جودا أكبر موسم 2 حلقة 1 مدبلجة

  • 2 months ago
00:00This is a test.
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01:30This is a test.
01:32This is a test.
01:34This is a test.
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01:42This is a test.
01:44This is a test.
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01:50This is a test.
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01:54This is a test.
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02:08This is a test.
02:10This is a test.
02:12This is a test.
02:14This is a test.
02:16This is a test.
02:18This is a test.
02:20This is a test.
02:22This is a test.
02:53I'm me when a rookie at a hole-in-one
03:46Couldn't be more Tahir
03:55You don't worry about Benazir
03:57She's gone to the place she has to go to
04:01You'll never see her again in this palace
04:05And now you can only rest
04:07My lord
04:09What happened was a miracle
04:11Queen Judah's body wasn't resisting the poison
04:13But look what happened now
04:15Hassan's condition is very bad
04:17I'm sure God answered the prayer
04:21And she's trying to open her eyes
04:23Thank God
04:25King Judah saved us
04:27I'll write a prescription
04:29And explain how to take it
04:31And I'll take care of it
04:33But you have to rest
04:35Yes, of course
04:39If she has to rest
04:41We'll let her rest completely
04:43And that's why it's better
04:45We'll leave her alone so she can sleep
04:47And we'll leave so there's peace in the room
08:11King Judah, what is this noise outside?
08:35No, Judah, don't get up from your bed.
08:37The doctor said you need to rest.
08:41Come on.
08:48But nothing will happen, Judah. You need to rest.
09:04Distribute these to those outside.
09:07Don't worry, Judah.
09:08Soon, God willing, you will rest.
09:33Are you sure I'm doing the right thing, Zola?
10:02Of course, sir.
10:09What's going on? Why is the king swapping weapons?
10:12But that's wrong.
10:13That's a danger to his life.
10:14Anyone could attack him.
10:16I'm sure you're all asking yourselves the same question.
10:19Why is the king swapping weapons and jewels?
10:23And more importantly, why is he swapping his crown?
10:31I'm sure some of you are saying that the king is crazy.
10:34Or maybe the king doesn't have a brain to do such strange things.
10:42Of course, because the king does these things when he's going to leave his throne or die.
10:47That's what he does in these situations.
10:49But I want to assure you, don't be afraid at all.
10:51If anything of this happened, you would have known right away.
10:53And without these drugs, nothing of this would have happened at all.
10:57But today, I didn't feel the need for my military or my crown or my crown.
11:03Because today, I will not see you as a king, nor as an official.
11:07Because today, I want to see you as one of these people.
11:17And now I'm sure you're asking yourself in this situation that I'm in,
11:20that the king is not afraid of himself, and he's like that without his sword and without his shield.
11:24I want to tell you that I will not be afraid of anything at all.
11:28Because today, I'm here as a brother, or as a son, or as a father to your children.
11:34Today, I'm not in front of the people.
11:36I'm in front of my family and my people and my brothers.
11:38And today, I came just to see my family and my people.
11:41My family who supported me in the hardest times of my life.
11:44And who stood by me and gave me love and support and strength.
11:50Today, you were all praying for me.
11:52You were praying for me.
11:54You were praying for me.
11:55And thanks to these prayers and supplications, the neighborhood could not hurt me.
12:00Thanks to you, my family, and thanks to your prayers,
12:03that neighborhood could not hurt my wife, Judah.
12:10I am sure that everyone in this kingdom prayed from the bottom of their hearts
12:13so that Judah and your prayers could win over death and bring Judah back to life.
12:21And because of your support, I will always be grateful to you.
12:27To this day, people tell me that I have no mercy in my heart and that I am very sorry.
12:31But today, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and supplications to me.
12:35And I promise you that today, I will change a lot.
12:38I will not only be a king over you, on the contrary.
12:44I will not be afraid of my crown, nor will I make you afraid of my sword.
12:48I promise you that I will be a part of you and a part of my people.
12:52And I will be a servant of yours to fulfill your requests.
12:55I will listen to all your complaints and correct the wrong things that have happened.
12:59You are welcome, my people. I won the battle of life.
13:02Because your prayers became like the shield that protects me.
13:09Your supplications are what made my heart tremble.
13:11I love you because it became like a sword in my hand.
13:14And by His grace, I won such a great battle against death.
13:21If Judah were alive today and healed from her illness,
13:25this is not because God saved her life without compensation.
13:29This happened because your prayers made God save her from your many sincere supplications,
13:35but because of the poison of life, he could not kill her.
13:43And just like you, you offered me help on a night like this.
13:47I promise you that I will be by your side all my life,
13:49and I will offer you any help you can ask for.
14:05I declare a great funeral on this occasion, and all the people are invited to it as well.
14:11But this celebration will not take place in this palace at all.
14:14This celebration will take place between my people and my family as well.
14:24Because you, from now on, will become my servants.
14:27You will become my servants.
14:29You will become my servants.
14:32Because you, from now on, will become a part of me, a part of my happiness,
14:36and I promise you that all your problems will be solved.
14:44I would like to say now that I thank you very much, my great people.
15:02Long Live King Jalal al-Din Mohamed!
15:08Long Live King Jalal al-Din Mohammed!
15:15Long Live King Jalal al-Din Mohammed!
15:22You know, the King's Majesty insisted on the wise woman a lot.
15:27And he told her that she must save her life in any way.
15:30And then?
15:32Then what?
15:33Benazir kidnapped Ruqayya and was going to kill her as well.
15:35But the King didn't leave her.
15:37He gave her responsibility to Adga, so that she wouldn't leave you alone.
15:40The King's Majesty wasn't ready to leave your hand,
15:42unless you go back to your senses and die.
15:47I'm sure that she will.
15:53The King's Majesty was holding my hand while I was unconscious.
15:57That's right, Judah.
16:00His Majesty didn't leave you alone for a minute.
16:03And more than that, he was praying for you all the time to recover from your illness.
16:07And he also asked people to pray for you to wake up.
16:15Judah, I've never seen His Majesty like this before.
16:19He looked so scared.
16:28His Majesty did all this for me.
16:36Queen Ruqayya has honored us with her visit.
16:43Hello, Judah.
16:46How do you feel now?
16:48I feel much better.
16:51Thank you so much.
16:53No, don't say that.
16:55I'm the one who should thank you.
16:57I want to thank you for saving the King,
16:59and for not letting me become a widow.
17:01I don't know how to repay you for this.
17:04Ask me for anything you want from me,
17:06no matter how big it is.
17:08I will never refuse.
17:10And I will give you anything.
17:12And whatever I gave you, I will never repay you.
17:16But don't ask for anything, Your Majesty.
17:20I have to go now.
17:22I'll see you later.
17:35I'm dying tonight.
17:37I'm dying tonight.
17:39What did His Majesty say?
17:41What did he say? Tell me.
17:43I've told you more than once, Judah.
17:45Do you want me to keep telling you?
17:47There's nothing else to say.
17:49No, I just wanted to ask you.
17:51No, the point is that you want to hear me
17:53because this makes you happy.
17:55That's how it seems to you.
18:00It's nothing like that.
18:02I just want to know how it happened.
18:04How did His Majesty become so nice and kind to me?
18:08He might start insulting me and say
18:10I did all this for Judah and I don't know what.
18:14He always does this to me.
18:16I want to know what he did.
18:26I will never enter your room
18:28so I don't repeat this mistake.
18:30And it won't happen again.
18:33I'll tell you the truth, Judah.
18:35I'm very confused when I see you in front of me.
18:38And even if the day comes
18:40when I see you dead,
18:42believe me, I won't turn away
18:44or even look at you.
18:46The King said he would never
18:48enter my room again.
18:50Why did he come today?
18:52What's wrong with this?
18:54I told him I would never
18:56enter his room again.
19:03If you'll excuse me, I'd like to talk to you.
19:06Of course, Your Majesty.
19:33I know I've told you before
19:35that I don't want to talk to you.
19:37I don't want to talk to you.
19:39I don't want to talk to you.
19:41I don't want to talk to you.
19:43I don't want to talk to you.
19:45I don't want to talk to you.
19:47I don't want to talk to you.
19:49I don't want to talk to you.
19:51I don't want to talk to you.
19:53I don't want to talk to you.
19:55I don't want to talk to you.
19:57I don't want to talk to you.
19:59I don't want to talk to you.
20:01I know I've told you before
20:03that I won't enter your room again.
20:05But sometimes a person is helpless
20:07in front of what fate has written for him
20:09and in front of the circumstances.
20:11That's why it's best to forget the past.
20:14Take the blessings.
20:31Take the blessings.
20:52How do you feel?
20:54I feel better now.
21:01Why didn't you give her the medicine?
21:03I didn't give it to her, Your Majesty.
21:05I just kept touching her.
21:08But she doesn't have to be closed.
21:10The doctor said to keep her open.
21:12That's better.
21:15If that's the case, leave her.
21:19I'm going out now, Your Majesty.
21:21If you need anything, call me and I'll be right back.
21:35I want to talk to Judah alone.
21:37I don't want anyone to bother us.
21:39Don't let anyone in.
21:41As you wish, Your Majesty.
21:43What do you want to say, Your Majesty?
22:01I wanted to ask you...
22:04Aren't you afraid of anything at all, Judah?
22:07I mean, you knew that there was poison in that plate
22:10and you drank it all.
22:12What matters is that nothing happened to you.
22:14That's what matters to me the most.
22:16What do you think is the explanation for what you did?
22:18I tried my best to explain it to you before.
22:21But if there was someone who didn't want to listen to me
22:24or didn't want to see the truth,
22:26there was nothing I could do.
22:28I told myself, instead of losing you,
22:30it would be best for me to do this to myself.
22:33What am I hearing right now, Judah?
22:36If you remember, I came to your room once
22:38and you didn't tell me anything,
22:40and you even pushed me away.
22:42Anyway, I just want to say that it's hard for me
22:45to understand you women.
22:47Judah, you think of something and say something else
22:49and every time you hope that the person in front of you
22:51understands what you're trying to convey to him.
22:54Now I understand what it means to win a big battle.
22:56There's nothing like that, Your Majesty.
22:58In the case of Benazir, I immediately told you
23:00that I won't lose, but you didn't listen to me.
23:02It seems that I had an influence on you.
23:04Yes, because I thought that I was different from him
23:06and you were getting used to it.
23:09Because Benazir was getting closer to me.
23:11Or different.
23:12Because you were afraid of losing your place in my heart.
23:14Or different.
23:15Because he allowed you to become special to me.
23:17No, you weren't thinking right.
23:20I was never afraid of my presence and my place with you.
23:23And I never thought that I was different from Benazir in your heart.
23:27Okay, now I want to understand something, Judah.
23:29Why did you lose my life?
23:34You need to know why I lost you.
23:44If you're asking me this question, I say
23:48that you lost me
23:51because I have a place in your heart
23:53and you don't want to admit it.
24:05Your Highness, please forgive me
24:07and forgive my words,
24:09but you can't go inside.
24:11This is an order from the king
24:13that no one should go inside now.
24:16Are you, the servant of Tafha, going to stop me from going inside?
24:19It seems that you forgot that the first queen is here
24:21and this is an order that must be obeyed.
24:23And no one gives me orders.
24:25You will definitely be punished for interfering with this,
24:27but I have to see Queen Judah first.
24:29As you wish, Queen Ruqayya.
24:31But now His Majesty the King is talking to Queen Judah.
24:33He wants to talk to her in private without anyone interrupting him.
24:37That's why he ordered me
24:38not to let anyone come in and interrupt his conversation.
24:42The story is back to you.
24:44I do as you wish.
24:45I don't refuse your request.
24:48Tell Queen Judah that
24:51I came here.
25:03What I want to understand from you is
25:05why did you hate Benazir?
25:07Because she was a spiteful woman.
25:09Yes, but you only found out about this
25:11after she was here for a while.
25:13And you hated her from the beginning.
25:21Because she wasn't used to the clothes
25:24and she didn't know how to wear them.
25:26There was someone who wore clothes like mine at that time
25:28and she was wearing them in front of a married man.
25:41Can I ask you a question?
25:43Go ahead.
25:44What was the best thing about Benazir
25:46that made you like her so much?
25:50Even though there were a lot of women
25:52who were prettier than her in the palace.
25:53Yes, that's right.
25:56But honestly, Benazir
25:59was very beautiful.
26:00So beautiful that
26:02any woman in her prime
26:04would fall in love with her beauty.
26:07What are you saying, Your Majesty?
26:10She wasn't that beautiful.
26:12If you don't believe me
26:13I'm ready to swear to you.
26:24But you can't swear to anything, Your Majesty.
26:28But I'm not kidding at all, Judah.
26:31It's true that she was dangerous
26:33and it's true that she wanted to kill me too.
26:36I mean, you're not right about that.
26:38But honestly, my opinion is different from yours
26:40when it comes to beauty.
26:42What would happen if she could poison you?
26:44Tell me.
26:46She wouldn't be able to, Judah.
26:49I mean, I know that no one will be able to
26:53but someone forced me to.
27:13It's late, Judah. I have to go.
27:16You should rest.
27:19I want to go with you too.
27:21I want to go to the palace.
27:22No, Judah. You can't go out now.
27:24The doctor said that you have to rest.
27:26No, I want to go out.
27:28It's very hard for me to stay in this room.
27:30I want to go out and play.
27:32No, Judah.
27:33You can't go out now.
27:35The doctor said that you have to rest.
27:37No, I want to go out
27:38because it's very hard for me to stay in this room.
27:40I don't want to stay in this room. I want to get some fresh air.
27:43But I told you you can't leave while you're like this. Why are you so stubborn, Judah?
27:47I'm stubborn because I'm a man of my word. Isn't that what you said?
27:50I want to go outside.
27:52Okay, but why?
27:54Because I'm very tired, and I hear you praising a woman like her, and I like her so much.
27:59Just tell me one thing.
28:01Aren't you my husband? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?
28:04So you can't kick me out?
28:06Okay, if you can't kick me out, I'll leave on my own.
28:24Didn't I tell you, Judah?
28:27You can't leave while you're like this.
28:30Yes, but...
28:33If I stay here, I won't get well soon.
28:35I need to get some fresh air.
28:37Are you okay, Judah?
28:39Where are you going?
28:41She insisted that you go outside.
28:43Okay, I'll help you walk.
28:45No, I'll go outside. Don't worry.
28:50Let's go, Judah.
29:06Oh, my!
29:07They're saying that King Judah's feet got red before he went into King Judah's room today.
29:14And on top of that, it's not good for her to leave her room and sit outside together.
29:18And everyone is saying that King Judah's perfume was coming out of King Judah's room.
29:25I shouldn't have listened to you from the start, Maham Anga.
29:28King Ruqayya, why are you so upset with me?
29:30Oh, Rizwan!
29:32King Ruqayya, why are you so upset with me?
29:34I wish...
29:36I wish I had waited a little longer.
29:39Because this bitch, Judah, defeated me again without even knowing it.
29:45And all of this happened because of her.
29:48I wish next time you wouldn't give me any suggestion or advice.
29:52King Ruqayya, you can get mad at me later.
29:54Now is not the time.
29:56There's something more important now.
29:58You need to know what I heard from Rizwan.
30:01Jalal went to see Judah in her room and sat alone in it.
30:05And before he went in, his foot got red outside the room.
30:08And he sat in Judah's room for a long time.
30:12Jalal also helped Judah get out of the room.
30:16To the point that people are saying that Judah's perfume was coming out of Jalal's room.
30:22I don't want to hear more from you.
30:24And next time, I hope you don't come to me and advise me on your failed plan.
30:34Ma'am, what's going on?
30:36Why did you leave so quickly?
30:38What happened, ma'am?
30:40You won't understand, Rizwan.
30:42King Ruqayya hasn't started yet.
30:46She's a stranger.
30:48And she's boiling inside.
30:51King Ruqayya loves King Jalal a lot.
30:54But at the same time, she thanks King Judah a lot.
30:58Because she saved King Jalal's life.
31:00But at the same time, she doesn't want to lose Jalal and let Judah take him from her hands.
31:08Now the game is starting to get better, Risham.
31:12One struggles a lot to get to the center he wants.
31:16And when he feels he's losing,
31:19when a person doesn't know what to do
31:22to save his center and not lose,
31:24his center becomes ready to destroy the palaces all over the world.
31:27And this is happening to King Ruqayya.
31:29And the proof is that she's boiling inside.
31:33She's thanking King Judah right now.
31:36Because she saved King Jalal's life.
31:37But she also hates King Judah because she's trying to take King Jalal from him.
31:44And my job was to pour oil on the fire of hatred between him and Judah.
31:51Okay, what's going to happen now?
31:53Now the job is easy.
31:56The job is easy, Risham.
32:00They say when anger takes over a person's heart, a big war happens.
32:05And this is what I want to achieve.
32:10I want it exactly like this.
32:12I want King Ruqayya's war to start.
32:16From our side.
32:19From our side.
32:22From our side.
32:52From our side.
32:53From our side.
33:22From our side.
33:23From our side.
33:29King Jalal, can I ask you a question?
33:32But you have to answer me honestly.
33:34It's not like what you told me earlier.
33:36Do you really feel that Benazir is very beautiful?
33:45It seems that Benazir is very important to you.
33:49Even after she left, you're still thinking about her a lot.
33:52But this is not an answer to my question.
33:57If you really want to know the answer now, I'll tell you honestly.
34:03Yes, she was very beautiful.
34:23I wish you would think of me the way you think of Benazir.
34:28At least you would have told me once that I was beautiful.
34:32I wish I could tell you what's in my heart out of love.
34:36And how much I wish you wouldn't let Benazir come into my life and bother me.
34:41I wish if I left a mark in my heart, Benazir wouldn't have interfered with my life.
35:44Look, Anga.
35:46This is called peace after a storm.
35:48I'm so happy to see Judah and Jalal together.
35:54Look at how the angels are taking good care of Judah.
35:58It's beautiful.
36:02At first they were together, but not close.
36:05And their relationship is not strong.
36:07And now the distance is getting smaller.
36:09They are getting closer to each other.
36:11By the grace of God, I pray that their relationship becomes stronger.
36:16Amen, Lord.
36:18God bless you.
36:45Excellent, Golfam.
36:49I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.
36:52My job is almost done.
36:53And I'm very happy today.
36:59Do one thing for me.
37:01Yes, sir.
37:02Send a message to all the agents hiding in Agra and Matyura and tell them
37:07that I'm about to get out of prison and become one of them.
37:11Yes, sir.
37:12But how will you get out?
37:13I don't understand you.
37:14I don't understand you.
37:16King Judah died.
37:21And Nazir's plan is over.
37:27And now I'm going to start my plan.
37:39Why haven't I heard from my father yet?
37:41I don't understand how he can get out of prison.
37:45If he ran away from Agra, who helped him?
37:47And if he's still in Agra, where is he?
37:49I want to know where he is.
37:52My Lord, all the spies are working on this.
37:55And soon we will know about Abul Malik.
37:58And what about our other enemies?
38:00My Lord, Prince Kiwar of Miwad is increasing his strength.
38:04He is allying with our enemies around the Maghul border
38:06and with the Rajputs to be able to fight us.
38:08And many of them have agreed to join him.
38:11Listen to me, Adka.
38:12I want you to keep an eye on Kiwar's every move.
38:14And when the right time comes, I will take care of him.
38:18Long live the King.
38:20Congratulations, my Lord.
38:21My Lord Mirza has defeated Chandri and is back.
38:24Congratulations, my Lord.
38:26Thank God.
38:28I am very happy for Mirza's victory.
38:30Bring him to me with all due respect.
38:31And I will bless him with victory.
38:33Forgive him, King.
38:34He sent you a message.
38:35He wants you to receive it.
38:36But he went to make sure that King Judah is healthy.
38:42Mirza is very kind.
38:44My wife, I promised my grandfather that I will stay by your side
38:47and protect you from everything that will hurt you.
38:50But I couldn't.
38:51I couldn't keep my promise that I made to my grandfather.
38:54But you also made another promise.
38:58You promised that whatever happens to you,
39:00you will stand by the Majesty of the King.
39:02And you kept your promise.
39:03And then you kept your second promise.
39:05Look, I am healthy and fine.
39:08I am fine.
39:11From the beginning, I doubted that there was someone in this palace who was not well.
39:14I doubted that I would find life in the palace every now and then.
39:16The way Sa'i al-Bareed died made me doubt and think about this.
39:19I doubted Benazir.
39:21I doubted that she was beautiful to such an extent that there was something missing.
39:24There was something about her personality that made me confused.
39:26I didn't know what it was.
39:29And then that letter that I wrote with her hand
39:31changed the subject without anyone doubting it.
39:34Well, I am very happy now.
39:37Because we are relieved of her presence in this palace.
39:39I am also very happy with you.
39:42Because you won a great battle like the battle of Chandri.
39:48I always pray for you to win and defeat all your enemies.
39:54And increase the glory of the King and his kingdom.
39:58I am very proud of you both.
40:02You rest, Judah.
40:09I am very happy with your victory, guys.
40:12You raised my head and the head of the kingdom with this great victory.
40:19I couldn't wait to see you when I heard that you had arrived.
40:22This is our fault, brother.
40:24We should have come to see you first.
40:26But I couldn't help myself when I heard about the deterioration of my sister-in-law's health.
40:32I know that it is forbidden for men to enter the harem.
40:35No, not at all.
40:36You both came here with my permission, Mirza.
40:41The relationship between a mother-in-law and a sister-in-law is like a mother-in-law's relationship.
40:44And in order for a mother to meet her child,
40:46why should her child hesitate?
40:49And you both came here to ensure Judah's health after hearing the story.
40:53And this happened in my presence.
40:55That's why you didn't break any of the rules.
40:58Mom, we are all from the same family.
41:00Mansing came to see his uncle's wife,
41:02and Mirza came to see his brother's wife.
41:04They are both busy.
41:07I am happy because they are the only ones who can help Judah.
41:10And I am very happy that you came to see him.
41:12I am very happy that you came to see him.
41:14I am very happy that you came to see him.
41:16I am happy because they were able to win the battle.
41:20And they came to ensure Judah's health.
41:23I am also happy because the water is slowly returning to its source.
41:26And in this happy moment, I want to...
41:28I want to announce something important.
41:31And I ask all of you to meet me at the meeting hall in a little while.
41:37Judah, you too. If you can go there, it would be great.
41:53I am happy to announce in front of you all
41:55that my brother Mirza was able to stop the rebellion in Chandli
41:58with the help of Mansing.
42:00And they won this important battle.
42:02Thank God! Congratulations! Congratulations!
42:09Your Majesty,
42:10Captain Mirza showed great courage in the battle.
42:13And the way he led the army in this battle was special.
42:16Our army was able to defeat any army that stood in its way.
42:20Mansing was also a hero in this battle.
42:22He saved my life more than once.
42:24And he was fighting with his head held high.
42:31Mansing, today your father is very proud of your courage.
42:36One day, his father saved my life.
42:38And today, Mansing saved my younger brother from death.
42:41Both of them are heroes.
42:45Mansing, you proved your loyalty and courage.
42:49And we agreed to protect the Kingdom of Maghul.
42:51This was my duty, Your Majesty.
42:53The Rajputs do their duty even after they die.
42:56Yes, of course.
43:01Today is a great day for the Kingdom.
43:04And because of the events that happened to us in the palace a few days ago,
43:07I want to announce a few things.
43:12For the way in which Queen Ruqayya fought with Benazir and her punishment,
43:16I would like to give her Chandri as a gift in return for what you have seen.
43:20Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!
43:27Congratulations, Queen Ruqayya.
43:34I am sorry, Your Majesty.
43:37Forgive me, I did not mean to offend you.
43:39Forgive me, I cannot accept this gift from you.
43:42Why, Queen Ruqayya?
43:44Because Chandri must be given by the late Bayram Khan.
43:48I wanted to give him as a gift in return for his sacrifices for the Kingdom.
43:55That is why I suggest that all the income that comes from Chandri
43:58should go to the late Ibn Salim and Bayram.
44:01He deserves it.
44:10Very good, Ruqayya.
44:13You have once again proven that you love justice
44:15and once again you have honoured your position in this decision.
44:18After considering Queen Ruqayya's proposal,
44:21I will give Chandri to the late King Salim.
44:25Congratulations! Congratulations!
44:29Thank you, Your Majesty.
44:33And you, Queen Judah.
44:36I will not give you anything
44:39because I will ask you for something.
44:47Queen Judah, I want you to forgive me.
44:56You have tried a lot to talk to me
44:58but I did not listen to you because of my innocence
45:00and my risk in your life.
45:02And I did not treat you well at all.
45:04That is why I am asking you to forgive me.
45:13Judah, you have proven your loyalty and honesty
45:15and in return for your services, if I give you anything,
45:17this will be considered an insult to you.
45:19You stood in the face of death to protect me
45:21and you fought death for me.
45:23You fought death to be by my side
45:25and whatever I did, I will not give you your right.
45:27That is why I am announcing in front of the audience
45:29that I will build a special royal city for you
45:31and it will be built to your liking
45:33and it will be a monument to your victory over death
45:35so that it will be remembered for all your sacrifices.
45:37And I decided to name this royal city
45:39Fatihpur Sikri, the capital of the new kingdom.
45:51And even before you know it,
45:53this city will be remembered for the loyalty and sacrifices
45:55that you have made.
46:07Thank you, Your Majesty the King.
46:09You have shown your greatness in what you have said
46:11and this great gift
46:15will remind me of you for the rest of my life.
46:23Thank you, Your Majesty the King.
46:53If Judah recovers from her illness
46:55and gets her health back,
46:57I will go to Sikri to take the blessing
46:59from the wise Salim and thank God.
47:03Last time,
47:05I could not continue my journey
47:07because they attacked me with arrows
47:09and tried to kill me one day.
47:11But as they say,
47:13a journey that does not end
47:15must be continued again.
47:17But this time, God willing,
47:19I will continue my journey to the end.
47:23Thank you, Your Majesty the King.
47:27But I have a request from you, Your Majesty the King.
47:31Your decision is very good
47:33but in this journey,
47:35it will increase your good deeds
47:37if your three wives go with you on this mission.
47:39I was thinking that
47:41your three wives must go with you
47:43on this blessed journey, right?
47:53I will make you a porridge again
47:55because it's cold.
47:57Are you stupid?
47:59I'm trying to say what's in my heart
48:01and you're the one who's worried about me?
48:03I'm worried about you, Your Majesty.
48:05I just asked you
48:07so you don't get worried.
48:09Shut up!
48:11Look, my existence, my position,
48:13and my life are all in danger
48:15and you're afraid that I'll get worried
48:17with the porridge?
48:19My food is not food
48:21except for the King, Judah,
48:23and that's it.
48:25And what about you?
48:27What? Are you worried about the porridge?
48:29Who can refuse your orders, Your Majesty?
48:31You go too.
48:33This won't decrease your position.
48:37I don't want Judah to be in the position
48:39of the King's Majesty.
48:41Whoever wants to go, can go.
48:43But I can't go,
48:45especially in this situation.
48:51Your Majesty!
48:53Your Majesty!
48:55Your Majesty!
48:57Your Majesty!
48:59Your Majesty!
49:01Your Majesty!
49:03Your Majesty!
49:05Your Majesty!
49:07Your Majesty!
49:09Your Majesty!
49:11Your Majesty!
49:13Your Majesty!
49:15Your Majesty!
49:17Your Majesty!
49:19Your Majesty!
49:21Your Majesty!
49:23Your Majesty!
49:25Your Majesty!
49:27Your Majesty!
49:29Your Majesty!
49:31Your Majesty!
49:33Your Majesty!
49:35Your Majesty!
49:37Your Majesty!
49:39Your Majesty!
49:41Your Majesty!
