• 3 months ago


00:01:01Stop it, Billy. I'm afraid
00:01:04Billy, will you stop trying to scare me?
00:01:09What's the matter, Billy?
00:01:11What's the matter, Billy?
00:01:18What are you doing here, Billy?
00:01:19I told you, hush up!
00:01:21Hey, Billy, this is all wet here.
00:01:34Smells like kerosene.
00:01:40Mommy, Daddy!
00:01:43Mommy, wake up!
00:01:54Mommy, wake up!
00:02:21Damn fire siren.
00:02:48What fire siren?
00:02:50That fire siren.
00:02:55Daddy, you're insane.
00:03:01You are sabotaging the Edmond City Volunteer Fire Department.
00:03:16Didn't the doctor say something about moderation?
00:03:19What does he know?
00:03:21He knows.
00:03:23With the shameless lust for a woman you are.
00:03:26He doesn't want us to hurt the baby.
00:03:31Then we're going to have to be careful.
00:03:33Anyhow, I have a feeling if anything happened to this baby, you wouldn't marry me.
00:03:39I wouldn't take a chance like that.
00:03:41Oh, now that's a hell of a thing to say.
00:03:43Hey, I'm marrying you, not the baby.
00:03:48Don't you believe I don't want you to go?
00:03:57Hey, where are you going?
00:03:59David, I've got to answer the phone.
00:04:01What phone?
00:04:05I'll make you a deal.
00:04:07I won't answer the phone if you don't go to the fire.
00:04:13Go on.
00:04:23God, that's awful.
00:04:25Sure, I can come down immediately.
00:04:28Sure, I can come down immediately.
00:04:30Yes, doctor.
00:04:38What's that all about?
00:04:39The fire at the dairy farm.
00:04:42Yeah, those poor kids.
00:04:44They're both burned pretty bad.
00:04:46They're going to bring them into Dr. Brookmeyer's office.
00:04:49Until we can get an ambulance in the community.
00:04:58Heaven City Fire Home.
00:04:59Hey, where's that? I hear the coach.
00:05:01That's the old dairy farm.
00:05:02It must be pretty bad.
00:05:03I can see the flames clear over my place.
00:05:06Hey, Clanker.
00:05:08You see the soldiers?
00:05:10A couple of truckloads of them.
00:05:12Poor smuck.
00:05:13Wonder what they're doing here.
00:05:14Hey, Heaven City Bank's awful clear.
00:05:16Hey, is David here yet?
00:05:17Didn't see him.
00:05:19What's everybody looking so happy about?
00:05:20Give me a smoke.
00:05:22Hey, don't bother your dragon out like this.
00:05:25Something to do.
00:05:27Come on.
00:05:51Good morning there, Judy.
00:05:53The Heaven City Volunteer Fire Department apologizes for dragging you out of bed this way.
00:05:56You got a bad mouth, Clank.
00:05:57Yeah, you're late.
00:05:59I was the first one here.
00:06:00David, be careful, please.
00:06:01I will.
00:06:03Don't worry about it.
00:06:04Don't let him do anything dumb.
00:06:06Even though I still think you picked the wrong guy.
00:06:08You're a slob, Clanker.
00:06:10Ain't no ogre gonna pick you.
00:06:11Don't break your head.
00:06:14Aw, ain't that cute.
00:06:16Shut up and drive.
00:06:27Where's Dr. Brookmeyer?
00:06:28Are you the nurse?
00:06:29Who are you?
00:06:30Where's Dr. Brookmeyer?
00:06:31In the office with Major Ryder.
00:06:33Major Ryder?
00:06:34How many syringes do you have?
00:06:35Look, what's going on here?
00:06:36Major Ryder will explain.
00:06:37We haven't got time.
00:06:38Break out those syringes.
00:06:39We're gonna need a lot of them.
00:06:41The girl just died.
00:06:43I think I can save the boy.
00:06:45Move, nurse!
00:06:57You've known about this for days.
00:06:58We never thought it would happen.
00:07:00But you notified me.
00:07:01You must have suspected.
00:07:02Notifying you was precautionary.
00:07:04We never thought it was possible.
00:07:06We've got to call the hospital in unity.
00:07:08We need an ambulance for those kids.
00:07:10I'm afraid I can't allow that.
00:07:12We're bringing in our own medical personnel
00:07:13with emergency equipment.
00:07:15But this isn't the sort of thing
00:07:16a consent writer would...
00:07:17Look, we've quarantined the area.
00:07:19We're sealing off the town.
00:07:21You got Colonel Peckham yet?
00:07:29Get Dr. Brookmeyer a gas mask.
00:07:31Yes, sir.
00:07:36Yes, sir, they're certain.
00:07:38They have three cases reported.
00:07:40They're waiting for verifying blood tests.
00:07:42We need somebody from Trixie on the spot.
00:07:44Has that been taken care of?
00:07:46I'm leaving for the airstrip now.
00:07:48I should be in Evans City within two hours.
00:07:50Who knows about this?
00:07:51Press blackout?
00:07:52Yes, sir, we'll button it up.
00:07:54I'll be available by radio on the plane
00:07:55and I'll report in from Evans City.
00:07:57Right, sir.
00:08:01Get me Major Ryder on 2C, please.
00:08:06Major Ryder, have you set up
00:08:07a perimeter around the town?
00:08:09Do the best you can.
00:08:11Three more companies are on their way.
00:08:12They may get in there before I do.
00:08:14In the meantime, try to set up
00:08:15some kind of a perimeter.
00:08:17Nobody gets in or out of that town.
00:08:19Now, is that clear?
00:08:20All right, now this is a blacked-out situation.
00:08:22So from here on in, we're using
00:08:23voice print checks for all communications.
00:08:26You don't talk to me or anybody else
00:08:28unless you get a voice print check.
00:08:30That's the order of the day.
00:08:39Come on, folks, bring it home.
00:08:40We need a lot of slack here.
00:08:48Easy, easy.
00:08:50Got it.
00:09:05Hey, Sheriff, what the hell's going on?
00:09:07What do you think, you lunkhead?
00:09:08There's a house burning.
00:09:09No, no, what's this about the soldiers?
00:09:11Okay, let's move it.
00:09:12Clear the area around the house
00:09:13and let it burn out.
00:09:14We can still save a good part of it.
00:09:15Look, why don't you just get
00:09:16the lead out of your ass
00:09:17and do something to help?
00:09:18I want them trees down over the garage.
00:09:20I want the trees going up.
00:09:21The chain's over by the wagon.
00:09:25What the hell?
00:09:28He just went crazy.
00:09:30He set that fire himself.
00:09:32His wife's dead.
00:09:33He killed her.
00:09:35When Mac and I first came here,
00:09:37he was laughing like a hyena.
00:09:39Then all of a sudden,
00:09:41like as if he had realized what he had done,
00:09:43he started to cry like a baby.
00:09:45Look at the car in there.
00:09:46It's gonna blow up.
00:09:48Come on, man.
00:09:49Oh, boy, let's squirt through that window.
00:09:51Come on, through the window.
00:09:53Oh, my trees.
00:09:55My trees.
00:09:56Oh, they're all gonna go.
00:10:02That is correct.
00:10:03With the ultraviolet light operated,
00:10:04there is no need for your masks.
00:10:06We want all medical personnel
00:10:07to wear their masks at all times,
00:10:09however, and any civilian volunteers.
00:10:11You will need masks outside the protected area,
00:10:13but in the ultraviolet,
00:10:15we're considering it safe without a mask.
00:10:17How much serum do we have?
00:10:19Not very much, I'm afraid.
00:10:21Boy, you people sure come prepared, don't you?
00:10:23Everything's on its way, Doctor.
00:10:25I mean, I can't snap my fingers and make it appear.
00:10:27In a couple of hours,
00:10:28we'll have everything we need.
00:10:30It's not a cure,
00:10:31just a strong antibiotic to build up resistance.
00:10:33Sir, Company A has arrived
00:10:35with the rest of the radio gear.
00:10:36Where do you want it installed?
00:10:37I'll set it up here.
00:10:38This will be temporary.
00:10:39Sir, he's deployed for Company B.
00:10:41Where do you want it installed?
00:10:42Put it over here.
00:10:43Grab this one.
00:10:44I got it.
00:10:45I'll do it.
00:10:46Look at that.
00:10:47Somebody give me a hand, will you?
00:10:48What's happening?
00:10:49Listen to me and don't talk.
00:10:51There's a quarantine on the town.
00:10:53Everything's gonna be all right.
00:10:55I just don't want you and the baby exposed.
00:10:57Exposed to what?
00:10:58Now, just listen and don't say anything.
00:11:00It's a highly contagious virus.
00:11:02We're expecting several cases of it by morning.
00:11:04I just don't want you around here.
00:11:06You're gonna need me.
00:11:07I need you like a hole in the head.
00:11:08We've got a whole army medical unit on the way here.
00:11:10What's the army doing?
00:11:11Will you listen to me?
00:11:13They're not going to want me to let you go,
00:11:15so you're going to have to sneak out.
00:11:17I want you to take a syringe and some antibiotic for David.
00:11:19You have to stay in town,
00:11:21so find David and the two of you stay away from people.
00:11:27Dr. Brookmeyer,
00:11:29I think we should discuss larger facilities.
00:11:31If this thing gets any worse,
00:11:32we're going to need some place to set up an infirmary.
00:11:34Nurse, I'd like you to work with my doctor there.
00:11:36Any of the men that haven't been inoculated
00:11:38are going to need their shots when they're poured in.
00:11:39Nurse, we need more needles.
00:11:41He's running with the ultraviolet beam.
00:11:42Shut up!
00:11:43Follow doctor's orders.
00:11:44What's all this stuff for?
00:11:46Get all of it in and out of here.
00:11:52Over here, over here.
00:11:56Burn a little?
00:11:57Yes, ma'am.
00:12:00Thank you, ma'am.
00:12:01Get out of the way.
00:12:03Let's make a little room over this corner
00:12:05for this here block.
00:12:07Hey, soldier.
00:12:09Come on, move your legs.
00:12:10All right, all right.
00:12:15You guys can start moving your ass
00:12:16and unpack this stuff.
00:12:17You know, this is headquarters now.
00:12:18Major Ryder,
00:12:20you said you wanted to discuss larger facilities.
00:12:23Maybe we could set something up at the high school.
00:12:32How do you intend to let the people know about all this?
00:12:34Oh, well, we've been promised bullhorns and loudspeakers.
00:12:38No telling when they're going to arrive.
00:12:56Hey, hey, hey!
00:12:5725 minutes before the hour of 10,
00:12:59this is Bob Lee until 12.
00:13:01Blues and sports at 25.
00:13:04The weather forecast for the western Pennsylvania area,
00:13:06cloudy and cool tonight with a 60% chance of rain.
00:13:12Bill, put me on the radio first.
00:13:16Come on, let me see them asses move.
00:13:18We ain't done yet.
00:13:19Move it, move it.
00:13:20Somebody can't find nothing to do.
00:13:28Hey, Shea, it's about time you got here.
00:13:30Sheriff, they're setting up roadblocks.
00:13:33Out on the interstate ramps.
00:13:34Charlie said they got one up over on I-82.
00:13:36What the hell gives here?
00:13:37I don't know.
00:13:38They're making an announcement at the church services tonight.
00:13:40All hell's broke loose in town.
00:13:41Nobody knows what's going on.
00:13:42We're up to our asses in soldiers.
00:13:44And what are you talking about?
00:13:45Where's that major?
00:13:46The doctor's office.
00:13:47They're setting up their gear there.
00:13:49They'll be headquartering over there.
00:13:50Rick Meyers' office.
00:13:51Yeah, they're giving the soldiers some kind of injection.
00:13:53They say there's not enough for the town.
00:13:56I don't know.
00:13:57Stoney says he's seen a truck full of them going through town.
00:13:59Truck full?
00:14:01Must be a couple hundred.
00:14:02Couple of hundred?
00:14:03Just get your butts back after that fire.
00:14:04That's all you boys got to worry about now.
00:14:05What the hell's going on, Sheriff?
00:14:07You know what I do, boy.
00:14:08Let's go.
00:14:19What do you think, old buddy?
00:14:20Judy's at Brookmire's.
00:14:21I got the wheels if you want to bust in and find out what's up.
00:14:24Let's go.
00:14:26Let's go.
00:14:35Saturday night service is a high mass.
00:14:37Yes, Father, and we'll try not to disturb it any more than necessary.
00:14:40Well, perhaps after the mass I could ask the people to wait.
00:14:43No, Father.
00:14:44I have to insist.
00:14:45We need to inform the people.
00:14:46I've got to make this announcement.
00:14:48Excuse me, Father, but we have the authority to do this with or without your approval.
00:14:53You were aware of the plane crash last week?
00:14:56That plane contained an experimental vaccine.
00:14:58We are afraid that crash may have caused the spread of an infectious virus through this area.
00:15:05We can't give a story to the press yet.
00:15:07We've got to see what develops.
00:15:08We need some medium for reaching the people in that town.
00:15:11It's bad enough we didn't have adequate supplies ready.
00:15:13Oh, come on.
00:15:14It'll all be under control within a few more hours.
00:15:15A few more hours?
00:15:16That can be disastrous.
00:15:17Look, you put martial law on a town, drop a sneak perimeter around them like that,
00:15:21and you're just polarizing the situation.
00:15:23That army becomes an invasionary force.
00:15:25Those people are going to resist.
00:15:26We're all concerned with Evans City, Mr. Hawks,
00:15:29but our primary consideration at this point is national security.
00:15:34All the citizens are being rounded up.
00:15:36We've got to get them together in a central area.
00:15:38That'll solve the communications problem and check any possible spread of the virus.
00:15:43Telephone and telegraph are cut off except inside the Evans City limits.
00:15:47They've jammed the air to prevent any ham stuff from going out.
00:15:50You've got to get the president on the phone.
00:15:52We've got to get a nuclear weapon in the air above that town.
00:15:55Isn't that a little drastic?
00:15:57None of us wants to have to resort to that, but we've got to be ready.
00:16:00If Trixie jumps that perimeter, this thing could spread over the entire continent.
00:16:04All right.
00:16:06Get me the president.
00:16:09We'll recommend that he instruct Sack to send a plane on a training mission over Evans City.
00:16:18Find out what size weapon it should carry to burn out the infected area.
00:16:35Any report from Trixie?
00:16:36Well, they haven't rounded up the entire team yet, sir,
00:16:38but some of the ones they reached are already airborne.
00:16:41They're on their way to Fort Detrick.
00:16:43We need somebody from that team in Evans City, damn it!
00:16:45Well, Trixie was going to recommend a man.
00:16:47Oh, to hell with that! Get the first Trixie man that arrives.
00:16:50Told you I'm telling you, it's a mistake.
00:16:52Have a plane at Detrick and get him on it.
00:16:53It's the biggest goddamn bonus of all time.
00:16:55The first man, you understand?
00:16:56Not at Detrick.
00:16:57Don't even bother to check him in.
00:16:58The order is not to even check you in, sir. Just get you on that plane.
00:17:02Look, I'm a key man on the Trixie team. A key man!
00:17:05I'm one of the developers of that goddamn thing!
00:17:07I've got to have access to a lab. I've got to have access to my computers.
00:17:10The order is to get the first man on the team in the field, sir.
00:17:13Jesus Christ, this is so random.
00:17:15A technician, a lousy technician is what you need out there.
00:17:18Pipe me up to wherever the hell that is. Evans City, and you're tying my hands.
00:17:22Don't you see that? If I don't have access to that equipment, I'm useless.
00:17:25You'll have to clear this with command, sir.
00:17:27Don't you realize what the consequences can be? Soldier, stop the car.
00:17:29I'm sorry, sir. Those are the orders.
00:17:30Orders my ass! Stop the car!
00:17:33You're going to have a hell of a time getting me on that plane, soldier.
00:17:35Maybe so, sir, but we'll do it.
00:17:43Let's go.
00:17:50Come on.
00:17:52Can I have a hand over here?
00:18:04Goddamn voice print checkers are a waste of valuable time.
00:18:06We've got to make snap decisions.
00:18:08You know, if I can't get through to you without a five-minute delay,
00:18:10I'm going to authorize all these decisions on my own.
00:18:12I don't like the position it puts me in.
00:18:14I know, I know. I know Peckham will be here, but until then, I'm in charge.
00:18:18I don't like being a brass asshole.
00:18:20I'm not an infantryman. I'm Chem Corps. Remember that, huh?
00:18:23You don't know what it's like out there.
00:18:25Look, how can I hold a perimeter and fight a small-scale war at the same time, damn it?
00:18:29I need those additional men.
00:18:31Many of the people in the outlying area are farmers, and they've got weapons.
00:18:35You expect us to lock up our end, huh?
00:18:37Well, what about your end, damn it?
00:18:40All right.
00:18:41Let's see what we can do.
00:18:43They're meeting with more resistance,
00:18:45and they've run into a few more cases of infection.
00:18:48Major Ryder's requesting more men.
00:18:50I'll wait for Colonel Peckham's evaluation.
00:18:52Sir, if...
00:18:53Peckham will be in there by two.
00:18:55They can hold out till then.
00:18:56We have a man, and they're telling us that maybe they can't.
00:18:59Oh, come on, Frank.
00:19:00This is a highly organized, riot-trained army.
00:19:03You can't tell me that they're unable to hold the perimeter
00:19:06on a small town through early morning.
00:19:11Hurry up!
00:19:18Listen up, listen up!
00:19:20All right.
00:19:21Town is in a quarantine.
00:19:22We have you all under martial law.
00:19:24We'll take you all over to the high school.
00:19:26We'll explain it to you over there.
00:19:27We'll explain it to you over there.
00:19:38Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:19:56Let's get out!
00:20:01Hurry, hurry!
00:20:08Now, hold on.
00:20:11Now, up here.
00:20:12We're not going up there.
00:20:13There's no more back there.
00:20:18My mother!
00:20:20It's my mother!
00:20:21Tell me what this is all about.
00:20:22Maybe I'll cooperate with you.
00:20:24What's going on?
00:20:26Tell me what you're doing.
00:20:32I said go!
00:20:35What's going on here?
00:20:37Where are we going?
00:20:38Where are you going?
00:20:39Where do I go?
00:20:44What's going on?
00:20:45What's going on?
00:20:46What's going on back there?
00:20:48Come on!
00:20:54Where's the car at?
00:21:04Hold it!
00:21:09Leave her alone!
00:21:13Oh, give me that shit, boy.
00:21:15That's all right, sir.
00:21:16That's right.
00:21:19Now, you listen to me, Ryder.
00:21:20Buck's been telling me what's going on here tonight.
00:21:22Well, I don't mind telling you that everybody's tired of being pushed around like this.
00:21:25Well, sir, I know.
00:21:26We just had no way of preparing anybody for this.
00:21:29It just kind of snowballed on us, and we were forced to take action.
00:21:32Now, you said it would never come to this.
00:21:34Look, we've cooperated with you.
00:21:36We've attempted to keep this thing quiet in order not to create a panic.
00:21:39But, Christ, we never expected this!
00:21:41Neither did we.
00:21:43Sir, we're trying to get everyone into the high school.
00:21:47We're setting up an infirmary there.
00:21:49Are we under martial law?
00:21:51Yes, sir.
00:21:52Well, let me tell you something.
00:21:54You just can't walk all over the people of Evans City that easy, Major.
00:21:57And as mayor of this town, I'm protesting your action.
00:22:00In fact, I'd like to speak to somebody higher up.
00:22:03Yes, sir.
00:22:05Major Ryder?
00:22:06Yes, sir.
00:22:07I assume we don't need the masks and the ultraviolet.
00:22:09That's correct, sir.
00:22:11I'll be with you gentlemen in just a minute.
00:22:13I want to speak with Major Ryder and find out exactly what's been happening.
00:22:18Yes, sir, right this way.
00:22:19Son of a bitch.
00:22:23You don't smoke, you bastard?
00:22:26Well, give me some smokes.
00:22:28Hey, hunker, that's Judy.
00:22:30Sure it's her?
00:22:31Yes, I'm sure. She's heading out to the fire.
00:22:33You sure?
00:22:34Yes, I'm sure, dammit.
00:22:35Cool, buddy. We'll get her.
00:22:45It's raining 65 outside the Big K studios.
00:22:51Hey, she's giving them more gas.
00:22:53She doesn't know it's us.
00:22:55It's us.
00:23:20What's all this about?
00:23:21It's rounding everybody up and taking them to the high school.
00:23:23What about my car?
00:23:24Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it.
00:23:26David, it's stupid.
00:23:29She didn't know it was us.
00:23:30Come on.
00:23:31Will you tell us what's going on?
00:23:32What's this?
00:23:33What's this?
00:23:34Look, I'm a nurse.
00:23:35What is it?
00:23:36I'm a nurse. I work for Dr. Brookland.
00:23:37Where'd you get it?
00:23:38I'm supposed to inoculate.
00:23:39Give it to me.
00:23:40No, it's for him.
00:23:41Give it to me. Come on.
00:23:42I'm supposed to inoculate.
00:23:43Come on.
00:23:49Come on.
00:23:53Hey, no problem.
00:23:54Okay, in effect.
00:23:55No problem.
00:23:56In effect.
00:23:58Look, I'm not causing any problems.
00:23:59In effect. In effect.
00:24:05Who's all here?
00:24:06Howdy, folk. My daughter's with me.
00:24:08I heard you say you were Dr. Brookmyer's nurse?
00:24:11I'm the appendectomy.
00:24:12The emergency appendectomy at Christmas time.
00:24:17You okay?
00:24:20Who else is in here?
00:24:21Well, that's Frank Winston.
00:24:22I don't know what's wrong with him.
00:24:23He seems to be sick.
00:24:24Know anything about what's going on?
00:24:25I don't know. We were asleep.
00:24:27Well, they dragged us right out of the house.
00:24:29It's a quarantine.
00:24:31It's a quarantine on the town.
00:24:32Some kind of virus.
00:24:34What about the soldiers?
00:24:35I don't know.
00:24:36They said they had scanned the medical team.
00:24:38Well, we heard some shooting.
00:24:39What kind of virus?
00:24:40Do you know what it is?
00:24:41Well, Brookmyer just said it was highly contagious.
00:24:43And it's dangerous.
00:24:44My God, maybe that's what he's got.
00:24:48Daddy, I'm home.
00:24:50We heard there were roadblocks on it.
00:24:51The military's involved.
00:24:54This must really be big.
00:24:56I've been on the street.
00:24:58It's all right. It's all right, honey.
00:25:00Man, ain't this some shit?
00:25:14I want to set up a second perimeter.
00:25:16Now, the inside line will continue to move in towards the downtown area,
00:25:19bringing everything they find with them.
00:25:21I want the second perimeter two miles inside the first.
00:25:25Now, this two-mile stretch will be called a no-man's land.
00:25:28Nothing can stay on it.
00:25:29No one can cross it.
00:25:31You're talking about an awful lot of men, sir.
00:25:32Well, we'll just have to get them in here.
00:25:34What do we have now?
00:25:35Five companies.
00:25:36Why did this get down to the last minute?
00:25:37These are the plumbers who should have been ready to move in here.
00:25:39Well, the initial information was that the vaccine was harmless.
00:25:45You mean they didn't take any precautionary action?
00:25:47Routine procedure.
00:25:48I got here the day of the crash.
00:25:51The plane went down in these hills above the town.
00:25:53Investigators reported that the casings wound up in the river.
00:25:56Apparently, the water flows through an underground reservoir,
00:25:59and Evan City is supplied with artesian systems out of that.
00:26:04So I stayed in town, notified the police and the town doctor
00:26:07to be on the alert for any high fever symptoms or delirium.
00:26:12Sir, the report was that the Trixie team had deactivated the vaccine.
00:26:15Major, Trixie wasn't developed as a vaccine.
00:26:18Trixie was developed as a bacteriological weapon.
00:26:22This is BOCOM Central calling Colonel Peckham.
00:26:24BOCOM Central, Colonel Peckham.
00:26:25This is Peckham.
00:26:26Ah, yes, sir.
00:26:27We have completed your voice print check.
00:26:29We can let you speak...
00:26:30It's a blackout.
00:26:31We knew the blackout was to avoid embarrassment,
00:26:33but a bio-weapon never occurred to me.
00:26:39I fell for that storybook line at Sinker.
00:26:41That was the idea.
00:26:42Colonel Peckham.
00:26:43No, no, no, his first name.
00:26:48Chris, Chris.
00:26:49This is Brubaker, Chris.
00:26:50Glad you're there.
00:26:51Major Ryder's a competent man and a good officer,
00:26:54but I get the feeling he's hitting the panic button a little too prematurely.
00:26:58Mr. Brubaker.
00:26:59We want a real evaluation.
00:27:01Mr. Brubaker.
00:27:02What's it really like out there?
00:27:03Mr. Brubaker, we're running out of time.
00:27:05Now, if you want me to get the job done,
00:27:07you get me the stuff I need,
00:27:08and you get it the hell out of here before the morning's over.
00:27:12Let us move over to the high school.
00:27:14We haven't got the room here to have this.
00:27:16We're clearing the infirmary area, sir.
00:27:18We'll move over there as soon as they complete disinfecting.
00:27:20I've heard that for the last three hours.
00:27:22Equipment and personnel are on their way.
00:27:24Why can't we call unity?
00:27:25If we can't go out, surely we can let them in.
00:27:27We need that equipment.
00:27:28I'm sorry, sir.
00:27:30We can't let them in.
00:27:32I don't know how long this quarantine will be in effect.
00:27:35We're talking about the lives of the citizens of this city.
00:27:37We're also talking about the lives of many of our own men, sir.
00:27:40Well, your men are your worry, Sergeant.
00:27:42The people of this town are my worry.
00:27:44Thank you for Major Ryder, sir.
00:27:45Major Ryder's here with Colonel Peck. I'll take him.
00:27:47At the interstate highway.
00:27:49One of the trucks blew up with masks and filters.
00:27:51We have a lot of men hurt.
00:27:52Any civilian casualty?
00:27:53Three dead, sir.
00:27:54Now, you just listen to me, mister.
00:27:56In addition to being mayor of this town,
00:27:58I also happen to be a practicing attorney.
00:28:01And I know the rights of civil law.
00:28:03Sergeant, I want a weapons search of the entire town.
00:28:05That stall is included.
00:28:07Confiscate everything.
00:28:08Just a minute.
00:28:09I'm demanding a writ of habeas corpus.
00:28:11Sir, I've got to take your weapons.
00:28:14Now, you just hold on.
00:28:16Don't you give them to him, Bucky.
00:28:18You don't have to give them to him.
00:28:19Now, look, you just can't push us around this way.
00:28:22Don't you do it, Bucky.
00:28:27What the hell is going on here anyway?
00:28:30Sir, you're in a hopeless situation.
00:28:33Don't make us use force.
00:28:34All right, let's go.
00:28:35What we're doing here is for the...
00:28:36Come on, man. Let's get the hell out of here.
00:28:38Watch it, Bucky.
00:28:39Every civilian weapon inside the further area.
00:28:44I want every damn civilian weapon in the entire perimeter.
00:28:47Do you understand?
00:28:48Right away.
00:28:53Jesus Christ.
00:29:15Colonel Packer, please.
00:29:19This is exactly the kind of thing we're trying to prevent.
00:29:22You're taking me no place.
00:29:26Okay, take cover.
00:29:27Take cover over here.
00:29:29Go on, old man.
00:29:30This is easy anywhere.
00:29:31Hey, shoot.
00:29:32Shoot now, Spurs.
00:29:34Come on, shoot now, Spurs.
00:29:36Get in here, boy.
00:29:37Get in here.
00:29:38Come on, get down.
00:29:39Get down.
00:29:41Okay, hold your fire.
00:29:48All right, let's check it out.
00:29:49Move in.
00:29:51Remember, he ain't heading for my town this time.
00:29:54Leave him away from me.
00:29:56Leave him away from me.
00:30:02Let's go.
00:30:03Come on.
00:30:04Let's go.
00:30:05Let's go.
00:30:06Wait for me, wait for me, I'll kill you.
00:30:12I'm a lunatic, man.
00:30:16Take a look at this, man.
00:30:21It's a recital.
00:30:24They sure is a loony bin,
00:30:25no wonder they want to surround them all up.
00:30:30Look out, they're down the hall.
00:30:31Check it out upstairs.
00:30:36Go ahead, do it.
00:30:38Go ahead.
00:31:02Man, that's not up there,
00:31:18Oh Jesus
00:31:24I'm bleeding bad
00:31:26Man? Hello
00:31:28I'm bleeding bad
00:31:30I'm bleeding
00:31:33Maybe we're in some kind of war.
00:31:34Shut up a minute.
00:31:50We're in the middle of something and the boys ain't playing games.
00:32:02There may be a couple of guns out there in the school.
00:32:06Can you give us a couple of guns, please?
00:32:10Stop or we'll shoot!
00:32:15All right, you too, mister. You too!
00:32:16Let's go, mister!
00:32:19Get back here or we'll shoot!
00:32:30Thirty-five cents.
00:32:33Fifty-eight cents.
00:32:35Goddamn it, what's going on? What's happening?
00:32:37I said, what's going on?
00:32:38Give me a fucking answer, come on!
00:32:41Come on, soldier!
00:32:42Soldier, tell me what's going on!
00:32:43David, David, look!
00:32:45Hey, soldier!
00:32:46What's going on? Tell me what's happening!
00:32:49Come on!
00:32:50Soldier, why in the hell are you here? Tell me!
00:32:51Come on, soldier, come on!
00:32:52David, what are you doing?
00:32:53It's a crazy place.
00:32:55It's all crazy.
00:32:56It's everywhere.
00:32:57Pretty funny, you think, huh?
00:32:59Well, isn't it, Ernie?
00:33:00Well, isn't it, Ernie?
00:33:01Hold on, everybody, let's go!
00:33:03I didn't know you knew where the people were.
00:33:09Come on, take off!
00:33:11David, don't take the tunic!
00:33:18They took those two guys out of there.
00:33:20Hey, they're gone.
00:33:21They're in the van.
00:33:22They took off in the van.
00:33:24Get that guy out of the gas station.
00:33:27They took off.
00:33:30They took off.
00:34:01Hey, buddy!
00:34:03We lost them!
00:34:04Where are you at?
00:34:05I don't know.
00:34:06By the hill, by the country club.
00:34:08Then we can hold up there.
00:34:09Gotcha, boss.
00:34:57Now, it only affects primates.
00:34:59At least we don't have to worry about it being spread by dogs or cats, birds.
00:35:05What a consolation that may be.
00:35:07Is there any pet monkeys hereabouts?
00:35:09The only ones infected will be human beings.
00:35:12If we catch it in the early stages, can it be reversed?
00:35:15Oh, we searched for an antidote for three years.
00:35:17That project was in existence, doctor.
00:35:20No dice.
00:35:21How many companies in the area, sergeant?
00:35:23Don't know.
00:35:26Dr. Watts, I thought you were done.
00:35:27I haven't even been able to call any commanders yet.
00:35:29They told me I could use the radio on the plane,
00:35:31but it wasn't piped through your what-do-you-call-it, your alternate network.
00:35:34You're using the alternates to avoid any chance of a leak.
00:35:36Ah, yes.
00:35:37Precious security.
00:35:38Keep it under wraps at all costs.
00:35:39Meanwhile, do you realize the blunder that's been made?
00:35:42We can have you flown back as soon as we run a complete med check
00:35:45and get a clearance from Washington.
00:35:46Let's get started.
00:35:47We don't have all our equipment in yet.
00:35:52And when will that be?
00:35:53As soon as possible.
00:35:54Appropriately vague, colonel.
00:35:56It's you fake boys who created this thing in the first place.
00:35:59That's beautiful.
00:36:02I'm one of the only chances we have.
00:36:05I can't get back to a lab
00:36:07because you're not equipped to run a medical check,
00:36:09which we wouldn't need in the first place if I hadn't been packed off here.
00:36:12The whole operation is one fat blunder.
00:36:14You talk about blunders.
00:36:15According to the report from your team,
00:36:17the virus was considered inactive.
00:36:19Considered, yes.
00:36:20That's the important word.
00:36:22Any man on the team will tell you that means 99%, maybe.
00:36:25Now, that's a standard we don't set, colonel.
00:36:28That's set by the military.
00:36:30We're not getting anywhere trying to assign blame.
00:36:32Then authorize me back to the lab!
00:36:34I can't take a chance on breaking the perimeter
00:36:36with somebody that might be a carrier!
00:36:38Trixie's been in these waters for six days!
00:36:42Some truck driver could have taken it out of here
00:36:44long before you set up that perimeter.
00:36:46Well, we're going on the assumption we've got a container.
00:36:48We're down.
00:36:49We're going to keep the container until it runs its course.
00:36:51Runs its course?
00:36:52You said it can't stay active in the air in ultraviolet light.
00:36:54It's in the water, man! Underground!
00:36:56And it's obviously in people, too.
00:36:58People are vectors.
00:37:00They carry it about with them unawares.
00:37:02The incubation period may vary, colonel,
00:37:04but ultimately Trixie is going to spread
00:37:07throughout this entire town.
00:37:09The town is sealed off.
00:37:11Oh, colonel.
00:37:13Look, shortly before the funds ran out,
00:37:16two of my technicians caught this bug from a rhesus monkey.
00:37:20One of them was delirious for two days
00:37:22before he finally died.
00:37:25The other phased in and out
00:37:28until he finally went hopelessly mad.
00:37:30Those are the two ultimate effects of this thing.
00:37:33It's not just going to run its course and be forgotten.
00:37:35Now, how in the hell are you guys going to explain away
00:37:38a town that's either wiped out or reduced to mindlessness?
00:37:43What is this, another piece of information
00:37:45I forgot to pass on to you guys?
00:37:47Oh, gentlemen, we're not dealing with a flu virus here.
00:37:50We're dealing with an often lethal,
00:37:52always debilitating encephalitic mutation.
00:37:58And it leaves its victims either dead or incurably mad.
00:38:03You got that?
00:38:16Come on!
00:38:19A little wet.
00:38:20No one's going to see you out there.
00:38:45I didn't mean to hurt you.
00:38:48It's not you. It's not what you did.
00:38:51You're nice. I like you very much.
00:38:54I'm sorry for being such a little girl.
00:38:57It's okay. I understand.
00:38:58I mean, I knew that people died.
00:39:02I knew people died.
00:39:05My father...
00:39:07Your father?
00:39:08You understand?
00:39:10It's like all these people dying
00:39:15and my father can't feel that.
00:39:21You can.
00:39:23I know you can.
00:39:35I have it, don't I?
00:39:37I have the disease.
00:39:46Man, you better take care of your daughter
00:39:48because she's in pretty bad shape.
00:40:07Hey, Reveille, buddy.
00:40:09We going to move?
00:40:10We'll be right up.
00:40:11Hey, I found some cigarettes, man.
00:40:13I had to break the machine open.
00:40:15There's all kind of goodies around this place.
00:40:17Any food?
00:40:18Yeah, food and drink.
00:40:20Just don't get yourself tanked, huh?
00:40:22No, man, I'm just warming up.
00:40:24Hey, you still figuring we should try to get out?
00:40:26I don't know, man.
00:40:28This new tune's going to slow us up, buddy.
00:40:30That chick's got the bug.
00:40:32I got to think about it.
00:40:34Hey, I came up with a radio.
00:40:36What'd it say? Anything about what's going on?
00:40:38No, just music.
00:40:40It's really weird.
00:40:42Well, we'll be up in a minute.
00:40:44Hey, if that chick's got the bug,
00:40:46we could catch it from her, right?
00:40:47I don't know. It depends on what it is.
00:40:49Well, it's the bug.
00:40:50We could catch it, can't we?
00:40:51We'll be up in a minute.
00:40:53Yeah, okay.
00:40:55I mean, just a little bug ride can't be...
00:40:59Clank, will you leave us alone for a minute?
00:41:02Oh, okay.
00:41:06Okay, buddy.
00:41:12All right.
00:41:37You know, the whole time I was in Dom,
00:41:39I figured you were old Clank's girl.
00:41:42I never could figure that out.
00:41:44I hardly even knew him.
00:41:46Well, you didn't know that. I saw you with him.
00:41:49At one of the games.
00:41:51Good God, David.
00:41:53I mean, big Clank.
00:41:54How could you even think that?
00:41:56Well, I didn't know, I figured.
00:41:58Big football hero.
00:42:01But I didn't really know you.
00:42:04I didn't know what you were like.
00:42:06It wasn't my fault.
00:42:08Action and adventure.
00:42:11Heaven's city's only green beret.
00:42:14Oh, hear, hear.
00:42:19I can't believe that was me.
00:42:26We're going to be all right.
00:42:30I work on natural immunity.
00:42:32Old carpet, spares...
00:42:34Well, it's me no one against developing any foreign antidote in time.
00:42:39Sergeant, you get your ass out from behind the scenes.
00:42:41Quit calling me on the telephone and telling me what you can't do
00:42:44and get that equipment off your mother.
00:42:46Do you understand me?
00:42:48We're working off the census.
00:42:50Inside the White River, there are 3,613.
00:42:54We've got about...
00:42:56Say that again, Chris.
00:42:58Three, six, one, three.
00:43:00We've got about two-thirds of the population accounted for.
00:43:03One, three.
00:43:04We've got an open revolt.
00:43:06It's turning into a war zone.
00:43:07Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:43:08We've got to get them into that high school.
00:43:10Chris, I'll make that your main objective at this point.
00:43:13Understand? Just don't let those perimeters break.
00:43:15The perimeters are holding, but we've got about 50 square miles of woods and hills
00:43:19that we've still got to cover.
00:43:21What's your estimate, Chris? How much time?
00:43:23I can't tell you how long it's going to take.
00:43:25Are we talking about hours, days, or what?
00:43:27Give me a ballpark.
00:43:28I just can't.
00:43:30All right, all right. Keep it locked up.
00:43:32And let us know as soon as you do.
00:43:35Standing order, Chuck. Get this out.
00:43:38Anyone obviously infected or resisting is to be treated as an enemy
00:43:43with the ultimate objective to bring them in at any cost.
00:43:45Yes, sir.
00:43:48Yes, sir.
00:43:49We've got to burn the bodies.
00:43:51I'll listen to any alternative, soldier,
00:43:53but until I hear a good one, you burn them.
00:43:56A company reports two men possibly infected.
00:44:00Sir, the men are getting panicky.
00:44:02Some of the men haven't even been told why they're here.
00:44:04No, it's not, Major.
00:44:05It might just constitute a security leak.
00:44:07One of the objectives is to keep this thing quiet, yes.
00:44:10But the main objective is to keep the virus contained.
00:44:13If those men know the truth, they'll be breaking the perimeter themselves.
00:44:16How can you tell?
00:44:19Don't you see?
00:44:21The whole thing's insane.
00:44:24The whole thing's insane.
00:44:25How can you tell who's infected and who isn't?
00:44:27Sir, they can't get the helicopters in here for another 15 or 20 hours.
00:44:30God damn it!
00:44:31There's a police bird and two city-owned choppers out at the community field.
00:44:34Command them and get them in the air.
00:44:35What sort of authorization will I need?
00:44:36Anything! Use your rifle if necessary.
00:44:39I want them in the air.
00:44:40Inside the perimeter, radio-linked with the ground.
00:44:43Report anything they spot.
00:44:45And keep circling the no-man's land day and night.
00:44:48Anyone in that area gets one warning shot.
00:44:51Is that clear?
00:44:52One warning shot.
00:44:58What's going on at Trixie?
00:45:00Take them upwards of days just to reprogram all that data, Colonel.
00:45:04Until then, we won't even be able to recreate the virus itself.
00:45:07And afterwards, with the incubation period, my guess is...
00:45:10a good week to infect a new set of monkeys.
00:45:13We have got to start taking blood samples.
00:45:15And we've got to start flying them out to Dietrich
00:45:18so they can at least have a sample of the active virus.
00:45:20I can't send anything.
00:45:21We've got human guinea pigs here.
00:45:23Over 3,000 shots at finding an immune.
00:45:26But we've got to start taking blood and we've got to start flying it out.
00:45:29We can't send anything out yet.
00:45:30Can't you see?
00:45:31What do you want to do, send them out on empty pop bottles?
00:45:36We need airtight canisters.
00:45:39I've requested them along with the other decontamination gear.
00:45:48I don't mean to jump on you, Colonel.
00:45:51It just amazes me at how shoddy this operation is.
00:45:56Nothing amazes me anymore, Doctor.
00:45:59Nothing in this goddamn army amazes me.
00:46:03I'm a combat man. I shouldn't even be here.
00:46:06I just happen to be available.
00:46:10Maybe expendable.
00:46:14I'll get your samples out to Dietrich.
00:46:17In the meantime, why don't you get off your ass and start collecting them?
00:46:25High school, have a chem lab.
00:46:26Yes, sir.
00:46:27I'm going to need some things. I'll make up a list.
00:46:29Medical will set you up.
00:46:30Can I have a radio put in over there?
00:46:31Man needs a radio, soldier.
00:46:32Man needs a radio.
00:46:35I need a...
00:46:38Man needs a radio.
00:46:39Man needs a radio.
00:46:58They knew what?
00:47:10Blood test.
00:47:14Blood test.
00:47:18Get out of here!
00:47:24Get out of here!
00:47:27Get out of here!
00:47:28Get out of here!
00:47:32Look, maybe we're doing the wrong thing.
00:47:33Maybe we should go back to where we left the van and try to get back into town.
00:47:36The army may just be here to help.
00:47:38The man thinks the army's our friend.
00:47:40I just don't know that we're doing the right thing.
00:47:42Yeah, well, ask Sheriff Cooper.
00:47:44Whatever they're here for, it's turned into a riot.
00:47:47Maybe they are just here for control.
00:47:49They can turn a campus protest into a shooting war.
00:47:52There's some of the rednecks that live in this area.
00:47:54They could be shooting at each other and not even care why.
00:47:57So whatever's going on, we're better off away from it.
00:47:59I ain't saying you can't go back, buddy.
00:48:00What about this virus?
00:48:02Cathy is acting strangely.
00:48:04For all we know, we may all have been exposed.
00:48:06We may need medical attention.
00:48:07I've been thinking.
00:48:09Maybe somebody's hitting us with bacteriological weapons or something.
00:48:12Maybe we are in a war.
00:48:13I just want to be sure that we're doing the right thing.
00:48:15Well, we can't be sure, damn it.
00:48:22The fire told Judy to keep isolated.
00:48:24That's good enough for me.
00:48:26You can go back to town if you want to.
00:48:31The army ain't nobody's friend, man.
00:48:32We know what we've been in.
00:48:34I don't know about you, but...
00:48:37I'm going to stick it out with David.
00:48:40Because he's going to make it.
00:48:41He's got a brain.
00:48:43The church is a holy sanctuary!
00:48:45These people are a sanctuary!
00:48:47Leave them alone!
00:48:49Leave them alone!
00:48:54Come on, ladies.
00:48:55Move it.
00:48:58Move it.
00:49:00Let's go.
00:49:08God is with us!
00:49:16Come on, come on, move.
00:49:20Come on, in, in.
00:49:21In there.
00:49:24Hey, get the sergeant in there.
00:49:27Get the sergeant in there.
00:49:31Sergeant's in there.
00:49:38Come on, let's go.
00:49:46Come on.
00:49:48Get in there, there's a couple of them.
00:49:52Come on, let's go.
00:49:57Hey, come on.
00:49:58Come on, let's go.
00:49:59Come on, let's go.
00:50:00Come on, let's go.
00:50:05Come on, let's go.
00:50:07Come on, let's go.
00:50:08Come on, let's go.
00:50:09Come on, let's go.
00:50:10Come on, let's go.
00:50:11Come on, let's go.
00:50:12Come on, let's go.
00:50:13Come on, let's go.
00:50:14Come on, let's go.
00:50:15Come on, let's go.
00:50:16Come on, let's go.
00:50:17Come on, let's go.
00:50:18Come on, let's go.
00:50:19Come on, let's go.
00:50:20Come on, let's go.
00:50:21Come on, let's go.
00:50:22Come on, let's go.
00:50:23Come on, let's go.
00:50:24Come on, let's go.
00:50:25Come on, let's go.
00:50:26Come on, let's go.
00:50:27Come on, let's go.
00:50:28Come on, let's go.
00:50:29Come on, let's go.
00:50:30Come on, let's go.
00:50:34Daddy, let's go.
00:50:40Daddy, let's go.
00:51:00Help me!
00:51:23She's all right. She's upset, that's all.
00:51:26We're all upset.
00:51:28She'll be all right when we leave here, she'll be all right.
00:51:35How far do you figure it is to Saunders Farm?
00:51:37A couple of miles, maybe.
00:51:38They can't have every inch covered.
00:51:40All those woods.
00:51:42There are ravines behind Saunders.
00:51:44If we can get through it all, it's there.
00:51:46Hey, Dave, I think we'd better shake them.
00:51:48Look, man, I'm telling you, that chick's out of her head.
00:51:50Shut up, man, listen.
00:51:59Get down, man, out of sight.
00:52:20Any spot of this?
00:52:25We got to break through the woods.
00:52:27We're going to break through the woods.
00:52:29If it gets split up, we'll meet at Saunders' place.
00:52:31We ain't going to get away from that bird, man.
00:52:33We can't sit here.
00:53:16Stop where you are or we'll have you spotted.
00:53:18Stop where you are or we'll open fire.
00:53:20We'll be forced to open fire on you.
00:53:22Stop where you are.
00:53:23We have you spotted.
00:53:24We're in communication with the jeeps.
00:53:26We're in communication with the ground troops.
00:53:28You cannot escape.
00:53:29Stop where you are or we'll be forced to open fire.
00:53:55I'll try to keep the damn thing away so maybe we can duck it.
00:54:58Stay put.
00:55:01Stay put.
00:55:44Hey, this way, old boy.
00:55:46Hey, Dave.
00:55:47You're forgetting about the infantry.
00:55:49Let's go.
00:55:54The crazy's in here.
00:55:55I want to see him, but they might not be infected.
00:55:57Keep him somewhere else.
00:55:58Keep him isolated.
00:55:59Yes, sir.
00:56:19Get the blood pressure.
00:56:22I'm coming with the dressing over here.
00:56:24I need a hand with this.
00:56:25Try going a little faster, please.
00:56:27It's going really fast.
00:56:29Got a blood pressure yet?
00:56:31All right, keep taking it.
00:56:41Get it off of me!
00:56:42Get it off!
00:56:43Get it off of me!
00:56:45Get it off!
00:56:46Jesus Christ.
00:56:47He's arrested.
00:56:48Come on, let's go.
00:56:49Get another nurse over here, will you please?
00:56:52God damn thing's a toy.
00:56:55Don't you men guys have anything more powerful than this?
00:56:57No, sir.
00:56:58Hey, Ellie?
00:56:59I'm not getting any further on that formula.
00:57:01For Christ's sake, it's in the written records.
00:57:03We can't read the microfilms manually, Ellie.
00:57:05We're going to have to wait until it's all on the computer.
00:57:08Once it's all back on the computer, we can have it in a matter of seconds.
00:57:11It won't be all on the computer for three days.
00:57:14We'll just have to try all the combinations.
00:57:16You've got to get a sample flown out to us.
00:57:18Say again, I'm not reading you, Ellie.
00:57:20I said I'll see what I can do.
00:57:22Give me Peckham.
00:57:23Yes, sir.
00:57:24To Colonel Peckham's headquarters.
00:57:25We'll have to have your voice printed.
00:57:27For Christ's sake, he's only on the street from me.
00:57:29I just left him.
00:57:30You will need to check it, sir, if it's to go through the network.
00:57:32We'll have to do a recording.
00:57:34Hey, you run this over as quickly.
00:57:36Hey, Colonel Peckham, sir?
00:57:37Tell Peckham without those samples, Dietrich might as well close down.
00:57:41If he still isn't able to send them out,
00:57:43have him call Dietrich himself and explain it.
00:57:45But get him the hell off my back.
00:57:47Yes, sir, I'll try it.
00:57:48On that voice print, sir, would you state your name and ID?
00:57:52Pick it up, you big, fat, electronic ass.
00:58:09What's the matter with you, woman?
00:58:10Ultraviolet's not infallible when you're working this closely with it.
00:58:13So put your mask back on.
00:58:14As you have discovered, doctor,
00:58:16it's very difficult looking into a microscope when you're wearing a mask.
00:58:23Just how would you rate our chances, doctor?
00:58:27Family outside?
00:58:30Do you have any family outside?
00:58:32No, sir.
00:58:35Me neither.
00:58:36I'm sorry, sir.
00:58:39Would you marry me?
00:58:41Would you marry me?
00:58:52I assume from that answer that you rate our chances as good.
00:59:02No, next week.
00:59:03Of course, right now.
00:59:05That's army issue, doctor, army issue.
00:59:07All right, where is she?
00:59:08Dr. Brookmeyer's nurse, sir.
00:59:09He set her out.
00:59:10He set her out with these.
00:59:11What happened, Major?
00:59:12Apparently, Dr. Brookmeyer sent his nurse out with some of the antibiotics.
00:59:15When was this?
00:59:16Early last night, just after things started.
00:59:18We recovered the materials, sir, when they were captured.
00:59:21Yes, sir, several of them.
00:59:22At least there were.
00:59:23They got away last night in one of the vans.
00:59:24The van was found, but there was no sign of anyone.
00:59:26This is army issue, army issue.
00:59:27You have no requisition.
00:59:28Dr. Russell, let's get her out of here.
00:59:29I'm going to check on her.
00:59:30This is army issue.
00:59:31There is no requisition.
00:59:33Listen, this is army issue.
00:59:35You know if your nurse was exposed, they had the infected cases.
00:59:38Very briefly.
00:59:39We had the two children here.
00:59:40What in the hell did you send her out?
00:59:45She's pregnant.
00:59:47I was afraid for the child.
00:59:50I sent her with some antibiotic for the father.
00:59:55They're going to be married.
00:59:58We're only doing what we have to do to ensure survival.
01:00:04I got a message for Colonel Becker.
01:00:06I got a message for Colonel Becker.
01:00:07Get in here.
01:00:08I got a message for Colonel Becker.
01:00:09Get in here, soldier.
01:00:10I got a message for Colonel Becker.
01:00:11Give me another soldier.
01:00:12Come on.
01:00:13Come on, let's go.
01:00:14Hurry up.
01:00:15All right.
01:00:16Keep down.
01:00:17Troop it and knock your cock off.
01:00:20Give me another man in here.
01:00:21Another guard.
01:00:26Get me seat attachment.
01:00:27Get me seat attachment.
01:00:29Voiceprint, sir.
01:00:30Do you have a fireball?
01:01:02What do you think of them, buddy?
01:01:03That's four of them.
01:01:04That's all we can see.
01:01:05Must be more inside.
01:01:09Why don't we just skirt around and pass by them?
01:01:13It's almost dark.
01:01:14Let's wait.
01:01:15We need information.
01:01:16Why don't we just go down and talk to them?
01:01:19Get her.
01:01:20I really would like to.
01:01:55On the right.
01:02:06Knock them off.
01:02:14Hey, look at that.
01:02:36That dude can't shoot worth shit.
01:02:37Yeah, I missed you by a mile.
01:02:39You mother...
01:02:43Hey, you son of a bitch.
01:02:45I ought to break your ass.
01:02:47Hey, Clanker.
01:02:49What the hell's the matter with you?
01:02:50I'm sorry.
01:02:54Thank you for going out after us.
01:02:56I was saving my ass, not hers.
01:02:59Next time I'm going to throw her out there and you with her.
01:03:06That chick's crazy, man.
01:03:08She's got the bug.
01:03:36What'd you figure on doing tonight?
01:03:38I figured I'd be cleaning out the shithouse.
01:03:42That's about all you can figure in this army.
01:03:45I sure didn't figure on this.
01:03:47Didn't figure on what?
01:03:51This maneuver.
01:03:54But what is it?
01:03:55Define it. Tell me what it's all about.
01:03:56I don't know, Sarge.
01:03:59You never know what you're doing or why you're doing it.
01:04:03You just do it because you're told to, Cal.
01:04:06When are we moving out of here?
01:04:09Are you in a hurry?
01:04:12Well, relax.
01:04:15You'll find this ploy somewhere in your manual, I'm sure.
01:04:18It's called sit it out.
01:04:20Let somebody else do the dirty work.
01:04:23Right on.
01:04:28Move slow and easy. Keep them from hollering.
01:04:30I'll take the risk.
01:04:31We're doing this my way here.
01:04:32Just get them down and keep them quiet.
01:04:34When you get inside, don't get trigger happy.
01:04:36We've got to find out what these guys know.
01:04:38Hey, man, I'm with you.
01:04:39Okay, I'll deck around over there.
01:05:02I don't like this. I don't like this at all.
01:05:07Better find anything out here.
01:05:10What's that?
01:05:12I thought I heard something.
01:05:14Oh, that's nothing. That's only a damn patrol.
01:05:23Make a noise and I'll kill you.
01:05:27How many men inside?
01:05:28How many?
01:05:29You wouldn't be lying to me now, would you?
01:05:51What's happening?
01:05:54I don't hear anything.
01:05:59It's been a long time. I don't hear anything.
01:06:07Hold it!
01:06:10What's going on here?
01:06:11What are you doing to us?
01:06:12What army are you with? Why are you after us?
01:06:14Okay, now listen to me.
01:06:15You make it fast.
01:06:16What do you know?
01:06:18Okay, now listen. You let me go.
01:06:20Okay, okay.
01:06:22It's a quarantine.
01:06:23There's a virus loose in the area.
01:06:25How'd the army get involved?
01:06:26How'd the army get involved in anything? I don't know.
01:06:28I don't know, man.
01:06:29I don't know.
01:06:30It's a police action.
01:06:31What are your orders?
01:06:32Round up everybody.
01:06:33Take them to the high school.
01:06:34Everything was all right.
01:06:35People were coming in with us.
01:06:36They're treating the men at the school.
01:06:40The ones with the virus, man.
01:06:42It's like they're crazy.
01:06:43What kind of virus is it?
01:06:44I don't know.
01:06:46The army only tells us what they have to.
01:06:50It's in the water.
01:06:52In the water?
01:06:54We're following orders.
01:06:55I mean, I know where you're at.
01:06:58This whole thing is like...
01:07:08My eyes!
01:07:12Hey, David.
01:07:16Green beret.
01:07:17Empty, man.
01:07:23Son of a bitch froze up.
01:07:29His focus is all mine.
01:07:34All three of them.
01:07:38All five of them.
01:07:42Hey, don't get me in this green beret shit.
01:07:45I was just a regular army.
01:07:48You're dead.
01:07:51You're all dead.
01:07:59I'm stuck.
01:08:02Son of a bitch, man.
01:08:06Right against the wall.
01:08:08Hey, man.
01:08:10You really messed up.
01:08:15And I thought that dude made special forces.
01:08:18I figure he's got to be some kind of bad, right?
01:08:20Some kind of bad.
01:08:22I don't know.
01:08:24I don't know.
01:08:25I figure he's got to be some kind of bad, right?
01:08:26Some kind of bad.
01:08:32You know, I could never make it.
01:08:34Never even came close to making it.
01:08:36Regular army's all I ever was.
01:08:38Who turns out to be the baddest?
01:08:42Five of them son of a bitches.
01:08:46Hey, David.
01:08:47Why don't you put me in for a...
01:08:49Congressional Medal of Honor?
01:08:56Where are you going?
01:08:59Just going up to see Judy.
01:09:01It's okay.
01:09:02Just going up to see Judy for a while.
01:09:05Oh, yeah.
01:09:08I'm not sure, man.
01:09:10It's okay.
01:09:11We'll be in the bedroom.
01:09:15My head feels funny.
01:09:19Did I do something wrong?
01:09:20Did what you had to do.
01:09:21Hey, I didn't do anything wrong, did I?
01:09:23No, no.
01:09:24It's all right, Clayton.
01:09:26It's all right.
01:09:27You did what you had to do, huh?
01:09:31I'll take the first watch, okay?
01:09:37I'll see you later.
01:09:43I'll sit here.
01:10:03She was all I have left.
01:10:06My wife is dead.
01:10:09That's my wife.
01:10:10She's been dead a couple of years now.
01:10:12Kathy's infected, obviously.
01:10:13Artie's acting weird.
01:10:15Even old Clank's going.
01:10:16He's fighting, but he's losing.
01:10:18But not us.
01:10:19And God knows we've been exposed to it.
01:10:21Well, I had that injection.
01:10:24Brookmeyer said it wasn't an antidote.
01:10:26Just a strong antibiotic.
01:10:28Maybe that's enough.
01:10:30He didn't have your shot.
01:10:31But I feel all right.
01:10:34David, it's...
01:10:37I mean, it's possible.
01:10:39I mean, it's possible that you have a natural immunity to it.
01:10:45You still have to get away.
01:10:49We can make it.
01:10:50I know it.
01:10:55I haven't allowed her to date yet.
01:10:57I don't think she's old enough to date yet.
01:11:00The way these kids are today,
01:11:02it's disgusting.
01:11:03It's disgusting!
01:11:05These kids today, they're pigs!
01:11:09Not my little girl.
01:11:12No, sir.
01:11:16Never let her...
01:11:19get into that kind of trouble.
01:11:22I don't have that much to me.
01:11:25Never let her get into that kind of trouble.
01:11:29These kids today, they're pigs.
01:11:39No, we can't wait forever to break the story.
01:11:42I'm for going with the radiation scenario.
01:11:45The thing is, we can release it now.
01:11:47And it covers us for any eventuality.
01:11:49The onus on it.
01:11:50Sure, it's embarrassing.
01:11:52It's not as embarrassing as bio-weaponry.
01:11:55At least everybody knows we've been using nuclear weapons.
01:11:58So we had an accident.
01:12:00I mean, we had an accident.
01:12:02I mean, we had an accident.
01:12:04I mean, we had an accident.
01:12:05We've been using nuclear weapons.
01:12:07So we had an accident.
01:12:08We're blaming it on AEC.
01:12:10But how do we release it now?
01:12:12Before we know.
01:12:13We say there were nuclear weapons on the plane when it went down.
01:12:18If the perimeter doesn't hold,
01:12:19we're gonna have to go the whole way.
01:12:22We say there was a live weapon on the plane,
01:12:24not destroyed, when it went down.
01:12:26We've got a team working on it.
01:12:29If we have to push the button,
01:12:30we just say the...
01:12:32weapon went off.
01:12:33For Christ's sake,
01:12:34we're talking about one of our own towns
01:12:36and 1,500 of our own troops.
01:12:38The town is already destroyed.
01:12:40If they can't hold that perimeter,
01:12:42we're looking at the possibility
01:12:43of Trixie spreading across the entire country.
01:12:46You break that perimeter,
01:12:47then we gotta drop the bomb.
01:12:49Like, immediately.
01:12:52And God knows I hope we don't have to,
01:12:54but if we do, we...
01:12:55we gotta have some kind of explanation.
01:13:00I'm just being realistic.
01:13:01The radiation scenario covers us.
01:13:04Uh, VOCOM Central calling Mr. Brubaker.
01:13:07This is Brubaker.
01:13:08Yes, sir, we've completed your voiceprint check,
01:13:10and we have the president on the line.
01:13:12In a minute, we'll hook you in.
01:13:14Mr. Brubaker, this is the president.
01:13:16Yes, Mr. President.
01:13:18Give me your consensus on the press release.
01:13:20Nothing unanimous, sir,
01:13:22but there is a majority
01:13:24in favor of the radiation scenario.
01:13:26Sandfest, I suppose.
01:13:28Yes, sir.
01:13:29The bombers still up?
01:13:31Around the clock, sir.
01:13:3360,000 feet over Evan City.
01:13:35Thank you, Mr. Brubaker.
01:13:39We'd, uh, like to leave this line open, sir.
01:13:42Uh, if those perimeters break,
01:13:45we'll have to act immediately.
01:13:47And we'll, uh,
01:13:49we'll need your permission, sir,
01:13:51to, uh, use the weapon.
01:13:54Uh, we want to leave the line open, sir,
01:13:56to, uh, avoid voiceprint delay.
01:14:04The line will remain open, Mr. Brubaker.
01:14:23Still mad?
01:14:24Still mad?
01:14:29It's only an hour late, huh?
01:14:41Thought of you all day.
01:14:45On the 15th, I'll ask Richard.
01:14:47He had one 220 yards right down the middle.
01:14:50And I said,
01:14:52I said, this one is for May.
01:14:54I said, this one is for May.
01:15:06I used to putter on the 18th hole.
01:15:11Well, he said it was a foot.
01:15:13It was more like three feet.
01:15:19If you like, you can go there.
01:15:27Oh, sweet.
01:16:12Sick son of a bitch.
01:16:14Get up!
01:16:18Talk to me about this!
01:16:20Was that helping at all?
01:16:22Take 30, no time.
01:16:29Let me go!
01:16:30Let me go!
01:16:32Don't do it, Flecker.
01:16:34Just don't grab me like that, man.
01:16:36Okay, cool it.
01:16:46I'm cold, man.
01:16:47Let's get out of here.
01:16:50I used to think you had a brain, man.
01:16:53We should've left him, too.
01:16:56We gonna leave him?
01:16:57Yeah, we're leaving.
01:17:03Now you're talking, man.
01:17:07Now you're talking.
01:17:08Let's get out of here.
01:17:13Let's get out of here.
01:17:18Let's stay.
01:17:19Let's stay here, Scrooge.
01:17:23Let's stay here, Scrooge.
01:17:25And we part with one bullet.
01:17:40No contact.
01:17:41Now you keep them up there.
01:17:43You sure they're not just out of your range?
01:17:45Use what you have sparingly.
01:17:46But keep them up there.
01:17:47Yeah, I know.
01:17:49Running out of flares.
01:17:50What the hell happened?
01:17:51We got another missing patrol, sir.
01:17:52Lost radio contact.
01:17:54I want a man posted every 25 yards on that outside perimeter.
01:17:58Yes, sir.
01:17:59And get this.
01:18:00Post another man every 25 yards on the outside perimeter.
01:18:02Got the voice print on Watts, sir.
01:18:05I know.
01:18:06We'll reinforce you as soon as we can.
01:18:09That's an order, Scrooge.
01:18:11I'm sorry, doctor, but they won't authorize anything
01:18:14until we run a complete decontamination on you.
01:18:17Oh, for Christ's sake.
01:18:19We'll have the gear installed by tomorrow.
01:18:21We'll get you out of here by tomorrow night.
01:18:23I'm telling you, Colonel, this information's invaluable.
01:18:26Can't you radio the data to Dietrich?
01:18:28Every time I break this connection,
01:18:30I gotta go through this voice print bullshit.
01:18:32Look, I'm telling you.
01:18:34We got a chance to crack it.
01:18:36Authorize me out of here, Scrooge.
01:18:37Get me out of here.
01:18:39I'll have you out by tomorrow night.
01:18:41If I let you out now, they'd only stop you at the event.
01:18:43It could be a longer delay.
01:18:45At least this way, you can stay in touch and keep working.
01:18:47I'm sorry.
01:18:48It's the best I can do.
01:18:52Hey, there go on, man.
01:18:53That son of a bitch and his kid.
01:18:55Oh, God.
01:18:59Get him down.
01:19:01David, get him down.
01:19:03Get him down.
01:19:22Let's go.
01:19:24I didn't do it.
01:19:45I didn't do it.
01:19:46Hey, man, look at this.
01:19:53Come on, Quaker, we've got to get out of here.
01:20:06Come on, buddy, move it!
01:20:15Come on, Quaker, we've got to go in.
01:20:25Come on.
01:20:26Yeah, we're taking everybody in the high school.
01:20:43What's your name?
01:20:53My name is Daisy.
01:20:56Hey, man, that's the quaker.
01:20:58Do you want to play?
01:20:59Stay away.
01:21:00Stay away, you guys.
01:21:01I said I could come out and play for a moment, but I can't.
01:21:07I saw.
01:21:08Stay away from her, man.
01:21:09Stay away.
01:21:10She's going insane anyway, man.
01:21:11Shoot her.
01:21:12Wait, wait.
01:21:13I saw.
01:21:15I saw.
01:21:16I saw.
01:21:18Look, she's going crazy now.
01:21:19Quaker, how do you feel?
01:21:20I feel bad, Quaker, for all that happened between us,
01:21:25that awful, horrible thing.
01:21:29He shot her in the head.
01:21:32I saw how much I looked up.
01:21:35You saw?
01:21:36You saw?
01:21:40Hey, Quaker, what's wrong?
01:21:41Stop it! They're coming, David!
01:21:44David, they're coming, please.
01:21:46Come on, Clanker, we gotta move. We gotta get out of here.
01:21:48Jesus, man.
01:21:52My head's screwed up.
01:21:54I got the bug, right?
01:21:55Come on, we gotta get out of here!
01:21:57No, man, I got the bug.
01:22:00Hey, come on.
01:22:04I'm scared, man. I flip out and I can't control myself.
01:22:08Come on, Clanker, will you move?
01:22:10Hey, big man, big green hat.
01:22:13Move it!
01:22:14Tell me where I should meet you, for God's sake.
01:22:16Come on, man, tell me where I should meet you.
01:22:18Goddamn it, tell me where I should meet you!
01:22:23I'll meet you down at the Zebra Club.
01:22:26Hey, no, man, no. Listen.
01:22:28In the Zebra Club, outside of Bragg, I'll meet you there.
01:22:30Now, listen, I'm by the old concrete plant.
01:22:31I'll meet you there and we'll drink a blind ass.
01:22:33I'll take care of these guys.
01:22:34I'm going to meet you at the Zebra Club, okay?
01:22:36The Zebra Club, man.
01:22:56Hey, Davis.
01:22:57You got the brains, man, what are we going to do?
01:23:04Goddamn bug.
01:23:06Hey, you goddamn bug!
01:23:22Watch your asses, you pigs, you jacks in those white suits!
01:23:25Where the hell is he at?
01:23:26I'm going to say Louis' goddamn white suit.
01:23:28Right on, Goddamn it.
01:23:30Get down!
01:23:31Where is he?
01:23:36There he is!
01:23:43Hold your fire! Hold your fire!
01:23:44Hold your fire till you can see him!
01:23:54Son of a bitch, he should have seen us, man.
01:23:56All right, let's move in slow!
01:23:59We're going to fire!
01:24:00Down! Down!
01:24:03I can't see a thing. I'm unmoving.
01:24:05Move in!
01:24:06Stick to the right.
01:24:07Stay low.
01:24:08Stay low.
01:24:09Send a couple over there.
01:25:01Who do you think you are?
01:25:04Who do you think you are?
01:25:21Well, buddy!
01:25:22This is how it works.
01:25:23That's how they ammunition, huh?
01:25:25Son of a bitch.
01:25:27It won't work, right?
01:25:28Just sit there and sweat it, man.
01:25:48I'm going to do this in drinking.
01:26:18Hold it.
01:26:21Am I going blind?
01:26:23Is this configuration smaller than it was?
01:26:28I don't know what it is you're looking for.
01:26:36What's the combination of this stuff?
01:26:42Uh, 44 and 23.
01:26:47Make up it on the slide, the same thing.
01:26:53Nearly no one would find it.
01:26:57But this is it.
01:26:59Shut up, goddammit, this is it.
01:27:03Give me Dietrich.
01:27:05Uh, yes, we'll have to check your...
01:27:07I'm nowhere.
01:27:08No, the voiceprint.
01:27:09Are you recording?
01:27:10One minute, sir.
01:27:14Come on.
01:27:27Recording, sir.
01:27:28Watts, Dr. Elston, Special Unit 374-327,
01:27:32code name Trixie, section Research and Development.
01:27:35We have that, sir, and we'll put it right through.
01:27:38Hustle it, will you?
01:27:42It is bigger here.
01:27:45Bigger than all the other individual samples.
01:27:47Goddammit, woman, this is it.
01:27:49This is it.
01:27:51This is it.
01:27:52We've got to get this sample out to Dietrich.
01:27:54I don't understand the significance...
01:27:56I don't understand, just have faith.
01:27:58If you would explain it to me, sir, I could be of more help.
01:28:01Give me Peckham.
01:28:02Uh, your line is hooked into central on that voiceprint check, sir.
01:28:07I asked him for another line.
01:28:09We can cancel that, sir, and make this new...
01:28:12Yes, sir.
01:28:13When you get me Dietrich and you put it through to me at Peckham's headquarters...
01:28:15Yes, I think, yes, sir, we can do that.
01:28:17Okay, then do it.
01:28:18I'm going over there right now.
01:28:19If anything comes, hold it.
01:28:20I'll be there in two minutes.
01:28:21This is very urgent.
01:28:22Yes, sir, will do.
01:28:28What's those slides?
01:28:29Hey, call me if anything different happens.
01:28:30Yes, but what am I looking for, sir?
01:28:38Listen to me.
01:28:40Will you listen to me?
01:28:41I'm Dr. Watts.
01:28:42I'm a scientist.
01:28:43I'm with the team.
01:28:44I've got a cube of Trixie here.
01:28:45Will you listen to me?
01:28:48I'm working on the virus.
01:28:49Will you listen to me?
01:28:50This is a mistake.
01:28:51Oh, shut up.
01:28:52Oh, God, I will.
01:28:53I've got a voiceprint on it.
01:28:56Get me to Peckham.
01:28:57It's a mistake.
01:29:04Have you shut up?
01:29:06Oh, my God.
01:29:08One minute.
01:29:34I've got to be the permitter.
01:29:50You've got to remember exactly what I tell you.
01:29:53Promise, no matter what.
01:29:56I promise, Dave.
01:29:57You OK?
01:29:58I'm fine.
01:29:59I'm ready.
01:30:00I'm fine, David, really.
01:30:03I want to rest somewhere.
01:30:06Now listen to me.
01:30:08They're going to be coming through here.
01:30:10If they don't see us, they'll pass us by.
01:30:12And we'll be on the outside.
01:30:15We'll be out.
01:30:18How long will I be alone?
01:30:20Not long.
01:30:21It's the only thing that scares me.
01:30:23Why can't you come in with me?
01:30:25I can't place the blocks from the inside.
01:30:30David, where will you be?
01:30:32I'll hide up in the tower.
01:30:36You're going to hear them come through.
01:30:38They'll probably search the grounds.
01:30:40You just be real quiet until they pass by.
01:30:44And I'll come back to get you.
01:30:46They'll never find me.
01:30:49They'll never...
01:30:50No, they'll never find us.
01:30:54David, they might find you.
01:30:56No, no, I can hide.
01:30:57They'll never find either of us.
01:30:58But what if they do?
01:31:00They won't.
01:31:05They won't.
01:31:08Now listen to me.
01:31:09After you hear them pass, you be real quiet.
01:31:13After they leave and they go far away,
01:31:15I'll come back to get you.
01:31:17If I don't come back to get you,
01:31:21you wait a long time and then you leave by yourself.
01:31:24Oh, no.
01:31:25No, David, I can't go anywhere without you.
01:31:27Don't worry.
01:31:29I'll meet you.
01:31:31I'll meet you at...
01:31:32The Zebra Club.
01:31:33I remember, David.
01:31:34Oh, no.
01:31:35I remember.
01:31:36No, not at the Zebra Club.
01:31:37I'll meet you at your mother's house.
01:31:40Your mother's house in Danbury.
01:31:42That's a good idea.
01:31:43Okay, now, if I don't come back,
01:31:46you leave by yourself and you go to your mother's house.
01:31:50You take care of yourself, huh?
01:31:52Be quiet and don't move.
01:31:55It goes for both of you.
01:31:58I love you, Judy.
01:32:00I love you.
01:32:01David, I can't hear you.
01:32:04David, I can't hear you.
01:32:08I love you.
01:32:11I love you.
01:32:22David, what are we going to call our baby?
01:32:31I think it's a boy.
01:32:34I think it's a boy.
01:32:36Our baby David.
01:33:04We've got to keep moving around to get it.
01:33:20Do you see our lights?
01:33:22All right, give us an aerial flare.
01:33:25Get on top of those blocks down there.
01:33:27It's a good place to hide in among those blocks.
01:33:29I can't hear you.
01:33:30I can't hear you.
01:33:44Somebody check out the building.
01:33:46Two men, check out the building.
01:33:47Got a working pair.
01:34:01Come on, let's get out of here.
01:34:03Better check up in the tower here.
01:34:05Watch out for the crazies.
01:34:07There's crazies in there.
01:34:09Shut up.
01:34:11What's up?
01:34:12You see something?
01:34:17Come on now, let's go.
01:34:18Come on.
01:34:19Come on.
01:34:20Come on.
01:34:21Come on.
01:34:22Come on.
01:34:23Come on.
01:34:24Come on.
01:34:25Come on.
01:34:26Come on.
01:34:27Come on.
01:34:28Come on.
01:34:29Come on.
01:34:38Hey, man, what the hell are you doing?
01:34:40Hang on, I'm coming.
01:34:46Hey, you all right?
01:34:51Hey, what's the matter, buddy?
01:34:53Nothing, I'm coming down.
01:34:55Hey, man, it's scary enough around here.
01:34:57Why don't you answer me?
01:34:58I'll be right there.
01:34:59I'm taking a piss.
01:35:01Kiss my ass.
01:35:02Taking a piss.
01:35:05What the hell is that?
01:35:07Taking a piss.
01:35:13Hey, how far out from town are we?
01:35:17Don't know.
01:35:25Hey, come on, it's spooky around here.
01:35:29Hey, man, we'll never find the other guys if we don't leave now.
01:35:32Come on.
01:35:33All right, I'm coming down.
01:35:41Hold her, baby, be quiet.
01:35:43Oh, David.
01:35:44There's something in there.
01:35:45Sounds like a little kid.
01:35:47Hey, it's a girl.
01:35:51All right, baby, it's me.
01:35:55It's all right, baby.
01:36:01It's all right.
01:36:03It's all right.
01:36:05Judy, it's all right, it's me.
01:36:08Judy, it's me.
01:36:16Oh, David.
01:36:19Hey, it's all right.
01:36:20We're not army.
01:36:23Hey, stop, Judy.
01:36:25We're not army.
01:36:47Hey, coach, I didn't know it was you.
01:37:09Hey, coach, who's she?
01:37:13It hurts.
01:37:19I know, baby.
01:37:20I know.
01:37:28He's kicking.
01:37:33He's kicking.
01:37:41It's too soon for the pain.
01:37:46Oh, hurry.
01:37:48Let's decide what you want, David.
01:37:55I think...
01:37:59I think we'd better call him David.
01:38:12Right on the money as far as the census info is concerned.
01:38:173,613 total population.
01:38:212,100 survivors.
01:38:25You want to call them survivors?
01:38:27I read you, Chris.
01:38:29That's a fine job.
01:38:31I hate to drop this on you, but Chris, we're taking you out.
01:38:35We're sending you into Louisville.
01:38:38Now, we don't want to hit the panic button, Chris,
01:38:40but we have reports of symptoms.
01:38:42We've always considered the possibility of Trixie being carried out
01:38:45before you got your lines out.
01:38:47We doubt frankly, Chris, but we want you in there
01:38:50to check the situation over, just in case.
01:38:54If it does break out, you'll be much better prepared, Chris.
01:38:59You have one under your belt now.
01:39:02Yes, sir.
01:39:03You're the only one to send in there.
01:39:05The state police have blocked the roads and closed the airports.
01:39:09You're doing a great job.
01:39:11Hang in there.
01:39:12You've got transport arranged.
01:39:15You don't have to go through the medical before you leave the area.
01:39:19We don't want you carrying Trixie out.
01:39:22No, sir.
01:39:33Put your hands on your head, Colonel, please.
01:39:35Breathe through your mouth.
01:39:37Put your hands on your head, Colonel, please.
01:39:39Breathe through your mouth.
01:39:58Captain, sir, we can sign you out.
01:40:01Anything from Dietrich?
01:40:02They're sending in a new man from Trixie.
01:40:04He should be here tomorrow.
01:40:06He only knew what Watts was working on.
01:40:08Our boys have checked the slides he left in his microscope,
01:40:11but we can't make heads or tails out of it.
01:40:13He was on to something.
01:40:15We'll dope it out.
01:40:16Sooner or later.
01:40:19Sooner or later.
01:40:20Understand they found a rhesus monkey at Dietrich.
01:40:24Sooner or later, we'll find a human.
01:40:29Sooner or later.
01:40:34Want an immunity check on this one, Doctor?
01:40:36Are you kidding me, soldier?
01:40:39I see no way out of this.
01:40:41There's never been a Trixie before.
01:40:48Well, I'm concerned. I don't know what you have to...
01:40:50How do you feel?
01:40:51I simply said repeatedly...
01:40:53Accusations of blame are not going to help anything.
01:41:00The mystery is that you are the man to whom they say they're willing to leave.
01:41:03I present you a champion in this way.
01:41:05Apparently, I understand.
01:41:06I have a job for you, Doctor.
01:41:07Thanks for coming.
01:41:08I think we have the thing for a thief.
01:41:11I'm not killed.
01:41:16Heaven help us
01:41:20Firelight, won't you let me be
01:41:27I feel so helpless
01:41:32How can I find the morning
01:41:39Daytime heroes
01:41:43Save me a piece of sunshine and sky
01:41:49A safer place where I
01:41:53Can get up and find the morning
01:42:01If time is a healer
01:42:04Then why are we wounded
01:42:06And why are most people dying
01:42:12And I get so weary
01:42:14In ruins of sadness
01:42:17I can't even hear people crying
01:42:22But I know they're here for me
01:42:27Ten soldiers
01:42:31Fighting behind a bruising heart
01:42:37A better world is yours
01:42:42If you can find
01:42:46The morning
01:42:51Heaven help us
01:42:56Heaven help us
