meet you all
00:46:25Nice to meet you
00:46:27This is for Angela, but we all drink it
00:46:30Do you want some moonshine?
00:46:32Now we're going to dance
00:46:34Come on
00:46:36Go to dance?
00:46:38Come on, go
00:46:40I'm going, I'm going
00:46:45My little brother has found an American for Mikele
00:47:01Ah, you see, they're all here
00:47:03Even Alfredo, all of them
00:47:05Good evening
00:47:06Good evening
00:47:08Good evening, how are you?
00:47:10Hi, Alfredo
00:47:12Hi, Maria
00:47:14Good evening
00:47:16How handsome and elegant you are all
00:47:29If you don't mind, I'll take my wife to dance
00:47:32Go ahead
00:47:34Sure, sure, go
00:47:36Let's go
00:47:49But, Mikele has come?
00:47:52Eh, Alfio?
00:47:55Yes, but I don't know where he is
00:47:59Eh, Alfio, will you give me a drink of moonshine?
00:48:06Yes, take it, take it
00:48:08Thank you
00:48:20Don't you think it's a great party?
00:48:23Rosa, I'm not worth much as a dancer
00:48:26But if you want to try
00:48:36Come on
00:48:54Rosa, Rosa
00:48:56What's wrong, Rosa?
00:48:58I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't feel well
00:49:01Sit down here
00:49:06I'll bring you some water
00:49:08No, no, thank you
00:49:10Eh, Rosucha, what's with that face?
00:49:12No, this is my party and here you dance and drink
00:49:15Here, Rosa, drink, come on, drink
00:50:16Doña Carmela
00:50:18Are you still awake?
00:50:20I was waiting for you
00:50:24Did you have fun?
00:50:29Yes, I had fun
00:50:34Was Mikele there too?
00:50:46For knowing
00:50:48I don't see my son much
00:50:50Good night
00:50:53Good night
00:51:06Good night
00:51:32I'm so stupid
00:51:33I don't know what I was thinking
00:52:03Good night
00:52:33Good night
00:53:04Rocco, what are you doing?
00:53:06What are you doing?
00:53:25I'm a bad boy
00:53:28I'm a bad boy
00:53:30Rocco is a bad boy
00:53:33Rocco is a bad boy
00:53:35I'm not like the others
00:53:37I'm not like the others
00:53:39Rocco is bad
00:53:41I'm not like the others
00:53:43Calm down, Rocco
00:53:45I'm not like the others, guys
00:53:47Why don't you calm down?
00:53:49I'm not like the others
00:53:52I'm not a bad boy
00:53:54I'm not like the others
00:53:56No, it's not true
00:53:58Rocco is good
00:54:00Come here, come here
00:54:04I'm not like the others, guys
00:54:07Yes, you are like the others, Rocco
00:54:11I'm not like the others, Rosa
00:54:14I'm not like the others
00:54:16I'm not
00:54:20Rocco is like the others, okay?
00:54:33I love you, Rosa
00:55:03I love you, Rosa
00:55:10Yes, yes, Rocco is like the others
00:55:14Have you seen?
00:55:33Have you seen?
00:56:03Have you seen?
00:56:33Have you seen?
00:56:59Shut up, bitch, bitch
00:58:02Look at the view, cousin
00:58:05Yes, this is Miami
00:58:07We are at home, Monroe Street
00:58:10Do you understand?
00:58:11Come, come with me
00:59:05I love you, Rocco
00:59:35I love you, Rocco
01:00:05I love you, Rocco
01:00:35I love you, Rocco
01:00:37I love you, Rocco
01:00:39I love you, Rocco
01:00:41I love you, Rocco
01:01:05I love you, Rocco