مسلسل ترتيب خاص الحلقة 1

  • 2 ay önce
مسلسل ترتيب خاص الحلقة 1
00:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
01:00to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
01:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
02:00out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
02:31to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
02:40I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
02:50out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
03:00to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
03:10I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
03:20you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
03:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
03:40you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
03:50I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
04:00you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
04:10I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
04:20you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
04:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
04:40you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
04:50I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
05:00you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
05:10I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
05:20you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
05:30I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
05:38Yes, uncle?
05:39The burger!
05:40Uncle, the burger is at the end of the road.
05:41I'll run.
05:42By the way, I didn't talk to her.
05:43She's starting to get upset.
05:44Glory be to God.
05:45May God bless you.
05:46The potato, man.
05:47The potato.
05:48The potato.
05:49Do you want to change it to normal?
06:07By the way, the potatoes are not at the end of the road.
06:09Oh, so they are not cooked yet!
06:10Or are they?
06:11What about the potato?
06:12The steak?
06:13It's good but it needs time to cook.
06:16Ya, man.
06:17This is what's really important.
06:18Umm, may God help me by the way?
06:20Your plate's finished!
06:21Um, we can fix mine!
06:22It's almost read, by the way.
06:23Wait, they haven't cooked yet.
06:24I know what you mean!
06:26Don't believe a word I say!
06:27What are you doing here?
06:29Yeah, look at the situation, can't you see your uncle's face?
06:30This is awful.
06:32What's wrong, man?
06:33It's my right not to interfere in the customers' privacy.
06:36But I see that the customer is upset and doesn't want to talk.
06:39I'll give him a couple of words and he'll calm down.
06:41Yes, and me, and the food, and the restaurant in front of you.
06:47Ahmed, I don't have money, or any psychological help,
06:50and I'm a social office for the problems of the world.
06:53If you notice, I open a restaurant.
06:56A restaurant.
06:57Quick preparation, quick order, and quick food.
07:01You have more than half of the customers.
07:03You stopped calling, and the dough is getting worse.
07:06Do you have any news?
07:07If your restaurant is trash, what does that have to do with me?
07:09If the economic situation is trash, what does that have to do with me?
07:11Don't lie to yourself. Don't.
07:15Tell me what's wrong, and I'll come with you.
07:18Go ahead.
07:20Ahmed, please, give me half an hour.
07:22Just send me the burger and we're done.
07:24Okay, I'll send it to you, just answer my question.
07:26Hey, I'm busy right now.
07:29You know what? I don't want to order.
07:32From your voice, I feel like you're not from here.
07:34Tell me, tell me, maybe I can help you.
07:35Are you kidding me?
07:37I'm telling you the truth.
07:38I don't believe you, Ahmed.
07:39You're not from here.
07:41Where's the manager?
07:42Where's the manager?
07:43That's enough.
07:45That's enough.
07:46What's the way for you to calm down with people,
07:49and leave all this work to me?
07:50What's the way?
07:51Tell me what's the way for me to help you, so I can dive.
07:53If there's no way, I don't understand.
07:55So I can act.
07:57I mean to help.
07:59Go and help from your house.
08:01From your house, go and help.
08:02Just get out of here and go and help.
08:03Whatever you want.
08:04If God wills, I'll help you.
08:06I have nothing to do with your help.
08:08That's enough.
08:10If tomorrow he judges me,
08:13I don't have anything to do with my restaurant.
08:15Why do you interfere with me?
08:16That's enough.
08:17Okay, boss.
08:19That's enough.
08:20This is the last warning.
08:21I'm serious.
08:22Okay, I'm serious.
08:23I apologize.
08:27I apologized.
08:55Stop it.
09:04This is a very serious problem.
09:06You're beating a whole generation on social media,
09:09while the ones who are supporting the kids are only happy with a little.
09:11Didn't you get where the drug case is going?
09:14Hey, brother.
09:15Go out for a couple of minutes.
09:16Look at this people out there.
09:18Look how many of them started heading to the phone
09:20without even knowing where they were going.
09:22If you want me to tell you what's good and what's bad, don't embarrass me, but our problem is much bigger than that.
09:27But everything in life has its good and its bad. I wish you would show us what are the good things about it.
09:33Absolutely. First, a person has an open window to the whole world. I mean, he doesn't live on his own like he used to.
09:40Second, I'm sorry, Misho, but if your guest wants to close himself, he doesn't have to close the whole world.
09:45Your stance is clear, Ahmed, but I wish we could explain to the viewers what are, in your opinion, the benefits of social media.
09:51First, Fadi, one of the benefits of social media is that you can listen to the opinions of all people.
09:55People who understand, and people who don't understand.
09:57No, you have to respect yourself, Amol Marouf.
09:59Mr. Ahmed, if you don't mind, let's have a polite conversation.
10:02But let me continue.
10:03Go ahead.
10:04Social media opens up a field for people who have a talent and can't show it.
10:08And second and most importantly, through social media, we can show the ideal image of us and show the world how we want to be.
10:16No, I'm sorry. This has become a lie.
10:18A lie is one thing, and ambition is another.
10:20Excuse me, Misho, but I'm sorry, but I don't expect someone like you to be sitting and listening to Fadi.
10:27Let me be quiet.
10:28I, Ahmed, can defend myself very easily.
10:31But I, as a witness in tonight's episode of Misho's show, can say that Ahmed convinced me more.
10:37He showed me more understanding, more intelligence, and greater than Dr. Ibrahim.
10:43Thank you, thank you.
10:45Ahmed, I have a request.
10:47Go ahead.
10:48If you don't mind, Amol Marouf, if you don't mind, move a little.
10:56Move, move, move.
11:00Excuse me.
11:01Move, move.
11:03Thank you, Dr. Ibrahim, for this special episode.
11:13Excuse me, don't go. Stop.
11:42Hello, everyone.
11:44I just want to show you something.
11:49What is this?
11:52What is this?
11:54This is called the Led Zoo.
11:58Girls, who do this, what do you think?
12:01Do you want to eat my ass so I can eat your ass?
12:06Do you hear the sound of this machine?
12:09It's a shame, guys, it's a shame.
12:14I love you.
12:17And forgive us.
12:19We don't know your value, by the way.
12:22Guys, I want to ask all of you to read this creature's book.
12:25And follow it.
12:39Go, go, go.
12:41Go, go.
12:52Go, go, go.
12:53Go, go, go.
12:55Go, go, go.
12:58Come on, go, go.
13:08I love you Layal, forgive me.
13:14Forgive me.
13:20I love you Layal.
13:39I love you Layal.
14:04Hello, yes dad, where are you? You're late for dinner.
14:07The food is cold and I'm hungry.
14:11Honey, dad can't answer right now.
14:15I'm with uncle Ahmed.
14:17Uncle Ahmed, where's dad? You're late for dinner.
14:23Dad has something to do and he has to go finish it.
14:29Ok, we're back.
14:31You haven't eaten yet?
14:34Yes, I ate at school.
14:36Which school?
14:38In Al-Aqrar.
14:40It's nice.
14:41No, it's not nice.
14:45Because I can't go to school anymore.
14:47Because dad didn't pay for the tuition and the principal left.
14:53Don't worry honey, everything will be fine.
14:56I'm sad.
14:57If the princess comes back like yesterday, I don't want to see her.
15:02The princess personally came to your school?
15:05Yes, and she told us that she has a very big palace.
15:09And no one can reach it.
15:12What's your name?
15:13My name is Layal.
15:17Layal, dad told me about the princess.
15:20Yes, did dad tell you about the princess?
15:23Yes, of course.
15:24Of course, and he told me that he won't be able to come back for dinner today.
15:28Because he went to the palace to protect her from...
15:31What was his evil name?
15:34The ghoul.
15:36That's him.
15:38So dad is a hero?
15:40Dad is a hero.
15:41Of course dad is a hero.
15:44Mom, mom.
15:46Will dad save the princess from the ghoul?
16:21Hello, my love.
16:24I heard about you.
16:25Come here, my love.
16:26Did you manage to pay the rent?
16:28I'm really ashamed of you.
16:31But I'll give you a chance to come here.
16:35How many months has it been?
16:36This is the fourth.
16:39Okay, give me two or three days, but I'll come here.
16:42I don't like to bother you, but you see the situation.
16:45Cyclone, illness, medicine.
16:47No, of course you're not bothering me.
16:49This is my right.
16:52What do you want?
16:54Where did you put the dough?
16:55Excuse me.
16:56God help me, God help me.
16:58Are you going to give it or not?
17:47God help me, God help me.
18:05Hey, Ahmed.
18:07Yes, neighbor.
18:08The neighborhood is just your safe.
18:10And it's pouring rain on the bedroom.
18:13No, it's not.
18:14I'll see it now.
18:15Okay, I'm begging you.
18:17I'm begging you.
18:18I'm begging you.
18:47I'm begging you.
18:54I'm begging you.
19:14Get back.
19:36I love you, Leyal.
19:38Forgive me, Munir.
19:47I love you, Munir.
19:49I love you, Munir.
20:15I love you, Munir.
20:17I love you.
20:47I love you, Munir.
20:50I love you, Munir.
21:17I love you, Munir.
21:47I love you, Munir.
22:08Hello, I'm Dr. Qais.
22:10I'm a psychiatrist and a life coach.
22:13I decided to establish the Hope Makers Association to always be by your side.
22:19If you're feeling down, know that you're not alone.
22:23If you need someone to talk to, know that you're not alone.
22:27Because we're a professional team.
22:29And we're trained to be with you all the time.
22:33Because Hope Makers is always by your side.
22:37Call 1972.
22:40Because he's your last number.
22:44We don't take responsibility for anyone who commits suicide before or after a call.
22:47Psychiatry is a must.
22:48Call your doctor now and get his advice.
23:07Do you believe in mobile?
23:11Or in mobile?
23:15No, in mobile.
23:23Hello? Hello?
23:25This is Munir.
23:30Hello, Hope Makers?
23:32How can I help you?
23:34Hello, Rima speaking. Who is this?
23:46Who is this?
23:50This is Munir.
23:54How are you, Munir? How are you today?
23:57Is your voice far away?
23:59I lost my mobile.
24:01Is your voice far away?
24:03I lost my mobile.
24:05No problem, I'm with you.
24:07Munir, we haven't spoken in a long time.
24:10Tell me, did you manage to arrange the money for the story?
24:13No, I swear. It's not possible.
24:16I hope it will be resolved soon.
24:18Tell me, what are you thinking about?
24:24Munir, what's going on with you?
24:27What are you thinking about? What are you feeling?
24:32I'm thinking about her.
24:35Who is she?
24:37My life. She is my life.
24:42Why do you think so?
24:46There is no one.
24:49And your wife? Your daughter?
24:54What will happen if I kill her?
24:56Okay, Munir.
24:58Okay, Munir.
25:00I want you to tell me where you are now.
25:04I'm on the 7th floor.
25:07On the corner.
25:10There is a red car underneath me.
25:12Two girls are shouting at me.
25:14And I'm on the floor.
25:16I'm sure I'm not on the 7th floor. I'm not going to listen to their advice.
25:19Okay, Munir.
25:21I want to ask you, please.
25:24Come inside so we can talk.
25:31One of them is filming us.
25:33Munir, I'm not going to be comfortable talking to you.
25:36Do you remember my name?
25:39Did you forget my name?
25:41It's nice to feel that people are filming you.
25:45They are looking at you and seeing you.
25:50His name is Munir. He is waiting for the call.
25:53Is he going to kill me this time?
25:54No, don't worry. I know he won't kill you.
25:57Where is he from?
26:01I don't know.
26:04I know it's nice to feel that people are watching you.
26:08But Munir, no one wants to see someone die in front of them.
26:12Don't you know someone is dying in front of you?
26:18Send me the defibrillator and the ambulance.
26:28Sonia, take the camera and go to the address I sent you.
26:34Right away.
26:36But this time, I want you to focus on Hope Makers.
26:41Okay, but who took the call?
26:51Where are you going?
26:55Munir, Amol is known. Please go to a safe place so we can talk.
26:59You and you. You are all Amol's.
27:02Go away.
27:03Go away.
27:06What are you doing?
27:07Go away.
27:08What are you doing?
27:09Go away.
27:11What are you doing? Are you going up there?
27:14Yes, I'm going up there.
27:16Where do you want to go?
27:18I'll call you at the location. Follow me.
27:21Where are you going?
27:26Munir, please answer me.
27:29Is she still crying?
27:31This phone indicates that you are brave.
27:36You are brave.
27:38But Munir is hungry.
27:43Amol is known.
28:14Calm down. What's wrong with you now?
28:17It's not the right time, Amol.
28:19How are you, my hero?
28:21How are you?
28:23Who is Leen?
28:25Leen Marti?
28:32Your wife?
28:34You mean Nadine?
28:37We talked about her several times before.
28:40Munir, tell me what's going on with you.
28:46I'm tired.
28:54We were hoping to go live with better news.
28:57But unfortunately, this is what we have today.
28:59As you know and as you can see,
29:02this is the Civil Defense and the Red Cross.
29:04After receiving a call from the Homemakers Association
29:07about a suicide that could happen,
29:09they are trying to...
29:10No one is on the roof.
29:11Don't give them the wrong information.
29:16Where are you going?
29:22Where are you going?
29:28Why are you staring at us like that?
29:30Don't do anything.
29:31Don't do anything.
29:32Yes, yes.
29:45They didn't find anyone.
29:46They went to his house and didn't find him.
29:48What do you mean they didn't find anyone?
29:49The man told me they went to his house.
29:53They didn't find anyone!
30:02They didn't find anyone.
30:30If you, for example, thought of committing suicide,
30:32would you call for help or would you go straight to the hospital?
30:35Ahmed, with all due respect, I don't have time for your sick questions.
30:38I'm serious. Answer me.
30:40With all due respect.
30:41If you decided to give me your life,
30:43would you call for help or would you go straight to the hospital?
30:47Call for help.
30:48Why do I look like someone who would call for suicide?
30:50Even if the world is mad at you?
30:52Even if I want to suffocate.
30:56If I become an ant, I'll become a psychological detector.
30:58A psychological detector.
30:59I swear, I'll remember this. Let me know what to do.
31:04Okay, my friend.
31:09Hello, Burger Inn. This is Ahmed. How can I help you?
31:11I'd like a classic burger with chili sauce.
31:13No, we don't have chili sauce.
31:15We have blue cheese.
31:18What blue cheese?
31:19We don't have chili sauce.
31:20Tell him we don't have it.
31:22I'll call you back.
31:30Brother, where are you?
31:32I'm at the police station.
31:33You're at the police station?
31:35I'd like a classic burger.
31:36Come with me.
31:42I'm sorry.
31:43Next time, I'll have a phone that doesn't ring.
31:45It's not good for the customers.
31:52If you're talking about the morning customers,
31:54God's right.
31:55She opened the car for her son.
31:56I didn't bring my car.
31:57I don't know what's going on.
31:58I can't open the car.
32:11The camera was off.
32:13The trunk wasn't open at night.
32:16Look, Ahmed. Look at me.
32:18What do you see in front of you?
32:19I'm lying.
32:20You're lying to me.
32:22You know I kept quiet because I have something to tell you.
32:26Just because you and I are from the same neighborhood.
32:29This is the problem.
32:31But you can't steal from me.
32:34You're here.
32:36Sir, is it possible to steal?
32:38Every day, the box has 200,000 and 300,000.
32:41Where are they going?
32:43Every day, I ask myself, what's going on?
32:45What's going on?
32:46Where's the mistake?
32:47Where's the mistake?
32:48In front of you.
32:49Why, Ahmed?
32:54Look, Ahmed.
32:56I'm not going to hurt you.
32:59You know very well that I'm not going to hurt you.
33:02Now, you're going to call the National Police.
33:04The police.
33:06And they'll take you by force.
33:09And that's it.
33:11But I want you to get out of here with dignity.
33:14And we'll bury you here, of course.
33:16Go pack your things and leave.
33:17Come on.
33:21Let's go.
33:42How many times do I have to tell you?
33:44Ahmed, lower your voice.
33:48No, you hear me.
33:49And like this wall.
33:50If only you'd shut up.
33:52I had to hear it from you.
33:56Come on, it's simple.
33:57It's a good thing.
33:58No, no.
33:59It's a bad thing.
34:00You too.
34:01Don't worry.
34:02Maybe you'll find a better job.
34:03What are you doing?
34:06Are you crazy?
34:12Are you done?
34:13Are you done?
34:14Are you done with the money?
34:18This is the Civil Defense and the Red Cross.
34:20After receiving a call from the Hope Makers Association,
34:23a suicide attempt is possible.
34:25And they're trying to...
34:26They're using death to get followers.
34:28It's disgusting.
34:29It's horrible.
34:32Even if a person wants to commit suicide,
34:33they won't let him.
34:35This is the first time.
34:37They've always been on the news.
34:39May God strengthen his family.
34:40It's a shame for him.
34:41Suicide is a sin.
34:48I'm sorry.
35:19I'm sorry.
35:20I'm sorry.
35:21I'm sorry.
35:22I'm sorry.
35:23I'm sorry.
35:24I'm sorry.
35:25I'm sorry.
35:26I'm sorry.
35:27I'm sorry.
35:28I'm sorry.
35:29I'm sorry.
35:30I'm sorry.
35:31I'm sorry.
35:32I'm sorry.
35:33I'm sorry.
35:34I'm sorry.
35:35I'm sorry.
35:36I'm sorry.
35:37I'm sorry.
35:38I'm sorry.
35:39I'm sorry.
35:40I'm sorry.
35:41I'm sorry.
35:42I'm sorry.
35:43I'm sorry.
35:44I'm sorry.
35:45I'm sorry.
35:46I'm sorry.
35:47I'm sorry.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:50I'm sorry.
35:51I'm sorry.
35:52I'm sorry.
35:53I'm sorry.
35:54I'm sorry.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:56I'm sorry.
35:57I'm sorry.
35:58I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:08I'm sorry.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:10I'm sorry.
36:11I'm sorry.
36:12I'm sorry.
36:13I'm sorry.
36:14I'm sorry.
36:15I'm sorry.
36:16I'm sorry.
36:17I'm sorry.
36:18I'm sorry.
36:19I'm sorry.
36:20I'm sorry.
36:21I'm sorry.
36:22I'm sorry.
36:23I'm sorry.
36:24I'm sorry.
36:25I'm sorry.
36:26I'm sorry.
36:27I'm sorry.
36:28I'm sorry.
36:29I'm sorry.
36:30I'm sorry.
36:31I'm sorry.
36:32I'm sorry.
36:33I'm sorry.
36:34I'm sorry.
36:35I'm sorry.
36:36I'm sorry.
36:37I'm sorry.
36:38I'm sorry.
36:39I'm sorry.
36:40I'm sorry.
36:41I'm sorry.
36:42I'm sorry.
36:43I'm sorry.
36:44I'm sorry.
36:45I'm sorry.
36:46I'm sorry.
36:47I'm sorry.
36:48I'm sorry.
36:49I'm sorry.
36:50I'm sorry.
36:51I'm sorry.
36:52I'm sorry.
36:53I'm sorry.
36:54I'm sorry.
36:55I'm sorry.
36:56I'm sorry.
36:57I'm sorry.
36:58I'm sorry.
36:59I'm sorry.
37:00I'm sorry.
37:01I'm sorry.
37:02I'm sorry.
37:03I'm sorry.
37:04I'm sorry.
37:05I'm sorry.
37:06I'm sorry.
37:07I'm sorry.
37:08I'm sorry.
37:09I'm sorry.
37:10I'm sorry.
37:11I'm sorry.
37:12I'm sorry.
37:13I'm sorry.
