Bartania Mein Tabdeeli Ka Naara Rang Le Aaya Maria Memon Ka Bartanwi Election Par Ahem Tajzia

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Bartania Mein Tabdeeli Ka Naara Rang Le Aaya Maria Memon Ka Bartanwi Election Par Ahem Tajzia
00:00Welcome back.
00:01If we look at the global election trend, disruption is a very common issue.
00:06For example, if we talk about the UK, we see that the Labour Party came into power 14 years
00:13If we look at the numbers, what is the voter breakdown of the Labour Party in the UK?
00:22In 2019, they had only 202 seats.
00:26And now in 2024, they have increased to 410 seats.
00:30If we look at the scorecard of the Conservative Party, they had 365 seats in 2019.
00:37And they have come down considerably to 131 seats.
00:41Liberal Democrat Party, this is an interesting trend, which had only 11 seats.
00:46They have seen a lot of growth and have come down to 61 seats.
00:51So after 14 years, the Labour government has come back to Britain.
00:55If we look at the beauty of their democracy, the former Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, pressed
01:02a conference in front of everyone, admitted his defeat, admitted his mistakes, and said
01:07that we can learn a lot from this defeat, this is the time to reflect.
01:11Listen to what Rishi Sunak said.
01:13The British people have delivered a sobering verdict tonight.
01:16There is much to learn and reflect on.
01:18And I take responsibility for the loss.
01:20To the many good, hard-working Conservative candidates who lost tonight, despite their
01:25tireless efforts, their local records of delivery, and their dedication to their communities,
01:30I am sorry.
01:31Before I leave the job of Prime Minister, to which I have given my all, I will then
01:35return here to my family's home, and I look forward to spending more time with you all
01:39in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
01:41Thank you.
01:42We pray that in Pakistan, we too see a time where there is such a shift of power, where
01:48the loser admits his mistakes and apologizes to his voters, to his people, and the next
01:54Prime Minister is given this responsibility.
01:56What happens in Pakistan?
01:57Recently, the 2022 elections were held.
01:59Everyone clearly knows who won and who did not win there.
02:03It was Form 45, it was Form 47.
02:05If the people in Form 47 win, and then the victory speech that Nawaz Sharif did, which
02:11I think was the most important speech of his life, that day he could have decided which
02:15country the democracy would go to.
02:17What kind of victory speech did Nawaz Sharif do?
02:19Let's hear it.
02:22On behalf of myself, on behalf of Mr. Shabaz Sharif, on behalf of Maryam Aurangzeb,
02:28all of them are standing, right and left.
02:30We all congratulate you, because by the grace of God, in these elections, Pakistan,
02:37the Muslim League, has risen as the largest Jamaat in the world.
02:41All of them knew that they did not rise as the largest Jamaat, but still, if we say,
02:47they confidently gave a victory speech.
02:50Anyway, these are some examples in front of us, how to win even after losing, and how
02:56to lose even after winning.
02:58In this election, the genocide that is taking place in Gaza, it was being talked about,
03:04statements were being made in many constituencies, this issue was important for the voters there.
03:10Before the elections, in the British media, especially in the BBC, such stories were published
03:15in which it was said that, can the issue of Gaza be a deciding factor on some parties?
03:20Because, according to this report, by the way, this is the report of Ms. Alia Naski,
03:23which she did for the BBC.
03:24She said that many people in Britain say that the reaction of both parties to the Gaza
03:29issue and the Israeli attack was not enough.
03:33And about the local elections that took place some time ago, most of the commentators think
03:38that apparently, because of Gaza, Labour had to suffer losses in many councils.
03:43And these effects can be seen in the upcoming elections as well.
03:46And then we saw that it happened.
03:48There are five candidates in support of Gaza, who live in their constituencies.
03:55Because, principally, they have campaigned around this issue.
03:59And their local constituency was not happy with their first leadership,
04:03their soft stance on Gaza, which they had taken.
04:06And which five candidates are in support?
04:09Shaukat Adam was a free candidate.
04:11Shivani Arraja, she belongs to the Conservative Party.
04:15Ayub Khan, he was a free candidate from Birmingham.
04:18Adnan Hussain, his area was Blackburn, he was also a free candidate.
04:22Iqbal Muhammad, he was a free candidate, his area was Butler.
04:25So, the situation of Gaza, when the demographic is changing,
04:29it affected the elections in some constituencies,
04:33where people were not happy with their previous leadership stance.
04:36And they expressed that through votes as well.
04:38Mr. Fareed Qureshi, a representative of YNEWS, has kept an eye on the entire election from London.
04:42We will talk to him, we will ask him,
04:44what is the meaning of victory after 14 years in the Labour Party election?
04:48If we tell the people sitting in Pakistan,
04:51Mr. Fareed, how big a development is this?
04:54And what will be the effects of this change?
04:58The change is very big.
05:00Look, the Conservative Party ruled for 14 years.
05:03During that time, they also had to face big storms,
05:06such as Brexit and Coronavirus.
05:08But the trust of the people remained firm on them.
05:10Then, during Corona, people were told not to leave their homes.
05:15And people were picking up the corpses of their loved ones.
05:18At that time, there were parties in the Prime Minister's House.
05:20And this scandal was called the Partygate Scandal.
05:23When these details came out, the trust of the people again fell.
05:26The trust of the people fell on this party.
05:28After that, they started talking.
05:30Boris Johnson went, then Theresa May came, then Liz Truss came, then Rishi Sunak came.
05:35But the public did not express confidence in the change of leadership.
05:38And because of that, today, the oldest political party in the world
05:44had to face the worst defeat in the whole of Britain.
05:48And there was a big change, which was also called a big change by Keir Starmer.
05:53And he has reached the Prime Minister's House.
05:55He has also given his speech.
05:57And we saw in a very peaceful way that the whole transition happened.
06:01We did not see any third force interfering in this.
06:05That is why the politicians, the losers, also accepted defeat.
06:08And the winners also said that we will work together for the betterment of Britain.
06:13And all this happened in a very peaceful way.
06:15If we talk about voting, then we did not see any third force interfering.
06:21Voting was done in a very peaceful way.
06:23And the political workers did their campaign.
06:26But Farid, what were the big issues that people voted on?
06:29What were the big issues, if we say the turning factor,
06:31on which the voters have expressed their displeasure?
06:36When we spoke to the members of the government yesterday,
06:40they said that the public was angry with us.
06:42And Rishi Sonag also said that the public was angry with us.
06:45The most important things are the economic problems in Britain.
06:48Increasing inflation, cost of living, housing problems,
06:52problems in education, increase in knife crime and crimes.
06:56In addition, the international issues have also played a big role in this.
07:00In which the whole of Paris, Gaza issue,
07:02in which especially the ruling party,
07:05which came out in the beginning,
07:07how they supported terrorism with force,
07:09the public was angry with them.
07:11All these factors have played a role together.
07:14If anyone is given a good name, it will not be appropriate.
07:17There are many things that played a role in all this.
07:20And the Conservative Party faced the worst defeat.
